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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1956)
o 800 Real Esbte 10 HoirsesforSoU I HOMESELLERS C D. McCARGAR, RLTR. GOOD RENTAL INVESTafENT. Near 8. High School. Well built t-yar-old S-bdrm. home Large 11 vine nn and dminf area. Wired tor washer, dryer. Call Martha Thiesen tve- yMai. ENGLEWOOD DIST. ON N. Hth. Only I block from fhool: email t-bdrm. home with bemt Placa haa loti of possibilities. Wonderful lot: Nice ahrube k lawn, lmm J'ate poaacaaioB. Reduced to J? : payment $S oar mo. CaU Tulllua ava. t-KM, SUBDIVISION PROPERTY. acre cloaa In: South. Small house; prlca 15.000 with $750 down. Call Faye Seal eva. 4-9314. W N. High St. Ph. 4-4441 Why Pay Rent? IM DOWN On thu 4-bdrm. home wtth a new roof. Cloaa In North, i with city water and aewer. immeoiaia poaaeaaion. Ask a-384 $500 Down TILE BATH In thiaj aolidly built I-bdrm. home Nice nit kitchen with tile, drainboard. Dble. garage no fenced yard. Price $7. 009 Ask lor Richard Klumpp. ave. 1-3884. L. E. Klumpp. Realtor 30SS Portland Road, Ph. 2-7642 SUBURBAN Nearly ', acre with 3 bdrmi . living room with fireplace, kitchen, dinette, large laundry room, paved street, food well, food lawn. Lot of room to garden. Located East on Mun kers street In very good neighborhood Clone to school nd bus. $12,200 with terms. $500 DOWN Completely redecorated inside i snd out. 2 bdrms., living room i nd dining room, kitchen with lots of bulltlns. laundry room, "'""o garage wun snop space. Located North on i Highway Ave. $1,000. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING i Insurance 3 Real Estate Mortgage Loans Of. 3-9S17. Eves. 2-4701 or J-7386 807 Apt's. Courts for Solo BY Owner: I unit Apt. house, each with bath, 1 furnished. Good rental diat. S blocks from Capitol. 4 blocks from center of busines district Ph. 2-733. 808 Lots For Sola LARGE lot wonderful E. view of city A Mt. for daylight bsm't home. city water. Streets, sewers in. Ress. Ph :-49 WESTRIDGE ADDITION Large lots, wide streets, scenic. Reas . Wallace Jld. 3-8835. BEAUTIFUL landscaped 3 bdrm home w '1.158 sq. ft. Fireplace If lrg. tnslda utll., exception ally nice floor plan. I12.SW0. Ph. 4-7389. BELVEDERE GARDENS Choice residential lota, commu nity water, wide paved streets, curbs, construction financing available for builders. C. V. Kent & Co. REALTORS 45 N Church Ph 4-1293 MAKE offer on my equity La bish Village, balance due in cludes street assessments. Ph 4-5270. 4 LOTS In Rest LawrTcardenr 1175 ea. E. B. Smith. Ph. 3-B301 J A. SOUTH PHONE 4-6213 ON Croisan creek. 'j A-lots, all year creek 3 ml. from city etr Ph. 4-2940 810 Farms For Sale GOOD ranch for Nutria 20 A view. temp, house Oak A fir timber. 100 ft. well, new lum ber A plumbing for new hse. Inc $5600. $800 dn. Will trade. J Ranks. l'a ml. So. Clover dale Soh , Turner. no best Buys TOP FARM VALUE U plus acres. Mostly Wlllam elte silt On pavement East. Crain and hay crops includ ed. Clean modern 4-bdrm "WT,! VamiTy fruit 2 chicken houses Ma- chine shed. Good set of ma- I chmerv available. FxreHent 1 value a' $1.1 500 Call Mr ! - Crawford. Eve Ph. 4-5020. AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS .122 N Church Ph 4-331 1 or 3-7R20 40 AC'RF Brass pasture, close in Will lease. Ph 2-0077. 812 Exch. Root Estota SPORTING Goods. Hardware, and Liquor Store. Plus Liv. Qrtrs Owner states a possible $15 000 00 Net profit per year. Only $36,50000 Total. Incl $15.000 00 Net profit per year 000 00 will handle Owner will consider home in Salem as nartdown payment. Write J. Lucas. Central Oregon Realty. Rt. 1, Box 54. Bend. Oregon FOR SALE or trade for house or lot. 1956 Ford Victoria. 2915 Sliverton Rd. Ph. 2-0938 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sola '49 CAD. "M"-4-dr. Must sell, $45. 1-1259. B53 Auto Parts t Repairs REASONABLE mech labor. Valves ground 1095 S. 12th. Ph. 4-0773. 1950 BUICK Special 4-door. one owner. Fully equipped Ex cellent condition. 2164 Brooks St after 4 p m. or all day Sunday. BS4 Trucks, Trail, for sola FOR SALE. 1949 Dodge panel, good tires good brakes, good cond. $350. 3274 Jack St. '54 FORD (s T. S. Excel cond. 11.000 ml. $1149. Ph. 2-580 "BUS FOR SALE 28 PASSENGER; GOOD PH. 4-52S0 I1, TON Ford truck, good cond. $25. 320 So Lancaster Dr 6LDChev. prckupT$r50 Call alter ( pm 4-7528 FI.ATBF.D i with grain V.ox 13', ft Call 4-5822 '48 FORD 't ton pick-up, exc cond. Ph ave. Jefferson Falr- tas 7-2025. 850 Automotive IS1 New Cars COME! SEE! DRIVE! THE NEW 1956 4 DOOR SEDAN $1393 FULLY EQUIPPED 50 MPG 72 MPH MORE THAN EVER THE WORLD'S MOST POPULAR BUDGET CAR. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Reniult Sties 4 Service 104 LIBERTY RD. .PH. 4-7505 8S2 Use. Con For Sale Chevrolet SUL Wgn. COST NEW . $3,438 M ... I 111.00 YOU SAVE THIS WEEK END 12.711 00 a passenger. V-l, power pack, power brakes, tinted glass, white wall tires .radio, heater, tu-tone paint, and like ntw. SEE IT! BANK TERMS AYNBEE MOTORS 540 Union Ph 1-0701 Nile Ph. 3-3153, 4-7587 FOR SALE or trade 1951 De Soto convert., new top It A-l. 1952 Bulck lHT.1. also 1053 Indian motorcycle. No down payment. Call -1123 or -6465 149 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-dr.. very clean, $250. By owner. Ph 4-9740 18y POJJTIAC 4 df.'sdn. Chief, win "'. excel, cond. 11.100. 1950 NASH Statesman, heater o-dnve. near perfect tires 1254 Edgewater. Ph 2-9458 1951 KAISER Deluxe. 4 dr Ex cellent cond Radio. Heater, Dk 1 tnxn in, VT . . '95 MERCURY Montclair Sport Sedan, 4.900 miles, will take trade. 1080 North Summer St. hi uinr .t ..hi , heater. continental kit. 11,275. Ph. 2-5558. 51 CAD. hard top coupe. Excel, cond.. low mileage, one driver. Ph. 3-3849. & 40 CHRYSL. Cpe. I 25 dn I 50 46 NASH Sdn $ 29 dn. $ 69 47 tHEV. Sdn. $ 49dn I 99 47 KAISER Sdn. .. I 49 dn. I 99 '40 CHEV. CI. Cpe. I 59 dn. $129 48 CHEV. Aero $ 79 dn. $219 49 HUDSON CI. C. t 89 dn. $219 49 PLYMTH Sdn. $109 dn. $249 '49 FORD Clb. Cpe. $139 dn. $329 50 CHEV. Coach . $16dn. $499 51 BU1CK Rlv. Cp. $249 dn. $749 '35 INT'L Pickup $ 59 37 DODGE Pickup $ 79 42 INT'L Pickup $159 '39 CMC Pickup $ 79 dn. 1199 41 CHEV. Pickup .. $109 dn. K29 S3 CMC Pickup $219 dn $749 No Down Payment On Approved Credit ATNBEE MOTORS 540 Union Ph. 1-0703 Nit Ph. 1-3233, 4-7S8T 856 Wonted, Cars, Treks WE'RE PAYING TOP CASH For Clean Used Can Paid ""or or Not Bob 4 Bill's Used Can Union 4 High Sts. 858 Motorcycles TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 1940 Indun 30 50 Twin $ 95 1941 Indian 45 $125 1948 Chief 125 ... $ 95 1948 Harley $125 No cash needed on any pur chsse over $25 Shrock i, 1375 Highland Ph. 2-1423. 860 Auto Miscellaneous PARTS for '46 Mercury. Phone 3-8837 862 Housa Trailers IBM 35' 2 bdrm. sliahlly used on Western Mennonite School csmpus. 10 miles North of Salem on Wallace Rd Rt. 1. Box 826. Exceptional buy. TRADE equity in 2 bdrm home for trailer house. Ph 2-8375 f8FT FACTORY built nailer house$400 Ph 2-1164 TRADE your late model cr or pick-up for equity in S6 40 ft , 2 bdrm. trailer. 4-5198 l949 MARVILLE house trailer, 16 ft $400. Ph. 2-0135 TRADE equity 27' Pan 4, Mod I "5rd. ItTph" 4-077.1 FOR SALE 27' 7.immer house t:ailr. 'lecps 6. 9M 2597 Plld Rd TRAILER space for rent-Reas 2.W7 Portland Rd SPECIAL 1955 MODEL 42 - ft 2-hdrm trailer. $2895. JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2640 Portland Rd. Ph. J-8043 VACATION sire trailer houses lot sale or rent. See Earl Majm. 4030Silverton RdJJ" 1951, 25 FT. metal trailer house; bath Birch Interior $350 down Ph 4-2217 ask for Baker. PLAY Shuffleboard at Salem'i New Center Street Trailer Court. Trailer Spaces available 4155 Cepter St. 12FT. metaMraller house, exc condition, reas. 170 W Brown ing. Eve. or week ends, 30 1953 Sportanette trailer home, like new, never been pulled By owner. Ph. 4-9740. TRAILER TOWINd JAYHAWK TRAHER SALES 1040 Portland Rd Ph -4J 1953. 35 ft. 2 bdrm. Richardson trailer hse , 1 party owner No trades. $2194. Ph. 2-4304. 5085 Ptld Rd nR CREST Trailer Park under new management, restricted spaces for rent 3910 N River Rd Ph at-0313 TRADE equity In 3-bdrm. mod. home for late model trailer house. Ph. 4-4251 afle- jp m. BAllGAIN 21' trailer $695. Lena Lane, 1940 Lana Ave. 864 Heory Equipment CONTRACTOR SALE Loralne Moto-crane. BO-ft. boom, perfect cond. New lines As rubber. Crane accessories, " skips, brick tongs spreader bar. etc. Chevrolet A semi for boom carrier CMC 6x0 wwenrh A A-frame. Chev rolet panel mechanics truck. CMC 4x4 flat bed. gas grease A oil truck Van trailer, dual whels. 20-ft. for tools A warehouse Warehouse tent. 15x30-ft Euqip. can he seen at 1115 No. Lancaster Dt , Sa lem. Ph. 2-9597 any time. Priced right lor liquidation. REM 830 Automotive 850 Automotive 8S1 New Cert SHIMS!! JllIO M The NEW Place to Buy That NEW '56 FORD ACRES OF NEW FORDS TRUCKS & USED CARS Come on out for that DEMONSTRATION RIDE 3650 PORTLAND ROAD Virgil Pad John Slanchik 4-0535 8S2 Used Cars For Sola Our Goal is to Provde Pleasure That Lasts With the Life of the Car 1955 BUICK CENTURY A beautiful four door Riviera hardtop, finished In Jet black with white Urea. Intel lor is red At white Corda veen with silver flecked black nylon. Selectronlc radio. Dynaflow, heater, power brakes, etc. Wa eold new, 11,604 miles. $2895. 1954 BUICK SPECIAL Four door ted in with dynaflow radio. ho?ater. t-Z-Eye flau V cuatom interior. Finished in tea mut green wtth contrasting Interior trim We fold Ac serviced new. Serv ice record available 11995. 1935 BUICK SPECIAL RIVIERA 1955 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA 1953 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 1 $2595 ! 2895 1495 1956 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SDN. ... 2195 1953 BUICK SPECIAL TUDOR 1395 1951 FORD S SEDAN .. 545 OREGON'S OLDEST DEALER COMMERCIAL AT CHEMEKETA AT IfflE WITH NO DOWN 0 A. '52 DODGE 4 DR W95 Hester, white walls, clean. 51 PACKARD 4 DR. $595 Radio, healer. I'ltramalic. clean. 51 STUDE. 4 DR. V-8 $545 Radio, heater, auto drive '51 CHEV. 4 DR. $595 Radio, heater. Powerglide '50 FORD V-8 2-DR. $395 Heater, seat rovers, clean '50 MERCURY 4 DR. $395 Heater, overdrive. 50 LINCOLN 4 DR. Hadio, heater, hydra, clran. $495 Very 15 MORE CARS IN STOCK ALL MAKES AND MODELS OPEN EVES. & ALL DAY SUNDAY BARGAIN CENTER OF SALEM Silverton Rd. and Lancaster Dr. Ph, 4-9114 51 Chev. V-l Sta. Wgn. $2350 Radio, heater, powerglide. turn signals, windshield washers, white side walls. 9.700 miles. Not a year old Like new. 54 Chev. 4-Dr. Sdn. $1.1!i5 Radio, heater, powerglide. turn signals. 2-tone blur '54 Ply.. 2-dr. sdn. $1095 Radio, heater. 22 ntxi mues. Really sharp 93 Ply Convert $10H5 Radio, heater. Hydra, drive. new lop iSh.-upi. 53 Olds. Super 18 sdn $1195 Radio, heater, hvdra ' nr signals, white side walls. 2- lore S3 Hlllman Minx sdn $A5fl All leather upholstery. Pays for itself on gas savings. '53 Ply Savoy Sta. Wgn $1350 Radio, heater, overdrive, white side walls, air foam cushions, very low mlleaee '52 Ford V-S Clb $799 Radio. heater, overdrive, turn signals. 2-tone Sharp. 49 Ply. Special Deluxe sdn. $350 Radio heater, original paint. Very nice. 40 Dodge I-ton panel . $195 2-Wheel all metal trailer $85 2 '49 Fords, '4 Olds., '4S Chev. Clb.. '42 Chev. sdn., '41 Chev. Sea These Great Buys Soon At DEWEY'S 3080 Market Ph. 3-4061 Oregon s Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Cars Commercial k Chemeketa Ph 4-571 i 51 CROSI.FY Station Wagon. Radio heater A all extras Excel con. 4895 Swegle Road. I sins IS1 New Cars Del Strand Warren Hocker 852 Used Cars For Solo 1951 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 495; 1951 STUDEBAKER VJ SEDAN 495 1949 BUICK SEDAN (Choice of three) 295 1947 BUICK SEDANETTE 195 I 1946 BUICK SDN 125 1940 FORD 65 INI J VJ PHONE 4-5711 THE PAYMENT C. 49 FORD CONVERT. CPE. $225 Radio, heater, new motor, custom interior. As-Is Specials '50 OLDS "98" JI t0 Clb sdn . heater, hydra , good motor 48 OLDS "98" 4 DR. Rsdio. heater, hydra. $110 good Trucks '49 CHEV. 2 TON $!W5l Power take-off. two-speed i axle. 12-ply tires, clean. I '46 CHEV. 1'2-T0N 1 4-speed. metal bed, $495 heater. i IVI E To 1255 N. Broadway MASTER MOTORS NKW 56 Chfv Bel Air 4-dr V-B Radio Af hiatfr power flid powerpark. Whitehall. beautiful black t Ivory fin- '56 Cnev Bel Air 4-dr V-R Radio A- heater, overdrive white walls, tutone paint. USED '55 Chev V-8 4-dr Low mileage. '52 Pont Chieftain 8 Radio k heater, hvdia '52 Ford V-8 4-dr $1795 $895 n '51 Cad K 4-dr $1595 One owner, low milepge. 51 Merc 4-dr. $595 ! 50 Olds 88 Sdn $595 I J- 51 Fords All sw 2 2-drs. Ac 1 clh, cpe. 51 Stude Landcruiser $595 Ajto. trans 50 Ford Clb. Cpe $495 Radio k heater, pverdrwc 49 Ford Clb. Cpe $39$ 41 Bulck Convertible .. . $295 48 Nssh Ambassad. CI. Cp. $189 48 Dodge 4-dr 1185 '47 Chev Aero Sdn $185 47 Chrysler New Yorker $165 4-Door. '51 Kaiser, overdrive $445 NEW a, USF.D Union A Commercial Ph 3-3175 - - - I1V1 MFRCURY Mnntercv sta tfcn wgn.. overdrive A heat - er. 9 passenger clean, will trade. 3663 Harvey St. ME! 1E Will Chevrolet Cadillac (850 Automotive 52 Vtti Cort For Sate . This it the time of year when we place all our execu tive cart on our Used Car Lot and offer them at terrific savings. So . . . right now you can get a new M Ford and save enough to pay for your sum mer vacation. These can have low mile age, each has had careful ser vice, frequent attention, and topnotch care. They're the BEST BUYS in Town! Check the List Take Your Pick! OOQ Customline Fordors Radio and heater, Ford-o- Matic Diamond Blue Meadow Mist Green Colonial White Fairlane Tudors POWER EQUIPMENT . Tan ft- White Grey A White Fairlane Fordors " EXTRAS GALORE Two-Tone Blue 'Two-Tone Green Colonial White Raven Black at White Blue A White Bermuda Blue Country Squire STATION WAGON Colonial Whit Stylttone Fairlane Victorias BEAUTIFUL Raveff Black A- White Fiesta Red k White Fairlane Town Sdan REAL CLASS Nocturne Blue Sunliner CONVERTIBLE Fiesta Red' Si White' Parklane Ranch Wagon Bost Beautiful on Wheels Two-Tone Blue Crown Victoria GORGEOUS! Colonial White Stvletone V-8 110" Pickup, red. V-8 F100 Pickup, red and white. NO Set Down Payment No Set Mo. Payment . SAVE ENOUGH FOR YOUR THE NEW VALLEY MOTOR PI Uhfftv flt CentfT 3-31 47 OPEN EVERY EVENING "TIL 9 '31 MODF.I.-A Victoria Best offer over $100 Ph. 4-9294. 4975 Hickman j H948 PONTIAC 2-dr Torpedo. radio heater excellent buy atj!50 By owner Ph. 4-9740 '49 Nash Amb. . '49 Ford V-S ... '41 Chevy 4-dr. A good one. 1185 $165 Fleetllne $ 40 Chevy $30 SEVERAL OTHERS PRICED ACCORDINGLY. Jl'ST NO. OF THEATER, 5620 PORTLAND RD. PH 4-2411 DEALER 1 - I 'j T PICK-l'P bed A racks. l?n 14. W r-Kam.Ma PH l-4Mi - T " " " j 51 CHEV I-dr. Extra nice Will take small trade. Ph. 2-4057. I 1939 Norway. f BEE BffllSI! ins ll Ii! I l l FK1EE: 8o0 Automotive 8S2 Use Cars For SaU ijiSf .lirltatiflfl IN A NATIONAL 100 Warranty os parts labor good for one year regardless of how-many miles you drive. 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air $1895 Radio, heater, powerglide, 1S.0OS-mllea. 1955 Chevrolet 210 Radio, heater, whitewalte. K.ant mile. 1955 Chevrolet 210.4-Dr Radio, heater whltewalls, 11,000 miles. 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air Radio, heater. Jet black, 1954 Chevrolet 210 2-Dr. . . Radio, heater, one owner, sharp. 1953 Buick Special 4-Dr. Sedan $1295 Radio, heater, dyna., 11.000 ml'es. GOODWILL GUARANTEED CARS 1952 PONTIAC CAT $995 Radio, heater, all leather. 1951 OLDS. SUPER 88 $895 Club coupe, radio, heater, hydra., sharp. 1952 STUDE. V-8 CPE. $695 Radio, heater, one owner. TRANSPORTATION BARGAINS 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN . $495 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN . $295 1949 MERCURY SEDAN $200 1947 FORD SEDAN YOU CAN'T BEAT 660 N. Liberty Used Car You Will Be Proud TO OWN PRICED RIGHT 1953 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 2 DR. Sedan, fully equipped, really sharp 1953 PLYMOUTH CAMRRIDGE 4 DR. Sedan, teat rovers, fresh tu-tone green. A buy at 1951 PACKARD MAYFAIR (HARDTOP) Clean as hew Inside k out. only 41.000 miles, fully equipped ..: ONLY $8M 1950 DE SOTO DELUXE 4 DR. Sedan, radio, heater, original finish. PICKUP Ford 1951 shape ' Ton with canopy top. 4 peed trans., fine . TODAY ONLY $595 MANY MORE TO PRICED FROM $95 TO $349 Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH "BETWEEN THE BRIDGES" SALEM. OREGON 'M Chev. V-B Hardtop, new $$$ '55 Chev. 6 Sdn. $1793 55 C hev Station Wgn. SISflS 54 Tord Fairlane $1995 Club; this Is a terrific h.iv 54 Chev Dlx. $ Dr . $1395 53 Chev. Bel-Air 1 Dr $1005 Black, w w. tires, p. fj. 5 Chev V-l Bel-Air, $2!95 Less than 1,000 miles, equip ped. '54 rord Wagon V-l $1105 R , H . O. D Like new 53 Ruick Special 1 Dr. $799 This is extra nice. 56 Ford Ranch Wen $W9J Overdrive. 1.000 actual miles '55 Ford V-l Sdn $1795 ' Dandy, green A ivory 5.1 Chev Dlx. 4-Dr $1095 Very popular model. $195 48 Willvs Sta. Wen Overdrive Good RAH 51 Chev. 4-Dr. Extra $A95 1ES SrT I'S BKFORE RUYING COMPLETE SATISFACTION, RATE RANK TERMS LIBERAL DISCOUNT EVES 4-3490 1305 KUOEVYA I r-H ivw. 2-.-a EIsw litin '55 CHEV. STAT. WGN. V-l 4 dr.. radio, heater ; " powerglide ! '55 FORD RANCH WGN. i in new condition ! .54 ,,-0RD RANCH WGN. Realty a dandv and fullv. equipped 55 WILLYS 4 wheel drive wa(trn. new. 53 PLYM. SUBURBAN One of the best. 53 CMC PICKUP Like new and fully eulp-i ped. 53 MERCURY SPORT CP. Jet black, overdrive, wall tires. vhite! 2 CENTER ft HIGH '4! O i)(.r. sdn Buns well $30 4H40 Sunnyvirw Ave. LATT. '52 Hudson Commander, exc. cond. Ph. S-7130. 850 Automotive 852 Usoa Cars Foe Sola 2-Dr $1695 .$1695 $1395 white walla, one owner. .$1295 1954 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $8SS Heater, white walk. 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN $795 Radio, heater, one owner. 1952 NASH STATESMAN $695 Radio, heater, overdrive, very sharp. 1951 HUDSON 2 DR. 1951 KAISER 4 DR. 1949 KAISER 4 DR $495 '$295 $150 $8511947 PONTIAC SEDAN .. $75 !! fmtm Phone 2-4113 Only $114$ air heater, beautiful $M5 ...SAVE, SAVE -S4$ PICKUP CHOOSE FROM PHONE S-4117 90 Chev Sdn. ( Dr $99$ Hower glide, very clean. '50 Chev. 4-Dr. Dandy SSSS '4$ Ford V-l Cpe. R. k H. $115 tl Ford 1-Dr. Sdn $$ Radio, heater at overdrive. i 11 Bulck Hardtop $SM Radio, heater k dyna., sharp 49 Pontiac I Sdn Good $300 50 Chev. Dlx. 4-Dr. $55 51 Chev. Dlx. 4-Dr $5 50 Plymouth Clb. Cpe $595 $1 Ford Clb. Cpe $M Radio, heater, overdrive, V-l 41 Chev. 5-Dr, Sdn $50 4 Ford 39 Chev ton Pickur $195 Sdn New Tire . $50 49 Ford V-l Sdn. . $795 $195 $395 $595 $095 $75 . $3J $211 LOW 49 Ford Convert. V-l 49 Mercury Sdn. O. D. . 50 Buick Spc Sdn. I'll Plymouth 4-Dr. Sdn. j 4I Cn,v Aero Sdn 40 Chev. Cpe. 1 47 Slude Champ. Sdn. AT J '55 CHEV. BEL AIR J Hardtop. V-l. loaded with 1 extras J '56 CHEV. DEL RAY CPE. Onlv 1,800 miles ! 55 KORD VICTORIA Hardtop; lis perfect snd has everything ! 55 KORD CUSTOMLINE like! V-8 Sdn. Another nearly ! '54 BUICK SUP. RIVIERA J Hardtop. 1 owner, low mile I age ! '55 PACKARD SUP. V-8 SD. One owner car. only 13.000 miles. ! '54 WILLYS 6-CYL. SDN- horse motor, radio, htal- er. overdrive. UJ LOTS 1 NION k HIGH 3.1 FORD Rdstr 'SI Olds mtr white walls Ph 2-7879. 54 Ford 6. 26.000 actual ml. $995. 759 Vista. Th. 4-7944. 830 Antomotive 8S2 UsaaJ Can Foe Sat POST Auto Sales M CADILLAC CPE. $3595 AU Um extras, nkt new. 5$ BUICK SPECIAL 4 DR. . $3395 Hardtop, VON mllea. radio, haa tar, pewer steeruuj aod brakes. 55 BUICK ROADMASTER .. . $2595 Sdn.. loaded with all power equipment, radio, heater, dynaflow. U,0$ ' mllas. M MERCURY HARDTOP $1795 Radio, heater. 55 CHEV 210 SDN $1895 V-t. radio, heater, power glide, S brand new General white wall tires, this la a one owner 11.00$ mile car. 51 CADILLAC tX SDN. $1S Radio, heater, hydrematte. power window, and aeal. This car haa only beea drive Jt.ooa mile by Portland lady, same aa new. 54 OLDS 'If SDN. $1895 Hydramatlc, new Urea. '51 HUDSON HORNET SDN $???? Fully equipped. 52 OLDS '88' HOLIDAY $1499 Cp., radio, heater, k hy dramatlc. 51 BUICK SUPER . . $795 Hardtop, radio, heater, at dynaflow. beautiful maroon with white top. 52 NASH RAMBLER STA $795 Station wagoa, radio, heat- 51 CHRYSLER WINDSOR $695 Clb. Cpe., really sharp one owner car. Fully equipped S3 WILLYS SDN. $595 One owner, lota of econom ical transportation for thl low pnoa. '54 FORD H TON PICKUP $1095 POST AUTO SALES OPEN EVES. TILL IP.M. c 110S SO. 12TH PH. 44231 MOLL MOTORS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Tip Top Used Cars Silverton. Ore. Ph. J-B1M Hand Picked Cars NOT TRADE-INS 1954 Ford 4 Dr. $1295 una new. 1955 Olds Hard top $2395 fully Muip4, iowr hntom S a a V 1 iyoo Liincoin Capri ....$2995 Hardtop, fully power, $M0 air conditioner, compare thl) car. 1954 Chev. Bel Air ..$1395 J-dr , white wall Urea, radle k heater. 1951 Chev. 2 Dr. $695 Radio At heater, power glide, motor completely overhauled, looks k runs like new. Kaiser Darrin $.000 miles. If you are look ing for a sports car Is want clasa this car has It. wm USED CARS' Open Eves, 'til I P. M. 1890 E. CAPITOL PH. 3-7804 "SAFE BUY" 59 UNCOLN CAPRI . coupe, full power, all-leather Interior one owner, and It Is priced to selll 55 MERCURY HARDTOP radio heate and overdrive, nappy red k white, priced right! 54 MERCURY SEDAN one owner, fully equipped, real buyl '53 MERCURY HARDTOP radio, heatar, overdrive, red with white top, rarln' to go reaaonaoie price' mm Lincoln-Mercury. Inc. 493 N. Com'l Ph. 1-3012 THE CAR MAKES GOOD OR WE DO" WESTERN MOTORS 1283 Broadway Ph. 3 9622 '5$ BUICK SUPER RIV. CPE. Fully equipped plus power steering at power brakes, one owner, very clean $2695 '55 PONTIAC STATION WGN Only 11.000 miles, one own er, rrdlo A heater k hydra, leu than 1.000 miles on new ttrr. li re new 12395 '53 CHEV BEL AIR Sport Cpe. Power glide, radio k neat er, sharp . $1219 '52 PONTIAC CATALINA Low mileage, locally owned. Immaculate Inside It out. fully equipped $lli WE NEED CARS Will pay top cash for good 'clran eiri, my model or make. 1953 STUDUAKER f r uVk m Berry grower special with flatbed ready to go $995- terms 1640 Portland Rd $1 Mercury J-door Montere Merc --matte. Real nice $695 r an be financed. Sea at Sunnyvlew, 4240 Statesman, Salem, Ore Sat., June 2, 1933 (Sec. II) 13 830 Automotive 832 UsaJ Can Foe Sole WANT IB 6 mm YES! We want is make sojtm of yoa lucky people happy, Come la sad teat drive any car oa our lot TERMS! Where yon want them! U. S. NAT. BANK. 1ST NAT BANK, GENERAL MOTORS. The deal is as food as your sV Mncinf. 1954 "$" OLDS 4 DOOR SON. RADIO. MIATUL aTYDRAUATIC. MS PAINT. RIAL SHARP. KM 1954 "St" OLDS. HOLIDAY CPS. MARINE 1LUI AND WHITE WTT FULL EQUIP MUTT. $1.1 41 1954 MERCURY RUN VALLEY HARDTOP, FULL EQUIPMENT AND FULL POWU, A REAL NICE SPORT CAR, TOUR FOS 1955 FORD FAIRLANE 4 DR. RADIO, HEATER. PORD-OMATIH ONLY MM A TOP NOTCH CAR. $US$. . 1954 OLDS. -M' 4 DR SEDAN. RUNS LIKE A DREAM. FULL. POW. ER. ONE COLOR, THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED, $sjtt We Hive Many Others to Okooc From REMEMBER! If it comes from LODER'S IT'S GOOD 461 No. High 1953 KAISER I DR. SDN 1151 rORD 4 DR. : . 1959 BUICK CONVERTIBLE 1953 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN una LHE.V. run Lit uUVa 195V NASH SDN 194$ PONTIAC, SEDANETTE 1949 NASH SDN 1949 FORD $ PASS. CPE. 1949 FORD 8DN 194$ DODGE SDN 1951 FORD H TON PICKUP 1943 FORD H TON PICKUP 37$ S. Lancsiter, 3 Blocks Soutli of State St., Four Corners Open Sunday. Ph. 4-7304 OKA 1955 CADILLAC $4095 tl. 4 DR. DUAL RANGE. HY DRA., RADIO, MB A TEH, TINTED GLASS, AUTRONIC EYE. POWER STEERINO, BRAKES AND SEAT. A PINE CAR WITH I YEAR ion WARRANTY 1955 CHEVROLET $1545 TWO DOOR SEDAN. HERE IS YOU 14 orronruniiT iu OWN A $t MODEL CAR AT A VERY LOW COST WAR. RANT E ED FOR I FULL YEAR 1955 CHEVROLET $2045 V-l BEL AIR. 4 DR. SEDAN, RADIO. HEATER. TINTED GLASS. WHITE SIDE WALL TIRES. BACK UP LIGHTS. A CLEAN CAR TO BE PROUD OF. WARRANTEED FOR 1 YEAR. BEST DEAL felt tolir WITH teWDlit Oil USED Union and Com'l. MCE OP A LIFETIME 19M PONTIAC 'TO" CATALINA COUPE BEAUTIFUL BOLERO RED k MIST WHITE PINISH WITH STRIKING BLACK NYLON k WHITE LEATHER INTERIOR, 137 HP. ENGINE WITH 4-BARREL CARB. DUAL EX HALMS, DUAL RANGE HYDRA MAT1C, RADIO,, HEATER. BACK UP LIGHTS." WINDSHIELD WASHERS at UNDER COAT t MILES WITH 100-. WARRANTY ON PARTI AND LABOR FOR ONI YEAR. $2795 Iiipiil rates. 660 No. Liberty 830 Automotive IS1 Usoei Can Foe Sol Ph. 2-7973 : .....$SI $5 $49 :..........$84$ aun ...... $39$ , ....................i.....;-.$Itt .....$ $1 $13$ . omoo i...H 1953 CADILLAC $2495 FLEETWOOD SEDAN IN AM ATTRACTIVE t TONf GREEN. PULL POWER EQUIP STENT, A 1 OWNER CAR WITH A rtrtX YEAR WARRANTY ON IT. , 1952 BUICK $1095 SPECIAL HARDTOP BPffl ll COUPE, VERY CLEAN, WEL1 EQUIPPED WITH NATION BONDED WARRANTT, 1955 CHEVROLET $2045 lit 4 DR. V-l SEDAN WITH RADIO. HEATER, POWER GLIDE ONLY 11.000 MI1.IS. ALSO TINTED CLAM i POWER BRAKES. CAR -DEPT. Pin. 3-3175 Ph. 2-4113