' itatesman, baienv Ore., Jr'ri., June 1, "56 (bee ill)-21 - Wn'r, (fcTr (Svgv Wees effective Fri.r Sat.-Inx, kzs 1-2-3 Quarreling Children Are Just Normal By ERMINA FISHER County EiteRsis Agent Home Eetnomiet " Most mothers know that a ' cer tain amount of quarreling among children is nothing to be disturbed about. In fact, some modern psy chologists say it's actually desir able, a safety valve for the young sters. It's much better to express bad feelings than to keep them bottled up, and the boy or girl who never quarrels with a brother or sister may be building up danger ous inner pressures that someday will erupt in emotional disorders. But how much quarreling is nor mal, you ask? Usually mothers who complain their children bicker "all the time" are exaggerating. However, there are instances where quarrels of children are fre quent and very bitter. One cause of quarreling is bore dom If your youngsters play or work together for an hour nr more at a lime, don't be disturbed it these periods seem to end in a battle. The game or project has worn out. the children s emotions are seeking another outlet. More Reasons Another cause of quarreling, that If natural and unavoidable, is the competition for the love and at tention of parents. In a sense, all children in a family are one an other's rivals. Resentments af created which may flare up in connection with any trivial inci dent. The children may feel th.it you are showing partiality, at least the quarreling is a natural com petitive effort to gain advantage over a rival. You might examine your attitude to see that you are truly fair and square. Another reason for bickering is that parents go too far in an effort not to dominate or repress their children. In such families the children have no concept of the rights and feelings of others They run rouehshod over each other and their parents The child hn re ceives too little discipline is ;,. rtiuih a victim as the child mho receives too much. Deeper Trouble Of codrse there are some few quarrelsome children who actually require the attention of a physi-, cian. Such a case was eight-year-i old Michael, who felt hostile to ward his sister, parents, teachers and playmates. Knowing he couldn't get away with displays of rags with his parents or teacher, he vented all of his hostility on his sister. His trouble was caused by a feeling of insecurity. The family had moved frequently, the father was away from home a good deal, and his negative be havior was an effort to gain some of the attention that circumstances had denied him Once his parents understood this, they made a spe cial effort to give Mike the atten tion and the feeling of security he needed Within a few months his disposition had improved If there is only an occasional quarrel vyhich soon blows nvr and there are periods of happy play in between, don't worry But if you really feel that in this nor mal family of yours, you still need some relief from shattered nerves and battered ear drums, here are a few suggestions One mother said Five indi vidualists ranging from live to sixteen kept our family stirred up a good deal of the time. Finally. I marie a sign and put it up in a remote corner of the ha-emenl My husband and I agreed that the two or more people who raised their voices in an argument or came to blows had to go to the BATTLINti CORNF.Fl and stay there until they could he agree able again This has helped." Another woman took direct action with her hvely four Most nf their bickering and teasing took place at meal lime, kicking each other under the table, grahning the next fellow's glass of milk or putting an elbow on another's space. Talk proved futile, but action was something else When anyone created a fuss, he was served his meal on a tray and sealed against a wall The first time four vntingsters ate tray meals from (our chairs again -t tour walls 1 was rather ftinnv But after awhile the children be haved themselves at the table be ause Morriand Dad looked so lonesome " Those are a few suggestions for achieving peace among a fighting crew". When you get upset about the fussing, ask yourself the ques tion. "Didn't you fight when you were growing up''" Most parents will answer. .' Sure we did and laugh as they say it So ignore the fuss if you ran. or .suggest a change of work or a different game, and you'll see that the air will clear LEFTOVER POTATOES Dice them and add to a thin white sauce with minced onion for a nutritious soup. Sprinkle wnh paprika or minced parsley before serving. Or famish with grated raw carrot. CRISP BREAD To crisp slices of bread, bake them in a slow '.TOO degrees oven for twenty minutes or longer. Half way through the baking lime, turn the slices so they will brown evenly. COLORFUL Slice rounds of carrot and cut away the centers. Thurst small sprigs nf water cress through the carrot rings am serve as an ap petizer or use as a garnish- in mom it The New "Delicate Pink' Anchor Hocking Starter Set Hunts Whole I'npeeled afaf APRICOTS 4T;nlc0u Amarnn The Tastiest Kver jOtk UJ afdr APPLESAUCE 9 1.00 Nut Shelf AA; MIXED NUTS Full Found Tin Planters mWf4 PEANUT OIL ...Quart Bottle Planters Snack Time DeUte 0 m 0f COCKTAIL PEANUTS 3 ,1.00 Betty Crocker With Pk. Frosting Mix 69c Value gtj CHOC. FUDGE CAKE MIX fi? 49 N B C. New! l arge Cello Bags 0 far v VANILLA WAFERS 9 l0i pkR 25 VB.C New: ( rarker Taste f f J WAVERLY WAFERS 29' AUNT JEMIMA rggfjl CORN BREADgl 3S' EASY MIX WITH MIXIN0 SAO AND SAKMO FAN IN PACK AO! BEGMORE MandM DOG FOOD CANDIES 6 BW Family V 45 INSTANT MAXWELL 2-oz. 55c 6-oz. I Local Snow White Heads Cauliflower California Green Crisp Celery w W You've seen it in Life Buy it at ERICKSON'S Here's A Real Value! 1.19 With 5.00 Purchase in Bottle m 3-1.00 HOUSE Jar $149 i Ripe Golden Fruil Direct From Growers in California. The Finest in Value Wonderful for Desserts or Breakfast Fruit. . . . DBft(o0rvo) Medium Size Indio, Lb. L No. 1 lb. 9 SALAD BOWL Wonderful For DEL MONTE Richest, Creamiest You've Ever Served CREAAfl COKN" TREE TOP New Crop Wonderful Flavor Apple mm SALAD BOWL Economy in Price Finest Quality alad Pressing TOWN PRIDE Choc. Pineapple Butterscotch M-D Buy Several Pocks at This TISSUE PIXIE Wonderfully Soft & Flavor Fresh nbiaawrjs Camay Soap Tide Detergent Camay Soap Siie 3 for 27c (iianl Site 79c Site 2 far 27c - . n Hand Soap Dreft Dergent Joy Liquid K 2f0r31c ST- 79c- S"t,7 69c I iSTf I! (OlC 2 for W California Red, Ripe Tomatoes 2 California Shafners POTATOES Qm Summer Saladt or Low Price! 4 3 lb. Tin Fresh Pork Boned & Pork Pork Salem 46-oz. n) Tin Jj Quart Jar Limit 4 Cans Please! ror ro Quart Jar Rolls :f All Lri4a ' r iiiiiuv. 2 Removed U.S. Choice Beef Boneless Top Sirloin Steak 98' Yankee Spare Ribs , 39' Rolled Roast lD 49' Shldr Sleaks. tt .W Treat tho To some of our fresh baked Goodies . . . baked in our own bakery and sold a! boih Portland Rd. and South Commercial locations. Iced Chocolate . """"V """"N m (ME wiffiv Apple-Peach-Cherry Collee CalieSf 3s Don't Forjet! Summertime Cookies laked Fresh Deilyl .Hunti hi Heivt Syrup . m Blf gf BARTLET PEARS 3 JS liOO Cottage Broken f f SLICED PINEAPPLE 2 ft 53f Llbbys Finest In Quality I f' CORNED BEEF 45 Run Pakt Small Whole Tender 0 COVE OYSTERS 3 1.00 Nestles Instant Chocolate Drink f fj QUICK ,J: 49! Dromedary Honey V Spice g J CAKE MIX 5S 25' Plllsbury fw CHOC. ANGEL FOOD 49 SALAD OIL ,.rt59' Grapette Lime and Grape Makes One Gallon f 0 v BEVERAGE BASE ""tf 2&25' 1 Minute Lemon Includes Cnist Mix u4 Free Bake Til 0k&k4 ANGEL PIE MIX i ..39 Johnson Snlnes like Magle afnaf GLO COAT .5? 90' Zee Keep Food Moist and Fresh j dPleflef WAX PAPER -lOOftRoll " for WW Zee Stronger When Wet f dr f V PAPER TOWELS 2.035' Sunshine Hot Weather Snirkt 0 jfil v HI HO CRACKERS IbhM 33r r Kamo uviiv All Inside Bono Removed Eosy to Slice) U.S. Choice Beef Blode Cut Chuck Roast , 35 Erickson Thriftwiie Round Erickson Thriftwise Boiling Beet I m Erickson Thriftwise Standing or Boned Rib Roast , 9' Rally! 3 U.S. Choice Steer Beef Properly Aged For Tenderness Semi Boneless L-T W U Whole Steak if Leon Rib Woodburn