ZHSec III) Statesman. Salem, Ore, Fri, June 1, '55 - ff f f f C!::clccn Dish ' ' ' ' The eaok wit a flair lor flav orful fin invariably fcgarde cae terota cookery aril greet inter est tectum at awea her ta aa partunrry to iadulgiag Jw Ja- genuity. The ramhinatiaa af flavor that aaay he gathered 1 m Maawala ta the mm ml euUaary art at susutam. Aad a new eMkSH ataae as a wel . coma siat. sv Hera, iar anatalc. la a naQr deliciaaa ta aasl Cfck&ea Caa tarale aaada aa a araad star way wtta the aery aavaskar Calilaraia Dipt At yea kaaar, tkia 'it a eaaa bhutiaa af aaar eraeai aad aaaaa mow mix tea atari! aat aa a eocftlaa ha art aa after be- . craaaTcaaferry. Ill artaapal ad TaatkM) h tkat at arrar rardlea .. aa aiaffcr bear bmg at watt. ' la tkat reripa. mM cUcfcca it arraaged ia atteraate layert wBa eiiee af kard-eaoked fpi art arhraam Vest ae Cali formla tfta hi added ta fcakkea brwth. heated art tkafcaaaed vita flaar. ftaaJtr, yea aaar this aw the caictta egg aittarttai layers tfl4 aaaa ia a moderate waca lor SSaaawtaa. ka Dip it aude ia a wiak hy iddiaC the aniaa tea aux right fraa tht package lata tht aaur rreaaa. Notice haw ail tht cabtle flaaartofi af tht alia cafciaee the bland flavorings of the chicken. tgf art KaavooaL Sam the catacrole with hot battered asparagus, pickled wa tanaelaa tiad art for dessert pineapple cubei and lemon cook ie. KG AVD CHICKEN CASSCIOLE t to copt cooked chicken ' meat J bard-cooked eggs, diced 1 4-ounce ean sliced itiwh roams '1 tablespooas flour .'J cttpi chicken broth 4 caa CaMferaUt Dip .To prepare chicken: Cat pound chicken in pieces as for fticassee. Bower ehickeo until taader fat water aeatened with tilt, peaper, celery leaves art oirtoii Cool ill broth, then ro-1 move meat from bones leaving meat in large pieces. ; Arrange chicken pieces, eggs and mushroom slices in three layers in a 3-auart casaerole. Ba ling a third- ttl Ineredjeots for each layer. Blend flour with Vt cup chicken broth. Combine 14 cups broth with the "California Pip" in saucepan and heat Stir 1 -f jSour Cream jGravyGoes Over Steaks Use the flavor of sour cream to make a different main dish with low cost ground beef. In this recipe the sour cream makes the beef gravy unusual. This dish has Iota of onion rings which are browned, then removed from skil let while the beef steaks cook. Change the way the dish looks by sometimes forming the beef into tiny meat balls instead of patties or steaks. Beef Steaks la Soar Cream Gravy 4 tablespoons cooking fat 2 cups sliced onions halve large slices' h cup milk 2 slices fresh bread, cut into i tiny cubes 1 lb. ground bet'f 2 teaspoons steak saure 1 teaspoon salt ' teaspoon black pepper 1 cup uncooked white rice 2 cups water 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons ul! purpose flour l2 teaspoon salt ,, U tea-spoon black pepper 1 cup water That popular combination of tour cream and onion soup mix called "California" dip that's ben : Mdt 3 Uuicspoons of the cook- used aa often recently, now becomes an important part of a casserole mat includes large aK at m iar(!t. skillet. Add the onions and cook until broun. Kemuve the onions and set aside. While the unions are cookiag pre pare the beef patties four the milk over the bread. Sur in the beet, steak sauce 1 teaspoon salt and pepper Divide into six port (tiMV Deep Fat Fried Fish Favored STATISTICAL Experiment ta find out bow much batter your waffle iron will bold: keep track of the amount and use that measurement when ever you bake waffles. HOT STIFF Here's bow to make hot mustard tt accompany Chinese egg roll (The egg rolls come f rosea. 1 Mix a half cup of dry mustard with three tablespoons of water until smooth. Any of the mustard left over may be put in a small tightly covered jar and refrigerated. Ripe Olives Have Many Uses Celery Seeds good for it nafkes it vegetable piece of chicken, hard cooked eggs and rnvthrooms, with the dip poured over them. Refreshments for Bride's UP ond D" Showers Are Important Too of Thawin9 To,d I Nowadays when cut-up young U)n.s and form into flat patties What a beautiful wav to honor a bride! This bridal shower will chicken is one of the regulars in if desired, form into small meat stand out in the memoir of the bride-to-be and why not? Friends, the home freerer. housewives often balls decorations, gifts and party delicacies all gathered to honor the soon ;ask whether chicken can go from A(1(,r ht. (ini)ins brown mfit tne to be "Mrs." freerer to frying pan or boiling 'mi. , t .hlesnoon df eookine Glared Ham Loaf is an easy yet perfect choice when preparing rack without thawing and cook fa m lhe sk,.t A()d the beet a menu to anrve far this function. successfully. An answer, based on ,...;,. ....a r.M iv until research, comes from Dr. Kai'h patties brown on all sides and dune inside Kinime Irom skillet. 11113 lOai Cn UC prcv"-u o Ili .r. mil,,r. .nH day in advance, thet. refrige rat- crejm , rfloiinjng Bjjxture. Feoloa of the New York i .-T.iT. Jw' MOTt the cream m.xture r.xperimeni Mauon in w , ,h(. )(.,.( 1(.s cuuk plt LISZmZ vLfffirt beg,nS ,0 CCnea1' PUr lf"n "'h'lnds',sb-0'ha the rue. 2 cups water and 1 tea- f.r.fcT?v andean be Uy" wer thf surface of h'm e"fcT Vl nU,y P"" ' 2 Miuup.n IJrltrthTitmo Brace! lof- Chi" until firm' Con,inuf bf!1CookkH 'T' he, Br.ng to a vigorous boil Turn the ftTetn SleSun "toEUre this proceu keeping cream glare ;t.'e. Kxample: tu.-up charken as luw ib(. Cover It even a pleasure to prepare. t , ng consistf ncy un. for slewing may go hard-troien into u llh . and ,..., over thls 1(. Xi.Z ',"d VlW! Jr? "eat but leave'lid on un, toa art will five the luncheon i , .1 , . X K r rradv to serve, at least 10 minutes. . j- j YZ ,""c"" sistency af the gelatine mixture, less the pieces are wrapped , .. , , , a touch af ladiv.duality. Arrange demga of sliced olives separately before freezing. When After the beef patties cook, place Make Glaae I ,j .- ..-; .... ;( ",. i. i. l . the flour in one corner of the skil- Wha propping the glaze, tne ;:"-- "-:" let Blend ,n the fa. and cook oftened gelatin is added to hot Z - " ,"",7m CT." . " " u... . water ia which a bouillon cub I . ZT. W'n l""'"H " 1 . ... A. viiii, a.,u ni-iiiiviffi. i nil K I'll nn in nf dipped in et!s ami crumbs beloic The crisp browness of deep-fat fried food makes this method of. j preparing food one of America's I favorites. This recipe for Shrimp ! Croquettes comes from Shrimp- i Association of the Americas, who nnminnla Titft jalso gives a few tips on frying in sVUminUIB : ...n f nf anmmki All AT fat ' to cover the food. Heal the fat i enc! 1 recipe makes slowly Fry a small amount of food , i rms at one lime. Take out all scraps of food; otherwise they will burn and smoke up your kitchen. When the food is brown, removr'it ftom.j the fat and let it drain on absor-T bent paper. Shrimp Croquettes 2 cups cooked shrimp, fresh or frozen 1 1 pound 1 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk 1 small onion, grated 1 cup fine dry bread crumbs 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon minced parsley i teaspoon salt 'i teaspoon pepper Kat for deep frying Grind shrimp or chop very fine Melt butter. Hcmove from heat and blend in flour Over low heat, slowly stir in milk and cook until thick and smooth. Combine well with shrimp, onion, bread crumbs, lemon juice, parsley, salt and pep per Chill thoroughly Shape into croquettes Fry in deep hot fat '365 deg. F.i until browned 'about 4 minutes1. Drain on absorbent paper. Makes 4 servings. i especially salads. Celery Seed Dresiag 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon celery seed Vi cup corn syrup ' to cup vinegar 1 cup oil 1 tablespoon grated onion Place all ingredients in a small bowl. Beat with rotary beater until well blended and thickened. Place in covered container. Chill several hours. Shake before serv ing. Makes about 14 cups. .You can use up the last of a can of ripe olives, or open a new one, for many Interesting reci pes. Sometimei those bandy cans of sliced olives save time.' It's the little extras' like spe cial garnishes for dainty sand wiches which make a tea party memorable. Equipped with a buffet siie ean of sliced ripe olives, one of sliced pimiento, some chopped parsley and thnly sliced radishes you've got the makings of all kinds of interest ing accents. Add extra protein and valua ble minerals and vitamins to your pre-schoolers' diet by giv ing them pitted olives threaded on strips of American cheese for between meal snacks. ; Give your favorite combination i of talad greens new flavor by adding chunks of ripe olives art unpeeled red apple to then and then tossing lightly with a d rest ing of half mayonnaise and half French dressing. . ' You can often buy avecadoa which are too toft for dicing at bargain prices. They're perfectly wonderful to use in molded sal ads. Mash or sieve them and cpn bine with tart grapefruit sections in a lemon gelatin base. Add tra lemon juice for a zippier flavor. ORANGE TASTE Dip small sugar lumps in orange Juice; press into the tops of rich baking powder biscuits before baking. Filberts Become Treat Any Time Spiced nuts, though extra pop ular at holiday time, are good for munching on any evening. Spired Filberts 2 cup toasted Filberts 1 cup sugar 'i cup water v 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla Combine sugar, water, cinnamon and salt Bring to a boil. Boil for Mf't'V TASTE two minutes Remove from heat; Poach fresh pear halves in ,i add filberts and vanilla. Stir until sugar syrup, add strips of pre- syrup looks cloudy. Place on wax served ginger Serve as an actom- ed paper or buttered platter and pamment for pork or as a dessert bfeak apart yJ FOICOMPtfTf 11" IfFIESHMEKT If effetaaa aaar eaa. h Mwiaw wanw $,0? DR. PEPPER BOTTLING CO. 1095 N. liberty, Salem Phona 34116 I 1 J: 1 TL.. 4 1.-. nas uecn aissoiveu. men mc ,pr.,. rniH m, mixture is cooled, the cream is added, and just before the mix- 52, tt SrS J Sandwiches For chilled. Pimiento stuffed olivet! Mac Anu UAn art strips ef green pepper are :" "' ased to decorate the top several minutes. Stirring con stantly. Stir in the 'i teaspoon salt and ' teaspoon black pepper frying needs thawing first because l'r;,ou" """" '" 1 the crumbs cling better sUrvm, until mixture begins -o Chicken or other poultry tlu.ved ,hll k, n s,lr thl' sour tT,':",, twlore rM.kin bv ,lrv h.':.i L. Add the onions and meat patties. more uniformly and with less lucT H,-at r""Rhl Ad(i mi'" al,',r than that which starts cook inn if a thinner gravy is desired. over the hot cooked rice. nU. h Imm. ik iwimr!i w luncn or supper hurl fn,i n II .-hiek.-n ..r ...h.., erve . '; welcome idea for all. especially t nmiiirv iv i,nih-..i n. This recipe makes h servings. ttuUr Br mi HNniu rov. wnnr 1Qea lor ail. especially noullrv is roasted unlh.iwetl the n flour mixture and rook until ered with a smooth Hollartaise 1 J ;,Tlak" ZtZlT1"' may b(' ov,'rd"nt' and lry (thickened. Pour sauce aver the AmbrosU ulad. poppy- Pwaaratsan time is precioas. An by th(. me ,he mM(Je ,,, ls chicken layers In casserole. Bakel86"1 . troxen lemon tone . kbiiwh. oone. Another point : it s easier and ana conee or rea complete me - , .-.i ouen essential to nave Duds thaw- uncovered lq moderate even tSSO degrees T.) for 31 minutes Slakes 6-8 servings California Dip: Combine 1 pint tour cream and 1 package anion aup mix just as ft coaset from toe package, For one cap of mix Ute pint sour cream and 3 tablespoons (4 package) well blended onion toup mix. Rice Pudding Has Black Bottom .This dessert Is a creamy-good two egg rice- pudding. But kt'a different because it hat delicious Chocolate flavor underneath. That's why the name, B!ack.Bottom Pud ding. Semi-sweet chocolate pieces are spread over the bottom af the Vdish in whica the pudding it baked. The pudding is poured over the top and during the baking the choco late melts to form a chocolaty "black bottom". It's delicious with tome strawberries over each serv ing. Black Batten Rice Pvddiag Wsth Strawberries 1 cup uncooked white rice i cups water 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups milk 2 eggs, slightly beaten Vi cup beet or cane sugar - 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 cup semi-tweet chocolate pieces Sliced strawberries and juice fresh, sweetened or froiea, thawed) Put tht rice, water and salt in a 2-asjart saucepan. Bring to a vigorous boil. Turn the heat as low as possible. Cover with a lid. Leave over this low heat 14 mi fl utes. Remove saucepan from heat j but leave lid on 10 minutes. Lliw lnn.lW k ' i I - 11. UA llgCtflCI IIIC LWHCU inc. num. i menu. GLAZED HAM LOAF 2 pounds ground ham 1 pound ground beef 2 rapt whole wheat bread emmbf 1 cop milk 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 teaspoon dry mustard Mi teaspoon salt Buffet Claxe Soak bread crambs in milk. Add eggs. Combine ground ham. ground beef, mustard, salt and bread mixture. Mix well. Pack iota a 3x9-iaca loaf pan and bake ia a moderate oven (390 F.) for ltt heart. Cool art glaze with Buffet Clare. 10 ta 12 servings. BUFFET GLAZE 14 tablespoons gelatine 1 cups water 1 bouillon cube 1 teaspooa sugar cup cream Green pepper strips Small bottle stuffed olives mm iresn cucumoer picwes, slices ot in or,,.r , slulf and ,russ hard-cooked eggj and a zippy th,m, and stuffing is more certain celery teed dressing. Pickles and t0 be thoroughly heated when the eggs, always good flavor com- bird comes out of the oven pauons. are particularly appetii A11 this a(l(ls up t0 tht. a(,VK.,, ing saadwicnei in a hamburger ; that jt pins to get the chicken out roll. For tome more good-eating of frcwcr and inlo th(, ri SanewiCB auggeSUons. try loaslie frjopralor a rbiv .iheaH in be -or,, thinks of most otten when he Peanut Pickle Sandwiches and;;.-, saf(,v ih-"m-,.H ir (l,kinf thinks nf cooking of India. But Poultry should thaw in Us original lhoe people do eat other thing package. The skin of an uncovered Here for instance ls a dessert bird becomes lough and dry when that's eaten there Cum y is the food a Westerner Carned Beef Pickle Sandwiches fickle Easy Saadwichea 1 cup mayonnaise 1 teaspooa sweet pickle liquid 1 teaspoon celery seed exposed to the air during thawing hamburger tolls, split in half D a i 1, jbardookj eggs, sliced Prunes Make a Very Good Pie Fix this crumb topping fur your 1 cup tweet fresh cucumber pickles Salt Vd pepper Combine mayonnaise, pickle liquid and celery seed; blend. ! next prune pie ( omhine ' cup Spread rolls with half of mayon-jea'h sugar and graham cracker aise mixture; arrange eggs andlcrurrbs with U cup each flour and pickles on rolls. Sprinkle with salt j chopped walnuts Sprinkle ov r mayonnaise mixture and tops of ymr oven-deay pie and drizzle with pan broil 1 pint creamed collage cheese I tablespoon sour cream 1 tablespoon sugar Flour Roller Brown sugar Combine cheese, cream and sugar and shape into little cakes Dust witN flour, saute in butter and serve sprinkled with brown sugar. Serve with fresh fruit. Soak gelatine in v4 cup cold rolls. water. Heat remaining water and Toaatle Peanut Pickle Saadwvches dissolve bouillon tube in it. cup melted butter usual. Bake Strain. Add gelatine and stir un til dissolved. Add sugar. Cool. NICE FOR COMPANY Puree a couple of packages of cooked frozen peas and season with butter, salt and pepper. Spoon the puree down the center If you've watching make prune whip with egg whi instead nf whipped cream Heat (ranks gently 2 eggs whites witn a dash of salt brown until foamy and gradually heat in '4 cup sugar to make a sti.'l meringue Fold in !' cups prune poons (Makes 8 sandwiches 1 cup chunk-style peanut butter V, cup drained sweet pickle relish Hi slices bread 2 eggs, beaten '4 cup milk Melted butter or margarine ' Combine peanut butter and pulp mixed with 2 tahl, of a platter; arrange breaded veal pickle relish; mix well. Spread 'fmon juice, serve dulled. cutlet (cut in serving-size pieces) loo bread to make sandwiches, and broiled tomatoes around the j Combine eggs and milk. Dip sand; peas. iwiches in egg mixture, cook in small amount of butter or mar garine over low heat until lightly browned on both sides. Cereed Beef Pirkle Sandwich 2 cup finely shredded cabbage 1 cup chopped dill pickles 3 tablespoons mayonnaise 'j teaspoon salt ' teaspoon pepper as To do so melt a tablespoon nf butter or margarine in a medium-1 sized skillet until very hot but not i calories, hrown acid the frankfurters and ook over low heat Turn t he i all sides will API) TO Vary cooked rice by adding grated raw carrot, finely diced green celery or shredded spinach Alter draining the hot rice just SWKKT mux in the vegetables along with a Add a halt cup of shredded coco- good dollop of butter or mar- nut In a rrgular recipe lor luclge garme. AIM) alt cup FINE PAIR A rich gingerbread makes a wonderful dessert when served hot with applesauce and whipped cream. Mix orange marmalade and chopped raisins and use as a fill 4 tea-spoon papanka ing for small turnovers made from ! g gjr-s cooked corned beef ice iiimt and v.n.ll. w.. 1 scraPs nf Pasll7 lf " rolling 12 buttered rye bread slices the chocolate pieces over the bot- out pic do,'Kb- j Combine cabbage, pickles torn of a well greased 8-quart! "mayonnaise, salt, pepper and oven dish. Pour the rice mixture' or't saver: canned scrapple paprika; mix well Arrange corned aver the chocolate pieces. Place"11 aceds only to be sliced and beef and slaw on 6 slices bread, in a pan of hot water. Bake in a!'ri,(1 Nice ,or Sunday morning iTop with remaining 6 slices bread ore-heated 350 dee. F. oven for 1 breakfast I to make sandwiches. hour and 13 minutes or until a knife inserted In the center comes Out clean. The pudding should begin to brown around the edges. Serve warm with strawberries over each terving. This recipe makes t aervingi. 1 USE LESS USEMf "MAID-aiWi&tjK- Whee Giant teKENDAllj , Dish Towel ! ! 5I FREE ! L MM? Complete CHINESE DINNER Jutt Htol '" : ond Itrva ...fa mfnvteif ENERGY ERNIE by Htoi COH,Ugt!omoet wrw 'ypTX f QUICK, ERNIE! S Mia.o'Mr.'TtWiAMHiBiea. I 'IjSl vVV Ar 3ffir sove nun wrr mire C0UUVT fUX A CAKE Of- J dif'ltt WVr S' T SMU&fSUSM, RX-1 QtParaYArpAwpQxi JK7fj -o- ( with 5 red 'n blue, Swift Quality Seals from 5 cartons of ALLSVJIIT Jumbo Xizelowel Iries twice as many dishes twite os fasti New fabric bland, linl-fret Notionolly odvertistd qwality Fall 3o inches long, 20 Inches wida Gaad Hoaiekteping Stol af ApprayaJ a tawtl You'll find a seal likt this on evtry Allswaet package. Save 5 seals, send thm in along with the certificate on the packag. or the certificate below, (or your free Ktndall Dish Towel. for spreading flavoring, rooking. n EI THE MARGARINE WITH THE DELICATE, NATURAL FLAVOR! FREE TOWEL CERTIFICATE Allsweet Free Tewel, tax 05, Chkaa 77, Illinois Encioud art flvt (91 rail 'n bluet Swift Qutllty tttlf from f Ivt 151 ctrtoni tt AHtwMt Mrtrin. Pltai tnd ml en (II int Ktndall Olah Towal. (eilAIS HUNT) asotiss. cmr -JOHL. Mm I mki hi tny. liM la laaah an taaui . (OSm tiaiitt Idi 10. IIM) Off.r liniua I' I V Th nrMlS-ala tM ia MV IvrlWwllM whM prlkci. Uh4 m MttrWtoa hr U. 5 4