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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1956)
Univac Machine Busilv Writing . L j ' Book at Booksellers' Convention By ARTHUR EDSON work Univac would like. So for! know why. Anyway, it wrote: AP Newsfealwes Writer eight months girls typed tbe Bible "ABANDON WASHINGTON l-The nation's tpecial tape, this was sent whir-1 "He will again A. them in the hnnkvlim r in inwn nrf niu rinf tnroueh Univac. and what had Num. J2.15. of th mnut nooular rxhMt of taken James Strong years to do: "And thous didst A. them to the their 56th annual convention has w ccompusnw in nnu. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., May 31, 06 (Sec been a booth in which an author is busy writing a book. . The author's name is Univac, the mechanical brain, which pre viously has made a living solving a wide variety of mathematical problems. Its first literary effort, to be published Feb. 1, 1957. is a concordance of the revised stan dard version of the Bible. Univac was staring helplessly at a blank sheet of paper, like any human author, when your reporter arrived. A keeper was saying, "How do I know what's wrong with the thing? I'm no technician." Malcolm C. Moritz. with the Thomas Nelson publishing firm, said the James Strong concord ance, published in 1894, had been 30 years in the making. Bible Typed Tape But the Rev. John W. Ellison of Winchester, Mass Would Univac's name appear on the title page? "No," said Moritx. I'alvac Writes ' Hero Univac began to peck moodily away. No one seemed to French Strike Arms Route in North Africa TUNIS Tunisia IA - French troops made their first big strike Wednesday in the desert region of Southern Tunisia key route for smuggling arms to Algerian reb- had the idea I els. The French claimed they killed hand. Neh. !..' And so it went. Univac found six abandons and seven aban- dooeds. in case your interest has been whetted. Leaving the nooular author, your reporter drifted around hoping to spot publishing trends for next season, and can now report: That children's books will look less like books than ever. The Gelleswidmer Co., for example, has "The Big Shoe Book," that looks like a boot, complete with enormous shoestring. "Haw U" Berts That the "How to" books still are going strong. "How to Build and Enjoy Your Own Outdoor Kit chen," "How to Restore Antique and Classic Cars," or "You Can Make a Stradivarius Violin." That the booksellers are hep to the sports ear addict. Channel that, this would be the Press has "Snorts Car Rallies. type of "1 Tunisian guerrillas. Trials and Gymkhanas." A gym- Mintary oispatcnes claimed tne khana, the book says, is a track La J, 3, Foils Tiny Cohorts In Burglary DALLAS (ff Police solved an "Oliver Twist" burglary Tuesday Bight. They rounded up four pint-sized partners in crime after four silver dollars and a carton of cigarettes were taken from the home of Roy Crowell. Two 8-year-old hoys and year-old admitted they boosted a 3-year-old boy into the house through a tiny window French force slogging over the Ta-i meet on wheels. tahouine Desert area captured 17 Tunisian rebels and many weapons as it battled forward near the Lib yan frontier, reputedly the source That the delegates to the con vention are a suspicious lot. The Ottenheimer Company, which sells pocket dictionaries, also was sell- of the arms traffic French casu- in(! siiver Mars for 90 cents allies were put at 3 dead, including an officer, and 14 wounded. Over-All Plaa The Tatahouine operation in the extreme southern pocket of Tunisia appeared to be part of the over-all French plan to seal off the Alger ian nationalists from sympathizers in Tunisia and Morocco. French officials said the Tunisi an guerrillas in the region had re- hllvt ftffaintt thp anthnritv of tfl 1 uiiiMdii KUYrriliiitrm w 11111 i firm ly was accorded virtual indepen dence by France. In Tonic ..milol f thn Vnrtk However, just like Dickens' be- ,; ,':,, umi. draggled little hero the 3-year-old ,hf Fnnch crossed up his pals He reported ign, by ,ejng th(1 Tunisian na. back outside with no loot. jtional assembly: "Our solidarity Later, he returned alone, he told wjth ,hf Algerian people is corn police, and took the cigarettes and prte and wjthout iimit." money all for himself. j p t, - Bourguiba urged a peace accord on both the Algerians and French, but left no doubt that in a show down his government would lean to the side of the Algerian fighters (or independence. 1 Bourguiba also brushed aside French restraints and announced he intended to dispatch nvoys im VIF.NNA. Austria Austria's mediately to 20 foreign capitals. National Library Wednesday re- The Paris government had urged ported the loss of one if its most the Tunisians to hold off on setting "Strictly a sales gimmick," Allan T. Htrsh Jr., said. ou d be sur prised how many people think there's some catch to it and hurry on by. little lady drifted up and was asked, "Like a silver dollar for 90 cents?" "Yes," she said unhesitatingly, and pocketed her 10-cent profit. Rare Book Said Missing treasured books a Latin transla tion of the works of Greek Philo sopher Aristotle dated 1501. The book vanished while tempo arily stored with other books dur ing redecoration work on the main hall of the library. The loss was discovered when a request for references from it came from a professor at Queens College, New York. up diplomatic ties 'until the French national assembly Ratified the March 20 accord which recognized Tunisian independence. The French and Tunisians are still dickering over an agreement setting out the terms of "interde pendence" between the two coun tries as part of an independence package deal. for Natural Gas Heating Systems and Appliances to Call Us for FREE Estimates DONKIN GAS & APPLIANCES 117 PcrtUmf U. rv um Candidate, Wife Suspicious After One Vote Polled PALMERO. Sicily -Someone who should have, didn't vote for Pietro Cnrso for councilman in Sunday's elections. He cast a ballot and his wife cast a ballot, and Wednesday they were eyeing each 01 her suspicious ly. Corso got only one vote. FEVER FOR A BUCK? STAY IN TUNE SOON IT'S JUNE Y H mli Celebrating the VVy i00 'rs Anniversary in Our New Building June 1. 1 1 1 Why A'ot Celebrate Willi Us BY STARTING A SAVINGS PROGRAM WITH US IN JUNE? All children's savings accounts opened will rcceie a Savings Bank. Farcnls will receive our baby sitters memo All adults pavings accounts opened with an initial deposit of $200.00 or more will receive one year's use of a safe deposit box rent free. You too can celebrate when you have a reservp set aside in a bank savings aecuunt. - - - - - - - - (jMttwdal Sank A an " s mm m 3s OFSAltM mm- CHURCH tni CHlMfKITA STKEfll 5 Hi 0 ft 11 nnrin " kjjULji'.'. Ntwbtrry'i ctltbratts this glorious month of brldti, graduates, Fathoms Day and vexations with gloriously low lupttvwilt prictsl Como too, comt savtl for mother! for big slsttrl for little ilsterl ir.lP03TED LEATHER HAND-BEADED AND HAND-LACED mASIE!S WITH FOAM RUBBER INSOLE! Smooth finish moccasin fav orites with bouncy foam rub ber insole, fringed tongue, leather tie. Each pair in its own polyethetene bog. Red, natural, white. Sizes: ladies 4-9; Misses 11-3; Children 6-10. BASEMENT PAIR REG. 1.00 MEN! SUPER BUY ON FINE NYLON S-T-R-E T C N S0CKS ONE SIZE FITS ALL PAIR REG. 49c Fnmous S-t-r-e-t-c-h socks of inn nvlon that fit o smoothly, wear o well, wajh so easily ond are wonderfully obsorbentl Ont sue tiis on Smart spring-color choice. MAIM FLOOR smt smi smt MEN'S FANCY ARGYLE SLACK HOSE Rvfl l REG. 49c Ingrain knit of the finest cotton yarns! Famou-make fancy slock hose in handsome orgyle pat terns and colors. Sizes 10'';-12. MAIN FLOOR Gioanlic Savings Men's Sliorls Broodcloth shorts made to fit comfortably. You con't beat this value for the price. Stock up now! Regular 59c each Men's Wear Basement INFANTS' quality cotton ANKLETS oshfost Du- J ne mercer- f pr. ed cottons ith sweetly f f a Kolloped cuffs. f f T Packed In a Iff b a a I Sites MAIN FLOOR 23 Girls' ANKLET SOCKS Seom-f r e e cuffed! REG. 25C Combed cotton with nylon rein forced heel, toe. Fine buy! Sizes 8V2 to II. MAIN FLOOR Men's Cushion Foot Work Sox GUARANTEED 3 monthsl Stur dy cotton, ny lon reinforced heel, tee. White. Sizes BASEMENT 4 . 88' Men's 5-in-Pack SATIN STRIPE HANDKERCHIEFS Quality cottons with smart satin stripings. Big he-man size. White. MAIN FLOOR 5 . 88 manufacturer's L JEVELRY 2J for Nttklom, tot rings, pins, itn biofilet!1 Haiilini assortment It dotibls olw rki' REG. 98( MAIN FLOOR 1 handy dandy BARBECUE MITT Hit Gay printed ef O chintz In a I good size W f tstitchtd mitt with Iood. ftr- bca to. fed for summer eutdooringl Assorted colon. BASEMENT SPECIAL VALUtl Packaged DISH CLOTHS 49' Big soft quality dishcloths in pastel eccenti on white. REO. 60C 2ND FLOOR Camp Stools Sturdy ei con be Hardwood Legi Fold Up Eetily Approx. 17" High Bright Colored Seats. Reg. 1.00 87 each BASEMKNT Men's loyo SportCaps Woven in Clever Designs. Large Bill Swish in Wafer to Clean. if each Complete Range of Sites. MEN'S WEAR BASEMENT Sfock-up prfcef STURDY WOOD CLOTHES PINS Cheaper by the dottn. Clip type clothes pint with metol spring. 8( U 0L REG. 12c 1 FOiDKIG rdl2' CHAIR Wide teat and back ef mulH-cel-red Saran cloth. Weed arm rests. Made af kiln-dried Northern Hard weeds, warp resistant, locquer finished se thai rich groin shewe Ihraugh. Reg. 6.93 ELIMINATES IRONINGI Cltvtr Snap-lock Reg. 59c Quick, simple, fully adjustable! WiB ' give a Aorp crease to wash pantii women's slacks, children's pants, , blue leant AS THEY DRY ON THE IINEI Timely buy for summer at , pin-money price) YARDAGE DEPT. Tissue Ginghams Reg. 69c yd. Random Ripple Permanent Ripple, Solids t Prints. Reg. 79c yd. Border Prints Skirt ond Apron Patterns. Reg. 49c yd. c BASEMENT Seersucker Permanent 'No-Iron' Cotton. Reg. 49c yd. 80x80 Prints and Broadcloth Values to 49c yd. Assorted White Cottons Percele Broadcloths c yd. J. J. NEWBERRY CO. 241 N. Liberty Shop Mon. & Fri. 'til 9 P.M. i