Tomorrow's Sunday . Netn of Specisl Church ActitUiet im Salem mnd IAe Vmllej Chapel Given New Look Rites to Commission Foreign Missionary At Lutheran Qiurch Former Salem lIinister to Speak Here Calvary Baptist Church will have as ill fuest speaker Sundar Dr. TK. P.. U.lvi. 1.hs.Lm4 ann i TWLiownl &minara Rrkrbv ' I IMflCS UUMffl WDO ai pastOT Of f Mr. and Mr Carl Unirland, Calif., will deliver the commission- i th Calvary Church from 1S44 to txi Janet Ave., will be commit-jini address, and officiate at the!194 tinned to the foreign mission serv-. Commissioning; Service proper. I Su,M lvm Salem, Dr. Dur Ire of the United Lutheran Church1 The Rev. Mr. Lanfieland was ,!. for a time ia evange- h America at S p m. services Sun- graduated from Midland College. workjfor the Oregoa Baptist dav at St. Mark s Lutheran Church Fremont. Neb . in 1951. and (rom Convention. For the past several The Rev. Charles B Foelsch. the Pacific Lutheran Theological i e " " crving t D ., president of Pacific Lutheran Seminary in 1955. During the past T .year he has been receiving special Rev. Morange Retiring From ' r Church Post a? interim pastor for a number of Baptist Churches in Oregon and training at the Hartford Schol of I wasnuigion. Me nas Just concluded Missions. Hartford. Conn ! n,n months interim pastorate Pastor and Mrs Langeland and,l Everett, Wash, little son Mark will sail from New! At the II am. service the sub Orleans about July 17 for their !J ' Dr- Durden s message will new field of service in Liberia. I1 CuP Jes Desired and Africa, where the I'nited Lutheran ! Gv His Disciples". The Lord's Pastor to Emphasise Youth1 "Km" SaW - s'u " 1 1936 (Scc- Opportunities for Scrvicc Student Plans oalem talks Services at First Presbyterian at the radio sour. This service is! Do Rowland. Salem area resi-'uut week of the Berkeley Semi- Church Sunday moraine, will giv. broa at II aj The choirs aM, pcific aary sAiimialtentioa Award eoa major emphasis to the ministry are ander the direction f Mrs.! . , , . r ... ., test He to alse the holder ef ene and ODDortunitT for youth In church ' Doa Gleckler. 1 04 Krlirioe, uerteiey, law., wui rf fMa. amandine; gtudent and community. Dr. Paul N. Pol ing's aermoa win be addressed to the young meaobmea who are graduating tram college and high school The aermoa subject will be Christ Calls Youth. A feature ei the early service at l wiU be the appearance ef the Covenant and Crusader Choirs Two Guest Speakers Due For Services These choirs have regular re- pr"c SuB3r 11 m- ''schojarsha efTered by the Sen SMRsibilitsM at the 11 0 eioct i v4ssKiruwa una, nmy. w. Mumm swruci. service smgtng the responses, and err ether Sunday reseat choir anthem. Over M boys and girts and young people participate a these choirs. Sunday awards wiU be given the choir members ia recofutooa ef their faithful service during the year. The awards wiU be preaenteC at the II o'clock service. This Sun day the Covenant and Crusader Choirs sing from the choir tort with the Adult Choir taking then places in the balcony. Rowland, former vice president I conduct the worship. ef the Salem Council ef Churches and active Uymaa ia First Congre gational Church, was the winner ATTENDING MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Bar- tell. BOS S. Commercial St.. are a the East to atrnd the annual meeting of The Mother Church. The rirst Church at Christ. Sciea .1 i . . ... 1 1 SSS PSU1. HW, MWIil. SAUM TJtUTH CtNTR ItetCOWT ISaeaaaavalaal laaSaaaaj To two hM . . v - a 1 ja s"Ssw"swywa" jsaVWf KM4M rVMett missioii field. Pastor Langeland is the second son of this congregation to be commissioned to the Foreign Mission service within the past The Rev. John Morange. organ- VMr- Thf R'v EdM,M,ver ' iring pastor of Morningside Com- commissioned to British Guiana in: munity Methodist Church, w i 1 1 Ju ' ,95jL , , , L 1 t,rii hi. (9r...n nno. .i th. Besides the local pastor of the 11 h'kUI iiinhm wimi KnnA.v ci)nregation. the Rev mnrnina Th. Rv M-no. , Cauble. Othff Tiir4 ninr .nH Hiiri uilwr. Pi"t in the Sunday ninHont . ...,.ni hv ih. arenhe Rev. L. H. Steinhoff. D D Oregon Conference of the Meth- tiAiti Phnrtf-h vjtar iiti In nrffaniia . rhr.k in th. unr..M. Lutheran Church: Rev Howard r. . .. , . Raumgart, Willamina; and the uurinn wie ,rnr an uvvw- R.v . r.llan.r D D Mr. S 'pper will be observed. In the evening st 7:30 Dr. Durden will speak on "The Cup Jesus Did Not Desire, but Drank Willingly". Eitensive rensodeUag both laslde aad eat has changed aaaearaace ef First Canreb Open BIMe SUadard. UJt N. Commercial St Known as Victory Chapel, the revampeC stractare wss dedicated by the eeogre gatloa Saaday. Pastor From , tne nev. .'oon l.. r pastors who will take h f 1 1 a I ltv to Sunday evening service A aU8Ul; lU are-lhe Rev. L. H. Meinholl. U U.. A 1 president of the pacific Synod; the AlU at LaiilD Rev. Karren Pechman, Fait hi I educational plant nas been con Mructed, and a church. Sunday School, and Methodist Youth Fel lowship formed Construction will begin immediately on a parsonage. A new resident pastor will arrive and take over the work the latter part of June Minnvillr Churches Join for Investiture Service Suttunaa Newt Strvtrt FALLS CITY -The Pathfinder Confirmation Of 13 Slated Thirteen young people will be confirmed Sunday at 11 am. at Central Lutheran Church. The pastor will conduct the Con firmation Rites and preach the ser mon on the theme, "Your Decision Day." The'Senior Choir, under the ItattiniAn Xrwi Irrvlrt FALLS CITY The Rev. Paul Arnelt, pastor of the Falls City Free Methodist Church, will serve as counselor and teach a class on church doctrine at the FM Youth Camp from June 11 to (. The camp will be held at Camp Wyeth on the Columbia river. Other teachers will include the Rev. Don Hinkle ef Gresham, teaching a class on youth ethics, the Rev. Rod Hulet of Albany, teaching a class on personal evangelism, and three or four teachers for craft classes. The Rev. Walter Kendall, conference superintendent of the Free Method ist Churches of Oregon, will be the evangelist for the ramp. Daily Bible School Series To Commence Next Week Several Salem area have announced dates churches tion and handcraft will all be part for their of the school's daily program. A OFFICERS SELECTED rVinWAT FnffLpr WMi mk Mission Street I luted Brethren ..w. .nB1,j im..tiul martin Church win have two guest speak-Lj tie tojoov,. Evangelical en this weekend. A special ChiW-!UBjtH 3,,, church are. Trus rens Crusade will be conduc ed jtw Ctr, RuUchman. Gene Slock ia the junior department at the ;boWi and Harvey Ewtrt. Sunday same hours as the adults meet in uperurteDOeot. Harvey Ew- the main sanctuary for their wor-;. astUUm Sunday School super ship, pis will be under tr direc-1 in,,, Robert Magee: secre tion of Miss EliMbMh McCaU 4- Ury Sunday School. Gertrude rector of Child Evangelism in the Nichota; usiAMl cretary. Ruth city, assisted by a staff of local Qix(m. Ulherti Jwnjf t&gi worker I Robert Magee and Mason Dema- Speaking to the adults will be ray. Rev. William Koenig, deputationai director of George Fox College at Newberg. He will be bringing stu- f dents who will also supply special music. In the evening, the Rev. Rollie Rogers will speak. Rogers Is also a ministerial student at George Fox College. HEAI DR. PAUIGUNTHU IfMHrpMMrl Nm MiwteMrf THAHANOl AT 7 JO P. M. 45 . ml ItkMi II a.fcC In Msflt a Vviaw4 90 THi friendly church Foursqv;ri Churdi H K llth 8t t-.ii a. a Saaday Scbeel f U p. av-Teatk Benrtra 1I:M a. a-Meralag Worship "Peter's Restoratita" 1.M . sswSreaiag Service Special Evanfelistie Service Rev. Roy K. Worthingtoa A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU annual Daily Vacation bioic tun nan 01 learners nas oeen 1 Th, a,or th. r-v r v Kil- Schools, many of which will get 1 procured, and the pastor of the'mfr witn hjs family, -will be driv- church, the Rev. A. w. wardin, in(, to v..,prn nrwnn Mr w.n. underway next week Bethel Baptist Church is having its annual Daily Vacation Bible School, beginning Tuesday, June 5 through Friday, June IS. The hours will be from to 11:45 a m. All children from 4 to 14 years of age are invited. The theme of the school is, 'The King's Adventureland." Bible lessons and stories, music, recrea- Daily Christian Kindergarten to Hold Exercise The daily Christian Kindergar ten of Christ Lutheran Church will conoict its closing exercises during the 8:30 morning worship service falls City Free Methodist Church at the church with Mrs. Kathleen will continue for two weeks will hold its annual election of Foreman, instructor, in charge, j Th m h (h rf.narimi.nii from the Sunday trustees, stewards, and Sunday T' kindergarten class will present (h .rh(w,i Th nurserv hum school superintendent st a special a brief program and will be pre- , . . ,h n.Binnpr . , and will be in charge. A daily vacation Bible School, sponsored by Baptist Church Sun day school at Four Corners will open June 11 through June 22. The classes for all children from ages 4 to 14 will be held each day from J to 11:45 a m. Superintend ent is the Rev. Victor L. Ixiucks. Vacation Bible School of Cal vary Baptist church will begin on Tuesday and will be in session for for one week, beginning at 9 o'clock each morning. Stories, contests, interesting handwork, and a picnic in Bush park every day' have been plan ned. The school will dismiss at 2 p.m. each day. Advance regis tration will be held this morning. Salem Heights Baptist Church begins its Vacation Bible School Wednesday at a.m. The school Walla, to attend a family reunion of Mrs. Kilmer's family. The Rev. Kilmer will preach at her home church at the morning hour. progressive work groups of both direction of Ray Dahlen will sing, the Dallas and Falls City Seventh "If With All Your Heart." At the Pay Adventist churches had in- close of the service each con- vestitiire service' at the Falls firmand will be presented with a City Church on Wednesday. Nine Rible as a gift vnung people were invested as School. murniras a no 11 were invested In the evening at .7 ..TO there will mewing ai i p m imirsnay ai.srmeg rranpniiun ,miiiivr. u, $ pn.,,chaQl BDd the primary The ps "Friends." The Friends groups be Holy Communion Services for the church. At that time a dele- Boyd Hillesland, chairman of he 8chool ncld both in the rave jiisi completed an extensive the confirmation class and all Kle win aiso oe seiecieo wno mnaerganen ouaru. will attend the annual Oresoni Those who have completed the niMIMlfl THI SA1IATM DAT SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH NOtTM SUMMII AT HOOD IT. trvKM M Saturday Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Preaching 11:00 a.m. Youth Meeting 4:00 p.m. MINISTII llif. H. A. PICKHAM AwtNi Th FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHEMEKETA aad WINTER "Christ Calls Youth" By Dr. Poling Memorial Day Services Two Services: MS aad 11 s.aC KOCO II:N a.a. FIRST BAPTIST on SUNDAY 11:00 A. M. "THI MEANINO Of MAN? REUOION" 7:30 P. M. "THI CHRISTIAN'S UNIOUI TUTORSHIP" REV. STANTON IRVINE speaking at both servim .SUNDAY SCHOCX FOR All at MS a. m. GRADED YOUTH MEETINGS, primary through. caHef 4:30 P. M. i "A warn welcoase awaits yea al all study of butterflies. others desiring to attend. Sale m Churches I Conference of Free Methodist Churches in Portland in July. APOSTOLIC jrSll NAM! i Center. 11 m . I p m. assembly or nor : Central Cottaft and Hood 11 t m and 7:30 p m , Seantetlttlc Teaipl Park and Market. 11 a m . 7 45 p m Th Chapel Fairview Ave. and Bluff St. 11 am . 7 IS p m ri I.I. (301 PKL PENTECOSTAL Canary Chapel 1HJ N Libiiy 11 a m.. 7:4) p m. Full Gotpel Mlnelon - Ml N. Lib erty 10 a m , 7 45 p m. Jeaui Nan PentereUl 117 Lewn i a m . 1 45 p m JFHOVAH'I WITNESSES 1&H0 Mission p.m. Sunday Church Shifts Service Hour Beginning Sunday, Grace Luth eran Church congregation will change its schedule of Sunday Kindergarten Course this year in clude: Susan Brandon, Susan Bat talion, Nancy Thompson, Diane Holdorf , Bruce Pearson, Bruce Quick, Douglas Arensmeier, Doug las Axtel, Dennis Hillesland, Den nis Orona, Maurice Farnstrom, Robert Nunn, Robert Kitchen and Jimmy Collins. Reservations for the enrollment for next year are now being re ceived. 10 49 a m , BAPTIST Bethel - Coilaf end D. II am i .10 p m. Calvary - Liberty and Miller 11 am. 7:30 p m Capital BaptiU .1000 Lanalne Sun iv fc-hool 45 a m Sen ices 11 m, 7 4 p m. Pint Liberty and Marlon 11 a m HI n m Immanaet Harel and Academy 11 dav M-nnol. MS am m anfl 7:30 p m. na J 30 pm Weal Salem th and Boaemon, 11 chrlit-llin and State. s.M and a m, 7 30 p m. j 11 a m Sunday School at 9 45 a m. yTATHOIir I Orare Lutheran Lanalnf and Sun- SL Joieph'n Winter and Chemek- I nvview. Sunday achool 1 45 a m. 1a , 7. I. 9:15. 10 30. 11:45 a m : Services I a m. SI. Vli'enl d Paul - Mvrtle and st Jahn'a 14th and Court St Columbus . 7. . 15. 10 30 and 11 45 io .10 a m a m JEWISH Broadway and Madison. 7.30 p m. 1 1 rldayl RINGHOOn BIBLE 1125 Elm 45 a m p m. l.t'THKSA.N enlral - Capitol and Gaines Sun' services 11 a.m new church building, 3330 Liberty road and in the Salem Heights Community hall, Liberty road and Madrona avenue. Mrs. Her shel Frickey Is the general super intendent of the school. READING ROOM OPEN The Reading Room of First Church of Christ, Scientist, has in vited friends to visit and acquaint themselves with the Reading Room, IBS N. High St.. Sunday aftemon from 3 until 6 o'clock. meetings with the Worship service, fK, lr.U ra PVt being held at 9:00 a m. followed by VjI1 111 1 11 lu 1 1 11 New Graduates Sunday .vnool at 10:15 a m Since the pastor of the church j will be attending the general con-1 o ar 7 vention of the Evangelical Luth-: OllllUay IHOriHIlg ridii viiuii.ii mi iviiiiiiracuii, mum.,' and will also be vacationing with I Young people of the church his family, guest preachers will 1 graduallng from college, high I St. Mirk-.H.I N Church Sunday school t .30 am. Worship 11 ajn. 17th and Court 10 50 MrNT ,rIrN, .170 Kinfwood Ave Classea I pm Friday. 10.45 CHRISTIAN Court St. -am. 7 30 R m rirst - Cnttafe and Marlon a m.. 7:30 p m. i CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONART ! Alliance 5th and Gainei 11 am. 7 .10 p m ( Hl'RCH Of CHRIST Central ! Cottas and Chemeketa. 10:50 am , 7 30 p m. 1 WEST SALEM CHURCH OP CHRIST ' City Hall. 11 a m 7 30 p.m. CHI RCH Of CHRIST. SCIENTIST j first Liberty and cnemeneta ii am. I p m chi rch or r.on rirst Lancaster and Clendal. 11 a m and 1 .10 p m CHI RCH or GOD, The 40 S 22nd. 11 am. t II pm. cnrRCH or coo or prophect 1580 S. 20U. Ham.. 7 45 p m CHURCH OP JESUS CHRIST Of I.ATTIR IAT SAINTS - 5th and Madison. ( a.m., 4 30 p m. CONOREOATIONAL rirst Cottage and Marlon 11 am. Knliht Mearial- 19th and Terry 11 am. EPISCOPAI-St. Paul's S Liberty and Mvera. 7 30. J0 11 am MISSION Or ST. PAUL'S vrw Hall, SM Hood St.. a.m. EVANGELICAL AND RErORMEO netkaay Capitol and Marion II conduct the services during June Pastor Harold Grindal of Cen tral Lutheran Church, Salem, will conduct the services the first three Sundays in June and Pastor Ken neth Larson of the Lutheran Stu dent Foundation in Corvallis will preach on June 24. The Rev. Lowell Holte and family left May 29 and will return June 30. METHODIST rirst Church and Stat t 30 and 11 a.m. Jason Lee Winter and Jefferson 9 45 and 11 a m. Leslie Commercial and Meyers. 11 a.m., 7 .10 p m. Mornlntilde Methodist Chureh Wet Salem 3rd and Certh 11 am I and 7.30 p m. N AARENE Flrat ! 13th and Canter. 10 50 am . I X jn. OPEN RIBLE STANDARD 12.12 N. Commercial. 11 am.. p m. PILGRIM HOLINESS 2265 Carlton 11 a m 7 :30 p m. Dallas, Falls CilV Groups Plan Rites DALLAS The Falls City and Dallas Seventh Day Adventist Chiiph S.hnnl wilt hav a rnm- Sunday School t 45 am. and services I , . , ,,: t the at ii am. each Sunday. bined graduation exercise at tne Dallas Church at I p.m. on inurs day. Linden Bahnsen, a radio an nouncer from McMinnville, will give the address. Graduates include Louise New- land of Falls City, LeKoy Carey, Ruth Ledbeter, and Anita Wheel don all of Dallas. Teachers of the two schools are Miss Carol Helms of Falls City and Mrs. Marion M. Mohr of Dallas. schol will be recognized as part of the 11 o'clock service Sunday morning at Knight Memorial Con gregational Church. The minister, on the subject "Everyday Hero". A program of graded instruction and worship is presented in the Sunday School, meeting at 9:45 a.m. under the direction of Miss Mary Eyre, superintendent. Young people of the church and community are invited to attend the Pilgrim Fellowship meeting at 6 30. for worship, discussion and recreation. Trisha Perrin is presi dent of this group. First Methodist Church Down Town the Tall While Spire "To Loss Is to Gain" Dr. Thomas R. Bennett Guest Speaker Broadcast - 11:30 12:00 KSLM Brooks H. Moore Minister 7:45 145 am. PR ESBYTERIA N rirst Winter and Chemeketa 11 am. REORGANIZED CHURCH OP JESUS CHRIST OP LATTER DAT SAINTS 17th and Chemeketa 11 a.m., I p.m. SALEM BIBLE CHURCH 2a miles east on Center II., 11 a.m. and 7 30 p m SALVATION ARMT 241 Stat. 11 a m., 7:30 p.m. SEVENTH-DAT ADVENTIST Summer and Hood 9 30 and It a m. . SPIRITUALIST Plrst EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN 3a) Madison 7 30 pm Enilwood I7UV and Nebraska 11 am. 7.30 pm. TRUTH CENTER Sunday School rirtt Summer and Marlon. l 50 a m., 7 30 p.m. E ArTH TABERNACLE 130t N 5th II a.m.. 7 41 p m. EOITRSQUARE 490 N Hth 1! re.. 7:41 p.m. ERER METHODIST Winter and Market 11 am., p m. PRIIMDS Hlfhiand Atreau Church Highland 11 am 7 30 pm South Salem Commercial Waahington 11 a.m. 7 JO pm 1148 Court St am Worship 11 UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP No summer aervice. UNITED BRETHREN First 1145 Misaion St. Worship 11 a m. i VXTWESI.IYAN METHODIST 13th and Mill SL 11 ajn and S p m r si.,,.. .i . '4"ai rJ! WaS VACATtra I1IUICI8SLJ KINGWOOD BIBLE CHURCH JUNI 5-15 9A.M.-1JNOON and ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL S. Liberty High at Myers SUNDAY SERVICES -7:30 Holy Communion 9:30 Family Service 1 1 :00 Matins A Sermon Mission, V. F. W. Hall 630 Hood Street Family Service, 9 A. M. Ret. Ceo. H. Swift, Rector The Apostolic Faith Of Dallas Services 4:00 p. m. Sunday At Salem Woman's Club 460 N. Cortege Street NO COLLECTIONS WELCOME "STRIVE TO ENTER IN THROUGH THE STRAIGHT GATE" FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH At The Corner, of Marion and Cottage 9:45 Church School and Children's Pay Program 10:45 Morning Worship Hour Sermon "Frightening Echo." 1:00 Youth Communion to the Shut-in's 5:00 to :30 Youth Activities 7:30 Evening Worship Sermon: "Upside Down" i Salem's METHODIST Churches Welcome You Trinity at Four Corntrt 590 8. Elms Ave. Joe A. Harding. Pastor Church 8cheel at 9:45 Worship Service at l ie and II ten a. as. First S5 Stale Brooks H. Moore, Pester Church School and Worship. 9:30 and 11:09 a. m. Jason Lte Memorial N Winter and Jefferson Ernest Geulder. Pastor Church School at 9:45 Worship Service st 11:90 Leslie S. Commercial and Meyers Robert Mrllvenna. Paster Church School at 9:45 Worship Service at 11:00 Morningside Community 3200 S. 12th John Morange. Pastor Church School at 9:45 Worship Service at 11:00 District Superintendent el Salem District, Dr. George Rose berry. 1195 N. Summer The Lutheran Churches erf Salem WELCOME YOU ST. MARK'S (I). L. CI 343 North Church Service 11:00 a. m. Sunday School 9:30 a. bl Jehi L. Cauble. Paster ST JOHN'S l..C. M Sye.) I4tb snd Court St. Service 10:3b . m. Sunday School 9; II tvaV H. W. Gross. Paster GRACE (E. I C.) 3300 Suonyriew A venae " Service 9:00 a. m. Sundsy School 10:15 a. m. Lowell Holte. Paster GOOD SHEPHERD (V. L C) 3720 South Commercial Service 11 a. m Sunday School 9:41 a. O. W. Wright. D. D.. Paster FAITH (U. L. C.) 4505 North River Road Services 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:43 a. ss Warren W. Perhmaa. Pastor CHRIST (A LC.) State at ISth Street Services 9:39 a. m. aad 11 a. m. Sunday School. 9:45 a. m. T. M. Gebhard. Paster CENTRAL (L. F. C.) North Capitol at Gaines Services 11 a ss. and 1:30 p. m. Sundae School 9:45 S. am. Barald Grindal. Paster n i i . mil ii '...,',V.A:v :c .-ii Salcm'i Singing Church Fint Ctarth of thi Kaisrtnt Crater rhlrteeaU MS Suitably iclwej 10:50 McemiVfl WeMahlfj ' , "8ch as I Haft, I Give" 4:30 Ytvth Hoe 7:30 Evenfellstta Sewvke , Te Whesi Shalt We Ger Rev. Duane I. If uth, fist or The Public Is Invitee (vr ( First Evangelical United Brethren Church Cerner ttf Marion tne) Stititmee 10.50 AJA. , "TheXhurch of God" 7i30PJA. "Responsibility to God'f t Sunelay Scheot tt MS kJA. A, O. Jemieseo, MiiUsteW S' esrrrt.,r r i 'A. -.4 1 l iLJ REVIVAL WITH tVANGEUST G. W. MlfJTOII lejlnnlna-Jwn 3rd. Meerlngi Ivewy Nlghl Ixcept Men. and Se.-7:43 IIBU STUDY 10:00-1 1.-00 A JA. , ieginnlni WexJnwdiy DALLAS ASSEf'aSLY OF GOD UUNO t. MOtSS. rasaai EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE Market end Park I. A. Larson, Pastor 9:45 A.M.-Sonday School 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship Ha avafiiiif aarvka at rna Tamala. Wa ara cort4sf wMs aha Uawa Ttnt lavival al 11S Laaa Ava. Grttt aeiie rUy ttay al 3:10 and CMtiniatftf niflirry at 7:90 p. as. YOU AM COKDIAUY INVITtt 10 ATTIND THItl IIVIVAl tHVICK S am ' 1 Freed From Earthly Burdens . . Homeward Wings the Spirit To mark the homeward flight of the spirit, a funeral should express that faith in eternal life that alone can comfort and sustain us through the darkest hours. J Observant of Every Wish, Heedful of Every Need WAAL HOME R. W. CUIP l m laassaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaMaaai ly : S vrs f t .i-.,7 xV 'A ill -ym. r ' , 7 : ' " .t- y.a GREAT SALVATION -- HEALING REVIVAL In Salem June 3 to June 24 Under the 5) Tent is Located at 1925 Lctna Avenue, One Block East of Portland Road in Salem, Oregon Vl'J Rev. R. W. Culpepper FOR ALL PEOPLE OF ALL CHURCHES SIGNS - WONDERS MIRACLES IN EVERY SERVICE Services Nightly 7:30 Sunday 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. After noon Services Only on Sunday, June 10 and 17 Sponsored by Salem,, Pentecostal Fellowship, Rev. C. H. Schaberg Chairman. SPONSORING PENTECOSTAL CHURCHES SALEM CHURCHES South Assembly of God-Rev. R Deal Open Bible Standard-Rev. Ray Estes Church of God-Rev. J. Gentry labish Assembly of God-Rev C. Prankie Calvary Chapel-Rev. G. Hi'ligoss Keiier Assembly of God-Rev. Hodges Pentecostal Holiness-Rev. C. Turner Central Assembly of God-Rev. Versolenko Foursquare Getpel-Rev. R. WoMhington Evangelistic Temple-Rev. I. Larson Lancaster Assembly of God-Rev. C. Schaberg OTHER CITIES Stayton Assembly of God-Rev. Bailey Independence Church of God-Rev. Bible Silverton Assembly of God-Rev. Cronk Woodburn Foursquare Church-Rev. Gray Monitor Community Church-Rev Gunn Independence Assembly of God-Rev, Hash Scio Assembly of God-Rev. Morris Dallas Foursquare Church Rev Philip Woodburn Assembly of God-Rev. Rote Silverton Church ef God-Rev. Sherbahn Brooks Assembly of God Rev Swepe 205 S. Church at Ferry i i 34-Hr. Phone: 3-? 139