CO-(Sec. IV) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri, June 1, '66 Yaiiliee Runners To Test Champs - COMPTON. Calif. (1 - American athletes fet solid test sfalnst pair af Imported world record holders, Gunner Nielsen of Denmark and Roger Moens of Belgium, la Um annual Compton invttsuonst iraci I tod Field jieat raaay nigm.v Nielses, whs holds (h UOO-met-sr mark of 1:40 J, is Um star of the flat mik event, approximately 130 yards longer than tht metric distance. Moens own the MO-meter mark of 1:45.7 and be runs in the WO yard feature. Racing afainst Nielsen will he Ron DeTany, the young Irithman from VlHanova; Bobby Seaman, tht Olympic bops of UCLA, and Fred Dwyer, veteran star from the New York Athletic Club, among oners. Teacher OppoeiUte - lfoeos' opposition Is even tough er. Running against bim will be the Mo-yard world record bolder, Lon Spurrier of the San Francisco Olympic Club, two-time Olympic champion Mai Whitfield and Tom Courtney, former Fordham star. Spurrier's mark is 1:47.5. The mile and ISO aren't the only attractions. Jim Lea of the United States Air Force, whose a t bettered the world 440-yard record last Satur day at Modesto. Calif., hooks up again with J. W. Mashburn of Oklahoma AM. Competition in the high Jump appears close between tall Bill Russell of San Francisco Uni versity, Ernie Shelton of the Los Angeles A.C.. Charlie Dumas of Compton Junior College, and oth ers. . Saturday Race Drivers Named Six Eugene Pflott, Seattle Klngf Added Valley Sports sutd pactaf prs moter Ron Ail Thursday named the drivers who will do the hon ors ia tba fun-scale hard tops program at HoUywood Bowl Sat urday BifM, ana masts iiwm mention of the fact that six top notchers from tht Eugent area and thret champions from Seat tle will ba among tnost presem. Coming lrom Eugent art Jun nh.rt. wha won this years twiand KnmAwir opener for v.rA aim. wllv Larson, Fred ConenL Cecil Hunt. Red Hays and Clarence Schmidt tkM rfceannUnt From Seattle will b Chuck Ce dar tht 1833 "tops" champion of the Sea-Tac arena there: Lensy Rose, who won the 1W tit a sno Don Bsllmus, the IBM titllst Also, Chuck Ltghtfoot, the eastern Washington star ii slated to appear by spoeisl inviUtion from Ail. , . ,. I look for tht biggest field we've had," Ail added, "and it will be filled with top drivers, fart Leads Xeeab' - nil Pvi of Portland, who won tht last hsrd tops msiner ken in Msy, tops tht loeal" en tries. Also Eluded are Wild Bill Hyde, the 1W5 Oregon champion, Bob Porter of Salam, Palmer CrowelL Don Cuth, DonnU i Nel son, Tom lunch, Don. Register, Mikt GoodeiJ, uiu apaiama. lack Tlmmings, BUI Hart, Gene loree, Emit Koch, Ben Zskit, Virgil Adktns, Vera Boock, John Fsrley, Bob Southard, Rod Love, Don Larson, CeeU Wright, Dick Csboury, Bud Davelt, Bob Rea, Don Klum and Chuck Tontx. Tbt Saturday program -will start with time trials at 7:49 p m. Trophy, boat and feature events will foltowv CARVER OUT OF ACTION ; DETROIT III - Tht Detroit Ti- Brs were given official approval tbt American League Thurs day to place pitcher Ned Carver at the disabled list for 10 days ss at May IS. Garver has a torn tendon In bit right elbow. SP0I?13AAN5 PIGE5T.V SJRSAMER TIPS -mnem so C SZ.. lows Entries PriSty, June t, port time, p m rim root, vw, aU , 1. Bull . 1. Jot horat, pum SWO, ale A. IN rot. a. 'l Trigger .k Tloll. WMMf. B. CODOJO, O. Dlxo Wooat ...lza 1W Grapple End Eyed by Louis HUNTINGTON. W. Vs. to - Promoter Dick Deutsch quoted Jot Louis Thursday that his wrest ling appearance here Saturday will be his last "until the fovernmenl men lay off me." The former world heavyweight boxing champion is mstched against Cowboy Lee, whom he de feated in his first match after he turned wrestler In Washington recently. The former champion referred to nis income tax troubles and the "hold" order placed on hit purses wherever he appears. The Treasury Department esti mates Louii owes some $1,180,000, which with Interest ia mounting iasier man ne can hop to pay. Saxons Slate Grid Clashes .ttAt umm FlY-rTSMINo) VTMAMBRS CAM M osrr ty siN-"nHiiwaN alo aptba cxAMPwaS) sput shot c APART OH MOrCTaUVnlMT ABOVt THI lUPe. 1 CM g SHOT IS OFTKH NCBMO M RmMNl TO TOUCH BOTTOM ON SWIMMtHt MTRIiVH (set ABOVE tTCf-ANO-aO ACTION, USED AfTW DOWNtTMAM DRIFT AND ti UKI CMTIHS),0 WHIN thollwo).w vAWout spssds, UT SLOWNtSS USUAUV tT. SlLECT VARIOUS SUCKTAILSAl; MONANO MARASOU PATTfRNS WTTH OOD ACTION AMD A JUICY LOOK, tH 9CCS A,iO,AHP It FOM tMALLTO-MatHUM WM. FM RtPUtB TMBU.TRy A M 4 OR 4. Conrad Bows In British Golf (Caat. from preceding page) year was the last survivor of 77 Americans who started play Mon day. Friday it wlTJ be Jack against John Beharrell, an lt-year-old English schoolboy, and George Henderson, a Scottish civil serv ant, against Leslie Taylor, Glas gow insurance man, in the 36-hole semi-finals. Thus Scotland is as sured of its first finalist and per haps its first champion since Alex Kyle won in 1930. Beharrell, Britain s brightest young prospect, just coasted to a t and 6 victory over Dr. Frank Deighton, 30-year-old Scottish physician. He was nine up after 25 holes, then eased up. Henderson turned back the west of Scotland champion, Herbert Thomson, 2-up, and Taylor beat Melville Bucher, a hero of World War II, 4 and 2. The 38-hole final is scheduled for Saturday over Troon's 8,583 yard seaside course. Since compe tition was resumed after the war, Americans have won the title nine times and have been finalists the other four years. Three Irishmen and an Australian 'accounted for the other titles Pat Flaherty Wins Record $93,819 Sum INDIANAPOLIS (II - Pat Flah erty, tht Chicago Irishman who won tht 40th 500-mile auto race at tht Indianapolis Motor Speedway, picked up a record $91,111 Thurs day night from a total purse of 1212,090 which also was tht big gest payoff since tht first race in 1911. Tbt previous records were the late Bill Vukovich's winning total of $89,496.96 in 19M and the rec ord purse of $270,050 last year. Here's what tht red-haired Chi cs goan won in Wednesday'a race: Speedway prize, $49,000. Entry fee prize, $894. Prize as fastest qualifier, $1,500. Lap prizes ($150 for each lap led). $19,050. Prizes from automotive acces sory firms, whose tires, fuel, shock absorbers, etc., he used, to uted $23,175. Winnings of other csrs in the rsce included: 2. Sam Hanks, Pacific Palisades, Calif.. $32,919. 3. Don Freeland, Los Angeles, $20,419. 4. Johnnie Parsons, Van Nuys, Calif., $15,769. 5. Dick Rathmann, Trenton, . J.. $10,744. Bob Christie, of Grants Pass, Ore., who was 13th, won $3,374. The Seattle entry, Jack Turner, who finished 25th, received $2,564. Boxing Board Switch Asked SAN FRANCISCO I - A mem ber of the State Athletic Commis sion, Joseph J. Phillips, called the agency ineffective Thursday and asked Gov. Goodwin J. Knight to appoint a new group. Phillips termed the testimony given the governor's special com mittee investigating boxing and wrestling "most shocking." In a letter to Knight, criticizing the commission, Phillips said the governor could accept it as his resignation but added: "Should you consider that I could be of further service. I will be happy to stand by with any new alignment to serve in the pub lic's interest." Other members of the commis sion are Norman O. Houston of Los Angeles, chairman; Dan Kil roy, Sacramento; S. Thomas Buc cairelli, Riverside, and Edward I. Beck, Los Angeles. During testimony before the gov -TheyTJ Do It Evgy,Tinie 4M0E34 WOLDS TMI TV RERdlf? WW DOWN to A SMALL BILL VYTTVl' '.THIS UNB O DidTTE !? . Then ASCUTA thousand pro&hms L4TE8 SUZ BLOWS HER ELFRY WWOJ HER SST BLOWS TU8f '. I 1 m mmrmm l m W4MT 10 6PENl04 fT AGO YOU OvWUAJUO "iVTA I J LOT Of MOKEV OH f JUST rr,4N0r0MTWl j !fllo' SSgdvUKBI IT WOW FOR THE L BUNK N4NO t fmG 6v U Phony Job Deal Claimed at California Campus Goiti' After 'Eni (Coat, from preceding page) idy enjoyed a similar deal. He cited the alleged instance of' "In another instance," Leavy one boy who received regular $50 1 continued, "a prospective athlete payments for five months and I was told by an assistant coach worked a total of two hours during that the situation at Berkeley was the entire period. more or less 'big business,' snd The boy declared that to the that I wasn't exactly a good busi best of his knoalwlpe nn records ness risk for him. due to the fact were kept of the payments, that all payments except one were made by check by the business man's wife, and that at no time did he enter the man's place of business. The two hours' work was done at the Bear backer's home," Leavy asserted. , that my high school grades were ' poor and that I should go to a juni or college to get my grades up.' j "With the help of the Berkeley registrar's programming, this was successfully accomplished in jun ! inr college, the boy stated, and I the next time he met with Waldorf Conrad, who started virtually , erTr. 5 comrnnjee n uos unknown" member of the'""" ' " iirih outcomes Demg arranged in The boy .disclosed that his bud-, the head coach told him that Cal was trying to build up a good foot ball team, the boys never had any financial worries and that his family's medical expenses would be taken care of, too." There were instances where ' whole families would be moved to Berkeley, brothers of athletes would be 'sponsored' in the uni versity, brothers and sisters would . be flown to Berkeley, expense free, to watch home games. . . summer jobs o"rcd to top ath lete prospects ranged from $400 to $600 per month, with the loca tion the athlete's choice," Leavy charged. i ' (Coat, frem receding He) hack eat agala. The fliklag wis very eeid aid so was the weather. We have beard awtalaf to raise ear heaes aay la ceaaeetlea with Craae Prairie, altkoeih aene lair catches were made. Darks lake had little le offer eicept eWd. aasty weather. Some Lakei Wouldn't Cooperate Much ' Un In Newberry Crater the anglers found Paulina and East lakes Id an unproductive mood. A few good catches were mada at East but the fish ran very small, a iooxs as u me irasn nsa in East are finally reaching such numbers as to take most of the food needed to (row the trout. A few fish were taken from Marion but the trip out on Sunday was one of hazardous proportions. Sleet and freezing made the snow covered trail a regular toboggan slide. Numerous anglers fell and skidded most of the way hack to 'their parked automobiles. The life of an angler is not easy these days . . , The atream fishing aaa aeea siaw as nai wnn very poor reports from aay of the rnaaing waters. The Abiqua and Butte creeks offered some fair fly flshiag and some fair single egg Ask ing. A few anglers have beaked sieelhead walla flshiag far tronL The Little North Fork af the Saatlaa la fairly clear sww and there have beea flurries af gaod-aafllag aa that stream. The Little North Fork should Improve rapidly from aw aa aad w look for same food fly fishing ap there before too long a time . . . You anelrrs who like big fish rather than lots of fish, but who like close to home fishing, mijfltj try a special method. Fish for big fish alone. Fish the water where the big fish would be and pass up the water which would normally hold only small fish. Most anglers should be able to pick out the spots which offer the best cover and the best feeding ststion for a Iroul Once you have decided the best spot for food to gather which is close to good cover you can nearly always be certain that a large trout has taken over the choice spot. On most occasions you will have to fish deep for the large ones whether it be with fly or bait. The large ones seldom come to the top tor food and the only way to get them is to go down after them. If you will consistently iisn lor large iisti you will be surprised at your turn of luck. You will not only catch more large fish but you will continue to catch your share of the smaller ones, too. But iish for small fish and that is what you will catch. SALADS GALORE! VJ with delicious entrees and served Smorgasbord style. dessert oil you con eat for 99c MM 440 Stale St. Open Until 8 P.M. Daily Air-conditioned for your romfort Cup team when he 1 commission rules. a. a. rm I Alloa- Tarlor. A Duneon Sin, 1 ZelllMor lit in Bnof HI IS) I. Dofrat. a. MrDowoll . ! T. XoUOoo. r. tutell Wond raeo. artr. horn, pun SUA, all (. awido c. sot jit . M I. Kickapoo IComoth, C. Gilford lit I. Loon, A. Duneon lzS I. Ponton Lahokin. M. Earl los , 4. fabulous Jot. B, Collinfor IS I. Conors! Pliok. 0. Dyo 117 : f. Irish O'Doo. H. Hrr 111 T. aorrol Sommy. L. Know loo 117 . a. Soyloo Tim, J. Boai 117 S. Nolllo Doma, O. Dixon 113 I. Cbubby'a Butk, t. la Third fact, elalm. puna Sos, S Jear olda Si up. (SS00), ono mllo: 1. Valentine Jot, 6. McDowoU . Brifht Coatumo, C. Dya lit I. Arotinal, I. Clftord 119 . 4. Bl Balo. O, Slmonla -. lit S. Wasatch Chiol, L. Knowlot ...111 PraWld, H. larl 114 On apoek, X. CaviUara 114 Our Land. 1. Boat 111 L Vlato PoorL . tolllnaar 114 IS. Pip s Pup, D. Horunaw 114 '.fourth toot, elalm. puna 603, S poor olda J up, I M00). I furlonfi: 1. LltoUmo, P. Cholnockl Ill now mvtr, p. Honantw o. if S. Ooldta Gloria. G. Dixon 4. tarly Burloy. B. Oittord I, Aaoon. t. Prouty S. Tlxo. J. Boat 1 ttlfh Monday, L. Knowlot . a. iuu t Tim, a. The South Salem Saxons 'will play eight regular football games next season. Athletie ninwtnr Harold Hauk announced Thurs- asy. tm Saxons will anon t th. early data of September 7. with the Beaverton High Besvers at South Salem. Then in Order. Sentemher 11 Albany here; September 21, Sweet Home there; September 28 Bend there; October 5. here; October 12, Lebanon there; October 20, Corvsllij here; Octo ber 2fl, open date; November 2, North Salem at 8outh Salem. The Albany, Sweet Home, Bend, Lebanon, Corvallls and North Salem games will be Dis trict A l counters. as an won last ve.r at Roval Lvtham ! sdvance. illegal combinations and mnA qi inn.. r.m. i u,m. i managers operating contrary to ning Thursday after blowing a big lead. He was three up at the end f ;"':.: ?:'" nf the mnrninff IS hnlps. two finwn j after the 27th and all square with i only two holes to go. The match 4 finally was decided by a missed 6 Seven-loot putt on the 35tB green, f PCX Line Scores .114 11 -111 Ill Ill 111 Shannon 114 S. Twinbrook. B. Zolltnitr Ill IS. Omicran, 6. Slmonla Ill . PtfUi race, allow., puna SSS00, 1 ' poor oMa. tlx furlonn: 1. Tint H.. a. atmonla 111 t Bod Bonn, B. Eolllnfor Ill I. Bod Bonat. B. lolllnf or 130 ' 1 Poratm Doit, L. Unfor 110 , 4. Ptianstif, . McDowoll 1M , I. Pharcnol Anftl I, Bool Ill . S. Quocn'a Man. . Clfford . lit Sixth roro. claim, pun tsoo. I Jair olda up, lllJOO-Saooi. S', fur- irilo Poio, A. Sherman 120 . Grimtlck. P. Htdalgo - Ill S. World Atlalr, H Soarcy 111 4. Bull Oaka B. Zolllnttr 'Jb I. Proo Dolinry, W. Phllllpi .. Ill I Man do. L. Knowln .Ill 7. Super Buijr, B Boman .111 S. Little Baton, B. Cavallaro 107 S. Ml Chillrntf. R. Hopklni 120 10. Jorry'a fancy, L. Unar . . 101 Bovonlh raro, claim, purac M00 I year oW or up. 1 1001. six lurlonji 1. Caddla, D. Hcnthaw 111 J. Honoy Run. P. Hldalfo , . Lima joxar, j. Boat Vtneouvtr 005 401 mu ta i Lot Anitlci ... 004 M0 JO0 13 11 a .SK- Cu.rUJ. Banawikl i and Edwardi; Drott, Pierottl (1), Bouor 14). rodfa (Si. Piktuili 7i. Andoraon (7). Parkowikl i and Ttppc. HoUywood 001 ooo 000- 2 I i Sarramtntn oo sio oox -4 I 1 Wade. O'Dnnnrll Waten (7i and Naton; Harrlat and Baich. ... HI ..111 -..111 Ill .. Ill .111 111 Hi 114 11 INNINGS Seattle San Dlfio Anfl IA1 inn ai a , , .... .w,,,-., id i n ,. 000 III 000 00 .1 10 0 "U" miimaiia Gomez Back In Local Ring Dynamic Pepper Gomez, the bouncing chili bean from Texas 1 snd one of the all-time top fav- jf orites In the Northwest, returns jf to the Salem Armory rasslin' : wan Tuesday night to highlight Matchmaker Elton Owen's week- Hi" ly card. jf Gomez has been gone from these parts about a year, and has f': been the top attraction in the 2 Texas-Oklahoma area ever since & leaving here. Owen has been try-Ik ing to lure the ensitionl grap-1; pier back again for months, and has finally succeedrd. Just who to put Gomez against i in his first appearance has Owenlf puzzled, however Hr wants to toss him in with the toughest gent now oneralin; in this aren. and is trying tn deride if it will be Dirty Doug Donovan, who TKO'd Larry Chine in their grudge boxing battle this week, Judaon. Kanntrfv iin .. n.t-i. Carmichaol and St. Clairt. Meadows Selection is I I Owen will decide -within the $ next day or two, ind will at that time announce thf completed ' card for Tuesday No- Phar- 4. War Croat. J. Walah I. Royal Trip, A. Bhotrmon 5, Snow Pliant, 8. MrDnwall . 1. Wire Trouble, I. Glfford S. Brov'a Honor. B. Zollinger - S. Petrhonwln. L. Knowlot . JO. Tampon, O. Boman Bifhth raet, ilalm, punt SSOO. 1 ytar olda Si up, l(tOO), ono milt i. Sonrld, B. Saarcy nil 'I. Swoop Luck, L. Unfor . .. Ill i , . SUpttltch, B. Zollinfor Ut1 ,4 Slu Mtehlnt, J. Prouty .HI1 . I. ChM Co-Id, C Clbtoa 116 ' iS. Hallo Bky, i Boa; HI I Pinaoat. C. 01 Mori III I 1 Bunt. O. Dixon 111 ! ' S. Wlao Words. I. Millar 111 i IS. Pair Kathinan. JD. Htnthaw - ill Ninth not. allow., purtt IStt, I year olda Si up, "Sandy Chambtr of Comma ret,'' tlx furlonii: 1. Copacttlc, L. Knowlot ..... US . I. Borel. R. Saarcy 117 S. Aftllf. P. Uidalo - 117 4. Tiff. C. Dy . 1SI ' I. Shamir, C Dixon .... .114 . S. Pat'a Dream, C. Slmonla 1M t. No War. C. Glfford III p. iirrara A, .. muivr ... . 11 ki . T .. . . i m u 1 1 ,M y 10 Our Deal, B. Zolltngrr 1st ' Tenth rare, mdn. claiming, purie Ssoo, 4 ytar olda A up, ll.oooi. "wuh- ln wan. ont mile: (Friday. June I) I Trlfler Mlla, inr W miner. 1. i-ron, Chuhhv B k. ) ahulout 3 Our Land. Arrrnal, W awtch . Chief 4. Lifetime. June i. First. Twin, brook. S Red Rme. Qurn Ma aony. S.. Ml Chellenie. No I'holu, Bull Oaks 7. War Cret, Snuw Flight. Caddla S. Sweep Luck. rinemr. Wlte Worda. . Shamle, Borel. Altlig. 10 Fluffi, Mounlovaln. Mride BMT BZT: War Creit-lth rare LONG9HOT POSSIBILITY Mando th race. IlECTRICITY CHEAPER! 15 Vt 4 WiifX K ,1 1 ARE LAWN WEEDS DRIVING YOU "KRAZY"? Here's the Answer A selective Amine weed killer - kills J s p ancse clover m o r n ing glory and many other flat leaf hard to kill lawn weeds. Pt Site 1.50 A non se lective type weed killer kills weeds and grasses I n driveways -paths par king areas, play grounds, etc. Pt. Sire 1.00 81 rt.t POST1AN IIICTSI NB OINIiAl ATjft C COMSANT-vOffl PestroNs wild overgrfrn and .rr II i m a 1 aan LP-fc .J hlackb e r r y vines - poison oak an ivy. If directions are followed, one a p p I ication does the job Pt Site IttJ'liJ ISTSL SI 'I attBVWaBfaWWnL J & er t Mounlovaln, Chief Polly. S. Amarlo, C. Olbaon L. r. Unaer 114 Hidalgo 111 na. Ina f 4. apd Ballet. O. Dye , ,114 S, riufla, E. Mlllor 114 S Boat wrangler, A. Sherman 114 t. Laat Valley, B. Ctcollaro lot a. A how Protitng. O. Bunoaia lll S. Herroa, U Knowlot , 114 ). Moado, X Btarty , 114 Just Received - Large Shipment MEW SLACKS 1.75 9 200 PAIRS 100 WOOLS Worst tjti flennelt, w oat en flannels, gabardine, crepes . . . plains and partemi. Sisos 29 thru as. vsiuos to u w ... ,n fr Now on Special Salel I OX ly.UU KAY WOOLEN MILL STORE Open AH Day Saturday 10 S. 12th Atrsws from Willamette Campus iii Hirnitiiiiiiun it tt ti i This grant kill kills chick- weed - quack grass and most annual and perennial wee dy grasses. Pt. Site 1.50 All art available in tiio containers. othar jTatoaaiTN (AuENiiBasa 336 N. Commercial 141 Alice Avtnua Opaei BriaUy Night. TU 9 ml f m ah n m a Pat Flaherty finishes first with 128.49 mph average Ilere s a sure tost for liiliricating oil: put it in a $3o.(XX) rating car on which ou stake our reputation drive it at speeds up to lSOniph with constant acceleration and decc eration for 5(X) miles tear down and check for wear. That's the test Indianapolis race cars have given stock this test with si winners in 6 vears. incrtidine 19.56 9 out of 10 of the fW tars over the finish line this year chose i Mohiloil for years. It has stood hamp. Pat Flaherty. Mohiloil. lough fetfs it friis prove stock Mobilof'Hi the final lubricant you con biy for your car. Yef you pay no more, for ndionopois-proved Mobiloil. Why not start uting it today? CapgrtolWOaatitt PXiataw Or. Mobiloil