Emeralds' With Rosen Pitches Five-Hit Win Eatrrlrook Belts 5th Homer of Year By AL LIGHTNER Statesmia Sporta Editor BETH ED PARK, Eugene (Special t The Eugene Em eralds, who lost two of ihree games to the Salem Senators earlier in the week at Salem, re turned to more familiar haunts here Friday night and with more familiar result" as they bom barded the Senators by an 11 to 4 score. The Senators were held well in check in all but two innings by the southpaw dinging ol Gene j Rosen who had only a mediocre i campaign with the Spokane In dians last year Rosen limited Salem to five .hits, struck out an even dozen and walked only two. King Suffers Loss Ron King opposed Rosen for little more than one inning The Ems spotted Salem 'wo runs in the second inning on consecutive hits by Chuck Essegian, Bob Eastcrbrook and Ray Webster plus a couple of .infield ground outs. Cliff Dapper's Dandies lit into King in their hall of the second inning for six runs on six hits and two infield errors. King was replaced bv Bill ..... . . . .... . .". Walsh in the middle o! the up- rising and Walsh got out of it aner me namage was none. ' ... .i .. . Lsed sparingly this season be. cause of an ailing arm. Walsh irbmrpaf orfnn7ngs',Hywas nictV fT .hree" in fourth and two in the sixth Easterbrook Hits Homer Salem picked up two quickies off Rosen in the sixth when 1 .. ii j j u i r.ssegian waiKen ana r-asieroroon. not a hit hothered hv the south puw slants of the big lefty, park-: ed a 3-and-l pitch high and far nver hf rinhtfieM feneo for Kis fifth home run of Thai was to he it f.f.h V.. rn f .1.. the season. for Salem' scoring, however. The fnes meet a?am Saturday nicht here and il will he Ad Satahch for the SPRatt- aSiMfst Lefty Bcrlyn HikIecs ol the Kns. Hodacs was a distinct pain in the win column for (he Senators last year me series win end wiln a Sunday afternoon dnublrheader ! at 1:30. . . rt - i Em-Balmed Salfm (I) (III ruirnt R R H F RRHF. Dunn m 3 n 1 (l Smith 2 4 2 3 1 Warren. I 4 (1 0 OGirdlevrS 0 1 n Kraur.2 4 0 (1 IFMhrnJ 4 110 F.sfpgian.r 3 2 1 nHotlr m 5 2 3 n F1rhrrk.3 4 2 2 nr.uther l .7110 W ehster 4 0 11 Larnsta 1 4 110 ansnn.3 4 fl 0 1 Kellers 5 12 0 Knepf p 4 0 0 0 Dapper r 3 2 10 KinK.p 1 0 0 0 Rosen p Walsh. p 2 n 0 0 3artcl.l 2100 Trials .13 4 S 4 Total 3ni3 l Salem 020 002 000 4 5 4 f.ucene Ofill 302 OOx- 11 13 1 Winning pltrher, Rosen il-Oi. Los ing pitrher. Km il-3i TiU her ip ah ho rs er so hh King T, in R it 4 1 0 Walsh M 7 5 4 4 Rosen !! 33 5 4 4 12 2 HBP, Dapper I.OB. Salem 4 Fueene ) HR. F.asterhrook. 2BH. Smith 2. Hnt7ler RR1. Swanson. Koepl I.a nia Dapper. Rosen. Smith 2. Hol? lrr 2 Eas'erhrook 2. Keller 2 S. Rosen F Rn-en r.authier SB. Kel ler Time 2 27. Umpires Clark and Krllry, Altrnflanre, 1 .609 Trautman, Frick S't Date for Talk COI.lMBrs. Ohio i - George m Trim nrni i th L. i .'. ..a t-.u.. v. un,,iH nJ, ' rit',w Ford Frick .June 7, in Frick's New York office to discuss charges the major leagues hac a monopoly on baseball players Also present at the confab will be John Sliglmeier, general man ager of the Buffalo club. ho made the charges, and ncssy. president nalinnal League. Hard Tops ivr i- l.-f ' 4m : if "----ffm., jj ir i - asar w These four buzi buggies will be among the large field of "souped up" hard lops in tonight's auto racing card at Hollywood Bowl here. The No. 5 car is piloted by Don Guth of Vancouver, No. t by Jim Roberts of Eugene who won the Portland Speedway opener for hard The souped-up hard tops, more numerous and faster than ever this vear return to Hollywood n in!nnf inr uniw full 6 ., ..... . racing program, wnn ume inais starting at 7:45 o clock. Valley Snorts nromoter Ron Ail has a large field of entires, which in eludes five top pilots from the Eugene area, three champions from Sea-Tac in the Seattle area and the capable Chuck Lightfoot of Walla Walla. Trophy dashes, heat romps and Rap Senators 11 to 2 Victory S)rcflon$tatc$tnan Statesman, Salem, Ore, Sat.. a,... r 1 c f UlUiWVtl S IrlSll JUlr . . . , Delany Captures Mile From Nielsen in 3:59 COMPTON, Calif, i - Slender Ounnar Nielsen of Denmark Kriday for the mile in the Compton Track Delany was timed in 3:59 and Zj NORTIwr,T lKA(iv w L Pot w l. Pct v- t. it n -,wi o i, .. i-i l ft Ann - ,j Jithc world record in the 100-meter n is .sits wenatn 10 2 Jn'dash with a time of 10.2. - ' y. '.." . .. i rnciavs results: at E.ugene u. na- - --o r --- ; Pm 2: wenatchee. o. Spokane. 12; Dclancy, 20-year-old student from; .t uwi.ion.Tri-c.ty. r.,n DubIm, ,reland He had a previ- w L p , m'T u. An, 5 fa 'Si s Die.o SS i & J he g SS SCiS Sin F,an i6 2 AA vancver n 3? 31S nPlanv let first Seaman then md.yf ruit: at s.crmnto elany .let 'irs' SCdkma,n- lnen; Portland Ji at Hollywood J . Seattl. o ai an liicbu vamuuvcr j. s.n Frannscu x oLa Annlci 2 ntonal lGVt w L Pct Miiwauk 19 n .s:: Brokivn is n .528 Pltlsbsn 22 15 585 N.York IS 21 .432 St Lo-l 23 11 . PhiUdet 13 22.371, Cinc-inn n 5ii Lrmao iui .jh Fridav - rrsultJ At Cini-lnn:itl 2. Nrw York .1. at Milwaukef I. Pllts- hutgn 4. at Chic.'iRo 4, Broitklyn 2. ! SI l.nu 2 rillladf Iphla 5 IVMv 1. Pi t N Yu ' '.'!' .14 S74 Hjllin r I'll 21 .410) l.'i.-'.En l 'IS Mi Ucluill 11121 .i5 j,,7 jS ('.';" 'U m rrauVs ifsults. ai Washinston s. : ?iyei.nd I. ! ?al!imor'. I chic.so ; 2. ai New ni-K .1. wtrou o. ai dm- ton J, Kansas City 0 Spokes Wallop Chiefs, 12-0 WF.NATCHEK if - Bill Bottler allowed only five hits and rapped out two homers enough to win the game Friday night as Spo- kanP trounced Wenatchee. 12-0. 1 n,in a Northwest League baseball game The Tn-Citv at Lewiston NWL game was postponed because of rain and a doublcheader was scheduled for Saturday. . Bottler's homers were in sue- cessive innings, the sixth and scv- enth. The Indians got two other homers, one bv John Bcllone in the fifth and the other by Ronny Jackr-on in the seventh. Jackson collected two other hits in for run OIIU uiuh ill ifui iui. Glenn Isnnghaus. Wcnatchees starter, wasn't relieved until the eighth inning, after allowing 15 kit. Hie irrnr Genrpe Mich- al. didn't give up' a hit It was the fourth loss in a row for Wenatchee. ci..-. nm ,ri un h (i wenatrhre noo nod ooii - o 5 4 Bottler ind ft De"? '1' J5" ' STARS INK STAR HOLLYWOOD ,P The Ilollv wood Baseball Club of the Pacilic Coast League Friday signed Ray Young, 21-year-old Stanford I'ni- versity pitcher who was voted the Frank Shau?h- most valuable player in the Cali-j pay but little work, but had tak-j School, Friday announced his res of the Inter- forma Intercollegiate Baseball en steps more than three years , ignation. He said he will take a Assn., the past two years. I ago to put a stop to it. post at McMinnville. Roll in H ..Sl.Ml W m , " - l-ilill III i VJ j Class B and A main events will ' follow the time-ins. Dick Pace of Portland won the last rlas A mainpr for the dodu i. i. ... i.. i ... iar i.pa ncic, m and win De Dacs again 10 iry to make it two in a row. His com - - ; petition will be much tougher this , trip, howover, as Jim Roberts, one of the Lugene drivers copped : the main event for the first hard tops meet of the year at Port' land Speedway, and Chuck Ce dar, Lenay Rose and Don Ball- June 2, 1956 (Set. II) 9 Ron Delany of Villanova defeated night as both cracked four minutes and Field meet Nielsen in 3:59.1 in a brilliant duel ,or first Place- Veteran Fred Dwyer of New ork was third in this interna-! tional mile in 4.00 8 and Bobby Seaman of UCLA fourth in 4:01.4 Ted Wheeler of Iowa, who led !0' ,he 'rds finished mm in i:iH.f. Jerome waiters was sixth in 4:08 8 and Danny Schweikart seventh in 4 09 3 Earlier. Ira Murchison of the, V. S. Army, formerly of Iowa State for a brief time, equalled It was a slunnine triumnh for . n wriadri. diiu inen ieen, go , r1,. "vm t,,u, UI u,c ""'e duel. He was never far out of it however, and when it came to the final 50 or 70 yards, it was Delany with the kick and stamina. Leavy Charge Denied by Cal BERKELEY. Calif. . - The I Diversity of lalifornia Friday in effect told a L'CLA alumnus he , didn't know of what he spoke when he hurled accusations of a phony job racket for football players. The alumnus, J. Miller Leavy, leveled the charges Thursday against California's Coach Lynn O. Waldorf and his assistants. He said he had sworn and notarized statements from five athletes, Greg Englchard, California's di- rector of athletics, examined cop- ies of the documents and stated: " find that, in the five cases reported, only one athlete ever ; enrolled at the University ol cal- ifornia at Berkeley. He was here for only one samester and has' Mrw vnBV . A 1 since left school. The other fouri NLVV 1UKh ,f ITy.,B .fr(!" rases involve alleged offers, butf3"' e.a;old '"?htwW " the students in each case did not , fro,m c.Maf!bor' Co.nn" ,.kl10 come to Berkeley but enrolled ut Fra"k,e. "'f.f ,or the f'rsl elsewhere. tlmue, ln th lat,er cark Fr,day The documents consisted 0f : night in 46 seconds of the ninth statements by five athletes and;rou,nd. at Madison Square Garden parents of two of the four who' A left-right combination flattened did not enroll at Berkeley. I the 24-year-old New Yorker. Board- ; ...iii fn win. man weighed 137Vi. Ryff 137V4. y,- mill cuvpvi OIC lUIIJ nun the Pacific Coast Conference in! any investigation of any evidence f PCC code violations involving r,uu a u,- 9k'3v hv. in the past" ' Leavy a deputv district attorn- ey at Los Angeles, declared Th,,rcrfav "ii ic o nh,n inh in ...i.:i. . ' i. ', j , ' viriM ,i. alhi.A ,ltcirlp 'inh' that navs a minimum of i $50 per month, with a business - man back of Berkeley to pick up the tab." California officials said they had been troubled with overzeal - 1 ous alumni providing jobs with - BovI Meet Tonight . na, TT II I llsa" " -1 " d.aF tllasfuBBT r n i IT (J-ri W 4 'I 'l-JJUV Us Si m NM.s''sw at r IbM. r 1 s.ijjti. nil a , - tops this season. la back are Dick Pace of Portland, who won the first hard tops race of the current campaign here, and Cecil Hunt, another topnotcher from Eugene. Time trials get under way at 7:45 p.m. with trophy dashes, heat romps and events to follow. I mus won the 1953, 1954 and 1955 point championships, respective- ly, at Sea-Tec in the last three - vcars. at,- it,... I. "uriM Dill" u.,. usu, muc to nuu ujuv io conienu wnn. nr won ine imjj ! OraJgon title and is a major threat in any race he drives in. The same goes for Lightfoot. who is the pride of the eastern wash- suit of his triumph here in May. ington area. j which climaxed a card loaded Other standbys such as Salem's 1 with close finishes. Guth is sec Bob Porter and the wrll known ond snd Porter fourth in the cur Palmer Crowell, Don Guth, Don- rent standings for the pilots. Giants Not To Return The New Yard FaaMkaB GUats will definitely Ml Ntna to WB Laatette I lTTiKy tku n aaer. WU rmMeat G. Herbert Smith reparte.! Friday. The Natiaaal Fsathal Leafa rla kai speat ta past twa tammers fai Sales where they hf! thetr art m practices. It had km teaUtrrety p.aaaed far the Giaatf to retara tar f hart lime (his year beeaaw they had araetfesH twa eihiM ttaa games la the Nartaweet Their refralar trahuaf will toka place hi Vermeat, Beeaase the arafeastoaal hat hall team wanted to ttajr a Willamette M late this tammer, Ihetr TlK wavld hare clashed with faculties needed (ar sin deals aad the Willamette last hall team. Na ward wa available (ram the Gianti c.ab ai la when they will Iraia while la the Nerthwenl lar their twa exkiht tiaa reatesti. eati aad the Willamette reel-lj Stars Slated In AAU Meet PORTLAND (Special) Col- Ire. nrl high nrhnnl st.ru will ,. . i :..i uii.'. i.b K.K e,,,.. ; lK. nr.... AAlJ track ,nd ,ield meet thal will attract athletes from Ore- son. Washington and Canada. The' mff,' stgrts at 8 Tnf v,niversi,v o( Oregon and Oregon State will likely send the largest individual tions. with Oregon representa sending 14 and OSC 16. Among Oregon's contingent will be two of the nation's best known distance runners, Jim a v..v paucy ana Dill ucuinxer, ooin - ,,., rh,mninn, nf the MPAA .Cu T, J ran the first urn Sa? sol, when he defeated record- f "n a reCen,'y . .. .u . j Bailey will run in the 880 and DelIinger in the 5 m meterg Both are honing to make tt Olympics, Bailev as a miler for Australia and Dellinger in the S.000 meter run for America. Four track and field stars from Willamette will be among' those entered Saturdav night, with the best known beinr Dean Renson. the Hefndin" eamn in ie n:'ti"n"1 NA'4. hi?1! hurdles. ""Pnn will he i"ned hv D?le H.-rtm?n. "hn will compete i"iainst Bailev in the 880- Dale f"',en1ee. who holds the Willam- eitf scnnoi recora in ine oiscus, ?n(I L!,Ty T,hom?S.n1: who,rwt; ! forvf,r' in h P'e vu,t in the meet. Top competitors for OSC will be Northern Division champs Sam Wesley in the 100-yard dash and Wayne Moss in the high jump. Ryff Kayoed j By Boardman B A,ter lwo slow rounas. Boara-, jm" me oul swinging at the tart of the ninth. Crowding in with both fists flailing, the blond young - ister 'rom New England dropped Ry on nls lat', j Ryff struggled to get up at sey- ! en ana men loppiea over on nis ! hack. His corner crew dragged a a stool to mid-ring before tak- i ln8 the former "rookie of the , ear" back 11 his corner BENDER RESIGNS POST i LA GRANDE i By Bender. j who recently was appointed head ' football coach at Elgin High nie Nelson, Don Register. Ernie Koch, Rod Love, Don Larson, Clarence Schmidt and Dick Ga- 1 hourv are canaille of scoring the ..,.., i.t,;n m- iutcitu .iwctj mau. ii.nik iropny oasn, last neat ana . ias A mainer. ' Pace is currently leading the driving point standings, as a re- Bucs These Softball Fans Had Some Hefty Players to Clttcr Some ealhasUstte taat wera aa half Friday ai(h far Um aeaaaa aalt-i ball aaeaert at PhiUlaa rteld. la the twa fames played la the aaea- era. Kay Waaiea met Cast-atte Meats with the Cascade team taklaf , I 1 1 i II II ML Vol . '.I ' i r'VB These twa may not b the best but tbey caa almatt eerialnly be billed as the "biggest battery la the aoftbaU world." The twa are Kay Wool en Mill's pitching catching pair af Steve Brady, left, wba hits the scales at 220, and- Bob Schwartz, who rests his 300 pounds behind the plate to take whatever Brady can put across. They played Cascade Meals la the soflball apeaer Friday night. Portland Tops' Sacs; Seals Nip Suds, 3-2 SACRAMENTO, Calif. ofi-Bob Darnell held Sacramento to five hits I including Hal Rice's home run and pitched Portland to a 3-1 win Fri- j day night in the Pacific Coast League series opener. Sam Calderone j put Portland ahead in the seventh with a homer. j - Klsewhere in (he PCL, San a Francisco squeaked by Los An-1 Anouier renny onuwr i)ue ior ai Uglltner ' 1 EUGENE - (Special) AI 1 Lightner, the Salem sportswriter- ! referee who called off the. Cali- fornia souincrn Laiiiornia oas - ketball game at Berkeley las,t January wnrn snowrrru Hum nennies. 'will be the target dur-, ing 1 special "Prnnies Program" here Sunday between tames of i the ssiem Eugene monnwesi League baesball doubleheader. Lightner is also storekeeper and announcer for the Senators team in games at Salem. Details of the Sunday gag have not Been announceo, out win proo.Div im.uur rr. ...on r 1 a remark pnnwo recrniiy oy inr official In his Oregon Statesman. He termed the Emeralds' Bethel Park "a lousy ball park. IVi.U (.Pt 2 ll.irlrr. SAN DIEGO. Calif. The San Diego Pacific Coast league baseball club Fridav had two new pitchers, acquired from Seattle in exchange for ralcher Dick Ayl- ward. The deal gave San Diego pitch ers Arnie Atkins and Cliff Hoss. 1 Major League Leaders G AB 4:1 ISO X 101 HI 103 R H Pct 7 4l'i; Mantlf. N V Maxwell, Detroit Vernon, Boston Kuenn. Detroit Btrra. N Y C'ourtne). Wash. Skowron. N Y Goodman, Boston Lollar. Chtraifo Gernert Boston is ;m .a 411 IBS 24 57 345 is 1.12 24 44 :t:i:t 32 I9 14 3.1 333 34 117 VI Wl Ml 51 321 33 1117 13 34 31fl 34 113 1" 35 till Home run: Hauer. New Mantle New York 20; Yoik. 12. Berra. Nei York. 12. Sicvers. Washinpt 12. Gernert Boston, 10 Runs bdttexl m Mantle New York 50 Berra. New York. 35: Slevers WaAhinrton. 34: Pmphnn Kans City. 32: Bauer. New York, 32: Lemon. Washinston, 32 NATIONAL LEAGl'E GAB R H Pct Repullki. St I. 28 93 20 3 3B7 Lon(. Plttkbursh 3D MS 2 57 ,:U)3 Boyer, St L 40 lflo .10 59 ,3fl) Aaron. Milwke :t0 115 23 40 .T4B 26 M IB 32 .340 r.ruton. Milwke p Bailey. Cincinnati 39 92 13 31 337 Moon , w'.1 St I. Pittsburgh to 140 30 47 3:ki 3d 113 23 38 .331 ( Smdrr Bn,nk!vn is i.iii 24 43 Vis Cincinnati .ni l.n 2i 4ti ..... l Home runs- Lonf. Plttuburnh. 14: Bankj Cruraan. 12. Bover. St Loui. 12: Fost. Cincinnati, II; K-luwewski Cincinnati. 10 Runa batted In Boyer, St Loulu, 41: Lon. Pittthursh. t; Muilal. St IjOui. 3S: Jablonkl Cincinnati. 31; Bank. Chicago, J7. -Belt Braves, Gain r gelcs 3-2, Seattle beat Hollywood also hv 3-2 and San Dieso defeated V ancouver 4-3 The Beavers initial run came in the first inning when Dick Young led off with a double to center i na scorea aiter two outs on r.u Mickelsons single. ma-i nuiiir ium, ma .uuiui m ,hc the year, tied the game in fifth. Calderone's fifth four-bagger sent the Beavers ahead again in the sevenm. i Joe Stanka. who had struck out , seven in seven innings, was lifted for a pinch hitter, and Portland i touched Chet .lohnson for its third run in the ninth The southpaw j walked Jim Baxes and yielded , singles lo lorn sa.ieu anu jacK Llllrcll Darnell fanned four and was in trouble only once. In the fifth in ii d . u - tu t after Rices homer, the So- ning. Ions filled the bases with two outs, hut the former si Paul pitcher disposed ol deorce Hisley lo get , p jnmnK rortiand i to sarramfitto R H o A Ynun(.2 4 2 ! 2 Mntiiia s 4 12 1 Mrrnmn.i 4 1 4 nrnhm.m .1 M , II 1 1 I 1 Rrkowsk.r 4 n 2 llHislr 3 Mtkbpr.l .1 I n 0 "ruf rrl.l 4 n n n " 2 Pxi-..:t f'adTnr r S'.-.io.m ' iMrrll . D.t nrtl p :i n 2 2 Finn 1 4 I .' llRl.c r 4 111 12 2" Lin I' ' 4 I 7 (l 1 2 i-itir- ti 2 ! ii 4 l .1 ( H J MArKH.n . " iV Jones I II Inn -on p li 0 fl 1 iltnehi I o n ii TnlaK 1.1 It 27 Total. .12 5 2 .., . J-fr,rJ ul for Stanka in 7th ut for Strrrter in 'MM Portland 1IK1 Olio 101 ? Sa'-ramerilo IUMI nlll oon I K N'ore PHI Ml. kelson Calde--oiie, l.illrell Rit 213 Ynum. Saf in M3!'r" Haiih rtile HR- Rl e. Calder- nne icii t ortianu .t arriioicnio i IIP I)arnc!l :i Stanka 1 Johi 'on I fO Da-nell 4. Stanka 7 HO Darnell 5 in 9 -Star.k 5 in 7 .lohnson 3 in 2 R-f.R ilirn. tl 1-1 Stanka 2-1. John-l-l W Dsn-ell 4-?i I. S'jrka i 14 U-Yuhase, Ashford and Pelkouilas T 2 01) A - 3 .V" Hubbard Club Victor HUBBARD - 'Special' - Larry Berkey pitched and also hit to give his Hubbard team a 3-0 vic tory over Mt. Angel Friday night in a Willamette valley League anlth.ill name Rrrkev save un 1 onlv lour nils l.n n(. lr( nninu. Berkey tri pled and Hon Patmer followed with a double In store one of the runs Mt Anst l noo noo n-o 4 l Huhhard 011 100 x-.l 0 C. Beyer and Annen; L. Berkey and ralmer v U the wla ay a 14 arare. ami Raadle team, with the UK etah (eMIag a 4-1 a4 game geU aaderway aext week la Handle Bows to IMl, Cascade Dumps Kays Salem kicked off it's 1956 toftball Field with a doublehcader that saw LAR defeat Randle Oil 4-1 and Cascade Meats down Kay Woolen 10-2. LiR's victory will be chalked up in the City League but the other contest was just an exhibition between Capital League teams, r Lee Gust a (son and Cal Bonney shared pitching duties for Cascade and limited Kay Woolen to only four hits. Kay's Steve Brodie and "Cob" Cobble also limited the Cascade team to only four hits but their early-season wildness al so gave the Cascades IS walks. Leading hitter for Cascade was Tom Warren with i-for-3, including double. Kay's Bill Reder had 2-for-3 for his losing club. Gene Hilfiker pitched the win for L&R, defeating his brother Norv. Gene allowed three hits and iNorv gave up lour, ooin lurn.ng : in :ood mound jobs for so early in the season. Randle got its only run in thelwsc scored three of its' six runs first inning when Woodv Hall was safe on an error, moved to third on single by Jim Mewart ana scored when the catcher dropped the ball when tagging him at the plate. L.R scored all theirs in the first, too. on two hits and three errors. The hits were a double by Armond Carrow and a single by Ralph Maddy. Carrow had two doubles and a single in three trips for L&R. Regular scheduled play begins Monday in the Capital League and Tuesday in the City League. Kay Wooltn 200 (10 3 4 I Cascade 3.13 lx 10 4 3 Brodie. Cnhhtr 131 and Schwartz: Guitafson. Ronney (4t and DfLor- Mto. Handle Oil 100 oon 0 I 3 5 LAR 400 OftO x- 4 4 2 N. Hilfiker and Hall; C. Hilfiker and Weaver. Report Claims Belko Named t HT lillcU Hntf I Ul UUL IX I U91 PORTLAND UP The Oregonian said Friday jt had )carnPd that Bfko hpad ba5ke(bflll . . .. . ri i r ii ii coach at Idaho State College, will - be the new basketball coach at the University of Oregon. The newspaper said the infer mation came from r e 1 i a b 1 e j Belko's home town of p()catPin dah Belko in Poca- tcllo ,ald he had Comment'' to makp on (ne rpport Le,, Har- rjs atn,pljc direo)or at Oregon,' as0 dpt.jnpd commen, The newspaper said all that was holding up he announcement was " r comnlotion of contract details ;ind 1 , . . t , . University of Oregon official: The post has been vacant since last March vhen Bill Borcher re signed Belko. a I'nivcr.sitv of Idaho bas kcthall star from 10:17 lo HKW, has u na great success at lduho Stale. For the past four years his teams haw unn Ihc Itnrfcv MnlinLlin ('(inference championship and ench season Id.ihn State has par ticipated in the 'AA playoffs Meadows Results Portland Meadows rrsults June 1 f irst rare, :150 yards, quarter horses I frost iMiDowelli 122 110, I89n S4 .11); Hank Roll .Doxoni $0 00 S3 Ml. Ferr Corewi 'Zollinger S3 10 Ijuinlela SIS HI. time 19 Second rate 350 yards, quarter horses Fahuloufc Joe t7.ollineri $0 10 5 III ;12. Kl- kiM. Klamath Hidaloi 110 00 14 50; Blue Mime i r; if ford i 13 20 Quiniela 179 30. time 19 Third race. 1 mile 3 up Pip't Pup, (Henshawl 1190. 3 SO. $4 00. Are nal iDixoni M 50. $4 SO; Vnta Pearl i .nllinseri $8 30. Quiniela $27 Ml, time I 42-45 ffxirlh r. e fil- forlona. 1 on t.,fc Time ichojnaik. $520 $320. 2 Vi; Farly Hurley iGiftnrrti $5:10. $120; Hih Mondav lKnole sjiiirlfla $13 211. tunr 1 ll7-4'5 f ilth race. 6 furlongs, 3 e Qiiecn? Man 'f.lffordl $! SO. $2 70 Pharen Angel 'Honfi $3 20. . Pharsong t Mi Howell I $3 20 r' old $;' 'ill $.5 on $.1 So (julmrla $ 1 'J 7 1 1 time I 1.1-25. Sixth rate, .Vj furlongs 3 up Mi fhallene iHnrkin $4 10. $:l on No Photo i Sherman l $3 80. j World Affair i Sercy i $4 00 I Cjuinlela $11 SO time 1 08-1J. Oil elataH with the aew LAR victory. The regalar achestale the City aad Capital teagaea. season Friday night at Phillips Cougars Trim Trojans, 6-2 PULLMAN, Wash. Captain Jerry Bartow allowed only scat tered hits and sparked a rally Fri- . . . . ... . . i ,t0 WJShSf"rSfto H a 6-2 win over Southern California . M i. in ine openina game oi ine raciuc i Coast Conference Baseball play- The Cmw hander , ... hiu onH , . ,ini , ,h. ; inni. u uiw Mmi nl iha n.m. u,.. in a sprinkle and it rained hard durina the second inninn hut about 2,400 fans sat through H all. The second game will be played Saturday afternoon, with a 7-in- ning contest to follow if needed in the best-ot-three playoff. Marty Zuanich, USC mound ace was the victim of nls own rather porous infield as the Cougars piled up their hits in the fifth. After Lefty Bartow's single to right. Gordon Horsey sacrificed and then the next four batters rifled singles into left field. When the inning was over. WSC had three more runs and a 4-0 lead that was never threatened. The Trojans finally tallied in the eighth when Tony Santino led off with a single, his second of the day. got to third on infield outs and scored on Bob Gerst's single. USC 000 000 0112 6 2 WSC 001 030 Olx-6 10 1 Zuanich, Parker 7i and Fini- gan: Bartow and Rich. Prep Baseball Finals on Tap i uniuwu uri a oasenail trjp,P.hpader at MuUnomah St( PORTLAND - A baseball dium will determine the three Oregon high school baseball cham pions Saturday night. I f'ayoff games in class B, class triple-header at Multnomah Sta A 2 and class A l be played in 'he night s program beginning a! 5 P m The feature A-i game at p.m matches Medford against the ' i .t i .... . . . .1 -nU cuy cnampion. uncoin. 'anf M. h Si -s...s4 f.i , rcu,ra- w hch Lincoln i's undefeated south- paw wht pitched a no-hit. no-run O.'lTiin liTirlmr in thai unnr-nn .,. . . v The A-2 game a! 7 pm will lie Seaside vs Vale. Gary Holmes, junior left hander for Seaside, will oppose Vale's Gerald Harrod, who has n 8-0 record Glide from Douglas County meets Sisters of Central Orevon in the class II title game which opens the evening Dick Smith, junior right hander with a It-fl rec ord will pilch for Glide, against Willis Winkle. Sisters junior a 9-2 ! record DODDDOaDDDDDDDDODDDDDDQ m JkRanri ataaaitkiR. n if D OPEN SUNDAY D D n D D D D D 1983 N. CAPITOL STREET From 9 0?H I J I I IS ur Jin iiiim OTHER DAYS 9 TO 9 1983 N. Capitol Hollywood District D 3 1 nvni vkiivi mm DDDDDDDnnDDDDDODaDDaDDl 2nd Walls, Long Slam Homers Detroit Wh As " Lry Beau Yani By CD WHJU " ' THE ASSOCIATED PtESS . Pittsburgh's Doshinf Ptratea edged to withia a half game at -National Leagut leading IsUhtao ; ke by thumptn the Braves 4-1 Friday light oa a tbrea-nta bonv er by Rookie Lee Wall and a ol shot by Dale Long. , - RiKhthander Bob Friend hunt up bis aintb victory for the Bucs -who moved into the spot vacated by the St Louis Cardiaala, beatea - " by Philadelphia 5-2. The New York Giants kept Cincinnati la fourth by edging the RexOegs. J-l after putting dowa a ainUHnniaf . ran. 1- The Chicago Gibtshipped Brook rs 4-2 in 13 Innings oa Gent Baker's two-run homer. srv - l.I J . . . t a aire Lti ca uoa a i-m aeaa aa : Friend, who has lost twa. until . the Pirate ganged up en Warrea ; Spahn in the eighth. Both homeri were off the veteran Wlhander, -who lost his fourth. Friend struck out eight getting Bobby Thornaoa three times and Joe Adcock twice. Friend was lifted for a pinchnta , , ner in the tth and Nelsoa Kinf . finished. , f In the American, Detroit ' " young Frank Lary beat the New York Yankees for the fourth, straight time. 1-3. and Chicago, , Cleveland and Boston wound up. in a snarl that left each !" garnet V behind the first place Bombers. Bob Kennedy'a fifth Inning grand-slam home run after the - . men to load the bases carried Lary to Ms third victory of the season over New York. He aow -has a 4-1 tecord. - . Lary. 23, gave nine hits, as did -loser Tommy Byrne, but walked only one and struck out six for his fourth successive comnleto game -2 against the Yankees. He went all.,, the way to win In his last shot--against them in 1953. . . T Eddie Robinson and Byrne bom- ered for the Yanks while BUI Tut , tie homered for the game's first: i .... a . . . . - ,k ran in ine louna i ue veteraa t imii miv nnNW wti turn Tnaw Y18 mMvn. making his first . .in-. Cn mmt biiivv ninu w. n.itim... u..ti tv. un.ii. M ind Washington apiUed . (Continued on next page) ' mi a ma I IsTPA 1TI I 1A a.aa Alv For Golf Lead - Dallas un vary mwuecon, 1 Gene Littler and BUI Casper struck S-UDoVr-par M's Friday tat tle for the first round lead in U 170.000 Texas International Open. ' Middlecoff, the Memphis, TMfc dentist who is a long-time top) 1 T 111! .t. ..li V .... . , U..V... , HIV V.U1V1 MM.N who leaped from the National Am ateur into the big time with In stant success; and Casper, giant ' youngster from Chula Vista, Calif, making his first tour, posted their scores over a span of three hours.-: All banged eagles on the 12th - hole. Casper, who came In last as the ' blazing sun slanted over the 1210- . yard Preston Hollow course, had . lapse on the 16th bole or bo: would have been the undisputed) leader. There he drove Into some trees, then missed the green and wound up with a bogey. Bevens to Work Salem Legion 9 Coach BiD Sevens of the Salem . Panital Pnot Na 0 Amerl-an 1 gion junior baseball team ex pects to work his aspirants, through their opening drills lo usy and Sunday at Barrick Field, with the practices slated for 2 p.m. All North and South Sslem High boys who sre within the age limit are invited to try out for the team. Any boy who was born on or alter September l, 1838, is eli- r " 'esm. tl. r n. lit I J i . ...e v.-r w... ,. ,e,r ir ! r'.ct P'V'"! sch'du' om m t hist mnnl h N.W.T.A. Drag Races Sunday, June 3rd Time Trials 10:15 a. m. Eliminations 1:00 p. m. AURORA AIRPORT WIlSONVIlli HWY. to 6 P.M. a a a a a