The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 31, 1956, Page 6, Image 6

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    Statesman's HOME
Vcsm . . . 'iifc . . . Fashions . . . Features
6-(Sec. I) Statesman; Salem, Ore., Thurs., May 31, 06
Here is the Program for
. Ann Use's Concert Tonight
AniM Line. wcIl-kDewa Daniih-boni soprano who is Mrs. Stere Aa
tfertea of Salem In private lift, hat announced the program (or her
concert tonight at I o'clock la the Leslie Junior High School auditorium.
Her accompanist will be Ferae Daux, formerly pianist at the Roy
al Theater a Budapest
The program fallows:
Schafers Klagelied ......
Die ForeDe
Dai Veilchw
Abendempfindunf ........
Ta Rest.......
Yesterday and Today ....
Inter No . .
Mooa Marketinf
The Sleep That Flits ta Baby's Eyes.....
Kebbic . .. , ... ...
Denmark. My FstberUad
The Mother Tongue .-. ..
On Saturday, Towards Evening
Three Cornerstones are Takea ............
The Flag
oi U:
Sapetc from CavaDeria Rtuticana
Kedda's Aria from Pagliiacci .........
... Schubert
..... ... W. A. Moaart
.... W. A. Moxart
s, Hugo Wolf
......4.....Charles Gilbert Spross
.......Alexander MacFaydea
- . Powell Weaver
John A Idea Carpenter
.....0. Reapighl
H. Rung
.... H. Rung
........... Sjelland Folk-Song
........ .Sicgfred Salomon
Georie Rygaard
........- P. Mascspii
11!-. is. DahmkahI
JVII50 ICIICI iu ixcicjohi
Oregon BPW at Convention
" Mist Mildred Yetter was elected an official representative of
Bit Oregoa Federation of Business and Professional Women s Club
wbea the Biennial convention convenes at Miami neacn. rionaa,
June 21-July 1 Miss Yetter, a past president of the Salem Club,
was also elected state public affairs chairman at the Eugene meet'
Ing, Saturday, wbea the State Federation met la convention.
Other members of the local club r
who attended the state convention! j r . 1 Hnrh
wero Mrs. Marjorie Whitmore. At lcu gn Llark
Mis Weinman, Miss .
Luella Scnwerfoj. Mrs. Louis Hew ClrjriAt intlOn
man. Miss Betty Elofson. Mrs. J. VjraUUUTIOn
P. King, Mrs. Arthur Weddle. Mrs.
Willow Evans, Mrs. Helen Staley,
Mrs. Byron Herrick. Mrs. Alberta
Sappenfield, Miss Eleanor Roberts,
Mis Zula Vaa Gilder, Mrs. Mar
lon Wooden, and Mrs. Harry Sap
enfieid, whs as state parliamea
tariaa, attended the full session.
Miss Margaret Wilkinson of
Memphis, Tennessee, a national
chairman, and Misa Ruth C. Cul-
leu, of Bremerton, Washington, the final week, lead to spring com-
Set June 3
8 talesman Correspondent
PORTLAND Once again the
Flowers to Bfoom In Juno
- i
. -A J '
. A - S
' '
, r. : ....
. - . v
; ; . v.
in' ' 'mn-"''!." 'i d ' i'"1 im.jjammvmmmmHmmmmmmmtmmmm
The classic Summer cartwheel in natural leghorn is wreathed in
colorful field flowers for one of tha Summer s prettiest hats,
and a hat that every woman can wear becomingly. It it a
Walter K. Marks creation.
S'.S .
Desserts Found In
Cookbook Interest
iy MAX1NZ IllEN ,
SUtewaa Woasaa's Editar
Recently we took out a library book oa Italian desserts by
Maria Le Pinto, and the more we read it the more of interest
we found there. Pasteries ef the simplest er most complicated,
frosea dessert, cakes, preserves and puddings-all there.
If our readers are looking for such things as Madalines,
Baba. Florentines. Napoleons, Spumooi or evea Almond Paste,
look In The Art of Italian Desserts. But there are others, not
so difficult to execute and more interesting In their strangeness
that catch my fancy. "
For instance, there is this desert that should J filed away
for blackberry season:
. 1 cup ripe blackberries k cup chopped, toasted
1 cup powdered sugar filberts
1H cups heavy cream
Wash, drain and crush berries with a fork. Place in a
saucepan and sift in the sugar, blend. Gradually stir in the
cream and cook for about 7 minutes over a low flame or until
mixture comes to a boil. Stir constantly. Boil 1 minutes, stir.
Remove from fire, cool and beat vigorously with a rotary
beater. Pour into I chilled glasses or custard cups, chill in
refrigerator. Before serving, top with filberts.
A distinctly different-sounding pudding uses bananas, cheese
and chocolate.
' 1 large ripe banana
1 teaspoon lemon Juice
1 cup confectioner's sugar
4 tablespoons bitter ""
t pound ricotta (Italian
cottage cheese!
1 tablespoon milk
1 tablespoon almond
4 ladv fingers
Mash bananas with fork until creamy, add lemon and blend
in sugar and grated chocolate. Combine rocotta and milk 'if
cottage cheese is very creamy, probably better omit the milk
and run through a fine sieve. Add almond extract, combine
all ingredients and beat until fluffy. Crush lady fingers, sprinkle
bottom of a fancy mold or four individual molds, pour in mix
ture, place in refrigerator until firm. Vnmold, serve with whipped
cream if desired.
Any sweet crumbs could be used instead of the lady fingers.
Here is a small pastry or cookie that sounds good, though
we've not tried it; it might be a good way to use up some of
the leftover candied fruit from holiday baking. (We have half
a package in the refrigerator.
pound toasted almonds
l pound toasted filberts
1 tablespoon grated orange
' rind
Powdered sugar
rational treasurer, were convene jnencement Tne einty - mntn
lion guests,' commencement and baccnlnure-
The state federation endorsed exercises will be held June
the principle of establishment of a ? Bernard Mainwaring, S
separate institution for housing I f newspaper editor and pub-
' ... ... 1 Iiahawv ffiiinta thai mam nm.
women offenders in we state ut
many exciting events of a con-jhis crushable cloche of dainty rose-painted cotton pique is
eluding school year, topped by , .., tar both travel and summer wardrobes. A "Dachette"
by Lilly Dache, it is finished with a narrow stem-green gros
cirain drawstring..
4 cup sugar
i cup honey
H cup flour
1 tablespoon cinnamon
'j pound diced candied fruit
2 tablespoons diced citron
Mix sugar and honey in saucepan, cook over a low flame
for 10 minutes, stirrfrig constantly with a wooden spoon. Cover
saucepan and remove from fire.
Sift flour, cocoa' and cinnamon in a bowl. Gradually stir
in honey and sugar mixture. Place over low flame and slip in
fruit and citron. Fold in nuts and orange rind and blend. Re
move from fire and pour quickly into a buttered 10-inch pie
plate. Bake in a slow oven 275 degrees) for 30 minutes or until
firm. Remove from oven, cool, durst with powdered sugar and
cut in serving sited pieces. Serve in place of candy or sweet
meats. Keeps for weeks in a tight container.
League Sets
Election '
Mrs. Wallace Wharton will be
a candidate for election as presi
dent of the Salem Army-Navy
League at the League's final
meeting for the season on Tues
day, June 5, at the Senator Hotel
Cave Room, This will be a 12:30
p.m. meeting with only members
Other candidates for next
year's officers include Mrs. John
Geren, secretary; Mrs. William R.
Schaefer, corresponding secre
tary; Mrs. Bruce Van Wyngarden,
treasurer; and the following for
first through sixth vice president,
respectively; Mesdames . Chester
Fritz, Ernest Freeman, Logan
Berry, Wilis Vincent, H. G. Mai-
son, and Carl Cover.
Mrs. Sydney Stenerodden his
charge of decorations ar.d ar
ranging for reservation are Mis.
Kenneth Pennell, Mn. Willis Vin
cent and Mrs. Harold Jones.
Mrs. Roy Green is outgoing
president of the group.
Orcutts Greet
Fifth Child
A third son was welcomed Fri
day,- June 25 to the Sam Orrutt
family when Andrew James was
born at the Salem General Hos
pital, weighing nine pound?, nine
The little boy has two brothers,
Sammy and Paul, and two sisters
Julia and Jean. His grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Orcutt and
Mr. and Mrs. James McClelland
of Salem.
i$OTs TAR gazer! 01
at 44
I ? MAY !
Modern Etiquette
Oregoa In place of the present
system ef their occupying quar
ters ever the administration offices
as Is the present system due to
lack ef ether adequate facilities at
aresenL This action was Introduc
ed by the BPW women's prison
council liaison - of fleer, Eleonor
: Roberts. .-
Dr. Eleanor Gutmas at Portland,
was elected president ef the state
federation for the ltM-CT year,
and Coos Bay was selected as the
convention city for next year. ;
Miss Ruth Bedford Is present
ing the following 'students in
piano recital, Friday evening at
7:45 at Roberta Studio: .
Debbie Oleson, Donna Palmer,
Linda Nettletoo, Bsrbara Davis,
Cheryl Fleischmaa, Dsn Harris,
Velma Reed, Susaa Reed, Helea
Fomeroy, Kathy Smart, LaRha
j 1.1 . n f.4. m.ll
urinuiL -orucv. ivu, ihkiv
Ushet- giving the main com
mencement address. There are
22S spring snd summer candi-l
dates! or bachelor degrees and
19 for master degrees.
Three very active students la
the graduating class claim Sa
lem as their home town. Jodie
Ellis will graduate with a degree
la elementary education. Her
many activities at L4C, .includ
ing president of Delta Pbl Gam
ma sorority, Rally Squad, and
secretary of junior class, have
earned her the Gold Key Award
for outstanding service.
Marlya Lorenx will receive s
bachelor of arts degree with sn
English major. Marlya Is retir
ing as president of Akin Hall.
Graduating with a degree in sec
retarial science is Dorna Martin.
Dorns has been president of T ne
ts Kappa sorority, hesd resident
of s woman's dormitory and also
received, a Gold Key Award.
A combined concert by the col
lege orchestra and symphonic
band, last Sunday featured com
positions of the twentieth cen
tury. One of the orchestra works
was a symphony in two move
ments by Jerry Bowder, a grad
uate student in music at Lewis
and Clark.
ar vv'w' tv?yP
V :
Final Meetings
For Chapters
Eta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
held its final meeting of the season j
Wednesday evening at the home
of Mrs. Donna Sawyer. A ritual of
jewels degree was conferred on
Mrs. Betty Brown.
The following committee chair
men were appointed for the com
ing year: program and yearbook,
Mrs. Leata Russell: social, . Mrs.
Berniece Moore, publicity. Miss
Dorothy Tonning; contact and cour
tesy, Mrs. Frances Pohl; ways and
means, Mrs. Irene Noland and Mrs.
Frances Davis; service. Mrs. Ruth
Jacobs: and membership, Mrs.
Vera Davidson.
A picnic is scheduled during
A brief skit was presented by
Mrs. Donna Sawyer and Mrs. Don
na Kelso, followed by Mrs.
Sawyer's colored slide tour of An
chorage. Alaska, her future home.
XI I'psllo Meets
The last meeting of the season
for Xi I'psilon Chapter was held
Wednesday evening at the home
laddie Northridge has designed a hat of hundreds of lilies of of Mrs. Herbert Busch with the
the valley in a trellis arrangement accented with crystal dew- j by Mn MeWjn H
Guests were members of the
Blue Bird group which is sponsored
by the chapter and for which Mrs.
Busch is troop mother
! A benefit Card party will be
held by Welcome Wagon Club
j Thursday evening at 8 p. m. at the
Mayflower Mull. The public is invited.
Q. My fiance has just given
me a very fine engagement ring
and 1 want to havt it insured.
Am I supposed to pay for this,
or is it the place of my fiance
to pay the premium.
A. The ring's safekeeping is
entirely dependent upon you, and
you should pay the insurance
costs. After you are married,
your husband, of course, assumes
this expense.
Q. My wife aUays drives me to
the bus stop when 1 go to work
in the mornings. The fact that I
kiss her good-by "in public" has
been criticized. What do you think
about this?
A. I think there is nothing in the
world wrong about this.
drops. It can be worn straight on or back on the head as is
shown here. Mrs. Northridge recommends this type ot hat tor
Summer weddings and formal afternoon parties such as teas
and receptions.
First Child Born
Miss Miller
Junior Shlrle frnthvn 1 lh
Davis, Debby Coe, Grscla Grin- newly-eleeted president of Delts
Ul, Janene Wilson, Jonelle Gun- pn) Gmm sororitv. Handing
ther. Jennifer Guntber, Naomi her the savel was Jodie Ellis, re-
Ffst, Michael Stone, Susan, Sor- j tiring president. Jodie was hon- Al'Bl'RN Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clinwer GlJPt
' kk, Dirlene Wolf. They will be red b a shower lst Sunday R. Knytych 1 Barbara Pickens 1
assisted by Susan and Velma afternoon in Palatine Manor. She welcomed their first child bom
Reed In a voca' duet snd by Jim ! is planning s lumme' " jMay 15. at the Salem General
Uruee. Dick and Stan Davis, in a In Salem. Another Del Phi. Th. tiitl w wxicheit rich!
vocal quartet accompanied by Sharon Robertson ex-5", visited I und and seven ounces and has miscellaneous shower Saturday
ineiT moiner, Sirs, vera uavis. , wees 10 inviie ner Ywn named Robert Charles. Trie rvenuiK uy ner Kreai-aums, mrs
Miss Diane Milhr, brido-elrct
of Frank Lamb, was feted at a
Also there will be oboe solos by
Sharon Muller accompanied by
Nancy Teague. ....
DeMolay Head
many friends here to her July ! Rrandparonts are Mr. and Mrs. j Mae Dodge and Mrs. Dora Hill
wedding. j Charles Knytych and Mr. and Mrs. ; at the Utter s home. Thirty
beeal . ! . .
week invades Lewis and Clark;.. !.j ,' A, i lM pnn for
WOODBURN Truman Baird.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Layman D!,L,., rlm.
Baird, was formally Installed as KwinOOW VITIS
master councillor of Woodburn
life from May 24 to June 1. Then, : "rc rfc ?mal l lt I Mrly Augu,t
with the freedom of new fled:: Smajley also of Salem Stanley
lingi, we shall descend bag and ' J""
baggage upon our homes! Moll, all of Chirac. III.
rAMMM4UN M. 31ary Sled
The chapter will discontinue
meetings during the summer, but
plan to meet for a picnic.
WILLAMINA - A baby shower
honoring Mrs. Jack Isom and son,
Jay, was given Monday by Mrs.
Robert Harntt, Mrs. Jim Paul and
Mrs. T?d Jansen. Guests were
Mrs. Harry Shipley, Mrs. Merle
Newbill, Mrs. Glenn Sprigg, Mrs.
Henry A m a c h e r, Mrs. James
Smith, Mrs. Orlando Myers. Mrs.
Mamie Kdmiston, Mrs. Wendell
Wooden, ' Mrs. Carrie Spurgeon,
Mrs. Dorothy Buffington and Mrs.
Vern Myhre.
V Mary's Guild of St. Paul's
Episcopal church wil hold its last
sprinc meetine Monday at the
Chapur.of DeMolay Friday eve- MILL CITVlis, Jackie Bickett home rU ,
Wng at tne Masonic Temple. The . a msiauea as me new wormy 7: ,,"',,;, VI B iuuV I
new DeMolay head succeeded I advisor of Marilyn Assembly No M,rs i 1 b k i ?, . I
i.r e..n.. in .1. ca n,4 D.i-i.- in. r.i.i. Mrs. Tom Roberts Jr , Mis. Sam
Larry Sterling In his office snd
was Installed by the latter. Dean
Bishoprick acted as installing
marshal and members of Ever
green Assembly, Order of Rain
bow lor Girls, assisted in the cere
mony with Barbara Mouser ac
SO, Order of Rainbow for Girls
Sunday afternoon in the lodge hall,
with the following girls taking of
fice with her:
Worthy assiciale advisor, Cam
ille Gobcl; charity, Nancy Olson;
I , . : 1 ; 1 1 it : 1 l . , l . l.
cpanyin, the processional at I J ,hV Toiiy Eight" pjn.Khl7 c.ub
and their husbands. Present were
Honored, were Mr. and Mrs. u.,.j. .... ...... the C. R. Osboms. Wi 'am Con-
Baird, nrrems of the new master ,'. ... ..,, .... .r ,ner.. Kd Jack-ons, Mnrns-
ntiiui Inr Kalnh Flfkrinc lie. ' " ...
Campbell, Mrs. George (Irahen
horst Jr.. Mrs. Charles Musser
and Mrs. Robert T. Boals I
Mr. and Mn. K. B. Katnoa were
hosts for a turkey dinner and cards
on Saturday evening to members
111 t it- v-
cunci.i..r. .rui.jin r 1. s.iik. in- - M..t. c' , son.
Molsv "osd"; Mrs. u. t. roster, """ w- .
Rainbow mother advisor: Mrs. dr Olson; musician. Carol Ven
Leif Peterson, worthy mat,on of : love, Shcreen Muir: religion,
Evergreen - Chapter, Order of , Billie Shuford; nature,- Joan Stew-
lastern Star; Arthur Burt, chair-; art; immortality, Phyllis Pate: 1
Fave Osbflrns. M R John
sons ol Albany, Mrs. Arlo McLain,
Mrs. H. Knight and the hosts.
man of the board of advisors for
DeMolay; and Peggy- Doerfler,
worthy advisor ot Evergreen As
sembly. Short congratulatory
talks were given by each and the
retiring master councillor also
Mothers were honored by Mr.
Tickering and red roses were
presented to each. Charles Nath
man entertained with saxophone
solos snd Robert Baird played a
piano number. Guests were
served refreshments with Mrs,
Verl Hcrahberjcr and Mrs. Pick
ering presiding st the table.
Dancing followed during the so
cial period., ; .... M, ,
: ; Th..flplrltBal Sunflewer club
will meet today, 1 ta.m. st 3 p.m.,
rat the First Spiritualist Church,
1320 Madison St, Sack lunch at
BOOH, . h:. :.. . . .
fidelity, Carol Whittcn; patriotism,
Jeanne Hampton;' service, Linda
Herman; confidential observer, Ila
Mae Albright; outer observer, Car
ol Merrill; mother advisor, Mrs.
Robert Draper, and associate
mofBer' Sdvisof Mrrr"Jack Gull
ford. Pages were Norma Jean
Downer and Barbara Podrabsky.
Coronation ceremony was ar
ranged by Santlam Chapter of De
Molay boys of Stayton.
(Hub (jtlemlar
WII1imrtt Valley Panhrllrnlc with
Mr. Paul Jqutt. Victor Point, mtt
at Four Cornart, S:30 a.m.
Hal Hlbbant AiuiUary, VSWV.
Upman'a, 1J0 Dm. ,,
Satway T
Chetnekata Chiptar. CAR no-hmt
lunchton. noon. Bvroa Harrlck homa.
Bedroom Set
Reg. $240.00
now;:: $169
1971 N. Capitol
1 Only Davenport
Coral-leg. $220.00
k. $15950
4 Kf 'rsXtf '
a r j"
1 tt'iiaaia,
57 . W
r "Coffee And" Ti me with informal modeling of
J i daytime and sport clothes - A "come at you
re" hour for women with coffee and light
snacks available -
1 A
9:30-11:00 A. M.
STREH FIOOR - 12;1S 1:30 P. M.
v A.
Thur. . . Fri. . . Sat. . .
These and Many More Items!
Sleeveless Blouses
Sanforized checks ond ploids
Sizes 32 to 38. Only
Sizes 6 to U Sanforized ond RjlC
washable. Cute ploids. Only . . .
Circular stitched of fine white
Pima broadcloth 32 to 38 all cups.
Children's T-Shirts!
Plains or stripes. Sizes to 14. frjlj
Only ,
23 long all wool coats . . . Millium
lined light colors Regular 29.95
to 35.00 values. Only
Med. Heel
3 lor Sic
snd ,
W4 23
10-31 -44. W
MX t
AUG 14
S It
4 Nccauaor
J ay,
10 Do
11 St
12 kt
U Youta
14 With
15 fvtoibM
14 M
17 Th,
It AhMd
31 Sra
77 W.
23 In
24 Cla
25 Vou
24 WoMy
27 Hm
2 Oont
30 r.
JK Taur CoJjr Athntf Gunk K
Acwatiaf m Ik limn. '
To develop mtssoge tor Thundoy,
nod wofdt cormpondifvj tOwbe'S
of your Zodiac birth sign.
1 OmI 31 u 41 AM
2 Cmm 32 Montm 2 And
3 AMrtnna 33 Amd 63 WrM
4 lpn 34 em 4 Pjbh
35 Th t5 goi
34 cid aa AwKtad
37 A 7 t
35 A tt Monty
3 Monty 4 Go
40 fnonal 70 Or
41 Htm 71 Wana
42 Nnonat 72 ASta4
43 OH 73 Do,
44 DuaSta 74 Tadoy
45 wla 75 for
44 Mxal 74 Sh
47 PK n Chonaai
Komonct ft Ttmt
OCT. S3 y
Carttrunf 7 tnonal
50 St SO Sum
51 Fundi II Ta
52 SpKulotioft 12 To
53 Tlunoi
54 Mo
55 T).,ng.
54 Will
57. Art
55 Thingt
59 Romonca
60 Or
3 HwvOa
15 Horointlt
16 ftxm
17 Haodttfona.
N Procn4
S9 ContuUy
0 Antudt
OCt. 24
nov. a
t7 3S6
rtl if Ji
MAR. l ti.
CENTRAL HOWELL Mrs. El- j tension meeting. Mrs. Maurice
don Alt snd Mrs. Geo Miller will Hynes and Mrs. Dan Ross will be
demonstrate "Your' Hair and Its hostesses to the roup st the Hyies
Care" Tuesday at the home ex-'home.
typical low rates
from Salem
Medford $ .80
Bend ' .60
Astoria S5
Eugene .... . . ,,.40
Station to station rites, not Including tax. lor 1
minutes after 6 e m. weekdays ind all day Sunday
Nexf fime, sen H persoity iSy tepfioit
rA Dorifif TolonhnnP
',, I HiylllV iviwijiiwiiw
TJo Other Starch
Gives You , ,,
The WilQi Touch
sjssBi mm mm mm mm mm mm m
that means
so much jS
sj j mVV i
Easier Ironing
Liquid Starch
Do owoy with ...
. . sticking . . . scorching
. . . lumping . . . mixing
... boiling . . . guessing
. . . waste
VartO Liquid
Starch gives you
perfect starching
Ivery time
Conctnrrolto1: .
On quart of Vane
moktt fivt quarto
for avaragt ilarchingl
If youre not usin Vano
you're working too hard
JSS Jllvtimon4 Ave '