S3-(Sec. r0 Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., June 1, '58 800 Real Estate 850 AutomotiVe 830 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 804 Housot For Soto SS2 Uted Cart For Sol 832 Uted" Cor. For Sol 8S2 Utod Cor For Solo f 52 UeJ Cor. For Solo 852 Usod Cora For Solo 852 Used Cora For Salt CCD Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate f "S Hour Fet Sl .:? MANBRIN " ' .". GARDENS" ' teeely tamlljr heme, new. I - Mnm. fireplace lelUive; for . J HA aporeiaal price. Call t t tn U -m. In. I-TS64. 1xM ' - UVWQ-dlalnf roocn, bath, kitchen. 1-bdrm. down. ; i I email Mrm. Me. FireeHae Xnjiewvod diet, 1 bleekafrara . achoai. nut and mil iraca. 1 farattee. 7tM. Call Nkrk Antr a p. 4 ACXES ctoaa In. aajtura and wooded ana. Ideal tor stock raising, beautiful building alt n this property, only fMWX. . cau jack juwu t-nu 1 Mrs, J-bdrm. komt north of Kaiser, aachaded ana yet Just ' minute from town. e,ewj. Call Jack Saw 4-nu. I eeree with t bdrma. plus auto . snoUva repair shop. Owner will seU aemptete with tools and equipment, a mtiea xrnra taJeo. Call Jack Baals 4-TMJ. i OWNER SAYS SELL! this new home Is close to school, bus and shopping area. I kdrnts.. family room. dbls. g arage and patio, t fireplaces and entrance hall. Beauti fully dona. Owner asking 114 KM and will consider f 1.900 down. Call Watt DsPuy -OSl. Sva, e-oux. M Ko. River ltd. Of Ph. 4-O0tl LOVELY WALNUT PARK A smetooa family home lor a large family, 4 bdrma-, I ' hatha, large) Itrtag roam, aep arate dining room, lovely kit nea with aook. disposal and aisnwaaner, asmt. witn T.v - loom, dbla asrass and seclud ed back yard. What mora aaa you aak? Call Tom fa- gaa i lias. ars. a-uno. DRIVE-BYS This ndet little 1-bdrm. house .,. at m Macnous n. west a' km. close to achool and park. Kvet strswi A buy at 13. sob. II Ansarsoa 4-44M. JCva. curt 1 BEAT Thai floe 41 acres 17N Holly wood Dr, litJKX. U sorts M4 Ublsh ltd.. Mrm, galas, (let Sown. 4-bdrm. bouaa aa 1 aire lots, shade, paved street at 4th k D Its., la Turner. I4M. Easy terma. Call Anderson 4-44et. lv. 4-1714. OLD AGE PENSION tmtt apt house tor llO.SOt. Mewly painted Inside at. out. t all fully furnished, neat and clean as a ptn. as repairing til txpenee par . tnentk luvt. taxea) la land lord. Loraly big comer with tall goads trass, la excellent South location. Call Tom ' fagaa 4-444. Bva, 4-HN. I4 BEDROOMS $1,000 DOWN Thai auut must tell unmedl alelT. Hvlna room, dlnins room, lovely kitchen and in side utility. Located etoea in Wast Salam. a lot of houaa " tor H.IM, can Tom Fagaa a ism. Btra. hid, ri' r i7 COURT T. TCW I Mrm, double plumbing, beautiful birch kitchen. Nice sat ciosa w scnooi. wa wiu talk; about price, ANOTHER NEW I bdrm. dou ble plumbing, birch kitchen ri a real nice family room, bif fireplaces-check with as aa arte. I BDRM. wwaderful view, dou ble plumbing, family room, a fireplace that li different, and a different floor plan. Let's look it aver, and check tot? prlca. Ph. OSCAR SEDERSTROM OR DELL XEEBLER BveL 1-U1I Ivss. S-juj REAL ESTATE toeg Liberty Rd. $7250 COMPACT, comfortable I bdr. horns in ths Kelter diet. Good area, with FHA approval. ' Owner might trsde for small aereace. or will eonsiHar an rt sen ruble proposition. Call At Hoome. xvs. Pa, 4441. 5 Acres South TWO homes, ens rents for M and nut trees, full set of good buildings. Near vicinity of new proposed south Jr. High BchAnl lAmml far nnU m..(. lng a little stock, Isrdea, and good suburban Uvlng. Call aoy oaoawater, 4M70. Home and Income SOUTH noar the new Erirkson market. Court apt. with I rmthly rental! and owner's bdr home. Strictly modern and up-to-date. Shows a food return an your nvest ment Shown by appointment only. 164.000. Call Ruth Mor rison, eve. rn. 41144. Joe L. Bourne, llltr. U40 W. Capitol Ph 3X218 Englewood Dist. TWO homes, both rented, ana lot. A i-hedrm. and one bedim. Roth practice furnished. Urge one has basement k furnace, on 14th, 10.Mt. 3 Cottatre Court WALKmC dlttaaea. On N 14th. Double garage and rent es aii we urns, sia.ooo. 4 Bedrm. t Playrm, LARGE llv. It dining rm. with fireplace. ?ull bsement. Dou ble garage, Blk. from Bush sen. Nice home for large lamuy. uuw, Just off Lancaster RAND new, I Bdrme aV dou ble garage, urge back en. closed yard. New diet, flt.loo. Art Madsen Realty ISM Stat) l-iaan. s-moi W. Salem Heights l-Mrm. house, large kitchen, PMH1DC0 F ' sepavsiej aramy room, ddis. ge - rage, a tvsjv ora. swot. rn. i-aew. no realtors. WILL, sail $1M eouity in 1 Bonn. Bosns ior ssov. or uaae I5t tsa. ass true, n. 806 HouMt For Sola GOOD, LARGE HOME IN WEST SALEM -btra lenre elder home la West Satan that haa S bdrma. down nd tpaca for two as. Large kitchen with dining area, hunt dining and living rooma. full bunt, with Jlruthed room. Icoaomlca eawduat (urnaca. Beautiful lot Near achool and but" Owoar will Mil an contract la rirht parly. Good buy at fMN. Aak tor Hicks. Ira. Ph. J-4405. BRAND NEW-WILL TRADE Niet tew oat private living-room to rear of noma. Raleed hearth flnplara. Three bdrnu. Dole, plaetered garage. l' baths. Birch kitchm. Lots of buill-lns. T A. furnace. Paved afreet and curha. Hear Morninguda school MA constructed. Easy terms or Tour small boms considered la trade. Call Johnson. Eva. Ph. I 1 UNIT APARTMENT Close In unite plus owners living quarters. Each unit hat aeparate bath. Hot water heating tyitem Low upkerp. 4 blocks to State street. Total income 1302 per month plus owner quarters. Would consider trade for I or 1 bdrm. home. CaU Lucas. Iva. Ph. 1-S3M. REIMANN REAL ESTATE l SO HIGH ST. QUI OT THE BEST KEPT FARMS IN THE VALLEY 51 acres with JS cultivated, very nice rsnrn type j-norm. nome only I years old. I barns.' I chicken houses, good well end rnp, also spring. Located Juit I miles from Salem. This s buy at $ls.M. Call fred Doerflcr. INCOME FROPERTY-A REAL store combined with a gooa-suea irsner prK. wru-cquippea. Doing a wonderful business You rsn look over the books. Trailer park full all the time and very little overhead. Cement store bldg. CM sq. ft. floor space, all store fixtures and equipment. S,4M. Call Mr. Hicks. JT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A look this over. Large uvranie nomr wim new Kinnrn cu Inets, clean throughout and all modern. In a good rental area. SUOu.. DO YOU WANT A SMALLER HOUSE? Neat J-bdrm. home. 11 w..n, - ,:M l.i tmavt l.lvins rnom acDarate din ing room, furnace, hdwd floors, weathettripped and in sulated. Good attached garage, i years old. Owners would trade for a 1-bdrm. Call Mrs. Graham. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE SJII STATE ST. Eve. calls: Vandervort 4-7M: Hicks 4-4SM; Graham 4-414S. JU N. CHURCH ST. PH. 4-3311 GORGEOUS VIEW Prom this beautiful J-bdrm. borne. Center hall plan. Large living room. aep. dining room. I lovely fireplaces. Family room, I baths. Beautiful yard, exquisite for enterUlning. Home Is in perfect condition. Has all Um extras that make living so enjoyable. Superb location south. Priced at 137. 800. Call Walt Jones, Eve. Ph. 4-731. ENGLEWOOD DIST. Comfortable 1-bdrm home. Un finished atuc. Fireplace, uu heat. All city conveniences. Offered at Just MK. Call Mr. Crawford. Eva . Ph. 4-9020. TRADE Owner will take car In trade on this dandy home. Large living room. Spint dm lng room. Fireplace Oil heat. Hdwd. floors. Alt. ga rage. Large lot. All for only VM. Call Mr. Sword. Eve. Ph. l-04. MODERN MOTEL In good Willamette Valley city, if modern rental units plus earner's smarten. I rentals with kitchens. I (leaping units. I 17-inch TV sets. 4 residential lots and business Hill. Excel, set-up. full pries il0i,S0u. Term. Call Mr. woodcock. Eve. Ph. t-7101. SfWS BEST BUyS LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evenings 4-9020, 4-7832. 3-492.1 2-8048. 4-9131, 4-9593 If no answer. Dial 4-2248 GRABENHORST BROS. LEASE WAREHOUSE - HIGH WAY FRONTAGE Railroad spur track, all truck height, owner will remodel to auit tenant. Very good location CALL RON HUDKINS BUSINESS SITE Only 2i blocks from Meier at Frank 114.000. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY CLOSE IN COLONIAL 1 large oearooms. central hallway with open staircase. Large modem kitchen. Good wall to wall carpeting, full basmt., dble. garage. Price 119.300. CALL H. K. LAYMON KINOWOOD HEIGHTS - Nice roomy 3 bdrm. home on 1 floor Large kitchen and din ette combined. Large utility 2 yrs. old. Price 91J.900 CALL G. H. GRABENHORST, JR. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WILLAMETTE VALLEY Dairy Queen Store Price 821, mm, plus inventory, GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 1B0 S. LIBERTY ST. Eveninss A Sund.ivs rnll Salesmen Wlt Socolof sky 3-8839; H K Laymnn 3-9IIH; Mrs Richardson 4-8984 J. E Law 3-9113 112.500 Short walk to South Salem High S houses on one lot In nice neignnornood rront house about 4 yrs old. 2 bedrooms. Should rent for KI5 Rear house about 7 Yrs old 1 bedroom plus stairs to lull attic Rents (or 150. 12,500 cash down will give you Immediate possession. 112,500. CLOSE IN-SOUTH SAI.EM S APARTMENTS No va cancies. Now showing 1) grout return. An exceptional of fering st only 12.000 caah down. Should easily pay for itself after ths down payment 112.500 2 BEDROOMS and bath ment apartment beneath rents (or 255 On South Liberty cloae In. Ideal (or home ofdre In perlert condition inside and out. $2,000 will handle REALTOR Prsll 1-7J50, Mrs. 154 8 High Street Home Phones: TERMS TO SUIT ON I-bed room home II down, 1 small ones up). Near Clear Lake achool. Nice lot with fruit trees. Garage. IS.gM. INCOME PROPERTY THREE-UNIT apartment house and small house on same lot Furnished. Income approx imates flftS monthly Asking only Ill.SOO Good Terms. 2 HOUSES TERMS ON dandy lot 100x225 One home has J bedrooms. Other has 3 rooms. Owner must sell. Ask ing 7.J00. Low down.. 427 Ferry (Open Saturday) Office 4-3381 Sv rra Vluic 4-M70; Mrs. Uhmuw .VMM; Jin JUmatf 4-1ML 806 Hou For Solo Ph J-8S0.1 MONrV MAKER Tine grocery REAL BARGAIN IN A RENTAL Ph. 2-8591 Todd 1-1731; Doerner i-jies; WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES OR 3-7820 DRASTICALLY REDUCED This J.bdrm. home In the St. Vincents and itigniana uut. is now priced at the low of t99M. Dining area. Snack bar. Fireplace. Tiled bath. FA. oil heat. Bsmt. Lovely yard with patio. Att. garage. Near playground area Call N. G. rDan" Isaah. Eve. Ph. 4-99M. CHECK THIS 3-bdrm. Cape Cod home. Fire place. Oil heat, insioe util ity Garage. Over acre. It's all yours at the low of tS9M including drapes and rugs in living room and din ing room. Call N. G. "Dan'" Isaac. Eve. Ph. 4-9953. ' TOPS Excellent 3-bdrm. home. Largr living room, separate dining room, lovely nrepiace. i a oil heat. Dole garage Near school and transp. run price only ti.VJoo Call Walt Jones. Eve. Ph. 4-7S32. IDEAL RESORT On '4 acre lake frontage. 4 cabins. 4 -room cottage. Work shoo Permit for ZD boats. Privileged to aall food and Supplies. In good growing area. Shows high net. Cabin and house furniture Included Ideal spot for added Income fur retired eouple. Full price only 113 90. Terms, call Mr. Woodcock. Eve. rn. i-uus. Variety Store Price $32 000. Inc. Inventory. Ladles' Ready-to-Wear Price 818,900 Inc. Inventory. Retail Hardware Stores Price $99,000. plus Inventory. T. V. & Appliance Store Price 110.900. plus inventory. Rest. A Cocktail Lounge Price 869,900. plus inventory. FOR FURTHER DETAILS CON TACT C. L. GRABENHORST GOOD INVESTMENT FOR RE TIRED COUPLE-9 unit apt. house Real close-irt This is truly an Ideal apot for some one who wishes tn live In one spt. & rent 4 units. Corner lot walking distance to town. Inrome $287. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON CLOSE IN 2 BDRM. Drive by 448 South Cottage This older home in M-2 Industrial Zone is very livable and In valuable location for future buamess. II you are looking for a liv ing Investment thla is it. $5, 800 CALL J. E. LAW PH. 2 2471 Run Hudkins 3-8712 E on main floor 2 bedroom base 4-3(151 or 4-7711 Freeman 4-9IM ONLY 3,500 FOB 1-bedroom home tn West Salrm Living rnom. Kitchen. Bath. Gsrage. Nice lot Ml x 100 1500 down may take it. CHOICE DUPLEXES INCOME from these 4 units 1280 s month. Each has living room Dinette Kitchen IMII ity FA oil heat Insulated 1.12 000 Terms Trade. TRADE YOUR CAR OR contract on 3-bedroom home. Dandy kitchen and bath. Utility. Very neat and clean. Price M.900. Terms 1,000 SQ. FT.-1J,950! Bestir your Imagination and win a. mis noma has a 17x21. all paneled living room, pan eled dining room, flagstone steps and patio in front. 1 bdrma large utility, all this plus an Immense family room With beamed ceilings, com ( pleta bar (fancy) extra full bath, large fireplace. Located South. Eve. Marjorie Fanning. inw. imics s-ieri. led Morrison ' REALTOR 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-797T W025. GARDEN IN. Fine buv No. for small family. Possible 3 bdrms. on contract. SflS mo. You name down pvmt. See to appreciate. Ph. 1-7493 now. This will go fast at this price. Owner leaving town. in SOUTH 2-story. 2-bdrm. down, unfln 2 bdrms. upstairs, en closed utility Firepl.. hdwd floors Price $1().M0. Ask for Mrs. Wootten. Eves. 3-osg. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318 N. Churfh Ph. 3 9236 4500 DOWN puts you In, one of tne neatest 2-oarm. sub. homes In the Salem . area Nice yard with trees. Price only 19.900 This it hot. To see call Dean Klarr. Eve. 2-7090. RAWLINS REALTY 605 CHEMEKETA Office Phone 4-687S 807 Apt's. Courts for Solo SELL OR TRADE duplex on beautiful lot 13U3IXI with small year 'round creek. Each unit has 2 bdrma. Approx. 3 yrs. old. Pnc -119.000. Will take house to 17 500 in trade Allen C. Jones, Realtor. 231 No High. Ph. 3-mt. Eve 4-1(189. SELL OR TRADE 7 unit apt. house furnished. Close to stale capltol. complete batha To tal income $298 per mo. Auto, oil furnace. A good buy at a reduced price of (29 000 or take house, lots, or first mtg in trade. $3,000 dn. will han dle Allen C. Jones. Realtor 3-58.H. Eve. 2-9841 BY Owner: ( unit Apt. house, each with bath. 9 furnished Good rental dist S blocks from Capitol. 4 blocks from center of buslnes district. Ph. 3-7383. 808 Lots For Solo WESTRIDGE ADDITION Large lots, wide streets, scenic. Real WallaceRd. 3-8839. iV" DN. $19 mo. withwatef & elec. also others. Ph. 3-3289 BEAUTIFUL landscaped. 3 bdrm home W'1398 sq ft. Firenlace 8c Irg. inside tttll.. exception ally nice floor plan. 812.WH1 Ph. 4-7389 BELVEDERE GARDENS Choice reRldential lota, commu nity water, widr? paved atreets, rnrbi, construction financing available for builders. C. V. Kent & Co. REALTORS 498 N. Church Ph. 4-1293 4 LOTS in Rest Lawn Gardens. 1175 ea. E. B. Smith. Ph. 3-6301 3 A. SOUTH PHONE 4-6213 ON Crolsan creek, 'j A. lots, all year creek. 3 ml. from city ctr Ph. 4-2940 MAKE offer on my equltv La- blsh Village, balance due in cludes street assessments. Ph. 4-5270. 810 Forms For Sal TOP FARM VALUE 4 plus acres. Mostly Willam ette silt On pavement East Grain and hay crops includ ed Clean modern 4-bdrm. home. Good well. Family fruit. 2 chicken houses Ma chine shed. Cood set of ma chinery available. Excellent value at 11.1.500 Call Mr. Crawford. Eve. Ph. 4-5020. AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS 322 N Church Ph 4-331 1 or 3-7820 JUST listed 12 acres near rruit land. no bldgs 17 ,200 Good terms Call Mr Klgglns eve 4-5494. C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 456 N Church Ph. 4-22S.1 411 ACRE gr.-isH pasture, close In Will lease. Ph 2-0077. 812 Exch. Real Estate SPORTING od.i. Hardware, and Liquor Store, Plus l.iv Qrtrs Owner stale a puss. hit $15 000 00 Net profit pr year Only t.16,500 00 Total. lnrl 115.000 00 Net profit per year 000 on will handle Owner will consider home in Salem a rart down payment. Write J -ueas. Central Oregon Healtv Rt. 1. Box 54 Bend. Oregon J ACREtract7 best oMand. 4 bdrm. country home spannm clean. large living & dining rooms, utilitv mom , h.irn 7!50 Trade for Salem prop erty 1 ACRES tn the rite limits rttv water trer. plated Terms, trade, take mortgages, contract i UNIT .ipt. house nit elv fsurn , low operating cost, automa tic laundrv facility, garagm. good surroundings. SI 4.500 Trade for mtg. contracts, farm land B. M. MASON, RLTR. 341 Chrmrketa PhJ-M41 4-349.J-3Mi FOR SALE or trade forhouse or lot. 19M Ford Victoria, MIS Silvertnn Rd Ph 1-OOTg 850 Automotive 852 Used Cart For Sola 'j T. PICK-UP bed A racks. $20 .148 W. Chrmawa Rd 4-4H58 854 fruckt, Troil. for tola I'j TON Ford truck. ood rond $2M. 320 go. Lancaster Dr. OLD Chev. pickup." USoTYall after p.m 4-752 FLATBED wlth eraln lor. 13', ft. Call 4-182: '41 fOIlD ',i ton pick-up, exc. eond Ph evs. JeiJ arson Fair fax T-242J. P.LEA'S E a ' Our Goal Is to That Lasts With the Life of the Car 1955 BUICK CENTURY . A beautiful four door Riviera hardtop, finished in jet black with while tires, Intetior is red & white Corda veen with silver flecked black nylon. Selectronic radio. Dynaflow, heater, power brakes, etc We sold new, 11,604 miles. Km. 1954 BUICK SPECIAL Four door sedan with dynaflow. radio, heater. E-Z-Eve glens A- custom Interior. Finished in sea mist green with contrasting Interior trim. We told St serviced new. Serv ice record available. $199. 1955 BUICK SPECIAL ' 1 RIVIERA S2595 1955 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA 1953 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 2895; 1495 1956 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SDN 2195 1 1953 BUICK SPECIAL ' TUDOR .. 1895 1951 FORD 8 SEDAN 545 OREGON'S OLDEST DEALER COMMERCIALS CHEMEKETA (f J) M 1955 CADILLAC $4095 62. 4 DR. DUAL RANGE. HY DHA . RADIO. HEATER. TINTED CLASS. AUTRON1C EYE, POWER STEERING, BRAKES AND SEAT. A FINE CAR WITH 1 YEAR 100"o WARRANTY 1955 CHEVROLET $1545 TWO DOOR SEDAN. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A 39 MODEL CAR AT A VERY LOW COST WAR- RANTEED FOR 1 FULL YEAR 1955 CHEVROLET ' $2045 V-8 BEL AIR. 4 DR. SEDAN. RADIO. HEATER TINTED GLASS. WHITE SIDE WALL TIRES. BACK UP LIGHTS A CLEAN CAR TO BE PROUD OF. WARRANTEED FOR 1 YEAR. BEST list mm Willi tarolit Mix USED CAR DEPT. Union and Com'l. WE'RE MOM To 1255 N. Broadway MASTER MOTORS NEW 56 Thrv Bel Air 4-rlr V-8 Radio .V heater pnwer glide. pnwerp-K"k. whitewallv beautiful black A ivurv fin ish '56 Phev Bel Air 4-dr V- Radio A heater, overdrive, white walls, tutrine paint. I'SED 55 Chev V-R 4-dr. .. . $l7d5 , Low mileage 52 Pont Chieftain I $W)5 i Radio St healer, hvdra. I '52 Fnrd V-8 4-dr HH5 51 Cad HI 4-dr. I15d5 j One owner. Inw mllenge t 51 Merc 4-dr. 515 " Old5 BO Sdn I.VI5 i .V-51 Fords All .M 2 -2-drs .v 1 rib rpe 51 Sludr I.aild- i iiisr $!I5 Ajl.i tranv ,Vl Ford (.'Hi Cpe 4'l5 R:kIh hriler. oerdn.,- Fcitd (Hi I pe i'lM 48 Iluirk Converlihle I2'I5 ! 48 Nasi, Ainbaskad CI. Cp $185 '48 Dodge 4-clr JIH'i '47 Chev Aero Sdn J1R5 47 Chrvsler New Yorker 5115 .-Dour 51 Kaiser overdrive $445 49 Nash Amb .49 Ford V-8 $185 $im '42 Chew 4-dr Fleetllnr $85 A good one SEVERAL OTHERS PRICED ACCORDINGLY. JUST NO. OF THEATER, 6620 PORTLAND RD. PH. 4 2411 i DEALER) '50 FORD custom 8. radio, heat er, overdrive. $473. 2-31M. B53 Auto Port$ 4 Repoin REASONABLE mech labor Valves ground, dirt cheap. 109.1 Sll Ph 4-0773 556 Wonted, Cart, Trckt WF'RF. MAYING TOP CASH For Clean Used Cars Paid For or Not Bob 4 Bill's Used Cart Union High SU. WORK CAR SPECIALS 1 Provde Pleasure 1951 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 495 1951 STUDEBAKKR V8 SEDAN 495; 1949 BUICK SEDAN j Choice of three) .. 295 1947 BUICK SEDANETTE .... 195 1946 BUICK SDN 125 1940 FORD 65 rr IVJ PHONE 4 5711 ctp cr?n n p u Jl 1953 CADILLAC $2495 FLEETWOOD SEDAN IN AN ATTRACTIVE 2 TONE GREEN FULL POWER EQUIPMENT. A 1 OWNER CAR WITH A FULL YEAR WARRANTY ON IT. 1952 BUICK $1095 SPECIAL HARDTOP SPORT COUPE. VERY CLEAN. WEI L EQUIPPED WITH NATIONAL BONDED WARRANTY. 1955 CHEVROLET $2045 I 210 4 DR V-8 SEDAN WITH , RADIO. HEATER POWER- j G1.1DF ONLY 130O0 MILES also tinted glass POWER BRAKES. DEAL Ph. 3-3175 195.1 STUDFJJAKER Truck ' Berry grown special with flatbf-d leadv to o $1115 lernis. 2M0 Portland Rd I94ll" CHRYSLER Windsor 4-dr ; very clean, $250. By owner Ph 4-9740 S60 Auto Miscellaneous PARTS for '4 Mercury. Phone .1-8837 'I B62 Hout Troilert TRADE our late model car or pick-up for eejulK in ati 40 II , 2 bdrm trailer V5HH. 1949 MAHV11.1.E hnue trailer. 16 ft $400 Pn. 2-oi:i5 TRADE equity 27' Pan 48 Mod" new tires, rifled for 2 small children. Need 35' or cash. Ph. 4-1)773 FOR SALE 27 Zlmmer houne 1 trailer, sleeps , $995. 2597 Ptld Rd FOR FAC"TSabout the CathoTic Church write P O Box 6343, Indianapoln Indiana Informa tion sent under plain cover No piional follow-up. CONTRACTOR SALE I.nrmn luf 't 'np. W-ft honm, pcrliM't rond NfA- lines X ruhlnr Ciane accessiirifs. kips. tinck tins sr1 reader h.Tr. Pti' Clipvrtilet A se'in fftr hfimn nrrier GMT fixfi w wenc fi A -I i .imp ("hr -fnjet p.inel rriPrhiinu'S t ruck (!Mf 44 flat bed, Rjis ((rea.se iV oil truck Van trailer, dual wheel. 2U-ft for tools A warehouse Warehouse tent Ux.ttMt Euqip ran be seen it 1185 No. Lancaster Dr , Sa-lt-m Ih 2-9597 anv titne f'rued right tor liquidation TRAILER spare for rent Reas. 2517 Portland Rd VACATION sie trailer houses lur nr or rent See F.arl Mnlm. 4.Ki Silverlon Rd 4-7127 j 1151, 25 FT metal trailer Nuist; hath Bin h interior tV( down Ph 4-2217 ask f..r Raker PLAY Shurrleboard at Salem i : New Center Street Trailer j Court Trailer Sparei available , 4155 Center St. j 12 FT, metal trailer house, exc. condition, reas. 170 W Brown ing Eye. or week end. 36 953 SpnrUnc t te "trailer home, like new, never been pulled. By owner. Ph. 4-9740. TRAIL Eli T0W1N(, IAVHAWK TRAIl ER SALES 4Jnlan) ltd Ph-sn4j I19M. 35 ft. : bdrm Richardson i trailer hse . 1 party owner No ! trades (2199 Ph. 2-4.104 5085 ' Ptld Rd FIR CRFST "rraller Parkunrtel new manapemenl retrlrten SpareK for rent .1910 N Ruei Rd Ph 2-.1l3 15' VACATION SHASTAS t ' S M A L.L DN PAVM1 TF.R MS ; ; I.ANA LANE 1940 LAN A AVE TRADE equltv In J-bdrm. mod home for iate model trailer house. Ph. 4-42M site' i p.m. BARGAIN 21' trailer KlMTLana Lane, 1M0 Lena Ave. FME 1MB This is the time of year When we place U our execu tive' cars on our Used Car Lot and offer them at terrific savings. . So . . . right now you can get a new '56 Ford and save enough to pay for your sum mer vacation. These cars have low mile age, each has had careful ser vice, frequent attention, and topnotch care. They're the BEST-BUYS ' in Town! Check the List Take Your Pick! 1 OOOD Customline Fordors Radio and" heater, Ford-o-Malic Diamond Blue Meadow Mut Green Colonial White Fairlane Tudors POWER EQUIPMENT Tan & White Grey A While i Fairlane "Fordors EXTRAS GALORE . Two-Tone Blue Two-Tone Green Colonial White Raven Black It White Blue A- White Bermuda Blue Country Squire STATION WAGON Colonial White Stvletone Fairlane Victorias BEAITIFTL Raven Black A White Fiesta Red i White I Fairlane Town Sedan REAL CLASS Nocturne Blue Q.,-,' ouiiiiner CONVERTIBLE Fiesta Red A White Parklane Ranch Wagon Host Beautiful on Wheels Two-Tone Blue Crown Victoria GORGEOUS! Colonial White Styletone Ti V-8 110" Pickup, red.: V-8 F100 Pickup, red , and white. j NO Set Down Payment No Set Mo. Payment SAVE EN'OLGH FOR YOl'H VALLEY MOTOR Y Liberty at Center 3-3H7 OPEN EVERY EVENING 'TIL 9 BIT HERE AND SAVE 1954 Olds SH Hol l oaded l.nu milage I.Ike new $23115 19M I'lv Sdn. Bel Loaded One, owner $1295 1HM Ford 8 Clh Cpe Loaded Sharp I13H5 1853 Nash Amb Hdtp. Loaded Like new .. J149S 1951 Ford eonv. Loaded I.Ike new $795 Several $50 Up BANK TERMS 240 Center St. Open Till I Ph 1-3734 I. ATE MODEL I'SFn (AliS Hilv t "rices Paid ELSNER MOTORS 3."2 N High Snlom 41 DODGE adn Runs well M 4?.4fl Sunnyview Ave. TCc HE V2-ir ixtr a" nleeT" WlTl take tmall trade. Ph. J-4US7. I 1331 Morwajr. 111 IEEE! THE NEW IN A NATIONAL 100" Warranty on parts k labor good (or one year regardless of how many miles you drive. 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air $1895 Radio, beater, powergllde. 18.000 miles. 1955 Chevrolet 210 2-Dr $1695 Radio, heater, whitewalls. 18.000 miles. 1955 Chevrolet 210 4-Dr. $1695 Radio, heater, whitewalls, 13.000 miles. 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air $1395 Radio, heater, jet blrck, white walls, one owner. 1954 Chevrolet 210 2-Dr $1295 Radio, heater, one owner, sharp. 1953 Buick Special 4-Dr. Sedan $1295 Radio, heater, dyna.. 21 000 miles. GOODWILL GUARANTEED CARS 1952 PONTIAC CAT $9S' Radio, heater, all leather. 1931 OLDS. Sl'PER 88 $8115 Club coupe radio, heater. hvdra . sharp. 1952 STl'DE. V 8 CPE. $695 Radio, heater, one owner TRANSPORTATION BARGAINS 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN $495:1951 HUDSON 2 DR. I 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN $295 1 1951 KAISER 4 DR. I 1949 MERCURY SEDAN $200jl949 KAISER 4 DR. 1947 FORD SEDAN $85 ; 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR YOU CAN'T BEAT 660 N. Liberty PH. 44931 JILL 54 FORD V-8 Radio, healer, overdrive In perfect condition loc.tMv owned and serviced A real car priced at the all time low o( 11195 a BUICK Super hardtop all power1 features, radio hra'cr, j dynn . new tires, a tfal' beautv ! 50 OLDS 88 Town sedan In ncarlv per fect condition, new paint (ender skirts, white walls, radio, heater, hvdra Ki 5 OLDSMOBILF.S Super 61 Holldav roupe A fordor hard I ops Full equipped with all power features, pew car guaran tees $1,000 discounts 54 MERCURY S'stion wagon amame low milea on (he R na senKer drlwxe 4-dr w ngnn pow er steering, brake-. r.i din. heiter utv trans mission in unbehpvahle per fect condition J?l'-5 HUB m BiffliB CENTER AND LIBERTY ' Used Car You TO OWN PRICED RIGHT j 1953 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 2 DR. I Sedan fvillv eo,ulpped, reallv harp ... Onlv lilts' 1953 PLYMOUTH CAMBRIDGE 4 DR. , Sedan, eat covers, fro-h air heater, beautiful i tu-tone green A buv at 1951 PACKARD MAYFAIR (HARDTOP) ! Clean as new inside A: out ontv 42 000 rnile, full equipped ONLY 01S 1950 DE SOTO DELUXE 4 DR. ! Sedan radio heater, original finish PICKUP Fnrd 1951 'j Ton with canopy top. 4 speed trans, fine shape TODAY ONLY MANY MORK Tf CIIOOSK FROM j ritK'KD FROM TO $:I4 ' Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH "BETWEEN THE BRIDGES" SAI.KM ORF.GON I'HONK .14117 CHANCE OF A LIFETIME 1956 PONTIAC "870 ' CATALINA COl'PE BEAl'TIFUL BOLERO RED St MIST WHITE FINISH WITH STRIKING BLACK NYLON WHITE LEATHER INTERIOR. 237 H P ENGINE WITH 4-BARREL CARB . DlAL EX HALSTS DUAL RANGE HYDRANT ATIC, RADIO, HEATER, BACK UP LIGHTS, WINDSHIELD WASHERS Sr UNDER COAT 4300 MILES WITH 10(1". WARRANTY ON PARTS AND LABOR TOR ONE YEAR. $2795 (560 No. Liberty 1S0 RlJICK Special 4-(1iKir nne owner Fullv equipped K- ' cellent ronriitlnn. 2SK4 Hm,ik HI alter 5 p m. or all rla Suntlav '50 PLYMOUTH Siihuvban. clean, new paint. $545 M W. Bradley In Aumavllle Ph 1714 l4aPONTIAC-dr.Torpedo, radio heater, excellent buy at 110. By awntr. Ph. 4-97M. 1954 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $893 Heater, white walls. 1 1952 PONTI AC SEDAN $7951 ' Radio, heater, one owner, i I 1952 NASH STATESMAN $695 Radio. heler. overdrive. ; I ver sharp. $495 $295 $1.50 $75 Phone 2-4113 IE PH. 4 4931 531)0 DC, v. ; Mileage making 6 rvlindcr ' only 22 000 aclual one own er miles beautiful condi tion inside A out 49 BUICK Station wagon, .ill metal doors A honv fiarne. per fect rond . Uu-allv owTveU A ieilced, auto tians.. only 51 MERCURY. Original dark blue fini.vh. while walls, radio, heater, mileage saving, overdrive S9S 53 CHEVROLET Local. v n rtr d A- sipn icf rl. Just like new amainn inw milVagp rifluxe model win radio. heTr I rUnlJ Automatic tran-ni-sinn r.i d:o he.fer. heaut.ful 2-!-ne ordinal finisfi dark ligM blue whi walls, this nr is immaculate f $7!S Will Be Proud $ft'if SAVE 5 AVE $495 PICKUP Ph. 2-4113 51 Mercury 2-rtnnr MnnttYey Men -rt-malic Real nice. $1115 ('in he financed See at 42401 Sunnyview. j 1954 PONTIAC 4 dr dn. Chief tain "tV '. excel cond $1,100 Ph 4-940.1. '31 MODEL-A Victoria. Beat offer over 1100. Ph. 4-0294. 497a Xickmao, SI!" , wm NO DOWN PAYMENT ON .APPROVED CREDIT '46 Dodge 1 Ton Pickup ' rough and ready lit '50 G.M.C: i2 Ton Pickup a good deal for $341 '50 Ford V-8 2-Dr. jet black and fair eondltlosj 2.195 '51 Chev. 4 Dr. Sdn. real . sharp, reconditioned MM '50 Chev. 4 Dr. Sdn. s good solid ear $495 '51 Mercury 4 Dr. Sdn. safety tested & good t9S '51 Olds Super 88 ? dr. local owner, birftta '49 Olds 88 4-Dr. town sdn. good ear I Ml '49 Olds 88 4-Dr. Sdn. needs cleaning, a deal $3Dt Buy with No Cash and Save Your Money for the Vacation You Are Taking Soon 461 NO. HIGH "The Lot with a Lot" 4't CAD "62' IM5. 2-1259 -4-!r. Must Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Cars Commercial it Chemeketa ,Ph. 4-5711 - "SAFE '55 LINCOLN CAPRI ... roupr. full power, atl-leithtr interior one owner, and It is priced to -U! M MKRCl'RY HARDTOP radio heater and overdrive, inannv red St white, priced , right ' M MERCURY SEDAN onr owner, fully equipped, real buy1. h MERCURY HARDTOP radio, heater, overdrive, rad with white top, rarin' to ffo at a reasonable price! MMM Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. 495 N. Com'l Ph. 3-3011 "THE CAR MAKES GOOD OR WE DO" 1!)50 NASH Statesman, heater, i-dne, near perfect tlrea. 1254 F.dsewater, Ph. 2-9458. POST Auto Sales; "4 CADILLAC CPK $3595 AH th extras, hkp new. :fi ni'ICK STKCIAL 4 IM $3395 H irfltnp, ".000 miles, radio. beaV : pnw er steering and brakes ".h Rl K K ROAOMAaSTF-R $2595 Sdn , loaded with all power equiprrem ranio. neier. dynaflow. 15.000 milS- '54 MERCURY HARDTOP $1795 Radio, heater 55 CHEV 210 SDN . $1895 V-fl. radio heater, power glide. 5 hrand new General white wall tires, this Is a one owner 15 000 mU car. 51 CADILLAC 'fi2 SDN. $lfi!5 Rad m. he'er. hydramatiP, power v iiidowv and seat. This rar has onlv been rim rn 30.000 miles hv a I'trtl;ind l.tdv, same as new. Tr4 OLDS 8' SDN. $1895 Hydramatic, new tires. 53 HUDSON' HORNET SDN. $',',,? Fully equipped. '52 OLDS '88 HOLIDAY $1495 f pe . radio, heater, & hy dramatic. ,51 BI'ICK Sl'PER $795 H.i rd top radio, heater, A dvnaflnw. beautiful maroon with white top 52 NASH RAMBLER ST A $795 Station wagon, radio, heat er '51 CHRVSLER WINDSOR $695 Clb Cpe . really iharp one owner car. Fully equipped. -53 WILLYS SDN $595 One owner, lota of econom ical transportation for thla low price. '54 FORD 4 TON PICKUP $1095 POST AUTO SALES OF'KN EVES. TILL 8 P.M. 1105 SO 12TH I'll 4231 MOLL MOTORS CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH Tip Top Used Cars Silverton, Or. Ph.' 3-5191 LATH '52 Hudaon Commander, xc cond. Ph. .jijtt. lid Ins. PH. J-7S71