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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1956)
10-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., June 3, '56 Jet Scream Threatening 87 Friday. Yet Busy as Ever Human Ears J By ALLAN MERRITT Architect Frank Lloyd Wright Going Strong Edits! Mtc: Few arckltccte trf mitn timet haw became at t-cksvatH r a CMtrmriial m Fraak Uj4 Wright, wha, m taralaf a rlfartm it, k Kin rcaa ln( acclaim iM attack ara4 Um warM. Hm'a a birthday claac a af a auMcr kallacr wka "art ful kaaeit amcaaca la kypa crttical kamUHy.-) - . By BELMAN MORIN TAUESIN, Wia. ; - Frank Lloyd Wright, master builder, sat dowa in one of nil favorite chairs the other day, and found a new shell fitted into the wall -beside him. It wai juiit a wooden shelf, a this and graceful shape. But Wright's blue eye lighted up. He leaned on It, rubbed it, peered at H from different angles, and said, beaming, "why. that's very good . . . it's right and it's , good . . . I'm glad it's there." Tlx architect has hit 17th birth- jJii day next Friday. Yet nothing could be more typi cal of him today than the keen, almost child-like pleasure that welled up when he saw the new shelf, a surprise created and put tip by some of his associates. He don., crowd cach othpr nas vemeoous esi, ! medal. His awards, citations and Family Keeps School Busy LANSING. Mich. t - There's going to be a two-year Interrup tion in the "Bachman era" . at nearby Williamston High School. ST LOUIS ( Th ear.mliitin Dale Backman. 17, the nth and ... .... . it.. .U . .... i4.ii.kt... f honorary degrees have come from V,Mr, Cleo Bachman and her late all over the world. Within the past j maker of . Mrj, Oe. B ch lew weeks, organization, in Eng. T22 I hi. diriom. lasi nfcht lmA rApMinii an4 Civ iap ant ' I UIK UUCBUUn nUW mucn WW nu r " added to the collection. ! man ear can safely stand? Not represented in the pagoda, I Scientists are trying to come up but well remembered by Wright. I '" " answer-one that must is the $25,000 given him by the i come soon. For the defeaning Rmnornr nf Janan after he built sound waves already have the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo over reached the point where they , the eldest son, entered. Now he 30 years ago. cauM physical pain to people at has a son who will enroll in the The sheer dimrnsions of his life close range. j school Jn two years. . I .u- i,:rtk A b m A And t h nniw it hor-nminff omit. siiyai rt II Ulil me nir,ii uiaina aim . - - - tragedy in it-are almost stagger- ff year by year wHh constant ing. step-ups in Jet engine power. A He struck out on his own more nuisance to residential areas ad- than 60 years ago Since then, he jacenf to military airfields, it con has built 7B9 different building ceivably could be a threat to the "Each expresses an idea.'' n hearing of men handling the says, "and each is true to its planes on the line during ground idea." . warmups. The Unity Temple in Oak Park, There's nothing in nature simi- III.. the Johnson Wax Co. building lar to the jet noise. That's why Sumvett by a daughter. Mrs. chn- In Dl Wl. th. tUetlr..viM if. haerl In ammi Rnt II .n... ,ln' Mrdintr ol Sdlcm and a. son. Okla, Tower, and his homes -at entlv will have to he accepted Spring Green. Wis., and Scottsdale. "It is just something Aril. both called "Taliesin 'arc gmnn to have to live with For 24 years there has been at least one Bachman enrolled in the school. Three sets of twins were among them. It started in 1932 when George Salom Obituaries Mrs. Kathleen M. (apian Late resident nl 2355 D street lem, at a local hospital Sa- Miiy SI. John 'Fnur D (.apian nf grandchildren Di-troil. Mich also survive Snrino r:ren Wi and cnllsHale "11 is inst snmolhinir w arc Sej vires m I be held Monday. J Gen. pii. in the C.napel ol toe C'loueh-Ramck Funeral home wi'h examples of the type of structure Nathan t. Twining, the Air Force Dr Paul Newton Poling officia'mg. TALIESIN, Wis World r. aewned architect Frank Lloyd Wright who Is about to cele brate hla 87th birthday is still as busy as a nun half bis age. that has come to be known as chief of staff, told a jet age con- "typical Wright " ference of the Air Force Assn in Taliesin is Welsh for "shining Washington, brow" and the two groups of build- jorp 0j ings vividly illustrate Wright's con- ' ..Th ; tri)ubl(, w(1 h h (J : Interment, Be lc Meninnal Park. Ia Rafged Health He is ia rugged health, vigorous and vital. "Th doctors tell me I'vt got the-blood pressure of a maa of 40." He eats everything, likes a cocktail; before dinner, walks over (he brow of a bill to work. He is busy beyond belief. On his drawing boards are plans for the Guggenheim Museum In New York, a theater in Dallas, a fac tory in San Francisco, a syna gogue ia Philadelphia, a chain of motels, 40 different houses in 20 different states, a commercial building in Venezuela, a memorial In Venice among other struc tures. Life has not ceased to be an ad venture. By contrast, he plans to be on a television quiz show and go to Wales In July to receive a degree, doctor of laws, from the National University there. Meanwhile, be is still mesmer ized with the problems ef archi- Architecture LikePoetryf W right days NEW YORK ttWFraat Llayd Wright baa made many elate- chkectara as) the wtrid ta Wfetrk we Hve. Here are a few: There abealdl be aa aaaay types af baaee aa tkere are typea mf 1. . w afffaj t 1 "A hsaae la a machhte la whleb te Uve. bat arcbttectare begtae where that eeaeept ef the Baby CurtU Bradley Hammack At n local hospital. Mhv 31 in fant son of Mr and Mrs Kaiph Haionidik of Saiern also .sunted cent of "oreanic architecture" In .u u , .. , . Dv ''! ww MammarK. hroih. irpi 01 urganii annuetiure. in nothinc. he said. Compared to er Grurey both r Sa ints, a DUIIfling IS natural to Its ....hln no rnuH ha,. K. lem; arandparents. Mr and Mrs J then site, its materials, its function, and na,,, -..,,(i i.j.. ,,, ...a you give them a chance lo build the people who will use it. Thus. mor(, mlse not (,ss a happy family life." the forms of "Taliesin West" in Th(, noisc f comm,rclal jrl air. A7 "al ' Phv"lflM . , , Ar'Iona ar? Ilk.;e rt-m.v"W liners probably can he reduced to is a physician. He also has likened architects Wisconsin, is gentle, soothing to that nf present prnpellor driven W. Bnnckiey ol Salem and Mr and Mrs Lee Hammack ot SaUin (ircat grandparents, Mr wl Mis. J A. Gardner of Salem and Mrs. W Y Bnnklev nf Sale n and Mrs Rot-e Bron.son. V.ile. Ore Pruat,- gi ive-' side service will he held Monday. 1 ting in the aently rounded hills of ; .1 u June 4 at 10 a n at vicrr m u', .... ,1. ,,k;.. . oiiLiau. iiimiukii inr ur 111 sum- mnrial Park under interpreters and musi- the eye, and seems to grow out of the hills. to poets. cians. Not long ago, Wright said Deeply la Debt "early in life I had to choose be tween honest arrogance and hypo- great depression of the 1930 s lound critical humility. I chose honest Wright not only penniless but deep arrogance and have seen no occa- ly in debt. As he put it today, lion to change." "my work had languished owing At 17, is he still so sure of him-1 to my worm's eye v iew of society se7 "Yes," he says, nave oone anytmng aiiierenuy dp- it isn t a school, and that he is the directum of cers or mufflers, bv the time they the virsii t Golden i n Rev. Em- come into use in 1958 or 1!59 But military aircraft cannot af- For all hisHame. however, the '"" ,.,u . .. ,11 lOIUI.IIKt lll.ll ttUUHl Of 1UM 111 noise suppression Some measures, however, have been taken to combat the noise The Air Force puts harriers ; It .-. then lh:,t h.. ..lahlilihfl '""' inipi ui lis uuiMt-l jeis ,ll he made later by the fli I wouldn't tbe "Taliesin Fellowship," He says ! corral and l'nclosi' unds r- -""ck Cape! oik vouit nniuiup, .niu um uie most isolated parts of its airfields Albert r Ruf est P Coulder will officiate. Ida Oljen I. ate resident of S503 Silvcrlon Rd .Uivt Jnd SiM icd In husf and Ausust ii (ii.en ol Sile.'o liiusn ter. Mrs Veia () Raftt of Sal. 11 i:ian(Json. Ui'.iald W Ba-se'l also ol Saleio. 2 hutliee llenrv Kc.iski ol Ore and Jake Keuski . I Ore Funeial HlllUMlnl'e,' enl- pbiiu 1 pnulrln't hnvp I never pn n.,1 a l,,.ikp Th., lollnunhin is back and say. 'that's pretty good.' composed f some W) men and ,or"js purpose "If kaawa ta aaeleat Umes. glass waeld tfcea aad there have abeliabed tbe aaeleat architec ture we kaew, aad completely. "Every great architect la aeeessaiity m great poet." "Areknectare wklrk Is really arckHetare proeeeea Irani the graaad aad aamehaw the ter rata, the aatlve ladtjstrlal raa ditleas, tbe aatare at materials aad tbe paraesc at the baildiag, mast laevttably deteetiae tbe farm aad character af any good aelMtag." "Tin iaterpretatlae af life Is the trae laaetiea ef Ike architect because we kaew that bulldiags are auet far Ufa, la be lire la, aad ta be Uvea la happily. . "My prescrlpttaa for a mod era baese: First a good site. Pick that aae at the meat dif eatt spat, pick a alt ae aae aats, bat pick aae that has tealares rnaklaf lar character. Areklteetaral auaclattaa accea taates tb rbaraeter at la ad neap at lb architecture la right." 1 look lo see if 1 could have done women who .study architecture and something better, and usually find work with him on his actual proj- I could have. So I know I'm grow- ects Ing. They come from all over the "But differently No. That would world. At the moment there arc not have been possible." men Irom China. Peru, Egypt, Ha- However, he admits to one waii. Groece.ind South Africa in anxiety. (he group. Some are fresh out of "I am a little nervous for (ear high school. Others, like Andre that I may now be with the cur- n0fle, of South Africa, had de rent," he said. "It has turned and grees in architecture before they I am a little afraid of going down- came to America. stream when, all my life, 1 have llof f- was a fighter pilot, living been going upstream" 'Spitfires In World War II After-! Straage Poaltioa ward. he Rot his degree and To lind such wide acceptance of WOrked three years in an archi his ideas as to he moving now tccf. 0(jcc in Johannesherg ' with the current" this would ; -But I wasn't satisfied." he savs. be a strange position for him. , -Like everybody else, we were For well over a half-century, huildinx shoe boxes on stilts-the Wright has been an architectural i 'international school " heretic denying the old traditions, , He heard about the work at the rebel breaking away from the Taliesin. wrote Wright, and was past, the Ishmaelite with every accepted. They gave him a draw man's hand against him. He was jng board, but fur five months he not uncomfortable in this role. never touched it. He was out in He said "modern architecture" a aarrv. cuttinc rock and learn- would not last 10 years. The mod- iTOm . mas0n how to dress ern city, in his view, was "a busted S(0nP flush." Housing developments were "Wriirht likes an all-rounder " "sanitary slums" and the United Hoffe said. "He hates the straight Nations building a "cliche." draughting-board worker." In a speech to architects, he they do everything at Taliesin, said, "gentlemen, you are wither- including cooking, waiting table, Ing on the vine." And in a more chamber music, and esoteric group recent one to an audience of in- dancing. Their dormitory is near local ho.p'tal .l';nr At re-nlen' nl I'm Km--Ao..d - Fred Oiar'e .(ill hpld in fh rhan.1 nl (-1, now Coming off the production P.arru k Funenl Ho-oe MoiirliN .t.inr lines, is nuttinf' un three "hush ' 111 P "' interment Pelcrest houses" for testing engines: KlnI..n.n ..t o. "iioi soip ui .11. .Son.ived bv !n nu-c.s 1, Louis, whose F101 Air Force Voo- Gih.nn of Saiem and Mrs Ann U nnn of Iho Inn nnicom sl,nrc '"'"-b a!-o of S.lrro 8'nirf. Memorial Paik. will officiate Re' John Caiinle Answers to Crossword Puzzle a LlAlSnTAB'LenSALiALnplAiLt0 LOSE IAV I A nUpTrTT" DEaiB E jb even Icons m uSIipIbIJR'E n4o - C E R A M I C"BT if. T ftHB jpJT AlTCVR f0T EtnRjA"' TDRl ETTTil P 7v ACT O RCaM I EPDjEflE lPfE ' R ;S E bwb HI F-P 5 A fmIFT Bn A1 1 E '1T C O PjEHA I QP AuTclM AiDDPiAiLrp A L I MN TPRIO' LLBeBHIiE X iL E n f vUiifii pJe m aTnOhIA n;!" SIPlAlR EllT AM AR I NDCAlR C jAS S C iff fYDEjq NQl A TOLIA CllEjT NA AN I RgGSPLEI bLEai.bjN l 0)0 sjekpi- E aTjra nLnicor;e e'nInIui 1 Dt e n tIhDsIeicDoIi in'e r -'1 1 n l e tBta iHSIhiiIeId"" ClLIAjThr E ROC ElNT oflA NbjA,N;T L ElvTflA R RlAhigEMiEiN TflR o!A;P anion Is ouIn pITmiE irig ej i d:l e AlN!5UtR!E:E iSlJSNiEE RjJS E EN NOTICE OK SALE Of ABANDONED PROPKRTV M1IK K IS HEREBY GIVEN 'ha; on Saturday. June 1 ISM at th. terior decorators, he referred to AZ..u,i t' .,l. E n ""-n.n a. the shoo located at Hoatrt and 2J:.d . lllc m.uSiun loom, imj mreeis. in airm. tirejnn. in uraersisned will je'l at ruMic am in TMe prn i.u,n of Ordinance No Iw rnrfl personal property, namely hiccle them as inferior desecrators. nil hours dav or nichi ; Fierce controversy blazed up pBstve, Not Vacuum ,aound him. He was accused of Wright works with them on spe- ' sacrificing function to form, utility cilic building jobs "This is not to effect. Bclore he received the theory." Hoffe said This isn't highest award of the American In- instructor and student in a vacuum, stitute of Architects, those whoop- This is positive, and so if differs posed the honor said, "the quali- (rm any school " fications of Mr. Wright have been, His homes and all the Taliesin and still are. subject to serious buildings are jammed with sculp- ijuesuuii. iure. screens ana prints irom uie n s Regarding the proposed memori- Kar Kast. ' ,:"! 1 " :al in Venice. Wright himself tells He says the Japanese dwelling is J;rr',; you the comment of author Krnest a "masterpiece ol architecture He 1. iuiu Heminawav "Better a lire in Ven- iw-ii.v.. o nr,i iho jmnnxa Thv.. ice than a building by Frank Lloyd spirit and way of life perfectly Wright. "In Japanese architecture." lie n wrote, "may he seen what a sensi tive material, let alone lor its lollnWS NAME 1 foneial 2 Hn-.nnrne .1 C.oriv. ir 4 Rolllasl .V No nao'e Cohinihia " Road;o.t!rr 8 N'n nari.e !l Fire-' one 10 fieneral 17 Stehler tune nur- I0.r)'i the herein de.crihcd un and pails thereof, and cars as ni:s RiPTloN own sake, can do Inr human sensi- a' 1 as heautv (or the human To which he retorts "Just g voice from the jungle." Some 20 years ago the crilic. Alexander Woollcott. wrote If I hilities were sutwrea to apply the word spirit '' 'genius' to only one living Amen- So. Frank l.lovd Wright on ihr can. I would have to save it up eve of his 87th birthday for Frank Lloyd Wright." He is happily married lo the JL jl jl. jl. jl j Today, the architect says, "Alec beautilul, dark-eyed OIa Lazuvich meant to help with that remark. Wright, a Montenegran His wile lecture, still looking for new forms But in the long run it was a dis- works with him in the "fellowship" in new materials wrought from advantage. Why? Because Ameri- activities He is busy, active, in new techniques, the directions of cans (eel uncomfortable around an good health, brimming with inter architecture today? "Chiefly to uncommon man In this country, ests He doesn't feel old. He feels provide the proper background for we glorify the common man." that "my creative force is incrcas family life," he answers Instant- He was recognized and ac- ing 1 have no doubt of that ly. claimed in F.urope belore he had As to what lies ahead "You see, divorce is an architec- any support in the United States. "After death, we experience tural problem. Pagada ml Thla Trays true Ircedom Without that, we "If you provide proper homes Beside one of his desks now there would not be true individuals. The for families give them space, is a pagoda, made of thin trays, sense ol continuity is the soul of the right kitchen design, enough and given him by his apprentices organic architecture, and it is room so that parents and children 1 Kach tray contains at least one equally essential to the individual. ' in:id Che' rol Ml Ciev rol All (,irl- Flo n Ill- r-o Eo no I'o P,0 H" r.o fiol, Plor Fieri I d . 4 do rh propcrt Da'ed tnn lt dav of .I mp I Bin Riur and v h i V R'd fircen and wo'i R-ri Blur c;-e i " RM and Riirn Pf d and crean; Bl ie and w m'e w 'U'e 1 Wh 'e and I. ,r hlai (l-,.rte Dhie AT rnMOHIl r - '' -dm Sedan shall he '., ' SPrjAI. N'' :oioR K LVil'l r -.n-4.'! -.'one ;:a ; i K IRriL'S R syii ( ; 4 "ii reis A in;iri.s o r i -:;?7n:n n ;;) RM.lii 'I Y v.,r H SISloR : . w rinK- "I Polae i irrcon oo CO o cz o CZ5 cu CO CO CD -TT3 CO CO CO EE C0 cq CO CO CJ CO CJ CD C3 OTJ CU CD on CO CD CO CD C CD CC3 Jul) J 4 100 Display Classified fill - 'ffiJir HIT W m AUS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED ... Too Late to Classify GOOD J-wheel trailer. Ph 4-OSOS. X rORD Coupe. '41 Merc. en(. Idelbroek equipped. Zephyr Sear, Auburn chitrh, header, tic. Ph. S04S. 44J E. Ida Si , Stayton. . BEAN polei tor sale. 2x2x8 Ph. J-192S. WANfttPUaed "urTriiht deep treeie. Ph.4-SBS2. WANTED! to buy old duties china. fl, teapola, knick knacki White, Box S3. Stalei-man-Joumal Will call be tween June 11 A IS. WANTED Plrken on 20 acrei ot Nnrthwett irrigated berries. 3 milea Weal on Clen Creek Drive. Walker & Shipler. GOINC TO ALASKA Must sacrifice klnf size bdrm. set, Duncan Phyfe dlnini tel, Kenmore. elec. stove, all 1 vear old. Mtsel. articles. 840 S Ulh Ph. 4-372S. . l-BDRM collage, ilove. refrl., firepl . sarage ISO 3-S'71 TO GIVE away lo sood home, small 3-vear-old mate dog. does tricks. 1037 3rd SI . V?. Salem Save time - Save money For' the Best Professional Services r-! r s r i Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDING MACHINES Buy as you rent. All makes Roen-Typewrttera. 4M Court Ph. M773. WKSTINGHOUSI Woodry Furnltura Ce. 474 So Col.-'l Ph 4-1111 llUI.NO CAPITOl Beddlns Mattress re novalori New mattresses S-40S BRICK Jk BLOCK MASON BLOCK" & Brick Mason, also man wmlxer (or hire. 4-7SS7. BRICK andloclT-Work" uar anteed. Ph. 4-S439. CARPENTER JCONTRACTOK CARPENTER CONTRACTOR ' Framing, remodeling, founda tions, retaining walls, cement or pumice block. Free est! I males. 38 mo. to pay. -62O0. I KANeWORB ' DAVENPORT & broadloom rug. chair. 9x13 Ph 3-3115 BROWN leather billfold, losl at t'learlake l,.st week Daniel A -Newberry Ph 2-5.11 19aS Rl'ICK C'enturv 4-dr Sta tion wagon 9,000 no radio, heater. ' power steering Ai hiakes, 13.230 M.inon Car Park. Com 1 A Ferry. GFNKRAL house work by Ihe I ! hour, re! I'll. 4-0007 Kl KN 2-hdrrn apt' near Cini- j loi Shop Centci $35. r-IS'2ti ' j l:35 CHKV Cpe Good cond. $40 4203 Glenwood Dr KOH SA1 .V. b owner S3 Chec lolct scf1;in dehxers and IH49 ' Jeep panel dellcr. Ph 1 4-5179 2112 Lee St 'Fill' Nil Hoys hike. Identify & pny for arj I05S Howard lli'l NASH R or'hler cone. Rid'n. : heater, uhite wall, gmd I cold Ph 2-4021 FOR SALK Modernized metal bed, mil spnnc inncrspnng matt All tor Sl.i I'h 2-0348 CIIOIC F new unfurn 2-hdrni . I gar 420 U Midiona 3-;4l. ' FOR SAl F. .l-lMlViti home liy. ' r o dm i in , lirpl . hn i h In' , j ul. I r-n eaiaffe H.'ilol-f'. ' I lot 17."iil rin J7S ner mo 47.10 N Lancaster Dr I'h. 4-4.187 j TAKF home a car load of glmit ; fr.iKiant poonv blooms 3 w:!h j eai 'i $1 por' hasc H'istnn's I N nerv See Cl.tssitlcattnn 4'0 f,,r dtrei tions to ilu.'on s Nnrven ' L'lST Fl: irt . hue long ha'red .tub tilrd a-lult "i.rle cat V.'hi'e feel A throat Ntm- ! ed ' naby ' 3-5f,-t7 after 3 :o RFDRM set 2 p sectional elec appliance, misr I articles, Ph 3-3438 or see 3.1B1 Dunran l Ave i 3 BDRM . older home fine resi , der.tial area $M.23o 2-332'i ' EVKNTFMP oil wall furnace. ' ' iimplt te y,th 1 In cl tank I'scri 2 rs I'h 4 -4sr7 ee ot 2J-ton Lorain moto crane Sa- lem Sand Ii (travel Co 1-241 DRY CLEAN I N i E R V I ( ' E Foreman's Cleaners A; Dyers Fur Storage: Complete Dry Clnlr.g A Lndry Srv. Free pick up St Diver, 1070 S Cnm'l. ph 3-9448 SAH Green Stamps. EXCAVATING VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co Excavating ( Grading Ph. 2-16M HOOK CIIVCKINGS N'OR R IS WALKER Paul I Co Floor-covering Division yual ltv installations Linoleum. As phalt A. Rubber Tile Wall tile Free Estimates 4-227 TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 GRADING DOZING BULLDOZING lc back fill. St M per hour. Ph. 2-0633. DOZING LEVELING Ph I-09M D PANTCV1CB BULLDOZING, elear'ng roads, ponds. D-4, D-S carryall. V. Mulkey Ph 1-3144. BULLDOZING, grading Jc Land clearing Elmo W. Locker owner r opera ton Ph. 2-5741. HOME PLANNING EXPERT home building It re modeling. Phone 4-7977 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN mower sharpening, low prices, work guar. Ph. 4-0092. Cocker' 1cTcrea.m LOCKER meat cut Si wrapped., quick froie 3720 Silvcrlon Rd PAPERIN3 PAINTING ROTO-VAT1NO ROTOVAT1NG work eve., week ends. J Hathaway Ph. 1-3831. GARDEN It lawn work wanted with rotovator. Vlnrent Krem er 1150 Lansing Ave. Ph. 1-31(40 ROTOVATING Tilling, Howard Rotovatlng. gar den cultivating, lawn prepar ation by nr. or job. 9-M9S. EXPERT brush or sprav paint ing, Hr or contract. Ph. 4-3900 Painting and paper-hanging "ree estimates Ph 3-05)3 PAINTING EXPERT spray, brush painting, paps-r hanging, your paint or mine Free est Terms Ph Nelson 3-8493. 3-8243 PAPERING cV PAINTING PAINTING" DECORATING Dirt Cheap Price 3 7552 PAINTING: Interior A exlerior" Free Est. 4-0094 . 4-2826 ROTOVATING CUSTOMER o t o VaTfn gFord equipment. Fields, lawns, or chards & gardens. Ph. 2-88US & 3-4776. SAND GRAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1621 McGllchrlst Crushed quarry rocks and grav el. All sizes for roads, drive ways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dozing, shov el and dragline' work. 1-9249. SA LE Mi S ANDrc RA VElTcfX Ready mix concrete crushed and round gravel, sand and top soil, 1403 N, Front St 2-2411. V A LLE Vfe A N D A URAVElTcO Crushed Si round gravel Sand & con mix 1-4001 SrPTlCgERVICE MIKE'S Septic service Tanks cleaned D rooter cleans eewera drains Phone 3-S461 HOWARD'S Roto-Hooter, sewers, septic tanks cleaned 3-9327 Homers septic tanks cleaned, line service Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404 or 1-0774. TREE SERVICI TO PLACE AD I.N THIS GUIDE PH. 4-6811 De Rosia Tree Service Trees Shrubs. Hedges. Insured 11M N Liberty St. V6l evej. TRl'lKINO HALTING ; WANTED tohaul sh0rtloii j anywhere Ph. 4-8071, i cphol8T':bino IPH0LSTERING , Professional: guar work frea ! est . pickup, deliver. Ph. 2-429S 403 Livestock Wonted I!?.'- 400 Agriculture 1 455 Houta Goods for Sal CATTLE buyer. A.' F Sommer. 1260 Harmony Dr Ph 4-9087 iiuversrfrTstate t, 1 Ac H Snethen 2-1343. 2-4380. 2 Hl'l.t. olves reads for pas ture. Must be reas 2-3MI6 LlVl'SIOt K Dover Claude Ed wards.Jit 3. Box S8S.E. 4-1113 CATTLE, norses at vour tarm E C, MrCandlisn. Rt 2. 3-B1S9 414 Form Equipment HOWARD Rotovator. 30" 15 H P A- heavy dutv trailer. 3610 Liberty Rd. Ph. 2-601II. 430 Merchandise 404 roultry ondHUbbTrs 451 MKhin,7tTMl' BRKD doe rabbits, also younger Mock 4-2421. HFAVV her.!, for loi ker "use. market price. Ph, BABY CHICKS tic itralghtTun, choice of Parmenters, New Hanins White Rocks and Leg horns Special New Hamp and White Rock pullets 19c Par mcnter red rooster, fie V.M.LFY FARM STORE Pb 4-4624 Salem FiHI SAI E AC model WF trac tor, good cond I'h. 2-6.173 2!)6 Wallace Rd ACETYLENE outfit complete j with tanks. Call 4-7544 HAVF. several used wllersAC i DC Call 4-7544 455 Houta Goods for Sale 408 Pets I : li SM.K ,,t i t .id,- 15 ait Li., i -r.iv n:th all att.i m. his 5'.2n Portland Hcl 2-" 1 ''ii- ro , :..i'l c: tri i-'.2IB , FOR SM.E n ci", -aoge 1-' Fr'tn -'0.S I V'.NT Str.-.vherri in. kers Man- ' a-., c Agal.-oft R'e 1 r.- VKt Cro'..(r., Cink t)i tni; MOI1FRN I bnrm hse Sv.ourhan No. fh 2-842.1 WANTED Strawberry pickers, starting June 4 Pb 4-2W1 I Hartman 41tKl Brooks Ave. 300 Personal 310Meetin9 Notice BAH A I world f.ith ;nf'.rr .lien .! ; 'c Nat' - ' rf !1 - J : n '.. ics H2 312 Lost and Found LOST Kl.u k hanrloae '..tit - ' ir.e i', c'c bo,.k . . -1 in", i " . glasie- ' ar K. ' w .. ' a- ; ,(. so co at'.u ' il r.:' (I Sa.r" !- " ,1'it 1M' i tferr Pia f! 4-117'H ' I os-y Kr:o r ft:-' Red ten , I C" ':t r . ar- '" S i . , u - i r r.-mr ci , ..iirr Ph 2-H.t:.' I l.t )h'l 1'. Id. t. n!o ten irr I I'M! kf (1 like a I 1 k'ng Acs to Chi.n I"-. 2--.I.2 ,314 Tronsportation J16 Personal Too Late to Classify HOI.!. WO MKVT MARKKT 3175 S'l-r-n Rd Ks ci . prir'o n'y I,,. ,!: ,M. F-i " m I-' !. r1 I i ase A Ol t'V o- LS "II sl c.j up P" 4-3TI2 ilioMv; i m limn-; I'll 4 tt,'i4 BKAl-iIKt l .,,;.! I'.v. (' ,f B. la r -H .u,., , ,,o . ;t','.y i ?! rl, - -. . i;. a . 40.1 s,. '.V ,r-, V.,- , it Indei. 23 il l-, - SK 7-1L' ." e. Ltfton W. Howell Donald Waggoner Charles Edwards Kmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmle4tt ia im'il J iii'iiai.ti.riiaitjii-C:kaI' 'iiiiaasJ "Tlie seme loving care afterwards-as you gave before" Mtwt eorrvtnlent ff-rtroe parking for lunerals, three entrances . . . 65 car capatity. HOWELL-EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME , . S45 N. Capitol Street ACROSS FROM SEARS Phone 14473 inky 111 Train-In Allow ant e On a Sot ol New Allstate Cushions Blatk Walls or While Walls - HDHM rhlM after ri car ice s, Th ,t.SW .ill -.V170 100 MANY BILLS7 O'-; '- -ft v -r r i!, -ft wn in 'ro.ih!- If ii i re hr-infl n No fc ,, ;tv (r t fit,. Rnrrs n-(t-p-1 Onr nlacr to pav all hilu v onh. vim cun ,if f'ud1 'Bnnd:d anrl Lice-tr-rl for vruir nro,pcti',n ! i tni:i)IT CONSt'UANTS S t'eit ?-8Hi , (4ii inlor'Tmhon AI. S RAKFHV 'UAH MARKKT Fr---ri 'nr-i. l: krr. A hr f I'l" $L' ?S X d'- pi r . Idi Rf :rzit 2 f'-r 4.' I'1' NOT resp.'i -.blc fr di-tUx K ( CiIp - CiTVrfi-. Ore t'.icir-! hr A Cij;,rir f ullt-r Al.l'tJr.OI.ICS Ani'nvrr.nus croup No 1 2(?f. S Corr 1 -:.y rsVriMC RKADKK MMfc HA7FL Rcvfal'i rsn "rn voti oht;iin ( i nnr vj.j I"'-1 . and -'iff. m .'II f.ur v special t eadlr.i Si 4 ."-5(1 roirr.nd Rd 9 A I COHOUCS Arninvmoui (tM S Cnmnif rcml 2'2C9 C.W'F. iiway kittens, put p?r- -Irftl I'M) l is I uN Terrier sCid vice A K C I'h -i-U lt' rmiflRFFn Rorr punpir A K ( Rrg I'h Si:-rifin 1-422 RKi SIAMKSK KITTKNS Vm Salr. Th. 3 m- l) HMM'NT) impv . AKC rn VrPPIFS; be-auliful rfd X white co(kcr Blick A white wire haired f. terriers Pek ingese. Scot ties, Ch. Rlood lires reg. I.w prices Douglas KennHs. S -o!t5 Mills 5 mi N E Shvi-rton off Hwy 21.1. Pl.'HEbred male Hale. 18 mo old. rras Ph " MOORK I'KTS Bi n b -l: drd S vim' k itten '.i f ' nki 41X15 S'ir AKC rg h, t lt ( v-f ,1., -iMto. . 41HS A- e RKG. COI.I.IK PI PS Ph ;i-7R7fi CT'TK ki'!tn to pive awa .-d't-iR .itf r 4 p t 4 CKRM-W Sho-ha;rs. f20 ea for --.ilr or T i cJ r fo-- 4;p, r'tng eq.ilp 70 Log Cah.n. Inde pf I'diTfr. P 11:7 R FOH SAl.r- P.ippus. nil kiivi Cum i' -ee attr rmijps ,tf i iviiiK-!,.n r i. ill :-::m') W A b pujjpie s anv k;nd t'OPM, naiakrpt ragtt fnds Mr Key's -2f. S Com 1 275S BIRO P,iMdi for Nrdt cfe -pn!ies 3'W1 i 'vinRJ'on ? .842 4fO Seeds ond PlonH TOWATOFS 0. do . htindv h-'l ... ri ' pr H J'l. A ' ,i ' ! W ;i : j:k?i' s j . -V.r-M-2 r'.frurtrti rt',Snav MU- r . , riii'ntii cdr oi-- 2$ up. W i !ors wpinip r '. . 'j w r r ( i rei rhrmf 2'r',h Chri'iawa Hd F-'f'MSIA Hakl. Ik V small rf a- l.p ep4-tioi r t irtrdei - ( ht-ma'A a Hd t'SFD Refrigerator in good working cor.ditum Givt me an mfer Call 3-5928 after fue CONSOLE radio phono $4U 221, tu it chet 240 i 'hairs U30 ea New TV an tenna wvao fi. itvvt lis puiuir niiiUfi, fruit jars, ciinp stove tn.inv nur ttrrr 401 t'as caiIv Di Ph n-40?..i El FC rnnRr, ilav (run! en rin tin:er $.1" iwS darve' .N'OliCF. ironer, ripitixe pin dr e.i' w.,ivher Erdl.'-h h:i i le P'l MdVINC, nuit sell 24 i ft ujirififit frrerr $2! Ph 4-lfi,T IIFFHK;, 123, Wnirrlrol wringer washer lt Uxll rjit V pad. like new $80 - mis 4-it, $0 Dn Bl'YS romplete hnuiehold of f urn: tin e and appliances at Slem lowest ovt rhrad store C;ien Woodrv. 16(i3 N. Sunntr t'OI.DSPOT refrigerator f8!i MJ I'ed Mdse Tart. 270 S I th erty Onen Kri night til 9. Nu down payment io a r t .'JO-INCH Admiral mngp SAI R PRICED Used Vde Mart .'70 S Liberty Open Fn night til H No down payment in. a c ) DAVENO $ir?5' I'srrJ Mde.' Mart. 270 S Liher'v Open ' Fn nip11! Mil fl. No down pay ; rrn-nt io a c i. Ph 4-vT7. NEW hnx spring and niat .11 2 rniN frn,iranteed 10 rs $5M 95 ! is sale price Used Mdse Mart, 270 S Lihertv No down pav ment m h c i ;VSED Fngidaire range. $79 3. Lsea Mdse Mart 2. S Lib erty Onen Fn niht i! . No down payment to a i GUARANTEE" " Reetnrlitionerl atitomatlc s.tsh er. rfrver eaetKet -it f!t tia. .I8 13 K: up VKATKK APPLIANCK CO. .17:. Che'iieke'i St MON'TAd trash burner, good eond Ph. 2-7.")S IJSLAID Lino. I'. 59per !) jrtf R L Ellstrom Co 260 S Liberty L'NFtNISHKD furnituie H L. Stift Furniture. 173 N Hin NKW shlnm.nt of Riltwell dav pn.i sets in -e tmtiiils, tree se, tu.nal . dav nj. it .e- iit the pric,- nj rin f t',r.J to pav (,lei Wniidr.. 1611) N S,!:iii'-er tm NFW tuod'rn berlro,),,, sm'es Krn at these ''iw prlres we '. tke trade- (ilen Woodrv IMU N S'i't.'i.rr TAINT Ii at. I'AINT film Woudrv IMiJ N S.n-iti.rr MODERN iisrrl anplldn.e j,e i he.iper a! Saletis !oue.( ov erhead store tier Wood N Swm rr NKW brass n'eens. Hill t.len W'oodiv. 1 e f 1 5 N Svinwner NKW J5 gat f.irb.Ke eat... $1 B9 (ile.i Wu,)d ,. IBrS N S ,,.rr 456 Wantsjd Houta Good a ( ASH ft)R FI'RMTl RK V.M.LFY TURN CO. Ph J-7471 Fl'HNITL'HK Wartedrc'nurteoua service I'h .1-B'ltlS OI CASH PHItiri'rNI Ti'RE. APPUANcrs rrc t'SFD MERCHANDISE MART :70 S LIBERTY PH 4 W7I Need at Onre Late model F. Apphanrea Pay ash premium for Hi Grada Flectric Ranges RettiBerat'.ri. Automatic Washers Driers as Late ModH used Furniture. Ph Glen Woodrv .1-31 in right Now for Plesslr.g Results' ' I 457 Rodio ond TV TV BARGAIN Bouy'it Oct W.'i t'-ed 4 Mo. Si'll to settle'e tK !3. 1 7 C, K. TV o n r.niC! iron stand $1211 P!. .1-'i''fi NATION SC. SS -e. elver. I'h 3-7lW al'er S p . F.MLRSON 17 ' e..n-..V T V n.nsain at lo JS4n P'ltland R.'. 458 Building Moteriolt Overhead steel farsft ioon l'h hardware ft 9 JO ln s'alleo Ml W NFW Si'iri ons .oii.v.'.a s :; (ta G iinired eve trougn i."-t par Glen Woodrv. l'.uj N Sumrrer ft Kl'Pl.NG Ll'.MBKK CO I I'll 4-fii:,1 3740 SILVKKT0 F!D Wl.mi KICK 'I New rr-..n-ni'tlec3 o!tl seiond frowth lumber 24 to 2x12 tn 8 to 24 foot lens'"s IV Jiveted prices Salem 130 oei thou. ntini'num lefl Mm' liwi I Sears Roebuck & Co. 5M N CAPITOL DIAL 4 6811 TO PLACE AD TflO Diiploy Clottificd 100 Diiploy Cloxilicd Ceranii" . larB' S'e. W Also 25r A .1?,,- wmli thev la.t Opt' il Sal ;in1 Sun Onlv Duncan ( Iroenhouso 3j N'. Hixtr ltd t HRVSANTHMltMS, orr " 2n0 newtr early (lowering varlties A tiltiev Dcllihlnlutns linrlud lop Bright Pink i tieraoiums. l.iiltitH's SnleM.'s perin mal -uipl mark's 2270 ('hemaua ltd. 4-76J2 Ml I.CH w ith mu rp-ini fertilizer Fine for mulct. Ph 2-D.Ttl GKRANHTMS f'lsrhsta. tuh' he. Romas .V$l (ilad hulh 3 rnz $1 Fuchsia haketi t;i Mer rill ftreerMf.u'r Hrnoki KM) Agriculture 4 It Lawn-Gorden Equipt. 1 ELEGANT HOME I Shrouded in majestic trees On an acre ot land Provides ample ana rnmiortamt living II s nearness tn city center makes it especially attractive. 2 lull baths 4 bedrooms Living room Dining room Butler's pantrv Den Kitchen Full basement Only (1 7 34X1 for quirk sale Call Mr Sword Eve ph 2-IW4I. AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS 322 N Church Rt Ph 4-ssil or 402 Livestock tor Sol S YD Oil) Gut rsev , nu Milk- l appro' I ga ier da L' " n I'Sr'ra" a I'i ta:oei S .utit FOil SM I Kslta f i p Shetl.-.-'i Hi. re e,i. Kepir. grrll (t.llh Snir.-r W J (nlt'r'.'.'r Fit f.ov p,I ).,lia 2 pu'ehrrr n-g ,I.T.f r,,ws I 1 fre.h. ned, oil rr fn 'ren soon Hrasirnable -lamrs 1W ; gcr .'.rill Ward I)r SFK l.t'-e !! trad .if i'irl sadrtU- t o.vrs A ' id ; r- es Most hr sold this h e, t t ..o. Slder n 'rade IK'.S s :''.th , Airo.ot II.I I rROFI'SSIONAt norseihoer L Hanson. 4-0724 or 4 -Will FOR SaT.E tr trade gentle pontes for children also good saddle horses Roh Frinse m.i N Water St Sllvertnn Ph i-m:i4 MI'ST sell cheap be.utitiil snr trl saddlehred gelding Ph J-7IW or 2-:llVv4 4 YR OLD Shetland Spotted 4 4(H) Silvcrlon Rd FAMILY Cow. 4 gal Rich milk I er. 441 Sjlverton Rd OLIVER wire tie bailer Good condition Ph 3-4Sj0 Salem Meat Co locker beef Custom kiUlngj. ruttlnf t strap ping, .trailer loaned frea 41 Hl'f FY r.r, la- r roowers. thrv la.t :n IS Ph. 2-:i7:l. W! Walla, e Rd (12 Fruit 4 Form Product j, r C-I'H'K Northwest slrawber rics Onlv 1 on Irom city lim it. 10c jur Ih Bring your own coiiUiners Field open from 6 a m to 8 p ip K A- 1. Straw berry Firm :i7'i5 N Rivrr Rd Turn West at Tile - Treat Drivr-In GGOSF.ilKHRIK.S Dr.LIVFRF.D I'h 4-2074 I' AS I KCRIZF.D wrhoemllk 75c gal. Homocenlred. 79c. gal lon inr clearv Dmrv 2-:;h.ts t'-l'II K Marshall lu.trnis i ,eo lield I ml straiaM W of Keirr school Ted Whtte hd 2n5 W. t hemswa Rd 4-."4M. 413 FrtiHir EXTRA good gentle Jersev milk cow. 5 vrs old. just fresh 5 gal L Hilghes. 2210 N Church si. Ph. ;-3im i HOTTED Manura by sack or yd Phillips Bros. Rt. S Box wo, Salem Ph. 4-301. ROTTKD sawdust for mulching 6 yd load 115 4 yds lie 2 yds H ot 11 vd or iuc sack at farm Also Reaver Pam Soil II sack. for IS Phil lips Bros. Rt I Boa . Sa lem Ph. 4-3fil A-l Wrstinghou-e drvrr. VI .")0 Gn Woodrv Jt.05 N Summrr 12 CI" FT double do ,r M rr. frueiatoi hu.Tc froren fo.d stoiHite rJti!l ",(l (,lrn Wonrir 1605 N S.m.n-er MOOEHN loam rrihhri sof.i 1115 ftO This - on '--ue t,, sr to apprft late Glen Wor.drv. 1K0S N .Summer Ntw Kl ltv. ell s. mg nicke-.. 11.1 M. nc-s re- liner j '"lairs, now $fi!i 3u Glen Wood- ! t IBM N Summer IIFFORK ou bin .hop and' save at Salem's lowest nver h ad lui m" or e s'n.-r (ili n Woodrv. 1!0J N Summe. t t.OSFOI'T- ie:t new gvn dandv pliv-HTr set. w'glid.r ! .I de and 2 .sine $.Ti Ho Glen Woodrs Im.J N t'SFD ashers $1.) A up Mod em Appliance Center. 1141 S Commercial Ph 4-li:;.").l FOR SALE. Apt size elec , I .ing.. .1-41. 2 alter 7 .III p to I TWIN hrds with spool post A mattress all for 4 175 W Hrowning 'FOR SALE. Bendix Aulo na.h I ei, deluxe, good rond Price Jjli Hendix auto drrr. used I 3 rs god cond Price 11K1, i Hrtter price on set Sre at 1147 N 381h St Th .l-.l.ilid RADIO, luggage, chests, beds, ore chair-, tahles. vacuum cleaner, n isc I'h 2-MUa USFD relngerators HS2J A up . Al Lane. App . T3.VI State St INLAID Lino., It 5J prr sq yd ' R 1. Ellstrom Co 2(10 s Lib erty STRIPE frieze living loom set Ph 4-1227 BILLIARD table with scres - sories 2 p .ectional .1-57214 't CI". FT Zenith refrigerator Good running condition Ph H-825S alter 4 p m df;kp frekzk I'll .1-9711 ies NF.W white enam toilet seals MM Judson s 27fl N Com 'I L'nfinisht'd Chests, New .1 Drawers f H 5 Drawers JS M No Phone Orders Please ho(.(; iuios. 241 State St. 1 FOR sale deep freeze. i2S Ph 3-eOM . AMANA deep freeze Bargain at ,- 1225. 240 Portland Rd GULBRANSON piano nearly new Duncan Phyfe din set. 2-3780 INLAID Lino , "1 St per sq d R L Elfitrom Co. WO S Ub arty WROUGHT Iron davenn. 7 mo old. excel cond Dk. green mrgnllic. A 4-99H4I GAS Range, eae. eond . water heater Ph 4-50?3 SoOlG Ix.i 1x4 fir V G Sis p,r H 5O(i(0 No ; A htr o'rd 'hr 145 per M Rrinee timbers A planks J.i.'i ier VI Cei ihng trie, lfix.t- '. ?n'' each Reject nsrd board .Vlxtim il 75 sneet I'srd doorS l A 'rP All kinds nf used windows At sash Low priced ALSO Plumbing A elecrtlcal suppirca E. S. RITTER & CO. fi74fi Portland Rd P'' 1-a.tH I Mi. No. of Slie r,. ', M: No. of Tote-n Pole on ViF Open All Dav Saturrliv lira 4 ',-ln Prrrh Pie We rt. Full 1" s 10 ' K Pi edar Ranch Siding fl'-in no 4 4 Hardboa.d SI '1 sit 4x14 Sheetrnck II 40 ii.t tt 3 H-in Service Pis I2"sht. 4x l2-in Senire Plv irOOsht 4x8 5.8-ln Ser ice Ply "A" Grade Birch doors A ' Grada Beech doors A' Grade Mahog doors Iron Roofing 'Garsge Doer Hard wart No charge for cutting Plywood Free Delivery. Credit gladly. OFS.N ALL PAT SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YD. Lanraster'and Center 1.1 45 srit 17 7(1 ea X 95 ea. It 5A ea. 110 50 sq. 113 SO set