li-iSec III) Statesman, Salem, Ore. FrI., June 1, '56 lite Warns Backers Of Over-Confidence By TBI ASSOCIATED PRESS President Eisenhower advised a froup of political backer Thurs day not to be over-confident about the 193 campaign and said he felt physically lit "to go forwara la the battle. 'Talklnf t a Washington Citi- len for Eisenhower confer ence, the President also claimed Anne Lise of Salem Gives Concert Here By STANLEY BUTLEft Aaaaeeiata Professor of Mask WilUBMtt I'alrersUjr Lane DA Plans Conference With Smith, Thornton EUGENE ID - District Attorney Eugene Venn of Lane County in tends to confer with dor; Elmo Smith and Atty. - Gen. Robert Thornton about the- Lane County grand Jury. Venn said he hopes the attorney aeneral will be able to take some Thursday he action. and espouses Seaton Says States Control Vend" has charged the grand jury list was drawn improperly. The state Supreme Court denied, 4-1, his motion to discharge the grand a new prestige peak for the Unit ed States In world affairs a stand disputed by Democrat Adlal Ste venson The President, giving a preview of his 19$ campaign arguments, said that "We have largely nulli fied', the Soviet Union's "reliance upon force and threat of force." On the domestic front, he said hi administration has brought Will v, vi imikiii uwi miv . . . It. place and doesn't Interfere too ! ' P"""". much with me as 1 go about my;""" - daily business. Laughter Soaads Eisenhower added ter, in an off-the-cuff talk: "I assure you that when I say 'me,' I think I am for each of you rpr . tot Freight Cars JLneirWaterS ITpoStland m - Three f WASHINGTON OrwFred Seaton. Court Upholds Rule to Speed federal fudged Thursday uoheld the valid ity of an Interstate Commerce nominated earlier this week to be 'I pmmisjiion order aimed at speed- secretary of the Interior, said'" "r lne wwemew raiiroau 'k,iu .a... ireium cars. the view that states' The ordfr Ba,t the practice of have the right to control waters loading a freight car with lumber or other products and then rout ing it toward the East Coast by slow movement while brokers at Stevenson, campaigning in Cali- Alerk It nil en ential jiwiioi, within their boundaries. ' Sometime ago the Interior De- nartmnt tnnlr Ihia nnallinn In lu. U,rv Th. armnA fair In hsnk limoiw hpfnr OuiffrM II ninJ tempt to negotiate a Sale Into 'a comDlaint that some of the ported a bill by Sen. Barrett (R-1 . Somf . 63 sma" lumber compa- money of Moses Moddy. a prison- jWyoi. designed to reaffirm state !nlef ndbrokeri of Wash- had rignw, wnicn nas opposed Dy ine i "'". ." iairs I Department of Defense and the De-! nad protested that the order would partment of Justice. The measure halt merchandising practice that I was approved today by the Senate , ha0" ben in, effect for 10 years reclamation subcommittee.' and further that it would put some I Seslon. now deputy assistant to ofi!,em out of business. ih. Pmidmi l from H.i.tino, i ney conienaea Mai me order Neb.The justice department i wa invalid because no emergency . I ' . -r . v cliu4 ! Ik. lint l .. .. spokesman before lne Senate In-, "' " terior committee opposing the leg-1 , The court, however said that islation was J. Lee Rankin of Lin-' ord(,r ws legal and the three coin, Neb. judges vacated a temporary re- cli .;a i,. tw . if JslraininK order which had been .71 soiu iwuav mat 11 i , . u n: . : constitutional question is '"u ' """" .mid uufrFumigators tit breakfast O speaking Destroy Bugs, FORT. WORTH. Tex. I - A ferula for his party's presidential nomination to oppose Eisenhower, Ann. Lisa, Salem JJI XS 3 and LT i? 'Si "W. "' ".h charming concert last venlng.! .. w m (h R(.publj. f"- ryin 10 mo"!""" ana be straightened out. He said this .t. Leslie Junior High Auditor-! X oX" P T". J., " thh c"- lum. The linger hss a. lovey F ' limm ,v ,. ----- slonal action. ruutmiui i J irr weir, uut mr trim- n. r i...tu. k.. venson was paying more attention Hef don-t h,vt a nome any mor. The D-rtm nt JJ to Eisenhower as an opponent ti n.rona hi n Hirv. maln a,ned that a constitutional question is invoiveo. u supporu menl. voice, preponderantly bright in quality, although she can also command a full, dramatic and lark colour.' Ilia Lisa use ner voice with Intelligence. The production Is consistent and comfortable. Schubert and Mozart numbers The Darsonaze blew un. dentrov man ne was io aen. csies iveiau- jng (( ver oi Tennessee. Then what remained burned '3,,. ImMrtaat CaatMl ........ riKhtl , , ucv ii. Stevenson and Kefauver are in x0 one was In the -room brick the last days of an Important con- veneer home in which the Rev. test for the 68 nominating votes Xed E. Gaze of Oakview Baptist the itiea of the supremacy of fed- J .1 Tl.. W ' Sin- lii int itvle Moiart" s 1 cJiton,i have at the Demo- church and hi, family resided. :.M"T crane National "Abendempfindung larly touching. Next there were was particU' . ' Kefauver stung by his rival s the good Samaritans Included was the dramatic To1fCCUMtion, ' "V!8""?'"- ' They were equipped with a coun- Reaf by tha German. Hugo WoM,, - ' " ; , "Tr - ,i&m: Convention. One J, J. Grav. precinct 3 road sud- of them will win ail 88 in the pri- ervisor. and F. E. Tucker, pre- hy mary next i uesuay. cinct punnc worKs employe, were "Whatever remedy is necessary to see to it that states have con trol over I heir water has got to be found and applied." Seaton told a reporter He said this will be one of the first problems he will take up i( the SemU' confirms his appoint ment as secretary. mgkM wonders 1 siaiemeni mat oievenson was chine filled with a mixture ,the instigator of personal attacks diesel fuel and insect poison between ine two, Le Monde and the Baseler Nach 'would have approved it if their consent had been requested, since rich;en o SwltH.rland il was a nuniMiT i 1 City Fire Marshal C. C. Killian. who estimated the loss at 110,000. said the explosion was touched off Holiday Toll Near Estimate By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Traffic mishaps accounted for At lat 10Q lontha Hiirtnff Ih nno. r .... . . . " "r. when the spray, highly volauie in day Memorial holiday. Though , came in contact wit he f gure waa one be ow the Na- the ilot lignt 0, th, hol water tional Safety Council s estimate heater of 110, the Council said Thursday ' It waa "distressed" that the toll 1 0 , . . came so "tragically close" to its 3UlCl(Ie Oil Loast predlctwn. . An Associated Press survey of liritlC IPI)OrUMl olent deaths occurring during COOS BAY :r - The Coast. 1 starched Thursday for the a variety of accidents, bringing the body of man reported tu have toll from all violent causes to 174. leaped from the Highway 101 1 The count covered the period Bridge into the waters ol Coos from t p m. Mocal time) Tuesday Bay, 200 feet below. to midnight Wednesday. A truck driver said he saw the The 174 deaths compared with man run from one railing of the 111 fatalities recorded two weeks 'bridge to the other, and then leap1 ago in an Associated Press non- over.' It was the third jump re-; holiday survey for a comparable ported since the bridge was built I Tuesday night and Wednesday, in the mid-1930s. sung la Engliu why. Patch Gattama After Intermission Miss Lise appeared la a Dutch costume, carrying two miniature flags, one of her aativa country, Denmark, and oaa of the United States. There followed i froup of Dutch .wigs. These were simple, square and folk-like In character. While one or two such songs would have been attractive In tha program, weren't they all too similar? None cf then were musically disting uisbed, although their sentiment was warm. Grieg's "Ich Llebt Dich," sung In Dutch, was memorable for its mature and full quality. There were two Italian arias, one from Mascagni'i Cavalleria r.usticana and another from Leon- vioieni deaths occurring during cavallo's Pailiacd. Miss Lise the holiday period showed 32 per sane these demanding numbers ; sons drowned and 33 others died in Guard with power. She graciously added three encores to her program. Meaner Aasaalag , While It may be impertinent to resort. 1 thought Miss Use's in formal maimer very amusing, when ah was caught by a slip, aa well as when she was left on the stage alone while her accom panlst went treading after a stray piece of music. One wonders if the couldn't successfully add ha mor to her serious singing man ner. Ferenc Dauss wai a -generally satisfactory accompanist. I felt sorry that he had to endure the piano, for its bass waa as caver nous as a tam-tam, Weaker Mate 'Decides Sex Of Children9. LONDON I Medical researcher A. B. Maxwell came up Thursday vita a new wrinkle for predicting the sex af inborn children: The weaker sex husband or wife as th case may be usually repro duces tu ewa. Writing in th doctors' journal "Medical press of Cambridge University, Maxwell said he reached hit conclusion from a study of JO pairs of parents with thro or mor children each. He said hit research showed On group of exceptionally strong and healthy men, each married to a delicate wife, produced 71 daugh ter! and tons. A second group of strong, robust women, each with a delicate hus band; had M sons and 10 daugh ten.'-' A third group, In which both had a total of TO tons and 66 daughters. of PRAGl'E PAPERS LIMITED VIENNA Trsvelers return- ior. County Commissioner Earl mg from Czechoslovaks say wme Johnson, nor Tucker ,, County Wr" "'?PaP ""'T Health Sanitarian William L. Brew JJ'JZaX er. knew of the project beforehand. ,lm ,!n'r l!,e,hh!nn'" ,hf ' t " n... k,h Ja k- wjr. Among them are the Times i j r"" V and Daily Herald of London. Pans' BEWARE o miTATlOHS LOOK fOH THi HAPPY mm ooo trppf TOPS IN QUALITY! LOW IN PRICE ENTRY HANKS AT YOUR GROCERS Cardinal Mlndazcnty Reportedly Rearrested ' VIENNA Austria tatAnH.. Romaa Catholie authorities said Thurtday they bad received re ports Josef Cardinal Mindsxenty hat bee re-arrested and imprison ed in Hungary because be refused to alga a pledge of loyalty to the Hungarian Communist govern ment. Sentenced to life Imprisonment la 140 for alleged high treason, Cardinal Mindsxenty was reported released in July, loss, and trans ferred to aa asylum for aging priests near Vas in southern Hun ' lary. . Enjoy th GoodaoM Northweat'i Owa Bread 5rr f; III ' U ' I o o o o s X I ;- 0 9 0 '( No other home laundering product equals CLOROX in germ-killing efficiency! Thi mart oi your wash that you Clorox, th mart health protection you provide for your family! For Clorox duinfects at it removes dinginess, stains and odors . . . inaket your wash hygienically cleaner, $aftr for family health. That's why more and mor women are laundering more and more fabrics with Clorox. ..white and color faat cotton and linen and white-100 nylon, rayon, Daenn, Orion and DvneL U mtlM kithra tmi Utkraea clMalag. Ua, Clnai raamt Mlu, So4iriai m4 iiunfta ... fnrUn auira Imldi prU' for ym hmOy wliS mUmm wwk br faaT a vim n " ' - .a. ah MID Every time you use CLOROX vou protect family health! In tha Springtime the Only Things That Dont Grow Are the Prices at UVI (They Shrink) 1940 Mission Ph. 2-7661 SHRED ALL WHITE MEAT fimxn A ravin SR., Tin Limit KELLOGG'S VARIETY If 3 LI. CAN SWIFT'S -77 JEWEL C Limit 300 SIZE VAN CAMP POBR'M' mm BEST FOODS B Tim 4 in, 'HA OLEO W IT HASTA BE SHASTA CALM P OP 6 Tins if All Flavors BETTY ELIZABETH REG. 49c Pint Bottle MORRELL'S 4 Tins 00 M.J.B. Lb. 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