1 00 Rentals 800 Rett Estate 800 Real Ertate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate"" 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thuri, Mty 31, 56 (SecH)-li 705 ApattwxwH For Kefir LOVELY I RM. UNTURX. Nr. CapitoL Barbae), ereek. Bea- di w1 k i. Couple. 1-4544, LARGE Itt-flr. clean turn, apt. fireplace, tut, heat; Mar Capites. Adult. 4405; M2il LARGS front, and fir. near Cap. Shop Cu. Ph. 3-4033 t BDRM. Apt fullv furs, out aide ml ft. 1-4323. 4-1414. NT CI I rm. completely furn. foe gentleman. 254 Center. BEAITTFUL wall f urnlahed apl nice kitrhan. priv. bath, hat water 4 garbage eerv, turn, only 154 ma. Hollywood dm Ph.-im Cl.r.AN, turn. 1 harm. bsm't apt- See atlaf k 145 1 24th. CORNER Apt, I rm. bath, lean 4V inviting. Just right for tone lady. Ph. 1-4370. TURN. Apts, 131 A t Vtll itie Inrl Employed lady only. Ph. 4-1517 SOMETHING NICE Furn. alac. heat. Bua A store Close in. Vtil. turn. Reas. Ph. l-4H74beforel :ie pjn. CLOSE In. dean. 4 rm. bath utility rm. far., bua. 1-5513 CLEAN 1 rm. At kitchenette, furn. water It garbage, furn Pmv. ant It bath. North Imp lady prtf. t-arrM. CXOSI In. ale mod. fur, apt Ph. 1-4484, txcapl Sat AMBASSADOR APTS Nictly furn. Apts. U0 N. Summer 1-920 I LRG. rm. Apt. furn., close to Capitol bid. Ph. 4-2724 er 1-1794 attar 4 a m. NEW 1 bdrm. unfurn. Birch kit rhan. until, rm, ale. 170. Ph. 4-NSi flooM unfurn. flat 1 Mock P.O. Ina. 4M Parry MOD. nicely furn. apt. Prt bath, 549 N. cottage. ATTRACTIVE I rm" hath aot 137 S Stata at 13th Ph. 1-4314 LARGE J RM. FURN. APT CLOSE IN SO. PH. 4-3641 MS SAGINAW, ntr 3 rm kitch" enette, haat 4k water furn FURN. I rm. apt. Adulta. IMS N. Clpttol. Ph. l-SKXU COURT apta. extra nica, 1 rma, bath, furn. TV. laun, parkinf. avail, lnq. 1344 So. 12th. Cl.EANfurn. 1 2 rmTTptal 423 Parry. LARGE 1 bdrm. unfurn. Apt. near downtown at State Of fices. J40. 740 Ferry Ph. 4-0015 NICE-1 bdrm! Aptfurn. or unlurn. 1177 Court St. FURN. mod S rm. Apt, 1044 M aditon. 445. Ph. 4-4754 2 RM. turn. apt. Near S. Salem HI Ph. 1-7445. NCELY furn. 2 rm apt, cloae in pvt. bath. WO So. Com'l. I RM. 4i bath, turn, clow In, unfit only. Ph. 2-4094. iRM turn, apt, priv. bath 4i ent. Suitable for cpl. 1112 Mill. FURN. rottafe, 3 rmt. 4i bath. 445. Ml N. Cottaae. Ph. 2-4424. t BR. ir(, clean, ranee 4 refrif. laundry, alto 1 br, part furn. 1055 Edftwater W. Salam. CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. apt. down town, lady pref. 445 Farry SPACIOVS UNFURNISHED 4" rm Araria Apartment. 1140 South 13th Street. l-iftW. CLEAN turn, 1 bdrm. UtilT'pd. Cloia In 330 Misalon. t RM. furn. apt. newly dec. 705 N. Liberty 2-4947 3 RM. furn. apt. 4 blka. No. of Llpman'i. 435. 340 Division. Ph. 4-5934. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM, UNFURN. 1144 ChemekoU St Ph. 2-4420 FTTIN. apt, close In, employed paraon pref. 1-4197. FURN. k unfurn. ap'lTl710 N. CapltoL F-ROOM furn, prtv. bath. Near Capitol Bldfa. 040 Mill. 2-ROOM turn. apt. Close to Situ bldia. Ph 2-1427. FSfaRM. apt Pvt. ant. Utll. pd. Ph. 4-5331 after 4. I RM. nicely furn Apt. priv. bath. 44 50 per wk. Ph. 4-4020 or 3-4841. 1 RM, turn, pvt. bath. utll. pd-. gar, avail. 1552 State. i RMS. furn. Store room. Call after I p.m. or week-enda Adulta, 1405 N. 4th. Ph. 2-44A2. NICE clean 3 rm. around fir. apt. well furn. rinse In. Also 2 rm apt. Ph. 2-799J 3 RM. furn. apt. priv. bath, A ent. utll included. But line. Ph. 3-6MO 3-7310. 706 Duplexes FOR t couple waptlnn to save money see thia clean close in 2 hdr with atove snd refrir eralnr for nnlv 537 50 ftce Joe I. Bourne, Realtor, at 1140 N. Capitol. RFJ3EC. upper 2 brirm. flat. part, furn Adulta. 1145 S. l.lth. 1 BDRM.lK'RN.TeSO PH. 3-D997 1 BDRM furn. duplex, riean. 440 mo. Ph. 1-6588. 2600 N, Front. 2 OR 3 bdrm. furn . or unfurn . side bv side duDlfX. vsrrt fir Call 3-80BO. See at 949 N Winter 4 BDRM furn duplex 148!) Court. 75 mo. Ph. 3-5834. 707 Houses For Rent EXTRA nice 1 B. Room duplex Leslie School dill. 1790 David ton. 0.00. Ph. 2-1091. 1 RDRM. houae. lots of cloaet pace, atnva, refrif, farage, torn utll. Inq. 19di No. 19th St. J-BDRM. houae. rarpatt, TV an tenna. Adulta. 4S. E. Stat. Ph.J-577S. TbDRM. house. Fslrmount Hill. Newly decorated. Ph 4-8323. 2 BR. GAR. water furn. 2014 Hlfhway Ave. 145. rRMrHOUSE'unfurn 190. Near srh. on bua rtt. 140 Broad way. rBDRM7tovfa. garafe. water ftirn 140. Cloae ln 4-40fr. TRAILER space 110 per mo. No pets. Ph. 2-4481, 1740 Ox- ford. ; 2 BDRM. houses, ranee k refrig. furn Salvador Apt. 3-3841. 209 E. Miller. 1-BDRM. house wiarafe, stove Si refrig. 1234 Allen Court. Ph. 4-5054. 1 2 BDRM. home, 434 mo. at Tur ner. Chester Stewart Turner. Ph. 251X. 1 BDRM. unfurn. house. Call 2-9924 after S or week ends. RENTAL SERVICE 1-BDRM. RANGE, REFRIG. 4.15 1-BDRM. UNFURN. $37 50 . 459 J-BDRM. RANGE, REFRIG . 465 1- BDRM. UNFURN (40. 40. 185 2- BDRM. FURN 70 1- 1DRM ITKIFUR LI45, 455. 4110 2- RM. FURN. APTS, 145. 154 CENTER STREET REALTY 1748 Center 4-4631 Eve. 2-7412 SMALL clean unfurn. hous. 145 per mo. Ph. 3-3793. 1 BDRM. house partially furn. stove 4t refrig. Fireplace, oil heat, basem't garage. Couple only. South, 165. 2-9IW4. 2 BDRM. house unfurn. 505 Bel montStPh. J-4317 CLEAN l-hrlrm. house psrtlv furn, near Liberty Cannery. Ph. 2-22RS. UNFURN. S-rm. home A gar. ,10 mo. Ph. 4-0454 after 4. OLlfriR home for sale or rent with option to rtiy, 147 50 Ph. 3-0212. CLEAN unfurn. l's bdrm. as ftr. 444. W. Stlem 1-7M7. 80 Hewiei Far $ rai' TRADt OR LOW DOWN PAYMENT thia food oldar home. 4 Bdrm. Uving roam, wIlrepltce. separate dimnf room, large kitchen. Trees and garden. Only 111.. Call Steam Cushmg. art. 1-M44, 4330 DOWN A you na mora la sem HnuH lull price eaiy 4-5494. RAW A NICI 1-STORY Button Maa down apaitmanta up. ptua I antra lota for parking loco ma around MJta. Call Mr. Keene. eve S-401. AMAZING VALVt tn thl new S-bdrm. horn built for th working man at his family. Areolae. TA. furs . birrh kit chen, large utility room, roomy bdrm. 1 block! to achool. See Uii only $10.40, Call Edna Mori a. an. 4-W. CONSTRUCTION FINANCING, MORTGAGE LOANS C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 4S N CHt'RCH MORTGAGE LOANS FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION I OR l'i OWNER WILL TRADE FOR HOME made lret. tno feet river fronuee apace for I more Hornet. 2 bdrmi, llv rm., din . kit., 1 bdrmi. up Full basement, dble- (ar 7 mile from Salem For into, warding thia home call Dale Rayburn. Eve. Ph. I-KH1 , LOVELY 1 BDRM.. DM. plumblni, furniahad. Everything goes for only 1111.000. t tea ran it. E. Gillespie. Eva. Ph. 4-044. 1 BDRMS, 44140 00. only 4 klki oft State St.. Br. rm, t bdrmi , kit. etDarate utllitv. Trill horn re clean and haa food on- rrei foundatmn. vacant, move IM044 dnwi and 14444 par me. Ph. 4-n. VII XOTS ONLY $t.fl00W. Cloaa well eatlrtlltnea neifnoomooa. laeairor oaynini Diwmmi To tee call Dean Klarr. Eva. Ph. f-7040. RAWLINS REALTY 04 Chemaketa Street Office Phone 4-SI7S 801 lM4int44 OpportMH. SALE or trade buaineaa and In come property, shop plus two lovely apartments, each have two bdrms, hardwood floors, Intk of buill-ini. one has fire place, reasonable. Box 13 Statesman-Journal. FOR laaaa Malor Oil Co, Serv ice Station, located in Canby. Ore. Financial assistance to qualified operator. Call Bill Beat. Portland CA 2-2144 or AT 2-1004. SMALL cata (or aale or trade. 4-7240 avH MODERN 7 unit Salam Motel and horn, aell or consider trad for small Apt. house clone In, owner I-T1J0 DRIVE-LN LUNCHES ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS 13.504 starts you In ' business. Good locttlon, food letse, 412.490 buys all equipment. Stork of merchandise A pre pays rent lor 4 mo. CALL MIKE RASCHKO with JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 405 N Huh. 4-.T4K2. Eve. 1-74UI FOB SALE Chile Pinwi Drive 1 1' Restaurant, at r;ale. Ore. Hiway K 9 ml. W ol Dm Verv Hood-gome husiness Vciv real. Leavinf because of health. Mill City7-307. FORSAI.e"2 chair barber shop F M. Tatman 315 State St. RESTAURANT Poor health force thl owner to aell thriving buainess. Good location ross in 10 mot. pe riod 128.000. Will sacrifice for 4400 cash, for quick sale. Call 2-r494 for appointment.. FOR-LEASE near completion new drive-In restaurant with heavy traffic count. Soma equipment furn. Box 19, Statetman-JournaL 700 Rentals 707 Hou4ti For Rant 1 BDRM. house, furnished, 47 90, unfurn. 437.50. Nlca dis trict. Ph. 2-4711. 707-41 Furnish)) Houtti FOR RENT, 4 rm. hous. all turn. Ph. 2-7011. 1 BDRM. furn. house, washer oryer.'C!! 4-0R8O after 5. FURN. 1 BR. home, full bsm'L good oil furnace garae, nice yd. 175. Ph. 3-4370 FURN. 1 bdrm. nearly new. an tenna, auto, washer & dryer. 147 N. 18th. CLEAN furn. 1 Close In. Call 4-1044. bHrm. after house 4 p m SMALL mod. 2 bdrm Sub Lie. yd, garden space 445 2-0115. CLEAN furn. 1 bdrm. house 145. Some util.. gar. sdultt, no pets. 4-915S. - WALKING dtst. So, 1 bdrm. furn. house. 2-4'758. 709 Wontati to Rnr Nelson's Rentals WE WANT GOOD HOMES TO RENT TO OUR WAITING CLIENTELE ALL PRICED HOMES UP TO 125 WE SERVICE OUR RENTALS AND ADVERTISE. ALSO COLLECT FOR OWNERS. Call Dorothy Deal. Evt. 4-4431 NELSON NELSON. RLTRS. 1590 S. Commercial. Ph. 2-J464 710 Wantad to Rant Hut PROFESSIONAL man. now rest dent, desiret 1 or .1 bdrm house near S Salem Hlh. Ph. 1-3175, l-l. 3-3607 evt 714 Stillness Ranroli Ground Floor Desk Spare with or without desk. Reasonable e. a. Mclaughlin 234 N. High .... Ph.l-Mll DOWN 'own office space, store rmt. a warehouaa 1-4 1 14. 716 Retort Rental! Spend you weekend It summer vacations at GRALVNS COURT MOTEL 2's mile! No. of Depot Bay on Hithway 101 Good tish ln( off rock. Ideal for chil dren. Steam heat, dec. coffee parks k pop-up toasters. II a couple, less by the week Call Depot Bay 173 for reser vations 718 Convolescent Homei ELDEREST Nursing Home Pri vate rooms available. 2430 N. Church; l-toMv- , COTTAGE CONVALklCENT HOME. 252 N Cottagi I-702O 780 Mevlng & Sforaga" LESTER DeLAPP LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Mnvinjr & Storage PH. 2-1750 OR 3-456 LOW COST 4torag H L Stiff rurnltur Co 1-1114 Ltrmer Transfer a Storage Complett moving terrlct. Aim (lent for BEKINS NtUon Wld4 Movara. Ph. 1-2 til. SO. Hotjwt For Sett thia 1-adrm. hnma tn Waat Sa- aa.aww. uu Mr. Justin, era. Bldg, ta goad sseettoa, Buat- Phone 4-M9S IN SALEM I acre with plenty brrakiaat nook. Plenty apace tor frpl. F A, haat. Exquisitely nfht in. Owner will aell for Call Henry Bund to are. Eve. In located In the city Good $7250 COMPACT, comfortable S bdr. homo in the Keiser diat. Good area, with FHA approval Owner muht trade for email acreage, or will consider any reasonable proposition. Call Al Room. Eve. Ph. 45414, 5 Acres South TWO homes; on rents for 450 per month. Good young fruit and nut trees full set of good building. Near vicinity of new proposed South Jr. High school. Ideal for people want lng a little stock, garden, and food suburban living. Call Boy Goodwater, 44474. Home and Income SOUTH near the new Erirkson market Court apt. with 4 monthly rentals and owner's 3 hdr home, strlcllv modern and up-to-date. Shows a good return on your Invest ment Shown by appointment onlv 4M.000 Call Ruth Mor rison. Eve. Ph. 41644. Joe L. Bourne, RItr. 1140 N Capitol Ph 38214 3 BDRM home in Keier dirt for sal or trade for small arreaie. Haa A. Int with good well. Ph. 2-5479. 755 Evans Ave. YOU WOULD BE PROUJJ TO OWN THIS NICE, CLEAN 2 BDRM. HOME Suburban. Northeast Neighbor hood of fine homes. Fxtr lot goes A real bur at 18, 254 EVE. 2-2612 DELL KUBLER Put the "Oh" in Home S-bdrm. modern split level tn a beautiful setting. The step dnwn living room is out of this world A family room that puts tha "live" in living The kitchen cannot be de scribed. Finest material k workmanship. For the qusll fied buyer thlt it ill SHOWN BY DEL KEEBLER DAY 3 8620 EVE. 2-2612 McKillop Real Est. 30 Libri-ty Rd. Salem BUY my equity In Manhrln Gardens home. 2 bdrm, or 2 bdrms. and den. F. A. heat, frpl. and patio SI 150 rin, 111 -850 6115 Manbrin Dr. Ph. 4-2453 MR-OWNER i Glen Woodry will pay top price for your furn A appliances Ph 1-5118 4S0 dn . 3 yr. old 2 bdrm . full bsm't. F. A. furn. Wall wall carpets, drapes. 4-1448 1 BDRM house on large lot, small dn. payment. Ph. 4-3004 "jOL HUTCH 1SON REALTOR Let us solve yeur home needs To Buy. Sell or Rent Call Ph. 4-5743 1131 Edgewater Ph. 4-7474 1714 So Comm'l. 802 Buiineii Property INCOME PROPERTY 4 unit apt . close-In North. Complete ly furnished. Brings In 1334 per mo. Price 423.000. MEDICAL CLINIC IN VALLEY TOWN Lot 73' frontage. Perk ing Brings in $200 pr mo. Price 118.500. St REALTORS 180 South Liberty Street Telephone 2-1471 TAVERN TIME Nrighhni hood tavern clns? in tn town Ftpff. business, long time established Ctnnd Iwn man operation. Total price, $f (XK), Call Tom Fauan. 4-44fM. Eve., 4-8193 HARDWARE STORE Must be sold or traded Doing good business In small valley town. Man involved In long term major surgery. Will sell for Inventory or trade (or home or income property to lVOon Total price app. $12 VW) Call Tom Fafan. 4-4494 Eve. 4-81OT. Colbath Land Co. SI 7 Court St Ph 4-444 FOR RENT 14' x 70' OFUCE 4Pce. Good downtown location. Has airey service ervtranre Customar narking 1 block Heat ind hot water furnished. ALSO Small Office space on South High St. suitable for 1 or 2 man tales oraanizatlon. CALL STATE FINANCE CO. 147 8 Hlh St. Phone 3-.1I4) VALUABLE PROPERTY A large building A 2 lots, cen trally located, a good business It Ph. 2-6640 or 3-4434. TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 104 Hoo44 For Sold LOVELY WALNVT PARK A gracious family home tar t large family, bdrm, I hath, larga living room, sea. ante dining reara. asvety kil rhen with Book, disposal and dishwasher, bemt with T V. room, dbs garage and eecrue 4 back yard. What mora ran you ask.? Call Tom Fa- aTva. 4-aiaa. DRJVEBYS This quiet little 1-bdrm kouse st 171 Magnolia St . west na- lem. close to school and park, paved street A buy at 43.404. Call Anderson 4-4444. Eva. 4-2714. CANT BE BEAT This fine 4'i arret 2744 Holly wood Dr . 410.MW 1, acres SMd Labish Rd , 2 bdrm. 44.3i0. 1754 down. 4-bdrm. house an 2 nice lot, shsde, paved street at 4th A D Sir. in Turner. Maw EsjV terms. Call Anderson 4-444, Eva. 4-2714. OLD AGE PENSION 4-unlt apt house for 114.504. Newlr painted inside 4t aut, all fully furnished, neat and clean as a pin. no repairing needed here. Ill expense per month unci, taxes) to land lord. Lovely big corner with UII shad tree, la excellent south location Call Tom Faaan 4-4494. Eve. 4-1193. IH BEDROOMS II .HI DOWN This man must sell Immedi ately, living room. I dining room, lovely kitchen snd in side utility. Located Tlose id West 1 Salem, lot at house for 44,900. Call Tom Pagan 4-4494, Eva. 4-413. 4 ' 517 COl'RT ST. WALNUT PARK Fine famllv home. This two- story home is Immaculate throughout. There is full baaement. large living room, 10x12 dining room. 1 bedroom, bath down, 2 bedrooms '1 bath up. Large Cape rod style 115 WO. Eve : Mar)nrie Fanning 4-40W. tJffire 4-7177. Realtor !50 N. HIGH PH. 4-7977 MUST aall older convenient horn. redecorated. 44,750 term. Ph. 2-0215 2 Bdrm. South Not new. but good! Located near Leslie and Bush schools. Owner withes to move to Portland Nice vtrd with shrubs and trees Onlv 17500. Call Ruth Morrison 4-1444. Income Property One of the nicest smell Income properties we have listed units, neat, clean nice home for the owner, food district North. For details call Mr. Bourne. Eve. 3-7117. Joe L. Bourne, Rltr. 1140 N. Capitol Ph.3-421 4 RM. cabin on Ablqua R , 2B mi N. E. of Salem. Good fishing. 42.000. Silverton 3-4324. BV OWNER Keiser I bdrm. cir culating fireplace, wwcar peting Ph. 1-4117. BY AUBURN School 1 414 acre 3 bdrm, I ttory home 4r work shop, 2 car garage. 11,004 down Ph. 42714. CLEAN 6 yr. old I bdrm. subur ban home. hdwd. firs, ventttan blinds, nice thruht. 17.184) 3835 Monroe Ph. 4-1544. OWNER leaving State June 2nd, 1750 buys equity In 1 yr. old mod 3 bdrm home, located at 224 S. 49th St. BY BUILDER NEW 1 bdrm horn pen S. Salem school f ptrk 1-7071. BY BUILDER NEW spacious 3 bdrm. Engle wood Dist, Top quality. 2-7071. -0WNERTRANSFERRED 2 BDRM mod home, l.-g corner lot. near So Salem High. 410. 500. Ph. 2-8431. BY OWNER- J bdrm. bouse A basem't lr kit, wplenty ol built-ins. Dble gar . Irg cor ner lot. patio A plenty of trees. A bargain at 16909. See at 798 So. 21st. TWO BEDROOM home on extr lot Entire place fenced, quiet and secluded, lovely yard on Mill creek. Ideal place for Hardening snd outdoor living One block to bus and grocery. Near school. Ph. 3-8369. OWNER NEEDS SMALLER 3 BDRM. HOME Han nice 5 hdrm. ne;ir So. Salem Hi. K pjrk. Dble. garage, full bsmt larse dining room sewing room, nnlv sil.tisi ran j 500 down. Will take car as part down payment. See Bill Fidler. Eve 4-7448 LIVE SUBURRAN-A 2-bdrm. home on 2 lane lots. Near school. Reduced to 15 500 Make offer on terms Call Frtnk Graham Evt. 4-474H 'i ACRE 2-bdrm. home, barn, chicken house, good well. Needs some fixing, TV A deep freere go at the price of 4S.00A Se Bill Fidler Eve Ph. 4-7444 AT SHAW-A fine 20 acres for chickens, berries, etc. House old hut livable. Price of 44 450 Includes almost new tractor, plow and cultivaior, also cat tle A theep. See this for bargain. Might trsde for city. See Graham. Eve, Ph. 4-474 A BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOT FOR THAT NEW HOME A two wv view has city water, lot 100x176 Se Ron Krau. Eve. Ph. 3-.VM4. WE HAVE A GOOD SELEC TION OF TARM LISTINGS, VALLEY FARMS, HILL FARM. TIMBER, ETC. CALL FOR GEO. KRAUS OR HERB BARNES TOR INFO. Real Estate 316 N. CHURCH PH. 4-6871 BY OWNER 11.900 dn total price 112 000 3 ntw 3 bdrm hornet. Included ire H baths playroom, birch kit wdlnln sres. front rm. wfrpl, all dewd. firs, FA ol hrat dbl gar wpatlo, lot size 82 x130 city water Loan re on houses, move right in Houses sre 1 blk out of city limits North 3325 Mayfleld Piece A 235 wnhif Drive. See any time or ph 1-0933. Garden Lovers Nice 1 bdrm home. 65 x170' lot, kitchen with formic counter tops, large living rm . tiled bath, lots of flowers It shrubs slso treet. large garden spot already planted, upstairs un finished. For more details call 4-8253. Price 18.150. WILL sell liooo enuFtv in 2 bdrm. home for l.ino or trade for I'j ton. LWB truck. Ph 4-8244 CLOSE In. dWng distance to Capitol Bldg. iAttrartlve yr. old. 1 bdrm ' home room for 2nd bdrm. Ilyj rm, dinnett A kitchen In knotty pine. 7. 950. Call F, L. Kntpp Broker. Ph. 2.4244. 80 Haiim For Soto OWNER LEAVING Marre right mta this bed i awn k at South, yea. there's a family room elf tha kitchen with tlrl4 and earned ceiling A dif ferent bom you're aura 4 nke, wH ta waH ear peeing, double peuenasng, etsseiwsshar lawa as in. hack yard It fenced Isol aq ft at wonderful liv ing area Call Ralph ktaddy M auk after. ? 4 )4H LIB OHMART PEACE AND SECLUSION Incomparable! 1 1 I ta 4 ace tracts tram ssiem, pioneer firs rtome site locaied with rommana tng views of tha Cascades Willamette Valley tad Cola Hilt Restricted with their own private park end awnnming anal to be developed Priced from 414na to 44504 with attractive terms, tf you want the charm of "a little alar in tha coun try call Adrseaae Sercombe aooa. S ACRE FARM ALL CULTIVATED 11 A Sears In full beating. D respects for excellent crop. 14 A. Cirmanent grase, Dai revet rie machine ened. chicken Inrhided for 417.5UU. buy now Henry Torvend. CREEK PROPERTY A tine Spanish type 2 bedroom home with den. extra large living- room and dining-room with wall to wall carpeting snn flra- Kriea leriiKled Truly I spacious family ham Have Don ugh ion ahow you through today . MANBRIN GARDENS A very nice 2 bedroom home fireplace forced tlr furnace Srivite fenced and hedfed beck yard We believe this home i really good buy al II0.5O0 Call Lauis Lorenx. IF YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL US 4TT C mirth St. tv Ralph Maddy I-24M Adrtenne Sercombe 4-SOSg Henry Torvend I-J4S1 Don Doufhton 4-1414 Louis Lorent 3-1X1 RAMSEY. REALTOR JMS OSBORNE OFF Rtwthorne One of th neatest tnd cleanest hornet In Salem. 1 bedroom. Dining mom, Nook. 400 square feet 14.404 Terms. SERVICE STATION IDEAL setup for mechanic or radiator man. corner lot. building and equipment go for 49.990. Terms, too, 1750 DOWN PAYMENTS like rent for thlt large 4-bedroom home In Highland and St Vincent'! .area. Nice lot 17.950. 427 Ferry List With Eve. Frank Vlesle 4-2674; Mm. Lehmann 2-4484: Jim Ramsey 4-inaj I ROOMY 2 BDRM. IN SOOTI SALEM HIGH DISTRICT All th rooms la thlt hous trt large and well-arranged tor com fortable living Living room, oining room, hand kitchen. Very wcll-bu4t. neat and clean. Owner would trad for cheaper houae. Price 41.050. Call Mrs, Graham. BUSINESS BUILDING ON 3 ACRES. SO" frnntagt on busy high way, Building 31' x 42' suitable for cabinet shop, repair shop or trailer court. Owner would take good car In trade. Pull price 48,500. Call Mr. Hlckt. , SALEM HEIGHTS ARtA-t bdrms . I yrt. old. 460 q ft. floor spare. Large living room, dining room, large kitchen with eating space. Good sired lot, double garafe. A neat place for 19.500. Cttl Fred Doerfler. 4 BDRM SOUTH 4 yrt. old Well-built home with 1.000 sq. ft. of living spare. Nice but lot. city waler. Rlf living rm, din- ins room, attractive kitchen. this at 112.700. Call Hoy TOdO. ROY TODD, REAL ESTATE 2311 State St. Pn. 1-1541 Eve. calls: Todd 2-1731: Doerfler 1-3744; Hicks 4-44.10, Graham 4-4748. Vandervort 4-7802 STATE FINANCE 167 S. High St ERA O.I. or M Year, 1 Conventional Mortgage Loan tor Buying or Construction 1444 Down', Acre with at tractive l-BR horn. Located In Four Corners Dilt Clot to Lincoln School. Blacktop Street. On bus line. Ctll Stan ley Brown. Eves, phont 1-4541. 1504 Down. Duplex approx. I yrt old located in West Sa lem. Each hat l-BR . Living rm. Kitchen ft Bath. Cood location. Live In one and rent the other. Total prlc I45(1. Call Stanley Brown. Eves, phone 1-5541. BEAUTIFUL ranch tyh l-yr. old home. Located East. I spacious bedrooms, Tile bath. Uvini and dining rooms ctr peted. Kitchen that it an In tpirttion for any cook. 3 Fire placet. Bttement with Itrge recreation room. IJirxe 2-car (arsis One of th prettiest OUR SERVICE TS TO HELP YOU BUY AND FINANCE YOUR HOME-GOOD LISTINGS NEEDED BUYERS AVAILABLE. in. lifilMitit U. 318 N. CHURCH ST. LANCASTER 3 bdrm home, frontage on Lancaatef Bd. Approx Acre Barn, good well, garden planted, tood business loca tion. Ask for (Barneyl Baumgsrtner Eve : 4-47(4. EAST BY STATE HOSPITAL heat, glassed In back porch. Tool house. Hdw. floort. Ven blinds Low tsxes Only I7.000.on. Ask for Mr. Chtttham Eve : 4-44W5. I BF MrnrnN J bdrm fireplace, dining rm.. kitch arty rm, fireplace, dbl plumg. F. A. Oil furnace, garaie, McKinly achool dist. Good 3-7194 nwNFB must sti.t. 2 homes on view knoll. Good well, garden spot, fruit, nuts, some nursery ttock. Inw taxes Modem 2 bdrm home Inside utility room. Second house New hdw firs flrenlare. st, as to add another Good Mrs. Wootten Eve: 3-4046. SUBURRAN NORTH Modern 4 bdrm. home, S-up 1-down Large living rm. with fireplace. Hdw firs. Lg dining rm. Kitchen with nook bsmt with partv rm. beautiful yd., trvea, neat barn Ideal for famllv who wish to have a pony. Only 114.750 Ed Srhreder Eve : Tl'RNER II VM Half acre nice tround Neat A- clean 2 BR home, til fin ished nsturtl wood Good lite t Utll different. Termi. FOUR CORNERS AREA 48 900 Out of cltv owner must sell 4 yr. old. ' BR home on txtra lot. Will toll on contrict or take car In trade. Vacant Junt 1st. McKINLEY DIST. $10,900. Owner transferred Sell 3 BR nesrly new bom. Fireplace. Quiet street. 1 block to but line. Termi. NORTH SALEM 18 750 2 BR. home with unfinished upttslri. Extra lot for gar den or building. Can be handled for low down payment. "NEEL0N ACRES" Three homes lust completed in thl fist growing tub-dlvlslon Douhl plumbing 2-ctr garages Paved streets and city wa ter. This is becoming an ideal pltc to live. Priced from II, too to 114,500. Good terms. A. A. Ill S. High .- .. , . Eve . A E. Beckett. 1-4441; Helen Lewit. 4-3O0S. BY OWNER: 575 Rose St. In beautiful Walnut park, custom built i bedroom home, wall to wall carpeting, dishwaaher, fireplace, full dry basement with shower, hullt Ins gallore attached garage, nice yard with choice roses Come anytime as into my new home WEST 5ALEM By owner. 3 bedroom house. I basement, large garage, radi ant heat. 1334 Franklin St Ph4-377 FORSALE: All turn. 2 bdrm. house, 1-7014. w1 xtri lot. Ph. 104 HMa4 Far SU IUDi CJLLAtsA la Polk Ceuatv.'tvet a tallea crop oooe j bedroom noma, house Ford tractor 4s aaia. snd harvest the crop Se Phone IM11S -1-4114 1-41IT LOTS! LOTS! 1X1TS! SUBURBAN, MxIM. 11.140 (I avallablri. SOUTH. Uftx?M Kve-d. deep well. 11.40a. West Irm view. I2,74. 1 tn city, south, 43944 FURNISHED THBCT-BEDROOM noma for 4500 down. Living room. Din ing room. Kitchen. Garage Highland area. Price 14.750. REAL BUY IN 2-bedroom home. Concrete foundation. Plastered. Newly redecorated. Big garage. Price 43.Z3U. Terms. Us Office 4-3381 Built for family living. See CO. REALTORS Phone 1-1151 y a r d t In the community. Vegetable garden. 122.000 In clude on acre ef land, but more Itnd It available. Thlt property may be Inspected by appointment only. Call O. V. Hum. Eves phone 2-5204. i irsn on oar North aonr't mil frontage. Part in cult and aomt Oak Grove Large bam. no house. Full price 18500. Consider income er lot. Ctll W. H. Steveley, aalesmin. Eve phone 4-2414. 4200 down or mtk offer. l-BR home on Isrie lot North, out side rlty limit. hout 9 yrs. old. Wired for rtnge and good plumbing Ctrport V utility. Pull price 44250, 145 per month on baltnre. Call W. M, Steveley, laletmtn. Eve ph. 4-2418 (REALTORS) ph. ym, Modern I bdrm. home. Electric home, Lg. Living rm with with nook, basement with view. Ask for Mr. Lamm. Eve.: on 1'. Acre tract. Located springs and creex, aunirngniea turtle 1-bdrm. Conttructed rental. For particular ttk lor 3-7825. AREA rooms. See thia for tomtthing I Ph. 1-4624 Andy Halvsrten. 1-7111, BEFORE YOU BUY! See tht new homed In Btlvtdere Gtrdens Eaet on D St. to North 34th For sals exclusive ly by C. ,. KENT & CO. REALTORS 454 N. Church Ph.J-:28.1 BY OWNER 3 bdrm. house Irg 11 v. rm. din. rm. birch kit fireplace hdwd. flrt. F A beat, attcb gar. lot 40x120 located N. I. Suburban 11,000 Ph. 4-7071. 104 H4Maoa fat Jato McKillop Specials KFW 1 bdrm. double plumbing, beautiful birch kitchen Nice lot rieee ta srh sol. W will talk about price. ANOTHtR NW 1 hdrav da. bie plumbing. Mrch kitrhaa nd a real nice ramitv rsmm. I bit tireplaes shack with a ea price. 1 BDRM, a ea turf ill new. dou- bi aiwmbing. family room, a hrtplere thet Is different, and a different floor plan. Let loa il aver, ad enack for price Ph. 1-424 OSCAR SEDERSTR0M OR DEIX KEEBLER tvet. 2-5211 Eves. 2-212 REAL ESTATE 3Q4 Liberty Rd. ENGLEVOOD HOME JUST listed, thtl 1 bdrm. home. II an one floor tnd we thins. you will hke It very much. Haa an unfinished upstair wntcn courts ne i more odrms. Has wall-to-wall carpet in living rm, I bdrm tnd had Nice kitchen with lots of built -ina. Many flower, shrubs, 4 apricot-plum was. I blks to Enilewood srh. 1 blk to hu Only llb.DOn Call Clyde roulk, Eve. 2-2444. McKINLEY DISTRICT THIS attractive home In thl desirable school Diet will please you Ha tepsrste din ing rm Well arranged floor plan, lg rooms Thlt I yr old home hat 1, 404 to. ft. Deep lot gaoo call scno Tester, Evt. 1-4473. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 194 S. Commercial Ph. 1-M41 HOUSE PLUS APPLIANCES Wisher, dryer, rtng tnd re frigerator, all In rood condi tion, to star In this conven ient 3bdrm. house.. Living eoom.5 separate dining room tnd hallway have wall-to-wall carpeting. Especially nice kitchen with eating apace and separate utility room off kit chen. Large fenced In back yard Good EHA teams at 113,440. IfttfllFUl HOME FOR A LARGE FAMILY Thlt 7-vetr-old 4-bdrm is one of th best constructed, cleanest home we've seen. The exterior M of th Cape Cod style, both a house and yard are la excellent condi tion, all the rooms tre large. The downstairs bdrms. are 13x15, with Wilkin closets In each. Large bath, separate dining room. lare Kuerten Upstair there ar 1 mora bdrras,, and den. All th rooms and the attached garage are plastered and In new con dition. Located South, near South Salem High School. Full price only 113.790. best of financing available. RON JONES REALTOR 144 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 4-4454 Eve. Ph. Boh Sleeve S-SST1 or We Gregg 1-3521 114.750. 1 BEDROOMS 3 yrs. old wsn to wan carpet tnd drape Included. Large LR with tire place Pull dining room. Breakfast nook. Dble. garage. 114,500. 4 BEDROOMS. Double piumning. Basement with rec reation room, llxlt dining room. Flrepllce. All carpeting tnd drapes Included. TV and refrigerator for rec room also Included Douhl garage. ' tcre. Beautiful trees tnd ihruh. $12000 3 ACRE HOME. Near school ex shopping Fireplace. Wall tn wall carpeting. A lot of fruit and shade trees Dble. garage, barn and chicken house. A real buy. I6 500. 1 BEDROOMS. Cloae In A-l condition. A good home or Income property. 14.250. ONE 14x14 BEDROOM Easy walk lo Stat Hospital. All city conveniences. 1', ACRE HOME. 14.000. 2 bed rooms. Garage, ham. chicken houae and 8 fruit tree. Near Cheniawa School. CLYDE PRALL REALTOR 154 S. High SI 4-.K151 Home Phones: Prall. 3-7250; Mrs. Freeman 4-8184 NEW HOME - I12.9W) Hard to heat. Tills home has 3 bedrooms douhle ear:ige. I1, baths. ccrBnuc tile bath, birch kitchen with formica drain boards hi k nook. dining room, good utility room, patio Located South Rullt bv Gene Hrrtrl Eve John Van OsDol 3-7313 Office 4-7977. Realtor HIGH PH. 2S0 N. 4-7977 Enplewotxl Dist. TWO homes, both rented on one lot. A 2-hedrm. nd I one bedrm Both pracll allv furnished. Large one has a basement A furnace, on N. 16th. $10,500. 3 Cottaee Court WALKING distance On N 14th. Double gtrage and rent ed all the time. $11,000. 4 Bedrm. & Plavrm. LARGE llv. k dining rm. with fireplace Full bsemcnt. nou hie garage. Blk. from Bush sch Nice home for large family. 112.500. Just off Lancaster BRAND new, !t Bedrma A dou ble r.irage Large hack en closed yard. New dist $14 700 Art Marisen Realtv ; U2lt ,,, 3-5540 . 3-8405 VV. Salem Heights 2-bdrm. house, large kitchen, separate utility room. dbl. ft rag. I y.art old. 44950, Ph. 1-4440. Nt rttltor. U - q Xntomotfve SS2 UmJ Con Fat Sal PLEASE Our Goal Is to Provde Pleasure That Lasts With the Life of the Car 1955 BUICK CENTURY A beaaaful few door Riviere tiargtea, finished rn M eiarfe wila white tire, tntertor SB re a wkite Caeda veen with stiver flecked Mack ayMa. Saltctraate rtdea. DvaaQow. neater, power brakes, etc Wa aosd stew, 11.404 aula 1954 BUICK SPECIAL Peur door aedaa with dvnsfVw, ntdi. neater. B-E-Pve glass eV custom Intense. Finished In tat mlet green wllk contrasting ta tenor trim. W asM a sarvscad new. Serv ice record avaittkl. I1M - 154 BUICK SPECIAL RIVIERA .. 59$ IMS BUICK SUPER RIVIERA J89J 19S3 BUICK SUPER SEDAN HM 19S CHEVROLET BEL AIR SDN. .... Il la BUICK SPECIAL TUDOR ISM 1951 FORD I SEDAN .. 545 OREGON'S OLDEST DEAliR w is COMMERCIAL AT CHEMEKETA CHANCE OF A LIFETIME 1S6 PONTIAC 'tTf CATALINA COUPE 8eaot1tvl bolero red 4t mist whtta ttni5h with strikino black nylon a white leather interior, 237 hp. engine with 4-barrel carb, dual ex raust3. dual bangs hydra ma tic. radio. heater, back up lights. windshield washers it under coat. 434j4 miles witrl 100 warranty on pasts And labor por oni year. $2795 I 660 No. Liberty 800 Real Estate 106 Heuswi Far Sal CHOICE BUY Thlt new horn, built y GENT. A DEAN ANUKRSHlrt, na very single thing you could ask tor. It' HUGB with a 11x24 living mom with raised hearth, large family room with rtnchtyra fireplace, a big birch kitohea with nook. 1', bsUii. double ling, paved street with urbt. All for 414. 4441 There's no hone in town to beat It. Evt : Cordova JUephenson 4-414. Offlo 4- Ted Morrison Realtor HO N. HIGH PH. 4-T9T7 Sf.fiK'S BEST BUyS CONTEMPORARY HOME And truly a beauty. 1 bdrm Urge family room, npacioua living rm. .1 lovely fireplace, U baths. P A. oil heat IniuL W-ttrppd. Hdwd firs. Dhl garage. Lot ol brick. Fenced yard. Patio. Excellent location. Large Pfit ner Int. Almost 1mm. poss. Drapes and cornices In cluded In the full price of 115.950. Call Wait Jones. Xve. Ph. 4-7S31. Al Isaak & Co. REALTORS SIS N. Church St Ph. 4-3311 ar 1-7420 JUNE WEDDING BELLS Immediate possession. Just right for newly marriedi. Compact Utile two bedroom ham on t large lot. An Ideal little home to ttart In Excellent ternit low down payment. Just 40 500 00 Call Ed Brll lol evet. 3-4414. Keizer District Cory one-bedroom horn an ti sere. Plenty of fruit and ber ries Practically new. Only 48.200 00. 11,000 or might con sider lower down Ctll O, A. Vleary. ave. 4-4044. $7,500 2'i tcret with older home, part lv remodeled. Approx. 40 cherry trees, slso apples and petrt. tin u. A. vicary, eves. 4-5P44. Salem Properties Real tors 37 N High 8t. Phones 4-0331 - 1-1S.13 SELL or trtdt email house at 4035 Earl Ave. Ph. 4,7240. 807 Apt's. Courts for SaTe OWNER LEAVING STATE Anxious to sell lovely 4-unlt cottage Ct, plus home, excel. location, terms. JOE NOONCHESTER, RL. EST. 1949 N Cottg. Ph4-341 BY Owner: 4 unit Apt. house. esch with bath, 9 rtimtxried. Good rental dist. 2 blocks from Capitol, 4 block! from center of busines district. Ph. 3-7343 lOt LoH For Sole 115 DN. 115 mo. with water It elec. also others. Ph. 2-3249. BEAUTIFTriTlsndscsped. 3 bdrm horn wMM to ft. Ptaaplas! A Irg Inside utll, exception, ally nice floor plan. $12,800. Ph 4-7389 BELVEDERE GARDENS Choice residential Intl. commu nity water, wide paved street. curbs, construction financing available tor builders. C. V. Kent & Co. REALTORS 456 N Church Ph 4-S2M 4 I OT In Best Lawn Gsrdens. 4175 . E. B. Smith. Ph. 1-9301 J A. SOUTH PHON1 4-U11 850 Automotire SS2 Use. Cars Par $gla im PLYMOUTH TUDOR 11 STUDEBAKEIt VI SEDAN 1H BUICK SEDAN CVc at three) . 1J47 BUICK SEDANETTE 19 BUICK SDN. . 48S S9S m us 1940 FORD M4)a4 9 PHONE 4-1711 Ph. 24113 trrtat a. I7SEB Onion (t Commercial Ph. t-tlTt MOLL MOTORS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Tip Top Used Cars SUrarloe, Ure, Ph. Mltl '44 BUICK roup, food eoni. to. pn, 4-teaKs. 1 JtXP far !. rirtt claaa tntpa. pa. s-aaej. OPEN EVES.' BARGAIN CENTER Or SALEM . No Down Paymant O.A.C. IM Silverton Rd. At Lancaster Dr. Ph. 4-1114 11 CHEV. 1-drTlixtr nlc! Will Uka smsll trade. Ph, 1-4047. 1539 Norway. H CHEV. B AH. low mileage. 4 ar. xe, rood. Ph. 4-4014. VMODEL-A Vlrtnri,1el oner aver iioa. n. 4471 Rtckman. '11 Mercury 1-door Monterey Merc-o-tnatic. Real nice. 94 Ctn b financed. Bet al 4140 Sunayvlew. '41 DODGE sdn. Runs well $50. 4240 Sunnyvlew Ave. LATE '51 H udson" Commander, exc. cond. Ph. 4-T130. 194 PONTIAC 4 dr. sdnthlef- tsln "I ". CL cond, 11.100. Ph. 4-9403, , T. PICK-UP bed It racks. ti 144 W. Chemawa Rd. t-4404. 1141 PONTIAC 1-dr. Torpedo, radio, neater, excelleat buy t $154. By owner. Ph. 4-1744. IMt CHRYSLER Windsor 4-dr, very clean, 1290. ay owner. Ph. 4-4740. 1134 CHRYSLER Sdn. heater A O'drlvt. Good cond. 141 4-2404 1444 DO DO tedta, cheap. 2171 H. Uoerty. Ph. 4-3434. 41 OLDS 11 dlx. club aed. Black, radio, heater, whit aid wtllt motor recently a hauled, eondl. 1394. Ph. 4-1434, S54 Trycka, Trail, for tola LIGHT trsllor with car hitch. $11 romplete George Speed st Chedwwa Indian School er Ph. I-II7T after 9 p. m. it ronn ton pick-up, x. cond. Ph v. Jeffrn Pair- fax 7-2425. 800 Real Estate 101 Lot For Sola ON Crolsan creek, s A. lots. II year creek. 1 mi. from city ctr Ph. 4-1440, TRADE 1 lota. Just oft Gla Creek Rd. for 1st mooei car. Ph. 1-2031. LRG. LOT 152x94 Price 1950. Kelter Heights. Ph. 1-llta. MAKE offer on my equity La bish Village, ba lanes du In- cludet ttreet tssetsmentt. Ph 4-9174. 10 Forms For Sola JUST listed 12 tcre 01 r fruM. land, no bldg 17. 100. cood termi. Call Mr. Klglni eve. 4-5494. C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 454 N. Church Ph. 4 -279 J TRADE Do you want a fine 82 acre farm with 4 goad 1 bdrm. house on It It you have a house clear, worth around IROOO wt can make 1 deal for vou. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 1311 State M Ph. 1-454 40 1ACRE grass pasture, clot In Will lease Ph. 2-0077. Ili Eicrt. Real Eitoto FOR SALE or trade tor hous r lot, tftta Ford Victoria, UU lUvtrtoa Bd, Pk. 1-0434. , Will Chevrolet Cadillac 8oO AntomoUrB IS2 UiaeJ Cm ft Sail NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APf ROVED CREDIT '48 Dodge 1 Ton . Hckup rough tad ready M "60 G.M.C.iTon Pickup 4rO4 4)eel fOtf aJMal '50 Ford V-8 2-Dr. Ie Mack and lair Itanlttaai piaa 51 Chev. 4 Dr. SAn. reel harp. rtmetdJtleoea '50 Chev. 4 Dr. tSdn. a good nlid car $4 '51 Mercury 4 Dr. Sdn. Mtety wMi4 Ik (Mat 4 51 Olds Super SS I ar. local owner, aargaal iria 49 Olds S3 4-Dr. 49 Olds 88 4-Dr. Sdn. trtd eleaalM, a dtal 1341 Buy with No Cash and Save Your Money for the Vacation You Are Taking Soon 461 NO. HIGH PH. Vim "The Lot with a Lot" 44 CAD. "3"-4-dr. Matl mtk lot. t-ia. Urefoa 'i OMeat Oaaiar BEST BUY, " Pita Car CofMlsXssf C I II I wfc ClMstaWlMrlsal Ph 4-4711 1956 MODEL Good at saw. Radio It ntataT. CENTER AND HIGH SALEM. ORE. U tlHCOLH CAPM eaup. fuu power, aa-iatn Inlerloir an owner, and M ta arte la 44UI , M MERCURY HARDTOP radia, heater ana oreegrlva. tnappy red it whlta, pri4 riahtl 14 sffirtCURY REDAN 1 on owaar, lull atruippea, real buy! 11 MERCURY HARDTOP radio, beater, e vera nv, red with whit Ina, rrln' ta (0 at a reasonable price! y Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. 4N N. com i rn. a-eun "THE CAR MARES GOOD , OR WE DO" 1 ilea NASH Statesman, beater, o-drtve, seta perfect tlr, 1254 Edgtwater, Ph. 1-4414, 154 Wantaa, Cars, Trthl ttTRI PAYING j ; TOP CASH For Clean Used Carl . Pld 'or or Not - Bob BUl's Used Can sUnioa fc High Sta. 85 Motorcycles, 1451 HARLEY-DAVTDSOH tt gooo cona. pn. i-ut. b60 Auto Miicallanooui PARTS for '44 Mercury. Phagtt I-ISS31. lo2 Home Traiilers 1941 Silver Lake House Trailer, 14 font. Range Healer, ina Frlfldalre, Xi5. E 7. Terms, ft. a. Mclaughlin 131 N. High St. 1-4411 - 1-411 TRAILER space for rent Ree. 467 PerUsnd Rd. VACATION 4l4a" trailer nou Muse Earl 4-7121 Malm. 4030 Bltverton Rd. 151. 24 Ft. metal trailer finuat! hath. Birch Interior 1350 down. Ph. 4-2217 atk for Baker. PLAY Ihuffleboard at laltm'a New Center Street Trailer Court. Trailer Space vilable 4144 Center St. 11 FT. metal trailer house, xe. condition, reaa. 170 W. Brown lng Eve, or week enda. 24' lltl Sportanett trailer horn. Ilka new. never been pulled. By owner. Ph. 4-1740, TRAILER TOWINU JAYHAWK TRAHER SALES Hef PortltnS R4 Pa 4-041 SAVE. . Hi . sin "SAFE - BUT USED CARS! Mi!! 1953, 35 ft. 1 bdrm. Richardeoa trailer hie . 1 party owner, hi trades. 12195. Ph. 2-4304. Mat Ptld. Rd. . CUSTOM built Tear Drop trail er. A-l shape, reas. 2-4340. ' FIRREsfTrsller Prk under new mngemnt restricted spaces for rent. Mil N. River Rd. Ph 1-4311. 15' VACATION SHASTAS SMALL DN PAYMT. TERMt LAN A LANE 1940 LAN A AVE. TRADE equltv tn S-bdrm. mod? home for late model trailer houae. Ph, 4-4444 after I p m. BARQAIN-11' tr"llr 444a7ikaa Una, IMt Lao Are.