The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 01, 1956, Page 19, Image 15

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    SummertimeDesserts Will Gain
Extra Prestige WlienThcfre
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First Strawberries
May Go in Cake
A ready-baked angel rake and
t box of the first strawberries
become a dessert like this:
J' 3 teaspoons unflavored
j gelatine
i 2 tablespoons cold water
3 egg yolks
'j cup sugar
cup lemon juice
3 egg whites
1 (8-ounce) angel food cake
a 1 pint sliced, canned
, 1 1 cup confectioners
1 tablespoon grated
lemon rind
1 Soften gelatine in cold water
Beat egg yolks slightly in a med
lum sized saucepan and add sugar
jnd lemon juice. Cook over low
Beat, stirring constantly until
; , mixture coats the spoon. Add
Boftened gelatine and stir until
dissolved Let cool until mixture
Just begins to thicken. Beat egg
whites until stiff and fold them
Into custard. Cut the cake to
, form i shell by leaving a i-, inch
uter rim and removing the top
Inside portion of the cake to half
the depth of the cake itself
Spread part of the lemon chiffon
fixture over the inside ol the
take shell. Combine strawberries
and confectioner' sugar and ar
range them In cake shell, filling
4t to the top with berries. Spread
remaining lemon chiffon mixture
over top and sides of rake Sprin
kle grated lemon rind evenly
ever top of cake, Garnish bottom
tdge of cake with remaininK
trawherry halves. Yield: 8-10
Baking Powder
Doughnuts Here
Terhaps you yearn lor doughnu's
4vcn when summer's on the ay
Ihen try these twists that are
made more quickly with a baking
gwwdcr recipe
Doughnut TisU
2 cups sifted all purpose flour
teaspoon salt
'? teaspoons baking powder
' teaspoon ground cinnamon
l4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 egg
'j cup sugar
1 tablespoon soft butler or
1 tablespoon grated orange rind
, J,a cup milk
Sift togher flour, baking powd
tr. and spices. Combine egg. sugar,
fcutter or margarine, and orange
find, beat thoroughly Add dry
Ingredients alternately vulh milk
Stir just enough to blend Chill
everal hours or overnight. On
lightly floured board roll dough
4 inch thick inlo rectangle 94 x
7 inches. Cut strips ' inch wide
and 7 inches long. Fold each strip
in half, twist ends around each
ther, and pinch ends together.
Fry in deep fat heated to 375 deg.
T: turn doughnuts as they rise
to surface. Fry 1 to 2 minutes, or
tint il golden brown, turning each
to brown both sides Drain on
ibsorbent paper, roll in sugar if
desired. Makes 2 dozen.
Hot Dressing For
Big Lima Beans
f For a different and interesting
ay to prepare those butler beans,
Why not try serving this recipe for
Limas in Hot French Dressing?
They don't take much doing and
re unusually good as well as
fcearty Perfect for perking up
tired meals, loo.
Lima In Hot French Dressing
6 strips bacon
2 cups cooked large dry limas J
4 cup bacon drippings
: 3 tablespoons vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 small chopped clove garlic
i 1 tea-spoon paprika
1 tablespoon chopped chives
Dice bacon and fry until crisp,
train on paper towel. Add limas
to bav'on drippings and stir in
femaining ingredients. Cook until
beans are hot. Just before serving
Itir in bacon. Serves 4.
I Scant 1 cup benas before cook
' fcg. Makes 2 cups cooked.
i nt4 i isir j
To make a very pretty summer.
Jalad, fill cantaloupe quarters with
4 or 5 plump cooked prunes and
crve with a scoop of cottage
Cheese on the side. Garnish with
' watercrtss,
This handy hint is a good one to know-swirls of concentrated
. fresh frozen grape juice in a tall glass with ice cream of your
favorite flavor make a handsome parfait out of simple ingredients.
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Assorted beverage
desserts all
end up in tall glasses. Left to right they are Chocolate Pear
Milk, Foam, Chocolate Root Beer Soda, Licorice Chocolate Milk
(in mug) and Chocolate Banana Double Float.
Cut Cookies Are Simpler Ones
Save time by baking cookies in
a shallow pan and then cutting
into squares or bars-it's lots faster
than rolling and rutting, and
quicker even than dropping in
dividual cookies. Chunks of sweet
prunes, a little cinnamon, and a
topping of coconut make these
Spicy Prune Coconut Squares ex
tra good
Spicy Prune Coconut Squares
'j cup shortening
' cup brown sugar 'packed'
1 egg
I ti aspoon vanilla
l'j cups silled all-purpose flour
-, $
begin with chocolate milk and
I teaspoon baking
4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup chopped cooked
4 cup shredded coconut
Melt shortening and stir in sugar
Add unbeaten egg and vanilla, and
beat until well blended. Sift flour
with baking powder, salt and rin
n.imnn Rlrnrl into first mixture
Blend in prunes. Turn inlo greased
9 inch squat e pan and sprinkle with
coconut Bake in moderately hot
oven '37i degrees' about 25 mm-
utes Cool in pan. Cut into squares
to serve Makes about 16 squares. 1
THIS CAKE at PRICE when you buy two at
.7 0
StateaiBM Wemaa s EdlUr
Goodness what difference a tall glass can make! Pictured
en this page we've assorted concoctions, served in tall glasses,
and although they taste just as
In a tall glass and top it with whipped cream.
4 cup packaged pre-cooked rice teaspoon salt
14 cups apricot nectar ' teaspoon cinnamon
3 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon butter
Combine rice and apricot nectar in saucepan. Mix just to
moisten all rice. Bring quickly to a boil, cover, and simmer
S minutes. Remove Irom heat and let stand 10 minutes. Then
add sugar, salt, cinnamon, and butter. Cool to room temperature.
Serve with whipped cream. Makes 4 servings.
The second dessert pictured on the page is as simple as a
breeze, but a whole lot prettier. Concentrated fresh frozen grap
juice is put into tall glasses with ice cream (soft ice cream is the
best) and topped with whipped cream. Or of course you can use a
syrup of any flavor, though that's not new.
for summer sodas in tall glasses will attract most anyone. It's
no use to go down to the corner drugstore for sodas these days,
we've collected a number of beverages which take chocolate milk
as a beginning.
They're easily and quickly done if you keep a bottle or con
tainer or chocolate milk on hand in the refrigerator at all times
and they'll help get milk into the little darlings.
1 No. 303 can pears, drained 1 cup heavy cream, whipped
1 quart chocolate milk
Combine pears and chocolate milk; beat until foa,my. Fold in
cream. Garnish with pear segment and maraschino cherry, as de
sired. Makes 4 servings.
1 pint vanilla ice cream 1 12-ounce bottle root beer
1 quart chocolate milk
Put scoops of ice cream in tall glasses. Fill full with choco
late milk. Fill glasses with root beer. Serves 4.
2 medium-sized bananas, mashed 1 small banana, cut in sixths
1 quart chocolate milk Lemon juice
1 quart vanilla ice cream lt cup heavy cream, whipped
Combine mashed bananas and chocolate milk; blend. Place two
small scoops of ice cream in glasses. Fill glasses with chocolate
milk mixture. Brush banana with lemon juice. Garnish with cream
and banana. Serves 6.
1 quart chocolate milk 2 teaspoons anise seed
Heat milk to boiling point. Add anise seed and cook over low
heat 3 to 5 minutes; chill. Strain and serve. Garnish with licorice
stick straw, as desired. Serves 4 to 6.
Rarebit Takes
Little Bacon
Zesty bits of bacon make de
lightful additions to tossed, green
salad, fresh cooked vegetables,
muffin batter, casseroles or as a
topping for buttered baked pota
toes. For a Springtime treat, try
crisp,, crumbled bacon added to a
velvety tomato rarebit.
Bacon-Tomato Rarebit
1 pound sliced bacon
104-ounce can condensed tomato
5-ouiite jar cheese .spread
1 teaspoon chopped onion
1 teaspoon caraway seed
1 gg. beaten
4 cup water
Pan-fry bacon according to dir
ections on package Drain on
absorbent paper Keep warm.
Crumble half of the bacon slices
Pour off bacon drippings. Com
bine tomato soup and cheese in
skillet. Heat and stir until cheese
melts. Add onion, caraway seed
and stir to combine thoroughly.
Combine egg and water. Stir into
tomato cheese mixture. Add cook-
ed, crumbled bacon and stir to
combine the flavors. Heat slowly
until rarebit bubbles Serve rarebit
over crackers or toast with strips
' bacon,
F.qual parts of orange juice and
ginger ale make a refreshing
Why Wo Offer You Thii
We make this money-saving offer for a very simple reason.
We have such faith in SweetHeart . . . and what SweetHeart
Care will do for the loveliness of your skin . . . that we be
lieve, once you try it, you'll never be happy with any other
soap. So we invite you to try SweetHeart, while this giant
V'j Price Sale lasts. See for yourself why 9 out of 10 leading
Cover Girls-tht lovely models you see on your favorite magazines-prefer
pure, mild SweetHeart to any other brand.
While special M price pack last, get
SWEETHEART . . . Tbt Seal That AMIS with Yovr Skin
good in an ordinary serving dish.
that extra length to the glass gives an illusion
of elegance. Just another proof that the eye if
almost as important as the taste and it does
set the mood for dining.
The big picture on the page is a glamorized
version of an old-time homely dessert rice puo
ding. The same except that it's made with pre
cooked rice for speed, apricot nectar for flavor
and put into tall glasses and topped with
whipped cream for good looks. It takes but
a few minutes preparation, against the hour-long
cooking of the regulation kind though there's no
reason you can't serve a regular rice pudding
Place packaged refrigerated
ready-to-bake biscuits close to
gether in. a 9-inch pie plate. Sprin
kle the tops of the biscuits with a
mixture of brown sugar and solt
butter. Bake in a hot oven until
the tops of the biscuits are brown
and bubbly. Serve at once.
Sand Tarts Old
Fashioned Cookie
Several Kuropean countries list
sand tarts among their favorite
4 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg. well beaten
2 teaspoons baking powder
Pinch of salt
14 cups sifted Hour
I teaspoon vanilla
Cream butter and sugar thor
oughly, then add beaten egg Sift
dry ingredients together and add to
creamed mixture, mixing well
vanuia i niu oougn. nou oui
usinK as llttle nnur on
the board as possible. Brush tops
of ,. rooi,je win wnjtf 0f rl,e
Bake on lightly buttered baking
sheet in a moderate oven 350 de
grees for about 10 minutes, or until
light brown. Makes about S dozen
ustiaf prke
-7 p TV .ws; ;1' -
Even the homliest girl could be
ability when its served In tall glasses and garnished with whipped cream. The dessert isnt
because it is made from quick-cooking rice and apricot nectar for extra goodness.
Sprinkle fish fillets with salt, pep
per and paprika; arrange strips
of onion and green pepper over the
fillets; dot with butter or marga
rine. Wrap the fillets and vege
tables in squares of aluminum foil
and place on baking sheet. Bake
in a moderate 375 degrees! oven
about 25 minutes. Slit the foil on
top with a kitchen scissors serve
in the packages.
Blanched almonds, fried in deep
fat and then sprinkle with salt,
make a delirious snack.
o I 8
i r-oJ 4 i
Dm Si
llIL riSf
Ordinary cat foods vary in taitt
and odor. They ton be unpleai
ant to feed, lack appeal to your
cat. Frikiei glwayi hai top ap
peal for your cat, always it pleat
ant In oppearance and a'onia.
tyiii' m( special 3-can pack
MX l&3rill at Grocery, Pet- I
glamorous if she was dressed
Cocktail Takes Fruit, Vegetables
The ingredients In this recipe
are usually ' found in a tossed
salad, but we've put them into
a well-chilled cocktail, with a zip
py tomato sauce, and called it
Avocado Garden Cocktail. The
avocado and tomato cubes with
some green onion and cucumber
are a pleasing starter for an en
tree course.'
Avtcado Gardea Cocktail
cup cubed avocado
4 cup diced tomato
1 tablespoon sliced green onion
2 tablespoons diced cucumber
Tout cat wiu mm rciiKiis - testa
prove it! And you'll prefer to feed it,
too. For Friskies ha a light, mild,
pleasing aroma never a strong,
"fishy" amell.
youi car wiu iovi rtisKin rviiv ear
...won't turn away from it the way it
does from ordinary cat foods. That's
because even the moat widely sold
brands are made of whatever fish is
from iie
AIW M.lllat
; JtifeaiM. Wen.
just right, and so it it with recipe pudding, which geina dmir
or celery salt
H cup tomato catsup
1 tablespoons lemon Juice
4 teaspoon prepared horseradish
Few drops Tabasco sauce
To prepare avocado, cut into
halves lengthwise and remove
seed and akin. Cut fruit into cubes.
Mix lightly with vegetables, and
sprinkle with salt. Divide among
4 cocktail glasses. Blend together
remaining ingredients and pour
over avocado mixture. Chill
thoroughly. Serves 4.
is $ complete o$t food mJe exchof'iey
tebe - quQfty -fish foriop-iasfe appeal
Motes of ffieke&k Le&fingDog Food RI
C.. Ol' CMNMIOM COMeAHY, la. Aatain
Sole is en both convenient t-oi. end economy 15-oa. cans
On, frt. Jbm 1. 26 Sac. IID-II'
just plain rice pudding though,
' -
Potato mounds are always popu
lar. To make them beat an egsj
into two cups of seasoned mashed
potatoes. Drop a couple of beapin
tablespoons of the potato mixture
onto a buttered baking sheet te
form a mound, swirling top; re
peat with rest of potatoes. Bake
in a hot even about lt minute,
remove with a -wide spatula and
serve at once.
Nice for a change: sliced datea
added to bran-muffin batter.
most plentiful and thua the least ex
pensive. But Friskies ofvraya gives
your cat coatlier, table-quality fish.
the finest flah is not enough for your
cat So Friskies adds vitamins B,, B,
and E, plus cereals and vegetables.
Get Friskies, made to the high
of the Carnation
). CM