lS-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri, June I, '56 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 AJYl TO 5:30 PJVL mm D D J i MBMttST FABRIC: YD. i regularly $5.98 to $798 yard )AftA.T.ll Af tSf-tnAl nlmaaf vtxiui puri'uosraiiuuvu9 vi muui lira iiivi inn friezes, mntelnsses, tapestries, textures, damasks, rayons, nylons, cottons . . some with Lurex! This is a season-long collection of full bolt fabrics from our large stocks! Modern . . . tra 1 ditional . . . 18th century . . . conventional . . . provincial. Blue, green, rose, hunter, cocoa, wine, gray, beige, sage, brown, mauve, gold, red, coral, and other decorative colors. Top qualities 54 inches wide! We pass the terrific savings of 13 to 12 on to you. Some t have waterproof latex backing to hold threads and loops in place, prevent water getting i. into cushioning. .. '' Mail and phone orders' 5' 7 , DRAPERIES-SECOND FLOOR FAMOUS IMll UtKER V$ TO y- OFF REG. $17.98 NYLON GOWN Double layer nylon tricot with dainty appliques, loce edge $ of hemline. Aqua, pink, rose. Sizes 3234. it; i bp rnrrnki di iter iaiv nni l Smocked ruffled neckline. Matching panties. Blue, pink; sizes 32-34. 8.99 2.39 REG. $14.98 NYLON GOWN Double layer tricot with frow-frow trim at bodice and hem- line. Narrow shoulder straps. Lilac, black, white, red. Sizes 32-34. REG. $1 NYLON TRICOT BRIEF Elasticized waistband and leg band. Blue, pink, white, 4 to 7. 7.49 89c REG. $7.98 COTTON PLISSE DUSTER Ribbon-drown detail at neckline and yoke, short puffed sleeves. Pretty print in blue, lilac, rose. Sizes 32-34. REG. $5.98 MATCHING GOWN $3.99 Mail and phnnr orders' LINGERIE-STREET FLOOR 4.99 PBDHED-'WAW m $1 Give your room i decorator touch with these hand somely tailored draperies ... gold overlays, floral and traditional prints. 7. feet long, lined with sateen, pinch pleated tops. Available in multiple widths to enhance ! the beauty of every window. width,' each side IX 3 4 reg. 148.98 i $59.98 $79.98 P?ir sol price, pair $22.50 $32.30 $49.50 Mail and phone orders' DRAPERIES-SECOND FLOOR AMIES n rp(W 1 width each side regularly $21.98 FIMGLAS PEIISCILLAS The miracle curtains that need no ironing . . . and arc so oasv to keep fresh and new looking. Quick drying, long wearing. K pertlv tailored ly Kenneth, with deep, full ruffles. Lovely off white color, resistant to hot summer sun. They wash in a flash and dry in 7 minutes! size reg. 72"xSl" $11.98 92"x81" $16.98 13o8l" $26.98 pr. sale price, pair 8 9.98 813.88 819.88 Mail and phone orders' DRAPERIES-SECOND FLOOR $cr- (o)(o) 48" wide, 81" long, regularly $7.98 pair $7.95 Sfeef Frame Haslk Covtr $7.95 5feel Frame Ducft Cow SS JO Hardwood framt SS.9S Hardwood fromt FOLDING CHAIR FOLDING CHAIR FOLD -AWAY CHAIR RECLINING CHAIR : o W Block tubular steel fratne with multt-Color plaid Soron plastic Tubular steel, resistant to weather and rust. Smart baked Smoothly varnished hardwood frame, reinforced seat. At- Varnished hardwood frame; reinforced seat and back; chair Cover; So light you con lift It with 0 finger. Smart enough for enamel finish. Flat arm rests, shaped for added roominess. tractive chair cover in multi color stripe canvas. Chair is cover of multi-colored stripe canvas; back adjusts to thret "the contemporary living room. Seat and bock of heavy duck in red, green or yellow. , 36'2"x23"x4l 1 2", folds easily in a motion. positions, safety guard prevents collapsing. , PATIO DECK-SECOND FLOOR PATIO DECK-SECOND FLOOR PATIO DECK-SECOND FLOOR PATIO DECK-SECOND FLOOR $9.95 Canopied, Hardwood1' $12.95 Duck Covered $9.9 S Spring Si etl R eg. $5.95 Peel RECLINING CHAIR CAMPAIGN CHAIR GARDEN CHAIR TLB CHAIR sum s&3 With canopy and foot rest. Vornished hardwood frame; re- Delightfully inviting, decoratively modern. Black baked ena- Constructed of spring steel, with seat and back of shaped One of our most popular summer furniture items. Form fit- Inforced foot rest; adjustable conopy with fringe trim. Back mel finish frame, heavy vat dyed duck cover in yellow, rust, pressed steel for supr comfort. Gay summer colors for patio ting, super comfortable, good looking, sturdy. Use them in adjusts to three reclining positions. Canvas cover. green, black or red. (Campaign chair, $4.95 ) or lawn . . . green or red with white arms. the house, on the patio, porch or lawn. Natural color. PATIO DECK-SECOND FLOOR PATIO DECK-SECOND FLOOR PATIO DECK-SECOND FLOOR PATIO DECK-SECOND FLOOR Reg. $7.95 Folding Alvmlnm amchaib 2 for $11 !? Incomparable aluminum . . . perfect for outdoors, for indoors. t So light, yet so durable. Heavy gauge aluminum tube frame, rust proof, never needs painting, retains its luster for years. I Covered in multi-color Saron plastic . . . defies sun, rain, mil- dew; wipes clean with 0 damp cloth and keeps its bright new f look. Full 18-inch width, 31" high, 18' seat oepth. X, K ' PATIO DECK- SECOND FLOOR Regularly $34.95 CHAISE LOUNGE Built for lazy summer lounging' Two rolling wheels, strop and spring suspension base; three-position heod rest. Thick cot tonfilled pad, covered in green, blue or rust. Double bar frame. . PATIO DECK- SECOND FLOOR Regularly $34.95 BARRECLE SET Every nice dav con be a picnic day for you, your family and your guests' Big, rugged six-foot sawbuck table, with two matching benches ... all of redwood. Seats six. FREE STORE-SIDE. PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS PATIO DECK SECOND FLOOR Niliir (Hi IAiU KIlUIHMi I Ml IT til M Kl lf)ll V 'Plus shipping costs to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes.