Eisenhower Leads Nation in -Prayers for Enduring Peace By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I many torn Parades, church , fine weather i many arras -put President Eisenhower Westrer ' services, cemetery ceremonies, million of cars oat the high day led the nation in prayer for It alto was a day (or recreation 1 way. A a result, a death toll e.iiurinj peace as Americana and relaxation. Nearly everybody much greater than for a rton-holi-around the world paid solemn took a holiday from wk. and day Wednesday was expected, fibute to those ho taught and many spent their time on family; President Eisenhower flew back died for the country's freedom. trips, picnic and other outings, to Washington from his Gettys Memojial Day observances took; These activities Couple with burr. Pa., farm and went to the (nearby St. John's Episcopal DAILY CROSSWORD MOMMY By THE MOSSIHS ' !S Ms. Tt W ?. I "I hod to leave' She's comoyflogmg her spinach by putting it m her choc olofe milk1" Church fur his prayers Pretldeatial Wreath Secretary of the Army Wdber ; M. Brucker placed a presidential wreath on the tomb of the I n- known Souder in the Arlington. Va . National Cemetery. ! The iHth observance of Memor- ( ial Day saw giant parades of armed forces and veterans' f roups in. New York City, Chi cago, Boston, Clev eland. St Louis. Little Rock, Ark . Norfolk. Va .. Newark, N. J . and nlher places. Other decoration Day observ-1 ances were held hy Americans in Kurope and the Far East. Many of those in Kurope were he1'" t 1 cemeteries where American serv icemen are buried. i Polish Rite An unusual eommemoration w as sponsored by the Communist gov ernment of Poland. The Polish embassy in Washington said its representatives were placing wreaths on the graves of two : Poles who served as brigadier i generals in the I'nion Army dur ing America's Civil War. One was Wiodiimierz Krzyta-; nowski. buried at Arlington, and the other Jozef Karge, buried at 1 Princeton, N. J. ACROSS - 1 Hebrew name for 5yna S. Mountain iTheaaaly) t Giri'snam 10. American Indian 11. Alw-avs IS Earthy depoail 13 Consume 15 Music nolt 1 Costly l. Behold! 10, Wine receptaci 23. Entire amount 24. The clamor of drum beats ihv. phfnatedl 26. American moth 2T. Devotional watching SS Lutecium Uvm I 19 Leaps 31 Wager 32 Aftirmaliv vote 33 Earth as a goddem 34 Luck dr.) 33. Negative reply J7. Poaterior 39. Ey 41. Seaweed 41. Dropped 4t. A weaver' reed 43. English streetcar 48 Brown in the sun DOWV J 1 Quae 1. A favorite terleaa drink lEng ) alip- , J. Dtsctoaa 3. Near ipeeU 4 Market S. Cnil of reautanc (Eire ) Fly aloft 7. Coverlet I. Trouble 14 A boe r laiang I 18 Flower 17. Run away and marry 19. Sashes Jap I per K.Touchea end to end 24. A ei relet 25. Man nick name H. Ctrl' 30. Forrnt warden Jl County I X.J.I 1 1111 34. Kind of lily tnlfnll)'! Aaee 34 Bulging Jar iSp it The Orient 39 Often i poet.) 40. Tree 42 Affirmative vote I: i i w 1 (Tt 7fft? I" "1" "1 " I I Wr TW. Rose Festival Tops State's Entertainment During June Portland's Rose Festival and 1 June 22-23: Miss Lincoln County cartv harvest festivals top the list 1 Pageant, and Lincoln County nf June events published by the Pioneer Days, Toledo. June 21 Oregon State Highway Depart- 23; Annual Baton Twirling Maj ment'i Travel Information Divi- orette Festival, Waldport, June sion. 24-30; All Arabian Horse Show, Court Hearing Set in River Basin Probe Secretary of Interior Nominee Admired as 'Trouble-Shooter' Inside TV t(BBBBBBBBBBtaMBlllHtlBWaBBiaaB r. I ows orana Sh. On Buttons or Fall Ratings' By EYt STARR HOLLYWOOD STARR RE PORT: Nita Talbott, who play the distaff aide of the title role in the new "Joe and Mabel" ae rie soon to bow on Tuesday nights at I via CBS. has given aV IM tkt II. j iwer to just exactly what makes anew show accept able to a net work. Or at least to CBS. TT t it StatMman. Salem, Or?., Thurs, May 31, "56 (Sec Il15 THURSDAY BROADCASTS IHmti ante: Tto Statural t'rH4 kit Km aeaefaa m4 urn aa hhMiI by n4m m4 TV MaHaaa. kwl ftSMM law amrmM at vHkw ty amtavt THURSDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS m aw By MARVIN L. ARROWSMITH toured the country with Eisen WASHINGTON UT Fred Seatonlhower as an adviser. After the I has a reputation around the White 1 ion there was little doubt he 1 u,.nt. .ti '!,.,, ku .hu. " could have had a wide choice of SfOKAN'E - Six indi iduals And it s quite certain President : important federal jobs, but he felt and one corporation will be ar-, Eisenhower had that reoutation in il necMiwy to return for a while raia. nl in Mml riittrfrt Cnnrt-1 mind when he nominatpd Srilnn 1 10 n:s Dusiness here Friday on charges of con- to be secretary of the Interior. "" - Lii i J:.:.. j i The internationally famous Rose , Fairground.. Salem nd Junior , , " "IT : ZTJZ . " "SC Act. ! fire from Democrats this' election The corporation is Western Cold i year. They assail them as "give Storage of Moses Lake. Three of- away" policies. ficers of the firm, Clarke F. Matt- Seaton say he intends to carry i year son, Fred W. Mattson and George : on those policies. But his friends ! ywally Smlliag Jones, will appear. I in the government seem to feel I Seaton's face usuallv Is lighted Others scheduled for arraign-! that if anyone ca do so with some- hy a warm smile. His thinning ment are Svlvester K Flanauar), ! what less controversy, Seaton is light brown hair shows gray at Clifton T. Nielsen and Harold L. the man. the temple. Five feet, seven In- Sch-d all of Uuincy. Wash S'ncky. affable Fred Seaton is ches tan his weight stavs around JutlRC William J. Lindberg of usei to denims with IrmiMesnrre lft. pounds Se itle will preside silmtw. lie has h-ninf it A f(,w n,inu,w a,t.,r his nomi. me men were aiming inose a a nniie nouse aiue since ren Festival begins with the night Rodeo, Enterprise (tentative), show and coronation of the queen ' June 30-July 1. at Multnomah Stadium, Wednes-! School-end event listed are day, June . The festival extends j Commencement, Eastern Oregon through Sunday with marine events College, La Grande, June 1; at Towers Tark and the Golden ; Commencement Weekend, Wil Rose Ski Tournament at Mt. Hood, lamette University, Salem, June both beginning t 1 pm. The grand ' 2 3; 87th Oregon State College Moral parade is to he held on Sat- Commencement, Cnrvalli. .Inn rday. June 9. beginning at 9 n m . 4; and Corrrmrncemrnt L'niver moving into Multpoinak Stadium of Oregon, Eugrne, June 10. -ml movin from thr slaflium at Stock Show Hi a m. Theme o( the parade is Asricultui al events include Disneyland in Flowers this year Tn-County Fat Stuck Show and Parade Route Sale. Bend, June J 2; Farmers' Grand floral parade route is via i nmn Picnic, llufur, -. June 2 He did come Into the govern ment in September 1953 when, at Eisenhower's request. . he became assistant secretary of defense for legislative and public affairs. He moved to the White House last nation was announced yesterdav he named on secret grand jury in- 10. 19V first as an administrative picj 'r,ic bi i,,uj slif-tiYiAnlB li ot iirook nn sli t i i occicl ont t A ITiconVintLr anil Inp " K ' " 1 1 II III .1 jal mr (ii inaivi a.i.'i.nuut v a . I rs in iiiti . u I IV4 isii to reporters a bit later that he S.W. Salmon Street. Mlh Avenue. ' Oregon Wheat' Growers League!1 ;il,la,ed "j !h' r- ' y?T "Ml 8S,is,ant-! got the' first word of his selection . x " rlamatirin nrn nvl m I ana hnlHintr II ua frnnr ihal lollaar nictan.1. . . i. ji Vi . 7 , last Tnursdav. It undoubtwly w.hintnn inth . Madison. Broad- i n vv a sik shnu, ,nrf ;,! ciamaiion projoci s iana noiaing wy. Oak. Fifth, Yamhill. Third, i The Dalles. June 4-7; nd East-.law- across the Willamette River via ! trn Oregon Livestock Show,) ., - - r . the Burnside Bridge. S E. Grand . L'nioni June 7.9 1 OllSIl 1x0(18 lake enue, Morrison, 7th, Sandy Bou-. Sporting events of June sched-1 , . - levard. ST.. llth, N.E Davis. and!ufd ,re Pacific International Official INotC OI riishanding near Grant Bowl on , Trapshooting Association, Salem, NF.. 12th. 1 710; Oregon State Junior Olym- i Mpmori al DilV Other events during the festival pic,t Grant Park, Portland. June include the night shows at .muh- p; Golden Rose Ski Tournament nomah Stadium, Art festival at Mt. Hood, June 10: June Race WASHINGTON -The Commu- ment handling liaison with Con gress and government departments that Eisenhower picked him yes terday to succeed Douglas McKay in the cabinet. McKay resigned April 15 to run on the Republican ticket for the U S. Senate from Oregon, where the power and water policies he developed are a No. 1 issue in his contest against came from Eisenhower himself. Seaton made it plain he would not be ready to discuss specific Interior Department programs un til he has had a chance to study them. But he did say the Eisen hower administration power and water policy "makes sense and progress." 1 1 1 button, - is what it is No, 1 have not lost mine. Ac cording to Miss Talbott, an out spoken a refreshingly out-, spoken, I might say young New Yorker, CBS has a special viewing room which seat a1 small number of people. The; previewini audience is selected I to provide a wide sample alii ly on Broadway. income brackets, races, relig-I ions, occupations. Eafh -viewer it ' given two buttons to press, one red and the other green.' Hn I ing the course of the show the ' viewer is asked to press the hut-! ton, green when he likes some thing, red when he doesn't. In an adjacent control room., the burling of the buttons is recorded on something resem bling a cardiograph and the minute by-minute reaction of the audience i thu scientifical ly analyied. "Frank Stanton invented the thing," said Miss Talbott, "and that' why he' president of CBS- New I myself have never seen this remarkable little mind reading gadget, but if it doe in fact eilst and Mia Talbott was wonderfully voluble on the subject I am somewhat ap palled. It would appear that prospective sew show mart stand or fall en their button rating. If you have green-button shaw, yon're in basinet. If yoa have a red-battoa show, look ouL Whether the (how is really any good or not appar ently I quite beside the point j Yon gotta have the buttons. j The buttons are also used to "correct" shows. If the red-hut-ton reaction is strong in a par ticular spot, that spot in the show is analyzed and corrected. When all the red-button spots have been analyzed and correct ed, the show presumably is per fect. It is also, I would venture to say, not very entertaining. When you try to please all of the people all of the time you wind up in a vacuum. "Joe and Mabel," according to Miss Talbott, had the highest button rating since the original "I Love Lucy." I cant' wait to ee "Joe and Mabel." I want to ee what 1 really good button kitty THVKSDAY? HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNU. X7)t show looks like. j' U:t a-aa. NBC Matinee Theater An innocent man suspected of j PEOPLE KEEP FORGET- naT'n Piwnrd his wift has only few hours in whfch to trace and ..' TING It. hat JackJ Gleaaon la" ,,ac "' murder in "Three for the Monev". a. actor. CBS hasat ergetten ' -" f Stars-Thoma. Mitchell itar. in "Eminent Do- :; it, however. They've boaght 1 mm 1(0,7 " hrmer ho employ a string of chicken dinner dory called "The Edge of Hear-! M' " 'trm or,n 'IR ,0P express highway from en" for the new howad-a-half i roiling over the land be loves. "PUTk M" arrHa that tUru kOIN-TV THIXSDAT'8 HIGHLIGHTS (Chanel I): In the fall and in It, if he I 1:M . Armchair Theater-' Mariageable Male ".Ida Lupin, V the arripi, Gleaaon will play a I Jack Lemon. priest. HeU (ratably do it from I l:Jt .aa.-Four Star PUybouse-A girl la forced help an ts Hollywood, If be does M at all convict escape the police, in "Beneath the Surface." which also mean that several' it:U ..-Showtime on Six-"Welcome. Mr, Washington" Bar of hia new beur4onff live ahow bara Mullen. Donald Stewart, Marsha Hunt. will also he done there. KLOR-TY THX'ItSDAYS HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL U) j NANETTE EABRAY, careful-1 a.m. Afternoon TUm Festival "Something Money Cant Iv staving away from any per- By"i British comedy, aUrring Patricia Roc, Anthony Steel, Moira manent show-of-her-own until Lister and A. E. Matthews. she con find the right one, will ' p.m. Mid-Day Matinee "Too Many Husbands.' (tarring confine her activities next sea son to a handful of spectacular for both NBC and CBS. Her first may be "High Button Shoes," which the did original- JOH NNY CARSON, who ranks as ane of TV's nicest if not most sttccetsful comedians, now ha hi own half-hour day time ahaw an CBS, five morn ings a week, and says It actually is much easier than doing a (Ihannrl Chuckles By BILL KEANE Jack Mellord and Iri Baker. A husband, reoorted drowned, turns ua - following a woman's second marriage. " l:M p.m. Star Tonight "A Trip to CiardU" starring 11-year-old ' I Yan Dyke Parks. The story of two young farm boys who hart not ' seen their father for many years. 1:M p.m. Hometown Theater "This Win of Love" starring Tito Gobbi, lalo Taja and the Ballet and Chorus af tha Grand Opera , of Rome. , THURSDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV, IHF 17; KOIN-TV, VHF ; KLOR, VHP U HOl'R 7 KPTV! llama a:M M: IS M:M N:tt i fn' DMnm IHnmi IHa KOIN pnorama fit. IPanorama Pie. IPaworama Pae. Panorama Paa, 'rW'VlTn. Ernla ITtna. Emit irttwr Nttt fFtathae Htat KOlNIViilant Lady ILova at Lort ISnrrh Tomof IGuldlng Ufht " I KM'V Dim Donf leh.irMn Dmi fk itfil Kaw ICrntoKmae KOIMlcolllnfwooa B Counttd I As World rrnaiAa World Tn$ ttEPTVTl.y 1 KOINljoha Canon KLORI IToday IJoha Canoa IToday lUnkkttor IToday lUnkletter -I Pub. Intereat UKPTVlNBC Mat. Th. INOC Mat Th. NBC Mat The, INHC Mat TTt. KOINI VtilUll' Tim IVI.Itln1 Tim. IIWh rlil I link Pniln "In rolar would they be purple?' wman oinaium "a, June 10, June Kace nis, government 0f Poland took Democratic Sen Wayne Morse S Newspaperman .aurelhurst Park the Rose Show Meet, Ontario. June 13-16; Port- o(fn, me WwMesd.y of Amer- r, op L..i M Newsman bv nrofession. Seaton laiiy at inn punuc -'' . and City Ch.II thampionships. ica-. Memorial Dav. v ' ' ' . ......u: a told renoriera with a rin he would CI 1 . , , (MwSriflrTi , t nuiu, trie i.iirn nnu " m -mr g- m ar af f 1 fw I sy said its rep- ,arm magBzine executive, Seaton, 1 ""ther be on your side of the 1A"JIHIV "II 1 ilacing wreaths 46 js 4 former Republican sen- tah,f ,,1an ,n side ''m on " Hp naiiy at me punni , una city uoit 1 nampmnsnips. jca s Momorinl Day ana me luiiiwi 1 r.jsimnreiann iiou 1 nurse, i nn- The Polish Kmbas -jp.m.i unP .n .uc.u, tano. June 10-zj; Motor Boat rPSPtatives were pi .naini Jnn m.nn rtrnn . . J"" j "J. ' oeen naive in pany anairs. ai zt . . - 1 T"' .7' . . - 01 two rws wno scrveo as origa- hew, teeretxrv tn Alf M LanHnn only one formal news conference ' Hopkins the 1 1920's. revea ed Wednesday she As for qualifications for his had married her sixth husband Philomath Burkaren Ph mial t,,,, (h .:m u.lJ i), ihirrf an-1 Ari-hrrv Asviatifn Annual T.r '. ne W3' Secretary If) All M. kanaon,""' "r '""" vuincicin.C hTkaro and lo ers L d.er generals in the Union Army thp GOp prVsidenliaI nomince in Washington during hi, three- NEW YORK W Peggy Hop nr V III TheDrade w,l 23 24 0 Z Am.Teur Golf during the Civil V,ar jin thf 193fi c a m p a I g n. Seaton : Vr tenure, but he was readily Joyce, showgirl darling of ,' u"o and.10;.TJ hfu?'"X .yili0Jte,UJ,.lt ' One was Wlodzimien Knyza- in ... c.... b annnint. ' accessible on an informal basis, i 1920's. revealed Wednesday weekly nightt'me show. "The ( pressure i 011. un a weeaiy show yau have to be great ' every time out. Producer and director and stars are literally tormented by half-point chang es in the ratings. It's a real rat race. "Especially," he add cryptically, "when your produc tion crew I not a happy ship." STARRDUST: Happiest (hip in Hollywood right now: the working crew on Red Skelton's RKO picture, "Public Pigeon No. 1" . . . Dinah Shore is let ting her hair grow and the re sults are beginning to (how. Makes her - look 10 year younger, and prettier ... A writer in the Brown Derby the other day looked across the KLORI Film reiuval irum FaaUval IFtlm FttUval JTIIw FiaUval IKPTVtDaU with UftlMod ItomaneMl Queen tor DayiQueaa far Dap - " 01 1 mvi umj lavcrvi tigrm K. u g v m ntnia in mum KLOK'nim raatiral ifllm fMilval itriln rwvl film fwtlval KPTVlMat. Theater iMat Thtater (Mat Theat. IMat. Theater KOINiArmch. Tha. lArmoh. Thta. IKOIN Kitehra iKtllK Kttehaa . KLOR Pub InUrwt iPub. Intertal lllliabaui Itltsabeth . ' KPTVlMaUitt ThMtlMattaM The. IWaat' CaoUallWhat Cooklnf KOIN'Oarry Moor (Garry Moat lArth. Oodtray lArth. Oodtny '(rirmli m...u ( .4- n.uinunu,MRM trr.M...-ni-f IVFI Vlcolorama 17 IColoram tt IBar ft Corral 1 Bar IT Corral KOINI Arth. CodfrtV lArth. Oodrav iStrtke tt Rich latrlka It Rich KLORI Mid-Day Mat tMH-Day Mat tMla-Day Mat IMK-Day Mat ;.. i KPTVI Married Joan tt Married Joao IHawdy Doedy iRowdy Doady KOINI Mr. Moon ICartoon Ttma IRed Dunning tRd Dunning KLORI Mid-Da Mat I Purple Sum ICowboy C-mniCobot G-men T KPTV! Harper's Jamb iHarprr's JambiNw Central INewa Ctnlral . ' ... jr 1 1 uiinninr mini m ua . a ' ' -1 . , a, , ' KLOR Mleky Mouw Mieke Vnuae Mtc't 'tmie Vie . y j 'la KPTViHeadlln-t IHeadlln-a tln-H Short iHrvra eva ' Brniv ., w.i.. a ii.,Mi..Mi nnilin ll,-1 nivituiw mu.tiliui. n,s,,.w KLORUunflt Jim IJunal Jim 1 Lone Ranm ILont Ranger ' 4 7KPTVlBt Your Lit I Bet Your UttlDrsinrt IDraanet KOINlBob Cum'nn I Bob Cum'm iCllma ICllma KLORllddy Arnold llddy Arnold I Slop Ihe MuakStoo th Miwt 0 KPTVInalt of Star I Hill at Itar I ford Thaatar .Ford ThaaUjr 0 KOINI climax Climax (tar PUyhs.l Itar Playha. KLORI Star Tonight Btar Tonight I Down Yog OolPoww Yen do 9 KPTV I Lux Thoatar Lua ThtaUr ILui Thaatar bin Thaatat KOINI HI way Patrol I HI way Patrol (Confidential (Confidential KLORl Dr. Hudson IDr. Hudaon !AII Star Thta.lAll-Btar That. IflKfTVIgharl. Holmta iSharl. Holmes (Polltler IPoliUra I KOINlMan Called XI Man Called 'X'lArth. Murray fArth. Murray KLORiN tWS IN.E.W8 iHomct'wn The. 1 H'metowa The. j ITS A .1.-., IISU-IVlTBA TA II ITBA he held June 9 and the buckaroo Tournament, Portland Golf Club, 1..-- ok on. 1 n::- n;..:., , mrni ior a vrar aripr inp ni n. wi ' ; National Cemetery. and the other j o( Kenneth S. Wherry in new job, Seaton said in . reply in 1953 1 lit- nflirn 1 tiiMi,, , v.t in ...mwi, ,;,,.,, k.ron hnrtrn in I'rinrnfnn .nine s in. ncgins who a rn 1 (.iiinpeiiiHiru, scm, junr ou-juiy 1 j ) femcterv rude nn Saturday morning ana , 1. ' rnronalion of the quern at 11:30 Conventions. Pirnlrs with music and dancing. The How-, (onVf ntloni, and pjfnjrs iis,pd rr Show opens at J p.m. nur- arf Harney roun(y pinnp(.r Day, Ex-Kin 2, Wife Vav 1 - Bit 1 day, along with Kid's Kapers in. June ltfntativ,,. ore LX)CCtlIlff lSalV k r L.I Tt. firi rit plntOf Sunday with church services and , BRPSSELS. Belgium - Ex- barbecue in Azalea Park. v..i 1 r-n- m.. King Ixopold s second wife, the ni uiin iiiiMii, .iuii- j r. .1. : ciety National Thr "Worlds largest strawberry ' "... , ..,..' Princess de Rethv. is experting cinrki i.re raran chnrlrikc" at the Strawberry Fes- nnman ,ol'1. oniari i-w: urr- . , . ... . At tht ridnc- Mn Aradnnv St. shortcane at me "wnerry ris Fcderatjon ()( Gardrn Ciur), , her third child. Smrm. Mav 2th. Survived bv broth- tual. Lebanon. June 14 16. will be R ir ai ion m .d rui n 1 iuds T))(, Rrand mar,ha! nf the Bpl. ff Amot A Salfm uteri cut at 12 noon. Friday. June IS, Ontario, 10-12; Oregon r ire thiols. . j , announcw lnal the baby Mr. Joseph E. Divis. i'rtind: Mr, serving approximate! y 12.000 peo- Jade. 10 .3. f Bf' i is due in Sc-plember. . TOe L,rrv,i tld rle. The cake is 12 feet wide by lfi Oregon State ( ollego ionains Thp Drincrss now M married Thursdnv. Mav ;n at 1 .w pm at years after ,h Willamette National OmetiTy, unnrr irifj un 1 1 imn en " . (t Inno anH slands 4', feet hiizh lft-l; National Cflnfererre of t AnruilH in IQit civ i .. :u c rhnrrth nf IKa Rritlhrn Vnanni. .....'.' i . . Porlllnd wiin a comnim-u miikiu ui , tnr acain in an auto accioeni 01 T Rl((tnn Co pounds ,n-i(, Lisnmi-u nnuinnii ,.i.irni hi, w jr Quprn Astrid The couple s Grande Parade '' rnvf nion- ,Sa'rm- 13:lfi; other children are Prince Alexan- "ft4, nT?,?". (ither Slrawnerrv K lival evenis ""u M "huh. ore, i;i, ana rrincess .viarie-tnris-include Junior Court Coronation at. Baker. 14-lfi; Oregon School Em- tjnf, j. .13(1 pill, and Knyal tourt ioro- pmvrs imnrirmT, nnuiuiu it-io, nalmn at A pm. Thursday. June, Oregon Newspaper Publishers As-j 14. Grand Parade. Ham: Homr'sociation Convention, Bend. 15-16; 1 Show; Flower Show; Berry Kx- Oregon State Firelighters Associa hibit: Arts and Craft F.xhibit; Au- lion Convention, Salem, 15-16; Orc to and Machine Show; and Rock gon Rankers Association, Bend, Exhibit 1 p.m.; Band Concert 3 17-19: Linn County Pioneer Picnic, pm,; Strawberry Auction and Solt-.Brownsville 21-23; Stale Public Ac hall Games 7:.) p.m.. Friday. countnnts Convention, Astoria 21 June 13: and Children's Parade II 23; Western Sectional Contract am; Home Show 12 noon; Straw- Rrjrt(!e Mppt Safnl. 22-24: VFW berry Auction 4 .TO pm.: s,a!e state Encampment. Rosehurg. 27 Show R p m. on Saturday. June 16. National fpdpration of Post Phil Sheridan Days at Sheridan offjr(1 aVs Qearhart. .lune 2a hegins on Thursday, .lune 21. )uy , an, QT(,m Mnosr (-onven. tnrougn nunnay. ..u iu .j.. w . . .. ,. Rrnri ,,..,., , nnwski, buried in Arlington. Va.) mrn, for a ycar after the deatn 19.it 10 a question mat ne aiont minK -We kept u secret." she void t - I During the 1932 campaign he .ll8ht ,0 discuss that. He said a rrportcr as she and her husband,! - " - ne is interested in conservation ' Andrew C. Mever. sail-f aboard: I problems and is a hunter and the liner Queen Elizabeth. j i fisherman. Snc sajd ghe gnd Meyfr wprf 1 "I've never been arrested for wed in Switzerland in 1953. Meyer violating the game laws," he said. ' said he had formerly been asso "As a hunter, I'm average. As a'ciatcd with the Bankers Trust Co. I fisherman. I'm among the world's here, and that it was his first mar- 1 best. No fisherman is worthy of I ge. j calling himself one unless he con- The couple planned to go to! , siders himself among the world s Cannes, France, for an indefinite ' b- stay at their villa there Doesn't Play Golf As a devotee nf the trout KOINI showlimt an iShowtlma on ( KLOIt!Hoffitt'wn Tha.iHontet'wa Tha.lHomet'wB Tha,iHom4 wa The. THURSDAY'S RADIO room and ..id, "Who . th.t ttJL" "co '? .A "J T K"-""- ini ffiairy;ya) mru ,$ aa aa a mI aivir ivt HoIir" asTat titu" " : l"""" BaLM Vai rarmrast Snlpm ObiliKirioM streams, he and Eisenhower have ' IX'CjIlild At'tOF a common interest. But Seaton : doesn't play golf. j To Bct'OIlsC PaiM His role as a "trouble shooter ; I ...u.. 1 g: 1 . n 1 wiiii ikis m.iny iiii-nus 111 v.onnu-s , uni l.Vtt'rvm .m rhiW .lor , "Baby LeRoy." who retired 20 I. H..X 324-C, Turner, near Ihat i-itv Mnv 17 Sur- Mrv Kiank j iicdnrs. Tumfr' Bmth- bs helped get a good many pieces Hfd... both ol Turner. Gr.ndoar- lhrollBh .... rani, M;r ln yrs ago at the age of 4. IS about fnt.. Mr. Art. Trosvenor o( Saers- lrif Capitol Ml . In one to beep,,,, a ather. Mr ant Mrs k. e. case me iirsi iarm diii enacica pretty girl over there? Look like a young Mona Freeman. So it wis Mona Freeman. Un witting complin, ents like that can't be bought for money! . . . That Ina Ray Hutton show for the summer will replace "Mid western Hayride" on Wednes day nights . . . There' talk again in New York about "Stu-: dio One" being moved to Holly-, wood. Same rumor is also being spread about "Kraft Theater." Hate to say it, but if it happens it will he the ruination of both shows. SHORT SHOTS: If "Fsur Star Playhouse" returns next season (it ha lost it present Thurs day night time la "Playhouse 90"), it will be without it four star. Richard Powell, 'David 6 KGAI farm News KOIN World Nw tGW Mutlc kCX Kaep rim Val farmraa. Br. Nook KOIN K'tra World New l.ttij i in . Val garmraa4 Nawa ttrk Nook Nook-hewa vfllr. Klnr KOIN Khr Court? Car ICourtaay Car, . ...ii. K.ap I iir. 7KIIM 'eminiwar "r tai' ' ttfnj ,. KOCO Tun Ttm iTuna k Tim iTunea Tim ITunt Ii Ttma " KOAt brk no" Bra nook ik ..imih Oioiv , KOIN KOIN Kloea Neadlina frank Ooa Harry nbbitt ' RAW LutfB LliUn Lliten irmher or1 tit.X Newt Khd rim Knn Tim Boh Hatff ' iei it nai kkl.M ' II ff Kna ) P-mllv ll ''n mr.' Iki IOCO Wally'i Bport Tuna Tim ITunea Tim ITunta ai Time SUA i.ih iMooa ..i: ,i'i ..ma .un A Km kOIN Consumer N wa Onv Vaiil in asrna .nnk n kn Uatrn Listen 'Uiln Ltaten KKX Kfp runt KpTlm itnTtm ,mi Time , KSI.M vw. 8R KC 9i Nw ln.'ra 1 400 Tuna St H4M Tun St Spinr-Hlti Wfnn. ...rrfa Hn- ju Milkl Hl- I rrnl Lliten Lilian LUttn ritk MCluk i...n Club nn, I luk I HOC (I Ntwa-Spni run A Splnr-Hita SpKirr-Hita KfllK ar.w arx Win.i ot Song FINAL NOTK K rHFSTFR D ANDFHSON admin l.tmtnr nl th fltf ol JOHN MER- mrnln, ( alll EDITH ANDERSON. tUceaaed filed hit final accnunt lh. r-.r.ml Cnnrt nf Minn, fmintv r,...nn rn,,rt rtvH!Rpv Jamfi F. Kratz nffieiatinf. In-. vntn it wir.M.. ........ .. , , , , , " I..-,. .he 4ih oay or junr at via itrmrm. wmm Seaton worked hard at getting ' 1 Sc"nmfZ",!!:H ; through the new measure which! As Baby LeRoy, Overacker was i for hfarini objections thfrrtn iip resinmi m .111 i-inp m m Eisenhower signed Mondav. an imam movie star during me Ikal.M ralloTfil .m il Nrwa-Sparta iro Tim- St KG AR Rarkfrnrt Mat, Coffra Tim KitiM u. ttiiplnn Aunt Marv rsiven ana i ninri noyer are t is atiw Wrakdatr toe busy making movie, and ' 1,LM Tnn 'Ml Tune TMl Wun mill. :no Ntwl-SporU .imi lune l ' Ti SI RCAr ni " w IVmnee Snid'r-tllli aOIN Bnarl nf Llta Ma Prktna ,Dr Malon I now Nordlna Dr. Peal KSX CoffM-k Waal Bob Garred d. h.. Hrd,,, f saitrn Servir.s mil be , this year-he reportedly was one Honald LeKoy Overacker now rMIi:.cl those who urged E.senhower o f '''Wl.J" at he After Kisenhower did. " t-... ...t CHFSTCB n ANDFRSON thin city. May 27 Adminiitrator of the hand. Bert Hoyl. Salem. Ste Seaton first met Eisenhower in 1930s. F.s!nle of JOHN MERE-, In". Mr Elaine Baileaux. Prirtland; ; p.rjs .qe, whn p;n.nwrr , months. Alter his retirement He began his career at 8 he DITH andf.rson, tie- Mrs Nadyne Liinrlquiit. Portlnnd . crew ud in nearbv Alhambra and re,sl.d ; swrr. l.inif struhie. Mtiwaukie, still was supreme commander of!"'cw n,"-"m wii.tiAMS A skoimi Ore Srrvtcra will be held ai the Allied Forces in Kurope and some "'""-"'"J ' ""'r. 41J P-ooeer Tr.t Building j V.rj ,1T . Onlden Ch.pe I ThUrrf.y -fc nepuhlicans were urging him r. iri ;(.ir.tnp 1 H s Wnlvrrlnn nffiriatma Inter- In run fnr Prpirlpnl painn Ihnn NOTICE OF riuv I h p Chi dren s I'araoe I s scheduled at II am, with a park program followinc al 12 noon Sat urday sees the Hot Cake Breakfast at a m . "Oregon's Greatest His torical Parade," in a m . Rodeo 1 pm. I'hil Sheridan Dance 9 pm, on Saturday and I'hil Sheridan Ro doo finals at 1 p m , on Sunday Sisters Rodeo The Annual Sisters Rodeo will begin with Ihe Queen's Ball at 9 30 p m., on June 22. On June 21 a children's bridal horse contest and musical chairs contest will he held at 9.45 am; Parade at 11 am. Rodeo 130 p.m.: and Buck eroo Dance 9 30 p m. On June 24 the Annual Buckeroo Breakfast will be held from 6 to 10 a.m. with "All you can eat for a dollar." Tr? finals in the Rodeo will be at; 1:30 p.m. The first performance of the Mirror Pond Water Pageant t Bend will be held on the nicht nf June 30 this year. Repeat per formances at 8 pm, will be held nn the nights ol July 4 and 7. Art Festival Other special events duiine Ihe month include the Summer Art Festival, l.aurelhurst Park, Portland, June 810; Corvallii Men's Garden Club Rose Show, Corvallis (tentative), June 910; Shetland Pony Show, Fair grounds, Gresham, June 10; Sa-j lem Rose Society Show, Salem,1 Mav 3. 10. 17. 24 1! irrnt Brlrre't Mcmnrinl Prl. They'll Do It Every Time - By Jimmy Hatlo a senator, did too. t'seil as Adviser PTE I? 4'(?0UND- f t NEARLY MVUGMT-' 0MT1L SIX- I QUIT WHEN tM TUF-riv-w-cPwiriiJ I let's pur until 6 sell me H so mhahbad- ,7; rr)C ! nfliO,! vo'cick.tmem we'll hotwbr y okav-"De4l T17EMBLECHIM W40 -i Jlwrvi.' Z4LL H4V8 BRE4X- ST4CK. "A THE C4RDS- A P4CTtC4LLV 4LL Lv WST- -kELMO-"i r-lz LITTLE LONSER- r r OUT' OH' r " IFllll "a1 T 'BOV.'PIP I - J J .- tWlir. ... f 5tiV I 6E.T WELL OM t7 VVTj(SHT LETS . . QUITTING TIME" iJtlV CULL A VO0 6OTlM tQOHTOFp-'S- 4MD-Vt3U GUESSED IVWrmr IT HENRY NO GOT 1 jSW 7'sr?: TUB PRICE Of 4 ' INTENTION TO IM- I'HOVK STOH I Z AVENUE FROM I t I'OHTLAND HOAU TO EAST ' KR1.Y TKHMIM'S OF STORIZ I A.kNI'K Short !v aller Kiscnhotter got into NOhi k iikhki.y is (;ivkn mat i the race. Seaton joined his staff itn cmnmnn coum-ii of tin city nf ns an adviser who handled manv ' s''- Otrsnn deenw II nfifr as an auiser no nanuiia many,and ,xw,,1,., ,d hntbv Utclarea knotty campaign problems. It was its puiim.c and intention to tmprnvt during that period that Kisenhowerj i ohtz avfnuk. in n, t . . . j.j lrn nf Portlnnd Hoari In lilt aail- came to admire Seaton and to de- V i,rminu. 01 stort Avenue, ride he wanted him in the snvern- in tlx- city of Salem Orrnn U. I Kl aaiil in'l tl.'li in Mill ntrft tn tne Pflftnll-lird Kianc pi Ida l.upino will be tied n her own series, "Mr. Adam and Lve." So ' look for four new star, but doa'l hold yeiir breath wailing for them. Odd are that the show itself will be dropped . . . ARC I getting a aew film aerlea. "Bold Joaraey," ready for the fall. It will be narrated by Jeha Stephenien . . . Milton Berle leave for Eu rope early In September, end ing any speculation that he might still do a regular show next season. iCnpvrlflit lM. General Feature1! Corp nrx Girl Marries 1KSLM Nawa koco Woria Ntwa KGAI Norni Newt 2 KOIN Noon NtW KfiW -nnet Nwe KIX Ruts Conrad I4M Tun IV HiK-Nrwt Midmora News Llittn t Brklll tlu . i Winaanrtnna iKi run at - ., Kellv Wediilng HIU-Nvt iNorah Drak Aunl Jenny akda WetKOav it 1v True ior My True alury i Ouaeti fo. Day 1490 Tune 81 Hi't-Ne-iyi Guiding Light I lu tl e i ea Tn .Jidlat urk,.i.'lna aia nA ,tli,Bm Blaul Uaevaa u't Top Trada Vail I armeat .. Showtlmt Rhowtlm Showllnw Luiiiiiri Mnenn Town tntr Lnrhln Sew Come Gain ri Hnue Party tawrenca Walk Ptpner Young Woman In Ha. I Ruts Conrad I Run Conrad farm Nawa Matlne . Mallnaa Matin KOAC, 550 k.c. ment. KO.VI (Thursday) I a a m - The New and Weather; ia lb rUipeclally Inr Wiimen. la:3t Callin Mil Oir ton. II at -The Cnnrert Hall: lt:M Thr New and Weutner C IS p.m. Noon Farm Hour: I : Melodv Lana; 1.4V -Radio Bookihelf. l:MKapi- ally for Women-The Home Garden Hour; ' l-ets' Go to ihe Convenlloni ! I:J Memory Hook nl Mustr: l.'t Oiciin R.pnrter 3:I.V- Music nf Ihe 2 3 4 ; At the While House, 5 Si alnn hat vidina ritainacr t-onaii uiiini temeni , Mastert. 4 llnlland Feitlval: 4 IJ; ii.niini nan ,... ... r. n.. M..K-..I Ml K... r . had the President's full conlidence lUrt with ' 2', inch a.-piuiitc ,-nn- rnnir- i m -chiMmt'a Thate..i and rasv annss In him Airios In cult pavement 34 (ret wide, at Ihe :J -The prnhlem Tllnir; -( The L-l. ..!,.. ,., ,i ki. ...... i xpense ol Ihe aliutlina ind adiac ent New and Wealher:; I II Dinner! r.iscnnnur say it was nis own pruu,,u ,xcept t, ,t,e,t and ali,.v Mu.ir a t - H-ariiine m chemiMn: idea to pick Seaton for the cabinet, intersection!. lm h expense Kill b S:4i.Var!ln Cluuit I'll - Evenins Those same aides declined to dis- aaaumeo ny i .y i aro. an m , r.n,,r. " , f T hit U Uatlnaa KOro Newi-Sporta Clarln Call'ng Clartn Cill'nfClarlB Call'ng KOAK uncnn Mnrhn uuninn Mneno ,un-nn Mnrnn Lunen a ritw KOIN r.odtrty Tim indfrey Time T rmSUf Ttma Knw Happiness Wldder Brown Courteay Car ICourtety Cf ' hf.X Nawt. Conrad Wuta Conrad Rxi-i Conraa Rua Conrao I H Matlne Mallnaa e I'n, . KOCO New-Spnr1a Clarine Callina Clarine Calltn Clarlne (.ailing sr.4 Pitt Parlor pan I'arior rn. r.r.n. -.r. -- KOIN . n. time "fie. iiw Good Nawt Katny Oodfray KfiW Mm MeAnulty Mut McAnullv Mu MrAnultv.i. "mnt Km Newt Conrad Run Conrad Run Conrad Run Cnnrt t,Sl.M Matinee Willam Mai William mai letro .wj KOCO Newi-Sporta Clarine Call'n Clarine Call n Clarine CalllUJ Ki AF, Pal's Parlor Pat i Parlor Hal t Parlor Parlur-Newt KOIN ' ' Miniim Our Oai suna i I .nil. rake rnirly M.W Mu McAnullv Mul McAnulir "ii--Sn ii iui-MrAnTt X Newt, Conrad Rutt Conrad Rum Conrad Ruaa Conrad KSI SI Full'-' ewla H-M'lne'Bl r' ' i n" KOCO Ne'wt-Sporta Wel. Rhythm West. Rhythm iWeat. Rhytha KG AK Pat Parlor I" Pirlor Pal l Parloi Parlnr-eiewi KOIN FddieFuher ruipapei Newtpartet KHW Courtetv Car ICourtety Car I 1u-McAn ny Mu-Mrn nj KIX no iiijikiHirn ilob BUi Ki ,rn PnhRlark hiiraj BoBlae nbai til y Mnh i, Rav Boh A Rav BOB ar nay imn nn mow KOCO Newt-Sporta 9ong Snnd n Four-.quare Gospel Church. Sin Off KVAL TV. VHF 13 i assumed hv the Cily ol Salem, all in i Farm Hour. S:fi -BRr Theater; M h ll.. ......... .M...... Th.l l-nH,.r. 1 d,,,n CUSS why hisenhower decided to iicalio tiieralor which weie adopt-1 Meditalinna Rev Raymond Con pass over Clarence A. Davis who ed by the Common Council May 14 i ... i ik. i IfM. which are now on file in tha as undersecretary of the Interior o(,lcl! nf ,h. cy rcordfr ,d which had tieen mentioned frequently as - by tw ieieni.e. thereto are made a liki.lv aneepssor to MrKav ')r, hereof Theae plant and a liaeiy luccessor u wcivay , ii)Kl(M.,t0n, mgv be examined hy fecaton Was bom IS Vashington, ; any Interested partv Any interested nr nor 11 ioa tin fnlhor "Piv'; property owner may awertam meir Seaton, was secretary .loseph L. Bristow of Kansa Bnslow appnintea a young leuow p()M nd lnl(.nlmn ,0 mtkt tnf ,,1 june p,, i.sei m Tieddie stent named Dwieht David Kisenhower derrihed imorovemenl by and! Out ; 4 J 4 In Date; $: Big i ,. .u,, lie Mllilirv Arariomv al , Ihroulh the itrerl iniprovemenl de-I Roundup. .4.. Tle News lie -10 the I h M'M'.nry ArammV ai Snnrl. Headlines. SSJ -Weather tr- ... n Auu. Amu. n Aid. K. Chet Huntley Stock feeoorl l.one Ranir nanger-in .a a.h R artchurn BOD ta acKDUrn DOO Diacm'u.n wwu BiawH... Fl i.FNe i KVAI -T-, rkiaitiiei JJu , ' i" ' approxi'mat share of the cost . f (Thursday) raa-Stop Look A Ua- A Kl" """ 'Sr'.'muM Rhyth -B to Sen. ; kinft th. imp.ovement at the of- ten; MS-If. Fun lo Reduce. :)- O K New.-Sport. J1",:? 'J f', 4IS When 'lice ol the city engineer -The Com-, Feat: er Y.mr Nest; Valallne. r JOIN JakL'" , Mln . 7amil. Jane Pic . follow mon Council hereby declare. It, p,u-n he.,,-, will, Freddie Stewart and ! KG W d New. I Man ram.i, Jan. P iBasebalt ' West rninl in 1HU. Owners nf proper! v .Seaton met Gladys Hope Dowd ""J. ,i,k,"..Vn' during their Kansas State College acatn-t the s iit.vs nnri Ihov u-orp marriod in enrner 1931. They hav rhilrirr.n Donald IS. and Johanna By oidr- of the ( Christine, 13, arc American born. The other two are World War IJ i refugees. Monica. 10 t and Alfred, , is Cjcrman. 1 195. Ilatile for Ihe port ad A nnprnvnm'iit remon.ti anre with the rit.' ,r- tune within l -. twin auiff.u pntlci h da' if this s !' ' nun 1 ;'nii;n il Imv . To May l lO-fi ALFRED Mt'NDT City Recorder, Date nf first puhln atlon Mav 24 r,,.k , 1M " 'Si'v... . n... , iakle . :ia HV.'. Mt Vnu Pi-' Viur Lift ' : 'II Dr.tenel t W HraMline wit" Ste' Wit n iMok Strcn.i in "ihltnlf R'.nr Wllun unroveis In tin t- Ford Ti le j'ei :! i -rot" Rulierl Ster- T .11. anil W n or Mori Is in Tt.e Clav Pijivhi ' s a Lux Vid eo Theat-r v.lth Tnrllsrreet" I wo man's p,il citri.'-s un ulth her; ia;a Anios N' Andy lt;1 Tomorrow ' Headlines . I 4S- Cattle Pag Singi; I Diihlicatton ' June 1 May J4, 31, June 7 11:-Texas 'Haulm'. Snni I'Jiin Songa Sund'n KiiAF traffic Jan.b'i nallic lamor rraffie jamoT ;in un KOI Kd R Muirow Newt Tom Harmon Jrana Ooet KOW Mut-McAn lty iJKalNewl !' Viw rJ"J ."'.f" Kt.X Roh Blackburn rlob Blaikbiirn Bob Blaekbrn Bob Blackbm -r..".rTT7i r,T... rir.7i,.. nmner Sews Ssn Have' aiii o News-Sporta Songt at Bund Songt at Sund. 'Songa at Sund. KOIN Soort. Newt .... H I hoii KF.X OCO Nawt-Sporu nnern. ai oiu niirn. - " f"r,-,Z. Ois. Melody Meioav ami -v.... KOW 3 Star Xlr tMan io l.o Aoveniure r KFlT Bill stern Bob Garred iBobAdkina I Bob Adkina , IBateSsn ---- - ajaas .-vji Bluea nnytn -Diuea t tnci -til I - nrl kena IJan Picken AdklntShow Adklni Show Aaains now "'" i- , Baseh.il! ' iRasehall m-te'-tll IBitehall sJrws-Soorta Rhvthm Bluet Rhylhm Bluea 'Rhythm Bluea Treaiurv liepi. ir ,m Dance Time RohAdiint Jtmmv Fidler Tuslr ' Mslf Bhvthm Bluet Campus Chat, mil i t -o t Gooo tvening eon O.mre Tim Dance rtme iwritre. rime Oanc- rime ITsi.S. Mid-nlle Mel. Mld-nile Mel. !Mld-nlle Mel. Koro Newt-Sporit Silent KOIN Munr Mutlc ,viutie 1KOW Dance Tim Danee Tim Dane Tim KtX Dane Time. Danre Plrne Danee Tlmo k I I hsi. ' KOCO KOIN Son Jeep M.W allur sr ",ohdklns 1KSI Music klil i' New.-Sportt KOIN .Stat Fmai A KOW RichfteicJ i U I Newt i Danre Time td P Morln !M title i, Campua Chat. C.ooo e:venin rtanre Time Danre rime "lMldlta Met."" i Mullt Danre Tim Dane Tim