nt trW nn Senators Whack Eugene Ems, Cade Pitches 8-3 NORTHWEST I.CACl'l W L Pel W L Pet Yakima 11 .7(10 Spokan 11 11 .379 lwiatn IS 10 .wo Wentch 10 SO J33 Eugene 1 II .SW3 SALEM 1 .331 Tri-City l 1 Jil Wednesday results: At Slm t. Eugene a i second game, rami: at Tri-Cily 10 Yakima 13; at Wenatchee 4-3. Lewiston 11-4. PACIFIC COAST LEAGVK W L Pet W L Pet Sii rmnt 28 is Portland 23 n .m came in the scheduled .second Seattle 3iim.5m Hniiywd 1117.48 garni', which was wiped out by sn rran n m .490 vncouvr i 3d .sot , two tremendous thundershowers Wednesday results At San rran. gfler two complete innings. Sl- ctaco 7-1. Portland -: at Loa Ann- , . , , n .. . les 2-1. Vancouver 0-3: at San Dio 'em was in front 1-0 when the !-7. statue : at saeramento 1-1,1 storm turned things into a mesi Hill Triumph Rain Halls Second; , Finale Set Tonight By AL MGHTNER Statesmaa S porta Editor The town Senators turned id bout face Wednesday at Waters Field, and in so doing picked up both a real and a moral victory over the Eugene Emeralds. In the real one Lefty Jerry Cade subdued Cliff Dapper's Dan dies 8-3. The moral triumph Hollywood 3-i. AMKRICAN Lf AGl'E W L Pet. W L Pet. N York 21 13 .113 Baltmre 19 SB Ml Chicago 11 19 .MS Detroit 11 21 .4(17 Clevlnd 20 17 . 541 Washgtn U 24 .400 Boston 19 19 .300 Kn City 15 24 .385 Wednesday results: At Kansas Citv 3-1. Detroit 11-3: at Cleveland 3-1, and chased most of the 1,254 customers home. The rest left when Ump Paul Kelley. after a lengthy deliberation, called the whole thing off. The rainout will be made up later in the season, but tonight will find the foes going at it in Chicago -9. at Baltimore 2-s. Bos-; the current series finale, startin ton 1-4: at New York 4-12. Wash-1 , .u ---I l. j r Ington 3-5. 'Ind Winner Zips Across Finish Line at ight o'clock. Andy George 1(2-1) will hurl for the Solons, John Patula, a righthander, for1 msP& EuEcne' lit 2i) .429 I'ade had his anxious moments 12 23 '.333 along the way to his third win 10:3 303 0( tne season, but managed to! . i,T escape harm in all but the filth NATIONAL LEAUl'K W I. Pel Mlwauk IS 10 Mil Brokln Cinrinn 21 13 583 N York SI Lou 22 1 57H Phlladel PiH.'bgri 20 15 571 Chicago Wednesday results: At burgh 5-3.' New York 4-5 i2nd fime and seventh innings. An error Is ininnns 1 : at l hicago 111-9. Mil- ana 0111 iiiruiey s aouDie neitea waukee 9-ii: at st louis 3-5. Cm- an unearned run in the fifth, and a bases-loaded single by Manny ..nnnaU 6-6 1 2nd fame called in 7lh rami. Nashua Runs Out of Money Larosta got the other two in the seventh. Salem jumped on itarter Terry I.oy, a right handed behemoth with a L'SC Trojan background, for three runs in the third on base hits by Jack Dunn, Frank Stekula and Mel Krause, plus a force play, a walk and an error KFW YORK Nashua, the bv Shortstop Johnny Keller. The DODiilar Mr. Millions of horse rac- Senators then Rot rid of Loy. in?, met his Waterloo again who sported a 4-1 record before Wednesday at rVlinnnt Park when Kame. time, when he walked a Midaflernoon won the Mrd run- Palr ln ,he fourtn ning of the $55,800 Metropolitan Bob Marten, another king-sized Mile before shocked crowd of 51,- WW ' flmger came UT and m. It was the first stake vie- Utaded the sacks by passing Dunn, tory for the 9-t outsider. Th'n f" blooped-a weak Nashua, who on May 19 won the to J'" d Camden Handicap and surpassed j "?r'en w,ld Pltched cross -t , 1 .'Pv f f 1- nr taas m laaiai I ' 11 si n I n 1 '1 r fT 111 at " ' Wreck-Battered Race In jufes Six, Cuts Speed Pace By WILL GRIMSLEY INDIANAPOLIS (AP) Pat Flaherty, a red haired Irishman from Chicago's lough roadster ranks, outgunned the veteran Sam Hanks in a stirring two-man driving duel Wednesday to win the wrerk spattered 40th 500-niiIe Speedway race. The 29-year old MidweMerner, barely avoiding a serious accident in Um final 30 Willie Wallops Chuck Spieser Pastrano Ends Bid Of Hopeful Heavy NEW ORLEANS - Willie Pa strano of New Orleans halted Chuck Spieser's invasion of the heavyweight ranks Wednesday night with a split decision over the former Olympic games boxer from Detroit. Pastrano weighed 182Vi, Spieser 172. The fight was ; two spectators suffered minor In- miles, drove his snub-nosed cream and rose machine acroat the finish line just U seconds ahead of the 41-year old Hanks from Burbank, Calif., making his Uth bid for America's premier auto racing prite. The winning time was an age of 128.490 miles per hour, which fell well short of an antici pated record because of a series" I of accidents which kept the yel low ciution flif flying for la hour and 11 minutes. Twelve cars were Involved in smashups or accidents of a small er nature but all but two of the drivers walked away with no seri ous injuries. Two crewmen and INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. Pat Flaherty, driving a Zine Special, crosses the finish line st Indlsnapolli Speedway Wednesday t win the 500 mile rate. He averaged 128.491 miles per hour. (AP Wire photo). - . (JDreflontatesmau'Saiem Softball Action to Start Ilau'"5 Leroy Han tried it in the fifth tinisnea i in(j wgJ banged for two runs. Citation as the world s money winning horse, fourth out of the money for only the second time in his spectacu lar 25-race career. Instead of the $17,700 which went In the long shot winner. Nash-. rirst me: ua collected only $2,500 to make Kmene tit Behold! K -'f Dunn.m 3 Kzkula.l 4 Kni!f2 4 F.ssnan.r 3 Estrhk.l 2 Webslr.j 3 his all time total $1,102,865. Thrilling finish It was a thrilling finish with five horses in the field of seven battling for the big money in the final strides. The tnp weight of 130 pounds cost Nashua the race as he failed to duplicate the feats of the last three winners. Tom Fool, Na tive Dancer and High Gun. The Han p latter three all carried 130 pounds Totai .m is 5 Total 24 s 21 in capturing the meet. j x r,led oul to runt for Marten in Midaflernoon. a speed demon "n owned hv Mrs. Edward Robbins B H o A Smith.2 3 0 2 1 GlrdlVT 4 2 10 MhrnJ 4 13 0 Hlrlr m 4 13 0 Gather c 3 1 3 0 t.arsta.3 4 3 3 1 Mrnari 110 11 Swnsn.l S Keller s 3 0 11 Zarl.e .1 Lov.p 0 0 0 A Cade 0 1 Rartel.2 2 110 Wanna 0 , Martn p 0 0 0 0 Wlllms .1 1 Penfld.x 10 0 0 10 0 1 (I) Salem B H O A Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., May 31, '56 (Sec. II)-9 of New York, (lashed the distance Sni(.m . in 135 flat over a lightning fast' strip for the fastest mile seen joy hereabouts in many a moon. It i H rn equalled the stakes record set in Cade 19W hv Cenrce D Widener's Jack Winner High who carried only 110 pounds. a Ran for Marinaccl in 2nd 000 010 2 3 S 3 003 320 8 2 IP AB HO R It So Bh .V, 1.1 3 5 4 1 3 Vi 3 1 1 0 1 2 6 2 2 2 0 2 7 30 t 3 2 2 3 Cad" 1 3-4 i Loser I.ov 4-2i WP- Marlcn Left - riiuene 9. Salem 6 E Faslerbrook. Keller 2. Majors Notch Five Home Run Marks Mantle Lifts Two, One Tremendous By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Five home run records were hammered into the books as the major leagues counted 50 homers in their 16 Memorial Day games that shook up the National League first division and boosted the New York Yankees into a six-game bulge in the American League pen nant race. Twenty-six of the home runsmr la T !so laKima victory Broncs Win 2 KENNEW1CK iff - The score keepers sheet kept blowing away Salem's city Softball program will begin tomorrow night at 7:30 ; with four teams going postward at Phillips Field. Kay Woolen will meet Cascade Meats in the Indus trial League first game; and in the nightcap, Handle Oil will tan gle with the LttR entry in City League action. Steve Brodie will temporarily lay down his broadcasting duties at KSLM to pitch for Kay Woolen in the opener, and will be opposed by chucker Lee Gustafson of Cascade Gustafson is the South Salem High football coach. In the second tussle, talented hurler Norv Hilfiker of Randle Oil will oppose his brother, Gene, of L&R. Both are rated among the outstanding softball throwers in Oregon and each has had his share of no-hitters. Both of the latter teams televised nationally. The victory was the 37th in 45 flghts for Pastrano. ranked sixth for the vacant heavyweight title. He has last but two fights in his career. It was his second win j over Spieser in the last 10 months. Rel Likes Spieser The crowd of ,000 booed the de cision when Referee Francis Ker cheval's card was announced. Kercheval had Spieser ahead six rounds to four. But Judge Pete Giaruso had Pastrano the winner seven rounds to one, with two even. Judge Eddie Wolfe had Pa strano ahead eight rounds to one with one even. The Associated Press had Pastrano an H winner. There were no knockdowns. Flurry f Blows Pastrano, an elusive boxer with rapier-like lefts and rights, kept ; Spieser off balance most of the ! fight and the Michigan battler 1 never really seemed to get going. Willie danced around his man and often hit him at will with right uppercuts and left hooks, some of them sending Spieser reel ing but never seeming to have him in trouble. Spieser, conceded to be the harder hitter of the two, never had a chance to land his vaunted right hand, and in the latter stages of the contest hardly threw it at all. Spieser suffered the only cuts in the fight, around one eye and on a cheek juries. Fastest Qualifier Flaherty, the fastest qualifier with a record 143.596 mark in the 10-mile trials, himself barelv es Christie's Final Plaee in Doubt INDIANAPOLIS UV-Bab Chris tie ef Graata Pass, Ore., was was still la the rare when the India aa palls HS-mlle race was halted Wedaesday, finished la the Uth thraaga 1Mb bracket. His fftcial stamllsg wlU ast he kaewa antll (he tlmlag tape is checked. Christie drave ear N. S7, the Hrlse special, aad was a reekle at the malar speedway Set. He brake lata raciag ea midget tracks la Southern Oregaa asd Nartbera Callferala, aad drava midget racers la Pertlaad la 1151 aad 1151. Jacobson, Wulf Top Net Meet were smacked in the .National, breaking the senior circuit's own and major league one-day record of 25 set in 1950. Milwaukee and iithe Chicago Cubs contributed 15 ! to that total as they split their doubleheader. That's a record by ( two clubs in two games. The American's 24 homers caped possible serious injuries when he sent his car careening around Dick Rathmann's machine which went into a spin on the northeast turn. Following Hanks was Doo Free- land of Redondo Beach, Calif., who made a strong finishing bid. ' Johnnie Parsons of Van Nuys who won a shortened race here in 1950, finished fourth, followed by Dick Rathmann of Trenton, N. J., fifth; Bob Sweikert of In dianapolis, the defending cham pion, sixth; Rodger Ward of Los Angeles, seventh; Bob Veilh of Reece of Oklahoma City, ninth, and Cliff Griffith of Indianapolis, 10th. 'Vuky' Held Record The record for the 500-mile run around the 2tt mile brick and asphalt track is 130.840 set by the late Bill Vukovich, killed in a four-car smashup last year. Bob Sweikert of Indianapolis erased its one-day high of 19 set m a 60-mile breeze Wednesday Carie. i away hack in ii)37. I he two- night but he managed to keep the Midaflernoon paid $20.fi0. $980 Rartel. Rwanson 2P,-Wfbstrr. Gird j r. . i ley. RRI- Krause. Easterbrook, Sre- ano e.. swiu-n un rriuiu ku,a 2. Glrdlev. Swanson. $0 and W80 Find as $4 10 to ''IInw total surpassed the 40 hit (isurps to(;ether wc enough ,0 show. Nashua went off as the 13- JViSmS in the 16 Memorial Day games of k , , . 20 favorite. . u-ciark and Kelley. A-1254. 1 1950. conclude mat aKima oeieatea 1 Braves Crark Five 1 rl "M,y ln a 'onnwesi League Milwaukee slugged five home baseball game, 13-10. runs While lOSinU a Wild first Thn "mnlacl" sot nil In a nor. J lPI2 . . - . ........... v . - a i came at Lhicaen 10-9. then no ed four to take the nightcap 11-9. aLf-L a, 7ti. I AMERICAN LEAGUE G Ab Mantle, N Y. Mawcll. Del. Vernon, Boston Kur-nn. Detroit Courtney. Wash . ...B .. . ,l , uerra, nn. Bobby Thomson hit a pair in each ,c"u ""- "m" " : Loiiar. Chicago game, driving In seven runs all spring zephyrs started wh".zin8 1 Goodman WBo' told, as the Braves retained their by, blowing sand, silt and sticks i Gernert, Boston lean in the league race, t incin- mal start and Yakima had a 6-1 are William Jacobson won me sen- loaded" with the cream of Salem ior crown in the Salem Jaycee ! softball talent and are expected to i Tennis Tourney Wednesday, top contenders this year for the j knocking off Larry Johnson, B-4, City League title. The L&R entry is ! 7-5, and Mark Wulf won the jun made up largely of players from ior title by downing Larry Fan the old Burkland Lumber team. ; ning, 9-7, 3-6, 6-4. ln games out of town this year, I Jacobson, 16, attends South Sa- won last year in 128.209. Young L&R has won five, lost one; and ,1cm High and . Wulf, 13, Leslie j Flaherty who had suffered crack Randle has won four, lost two. Junior High. Jacobson defeated j tips in two of his previous at- ! five players to annex his crown tempts, shot into the lead at the while Wulf licked four in win- 75 mile point and led virtually ning his title. ! every lap thereafter. From the Both Jacobson and Johnson : 200 mile mark, he never was will take part in the senior state : headed. I jaycee tennis tourney to be held E,even ,lmM th ypllow ng, at Klamath Falls June 1417. A palling for holding of positions l2?,liU,t .!n,.or tC11'?-,0,!rnfyu,W,lJ reduced speed-went up aft. "ibeJd,fJune ,4.16.uat AshUndier crackups and accidents of a ;M7 and Wulf may enter this tourney. ! 5maIler naturf 01d u H " m .l 7 y . l , th n"st "caution time Mi .L ' L .. '. r rJiU ln the fee. ..120 tie wiiiameue u. cuurus, iiurin 3i and South Salem high schools Major League Leaders 41 153 31 104 29 Ml 39 Ml 31 34 129 33 103 37 1.13 37 154 33 110 R H 45 15 25 39 IS 35 24 51 14 33 24 44 13 33 17 43 2H 49 17 35 ever Most seriously injured drivers. :l i.i . u s. i . . 1 were Jimmy uaywaii ot inaianap- aili , c ""u."lm olis and Tonv Bettenhausen of inln Iho fare, of aW and nW. I Home runa: Mantel, new iorK . . - ... nati's Redlrffs the onlv team to Bena. New York iz: nauer. New is aenniteiy piannea nexi year, f2v -VS WlejlgS This, that, etc.: I'ncle Hugh Luby may feel as low as the perch upon which his ballgamers rest in the Northwest League standings, but might get some satisfaction from a remark passed along by one of its staunch supporters. "What the heck," shrugged the guy, "we've lived it up when other teams have been stum- , hling around in the depths. Some- ; body's gotta be down there cache i season, it looks like we're it this ; time But at least the kids are ' still trying hard to win, and that's somithins" ... In looking around for needed pitching help, Luby has buzzed with Glen Elliott, the former Oregon State lefty who went on to bigger things in the majors and Coast League, and with John Conant, the veteran sinked-ball throwing smoothie who spent many campaigns in the old ; Western International ... As for the Generalissimo returning to ac tion again as a second baseman, which he did for two games on the last road trip, the possibilities are mighty, slim. "I could still hit the ball okeh," summarized I'ncle Hugh, "and 1 fielded it on what chances I had. But brother. when it came to that running! The old pins just aren't there any more" . . . Kddie Stankey may not have had it as skipper for the St. Louis Cardinals, but the controversial character is doing okay as boss of the Minneapolis outfit of the American Association, a New j York Giants farm. He has the Millers in the thick of the pennant j battle . . . Herb Thomas, the stock car driving whiz from South , Carolina who has three times won the Darlington "500" classic, and who last Sunday piloted "his. pt Chrysler to the Portland Speedway NASCAR win, gets about in a big" way even when off the race tracks. It was mid-week when he called Portland Speedway officials last week and drawled, "I wanna entuh yo' race out theah Sunday. Ah've got a race Friday night back heah, but I'll be theah." When asked how the heck he could get (from Pennsylvania to Oregon in so short a time, he calmly explained, "Why, by flying, of co'se." Thomas hauls himself and car around the country by air transport 'he's sponsored by Mercury Outboard Motors'; so when he lirished his Friday nighter in theWast, he loaded up, flew to Portland and arrived in time enough to'lry.H practice laps around the track prior to the Sunday afternoon romp . . Dickey Says Mantle Will Be the Man ' The home ma hitting rampages of this season hv such gents as Mickey Mantle ef the Yankees aad Dale Lang af the Pirates (Continued aext page) accomplish a sweep in the Na tional, replaced St. Louis in sec ond place," a game behind, by jar ring the Cardinals 6-3 and 6-5 r:H;.i. uiiaia, ami auiHiiri am ll muim-v t:i n..l, ill ..,u unity i din,, in., wiiu nasuvu . i l r l . i Vrl, 11 Sievers Washington II: .u... .jj.j Wlllllll m'llisn "I rain oilier. . .., , iiiev duui'u . ..... A 40-minute delay resulied Ru, ba,d ,V Mantle New York I The i' extended thanks us Burns, ADrailoni the w ind seemed to drop below Berra. New' York is'; Sievera. I to all persons who, with contribu-' Daywalt suffered burns and the 60-milp rearlinff and Dlav was ! Wash. ngton 33. Simpson, Kansas ! ,lon, marl- ik, donstions of abrasions about the head and l i'l V ? ivy ! I I Pittchnroh rmnin 1U camet resumeo me Wina came up again Kansas Cltv 29; Bsuer. back in third, beating New York's ' but the ame went on and on and Vork : Lemon. Wa.hin,ton 21. Giants 5-4 in 10 innings, then los- on- . national i.kagie ing 5-3 in 15. Philadelphia was rour nome runs were wanea . r. (Cont, page 10, col. 4) , across the fence after a legitimate Repuiski, st l ; one by norm Lewis in the early j,"J'r L innings. Many oi me zn nus got that way because of the vagaries of the wind, with certain pop Ne prizes to winners possible. Award- Lepon Ball Meets Set for Weekend Brutnn. Mil. Aaron. Mil. Bailev. Cm Moon. SI I Salem's American Legion ball turnout was curtailed yesterday by rain hut new workouts are scheduled Saturday and Sunday flies blowing suddenly away from wail- puis their logical receivers. McMillan; on Home runs: Lewiston Sweeps Pair WENATCHKE if - Uwiston I took both ends of a Northwest RED SANDERS Contract a His Side at J3arrick Field, manager Bill ; League baseball doubleheader Bevens announced last nignt. Some 10 lads showed up for Vesterday's meeting. Both the weekend meets will be held at 2 p.m. and an intra - squad game will likely be held, according to Bevens. so that he can look over the players under fire. A schedule for the team is to be discussed Friday night, Bevens added. Senators Swat: AB H 2B 3B HR RBI Pft. AB R H Pet. 27 92 2(1 31 .391 37 144 2S 55 3R2 3fl 152 29 56 36 !t 15 17 30 .353 2S 101 22 38 352 28 M 13 21 352 31 132 29 45 ,41 34 107 22 31 3M 37 13S 25 44 .324 35 111 12 31 322 Lon Pltlshursh 14; Royer. St. Louis 12: Banks Chicago 11; Post. Cincinnati 11. Jablnnskl, Cincinnati 10. Runs billed m Tjons Pittsburgh 39; Rover. SI lxiuis 39: Mlislal. St. Louis 33 Jablonski Cincinnati 31: Hodes. Brooklyn 25; Banks. Chicago probable fractured collar bone. ine nf nri will he made at a Other driven in accidents In Jaycee luncheon tentatively set ! eluded Al Herman of Center Vai- for June 12. GIRLS SOFTBALL PRACTICE There will be a girls softball practice at 6:30 p m today at Leslie Field for all girls inter ested in playing summer soft ball. Jim Dimit, city softball di rector, advises that a large turn out was on hand for the last practice, and that from all indi cations the girls program is going ahead. ley, Pa., whose car hit two re taining walls and stopped it the starting line; and Jimmy Bryan of Phoenix, Ariz., whose car spun out from the southeast turn. Sweikert was a strong contend er to repeat challenging the last 100 miles. He was running second when his car threw a left rear tire on the back straight auav. The curly-haired Indianapolis (Cont. page 10, rol. 3) Webster.sl 101 M t 1 0 10 .347 Krause 2b 17 29 4 S 1 12 .133 fasterht lt M 24 1 14 14 .MA Williams, lb 12 24 3 0 J 14 .293 Szekula.of 100 29 1 1 1 11 .24)0 Dunn.ct 13 11 4 1 0 1 .281 Zaric 32 t 1 0 1 5 .211 Swantnn.3b 11 24 4 1 1 5 273 : Koepi.c 13 II 1 1 1 i .248 Warren of 30 3 1 1 1 4 187 rsrgian.o( 20 3 10 1 5 150 Pitching: C, IP W L SO RR r George 5 18', 2 1 18 18 3 Alrieiman 30 1 1 II Ml C.d- II 54 3 4 44 37 30 King 4 18'', 1 I 14 8 1 ; Cowdel 7 23 I 2 9 20 23 ; Satallch 7 32', 1 S 41 21 27 Walsh 1 10 0 0 1 11 12 with Wenatchee Wednesday night, scratching out a 4 3 win in the 1 25 nightcap after an easy 11-4 vic tory in the abbreviated opener. Pitching figured in both wins, with Jim Benton limiting Wen- ' atchee to six safeties after Bill Franko handrufled the locals with only four. The second game was marked by two home runs. Bob Duretto ' started it, getting one for Wen atchee in the first inning and Yakima 203 ion 331-13 15 3 Mike Donaue duolicated for Lew- Tn-city 100002150-1011 1 istnn in the sivth Rnlh were hases Drummond. Youn (l and Neel; ision in me sixm. bom were oases , Kind5)!nrr, B,k,r ,31, Aldridge Hi, empty smashes. I Daly I9 and Martin. NWL Line. Scores First game: I.ewistnn 101 209 7-11 19 I Wenatehee 013 900 0 4 4 0 Franko and Donohue; Farrar. Ly heck ill, Marvler (7) and Lundherg. Second game; Lewiston 000 022 0004 10 2 Wenatchee . . 200 000 1(103 1 2 Benton and Donahue; Marshall. Robert ill and Lundberf. GAHDERIHG FOR GREEN? STAY IN TUNE SOON IT'S JUNE J. J. C10THES SHOP J. IE0 O'SHEA, NEW OWNER NEW SUMMER $785 Crease Resistant Expertly Tailored Summer Shades Specially Priced ALSO NEW ARRIVALS IH SPORT (OATS Week-End Special J21.50 CLOTHES 387 SHOP STATE rDJ NEXT TO HARTMAhfS JEWELERS 5UI1MER I'JEIOIIlS 100 NYL0H WASHABLE Rej. SPORT JACKET Washable f4M ' ManktfllM. W0:X JACKET $C44 $7.93 3 , NyUM Maud ' JACKETS Water Repellent it Crease Resistant $C95 MM D Quilted line! JACKETS Weter Resetter 19.1S O PISOSAI4l ALUMINUM FRY PAN KIT it Steel Frame and Handle 5 Pans $183 Pan Refills, del. 4 COMPUTI : PICNIC , ' su?Fir DEPARTMENT AM Slset Piper Plate Hot Napkins it Plastic SpeeM an) r Fords , Sixes Piper v ' , rCitdCups h G.I. SURPLUS SLASHES PRICES on COLEMAN STOVES 2 IURNER ' .$13 95 IU URCI 1 RURNER Ra- SI ICS LANTERNS ONI MANTil ef.,:. $rtS3 $n.s . : TWO MANTil $14.$ I I ' 4 VtCOLEMANXOOLERS 1 R0. Q44 $1 0 44 fl $1 AS3 10.95 T $14.5 IW , $JJ.t5 , iy $10 SPECIAL PURCHASE! EASTERN SAI 10 A 40 , Motor oil Change Yew Own and Save Dough - THIS WEEKEND ONLY' - ,: (77lt Has vy Duty Dstergctnt ' I0Y SCOUT HPI S-PIEC1 MESS KITS $1.N $ CO Value lataiy NEW SURPLUS 34 -CARPENTER'S : LEVELS Surplus Rubber leat OARS $095 W pr. Ridgewiy Style Fatigue t CAPS S! All $149 Sizes I l'i-x. Siteen Army Fatigue - pants ; $3 5 $49S Value) A . THE BIGGEST AND BEST ' NIGHT CRAVtERS GOLD PLATED FLASH BAITS (Data Oeili) S 35 First Come First Served! New 0. I. Rubberised PONCHOS Rg. $095 S.9S W METAL BELT BAIT BOXES 4tC - aaV S ' Surplus Nylon Ground Cloth $2 With Gremmiri OPEN SUNDAY TO 6 - DAILY TO 9 COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND IN ----- OREGON'S FANCIEST SURPLUS JOINT