8Sec I) Statesman, Salem,. Ore., FrL, June 1, '56 Special Fvrtkaul Swiss Hankies RS.$1.00t$UO 65t Whit with colored embroidered fcillops and other dainty designs especially good for June gifts. Spnkl fmhaul . Pur Silk Printed Scarves letj.$1.00 fytciaf fKttoff .: Beauty Mirrors e.t-$J75 $1.59 Special! Beauty mirrors In beauti ful lurite frame! Buy these for 59! Pure silk scarves in Um popular squares. Gorgeous prints in multi color patterns. Florals and tailored designs. Main floor. graduation gifts, birthdays, etc. . . . i . cosmetic uepi. aiain 54th&NNIVE SALE! ' . .' ' . V . - Beginning Friday Morning RSARY ..9:30 Nylon Brief Style Panties 49' 10 Ml 4 Sale tVMTfl HMf Olif IRVICI FOR IIOHT 40 P& Srt Compmitmn: I earli dinner plitrt, wild plitrt, cupi, Mucfrt, tout bowli. BATH SOAP MEN'S SPORT SKIRTS - $1.98 Completely washable butcher's linen weaves in rayon and cotton. Tool, short sleeves. Plain lime, peach, aqua, tan etc. All sizes. MEN'S SHORTS ..... 69c Men's light balbrigizan type summer shorts. A special purchase! White in sues 30 through 38 waist. MEN'S T-SHIRTS 79e White T-Shirts of fine balbrigsan cotton for whi"- ,ine .u'''y brief style panties In summer wear. Small, medium ar,4 large. this 54th Anniversary sale at a little price! MEN'S PAJAMAS .... $2.95 Sizes 5, 6, 7. Shop now and save! 2nd floor. Men's coat and middy style cotton pajamas in excellent quality cotton prints. A special purchase at 92 95'. Casserole and Warmer In Brass Holder 'ST $2.88 rr,$3.88 $2995 RIO. VALUI $S)0.80 SAVE $20.85 A charming California serving for 8 at a limited time only tarings. Brock it aationally fasnont for fine dinnerware that it charming, colorful and gay, jet sophisticated enough te blend with popular modern or prorincial settings. Delightful detignt la butter yellows, meadow greens and country browns set a gay mood for any meal. . Make hostessing a real joy. Buy now and save! f STORE HOURS:FRIDAY and MONDAY . 9:30 TO 5:30-OTHER WEEK DAYS 77: 9:30 TO 5 :30 SALE! IMPORTED NEEDLEPOINT f'J 8 bars for 88' tttlUX HUCt 25c cola Stock vp now during (hit sol. Hvndrtdt of cokti of ganrla rick lolhtring both toop, ail of frwit qua My . . . frandt milled h "Ml tongar and to m you aony. Owom froa Pin Con, Seven CWomina Geo, on draw, Caraofion, Cor da, and Appla aiouom Girls' Rayon Pontics O Regular 5!c 0 Brief style O Pink, white, It blue Small print designs Downstairs Flo stie Thermo 8091 O Regular $3 98 O 4 rippers O Diaper bag O Colors. Downstairs Houbigont Hond Lotion With dispenser O Rfg $2 00 value O Cosmetic Dept. Nylon Hair Brushes 0 Reg $1 49 O Very sturdr 0 Cosmetic Dept. 39 Rayon and Nylon Slips s2.59 Scallop trimmed bustline and hem. Siies 32 to 44. Colors . . . white, black, navy. Slight irregulars of $4.00 quality. 2nd floor. In smart pastel colors of blue, yellow, white and pink. Gift shop, main floor. Imported Colored WATER SET $2.99 Belgium Imports . . . popular colored glasses in 10-ounre size. $098 ANNUAL SALE OF SUMMER $150 1 98 A $2.00 Value Jacqueline Cochron Deodorant a Fr.u'r.r 1 7,1 I mm n. A "tirn Hcodoriint t-or m e Cosmetic Ivpt. MAIN FLOOR FABR RAYON LINEN WEAVE 45-ineh completely washable rayon linen weave fabric for your cool sum mer apparel such as dresses, suits, skirts, etc. Reg. IMS yd. Yd FINE COTTONS Tlaids. checks, stripes, some dark tissue ginsham and printed percales. Novelty cottons. 36 to 42" widths, Reg 8ftc to $1 25 d. Yd PLISSE COTTONS For children's play clothes, pajamas, dusters, bl(u.ies, shirts, etc. Reg 59c yd, Yd 88' 69' 39' Special Purchase Luxury SENSATIONAL! SLIPS WiCt '-. 7. .. -J v . k I.. ,r ' ft H' ,. w'vf7- fsjTFil QO ' 7'"7'I.lf .v!7;; f? (f;vv .7 'KWl rji;' Hurry for the most thrilling needlepoint values you've seen in many a year. Huge purchases make these extremely low prices possible while quantities last. Beautiful pieces already embroidered. All you do is fill in the background . . . for chair, lench, spinet seat, footstool or framing as an exquisite picture, (iros point and tranie' pieces. From 15"xl8" to 23"xl6". To make selection easy bring dimension of the piece of furniture to Ix- covered. 21 Series Towna. Rich Textured Finish All Channel Tuning only HIT Here's a pretlily pnred beauty made with the kind of details usually found only in the costli est slips. Rofers luxury nylon tricot with a lined bodice all e lace front and back . more lace and net at the hem See the new cumnt side panels far the tmoothest Hi yet. White 4010. sues 32-42 'A A ,). Salesman's Samples Full Length Foundations Reg. to $20.00 BUCILLA NEEDLEPOINT Sp. 5.49 g BUCIILA NEEDLEPOINT 3.98 BUCILLA NEEDLEPOINT . .. 2.98 BUCILLA NEEDLEPOINT $1.98 JS, BUCILLA NEEDLEPOINT $1.49 , t" BUCIILA NEEDLEPOINT 1.29 ; tl? BUCILLA NEEDLEPOINT 79 . ... i , , , l. If you neel help in starting your needlework, our qualified instructor will give you ' tht necetsory help . . . Plen right now to do a piece or two of this fine Bucilla .' needlepoint while you are enjoying the summertime leisure at the seashore or - mountain retreat. ; AIT NEEDLE DEPT.-DOWNSTAIRS N mtttr hew yow loolt t rt RCA Virlor i osev Town n on of ih grt vlui m BC A V r tnr hnpr-, ! rtrfrmjnaia)V J..t ..t lit! vn,j t.a. ,- p ft ' CIO (?CA Vir"Sr frnoui 0erit ''A!' C'r.n ' p tturt titb1 l s Ha btQqr,: ri'pt prf. tuff in 2' sefiS TV Ar f) it i lymrn id to qiv vou gfPfltr hrilhnc nd tontrsff ttylinf? O" loo trll tl itory No dil or cadqu hr a. mrt tlen lin of BCA Victors Citing ofsv "Un MenhanicAl look" - TV s lint conpfeie r ttylmg Now I th timt lo Huy-hrej K tft to buy- (Or" m todayl Long Terms Easy Payments! Limited Quantity 21 Series Console $0095 All Channel Tunina ii;G2 ICA Vicr lUnck rtiy. lowest pricd PCA- Vtttor 2U trin rontole. Mthogtny grirv d finith. Isd e!, h?'t if yO"f OOpO'' 'O pOMMI thai dre 'ouM' on v.' ih im for ?Q 00 iff) Jrgntty . . . it's m1 of rtlemn t idpiei1 Bei'ifjl fnlMength nylon mmi or fm French batuft with i.dt nr front rtomg, talent. 14 and 16 inrh Vvjtht Come h pri!y fitted b qualified corse'ie-e. Shrp r I y for thst. ml kiU ; M Annual Special Purchase Sale of Famous Brand -R-A 3 for 4M I s one of your favorite bras on sale for only $1 69 or 3 for $4,501 Tine quality broadcloth, dacron and cotton. All have elastic back and padded or reg ulation cups. Strap or off-shou'der styles. A, B, C cups. 32 to 40 bust sizes. Values to $5.00! 2nd floor. The Best Place to Shop ... After All 1 I