I v V 1 y W t I; 6-(Scc.I) SUtesmin, Salem, Ore., Wed., May 30, "50 ridiison Favored Emerald , . - Gauthier Hits Crushing Blow 'Eugrne AhoTurni In Triple VI j Double Bill Today at lt30 t Bt AL UCHTNEI Statesauun Snarls Edlwe 11m Eugene Enterald last night picked right up tYera whera they left Off last ttiiM, beating the .' :owa Senators la their tint meet ing of the current campaign at Waters Field. The Kore waa M. ; But 4hls one is spt ta b re avtmbered heretbouti even long er t bar lift one of September, 1935, when the Emi borne runned Undo Hugh Lubjr's elan Into sub miuioa for the pennant A homer did it bit night alto, , tnd what a homer! It tamo ai a plnch-hit production by Bob Can Uhier, a sturdy right hand swing er who bai been doing moat of the catching for the Ems this easoa. Tha Portland Beavers bought tha gut from tha Boston Bed Sox and optioned him ta . Eugene. They would nava fallen from their new Multnomah Sta dium borne had they seen tha clout he delivered in tha leventh inning here. r , Satalich Holds M Lead The bates were loaded and Big Ad SaUlicI was banging onto a J-l lead. . He got himself into trouble by walking Manager Cliff Dapper and Manny LaCosta, and submerged deeper whea Gone Marinacei as next up eroised tha Senators infield by twinging away instead of bunting, it expected. Shortstop Bay Webster, holding Dapper to the No. I bag, couldn't get to Martnacci's ground tap, wdich normally would aava beea I doublr play ball. It went through for a hit and tha bases were loaded. SaUlicb got Johnny Keller, tha 0 at Oregon whia recently signed by the Ems, on a short fly to right, upon which tha runners held. Thea Dapper called for Ganthier to hit for Lefty Bill Griffin, tha Eugene linger. I - latallch hung a curve pitch too high and Gauthier smashed it com pletely am tha top of tha Bishop's - ad, which adorns the top of tha scoreboard In center fleldl Grace Did H . - V This writer has sees Just about every league game played in Waters field since 1M0. But he as seen only one other player in all the year who hat conquered tha top of tha Bishop's ad. That , wat Dick Greco, the easily remem bered Tacoma Tigers slugger. So Gauthier joint a mighty select fraternity. He alsa Joint a growing Hat of Eugene hateablea in these pans. for his tremendous wallop doused what had begun to look much like a Senators' victory. Satalich had a three-hitter up until the fatal sev enth, and tha tough-luck guy teem ed enroute to a long awaited sec ond win of tha season. ,; Tha game waa loaded with the unusual Even thoufh the Salenu bad lost 10 of their last II games .and came home mired in the Northwest League dungeon, the jargon crowd of the season turned out for last night's tame. It num. hered 1.US, with around M coming . up from Eugene for It. Ales. the Ems turned in a triple play to aui wnat rosea like a Salem rally In the fourth. With Harv Koepf on second base and Satalich on firtt Jack Dunn tried to cross up the Emt infield by twinging away. He . lined ta Second-baseman Dick Smith, who doubled Xorof at - and with a throw to Keller. Then .KeUer taw Satalich halfway be tween first and second: so simply ran him down for the tag and third out. - Salem scored In the first heat off . hard. throwing Griffin, on Dunn's tingle, another by Mel Krause and Chuck Etsegian's Sacrifice fly. - Eateglan't smoking double to left-center, and a dooxer Of an error by Marlnacd on Bob Eaaterbrook's bounder allowed the second run to score in the third. Three consecutive singles, by Ray Webster. Hal Swanson and Koepf got another across in the sixth. Salem tried to have a big inning here, but a squeeze play went sour and Swanson rsn into an easy tag-out at the plate when Satalich missed the pitch. Sharp relief flinging by BUI Mar ten, who relieved Griffin in the seventh, and then by Lefty Berlyn Hodges, who took over for Mar tea with two out and two on in the ninth, saved tha win for Griffith, his fifth straight. Hodges, a 195S nemesis, walked the bases loaded in the ninth, but then got Easter brook on a high, pop fly to Marin acei at first base to tnd the game. . Bill Eastburn singled in Eu gene's first tally la the third. ' Neteet . D blobaador today, atartlag at 1:M a. as. Lefty Jerry Cade (1-4) and Baa) Klag wiU go tar tha abaters, agalasc Terry Ley (4-1) aad kaae Peaeld (t-t far Dapper's Dan dles . . . Pitcher Baas Rugae has beea released by the Sa le mi, aad Arlle Aldermaa, the '. hard-throwing rookie (rem Prlte--Me, who notched a t-1 record wHh Yakima this seasea, but ' Who was eat loose whea II came ' ' time la par him a IMS beaut, , has beea signed . . . A group af Lebanon faaa were preseat bat algbl, haaatiag ate proaalag Strawberry Paotrral for that city 'H-Bomb' They're Off Today in Annual '500" Classic at 'Indf ' ' . t'r:- i , 'V!fi v.Vi' ajV Cl,v on nood alert, pre- . -t ' iv.M7l M JvaVr .-I'fJ high huimdity and aaaubdrty af K'- m :r, .-v o o '..;-v.- ftpfefc.- -Bliss ; V"TVW rt- iK t i; i iiJ ,nXA Bm'" f mud conditions. av 4l ... ... ... . -V !- s-v- - . - .v-."- " : I : gram Is eiaeeted la laal aaooti ., c. i r,...i...,. m,uh. .... ih. ,r..H ni n-cora 01 eujni kato-e-." ,- ' 1: . ; "f' T ,nV ' J I lour aoort. There IU be ao tele-!tt sj.r.in.nti, i Hoiiw.ho i. ' i 7j.m.n.., ,.i th- v-.rr. eight straight garnet Ti-aaf'! "- ' f Afc' .-. " 2.' ft.i - -V. ' M I ea el the race. L. i., m.k-.' in a try for nine. II f .' li : ' ' t, ; . ' " 'VTi. . l- ' M . 1 ' ' wi.im w I P, t 'ir.nlMl to r. nter' Pinch hitter Don i ut "d I t J V. '' K-lVt?U. MrS:V., .'i, " lTPf 2 American automobile racing '"V , Jft ""l;; JJ j Lenhardt fl.ed to k-ft and Marty ,'''" lu h""" 'ur WSJ h-l- --"ra'-J- 7r ' IN. -f .J - 11 There will be no MevUion but ..J " f. 1 ''i a li M Keough grounded to Valu,-, Theni"' '. IC V 1 ' ,? - t a-J" , t rfiVi,- - r- ,-f k.N.'wse-. kaj .i k. i. c.n,.,i n is m cnit.lu t H je if i ... kii m ik.1 Dodgers IU Mb BMMJl . h.. i.aw .ilOiili w.. n 'w- ...'wiw-, .11111 - ' n i" "i INDIANAPOLIS This Wednesday at ladlaaapelie Motor Speedway aa the 4Mb aaaual MS-mile reeiag riassia gelt aader way. Thirty-three cart will be la Ike field, with drivers parsaiag the thtataadt of doUart la parses aad Ike glory that geea Chiefs Trim Broncs, 4-3 WENATCHEE HI - Catcher Don Lundberg tingled home the winning run an the last of the tenth I to glva Wenatchee t 4-1 North-: west League baseball victory over Lewiston here Tuesday night. ' In other NWL action Tuesday night. Tri-City and Yakima split S doubleheader, Tri-Clty winning the first game 12-8 and Yakima taking the nightcap 4-1. ! The Chiefs had tied the score ia the ninth when Lewiston catch-' er Mike Donahue hobbled the ball twice at home plate. I ' With two out. Wenatchee pitch-! er Bob Roberts struck out but Donahue let the ball get away tnd Roberts beat It out at first.! The tielng run scored when the first baseman relayed the ball back to borne and Donahue dropped it. The Broncs went shead in the eighth on Joe Rennl't home run with none on. Roberts went the distance for Wenatchee giving up but five hits. Lewiston ooiooioioo-l 5 3 Wenatchee 200 000 001 1-4 7 1 Wadsworth and Donahue; Rob erts and Lundberg. l'CL Line Scores Srattl. San Diffo no ono ooo- 4 1 t 000 402 000 It Ktnnniy It) and Or- achallwK, tlj; Mm tnd Arlwird. Hullywood 000 010 000 1 t t Sarramnto 010 OIK) 01 x- i 1 2 Raydnn and Hall; Bojtr, Candlni (ll and Baiih. Vancnuv ton oil not J f j un AnfUM m 114 .Klx II 1 Mf Donald, Baiwwskl il) and Ed- Wardi; PiktuMi. rdt (Si and Tapp. roi'B CORNERS PRACTICE Coach Howard Elwood of the Four Corners 20-JO Club Class C Junior baseball team bas issued a call for all aspirants In his area to turn out for practice, at six e'clock tonight at the four Cor ners SchooL Donovan TICO's Chene In Hot Armory Scrap Leapin' Larry Chene's urge to knock some of the Hastiness from Dirty Doug Donovan backfired all over the Armory last night. Chene was battered into submission In the fifth round of the grudge battle, with boxing gloves. The popular Michigan muscler went down three times in the fatal heat, was bleeding from s cut over his left eye snd was in no condition to go on. Referee Elton Owen stopped it then and there. The two were settling an issue that bad brewed strongly here in twa previous mat matches, both af which ended ta blood-spatterrd mayhem. Up until Chens was clobbered. he bad won three of the four rounds and had decked Donovan three times along the way. The tough guy from Montana wnuldn t stay down, however, The fight Itself was a slum bango, loaded with flying haymak ers. In winning. Donovan got all the main event purse and the $100 side bat with fallen Chans, And (or a change, be rt as go ia the dress la what Ike sreae is expected to look like! with wlaalag Ihe big eveal. Osly i Bevens Calls Legion Kids Registration af all North and South Salem High baseball play ers who are eligible le play for this yrar't Salem American Le gioa Junior Baseball team ia ta take place today, at S:M t'eloek, al Berrkk Field, Coach BUI Beveaa reminds. They should alia bring along their glares. Any boy who was bora aa September I, IMS or thereafter, aad who alteads either North or South High la eligible for the team this year. Bays bora after September I, 1S3I are beyoad Ihe age llmll. Beveat arges that all who are la the ago groap lura out so thai be caa get a regular practice schedule aader way prior le the team's first district games seat month. NATIONAL l.r.AOlS arookljrn at Phlladltphia Hi: Ma( ll (O-B) and Drvwlil. (l-Il vi Hnharla lt-4i and Hnjovln i0-2i. N.w York at Pittnburh iti: An tonrlll l3-3i and Llddl. 1 1-1 j vi. Law 2- and P.pptr 1 0-0 1. Mllwaukff at rhlcaio 2: Spahn 1 3-3 1 and Buhl (S-2i vs. HKkfr i(i-4i and Mpyrr il-2t. 1'ln.inn.l, CI 1...... I & . . tf I I J .i.i. iq4. t i ,i ... Dukion i2-3i and l.lnlrlifld 10-11. AMKKICAN I.KAGI't (0-ti and rnytar'k 1 3-3 1 vi Kr.tiow 1 Detroit at Kansas Otv 12 Truck il-4i and Ditmar i4-3i Thicatn at Cl.vtland (2) I S-l i and Wllann iS-li vi. (t-1) tnd Houttrman lO-O). Boston at Baltimor. (2i; (1-11 and D.lnrk H-3) vi Pkrir L.mnn Monrf il-li and Brown (1-0). Washington at Nrw York (2i: Ramna 11-1 1 and Patrual '2-9) vi Kurka 19-21 and Turltv il-2i. ing room without an escort. No body seemed to want to fracture the mat nastle last night. In the prelims, three regular wrestling scraps, Bull Montana scrambled Mex Alvarn Velasco but then lost via disqualification When he wouldn't break an illegal hold on the mandatory count of fiv-" llv Herbie Freeman, whose badly in ' jured back is responding to treat ment, got back into the swing of things and downed Texas Tommy Phelps with a full nelson, clim axing a rough mix. In th opener Henry Golden Boy) Lent pulled a surprise by downing Red Donovan with a full nelson. Overjoyed at beating the younger of Ihe Donovans, tni now wants a shot at Dirtv Don? Without boxing gloves, however li ... . .j j..., ... n wan nouniru uuring me u. uie nimiiaDir nT- per Comet, one of the all time favorites in the Northwest return to local action next week. He's been campaigning In Texas aad Oklahoma whers aa baa been a saautiosi tor tha past yaar. l i to Win 500r Race ss sa aa Downs radio accounts of the race will be will aol be televised. Olflrlalt etpeet that Wednesday'! winner will have lo average around a reeerd 13t mllet per hour ia order le take dewa Ihe tea prise. New Eatlaader Johnny Thomtoa Is rater a slight favorite It wia Ibe rlattlr. Benson, Hartman Willamette For Big By Dl'STY Statesman Dean Benson and Dale Hartman. Willamette's record breaking track ttars. will be joined by two to Portland for Saturday night's Dale Greenlee, Wilamette record PCC Alumni To Offer Help LOS ANGELES iif - Powerful alumni groups, whose efforts to In th.. Pa.iri 'no rl Cnnl rt,wfa fell on the deaf ears of the school . wwk tsla''n Cnlifrnia He will nrpSiH,.ni. i, vr am ....compete not only in the NAIA meet years I ready to try again. H. Karnes Bishop, formerly prominent in the Pacific Coast Conference Athletic Alumni Com mittee, which disbanded in 1953, announced Tuesday that the com mittee is being reactivated. Bishop said that he may not t)e active again and that Wynn Ful ler, president of the Troian Club. alumni booster organiialion at Ihe i i;nivers)ty of Southern California, j will shortly contact heads of all , booster clubs in the PCC The original organization, he said, broke up because "we got . nowhere in our efforts to help Irnn mil rnnrlitiiink in thp rnnler- n"' Bishop said the school prei-; dents cannot lie hlamea for illegal recruiting and proselyting pro- grams. But he did censure them tor ignoring tne realistic pian the alumni people volunteered to help alleviate conditions. In brief, the representatives of the alumni clubs met and agreed to a plan to police themselves. All money raised by them would be turned over to the schools for direct and legal payment to ath letes under conference regulations. There would be no under the Harlmaa Karra Tidwrll lalile deals between individual; Tim Tidwell, -who won the Hfil) alumnus and athletes, he contin-iand mile Inst year In the NAIA. ued. i will be back again and is rated the But repeated efforts to arouse man to beat. That will he Hart presidents' interest in the offer, man's assignment The Lebanon "leu on deaf ears, so we gave up. he said. Karlier Tuesday Athletic Direc tor Wilbur Johns of L'CLA. is sued a statement regarding the blow received from the PCC for tha ftf.hnnt'a atl.ltin .in. II. mntA. The most important aspect of! nil (hn D-,n.ti..n. imnn.iwl Inn k in mv nnininn it th- f. fP(.t on the athlete This is a real . j "" J , ; traeedv and one which 1 ferv.n . lv hone will he rernnsidered hv I nnpr Will Dr rrCOnSinfrPfl DV the presidents and nr conference when all institutional reports have been considered." American Lgagwie Batten JO 001 001 7 IS 1 N.w York OOO 000 OOJ 3 3 0 Ntxnn tnd White; Larwn, Col.man 12) and Bern. Washington non ?n ion- 7 9 1 Baltimore 000 002 o;m soil ?!.?"! . . ,n B'r'r'' ! r' "".rain mi; raiH-t. uonn sihmit 6 nv.rinK ll and lla- '-,"; oin 020 m iw.i - 7 in o 010 loo not KW 4 S 3 Poller t"ninu.ra (tl Wllxin 1S1. and Mri. Lollar (121; Gorman. Crlmlan it). Burtarhy (It), La lord a (IS) and ThompMa. My (taatt (chad ul ad. Solons carried from Ihe speedway. It j Ready ... Stars Set Track Trials PLOG Sports Writer other Bearcats when they journey Oregon AAU track and field meet holder in the discus, and Larry Thi .nuu.n Inn rui a tan MnS in lha a iiwuiiyuii, ttf yvn iouiiu in mc i Northwest Conference, will also go to the AAL' meet. Benson, the national NA1A de-1 fending champ in the hiffh hurdles. and Hartman, NWC ihanip in the : 8S0, will use Saturday's races as j a tuneup fur their trip next week j to the national NAIA meet in San Da.g0 junt. g a For Benson it will be a three-1 but also in the national NCAA meet at Berkeley June 15-16 and the AAl' nationals at Bakersfield June 22-23 Olympic Trials. Too And should the Wilamette hi"h- stepper show well in the N'C.W and the AAt' finals, he will stay another week still for the Olvmpic i ti; Bank. cniao in- kiiwwwski. trials Hie weekend following thelnrlnn(' . ,h,"nif- Cincinnati . .. . . . , , , , , Ttiomai. Pittsburgh i. AA tests. The NCAA and AAl meets are being used as semifinals 'or the Olympic trials. Hartman and Benson leave .!un 6 by plane wilh I. infield's Bill' Macliamt r on the San Diego trip Machaimr is the 440 ate who had a h..kt lin... ,.f Jul l-..t .....e in tlw. 'disltict NAIA Bit-ause lie ha never been n-ally pushed in a rai, Machiimer mav he a sin- Dri,. nerfnrmer at San Dieim as he has a great potential of lower ing his present best lime Benson's lop competition in the. NAIA meet could he Cal Calhoun of North Carolina State who has a 14 flat to his credit. Benson's best this vear is 14 1 hilt only in 'he Drake Relays, where he took sec ond, has he been pushed to his limit sophomore has toured the 8)10 in (Cont. page 7, col. g) Boom! bhoa bhoa c.iii. 1 n i . r i n t n nirdlev 4 0 t 0 W.rrenl 3 n it n 4 I ii o Kraue.2 5 2 3 3 "'"'" ' neianr t i 2 n. s the past, hunters in Wat- Otooer 110 Eatbrk.t SSI. .. . j .l. i 1 aCo,, 1 0 " l n o Uatu.,, . , , , , n . , , , Marlnaii 4 13 1 Swnsn.3 4 111 K.iler 4 13 0 Knepf c 3 2 1 Trillin D 2 0 11 Satltch p 1 0 0 0 5ahrxr 114 0 Srkla.d-l 10 0 0 Marten. p 0 0 0 0 Caoracp 0 0 10 Hoieip 0 0 0 Klni.f 10 0 0 Tfitalt.lt rt J TotJi 3H9S.1 x-HHP Crlffln In 7th. d-SO-War-renln ?th. 1-SO OtCTf In tth. Kucen. 001 ono 400 s I 2 Salem 101 001 000 1 10 1 WP-r.rlffln (5-0), LP-Sitalirh 1 -a 1 . B-5ataiich. ip ab H rf.r so rr :? !!!? j..n.-n 1 " tlonapi 1 (I 11 11 n a Son i or r.s s ii rrr K. eni Mnrin ai-Li Hit -Clauthler 2-BH F.ne- glan. Faiterbronk. RBI Esarfian. Faatburn. Etittrhrnnk. Koepf. Gau thier 4. 8 Eaaetlan iri. Satallrh. SB Krauat, Smith. Triple play Smith to X.TIer. Time I tt. U Paul Xtllajr and BUI Calrk. Att UJt. Drivers Eye Record Speed Showf rt Thrratrn Indianapolis Trark By WILL GRIMSUCr INDIANAPOLIS UP Johnnr inomaon, a nerveless New Eng land Scotchman with a "hot car," waa made a alight favorite Tues day for Wednesday's mh Us mile Speedway race, which should produce a record speed unlets hampered by excessive heat or showers. . The Weather Bureau, harassed by three days of rata which placed ui ue puouc irannponation ana. li possible, leave the family cart1!"1 "y " " salf.m at home I1"" 13,11 . . crowd of more than 100 ono is ,; ., tn-tiiy u-i vmwi 1-4, expected to view the death-defy-1 at wcnat.-h 4. Leviton 1 ing grind, the premier event ofACIMC C0AiT Ltol-, Th, cplete lBdl..andl ale raeiag rlatnlr will be breadeasl la-Hr.ui an t Hnivwd n . aay. tlartiBf ai 7:45 a.m. over Sa- s ! n ts .a vmrvr it a in tern Radle tRatfea KCAC. The are.' rrZ?l:r:V0. ISneedwav's snerial rutin m-lunrk of ri stations in 45 states i Tim ty-tlui-c hitih-powcred can. ' piloted hy the country's greatest drivers, will be gunned at the 1. 10.84 mph record set in 1S54 bv the late Bill Yukovich. killed while leading last year's race. Past ( humps Rrtura The 1955 winner. Bob Swrikcrt I of Indianapolis, and two other! past champions. Johnny Parsons, o.' Van N'uys. Calif , and Troy j Ruttman of Pasadena. Calif., are in the experienced field, but the most attention is being lavished on the little Scot. Johnny Thom son of Springfield. Mass . who qualified in the second best time of 145 :49 mph. , it... - a: - ZullT: Thomson as ihe driver most like - ly to succeed. He IS driVinil I Schmidt Special This is the fourth try for the 37-year-old New . f : k.-J I fiL 1 - -m utnun , Wliu lliusnru llllll II II year. ... . The 10-mile qualifying record wa, set by Pat Flaherty of Chi- Major League Leaders NATIONAL I.EAGIE G AB R H Prt Lon, Ph R.pulski. St L. Buver. St I.. Bail.v. Cln lt Bruton. Mil'. Walls P 'Kh Aaron. Mllw Moon St L Smtltr B k n 25 132 27 S2 .4112 .in H4 2" S2 mi i 27 S4 12 so mi 33 as n .m .m. 32 08 20 M :I4T j 2 OS IS .14 .147 ' M 12S 27 4.1 MS ,12 m 22 41 .1.1.1 .19 12!) 24 42 .12 B''1 Dn'ti Moiiir Huns I.nr.tf. Pittbirh 14 )ot Cinrlnnatl II Rrivfr St l.nul 1 R Batt.d in: tr,i. Pittsburgh : r Boyer. stu r.Hui, si ! H?'d.i Bro'i "n 24; B.n. Cnu.Vo 24 . AMFHK SN 1 FSIil K r; AB R H Pet . Manii.. NY Vtyw-n Dfrt :i us 4.i hi 42i ,ii 07 2? is as i ( o innri w n 28 4 1 1 u 2H II 12 .11 i4i ' D'' c'.'rm.i Hn ' ;.f..an B'.' .17 1"." 34 M .140 .1 I ) At rtll :ii iui is .14 :m Slaughter. K ('. l.olldr, Chicago Home Bun. Mantle New York IS; Berra. N.w York 12. Sifvers. Wash- maton ll: -ciernert. ttoatnn ; i,opej. Kansas City S; Bauer. Ntw York Runs Batted In: Mantle. New Ynrk 4.V flrrra. New York 39: Slevers. :in, l.oiier. kanaaa City St. Lemoii. Vt ahln81(n 2S. Oregon Deer, Elk Hunters Had Record Breaking Seasons Oregon hiintert proved to be Oregon county was Clatsop where ! taken by Ihe tiate't S3.0M rlk bagged 1.123 of the big wapiti. 711 deadeyet during the 1955 deer 2,490 hunten reported tsking S6S ; hunters during the general and during Ihe general teaton. and .tJs seasons. Final tabulationi of the bucks for a 26.6 per rent tucrest controlled bonis. The kill broke on the permit units. I nlon county kill show a whopping total of ratio. 'all previous Oregon reeordt ei- produced 1134 animalt and Cranl 134.08 deer takea setting a ne w i jn number of animals pro- i cent the all-lime high 194S teaton. ; 686. Clatsop county produced 477 record for the state. Hunters rf-'duced, Klamath County led ill The general teaton produced animalt tor the high In wettera ported taking 12,136 bucks and ! others by a good margin. A total 4.57S aaimalt for tome 2S.309 bunt- Oregoa. 48,955 antlerlets deer during the j of 11,421 deer were taken by 19,- j ers for a success ratio of 16.1 per) Eattera Oregon eountiet alto general season. Controlled hunts I S27 hunters. Of thit number j rent, while the controlled huntt i provided the greatest number of produced 2,743 animals while 252 (7,069 were bucks, and 4.352 were ! produced 1,505 animals for 3,700 1 rlk with 5,110 of the Rocky Moun were taken bv bow hunters. A anllerless animalt. (.rant County permit holdert for a 40.7 per rent tain species taken by gunnert la total of 230,588 nimrodt parlirl- wat second with 10.639 animalt success. thit area. A total of 3.361 af Ihrte pated. also a record, and enjoyed killed of which 6,997 were bucks. Leadership by county shifted animalt were built while 1,74 . 11 . . ... A , . . . I ,11 ja : I- . ... ... I 1 I . IL. vrnl " 4 ounty enjoyeo nc D l lllrl t.kra 1(L nar rH f the a 977 lmrnjt ark Kunl.ft 4h.r. - . f reported bagging aa animal. Re- ports show a total of 4,085 deer v were taken of which 2,731 were bucks. Hunters in Wheeler Coun ty were second as the Ust with a 74.5 per cent tucrets reported by 6,853 hunters. Of the 5.107 deer takea In Wheeler County, 3.054 were bucks. Third wat Harney County k...l-. 1 nut Am t .kirh S IMM 1 s ... ir". L." . . - , other counties where luck ran high Include Raker County where 14.74 hunters enjoyed a 72.1 per cent ttiecets, and Malheur Coanty where 71.1 par eeat af ihe 5,147 banters bagged aa animal. Lew Hitlcss T P. 0 r DALE LONG Eada boater alreak at MonTMWttT I BAOt'I W I, p,-1 w t. ,- Vtklm St I w Wnlch. la it ..Tit Eutn it it tit pk,n n it r.t w t. p. 1 jr JS Tul ruii it fiituhunn I. nu.i.Khn in t -mt-o 4 rincin. 1IJ imi Kjitifsv crtJiilFtt. ir air s iiaci k w 1. Pi l W I.Prl N n-vi.,,4 an it is ?i a Yam 13 MM Ummr If JU ' w - - wuvii ouiii an rariarM fiats at mi chT. is si ." k "au iSSingla that scored Aspromdnte. Tuar l ' -utt. .! K.nil, "ri Larry DiPippo worked ?he count 4 ChieMo J. ai n.w York 3. Bottom jnn x-hedui d laltimor. 3 washtnton S. only Willie Rates Favored Role NEW ORLEANS i.r - Speedv Willie Pastrano of New Orleans and Miami, ruled an early 8-S vuri,e T"8'' a,,er 1t'hl,M Gni,rnr nl n,iHnn f thatie 1 fi . . . , , u . j ."..mm .......... . Eng-(fl Tk-T ,L J , i I hi u,'ill na rfiawir lhirrt nP(ai' ...... ... ...... ..... ing. Pastrano defeated the . Chi - Jrairn hntlli-r in thp (irt hniit anH , ... , . j. . ' 'rm ' B"h bal"'' . I Pastrano is 20 and Spieser Is li noin appear in excellent con-,"""" 1 n miiuiwki m i-j. j . , ,5. . . , Vaidrs I in 9 2-3. Clrlia 0 in 2-t. dition foi the fight which gets un- ,Shorr , , H.FR Kn.,rt derway at 6 pm 1 PST ' from. vndn 1-2 simr. i-u. wp K.mni.r. Mnniz-innt AiiHilnrnim It mill h . ........... .. televised and broadcast over a nationwide 'ABC network. The bout is part of a series of eliminations to select a successor i ,0 heavyweight champion Rocky Marciano. '.")0(r HaccrH Form IScw Safety Group INDIANAPOLIS 'A Top driv- : Tiwuliv in form a mui a-mim to ers at thp 500-nn e race voted be tn Pro(cljsionai Aut0 ; Kace Drivers of America, and, i named Itav Crawford of Pasa- dena Call! to draw up cornor - lation papers Crawford said all 37 drivers at- ... , u ,.j: .. D.. . .. .. . apolis Motor Speedway Hospital agreed to the need for such an organization, which would have as S'S V 4" m,'1 aimj promoting improved safe - ai li) 12 m J2ii I.V conditions at race tracks and I maKing race driving a inuii at - , tractive profession The group picked Bob Sweikert of Indianapolis, last year's "500" winner, as driver representative on the hoard of the United States Auto Club. ' mm ui niniruu rrran- ra niinung in urani s nuniy. . . . .... Lane eouoiy wat intra wita 1ST Att k.a.l.a.. tm Lla.ee ft AAK aatalMaal - K u l. k I. - d.&o. vi wnicn w ci r dui aiiu d Detchatet county fourth where ' u.jio hunters reporter taking . (.736 animals. S.14I af which were hnckj, Hlsh western Oregoa cobb- ty and fifth aa the list waa Lane county which produced 8.112 ani malt for 14.445 almrodt. Of these, 5.263 were backs. Surprising enough wat the num ber of deer produced la the heav ily populated Multnomah county .,. Ml hunter. rnnrlil ha. (ins 13(1 animalt. Oregon elk hunters, brivlng the - " snow usually called for la thit itrenneui tnort, alta outdid their previettt year's elTarU aariag tka 151 aeasea. A Uiti tt 6,U tl tha big wapiti were Nixon Wins, ust Misses Perfect Tilt r taa astorttrva parts WlTlard Mxea. the Yaakea killer Boetoa pUaned ta put on the dis abled hat uwtd CaeirmiasMner Ford FrKk hMervened. waa wrthia sevea aula af the second perfect game la ma)or league baseball's modern era Tuesday, thea had ta settle kr a three hrt, 7-1 wia aver the Ameriraa Leagtie leading New Yorkers. Tha Red Sot righthander, Binning km first af the see, lost his Baxes Homers For Bevo Win A Top Vancouver For Till Straight IAN FRANCISCO - Jim Bas- et homered w.th twa Portland mates on bate Tuetdav as the! bum htt the Kaa Francitn i t.i m . !.. ia.inni I'a-1 Cific Coa Uaiiue game Baxrt ' hit hit homer in the top of the I0in 1 i-i w 1. lwt 1 ... raKrwiifji v in 1 isw s Ij, swp n w . gele stretched Its win streak to seven gamei by belting Vancouver 1 Seattle trimmed San Diego 4-. and Sacramento nipped Hollywood, II It wan the tenth one-run derision lout by the Seali thit tea son Ri Kmc Ki.mnu.rM in h,t eftort of the year, had a two-hit PUlnlird ,h' A" bark shutout going until thev moved inl ,h f'"r Washington out into the loth frame Thin Fdil", Baltimore W. Mi..k.i. ikrnnak ik. In the National. Don Newcombe fttu. Dkk Yauna walked and thea,!" P" ,h Brookl'r ' Bases belted a Utter high fast ball Bders to a 10-1 victory over ! 0Vfr M fl4,w w;1, PltUburgh The Pirates' Dale It looked tor a while like Saan- ho . mt)at ' uii i,..i.i - uii u.hnn,. i . , ;. ,, f . . . . 1 anu oeprivinx .aiui-s 01 a siniioiii 1 , - " . , . ,, ,. Tommy CmphMt singh-d and kee and St I.mis Brooklyn is J'l Aspromonte went to third Kayi. ,n ... -mvfC w hit iinruus et'rw iisj' a K..tii. . BFUtui ...i.k . 0 J-t and then went down swinr- , i.w, Th. bux Portlan 13) (!) ta rraarUrs n h o a bhoa Saff.lm 3 V 1 0 K.ugh.r 4 0 11) Mrqu.l 3 0 4 0 Atrn.tr. 4 12 2 Brkwn r 4 0 4 U t'mpll m 5 3 10 Mlklsn.l 4 I 10 I Sulh n r S 1 I 0 1 Y.un 1 3 0 3 DIHIdo I 4 1 12 0 Kxrii 4 115 Wnrinn I 3 110 Clflron r 4 1 t n Tanner .13 0 3 1 I.itlrc II i 3 1 n I Mahm s 4 1 7 Valdrs u 4 0 0 2 Kn.rer p 2 0 0 2 Bnki i) n o o a-Trmna i d o d Shore p o o o o tirha p V n n D-Lnhrl Lavm.3 0 o o i ! Toti U 5 10 11 TfitJllt .17 8.11111 ia FHJ out for Tnnr rn Bth. ,o ruea uui ior iiroa in win. Portland (Hhj immi otH) a 1 S 0 San rnncft.ro im (HW 000 2- 3 V 1 1 promnntt. suiiivan. 2n Anproninnt. E Krrnme?rtr RBIBaxr 3, A- ' 3 Umphl.lt. HR - Bax.l. SB-Urn pni.tt s -wmdhorn UP-Aspromoi. and DiPippo. Baan and Mirkim. i I BB. oil Kemnierer 2 v.id Tsa : first nine games at the stadium. by-Kfmniprfr t Vaid.j s Grba I ..i i,.ast one in each. Then came er. W ald.i 7-1. I K.mnirrrr 5-4 i U Smith. Stln.r and Mutart. T a-iis I 2 S5 Jaycee Tennis Finals Gained The senior division of the Sa- lem Jayree's tennis tournsment ;was narrowed to the Iinalist.s Tuesdav with Larrv Johnson and . mil Jarnhsnn onmng ih snots that mpan a trin in th. ttat. Jin,u. Johnson defeated Jerry Marten 6 2. and Jacobson defeated - lieln Durham 6-1, 6-1. Th lwo Wl11 nnw P,a' in ,h' ""ais toiiowing tne dovs Division finals which start Wednesday mnrnin,i it f ho U it 'jmutt. rnnrta , , , .L i. j , at 10 o'clock. In the bos division , ,. . . it will be Larry Fanning acainst ; Johnson am Jacobson. as the ,w finalists, will go to the sUte ;1vr.. tnnrn.v in Klamath t a June 14-17. State winners go on to the nationals The public is invited to Wed netday morning'! finals ind bleachers have been set up to accomodate them. back to northeastern uregnn, wnn I matilia leading the field. IB tma- . .... v. una county w eta ie ta me k...l. anittat ftI tl it t-1 Mar thai at SI. I J .0. : sa e. .. .... rial araaun, inn tfofc un u .m.l . ..I . wanna,. .ii niv neia aeeead place where almrodt GRABBING FOR GEETUS? STAY IN TUNE SOON IT'S JUNE SII TOMORKOVrS PAPEKI perfect game bid with twa aut ta the seventh. Ha lest bis chance for a no-hltter with to out ia the eighth And he loot his shut out try with twa out in tha ninth. MjmMIo Bella Hoater Mil key Mantle walked to be come the firt Yankee bate run ner In the tetenth. Billy Martin walloped a 430-foot triple for tha tint Yankee hit ia the eighth. And. after rookie frank Maltone'l error. Mantle tent hit No It horn " "acnert in ine nunm Yogi Berre thea tripled and scored on an error by eecen bBM-mao Billy Conwlo., P11' J,1 ,,'l- ll Botox thelled darter Don Ijirten inu reurnT nip uiimwn ii i hits, the Yank Imt only a half 1 1.-1 n .- 1 . I., , . , , g.ime from their lead, winding up with a four-game spread aver idle Cle eland A's Drop to Cellar The Chicago White Sox staged a three run rally delayed for 71 minute? by rain in the 12th inning to defeat Kansas City 7-4. nome runt in went hitlest He struck out. popaed up twice. the first time lell the imru place nraies 11, oam short of idle Milwau- , . , . .... o... V till llliiail WaVtUfsru v nil 0" s WUOS 11M in me niy uuirr ,iu ... , . 'ame' "i(h -us Bell unloading h rti tT? , bat II 7 II I KavbIG Karl Boasts Homers PORTLAND - A Pacilic Coast League record for conseeu- tive games in which home runs have been hit probably has been set at Multnomah Stadium, new home park of the Portland Beavers L. H. Gregory, sports editor of The Oregonian, said in his Tues day column that no official rec ords have been kept but it seems certain a record has been set. Portland's 7-0 shutout of Seattle May . !n which no homer was hit. In the 14 games played at the stadium since then, there have been 31 home runs, with at least one in each game All of these four-masters have gone into nr over the left field bleachers, known to some as Home Run Meadows." and fast becoming the league's best target for right hnnded sluggers Gates ElfClfll PrPXV . . i I c ' . Ullioinirauirous.iriT - . ... , , mu r . on,... nf South Salem Salem High's Na- ; tionai Athletic Scholarship Society in a meeting of the NASS Tues- day Hales, a star sprinter lor the Saxons in Ihe past track season, ,u be assisted Dy Hill Ha.et. tne . .!,. nrMiHni nri Ted Foi- . . , .1.... Ir- no was eieciru sim-iaii- treasurer. National League i Brnnklvn 040 110 40010 14 1 Plttuburlri 010 000 000- 1 1 1 Newromht and Campanula: Kline, Munaer i4i. MrMahan (4). Kins (4i, Swamnn (SI. Arrnvn (Si and FotlM. i Cincinnati nnj no joj to n o ruA Aq fVn A t ft i.,wren and Baii.y; Jnnei. 1 Huhei pavit (Si and Chin. V nii-aao were ameriraa amin.n. mr well tide, including me vaaraae .. .. raage. T3 Rootevelt elk were re- ... nns-aai f ailtsB (ll wnirB IW WCra , -- - mmi ai luv r mmr iram I Clataop aad Ceoa eenaUes.