ScatoTi Annointment Declared I Man Accused in Contrary to McKay Interests Uaor Charg - J J Van Onkl Prichard. WASHINGTON - Appointment of Fred Ston of Nebriika, as ccrctary of th interior was con trary to the wishes of Douglas McKay, his predecessor, and of Ralph Kmmons, leader in Mc Kay's current battle for an Ore Moines Register's staff here, said. In a dispatch to the Iowa news paper, it was declared that Em mons last week came to Wash ington from Oregon to press for the appointment of Clarence A. Davis, undrrsccreary of the inter ior. V The dispatch said Emmons in formed Sherman Adams, presi dential assistant, that the sp in advance of the November elec tion" in which McKay will tryl to unseat Sen, Ore.) Wayne Morse (D- ton, whose appointment as secre- Van Oakley Prichard, Stayton, oointment of Davis "would be released on au oau Monaay a mW man nt airlintr Mr-Vav afternoon n - Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., June 1, '58 (Sec. III)-;:. .titummMMmti.mmimmmtiim amir aa'-fc- earlier after pleading Innocent in District Court to a charge of driving while intoxicated. ' The- 35-year-old construction worker was arrested on the charge Th. ..m. H!.n.rh n.mtt s.. 7 Pc Wednesday on Highway WE near Deweyville. EVERYBODY IN SALEM IS ENTERING OUR . i f tu ut-;- .ir..H ha. I trial date is still to be set he11 endorsed bv Mom nd ! Distrlc' J"d E"warl 0. Stadter. Richard Neuberger, Oregon's other Democratic senator, as say ing "I can't speak specificially" as to whether he would carry on McKay's policies in the depart ment) but that "so far as the Eisenhower power policy and water policy are concerned, I plan to carry them on." Public Ilccortls IRCI IT COl'RT Estella tiimpl( vs Miles itumpff: Complaint for divorce iiartjes cruel and inhuman treat enl. plaintiff seeks restoration i. her former name of Estella i.ephens. Married April 11, li)51i, it Vancouver, Wash. Death Claims Mrs. Jones Word has been received here of L the death of Mrs. Earl Jones, Medical Lake, Wash., daughter of Mrs. I.urline Titmus of 245 South Coltatje SI , Salem. Mrs. .Jones suffered a stroke Sunday and died Wednesday mnrn iiiK at a Spokane hospital Her widower is pastor of the Assembly n( lod church at Medical Lake. Mrs Titmus left Salem Monday to lie with her daughter. Survivors in addition to the widower and mother include a tiro- Ore. NOTICB Of riNAL ACCOUNT Nflttc Is hrby flvtn 1 hat Iht Final Account of Antoinette Whitt. Administratrix o tht fit lit n( Gertrude A. Turney.'- deceased, hai been filed In the Circuit Court for Marlon Count v Oregon, and that Monday, the 2Mh day of June. ISM at 1:15 a.m. in the courtroom of aid Court In the County Court house, Salem. Otffon. has been set for the hearing of objections. If any. to such Final Account. . ANTOINETTE WHITE. 1 " Administratrix of the estate of Gertrude A. Turney. Steve Anderson, Attorney for Administratrix. Ml Court Street, Salem. Oregon. M 25. J t, 13. 8 GLORIOUS, CAREFREE VACATION DAYS FOR 2nd' Prjxc Hamilton All Now Automatic . Washer 349.59 Vile 'ROBATE COl'RT Estate of Albert C. Carlson. Icceased: Ordci declares estate ''ttled and discharges admims-iator. Estate of E. Jay iicf All. de- titer Gerald Thomas, Eugene eased; Order admits will to pro- and a daughter. Mte. and appoints executor and .ppraisors. Estate of Floyd F. Daniels, de rased: Order approves estate's rial account and directs distn mtinn. Estate of W'illard Henry At vood, deeeased: Will admitted to rohate and executrix and ap- .aisor appointed. Corporation Commission Aide Named W. .1. 'Pal' Farrell. 2.Voar em ploy e of the stale corporation nun-ini-Mon. will be deputy rmmnis. sinner of that department eflcctive lodiiv, it was announced by Frank .1 IN'aly. commissioner Farrell succeeds Willard H. Virt, deceased The new deputy has been savings and loan supervisor for the com mission since 1934, three years a(- titr hn tninwl t;il sit icp lt, villi oos Bav, pleaded vuiltv and was ,..,,, ,i, ji ;..( n,.,t ,.. addition to bcint! deputy, it was declared. Farrell is a past president of the national association of state sawiiL's- and loan supervisors and at present is a member of the or aniatlon's executive commit STRICT COl RT Dclmar Lee Frahm, Salem lit. Box 622, and Charles I.eRov niMrnng. Oregon City both inrl over to the fjrand jury er s preliminary hearing on a arse of burglary, not in a tiling. Bail was set at 1,000 ' each. William Nathaniel Stevens, ned 250 on charge of driving rule intoxicated Van Oakley I'nrhard, Stayton. ' 'ailed innocent to a charge of lung while intoxicated, trial be set; bail set at $250. UtRl.UiK LICENSE .PFI.K ATIONS Michael Henry Mulkey. 21. udent. Corvallis, and Ikmna r.i Morns, 21, bookkeepei, .lolalla Cteijrge Wayne Slape. 20, car 'enter, Brxioks, and Janice 1). vdugsen, 20, Brooks. Ronald Noel Teaeue, 21. assem liy man, Hillsboro. and Doris oe Scott, 17. Forest Grove. Richard Joseph Paradis, 23. rnier, Woodburn, and Harriet 'Ida W'eigel, 21, clerk-typist, 475 Crestview. Salem. t'.rrirge Grant Renfrn .lr , 25 .. it Mayer. 1005 N. 5th St. and 'tr ria I.ti Dixon. 19 adver'is P'j assistant. 1520 llicktuv St. Varry E Pahlman. 22. lineman, ' Yinvaid St. ami I. Charlene .'right. 17 ige St. student. 2385 S. Cot- Parents Club Names Chief F W Test, 1R0 F. I.uther St . ill head the Sacred Heart Acad my Tarcnts Club for the cnminj .ear, it was announ cd this week Other officers elected at a recent neeting include Leonard Braulieh. .ice president: Mrs .1 A. Gray, "crrtary, and Francis Hamstreet. NOTK r. OF TRMK MXHK RF.GISTR TKIV NOTICF IS HERFBY .WFS ,1 vllXCO. INC a WavliniKm . "rp..; ..- inn havlnR its pt-i'irtpai nf. r Soi.te 10. Box 8S. niimpu. W.,.: -ifii'.n. caused tu i t g.lf rrrl ..n pi:i fc. 195i. :n t:ic nffii n( t - p Sci.''arv of Slat Ofcgnn ' r flft' inrk ' Prin.oi F'ak t'V DAItn Jl'FrN." s.k ti in .''v i' rd milk and upd iu,;k pi.Tl i(t. aid placed on cntalricr for ic i pMirtin u and on visual dis0Us mfl advrrtisinx. Such trariemai k pscr.hcri hs a full figure or ruM r'c(in (Ir.iwtne of an et mmp-rapcfl u ith crown and .scepler B'tn i -panifd bv parllallv encircling Irg--nri Tnncess Pak bv DAIRY :jl,'FEN " Each and everv pottlnn nt . ich Iradcmaik is essential In M ie S it n trademark i full and earn par' thereof is owned by the leg utrant MIXC'O. INC. Dated this lSth dav of May. iht. M1XCO. INC. a Washington Cnrpnialion Bv Pebbles and Swansnn. 20i Capitol Theater Bldg . Olvmpia. Washington Attornevs at Law MIS2S.JI Mrs. Wilder Retires From ! State Position I Mrs Mae F. Wilder, statistician ! with the State Industrial Accident ! Commission for 21 years, retired Thursday. She was honored with a farewell party by fellow workers and IAC nfltcials- during the noontime pe nod. After reviewing her service I with the state. Commissioner I,. O I Arens presented her a gilt of two pieces of luggage on behalf of the I AC employes. Hoy Green was master of cere monies An occasional poem in Mrs Hiidcr's honor. "This is Your I. lie." was written by Mrs Clara Stinnett and read during the party. Several members of her lamily were present lor the partv Mrs Wilder lives at 629 Marino Dr. NOTICE OF SAI.P OK RKAL PROPKKTY In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Mar ion. Pinnate Department. Nn. 1651)8. In the Mal'er of the Estate "t FlMe V Hl.isrhkn Deceased NOTICE IS HKREHY CilVEN that ilie undei ngned Administrator of the rstale of Tlsie V. Bla'chko. deceased, will, from and after June 26. IVM. ai its office at luii N Commercial s Street, Salem. Marion County. Ore- J gm sell at pnvate a He. or sale. fur c.ish. the following described real premises, tn-wlt I' Beginning at a point in the center of Uv County Road. 14.91 chains North 12' West and 30 J $ links West frinn the Southeast cor-: . ner of the Janet Pugh Donation i Land Claim in Tow nship 7 South. iL Range 2 Wet of the Willamette Mrr-.E uli.i ii in Marion Crninty. Oregon; rience West 5 0BH chains to an iron s, thence North T West 1 21 E i h.ims In an lion pipe; thence Last J c hains lo the center of said h ( iiiin'y Ruin!, thence South 12' East Kl chains to the point of beginning,, and containing 0 K2 acrs of land. ' 'v Beginning at a point In the cen- lei of the Cnuntv Road. Id 12 chains North 12 West and 30.1 links West " li'un the Soultieast corner of the $ .tanet 1' Donation Land Claim lit 'Icirish.p 7 South Range 2 West of l-ii- VViilaincfi- Meridian in Marion f toiin. (iiegon: tnence Weal 5 OSfi .'s 'o .to iron pipe, thence Norlh I- West 1 il churns t, ;in lion pipi. , t icnce East 5 OHfi chain to the cen t of sa.d road: tlienre SWiuth 12 f; ldt 121 tha.n" to the point of be- h ginning, containing 0 (S2 acres of land PAHl El. 2 Lots Fue and Six in'tJt BIock 1. Keucr Heights. Marion u Countv. Oregon. S PARCEL :i lots Eleven and f Tele, Block Two. Kelzer Heights, k Mai. on ("mintv. (neiiun PAHCFL 4 All of Lot Four 141 Blmk Eight 181, Chappelles Addl- i lion to Wcioduurn. Mai ion County, p Oregon (See Volume 4. page ft Ret- ord of Town Plats for said County m and Slate i 3 Mso Hcinnn.i.g 'lie innst Wpl etlv iuIiii'i nt Lot Thiee ill-. Blci Km t . H ' Chappelle s Addition in r W iiodtMi.ii. M(i:U'n Count . Oregon ,( V"' 1. pae 6 Iteroiit ot x I. mil flats for said Countv and ?: S'alt ' 'henre Norl hi ast r I along ': Ihe Northv es'erly line of saltl l.ol ;i UK14HI fut to the most Northe-lv of s ild lot 3 tnence Soutn eisterlv along th Northeasterly one j ol said Lot, 25. 00 feet; thence sSjuth- k westerlv parallel with the Nnrthwes'- , eil line of .-.ud Lot. 100 00 feet to jfS the Southw i stf l !y line of said Lot; thence Northwesterly along the & Southwestern line of said Lot. 25 00 leet to the place of beginning. PARI Ft 5. Lots Five i o and Six ii. in Block Six (Si. C happelle s 1 1 Addition to Woodburn. Marlon ? Co.ui'v. Oregon iSee Volume 4 page S. RVecord of Town Plats for said : County and Stalei. Sato sale will be made in pnri. t anre of an order of the Honorable Val D. Sloper. one of the Judges ol Ihe Circuit Court of the State of -Oregon, for Marion County, whuh order was m.ide and entered on Mm 211 I'tSU ill ijm.i t eding- prnd mi In said court entitled "In the s Matter ol the Estate of F.lsie V. tf: Blasrhko. deceased.'' Clerk's register s number 16598. and said sale will he & guhteit to confirmation by the said Court PIONEER TRt'ST COMPANY Adir.ini-ttatcr of tni" Es'.re of Elsie V Blasrhko. deica'cd .; DeAln.ond ."id S:.e:' , :. tiH. to.;it SI. Sdlcn. OiiK'.n A'tnrnr '. - f"- Ad-- -r tr .i Eusl puhlica'mn Mac Il'iS. fe Lat puhlicat.-'i. J n- ..' can. M :'S J 1 8 LS.'5 H a T i T-V X e. f ' X lii Lt7 1 all expense trip to Hawaii via: ENTER TODAY! Pillsbury Pancake Mix ' sC?rn MAID your JJ CSXT? cane': saear,! ' -PERFECT! it's pure cane! ftmwfr) Be Sure to Get Your Tickets from Your Favorite Scotty Store Many Valuable Prizes Anyone Can Win-You Need Not Be Present at Drawing to Win 3rd Prize Hamilton Automatic CLOTHES DRYER With Toark tad Go fontrtl $2499s Value Nit NeiriMrji to B Prncat U H'la rrlwt Pillsbury Choc, Chip Cookie Mix Pillsbury Snosheen Cake 3 lbs. pkg. 24-oi. PET INSTANT Powdered Milk I l M BAKED BEANS BROWN BREAD IRADSHAW HONEY NADSHAW HONEY CHIFFON WHITE or COLORED TOILET TISSUE CRISCO GLASS WAX SNOWY BLEACH GREEN GIANT PEAS 2i lb. S lbs. 2 Pack Pints 15 oi. NIBLETS CORN Mexicorn Niblets LUCKY LEAF PIE FILLER 12 oi. tin 12 oi. tin 22-oi. Apple Cherry-Peach Raisin INSTANT MAID CONCENTRATED TOMATO JUICE 6 oi. 11 OI 227' 23c i ,T? Red Ripe Tomatoes b. Crisp - Firm Crisp Solid Lb. VAN CAMP BLU HILL mAKAllDi7Jll; lbs. C&H Powdered or Brown 2 Mb. pkgs. A A Large H((SS Doz. 12-01 Nalleyt POTATO CHIPS 33c 49c bo. 49c Mor Tamales Wilton't 14-ox. Reg. 39c Pkg. Reg. 59c Twin Bog Wilson's Wilson's Pigs Feet Ham Salad Spread Snack Plates Dinner Plates Tea Bags Tea in Glass Wilton's 5-oi. . Diamond 127" Diamond 811". . Lipron'i 48'i . . LipSjpn'i 2 Lb. Pkts. Koiter Aluminum Foil 25-ft. Soup Mix Lipfon'i Veg., Tomato Noodlt Chicken Chow Mein Jm-U-Wint 3 Lb. Tin . M.C.P. Lemon Juice 225c 17c 5'i oi. 7J4 oi. Sweetheart Soap 3 (or 23 Underwood Deviled Ham 19c 4V '4 OI 1 OI. Welter Kendall Dog Biscuit Kibbled 4 l 8 Lb. U.S. GOOD BEEF ROAST ENDS AND PIECES BACON SWIFT'S POEM. - Fully Cooked HAM 2 Ibi. Whole FILLET OF RED SNAPPER We Reserve the Right to timit STORES Independently Owned & Operated J0NESWAY MARKET Route 1, Brook Phone 2 3375 Del-Mar-Ker 3125 N. River Rd.-Phene 4-4233 Ed's Market 1 1 20 South 1 2th-Phone 2-6403 Chris' Market 3060 Market-Phone 2-4149 Hayesville Shopping Center 3150 Portland ".; v'v '-?X:H.'-.r:'