C-(Sec I) Statesman, Salem, Ore," Sat, June 1 1 553 SATURDAY BROADCASTS ' (TMar (wi n WlhMM I taMk fa M mmm a T u4 Tf mnm, w pnpwi an ihum wisae aOTnaaaaaaaa be nif laas e IM limn; ni) SATURDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KTTT SATVKOATT nCHUCRn (CIANNEL 17)1 1:W i-Uu la Maa-"Oa Learning U Hm Faith." I:U jss. Movie MussrurB "Winning Back HU Lara." A lonely wift tricks the ipout witk a roving eye inta eesdnf tha arm at his wars, - , . ll:M jsk-BowBitt Time-Joe Boick at derdana and Joe Kristof at Chicago rol for high anra. XOVi-TT gATCIOArS HIGHLIGHT (CIAXXTL I): ' . t:0 aj-Bateball-Tlccri n. Yankee. I:f ajs-Armebalr Teatre-'1rabl CheaT: Charles Riutgles, Peggy Aaa Gartner, a ad Richard Ney. Alee, -Hawaii Call": Ward Bold. Ned Sparks, Warrea Bull and Bobby Brcea. I:Jt M. Star Jubilea Barry Sullivaa and Anna Maria Abler ' rbetti atar ia a mutical venioa af "A BeU for Adaoa." 1I:M m- - Sbowtima aa Sii - "Millionaire tor Christy": fted McMurray. Eleanor Parker, JUcbard Carbon, aad I'm Meckel. KLOH-TT lATVBDArt HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL U: IM ajsu Spotlight Theatre The Gay Swordsman,' starring XI aril Canals, Peter Trent aad Carta KiachL The eaemiei af a Cardinal purwe hia envoy into a sffoaastery and kill a priest AM JB-Girdeninf for rus-Otaa CoHiaa discusses aad demon strates bow to change from sprinf ta summer gardening. , f:St am Academy Theatre Syncopation" starring Aoolphe ilenjou, Jackie Cooper, Bonita Graaville and George Bancroft. The story of tat young musicians and their struggle ta succeed m their owa style, - H:N m. Cinema Showcase "The Man aa the Eiffel Tower," starring Charles Laughtoa, Prsnchot Tone, Burgess Meredith and Robert Hutton. "..,:: T SATURDAY'S TELEVISION SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS ' (teawt n rw atsais ssithi ta e hm st re. aaa Urn ea ateta nM aa4 TV atatMsaa, Sat iiim Ham m fmim an r.aaf a SUNDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHUCHTS KPTV. IHF fl; KOIN-TT. VHF KLOK, VHP U OL'K N:N M:ll M:M M:4S PTV1. K01NI I 1 Mlfht Moum iMllhty Mouse KPTTInaky Lm KOINlKro a KPTTInrr KOINI B.el I Pink Lm II Marrtt4 Joan! I Married Joaa ITaxas Rnfrt IBM ball IBwHU - H 1 1 KPTV1 Capt GaDaat ICapt Gallant Irurr lUnel. 1oha (tat bill I Unci John I But ball KOINI Bmtull ' (Baseball (Watch Blrdl IRasebatl (Watch Birdie (Baseball 4 3 KPTVI WtncntD-kUh. IWlnchtll-Mih. IChristophtra IChrlttopher lit IQI.NtBaaebaa ' Baball IBaeeball ISporta Club IKPTTlMaa t Mm I Country Camp.lBraadDaatMt IBraadbatkel KOIN! Mua Plrnae U-tJua Plyhst It-Gun Plvha li-Gun riyhae Te1 pattern l. Town Hal) IHel Town Hall IStr. Wlurd IYWCA Shew I Industry KOIN! AraKkalr Tha. lAjmehalr The. I Armchair Tha. I Armchair Thaa. KLOKI Big Picture tBH Picture ISpoUlU The Spotlit Thea, KPTVtzaa Parade I tea Parade TBA . - ITBA KOTN1 Armchair ThaaJArotehair TliaalArmchalr ThaeJAnnchalr Thaa. BXOBl SpatUte Thaa. pelte Thaa. jSpMltta Thaa. tpotllta Thaa. sttOIl Taat Pattara s) KPTTImt. wisard as 3" r . . . . awMSV lajaa, ta ... rntii. . nuiii aaiai viaiua $ TVIskj Klaf , I Sky Klnf MU Hlckok IBIDHlckok KOIN'Armchalr Thaa lArmchalr Tbea.lShowtima UomlShowtlma tram U-OBI Oardnlnf Oaronln lOabby Hay (Gabby Hayaa lClaca Kid ITraubl'd TouthlTreubl'd Youth KOfNInia Ptetura. IBia Ptctura ISUr Juhilaa IStir Jubilea tLOK'Laurl tt HardylUurl k HsrdyjWhal fc Albtrt igthal k Albert fcPTTlTwe Crand ROINtstar JubUaa KPT? ftTNDArf DGHUGHTg (CHA-VMX H)J U:SS waaav-Wide, Wide World takes Tiewers ea a fa-minute tour of the eatire length af the eferekptiif SL Lawrence waterway from DuluU to the Atlantic Oceaa. t:N uav Meet the Press will present Victor Riesel, crusading labor columnist woe lost bis sight as the result of acid burns received hi a criminal attack. I:SS ia TV Playhouse, starring Judith Erelya and Cathleea Nesbitt ia "Primary Colors'' - a teacher feeU a student has too great art talent ta be wasted, aad Insists ia giving him needed instructions la spite af parental opposition, KOCH-TV sTNDAT-g HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL I): 12:11 Adventure wiO take vWwers through the villages of Northers Africa to near the ethnic music that accompanies life there. I:M B.BJ. Armchair Theatre Green Promise." with Walter Brennan, Robert Paige, Marguerite Chapman, and Natalie Wood. A farmer acts like a tyrant to his motherless children. 4: p.B. Telephone Time presents the story of Heinnch Schlie- mann. The Maa Who Believed in fairy Tales,' ana consequently discovered the ruins of ancient Troy. I:SS a.ai. G E. Theater "O'Hoolihan and the Leprechaun with Anne Jackson, Roddy McDowell and E. G. Marshall. I:SS a.ai-rirst Run Theatre Eagle Squadron : with Robert Stack, Jon Hall, Eddie Albert. Evelyn Ankers. - KLOI-TV HIGHLIGHTS FOR SUNDAY (CHANNEL 1!): 1:U p.sa. How Christian Science Heals "The Rewards from Christianity." I:M p.s. Imperial Theatre "Magnificent Melody." starring Pierre Cressoy and Carta Del Poggio. The story depicts the struggle of a young composer in the midst of financial difficulties. :M p. n. Famous Film Festival "Tight Little Island." starring Basil Radford, Joan Greenwood, Catherine Lacey and Bruce Seton. A hilarious comedy in which the inhabitants of a small Scottish Island find themselves in a predicament when the island runs "dry' of whiskey. t:e p.m. Coronet Theatre "The Senator Was Indiscreet." star ring William Powell with Ella Raines and Peter Lind Hayes A comedy drama of political pandemonium. Inside TV Network Monopoly Battle Royal-Brews SUNDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV, IHF T; KOIN-TV. VHF I: KLOR. VHF It Oil HIS til KPTV'ch'rch InJTmt ICh'rch In H'm II Pcrion C n Do Your Trouble I koin; i i 10 nKPTVIralth Today KOINIfalth Today 9 aPTVI wide World Wide World iFalth Today I Faith Today iThli If Life Bill Hlckok Thu Ij Lite iRill Hirkok Wide World Widt World KOINlLamp to Feat lLamp to Feet Adventure I Adventure KLOR1 (Test Pattern Llfhted Wind w Lifhted Wind w KPTVIwid World KOIN Face KaUon KLOKlTranattion I Wide World I Face Nation Cnriifn Sc'nc Outlook ISunday Newt !Ploner Plyh. lOutlook ISunday News IPioneer Plyhi. 7 rMovlf Museum' Bis Burprhw I Bit Burvrtaa IBtar Jubilee IStar Jubilee IStar Jubilea KLORI Ae ademy Thea t Academy Thaa lAfadamy Thea lAcademy Thea. KPTVI perry Come . tPerry Coma I Perry Como I Perry Come KOIN1 Jackla Cleaaonl Jackia Gleaaoal State Show ISUia Bhow KLOK) Academy Thea. Academy Thaa.lAeadairiy Thaa lAcademy Thea. KPTVIOr. Speck IDr.Spock iZoo Parade Zoo Parade KOIN! Lone Ranter iLon Ranr The Way IThe Way KLOaVpt oncer Plyha. IPioneer Plyhi llmperlal Theat. Umperlal Theat. KPTVfHora Opera IHone Opera IHoraa Opera IHorae Opera KOIN'Armchalr The. lArmchair The. lArmchalr The. I Armchair The. I KLORlmpertal Theat 'Imperial Theat Imperial Theat. Imperial The at KPTV' Boy Rnim IRoy Rosen IBi Picture! Bi Piclurej KOINlArmchair The Armchair The. Tel'ph rie Time Tcleph'ne Tme KLOR'Super Clrrua Super Clrcua AinerCtrfU Super Cirrua t IPTVI Waterfront , KOIN Two lot MoneylTwa for MoneylPUyhoua ipiayhouaa IWatarlront Jimmy Durantel Jimmy Durante KLOKI Lawrenca WelklLawtene WelklLawrance WelklLawrenc Welk Peri pec tive ILaasle lOral Rnberta TVcarsa Cohal tGaorsa Gobel I Hit Parade I Hit Parade ' KOIN) Baal Clock I Beat Clack ITalent Scouts I Talent Scouts KLORlure-Chanca Ll(e-Chanc Tomor. Start Tomer. Stan ffl KPTVI Oaata Valley I Death Valley I People runny I People Punay 1 KOINjDiamatMl JuMLIDiamond JubIL Showtime on I. Showtime on S KLOKI Cinema Shew Clnama Show ICInema Shew ICInema Show KPTV'Meet the Preaa (Meet the Preaa iPerspective KOINlYouAra There You Are There La.ie KLORlD'S Talrbanka ID'S Falrhanki lOral R"berti KPTMicreat Lite IGreatLlfe Trontler Frontier KOIN jack Benny IJack Benny IWhat a My Lin IWhafa My Una KLORlu Aiked lor It IU Asked For It Tamoui Filmi Tamom Film KPTVicomedy Hr. IComedy Hr. IComedy Hr. IComedy Hr. OINlEd Sullivan Ed Sullivan Ed Sullivan F.d Sullivan KLOBlFamoua Tllma IFamoua Filmi IFamoua Film (Famous Films j KPTVI Champ. BawTf Chtma. Bewrf Champ. BawTf Champ Bewllnf ' L COIN) Showtime aa S (Showtime aa S IShewtrme aa Hhewtim ea S SATURDAY'S RADIO KSLM UN KOCO MSS IOAB UN SOD t?t SOW SN KBX US PMt Metaayclea KOIN 101.lt KBX SM; KOW MS S HOUR N:N N:IS ea:N M:4S -KSLM News afaoco. f KGAB Salute to Sat lUoitt NawfAraar. (! Monitor BBS ' Nwt-Kp Dm Mus Tlmkor Mua Tbnkpr News Salute ta Sat - Salute to Sat Salute Newt KOIN Kkwk KOIN Kleck KOIN Klork Monitor . Courtesy Car ICourteey Car Keep Mm Ski-Keep rime) Keep Time SLM tammswav OCO Go to Town BOAS Salute to Sat BOIN KOIN Klock GW ' Monitor KBX "w Break Cant Tunes Si Tim I Tunes It Breakf KSLM Plhle Knur KOCO Sport Shots KOAI lalul to Sat KOIN Story Maater inw Monitor KBX Keep Tim .KSLM l-H .hnw IKOCO Newt-Spertt ISAAI Salute o Mak 1vroi"i storr Master a IB Kf Kfl Kf K am" 05 Salute t Sat Newi Monitor Keep Timai RUB Tim Local New salul 'n Sat Guett Start Monitor Keep Time Canf Tim Salute to Sat Goat Nwl WthfMoniter Keep Tim Newt Tunet Sr Time Fjten Scry Conaum Nw Monitor Keep Time 'ROW KBX Monitor N Schew Haven of Rett Haven of Rett Tunet It Time ITunet St Tim Ralut to Sat. Salute Newt Gunimokt Guntmok Monitor Monitor Keep Tim Keep Tim Farm A Home Patter's Call Barsalr C'nTr Tunet It Time Tun a Time ITunet It Time Salute ta Sal SMute to Sat Salute Newt Music Galen Drake Galen Drake Monitor Monltoi Senate Rrpt No School No School No School KSLM Newt Mmir Baaeball iRaseball I KOCO Newi-Sportt leN Tun St. l0 Tune St. I14RO Tune St KOAt mrt Ouh School Salute alute tn Sat S '- wa 0S.OIN New Amer. Music Dance Orch. Dance Orrh. KOW MrAnuity Mua MrAnuln Mut MrAnt Mut., 'nt KBX Slar Tomor'ow SUrt Tomor'owlStan Tomor'owlSttri Tomor'ow 1KSLMPMball IBasebalf 'Baseball iBatebaH " KOCO Ntwt-Sportt 110 Tun St. II490 Tun St. '1490 Tune St KOAB lite a Salue to Sat Sau 'o Sal h t s- KOIN , Story Matter Root flj. LewltiRobt. 4. Lewis Root Q. Lewis I"" McAnalty Mue McAnult? Mua McAnulty Mu- MeAnultf Mus KBX Festival Festival Festival Tettlvil 1" KSLM Batehall IBatebaH Baseball IBaseball KOCO World News Sat Mattae Rat Mailne SM N'ailnee KOAB lewt-Hilt Rat RIU Rat Rita Rat 1'M-Newt 2 KOIN Noon New Weath'r-Farm Farm Factt lOrcheatra KOW Farm Home Farm a Home Monitor Monitor KBX Festival Festival Festival Festival "iFTT Goodyr Plyha IGoodyr Plyha IGoodyr Plyhs IGoodyr Plyhs KOINlG I Theater 0 Z Theater lAlf Hitchcock lAlf Hltchcockl KLORlTed Mack's Hr. ITcd Mark'i Hr. ITed Mack's Hr. iTed Mark's Hr. KPTVIurtta Youns ILoretta Yount IMonteCrlsto IMorleCrfsto KOINIkM.OM Chll'ns M.00O Ch'll'nt ICIty Detective ICity Detective KLOR! Coronet Theat. Coronet Theat. iCoronet Theat. ICnronet Theat IfjKPTVlBowllnC KOINI lit Run Theat KLOKI Coronet Theat. IBowlinf (1st Run Theat. ICoronet Theat I Drew Pearson ISunday Star list Run Theat Mat Run Theat iRoundup IRoundup 1 WTV 11 KLOR Sunday Star Christopher! ISunday Star IChrlttophert ISunday Star ISunday Star ! I Europe Crusade Europe Crusade SUNDAY'S RADIO KSLM 13H KOCO MSS KOAB MM KOIN t5 KGW KF.X lis FM: HOUR Megacycle! - KOIN 101.1: KIX .l; KGW lot 1 "SMj isTlS 5 W: 00:45 J Church of the Air KOIN- ' KGW :3 Church Hyms 'ZTill M Melody Journ'ylMelody Journ'yIMutle IS" " inv To Learn llnv toWn 'Salt Lake Tab. I KGW Radio Pulpit fl 8 1 2 KSLM Baseball toco Newi-Sports KOAB tat Hlto OIN Newt of Ale KOW Monitor KBX Rust Conrad KSLM Merry-Round OCO Newt-Sport KOAB tat Hlto KOIN Sat. Chase KGW McAnulty Mua KBX Newt-Conrad IMeny-Round Sat Matinee Sat Hits Newt of Air Monitor Ruts Conrad Merry-Round Sat Mttinee Sat Hltt Stt Chase McAnulty Mua. Run Conrad Merry-Round Merry-Round Sat Matinee Sat Matinee Sat Hltt N-ws-Hiu. Way for Youth Way for Youth Courtesy Car ICourteay Car Buss Conrad iRusa Conrad Merry-Round Merry-Round Sat Mailne Sat Matinee Rat Hits Hits A News Good News Treasury Show McAaulty Mut.iMcAnultv Mua Ruse Conrad Ruaa Conrad KSLM Merry-Round Merry-Round IMerry-Rnund Merry-Round Newa-Bport sat Matinee sat Matinee sat Matinee Sat Hits Sat Hits .Sat Hits Hlta-Newt Man Bites Rec.iMan Bltet Rec.iMan Bites Reel Man Bitot Rcc. McAnult Mua McAnulty Mua Monitor Monitor KBX News -Conrad Run Conrtd Run Conrad Ruaa Conrad 3ROCO KOAB S.OIN KGW 4 5 KSLM Gueat Star tOCO "norta KOAB Sat Hits .oiN Kirk nam News ROW Courtesy Car KIX News-Blkbra KSLM News tOCO --irts KOAB Sat Hit OIN Newt-Weather KOW Monitor - KIX Newi-BlkbTn Newt Bob Crosby Music Jrny inta Jaxz Jrny Into Jtss Jrny inta Jan Sat fllU Sat. Hits Sit Hlta V.N. Record 'Dinner Ahead Kid Critics ICoutteay Car (Monitor Monitor Bob BUckourn Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Country Style Jack Kliilah Jack Klrrlah Sop Tunes Pop Tunet Welly's Sports t. Hlta Rat Hits Slsn Off Look to Skies iHarmon Soft Gnu Newt Monitor Montr Billou iMnnte Ballou Bob Blackburn Bob BlackburnlBob Blackburn KSLM Hawll Calls Hawaii CalU Western Ser Western Sere nrO Newt Poo Tunet Rhythmilret Rhythmalrea OIN Indictment llndlctment iPt. Laramie I Ft. Laramie KOW Monitor Monitor Gr Olc Opry Gr Ole opry IX Bob Blackburn Bob BlackburniBob Blackburn Bob Blackburn gawKSLM Wet'n Serenade Wet'p Seren'a Wei n Serentde Wet'n Serenade IIUIU nnyinmeiree nnyinmaire iwncr rinv "nice rin. I OIN city Hospital icity Hotpitaj uimmy wskelyl Jimmy wakely IOW Heck Harper Heck Harper Heck Harper Heck Harper KIX Adkint Show Adkint Show Bob Adklnt Bob Ad mm KSLM Salute NatloaalSalute Nations IDu-6urDopaIBatbail into riewt-oporia Lwne rny uance ram uanee ram (OIN Bock Roll iRock Roll iBatln St Jaul Basin St. Jx ROW Today-Tomor. Today-Tomor. Truth or Cnse. iTruth er C snq. I IX Adkint snow AOkini pnow cball CI Radio Pulpit KtX ;ajmCoriv American lc n KSIJaTcoiit'y Baptist Salem Acad. KOCO Never Know i4-Hlluo KGAS Waffle CIud Waltle Club ROIN MUflr xxpiore r KGW Oral Roberta lOral Rnherls KF.X Hiblr Sturlv Bihle Study KSLM Bible Clasa Bible Clasi KOCO Mus for Sun Mus tor Sun KGAR Robert' Oroan Roberts Oraan ROIN Jewish Faith iTop ot week KGW Scandlnav Hr ScandMiav Hr KF.X juakcr Hour mi-ci ii KsrMNwt Christian Scl. KOCO ''res ivtertan HrfnTerun KGAR MU Revue !''! Heve KOIN Music Fest. i Music resi KGW Music foi Sun YiuMr ror sun KF.X "lews-Branch Branch Oncert Mln'tr First Baptist Calvar Bspt Music Fest Ktrrnal Llht Branch , Welf at-Work" Sun Matinee Sun Serenade Church Bella Sail Lake Tab. I Eternal Lite ll.ieht A- Life Back to God Mus for Sun Waffle Club St Francis Mus for Sun F.ternal Lite LlRht A- Life Back to Cod Nararene Ser Waffle ( lun For Af Rent. !Ttit for Sun IT of O Fnrum V of O Forum Voice of Prnoh 'Voice of Proph Mus. for Sun. Muv for Sun. Waffle Cluh Waffle Club l.oik to Skies News Scandlnav Hr Scandlnav Hr Cho-en People Home Dem si r Frank A Frn st Paul A Ford Manh Mel vmr u Rem Hit Rt'f HH Re' e 'Music Fesl 'fuMi- Fesl tuir for Sun ' for Sun. Branch Branch 1KSI.M Join Nave KOfO Firal Baptist KG 4F. Talvary Baot 1KOIN Music Fest. KGW F.ternal Llsht KfX ews-Branch Flrsl rfethodut First Methodist First baptist Fti Raplist Calvan fsni ralarv Rant Sun. Aftern'n Sun Af'ern'n 'Tilhollc Hr. Taiholic Hr Branch Branch 1KS1.M News KOCO World Newa KGAF News A KOIN Perry Faith Hr. tPercy Faith Hr M KGW News-Monitor Monuor " KF. Revival Hr. KSLM Well at Work KOCO Sun Matinee KGAS Serenade KOIN Newa KGW Monitor KFX Prophecy iRevlval Hr. I Sun. Serenade Sun Matinee Sun Serenade IWeeks News Monitor IProphery 'Mennonltes Sun Matinee Sun Serenade Percy Faith Hr. Monitor IRevlval Hr. Mennonite. Sun Matinee Seren Vews Percy Faith Hr Hr KSLM Baseball KOCO Sun Matinee Kl'.AF Sun Serenade SO? Feature KGW Monitor KF.X Hr of Decision IRaseball Sun Matinee Sun Serenade Feature IMonltor llr of Decision SLM Baa OCO Newt-Snorts OIN Mitch Miller A KGW X Minus une ''KIX Bob Adklns Baaeball aa KSI.M I KOCO Nesva-Sporta KOIN Sal Final ' A ROW Dance Time VII ISX Oanclns IBatebslI Dnr farty IMItch Miller X Minus One Rob Adklns 'Bateball i) i n I'art ' Good Ivenins Dance Time party Danceland Adkint Show I Baseball Dance Adklns Show IBaaebtll n-'nee r'arty IMItch Miller IMItch Miller Dane Tim Dance Tim Mankind Ways Mankind Wyt IBaaebtll Bateball ...ct Hart Dance r"arty 3ood Cvenlns Good Cvenlnt uance nm uance Time Dane land Danceland VKsLM DaiKi ance 1 KOCO New- port - Pna Party p t p i News- MuevWMe Midnlih '1 KGW Oance Time Dance Time I Bg n-neelaad Danceland IDane (Dasvee Dance Party Dance Party Mut Mldnlfht Mua Midnight Dance Time " Dane Tims Danceland Danceland 'Run. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun Matinee Sun. Matinee Sun Serenade Seren News World Affairs World Affairs Monitor Monitor I High Moment IHirh Moment IRaseball 'Baseball Sun Marine Sun Matinee Sun Serenade Sun Serenade Feature 'Feature i Meet the Press: Meet the rres Herald of Truth Herald of Truth KSI.M Baseball 'Baseball Rase'all 'Baseball KOCO Teenaae Tunet Teenate Tunes reenare Tunes reenaee Timet KGAF Sun Serenade Sun Serenade Sun Serenade s,m Serenarte KOI Edtar Bergen Frttar Bersen Ertear Hereen irnear hercen KGW Monitor IMonltor Monitor IMonltor KFX Hi-Fi Time Hl-Fl Time Hi-Fl Time WuT Time KSLM BaseMIl IRaseball Ravhsl' 'Baseball KOCO reenase Tunes Tecniee Tunes Teenase Tunes Teeme Tunes KGAR Publ Service Sen More Sundown Sere fto -n Sere KOIN Music Hall IMuslcHall CBS News ICRS News KGW Monitor Mnn'loi Shirley Thomas Shlrlei Thomas FX Bob Scott Show !Bob Scott Show Boh Srntt Show Boh Srott Show II u n.uhill 'nBKall I iitherkn Hntir rn Mnur 5 KOCO Teensfe Tunes Teenate Tunes Teenate Tunes Teenate Tunei KGAS Sundown Sere Sundown Sere Sundown Sere Sundown Sere KOIN Our Miss Brk's Our Miss Brk's Two for Money TwoforMnoev KGW Newi-Monl'or lonttoi Monitor Monitor REX Bob Scot! ShowiBob Scott ShowiBob Scott Show Boh Scott Show KSLM Walt Wlncheil F-ont Pate Bob Consldlne Newt "'rr Teenate Tunes reenate Tunei Teenite Tunei Teenite Tunei KOAI Sundown Sere Sun Off. KOIN O'Hiri lOHari Gunsmoke f'.un.moke KOR Bios In Sound Blot in Sound Amer. Forum Amer Forum KFX fh-ew Peiraon Hmmv Fiaiei Guest Star t Here's '" Vets Pearson Music reenaee Tunea 'Teenaee Tunes Juke Box Jurv!Juke Box Jury "us Festival Mus Festival n PalnalGrowInt Paint 'Music 6 7 LM Memorv Room 1emory Room KOCO Teenate Tunet Teenate Tunes KOIN Matter'! Mel ay iMister's Mel dy KGW Monitor Monitor KFX Mon Headline!' Faith Our Time Growing 8 KSI.M Music I Music KOIN Juke Box Jury Juke Box Jury' Yount Ideas KGW 'i'le Feat 1usi rejt KEX Town Meetlnf Town Meetlnf IMusic lYoune Ideaa "ns Fest rest Town Meetlnf 'Town Meeting KSI.M Newt Dive Ross KOIN ximbardo Time v.omhardo Time KGW KEX MusK- Fest Kath Kuhlman KSI.M Music I KOIN Sun Nlte Fin OKGW Rich Reporter KEX Final Edition Alusic Feat Kath Kuhlman Show Tunet Mut Memor Vett Newt Finest Mull Peace In ValleylPeace In Villcy Fire Nation Ir arc Nation Meel Preas e 't-s Israel Menace Israel Messate IShow Tunet IShow Tunes Church of Air fhurrh of Air Hr of Decision Hr of Decision Revival Time .rvial Time I KOIN sow KIX Mutt 4Muata (Music Newa Nirnttaa city council city Billy Graham Billy Graham Paul Carton IMualc a City Council 4 Paul Carton tf ETC STARR HOLLYWOOD STARS RE PORT: Yon doo't bear much about it outside the confines at the TV in dustry, but there $ ia a battle roral 1 1 "va, a r c w i a g oe t tweea the. set- LV works on the one band and the TV ltilni pt-oduUoa people oa the other, with the afdSjffaafc) ' Ji government In " the middle to' act as referee. The fta producers, allied with distributors and Independent sta tions, are accusing the networks of building a monopoly. The networks are saying, among other things, that the film people are trying "to reap a mountain of profit from their molehill of contribution to the broadcasting art." As is usual in such cases, the, truth lies somewhere down the' middle. The viewing public, actual-' ly, is taking little or no interest in ' the matter. Viewers keep on twirl ing their dials, generally oblivious to the (act that "Love Lucy." for instance, is a network-developed film series seen only on CBS affiliated stations, while - "I Led Three Lives" is an indepenedntly produced series seen largely on independent stations. What the viewer wants is entertainment and he's not overly interested in who produces it for him. Meat Independent film distribu tors would dearly love ta see the networks g out af business. They figure that if all shows ultimately switch from live to film, there will no longer be any need of a net work. This could happea, anything being possible, but the good that It might da would accrue only t the pockets of the film distributors. Viewers would lose all live pro gramming including such things as political conventions, the World Series, the Kentucky Derby and all other on-the-spot telecasts, as well as the Inimitable flavor of Im mediacy that attaches only ta a live show. It's a funny thing about mono poly. Two years ago Ihey were cry ing monopoly at CBS and NBC. pointing to poor little ABC as being shut out by the two giants Today ABC is included in the at tacks by the monopoly-chargers. The network that was supposed to have been shackled by the giants merely applied the age-old prin ciples of free enterprise and quiet ly built itself into a going concern. And the price it apparently has to pay for this admirable display of industry and initiative is to be at tacked as a monopoly. Se tf the three netwerks are monopolizing everything in sight, how come such independent film producers as 7.ir and. TPA and Screen Gems and Roach and Offi cial Films are enjoying such boom ing businesses? How come their schedules of new series keep ei pandlng? What's a monopoly. Daddy? Lonesome George Gobel has a script on his hands he doesn't know what to do with. It was writ ten with Margaret Truman Daniel specifically in mind and was sched uled for June 2. but all nf a sudden Mrs. Daniel cancelled all her com mitments 'including a "Matinee Thcat?r" to have born aired next week i and Gobel is just sort of sitting there. What he needs, quick, is a girl who has just recently been married, who has name value and who can act. Mention Grace Kcllv lo him and he'll punch you ri"ht in the nose. Irving Bret her. w ho created and produces "The People's Choice." noted recently that it is a mistake to create a situation comedy for a comedian, claiming that you are then at Um smtct af ike retmeett aa's sticks. AppartaUy lm baa ia aaiaal sack glartaf "salsUket" aa "I La Lacy, the Pkfl Surer skew, "Oar Mies aVtsaks,'' "Make Rawaa Per Daddy," Us hra and ABea shew aad axUters axe thai ttepe,... STARRDUST: First sO-mlnuts film to be made for TV will be 'The Country Husband,' which goes Into production at Screen Gems June II for the new CBS series "rMaynouse 90." Screen Gems will make eight films for the series, wits the rest to be pro duced live by CBS itself. It s set. of course, for Thursday nights be ginning in the fall ... So why keep it a secret? George Gobel will re place Margaret Truman Daniel with Spring Byington. New script . . of Los Angeles' 2.444.064 TV sets, approximately one per cent are color sets. Gives you an idea ! of the uphill battle still facing the proponents of color TV. SHORT SHOTS: Mai l.lebman'i June S spectacular oa NBC will be "Holiday." with Keith Andes In a , top role . . . Actor-director Sheldon. Leonard (he's also a writer, come to think af II). is now a producer. Channel Quickies By BILL KKANE MOMMY ly TKI MOttlRS Ika-aaJ Tie asa Ssa. a a. . . AfCfU- ' "George, deor, I'm Seortbroken ond oshamed, but I forgot to defrost the .rfwfond w'll just Kiove to go out for dinner!" Senator Charges Pentagon Permitting Criminal Waste By G. MILTON KELLY 'for new Air Force production or WASHINGTON iiP Sen. Ellender research facilities while a big D La taxed the Pentagon Friday , Naval gun factory at Pocatello, with criminal" waste which, he ; Idaho, reportedly stands idle or said, "burns me up." ' virtually so. The Pocatello plant. He linked up with Sen. Dworshak tfwTTn World War II, is held by R-Idaho" in questioning proposed the Navy now on "a "standby" expenditure of millions of dollars basis. - I The two legislators sharply quev lioned Rear Adm. Frederic S. Withington. chief of Naval Ord nance, at a Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing on the 33l4 billion dollar defense money bill. New Facilities Dworshak said he has heard the Air Force is negotiating for con struction of new facilities at Den ver. Colo., and Ogden, I'tah, that Baptist Group )liolds Local lurch Rights KANSAS CITY iwThe right of 1 'A af' u c a Baptist church to determine its own affairs by congregational vote was reaffirmed Friday by the Southern Baptist Convention. At the same time, the convention refused to repudiate a North Caro lina court ruling that a minority faction can control and manage a church property if the majority's He demanded an explanation why it wouldn't save money and be just as effective to let the Air Force use the Navy's Pocatello plant. Withington said the Army and Air Force both have inspected the Pocatello facility but he docs not know what was decided. Ellender said the case reminds "Like flghtt. hen" After two years of directing "Make Room For Daddy," he takes over in the fall as producer-director of the Danny Thomas film series . . . "The Circular Staircase." one of the most famous ef all mystery stories, will be done on "Climax!" June tl with Judith Anderson in the lead . . . George Gobel, who teems te be having girl trouble these days, comes out ahead in his new picture al RKO, "I Mar ried a Woman." The woman will be none othrr than Diana Dors, Britain's answer to Marilyn Monroe. iCopvnsht I9.W. General features Corp i actions are contrary to the I him of an incident in World War II church s "Faith, Customs, I sagcs I hfn. h" said- t!,e Air Frc e and Practices." tablishcd a jet pilot training center The action, first bv the SBC in on 4 500 af res of ",nc ,inost' ftT 28 years on the controversial local tll(' land" ln Louisiana He said aut'iinomv question, represented a.,hls wllhln 100 miles. nf an hall - victory for Dr James W. old blimp base m the same slate, Bulman. East Spencer. N.C. He , built at a cost of 17 million dollars fought for three days to bring it ', and which, he contended, could as to a vote and three times earlier this week was shouted down. "1 am well pleased," Dr. Bul man said after the vote. His fight, which he said was from a Rocky Mount. N.C, church split. A majority of the congrega tion there voted to withdraw the church from its local, state and KVAL TV, VHF 13 EK.KNK KVAI.-TV. Channel II (8attirdv: t 0 - SUr of thf Wpvi. fin fUnge with I'tan Kid." J fW Saliuclav Mat. nee Thfai.T wilh Ma: Rptli Hug eft. Kddie yuillan and Tim Rvan in "Melndv iidr. a tntisn.il comedv iritunng An-on VfK' and Ted Fio Riio's bands. 4 00 Watch Mistt Wizard. 4:30 Kur. 5 0 T':e Movies ia itti Gent er Hifnt Pri1 cilia Kane and George Cabot in ' Silvrr Quppn , " :2s -Curious CirrnTd. 6 : 10 Tin-T.n-Tin: 7;0fl The Law renre Welk Show: : -Feope Aif Funnv; 8:30 - Feddv Arnold Time. 9:00 George Gohel Show. 9:34) -Your Hit Plradr; 10:00 Capf-ar s Hour, II 00 Renuest Plavhoune stars Richard Dix Jane Wvatt, Alheit Dekker and , Victor Jory in "TYt K.insan " f Fl't.lKNE: KVXL-TV Channel U (SirntfaV). :30 Christian Science: Ml - rVprw ! Bible Stones; 10 00 -Or.tl Rnherts, 10:30 Lignted Win dow; II 00 f hampnnhip Bowhnn. 1 00 Wide Wide World presents in i picture; The St Lawrence Seaw ay i from Dulutn. M inneoti. to the At - j l.mtir Ocr.m :1tt Famous PU- 1 house; 2:00 Suwlav Matinee Theater ' uith "KKins Hiind."3 30 -Thiv Is the j Life. 4 00 What One Peron Can Do; ' 4 30- Javree Spotlight; M Meet the . Pipss picM-nt' Victor FLer, rnin.id mtT lahin coIti:nniM v ho o;t nis ? i k h t !'i i -ecent cri'Tiinal rid al-i t.ick, 5 10 R..r rti'crrv C Ofl If, a Great Lile, :10 So 7 00 Com - ' edv Hour. ft. M- City Detective ft l Waterfront 9 Ofl - Iitetta Young, Show witii Loftta Young in "Dickie" the storv of a bov who ha th- : atrical and hiisine pemu 9:10- - : Surprise Theatre; 10 00 Telephone ! Time present: the tacovei y of the J treasures of ancient Tov m "The ' Man Who Believed in Fairy Trle-" 10:30 - Sundav Showtime with Joe1 Kirkvlnod iPalookat in 'The Triple Cross V 1 KOAC, 5.0 k.c U.S. Capital Tops Nation In Wine Use SA:' FRANCISCO 'fWine con sumption per person in the Dis trict of Columbia topped the per capita average of all states in 1055. just as it had in the previous seven years, the Wine Institute reporter! Friday The D C. awragc was 2 633 Gallons per person, up slightly from lft4 California was second with its 2 02 gallons average and Nevada third with I W4 gallons The national average was fl 87fl gallons against fl R82 in 1954 These stales harl per capita averages exceeding one gallon in I9.".V New Mexico. Louisiana. New York. New Jersey. Connirticut. Arizona. Delaware, Rhode Island and Maryland California topped all stales in total wine movement into distribu tion channels with a record 2fi -318.302 gallons, a gain of 5 4 per cent npr 1955 New York was second in wine movement with 22. 252,500 gallons and Pennsylvania third with 9.492.735. Twenty-five states showed a total of more than one million gallons. Total wine movement for the country was 144.187,753 gallons last year, highest of record. California wines represented 81 7 per cent of the total. well have been used 'Wasting Dollars' He said incidents like that are wasteful of tax dollars, take fer tile land out of cultivation and are so extravagant that "I just think it's criminal." "It burns me up." he added F.llender and Dworshak said the Southern associations. A min- there should be more swapping of ority fought the withdrawal in the ur)USr-rJ facilities among the serv courts and won on the ground that jCPS (or tne sae f economy, the majority wanted lo convert the chairman Chavez 'D-NM'. pre church property tn uses its foun- sidlnf, at ,hp pubIjc hearing, said ders did not intend. the subcommittee probably will Bulman said he opposed the .. k forcefuiy" the subject majority s plan to withdraw from jn fjlj rfport on i(, h,aring5 the associations, but saw in he No one at ,he hearjng Rave any courts findings a reversal of tha !dd ib flf wha, thp Denver or 0g historic Baptist Practice of local, rf ls m j , ,. ian?A ,Tllni, lha' , ' 'hough Dworshak said he had church had set forth its recognition negotiations re- of the autonomy principle in 1928. . . . , . . ,,; mv.r d..i . lated to some Martin bomber Bulman presented a resolution calling for reaffirmation of that comract declaration and repudiation of the The Air Forte announced in North Carolina court's finding. . February its approval of a pro Autonomy is practiced generally , posal by the Glenn I.. Martin in all denominations with a con- j Corp. nf Baltimore to build a new gregational form of government, plant near Denver to develop and Short Pants Brin u Ouster From School ! i NKW YORK vP Seventeen year old Norman Stnllman, of Forest Hills went to high school as usual Friday but didn't remain long The Bermuda shorts he was wearing were considered inappropriate at tire "Principal I .en li Ryan did not elaborate hut he .said firmly "Ber muda shorts are not appropriate " Slollman, a senior, said he wore the shorts as a lest to see if h(a and the other fellows crluld be more comlortable in the class room on hot days "Bermuda shorts are good : enough for Wall Street, Madison Avenue and college campuses," he said "Why aren't they good enough i for Forest Hills High'" Slollman went home to brood , about the difficulties of life ; lest a guided missile system. CAP Benefits Sought i Iii New Measure j WASHINGTON - A House Armed Services subcommittee has ' recommended passage of a bill lo provide benefits for Civil Air Pa trol members killed or injured while on official missions. Benefits would be similar to ! those prov ided for members of the armed services The bill now goes to the full committee. Final Plea Lost By Dr. Slppurd C0LI "MBUS. Ohio Ohio's su preme court Thursday upheld the wife - murder conviction of Dr. Samuel II. Sheppard The 5-2 decision means that the 32-year-old ostcpath must serve his life sentence in Ohio peniten tiary for the second degree murder of his wife. Marilyn, 31. The bludgeon slaying occurred July 4. 1954, in the Sheppard home beside Lake Erie west of Cleve land in suburban Bay Village. Sheppard's conviction on Dec. 21, 1954, followed a widely-publicized trial in Cleveland. INDONESIA CHIEF HONOR SET MONTREAL i McGill Univer sity will give President Sukarno of Indonesia an honorary doctor of laws degree at a special convoca tion June 8 on his visit here. YOU CAN FINISH HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME As fast as you can do the work. If you are between the ages of 16 and 60 and have left school write for free sample lesson and 55-page high school book. American School Drpt. SJ 29 6381 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. Nam. . AtlaUss City . . KOC (Saturday): IS 00 a m The News and Weather, lt:IS Especially (or Women Ameriran Medical Aa soclation: "Superstition or Science;" It 39 Special Feature: 10:45 Storv Tim; ll:a The Concert Hall; 12:OS -The News and Weather; 12:13 lis. Noon Farm Hour; l:SS Volcea of France in Chorus: 2: Music of tha Masters; 4: Evotutlon of Jarr; i'M -Children's Theater- Stories n' Slufl; : The News and Weather; I IS Lifetime of Menial Health "Oreajon Cona-reas of Parents and Teachers;" t:4J - Tlie Best of the We-k; 7:11 -Grand Opera Tonigha; :4S The News and Weather; !: -Sinn Off KOAC for Sunday , perlal KOAC Flagrant: lt:M a m Tha News and Weather; It 41 Or ran State r.llete mm. mraremenl Raeralaureate Servlr', 1MJ a.m. Sl Off raps ar, tnvci n7iofswci n 1 AIRLINES NEED MEN and WOMEN Wt nMti Rttorvifwn.tr., Itatfi AfMfs, Paw stng.tr Agents, Sltwardt, Htd'f Optrtm, Hoittiiti, Commvnkttwtu, for public cantaa? positron.. If you aro II or ovor, a High School Grtduata or aqtjtvaltnf and havo a )ood pr tonality, I. S. Citiion, don't mitt tfcit opportwniry. Good ttlariot, rapid promotion, fro travol pattot, tocwrity. Prolimmary trav inf nood not intorfora with protont amptoy mont. Entirt traioinf oivtn in Spokano, W t th in f ton. - AIRLINI TRAINING DIVISION - NORTHWEST AIR COLLEGE For Information Writs Statesman-Journal Box '89 a Name Age .... t S Addrats I ICity ... State : iaaas)aaaaaaiMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaMaaat)aa' (arnation V comer Maunoa NOast lima trMcroa fou've navsr tasttd caraal at its bast until you've triad R dranchH in rich Carnation Half and Halt This wonderful combination of frath-from-conttntatl-cows Carna tion Milk and luscious Carnation ertam makes any ft d taste bat tr-whethr it's csrsal, fresh juicy berries, tender Spring vege tables in cream sauce, fragrant coffee, or sny one of a doien other dishes. (erjrisjpv It costs so much less than cream, yet it's so much richer thin plain milk. I often use Carnation Half and Half just "as is" to cream cooked fresh peas or green beans. And it's one of th really impor tant ingredients in this versatile Seafood Loaf: Crunchy Seafood Loaf i Makes 4 6 servings) 2 cups cooked seafood V4 cup lemotj juice 1 teaspoon salt V teaspoon pepper A cup bread or cracker Crumbs last 14 cup chopped onion '2 cup chopped celery cup CARNATION HALF AND HALF Combine all ingredients; blend thoroughly. Place in paper-lined loaf pan (8'x V x 2"). Bake in mod erate oven (350'F.) about 45 min utes, or until firm. Serve hot or cold. 'Any cooked seafood (lob ster, tuns, salmon) can be used. f a 1 choo 7 7?V rhooiy Although we Americans us pep per mainly sr season and preserve food, this delightful spice has quite an esotic history. It was once considered a remedy for malans. Even today, Hindus use it for toothache, and Dutch and French housewives use pepper as an in sect repellent and moth killer. Berries . . npe. sweet berries . . . soon the markets will be lull of them. Enioy your favorites often while they r in seasoji. And. what's best on berries? Carnation Half and Half, of cours. Only Carnation could make it so good! HINT FOR HOME CARPENTERS Here's how to whack a small tack without mashing your thumb. Coat the pounding surface of your hammer with soap. The tack will stick to the soap long enough for you to tap it in place with one hand. Keep plenty of delicious Carnation Half and Half on hand. You'll find you're using it in more and more ways at every meal. Once you taste what it does for coffee alone, you'll never be without it. Try it! Your family will love it. (arnation V'COMPANY Phont 4-5441