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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1956)
Valley News Statesman Newt Service Mainwaring Gives Happiness Tips at OCE Commencement lul," " rtt itrmpt to prewnt "a recipe to MON'MOITH lUrmrii farrte and fortur." as did the sarins o( Salem, member of thel commencement speaker! of thel Oregon State Board of Higher Edu-1 P. I cation, addrecsed the 195 gradu-' he outlined three ug-, ating class of the Oregon College toa ' happy and satisfied i of Kducation during Commence- We: - Do rw est in the occu- ment Ceremonies on Friday in P,l,on or prwession wnicn you Corpus CJiristi Procession Sunday Through Mt. Angel Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat June 2, 1938 (Sec I-3 MT. ANGEL Tbe annual Cor pus Christi proceuioa through the streets of ML Angel will be held Sunday. The precession will form at the church following the II a m. sol emn high mass and with band, choir. Dower girls, and the various church organisations with their colorful banners will make an im pressive sight as H marches from altar to altar, the people singing and praying all the way. Behind the choir and band and under a silk canopy carried by four men will march the clergy, carrying the monstronre with the Blessed Sacrament. Flower girls Campbell Hall auditorium. follow through life, marry and 23 Graduate At St, Boniface High Exercise Suleiman Nri Srrvlrr Spealcina on the tonic "A You nave children, and be an active. Commence a New Life," Mamwar- "Rrous. helpful citizen." By fol ing stated that he would not at. lowm lneSf suggestions, Main-1 - - - waring asserted that one can have a tile that will be a joy as you : live it and a satisfaction, as you look back upon it." Greetings Eiteaded Greetings were extended by R. K. Kleinsorge of Silverton, presi dent of the State Board of Higher Education. 1 Jack D Morton, registrar, pre : tented the graduates, and Dr. R. K. I.M-aallen, college president, con forrecP degrees. Of 311 persons parnine the bachelor of science dev Sl'BLIMITY T w e n t y-lhree gree in education, 1C were present boys and Rirls were graduated to receive their degrees. Thirty from St. Bonilace High School right persons earned the master Tuesday evening- of science degree and 11 were Members of the class were Kd- present to receive them, ward Albtis. Alan Bell. Gloria Dolores Poole. Mill City, and Pa Rniwn, Maralee Frost. Darrel tricia Patterson, Eugene, were Hartmann. Leland llartmann. Car- graduated with honors, ole Koenig. James Lewis. James Special Reregaltiaa Lulay. Glen Minden, Margaret Min- Special recognition was given den, Nancy Nielson. Theodore Pet- two members of the 1906 gradu ers, Marlene Podrabsky. Larry ating class, Russ Clark and W:l Riesterer. Ronnie Riesterer. James liam E. Smith. Sayre, Janice Scharbach. Dennis Faye Parks, Lebanon, sang two Sullivan, Christine Wcchensky. Roy vocal solos, "Clouds" and "Life." Welter, Shirley Welter. Bernice She was accompanied by Denise Wolf. Redden, associate professor of Margaret Minden was the salula- music. tnnan and Bernice Wolf was the Co-op Needs , New Capital, Official Says lutfinu Nwi Irrrict JEFFERSON Members and Ut IIIC JMI 1WIJ-U1IIII ' - operative will meet in Jaffersonj A to I urnn At Exercises in wreath ud e3 wul scatter flower petals. The mayar and city council will follow' the priests and behind them all the mea and Wom en of the parish ho do not march with aa organization. From the church, the proressioa will gt dowi Church street t atop for the first benedictiaa at the altar erected at the bom af Mrs. Emma Ebner, then across to Col lege street for services at the Joseph Berchtold home, with the last altar at the home of Miss Helen. and Elizabeth Keber. After this the procession will retura to the church for the final benedic tion. The ML Angel Fire Department will aid the police in directing traf fic. Joseph Faulhaber and Aelred Berning will be marshals of the procession. The Marion County Citizens Band which added so much to re cent celebrations in Mt. Angel, have promised to play for the procession. St. Paul High Statrimaa Nwf Service ST. PAUL-St. Paul Union High Valedictorian. The Very Reverend Abbot Da mian Jentges, 0 SB , of Mt. Angel Abbey gave the commencement address and the pastor of St. Boni face parish conferred the diplomas. The following swards were pre sented by the princi school, the Rev. Robert Awards Presented Religion award to Edward Al bus: English award went to Mara lee Frost; typing award to Carole Koenig: citizenship award to James Lewis. Kddie Adams, president of the Portland Teainsle' I'Hlttrl in r-n The program will be rebroad cast over KOAC Thursday at 8 p. m. Baseball Bat pp8lo0Harh.e i Cracks Skull Of Bystander Statesman Newl Hrrvke i JEFFERSON - Mervin Mc Gill is having his turn at had lurk this spring, climaxed when lie Wis hit kh the httfl hv a junrtinn with the North Santjam flying baseball bat. " Chamber of Commerce presented The accident occurred at the the Drivers Award earned by Conner school picnic. McGill is in lames lwis In the state teen-age I Albany General hospital recov driving Road-r-o. lering from a skull fracture and Jim, as first place winner will; other injuries represent Oregon at the National Teen-age Road-e-o in Washington, D C in August. A large trophy will he awarded to St Boniface, and s smaller one, although not little will be awarded to Jim. He also receives a wrist watch, and a fif ty dollar government bond. Scholarships Woi McGill was a bystander at the game. Charles Grizzell was at bat. After hitting the ball, Grizzell threw the bat before running to first base. The bat hit the side of the school building, bounced off, hitting McGill on the side of the hesd. His outer ear was badly lacerated, the inner ear Injured, and "skull fractured. He was un- High School Monday, June 11, at 8 p.m. They will vote on whether to continue the business beyond the end of the current fiscal year June 30. This was announced Thursday by Frank S. Perry, of Scio, secretary. Co-op depend on raising suffi- ocn001 V . u cent capital. To do this, it j, in St. Pau City Hall on Mon proposed that $25,000 be pledged day Dr; Howard Runkel of in new memberships and for in-1 Willamette University giving the vestment in preferred stock by "18'" address, the above date. J Processional and Recessional The June 11 meeting was plan-were played by Jeanne McCarthy ned at the May 2 meeting when j an(j Martha Coleman. Father 65 members and interested per-lJarriM Maxwell delivered the in aons voted to send notices to ac-,vofatjon and ,ne Benediction, tive members and patrons doing , ,,. , A business with the organization. ' Valedictorian Carol Ernst and nffic.r. .nri rfirwinr. inrlnrie Salutatdnan J o A n n Richardson Howard Snodgrass, Albany, presi- both Save talks welcoming the dent; Jake Gilmour, Jefferson, , parents and gave a short history vice president; Frank S. Perry, I of their class. Principal H. W. Scio, secretary-treasurer; Ed Dra- j Bowers presented the following ger, Salem, director, and G. A. Robison, Jefferson, director. M. H. i Pete) Gildersleeve is manager. Dick Palmer Death Noted f wards to the graduating seniors: Valedictorian and Salutatorian certificate; class athlete, Norman Berhorst; Readers Digest award to Carol Ernst; Sportsmanship tro phy to John Coleman for the boys and Carol Ernst for the girls; Knights of Columbus (100 Schol arship to Carol Ernst. Chairman of the board of jedu calion, Raymond P. Smith gave out the diplomas. The high school girls glee club Slaleiman Nrwi Service JEFFERSON - Edwin 'Dirk' Palmer 72. died May 24, at his un()er direction of Mrs Helfn nome in ByKciry. ".Sa-jW Sgn8 tw numbers been learned her. M ,he school g rtK.ent Speciai HeEia t n Award assembly. Student Body Mrs Charles M Smith, and an ft w Jonn CoIf,man jnstalled uncle of Mrs. Dallis Harris and j n . .m ... nffip,r.. Charles M. Smith Jr., of Jef-' ..,u. ri ' : ferson Memorial Saturday i President, Martha Coleman; vice . . ... . u M president (t Norma Bunning; s ,or,al services -ftJeanne McCarthy; t?eas ay mornjjuu-JwX at 11 . ... . . , ' ... Vli-tl,. nrkl.v Mill. I Juun "u secre- treasurer, parliamentar- Gloria Brown earned a scholar- der surserv for two hours ship to Mt. Angel Teachers' Col- Although recovering satisfac lege. torily, he will remain in the hos- Schnlarships from the Modern pital for several days, remaining Beautv College. Salem were extremely quiet, earned bv Maralea Frost, Shirley He was hospitali7ed by a back ailment lor some lime earner inis chapel. Shattuck and Vine, in Berkeley. A son of Celestia and Samuel Palmer, he was born in Hum boldt county, Calif. Years ago. the Palmer familv lived on the Welter and Bernice Wolf .lames Lulay earned a scholar ship to Portland University, Port land. Five of the senior girls were pre sented with diplomas earned for their six weeks course in practical nursing sponsored by the Sanliam Memorial Hospital in which they enrolled in the spring. The girl: were- Marlene Pndrahskv Carole KneniB. Bernice Wolf. Peggy Min- P011lrftl1 RraOlc den. Shirlrv Welter. VxlllVOIl IlUtlllS spring, and had to hire most of his farm work done. He is a farmer living on Scio Road. Storm Topples is Trees, Blocks lian, Joe Hiller. The faculty presented awards as follows: School Spirit, Jeanne McCarthy: Panforth Foundation Award, John Coleman and JoAnn Richardson; , i , :,, ' 1 Dlnn farm east of Marion known ; "ry n.-. - the Pickard place nd a"euDuRe"e: ! Palmer retired a year ago a5 unship Award to Mane DuRette; superintendent of the San Pablo f word typing pin to Loramc school district in California. He Smith. 50 word pins to Gertrude had served there for 26 years. Frith. ( arole Harle. Thais H.ller 1 Surviving besides his wife. Clara Linda Farr. Kathleen Coleman and iM is a son. Edwin of El Cerrito, I Norene Hiller; 40 word pins to Calif : daughter. Mrs Eloise Hin- Kichard Kocn ano Anna Marie iger of Oakland, Calif.: brothers. ! Brentano: Driver Training Cer-Rex- A Palmer nf Albany; and i tificates to Linda Farr. Richard John Palmer of Portland: nieces I Koch. Norene Hiller, Rose Ellen and nephews, Mrs. Harris and McMahon: Kathleen Coleman, Mr. Smith of Jefferson and Mrs. j Norene HillerAPbmb bm bm bmg C. J. Thurston of Scio; three j Terry Kirk and Anna Mane Bren grandchildren. itano. Statesman N'ewi Service MARION FORKS - The violent storm nf Memorial Day afternoon left scores of persons marooned for : hours by tree-blocked roads in the Santiam country. Trees crashed near summer homes, some within a few feet, on' the Marion Lake route and three SILVERTON Funeral services toppled onto the loading platform. for Harry .lay Henderson. M, will of a logging operation. So far as Harrv Henderson Kites in Silverton Mortuary Today Rtateaman News Service was known, no one was injured. Trees were uprooted over a widej area, extending east to the Albany i will be in road junction Hoads were cleared by Thursday, in most instances. Nearly four feet of snow was re- hr Saturday at 2 p m at the Kk man Memorial Home with the Roy I M. Nelson of First Chris tian officiating Buna Silverton Cemetery. Henderson was born Oct 8. 1891. In Iowa and came to Silverton six years aao. He died Thursday night ported at the summit at his home, 600 Whitlier Ave Survivors are the widow, Edith Henderson, Silverton: two daugh ters, Mrs. Dawn Eldred, Silver ton, and Mrs. I.eslee Feldner. Laurel. Mont.; four brothers, Ray. Burt and Truman Henderson all in Sherwood. N. D.. and McKinle? Henderson in Woodhurn. and his mother Sherwood late Two Oakhurst Boys Honored at Exercise Suleiman Newl Service OAKHURST The Rev. M. M. Mohr, pastor of the SDA Church Mrs. Lydia Henderson in of Falls City, was the speaker at the Oak hurst School gradua i tion exercises. Also on the pro ' gram were soloist, Darrell Cole man, and violin soloist, Joan Colgrove. Eighth grade graduates were Wayne Severs and David Taylor. Teacher at the school is Mrs. Pearl Embree of Bridgeport, who will also teach here next year. AUCTI AT. JIM 2 1 P.M. mmesm Four Graduate From Pedec Statesman Newl Service PKDEE - r. C Green. Polk was County school superintendent principal speaker Wednesday at Pedee Grade School graduation ex ercises. Graduates were Earl Case. Bobby Prevo. Johnny Mills and Elizabeth Wages. Seventh grade pupils sang to the accompaniment of Mrs. Ivan Wil liams, first and second grade teacher, on the piano and Johnny Mills on the guitar. Bobby Prevo read the class history. Eighth grade teacher, Mrs. Alice Murphy, introduced the class, and dilpomas were presented by Eldon Gates, chairman of the board of directors. School closed Friday with an all grades picnic. Births At Valley Hospital. JEWS TO VISIT SOVIET JERUSALEM Of Reports cur rent here sav a delegation of the World Jewish Congress will go to , hey, Woodhurn, a son. May 31, at Russia in September. It is in re- j the Silverton Hospital. SILVERTON-To Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morgan, 9 i 1 v e r t o n, a daughter, May 29 at the Silverton Hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Steffen, Silverton, a son, May 29 at the Silverton Hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marten sen, Clackamas, a son, May 29, at the Silverton Hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Good ing, St. Paul, a son. May 30 at the Silverton Hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vande- sDonse to an invitation from Mos cow's Rabbi S. Schleiler to Dr. Nahum Goldmann, president of the congress and of the World Zionist Organization. STAYTON - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chase of Lyons, a son, May 29 at Santiam Memorial Hospital. WOODBURH AUCTION MKT. Woodburn, Oregon 'HOW Worth ol NAME BRAND MERCHANDISE SLIGHTLY DAMAGED IN FREIGHT Household Goods! Tools! -Ar Sporting Goods! Some Furniture! First Sale Of Its Kind Ever Held Here! Com larly and Inspect Merchandist AUCTIONEERS: RAY BURNHAM and NORM TOWNE II uiu. MMffl 'iinr Eat All You Wish Yes, you can eat all you wish of these delicious food products without any charge . . . however, keep in mind that anything that you can donate will be greatly appreciated by your local Y.M.C.A. Proceeds Go To Y.M.C.A. All the proceeds from the Smorgasbord will go to the YMCA "Instruction and Therapy" -swimming pool building fund. Donate to thh most worthy cause. SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: CASCADE MEATS, INCORPORATED CASCADE LUNCHEON MEATS it BENSON'S BAKING COMPANY BANNER BREAD ' mtii it KRAFT FOODS COMPANY CHEESE SLICES COTTAGE CHEESE PARKA Y MARGARINE W ARDEN FARMS ARDENS ICE CREAM BORDEN'S COMPANY INSTANT CHOCOLATE STARLAC POWDERED MILK A. J. PRINCE COMPANY OBERTI OLIVES RIVIERA RAVIOLI i MENESTRONE SOUP it STOKELY-VAN CAMP, INCORPORATED VAN CAMPS PORK t BEANS it M.J.B. COMPANY M.J.B. ROASTER FRESH COFFEES it MAILLI ARD - SCHMEIDEL COMPANY DROMEDARY CAKE MIXES it KUBLA KHAN FOOD COMPANY CHINA MAID PORK FRIED RICE it NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY RITZ CRACKERS McCUNE FOOD SALES NALLEYS POTATO CHIPS can .CM Saturday, June 2 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Bergs "Downtown" Only ACROSS FROM MEIER & FRANK IN DOWNTOWN SALEM w m mm m -mmw .-. J in M.r Another Community Scrvico by SoUm'i Home Owned Complete Food Centert (MMtoCtaH otalMftl "ftaSIiv&nniJ Support Your Local V.M.CA. It's Better to Build Boy Than to Mend Men! V v