' - V KKSec. 1) Statesman, Salem, Org., Wed., May 30, '56 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS ;, i.ruh I. Omkkttr t. Ascertain td. m the tare 10. Manacles II. Romn poet 1J. Rub with oil 14. Garden loot 15. rial) apcerg 11 Erbium (aym.l 17. City (Fle.l 19. Variant of - Al (Bib..) SO. Owna 21. Finny put cffniit 31. Not tour ' 5. A search M. Injur " 27. Source of light 18. Hail! 1. National emblem of Scotland ' IJ. Nora god 14. Chimney . dirt 15. Hawthorn berry 11 Heretofore It. Ore deposit 11. To make merry 40. fertile apot IndeaerU dLEnflish river (pot.) 41 Poem :..v. DOWN 1. Flavor tBay window 1 Guided 4. Mm icknamt 5. A fame ' of chance I Cod of love Gr. 7. Biblical name . I. Heatj, (laaa . British huntinf cry It. Deprived of covering- (rare form) II Helps 15. Stinting Inoec It. Excla mation It! Shade of a color 21. Witty play on word (pl) . 21 A imall child feolloq.) 23. Fluctu- ated 24. Before 25. Pay up 27. Exhibit 29. Implement 30. Plural of . "that" : 31. Dip out, at water 32. Female aheep Advertising 300 Persona 316 Personal IX Yreterdsi's Ahw 34. To cut, In phrases after nick" 37. Eveninf (port.) 3. Youth 40. Hawaiian bird li i -:zpf pi: 3r yy " " 111 11H 1 rm Sacred Heart To Graduate 59 Students Mrs. Salinas Dies After Son's Birth FUty-nint senior win receive diploma at Sacred Heart Acad emy commencement exe r c 1 1 e scheduled Thursday at I:1S p.m. at Ptrrish Junior High School auditorium. The ceremonies will mark the final graduation ot boyi from the achool. Sacred Heart next year will have an all-girl enrollment. Commencement speaker will be the Rev. Augustine Meyer, first boy to graduate from the Catholic school. A graduate with the class at 193. the Rev. Mr. Meyer now Is pastor of St. Henry's Fairish at Greham. To C refer Hmti The Rev. Joseph Vinderbeck and the Rev. James Harris will confer graduation honors at the Thursday exercises. After the recessional a social hoar and reception are scheduled at Knights of Columbus Hall, with mothers of seniors a hostesses. . Baccalaureate matt for grad uates was held last Sunday at St Vincent's Parrish. with the Rev. John Reedy aa speaker. Mass was sung by the Rev. Mr, Lowell Blackburn, Members of the graduating class are: Richard Charles Barr. Gerald Lea Bernard, Ronald Ray Ber nardy, Margaret Biacboff, Janice Mat Brown, Patricia May Corri I an, Shirley DeHut, James Richard Davit, Edward James Dougherty, Kay Gervaise Elliott, Johanne Kay Evans, Craig Bryan Fear, Frances Elaine Finney, Donald Darrel For eler, Jack Tilman roust, Patricia D'Wynne Godlove, John Frederick Gottfried, Frances Maxine Helton, Bonnie Jean Hilton, Mary Theresa Hittner, Nancy Ann Hoensclaar, Mary Esther Jakubec, Bernard Nets Johnson, Eleanor D. Jones, Rosalie Louise Kerr, Jean Marie Kirtch, Ronald George Kudna. Adonais Elepio Lucero, Jr., Arbie Dale MacDonald, David Martinez. Marlene Ann Martinmaas, Judith : Mae Kathryn McDonald, Bruce Thomas McKay, Jeannette Anna Miller, Duane Lester M err 1 1, Eileen Marie Nash, Deanna Cecilia Nelke, Martha Agnes Pappert, Joseph Paul Peerenboom, Dennis Leroy Prxytilla, James Gerard Purvis, Ramona Jcaa Reiner, Eileen Lucille Renti, Rosemary Rhoten, Karl Anthony Ritter, Rob ert Allen Rohland, Byron Dennis Schmidt, Charles Emmett Schmitz, Jr Dorothy Suanne Shepherd, Rose Marie Slimik, Gary Lee Spreadborough, Robert Thomas Stebner, John Gregory Steiner, David Lee Timm, Joan Marie Tlmm, Charlene Joyce Tucker, Ronald Edward Tour, Joan Lee Ward and Norma Jean Welssbeck. StaUtmaa New lenrle WOODBURN - Virginia Salinas, i. died at a Salem hospital Mon day afternoon. Her death followed shortly after the birth of a son, John, who survives her. A cerebral hemorrhage was be lieved to be cause of death. Mrs. Salinas was born at Edin burg, Texas, June I, 1935, and came with her husband to the Hubbard area about a month ago. The husband, Aroan, has been em ployed on the Howard Hopkins ranch. Surviving In addition to the wid ower and child are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garza, Edin burgh Texas, and three brothers and four sisters all living in Tex as. Funeral services win be held at 9:11 a m. Thursday at St. Luke's Catholic Church in Woodbum and Interment will follow in St. Luke's Cemetery under direction of Rin-go-Cornweu Mortuary. Bids to Begin For Work at Detroit Dam PORTLAND The Corps of Engineers has invited bids at 2 p. m. June 21 for miscellaneous mechanical, electrical and archi tectural work at Detroit and Big Cliff Dams on the North Santiam River. Principal features of the work, according to Col. Jackson Graham, Portland district engineer, are: Extension of stoplog guides on spillway piers; modification of water system; installation of land ings, ladders, doors and lighting in conduit shaft; acoustical treat ment in power use control room; modification of crane control cir cuits; concreting powerhouse pit; and concreting snow deflector roof, all at Detroit Dam. The work also calls for gratings at Big Cliff Dam and installation of name plates at both Detroit and Big Cliff. Staletriiaa-Jearaal Newspapers ZM N. Charch St. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Ml. Udii) lu per IliM 1 Mm. .SS JS per line i timt. SO .at per line ( ttm 81 M II 20 Dr lin I no. .14.00 llacl. Sua.) Classified ids wlU be run la ooth paper la five advertisers the advantage of tha trunsa combiiMd circulation Whn an ia ie ordered UirM or 8tx limn and Sunday luu la Included (for example Friday, Saturday. Sunday) the lower suiuuy rates apply because only The 8tatsman publish Sunday. Clamltlad ads will start la tha moriuni Oregon Statesman, eon. dud I th evening Capital Journal bul ad will b ac- Sa teaman eeptad for Sunday only. The dcadlln (or classified ads II 1 .-00 p m. th day befor pub lication except for Sunday whan deadline la 6:30 p m. Friday. Emergency d and email Una aaa received after l too am. weekday and until 11 noon Satudray for Sunday may b placed In tha "Too Late ta Cla uty" column. Ads for Monday paper mint oe in oy a o-m. saiuroay Th Statesman-Journal Nwt- papers reserve the righs to re ject questionable advertising; It further reserve th right to place all advertising under Iha D roper classification. Th Statesman-Journal Nsws Daperf auuma n financial re sporuibillty for error which may appear i In ad vert tee menu published In Its columna and la caae where Ihi paper Is st fault win reprint that nan of an advertisement In which the typographical mlitake occur A Blind" Ad en ad eontaln tng a Statesman-Journal News papers box number for an ad dress is for tha protection of the advertiser and must there for be answered by letter. The Statesman Journal Newspapers ire not st liberty to divulge In formation aa lo th Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" sd THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect Its reader against fraud, deception, or Injuries. Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS U get a po sition advertised fa the help wanted column. AU help wanted sd. MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OP THE WOHK Sales help wanted sds mut state if th pay Is in th form of islsry. commissions, guarantee, or include firm nam. Bona fide offers st em- Blojrment with pay belong t l "Help Wanted columns. Aa ut other columns which re quire investment la stocks, samples, equipment or cash bond shculd be thoroughly In vestlgsed befor paying out any money. Advertisers re quiring a cash Investment for samples or merchandise, sales aids, etc., must so specify tn trsetr ads. Kindly report sne exception to this rule to the classified ad vertising manager. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify TRADE equity in S-bdrm. mod. horn for late model trailer house. Ph. 4.-42SS after 4 p m. BARGAIN 11' trailer S69S. Lana Lane, 1M0 Una Ave. PARTS for S Mercury. Phone 3-4837. 19S4 FONT1AC 4 dr. sdn. Chief tain "S . excel, cond. il.iuo. Ph. 4-84M. LATE '52 Hudson Commander, exc. cond. Ph. 1-7130. HALF ACHE HOME at S0 GLEN CREEK Road! SMOO. 200 ft; to WALLACE RD. ! STULLETt, Rltr.. 765 Edge- watr. Ph. J-5557 or 4-5182 1 BDHM. house on large lot, small dn. payment. Ph. 4-JI(M. SMALL cafe for sale or trade. 4-7280 eves TOR-RENT. 5 rm. house, ail furn. Ph. 3-7018. CLEAN, furn. upstairs 2 bdrmi. 396 So. 21ltPhL 2-7579. SCENIC view 1 hdrm. unfurn. court Apt, range, refrig 2-I80S QUIET 1 nr 2 hdrm. furn. cot- aaea. all utll. turn., larie Uwn, reaion. 2597 Portland Rd. PSYCHIC READER KME HAZEL Reveal' all. can . help you obtain tt one rou love, and tuccets in all af fairs, special reading S3. 4560 Portland Rd, ( ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. tM S Commercial. 2-2 1 OS 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sole 2 purebred reg, Jersey cows. 1 freshened, other freshen soon. Reaaonsble. Jamea Ber ber. SSio Ward Dr. SEE these 10 head of good saddle horses A kid ponies. Mut be sold this week. Con sider any trad. 1(11 S. 25th, Airport Rd. NEW single horse trailer 250. Ph. 2-31. PROFESSIONAL horses hoer Lee Hanson. 4-0724 or 4-SOS3 Salem Meat Co. locker beef Custom killing, cuttiny wrap ping, trailer loaned free ' fOR SALE or trade, gentle ponies for children, also good saddle horses Bob Frsnke, 905 N Water St. SUverton. Pb. 1-S134. 403 Livestock Wonted CATTLE, horses at your farm. E. C. McCandllsh. Rt2, S- 1 SS CATTLE buysr. A. T. Sommer, 1260 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-07. CATTLE 0uysrs--4297 State t ac H. Snethen. 1-1345. 2-43M LIVESTOCK purer Claude Ed ward. Rt 1, Box SWE. 4-1113 404 Poultry and Robbits FOR SALE colored fryers. 29c JbPhJl-Ma?. Herman Hahn. HEAVY hens for locker useT market price. Ph. 2-0130 - CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultnr. W buy rabhlti. Wlng'a, 3085 State. Ph. 4-3911 BABY CHICKS. 16c straight run, choice ef Parmenters. New Hamps . Whit Rock and Leg horns Special New Hamp and White Rock pullet. 18c. Par menter red rooster, Sc. VALLEY FARM STORE Ph 4-4624 Salem 08 Pets FREE Kittens, house trained, rail 3-5107. TO GIVE AWAY-2 months old jet black puppy needs good home. Prefers children. Fe male. "Mostly" cocker. Ph. 2-4104 after 8 00 p.m. 4 GERMAN Shorthair. 20eT for aal or trade for sporting equip. 70 Log Cabin, Inde pendence, Ph. 107 R. GIVE away, kittens cats, tm rairmount 3-7341. FOR SALE Puppies, all kinds. Com see afternoon at 3355 Livingston or caU 2-7989. Will buy puppies any kind. YOUNG parakeets, cages feeds. Mickey's. S823 S Com. S-2755 BIRD Paradis for Mrda, cages. Supplie 31M Uvlngstoo 2-1H2. 410 Seeds and Plants RED hopes unlimited, says some shrubs at coat, aa Spiny Greek - B.B., 75e. To calm to their kneea. tod many Anti-free enterprises; snti- freedom cranks. Ha! Free-amall shruhs ss I wish with purchsse. Huston's Nursery, Rt. 5. Box 19. Salem. Hi ml. So. of Pen 4-corners. on 22, left 1 mi. on Culver Rd. BEDDING Plants 40c doz. up Hvbrld tomatoes 20c ea. Cab bage. Lettuce, 25c doz. Silkc's Greenhouse. Ph, 4-107S EGAN GARDENS PETUNIAS fc FUCHSIAS, IN GOOD SUPPLY. MI. NO. KEIZER SCHOOL ON SALEM ST. PAUL RD., CHRYSANTHMUMS. over 200 newer early flowering verities. Astilbes. Delphiniums (includ ing Bright Pink), Geraniums, Lupines. Sslem's best perin eal supply. Black 2270 Chemawa Rd. 4-7622. MULCH Peat with mushroom fertilizer Fine for mulch. Ph. 1-0331. cTeRAIUMS, fuschsia. tub. be gonias 311. Glsd bulbs 3 doz. 11. Fuchsia baskets S3 Mer rills Greenhouse. Brooks. 412 Fruit & Form Produce PASTEURIZED whole milk, 75c gal. HomoKenized. 79c. !j gal lon 40c. Cleary Dairy, 2-3035. 413 Fertilizer BERRY PICKING PRICE ASKED ST. HELENS, Ore. ( - The Columbia County Berry Growers Assn. has recommended a picking price for strawberries of 4 cents per hallock with a -cent bonus to pickers who remain through the season. Snlcm Obituaries Charles Lee carper At the residence, 920 Academy St., alem, May 26th. Survived by broth er, Amo A. Carper, Salem; Bisters, Mrs. Joseph E. Davis, Portland; Mrs. Claudia L. Kennedy, Portland. Gravesld services wilt be held Thursday. May 31 at 130 p.m. at th Willamette Natlonsl Cemetery, Portland, under the direction of w. 1 . Rigdon Co. Jersli Mark Hedges Lata resident of Rt. 1, Box 324-G, Turner, near that city May 27. Sur - sived by father and moihei, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1. Hedges, Turner. Broth ers Kanial Hedges and Richard Hedge, both of Turner. Grandpar ents, Mrs. Ada Trosvenof of Sacra mento, Calif.; Mr, and Mrs. E. X. Hedge of Salem, Service will be held la the Virgil T. Golden Chapel Thursday, May 31 st 10:10 a m. with Rev. Jam E. Xrats officiating. In terment, Belcrest Msmorlal Park. Csra Elsie Wyt Late resident of 126 Pin St.. In this city. May 27. Survived by hus band, Bert Hoyt, Salem, Step-daughters, Mrs. Elaine Bsrteaux, Portland; Mrs. Nadyn Lundouist, Portland. Slater lilll Slruble, Milwaukie, Or. Service will be held at th Virgil T. Golden Chspel Thursday u.I t at 1 ann. with Rev. Ralph g. Wnlverton fflHsting InUr- saaai Boiereal JsemorUl Park. Public Help Asked in Gir Hubcap Thefts An epidemic of hubcap thefts and car prowls in Salem can be stopped with the cooperation of the public, Police Chief Clyde A. Warren said Tuesday. Police will be helped in their efforts to halt the thievery i citi zens will report all suspicious ac tions they see around cars, he said. Hubcap thieves are especial ly elusive as their crime takes so little time, he pointed out. He also suggested that motorists lock their cars when parking them, and that expensive hubcaps be marked on the inside so they can M identiFird if recovered. Any information about persons seen loitering around parked cars is nelplul to police, he said. De scription of the person or license numbers of their cars can be used is I starting point for a police check. More than two dozen hubcap thefts and several car prowls have been reported to police in the past two weeks. Warren said. MODERN 1 rm. apt., bdrm., pvt. entrance. 4-5900. BERRY picking starts-FrU June 1 st Andresen Farm. 4990 N. Uncaster. Ph. 4-2943. STRAWBERRY bean plstoon. bus transportation, insurance, rain protection, soft drinks available. Center St. North out Portland Rd. 12 yrs fi adults with children welcome. 2-1025. RUBBER-TIRED cement wheel harrow, also plumhmg tools Ph 2-7SK2 JOYCE'S Juicy" Worms, night -crawlers St red wigalers. used vendins machine. 1555 N. 5th. Open 24 hrs. RUMMAGE sateMy 3l7"june 1st. Clothea all sires, wsahlng machines, twin beds, radio phono, comb., dinette tahle A chair, lots of misc. Items. 4396 Market. j" cTmOGINS 12 gsuge shot gun. S45. 3-8H37 NFW 21" console RCA Victor TV, Reg, 319 05 NOW 278,95 HEIDERS, 33 N. High. 21" TV console as low as $79 M, guaranteed OK. HEIDERS, 383 N. High. STROMBERG "CARLSON A M" F M fine mahogany console I59J0. HEIDER'S, 3S3 N, High. THE finest range made. Res, S459 M absolutely new, $249115, HEIDER'S, 31 N. High FREEZER, 14 cu. fl lies 7" " Limited quantity. 2W M. MULCHING STRAW Ph. 4-3081 FRESH or rotted manure. Rtcn, line manure by sack or yard. Delivered or st farm Phillips Bro. Rt Box93Ph. 4-3081 ROTTED sawdust for mulching. 6 yd. load $15, 4 yds $10. 2 yds $6. or 12 a yd or Stio sack at farm. Also Beaver Dam Soli. SI ssck, 8 (or 5 Phil- lips Bros.. Ht 5 Box Sno, sa lem. Ph. 4-3011 TO PLACE AD CALL 4-6811 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery & Tools ACETYLENE outfit complete with UnksCall 4-7544. MALI chain saw.. 1's H P. JO" bar. gooa cond., $75 4-6626 HAVE several used welders AC A- DC Call 4-7444 454 Sewing Machines , SINGER Lightweight Portable Electric s SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'!. Ph. 3-3912 S! Deluxe Vaccum Cleaner Just Like New For Balance Due on Contract SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-3312 455 House Goods for Sale REPOSSESSED freeter Reg. S3s.se. NOW SZH33. terms, will take trade SAH Green Stamps. B.ndt.rf i H & A. 1420 State St. Ph. 3-S582. SELL or trade: Westinghouse auto, washer, perfect cond. $85 Ph. 2-1819. NEW Oaveno and Swing Rocker sets. S12S.O0 terms. Clen Woodry 1605 N. Summer BE tHlirW-Buy used'furrd: lure ac appliances, THE THRIFTY WAY on Easy Terms at WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FURN. 515 S. Comi Ph. 4-331S USED Montgomery Ward range $49.50. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Open Fri. night til 9. No down payment IA.O.C). CULBRANSON Piano, nearly new. Din. rm. set, Duncan Phyfe. Sect. Davenport. Ph. 1-37SO. ' CU. FT. Zenith refrigerator. i,ooa running condition. Ph. 3-S253 after 4 p.m. NEW 9x12 Tweed Rugs. $28 88 Glen Wood ry805 NJSumme' IF YOU need a single Item-oVa complete household of new or used furniture or appliances. Buy now on our easv terms, Woodry s Thrifty Used Furniture 515 So. Com ) St Ph. 4-3319 1 block So. of Paper Mill DEEPFREEZE Ph. 3-9711 eves. NEW white enam. toilet seats S3 98. Judaon's. 279 N. Com'l. Unfinished Chests. New 3 Drawers $S95 5 Drawers $8 53 No Phone Orders Please HOGG BROS. 24S State St. NEW Biltwell Swing Rockers. 833 88 GlenJA'oodry 1803 N. Summer, HOTPOINT refrigerator 11 cu" ft, $189 95. Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty, Open Fri, meht til 9. No down pavmenl IA.O.C, I. INLAID Lino . $159 per sq yd R L. Elfstrom Co . 260 S Lib erty. INLAID Lino . $1 59"pe7Yq yd R L Elfstrom Co. 260 S. Lib erty UNFItslsTiED-furniture! H. L. Stiff JTurniture, 175 N. Higii INLAID Lino.. $1 5 per sq yd. R L. Elfstrom Co. 260 S Lib erty ICE" BOX7ike new $l5Use"d Mdse. Mart, 270 S. Liberty Ph, 4-6:171 No down payment IA.O.C. I Open Fri. night 111 ft NEWModern Mr " and Mrs Bedroom Sets. $8 00 Glen Woodry 1W15 N Summer Save money . Save time- For the Best Professional Services ER Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADIIINO MACHINES Buy as you rent. All makes Roen-Typewnters, 456 Court Ph. 36773. ArTMAMLt WESTINGHOUSE ' Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So Coal Ph 4-2111 IClllll.NO CAPITOL Bedding Mattress re novators iew mattresses 3-4Uon BRICK BLOCKJWASON BLOCK It Brick Mason, slso man wmlxer for hire. 4-7B67. BRICKand" block.-WortTguar-anteed. Ph. 4-435 CARPENTER CONTRACTOR CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tions, retaining walls, cement or pumice block. Free esti mates. 3d mo. to pay. 2-6280. CKANI WORK ' 25-ton Lorain moto cran Sa lem Sand & Gravel Co 1-1461 DRY CLEANING SERVICE Foreman's Cleaners it Dyers Fur Storage; Complete Dry Clnlng ti Lndry Srv. Free pick up A Diver, 1070 S. Com'l. ph. 3-9448. S&H Green Stamps. EXCAVATING VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co. Excavating Grading Ph. 2-1688 FLOOR COVERINGS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co floor-covering. Division Qual ity installations Linoleum, As phalt A Rubber Tile Wall tile Free Estimates 4-227$ GRADING A DOING ROTOVATING DOZING & LEVELING Ph2-052 D PANTOV1CH BULLDOZING, elear'ng roads, Bonds. D-4, D-6 carryall. V. lusney Ph J-3146. BUl.LD07.iNG. grading t Land clearing Elmo W. Locker owner A operator. Ph. 2-5742. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and top soil. 1405 N Front St. 2-2461 500 liiii. & Finance 510 Money to Lean LOANS $50 00 to $1500 0 Buy What You Need Consolidate yout bills. Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S Church St Ph 15497 WE HAVE rash buyers lor rest estate contract and Ind mort gages Ohmart A Calaba. Realtors 477 Court St. Phon 1-411 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted ROTOVATINO work eve., week ends. J Hathaway Ph 3-3828 GARDEN A lawnwnrk wanted j wiia rotovator. Vincent Krrm er 2150 Lansing Avs. Ph 2-3180. SAND ANDG"KAVKL HOME PLANNING EXPERT home" building It re- modeling. Phone 4-7577 LAWN MOWER ' SHARPENING LAWN mower sharpening, low prices, work guar.Ph. 4-9092. LOCK EH A ICE CREAM LOCKER meat cut St wrapped, quick froze, 3720 Silyerton Rd. vista Frozen Food Lockers 3095 S. Com'l Ph 2-9737 Lockers Now Available Custom Meat Cutting and Sales lie Cream for All Occasions, packs to Take Out PAPERING A PAINTING EXPERT brush or spray paint ing, Hr or contract. Ph. 4-3900 Painting and paper-hanging Free estimates Ph 1-9513 PAINTING EXPERT sprsy. brush painting paper hanging, your paint or mine Free est Terms Ph Nelson 3-8493, 3-8243 VALLEY SAND It ORAVEl CO Crushed It round grsvel Ssnd It con mix 1-4002 WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1825 McGilchnst Crushed quarry rocks and grav el. All sitea for roads, drive ways and parking lots READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dozing, shov el and dragline work 3-9249 SEPTIC SERVICE INTERIOR Decorator, some ex perience required io sell In store A In homes. Guaranted salary plus conimisison. Write Box77, Slatesmart-Journal. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 2-0636 354 N Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church Free parking in rear Exclu sive listings on all types of employment. Al'PLlCAlioN-rTrs now being taken for Statesman oicycls routes Several routes will be open. Applicants must be sc compamed by their parents or have their written Dermis sion Aoply at the Circulation Department of th Statesman-Journal 600 Employment 608 Pickers Wonted BERRY Pickers wanted: pirklng starts June 1st. O. D. Noren, JjBIossomDr. 4-3932. ' FOUR CORNERS STRAWBERRY picker needed, starting about June 5th. School bus transportation: west on Auburn rosd, south on Lan caster, east on State Street, 4 miles to field. Strawberry pickers hsve preference for beans starling about August 1, and blackberrlea starting about August 25th. Phon 4-13S3 to register, "Picking All Summer" corneliusbateson; WANTED strawberry picker for platoon. Call 1-0468. Mrs, Lien, STRAWBERRY pickr register with Jo Lucas. 2-5951. 1 mi out Orchard Hgta. Rd. Good fields. wks. picking. U-PICK StrawberrieT 'a ml East Keirer Sen. Good pick ing. Marshall tre r r i e s. A. Goldsby. Ph.4-8374. STRAWBERRY pickers reg. now. 'Clean fields, close in. Jerry A Nita Andresen, 4845 N, Lancaster Dr. Ph. 4-1973. ANDRESEN Farm now regis tering strswoerrv pickers. 14 A. M.irshalls, 4990 N. Lancas ter. Ph. 4-2943. HOWARD'S Roio-Rooter, sewers. septic tanks cleaned 3-5357. MIKE'S SepTic service Isnks cleaned D rooter cleans sewers drains Phone 3-9468 Hamel's septic tanks cleaned. Hne service Guaranteed work Phon 3-7404 or 1-0774. PAINTING k DECORATING Dirt Cheap Price 3-7552 ROTO-VATING CUSTOM Rotovatlng Ford equipment, fields, lawns. TREE SERVICE De Rosia Tree Service Trees Shrubs. Hedges. Insured 1735 N. Liberty St. 2-6661 eve. TRL't'KING A HAULING WANTED" to haul short logs anywhere Ph. 4-8075. UPHOLSTERING 604 Help Wonted, Men I'PHOLSTERING cnards Ki gardens. Ph. 2-6868 , Professional: guar. work, free: A 3-4776 i est., pickup, deliver. Ph. 1-4290 430 Merchandise 458 Building Moterioli V 4x1 Birch. 1 sides 40c 12-2 wire, roll st 4.c. 8 In. ceiling fans $13 75 Cedar shingles $3.00, $5 , $6 Galv. Iron roof'g - CHEAP s 3 tab roof., lowest prices. Nails per keg $8 95 O 4" cast soil pipe 75c ft ' gal pipe 12c. ',"Uc lV,"-29c. l'i"-36c 500 (al. steel sep tank $31 50 300 gal. steel sep. tank $39 50 4" black sewer pipe 30c. 34c. Door Jambs, good ones. $2 75. O Bldg. paper 500 sq. ft $2.33. Fibre glass blanket Insul. - CHEAP 4x8 plaster board $1.40. $160. $1 83. Ceiling tile, 16x32, 10c sq. ft Shake moid long lengtn, 10c Garage doors, sll sizes cheap Barb wire SO rds $5 5 $7 45. Oitside white Daint gal (2 50 0 New window sashes $2 00. W strip crystal windows 21x33 kitchen sinks cheap. Toilets W seats $28 50 New bath tub complete $63.50 Strictly Cash - U-HauL Closed Sunday It Mondays C. G. LONG & SONS . 1 Ml. N. Kelrer - Ph. 4-5051 450 Merchandise 459 Do It Yourself 450 Merchandise 470 For Sole, Misc. RECONDITIONED s u t o m atlc water heaters. Judson's, 279 N. "Com'l. Overhead steel garage door with hardware. $395$ In stalled $49 30. Galvanized e trough. 12 'c per ft EPP1NG LUMBER CO. PH. 4-6123 3740 SILVERTON RD. 459 Do It Yourself U-Fix-It-Garage Phone Repair your own car. 4-5S61. 20M N Com! HOW-to-do-lt advice, planning aid. complete material sup ply, plumbing, heating, wir ing, see Judson's 279 N. Com ! LUMBER 1 lot each 1x4. 1x6 and 1x8 Util ity grade $55 00 per M. 1 lot 54x6 standard $4500 per M. 4x5 wood butter 4 to 8' 10c, L. ft. 2x2 com. O.K. for garden stakes 2'jC per ft 56x8 E Rustic $55 00 per M. 1x10 and 1x12 Cedar. Standard A Better, S135 00 per M Fred W. Smith Lumber Co. 384.i STATE ST. Four Corners KENMORE dec. range, deep well, timer, dock A light, exc. cond. Not a scratch. Deluxe washing machine, heavy duty roller, pump A timer. Exc. cond Ph 4-8fl59. 414 Farm Equipment 22 CU. FT. FREEZER- PERFECT condition. 2 2 years old. Must sacrifice at S.'ino HOWARD Rotovalor. 30" 15 H.j':',sh J!h J"7917 . P. A heavy duly trailer. 3610! PAINT $181 gal PAINT Liberty lid. Ph. 2-6tll. Olcn Wnodry 1605 N Summer IRRIGATION system 810 ft. 5 SOME in. mains, 1600 ft. 3 In. laterals T-40 sprinkler heads 4 cyl. Wisconsin motor with pump Equipment in excellent condi tion, $2,000. Wm Barr. Clsts kanie. Ore. Ph 661. antiques A BRADLEY traclor plow, cultivator, 4-2!40. with disc, $175. Ph, hold goods. 643 Court. May 31, Ju. lAr 2. MAPLE bunk beds w springs and mattresses $44 44 Glen Woodry 160 N. Summer. good I HOTPOINT eler. range, cond, call 4-7544, 425 Auction Soles FURNITURE AUCTION Wed. Eve., May 30th AT 7: HO P. M. e 4x8 Vin Birch Ph- .. 3Sc tt. e f ull 1" x 10" K. D ( ed.ir Ranch Siding $150 00 M m 4v Hm-HhnarH SI 10hl NEARLY new Hollywood bed. t) 4x8 Sheetrork , SI .40 slit. Mcas nrne i n t-ir.m or sre 1763 Waller SPECIALS 3S4S 24, "x6. 2.8. n $S5M 4S4S 2x4, 2x6, 2x8 1 23M 3 2x8 car decking $5BM 4 2vfi car decking $23M ,! IxS shlplao $58M :i IxS R B hnaids $:6M l 1x8 Rougli - J20M 4 18 R B boards ?25M La CREOLE LUMBER Co. EI.LENDALE ROAD PALLAS PH. MA 3-2519 K U j m 460 Musicol Instruments LESTER Bet.-v Ro-s Spinel Pi ano at sacrifice like new H18 Ellis, Dallas. Ore MA 3-3547. FOR SALE lge. dog house, dress makers cutting table, measures 43"x6'. misc. hand tools. Kero sene weed killer, 1895 Fair grounds Rd. BOUGHT- gas-horneT" so-Free equity new Selgler 5-6 rm. oil burner, also arm davenport A chair set. single used garage doors After 5 p. m. 1815 N. Liberty. TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, cash registers, dupli cators, desks, chairs, tiles, sup plies. Roen's. 456 Court J-67i3 VF.NDING route machines for sale. P. O Box 177. Gervais, Ore Ph. 2513 Gervais Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 24310 Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loan, lial 2-I74M Prompt Delivery Ket7er Sand St Gravel Co. T0IrSOHFlLlTDIRT PHONE 2-4763 WANTED -Men between 20 A 33 years of age with experience in service station or associated type of merchandising. Perma nent position. Unlimited fu ture. Rapid advancement. For details, phone 2-21'Jl or call at the Firestone Store, Center A Liberty, Salem. WANT several wood cutters. Apply Capital Fuel Co., 3900 JN River Rd ELECTRONICS needs men. See our sd under Class 618. MAN sge 20-35" of good"chsr acter for steady work on Mink Farm Call 2-2873 between 6:30 A 8:30 eves. AUDITOR TRAINEE Not over 45, high school edurs tion and some accounting education but not necessar ily graduate for position of traveling auditor trainee. Sal ary plus all expenses paid. Permanent career position with opportunity for steady promotion and many employ ment benefits. Reply giving age. education, experience, salary required and personal data to Box No. 79, Statesman Journal. RETIREMENT creates opening with future for a voung am bitious exp. SF.F.DSMAN A GRAIN WAREHOUSEMAN m older established manufactur ing plant. Good salary with bonus. Replies confidential to C P A. Box 304, McMinnville Ore. 606 Help Wonted, lody COMBINATION girl; small cafe neat, clean, work stone at times, swing shift, experience A references. 25 to 35 years old. Ph, 4-5147, STOREY A CLARK spinet pi-1 CLOSEOUT, 10 left, new play 4-8261. Like new. Ph. after 6, 462 Sports Equipment THADS Indian cycl for boat. ..Ph,. 4-3B67, . Sleeping Bags Best Price in Town $6.95 & UP ARMY & NAVY SURPLUS Ph. 3-4343 223 N. Com'l SPORTSMEN Here's your chance! Sacrifice sale of IS H P Kvinrude, Like new, onlv run 20 hrs. $300. hank terms. Ph 2-12:18. CASH Dfirt fcr used Jims, mod em ind antique Cascadt Mere- 12M Broadway C-H TYPE .10-30 cal complete reloading outfit. Ph. 3-62S5 after 4 p m. 468 For Rent, Misc. FOR RENT rr lease ipe ware house space cement floor brick bid, downtown. In quire H L Stiff Furn 3-9185 470 For Sole, Misc. jrvm spts w slides 129 80, Glen Woodry 16415 N. Summer. USED TIRES TRUCK PASSF.NGRR Lytle's lire Mart 2305 U. Com'l. Ph. 4-8032 472 Wonted, Misc. WILL take piano for hauling away. 4-7013. Good 10-28 Tractor Tire PH. 2-6161 CASH paid for any used articles for the hnnie BARKKR FURNITURE H7!i4 Siiverton Rd. Ph, 4-0444 LOGS WANTED - Top pricei paid 8-in. to M-ln diameters in 8-ft or multiples of 8-ft We also buy stumpage Burk land Lumber Company, Tur ner, Ore. Ph. Turner 1125 F'Af-ntnfcs phone Turner 23Q2 oi Salem 2-7R2B WANTED several thousand cordl nf wood, all "peciei. Ph 3-7721 Nights 4-56X1 474" Miscellaneous COME in ftnd sec our '-nmplete .sclci'tiiin fif lirfir.ished furni ture. Used Mdse. Marl, 270 S, l.ihertv Open Fri. night til 9. Ph 4-6371 7 x9' AUTO tent. Coleman S.as lantern, Zenith Rat. elec. por table. Ph. 2-3535. NEW 5 pe chrome Dinettes !H New 5 pe. W. I. Din ettes S.'5 no, filen Wnodry 1605 N Summer. CANNINC. rmikrr 21 quait like FOR SALE Drv split shak's for PFNTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HhY SERVICE IN MOST CASES i un ma on i stiLtn. uennsi Anoipn riiog. aiaxe torn i sts SALEM PH. 3-3311 ADDING machines, cash reels Clary 1979 fairgrounds 1-5373 476 Fuel FOUNTAIN Kirl. Some nlht k Sunday hours. Meals At uni- fiirms furn. Applv hefore noon Fountain manage. Owl Drug, Capitol Shopping Center RFL1ABLF older ladv to eare for 2 children, our home, i day uk $30 a month. Ex change ref 4-7873, CAR hop wanted -18-23 yrs., exp. preferred, not necessary. In person. 698 S. 12tli. EXPERIENCED lady for "general office work for summer at Flower Nursery, vlcmify of .Brooks. Typing, filing, etc, no shorthand. Apply Schrein tr'i Gardens, Pt 2. Box 327. Salem. Ph. 2-6217. BABY sliter wanted, my horn. Call after 4, 4-1511 WANTED: Strawberry Pickers, 45 A. Northwest berries. Oood erou, clean field, trans, fur nished. Reg at 201 S. Hlrh St. Ph.l-HSoa. Eves. 3-32B4. STRAWBERRY pickers wanted: starting about June a. rieana later. Orey 4: Oirod Ph. 4-1938 PICKERS wanted, transporta tion furn. W. L. Peterson. 2-29S8 after 4 PICKING row Ben Goldsmiths fields. Trans, furn. Ph. platoon leader. Mrs. Comer 2-63S3. DRIVE out, pickers wanted. Fri day, close In. Ph. 2-5772. START Picking Fri. June 1st. in acre clean field good first year Marshall good picking. P. E. Sanders 51148 VanCleave Rd. 1 ml. East ml. S. Totem Pole. Ph. 4-1334. WANTED:"strawberrylckliri W. F Busrti, Rt. 1, Box S34. 1 nil. East of Brooks. Ph. 4-M4I after 6 p.m. to register. WANTED "Strawberry picker for irrigated Marshall starting May 31. Eldon Wenger. i ml. E. Pratum on Meyers Rd. Ph. 2-4.387. WILL START picking Marshall strawberries May 31st. James Whelan Rt. 2. Box 211 Salem 2-4277, STRAWBERRY Pickers reg now Marshall's Ac Northwest, good clean fields, steady picking. Alvin Schwengel, Ph. 4-2313. 610 Soles Help Wanted SAI.ESMAN-lf you have car can furn. good references will start you out with fine line of woolens A- other wearing apparel at competitive prices. Commission. Ph. 3-5562 or A. N Stewart 710 Marino Dr, Salenv SA LE SIYPrefeTabiy with some knowledge ready-to-wear. Permanent position, pleasant working conditions, S dav week, many benefits. Be tween age 23-45. Apply W. T. Grant Cn. Mr. McGeorge. EXP. Salesman mens suits 8i furnishing Guaranteed salary plus commission. Writ box 71 Statesman-Journal RELIABLE older girl or woman for work in good home, Pvt rm., good salary, 2-1729. STEADY, dependable baby sit ter by June 1. Ph. 4-1844 ELDERLY woman for compan ion A housekeeper for elder ly man in country home, wages. Keith Allen. Rt. 1, Jef ferson, Ore. 608 Pickers Wanted WANTED, strawberrv pickers. 8 acres nf Marshall!, in mi. north of Salem. Ph. 4-3D91. RF.GISTF.R now. clean fields, good picKing. Ren Goldsmith. Transportation furn. Call pla toon leader Mrs. Comer 2-fi353. FOR immediate employment, SUM) mo. guaranteed mm, ap ply 325 E. Bush. :30 to I A.M. Only. MAN to distribute It pick up Fuller Brush catalog. S100 weekly comm. to start. S-S.187. EXI'F.RIf'ncFD Real F.tat salesman or woman. '"Ramsey, Realtor. 427 Ferry. 612 Work Wanted, Men CARPENTER work wanted. New or remodeling work. Hav power tools. Ph. 4-188. Yard and Lawn Work PHONE 2-0659 REMODELING. Building or hour. Ph. 4-8097, PAINTING free estimates rea sonable Ph. 2-9551 tvn: CARPENTTRWORrL day t contract 2-1842 or 2-1459. LOU'S tree service. Spray, top ping, prune, cabling. 4-2888, NF.W building or remodeling, est. free. 4-6340 after :30 please. TILLING Howard Rotovator. Ph. 4-2823 or 2-3535. No call Sat. please. HOWARD rotovatlng, new lawns prepared, fre estimstes. 3-5(195 or 4-5261. OAK CREST FARM W. Salem, 2'j ml No. on Wallace Pnad. HEAVY PICKING ReeKter now fnr hus route1 So. on C'nmmernal. N nn 12th, several stops W Salem. Pla toon leader wants adults & So. children over 11. Please call rfI.IABI.E experienced meat 4"w2,i . I cutter desires position lmmed- REGISTERING pirkers at Van lately. Ph. 4-0790. LAWN mowing don by week. Ph. 3-3695. PRUNING, spraying, topping, re moval L W Caudle, s-iwi ROTOVATING Salem Area. Ph. 4-2302, LOADS nf gnnd used furniture tn be Mid to high hldflei BnrX doe nhhit. also younger PC Maple hedrm set. 4 PC Salem Couple's Son Wins KOTC Medal at U. of 0. EUGENI George H. John- M&i mo at Mr. end Mrs. Emory E. Johfflne, 1520 Center St., Sa lnl. ud senior at University of wejoa, has been awarded the Convsir Aviation Medal for out tndin work in the Air Force R0TC program at the university. Mrtson has been cadet colonel nd wing commander this term. PrsroUti(m of the medal was madt by president Meredith Wil on it on Air rare ceremooy oa JthtCMBpUi, stock. 4-2422, NATIONAL NC. 88 receiver Ph. 3-706S after a p.m. YOUTH BED. Ph 3-9685. 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice BAHAI world faith information, write Statriman-J'rn'l. Box 12. 312 Lost ond found" LOST-Black whit terrltr marked Wti , hulldoj.Aiuj,, " ir,'thlco"Ph. I-S412. LOST Sunday night, north Sa. Will. U1BVK UIUIBUUI WVVJt mo. old answer to major. Ph, 2-0308 2-0064. LOST OR 8TOUEN Black ft male Labrador retriever. Ph. 2-8318. 316 Personal NOT responsible for debts of K. C. Cafe . Gervais. Ore. Blanch Charley ruHer I WILL not he responsible tor hills or debt contracted by any one other than myself, S F. C, Bruce L. Harbaugh, A. F. B., Tscoma, Wash. aVLCOHOLICS Anonymous group Me. L MM M. Caal MM1. Wnl hedrm wt FriKiflalte re frig. 1x9 houksd ruu. 6 vr. baby bed complete: Wnl van ity. Wul. chest-o-dr.iwers, drup I., desk, Mahog. record cab- Buy $2 3:i sht e lS I, 2-in. Service Ply $3 0(1 sht 1 5 8-in Service Plv $.143 sht. "A" Grade Birch doors $7.70 ea. e "A" Glade Beech dnnrs $6 95 ea. "A" Grade Mahog. doors I4.W f s. Iron Roofing f 10.30 tq. O Garage Door Hard ware $13 10 set 1 No charge for cutting Ply- 1 WOnd f free Delivery Credit El.id'v j OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 1 USED refric S19 95 $I!I5 dn I p t T pvnt'n t S4 1I5 mo SA-H Green Sl,p, ,( A mMK 1 I). MMlflorf t tl rV rl inn Mtste St Ph. 3-9582 VACUUM cleaner, ranges, re fnes . misc furniture, appli ances. See at Used Mdse Mart 27(1 s.. Liberty. No down pay ment 1 A O C I NFW Blond EndTahles $5 88 Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer "guaranteed- Reconditioned auto, washers, drvers ranges ,ti refngs. $.18 18 It up VKATKR Al'I'I.IANCK CO rt?r, riiemrki ta SI new 1.110 N. 4th. ALL STEEL secretary " desk S. cHtr SiTi Square tub Maytag ua-her $4(1 7 ru ft G. F. re- ' f-'P ST.S. 4L gal hnt vvd'er t,',-,k $:;() All m good condi tion See at 2557 Park Lane or rn. II-4434. PAINT $1.89 "gal. PAINT" Glen Woodry 1605 N, Summer 3 SPEED' English bicycle. mx4S putute window frame. Ph. 4-37''8. after 6 pm NFW Simmnnrnollawavs 112.88 Clen Wnnclry 1603 N. Sumnier. WAR SlTU'Ll'S New rtne-ni.in life raf's rum , plcte wit1! cae ONLY $21.95 ARMY k NAVY SI RPU'S Ph. 3-4:143 223 N Cnml kindling or garden stakes 24' hmg. Rt. 1 Box 21, Brook. Ore. I OREGON "FUELVOJ OLD KIR LILLY PADS MULfHINT, SAWDUST S& H GREF.N STAMPS 3-55,'!3 3087 Broadway WANTED several thousand cords 0; wood, sll species Ph 3-7721 Nights. 4-5833 SAWDUST for sale 3 unit loacT puh out. $15 Ph. Gervais 2-M 1 Canitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Planer Ends rhnire slab and block mixed 1420 Brnaday Pa, 3-7721 Fff,? PhL oo.7Ump""' "k & 1 HIGHWAY FUEL CO . , , - SAWDUST tt WOOD 3-8444 THE fine fixtures It furnishings - - - of the Esther Foster Gown I ANDERSON'S slsbwood. Pb Shnn for sale at 260 N. High. 2-7751 or4-2654 $30 DOWN complete household nf furniture and appliances at Salem's Lowest Overhead Store. Easy terms Gle- Woodry 1603 N. Summer inet, W4l, din. rm, chain, white elee. console sew mach , Wal. antique chair, 2 gray freir uph. chairs, Bulllwell daveno. box springs, and mat- limp?' ,.Xk tl; 1 456 Wanted House GoTt and many misc. articles f 1 furniture , FURNITURE Wanted Courteous i service Ph. 3-6098. mi' CASH "HICK FUfiNI TURK APPLIANCES ETC USED' MERCHANDISE MART 270 S LIBERTY PH 4-632J cash tfia nmNiTt nr. VALLEY TURN CO. Ph 2-7472 Need at One Late model E Appliance. Pay cash premium for HI Grade Electric Ranges, Refrigerators, Automatic Washers. Drier Ik !,at Model used Furniture. Ph. Glen Woodry S-5110 right Now tor Pleasing Result! t ' LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES JH. 3-6098 3915 siLVECTOIt HD: LivestocY Auction THURS-, MAY 31ST 10 A. M, mlse. produce, flowers, shrub, farm machinery 1:30 P.M. Livestock, Chickens It , rabbits, calls, veal. pigs, cows, ! heifer, bulls, steers, feeder stock. LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES PH. S-8098 S9U SILVERTON RD. I.rtiica'rr and f niter Ph. Salem 1SEI FLOORING lilMMAGK SALE 4M N Cottage Ph 4-7300 NEW 25 ga! Garbage Can $l Glen Wo.. dry 1605 N. aitimmer. (tI'ARANTEEP Rci ondiiioned automatic wash ers, divers ranges it refrigs $., 1R A- up Yt'ATKR APPLIANCK CO. 375 Chemekela St. ! Sprine Special i Mulfh Sawdust. Fertilizer '. Rlnck A- Slab Wood ' West Snlem Fuel , 13:5 Edgcwater Ph 2-4031 1)00 Bus. & Fin.inre 458 Building Moteriols USED plumbing fixt.. tubs, sinks, basins bargains. Jud son's. 179 N Comi $5i.l. 1x4 fir V G $45 per M su.utxi o. i At ntr ued iiu RICH TOP SOIL DEL. $125 A YARD PH. 4-2463 NFW Brass Firescreens '$12 05. Glen Woodry 1805 N. Summer CEDAR post, bean post shed poles ,ll tvpes & nerrv wire Ph 4-3081 ;r;"x "ir moon wnl 4i power BriBge iiifi6ers ' S pTanks $55 per M Ceclllng tile, 16x32", . . 20e each Reject hard board 50x100" $1 75 sheet Used doors . $1 It up All kinds of used windows & sash. Low priced. ALSO' , Plumbing It elecrllcai supplies 500.000 KKET New. fresh-milled old 81 second frowth lumber 2x4 to 2x11 In to 24-foot lengtns. Delivered price Salem, $30 per thou, inlnlmum. T4 Muier aVlUt, E.S. Call 4-1196 between 12 & 6 p m. TOP SOIL Phone 2-1J73, 1-8301 6740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-S3I1 4 Mi Nn, of Salem. , Mi No. of Totem Pol on 9!E Open All Day Saturday NEW vent fan for kitchen "or hath $22.9$ Judsons. 271 N, Comi Highest Offer Takes NEW 5 to 10-year child's electric car. Complete wtrailer, new bat tery charger It batlery. Ph. 2-4578 BUILT-INS 2 oil "furnaces. doors It other materials. State A Lancasler RECAPS'" 60-lr 67n-13""S8,!' Exch. Lytle's TIra Mart. A-l WESTINGHOUSE Dryer $59,50 Clen Woodry 160t N. lummtr. 510 Money to Loon $25 to $2500 Pacific Industrial Loans 118 S Liberty Ph 4-JJ03 For Cash Cleave Farms for 50 A. of Marshalls It 1st. year North wests Also 5.1 A, Boysenber ries It Blackberries, 2-5165 PAYING extra for adult pirkers only to pick N. W. Berries for stores Picking each morning except Sun. Pb. 2-4280 REGISTER for strawberry pick ing start verv soon. C. E stoller 6530 Lardon Rd. off Siiverton Hwv: Pb. 2-2024. ""SPECIAL' I ! NEEDED 1 ' Strawberry pickers Friday June 1 Ph. 4-0875 Allan Hahn, miles N. of Clearlake Store. PICKERS wanted close in start ing soon, excellent patch. Marshalls Lauren Stettler. 2717 Blossom Dr. Ph. 4-JS.1S. W, H. & A. P7 WILLIAMSON BERRY FARM Start picking Thursday. May .11. 23 acres Marshall A N W i",ood picklnt, 2 mi F. ol To tem Pole. Rt 2, Box 444 Ph 4-1(174 j REGISTER for Strawberry pick- ing. 30 A. Northwest, Ifeircr ; Di't H P Barnwell Ph. 4-4304 WANTED, Marshall slrawberry pickers, good berries. Clean patch. Ph. 2-2fl3. REG. Mrs. Badgetts platoon: N. West berries. Trans, furn. Steady pick. V. Williamson farm. 3-11052. WANTED. St! av berry pickers; clean, easy picking Mursnall A N'oilhw'e.t. I'll 2-0161. 5105 Auburn Rd STRAWBERRY pickers "rrgjsler now. Maishal rt Worlnw'esls Tians. furnished. Adults 8t children over 12. Platoon lead er, Mrs. Yonwie Stafek, Ph. 4-2073. Howard Kggimsn Field. Ph. Siiverton 3-4791. REGISTER now for strawberry picking at Alan Wlesners. large crop, exceptionally good Marshalls It Northwests, clean fields, adults It children over 12 that want lo work, bus fur nished, former Parchrr fjla toon now under supervision of Mrs Hendricks. Ph. 2-8093. REGISTER now for strawberry & bean picking. 10 A. North-west, 40 A. beans. Cabins, wuo3; wafer;- ligtittr furn. Mitf oma Farm. 3 mi. N 2 mi. E. of Independence. Rt. 1, Box 260. Ph. 33F2. HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. 1980 Fairgrounds Rd. (Hollywood District) HOME OWNED -HOME OPERATED No Investigation Fees Tree Parking Lot Call 2-7032 STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. Now registering for our North-w-est Strawberries. 8 ml. North In Ihe Clearlake dist Fir Grove Farm. 7095 Wheatlsnd Rd Ph 4-4083 PRIVATE MONEY tn loan. biiy!RF(; LAWN MOWING. POWER MOWER. PHONE 4-2301 EXTRA SPECIAL NT NEED an addition? Remodeling' Cabinet Work. Free, estimates. Big discount. Expert work. Work guaranteed Bef. Go anvplace. Chas. Exllne, Ph. 2-7016. " WOOD CUTTING RF.AS HATES PH. 4-1284. CEMENT Work Ph. 4-6339 Side walks, patios, ret. wall, ga rages, hsmts. Free estimates. HOME biulding remCKiellng, house framing or any line of carpenter work. Ph. 4-827$. ROTO-TllXlNO PH. 4-8253 or 2-2518 414 Work Wanted, LoJy DEPENDABLE motherly rare, vour child my home. Day-night-wkends. 940 Leslie, W. side ent. CHILD care my home S ml. South. Ph. 2-1393. WOULD like to care for child ren in my home. 4 yrs. It un der. Ph.;4-2992. WANTED to hoard It room, el derly lady. $75,Ph.2-8838. BOY wants job for summer. Prefers farm. Ph. 2-5.595. BAFIY sitting In my home eves, & week ends Ph. 4-D349 CHILD care, my nnme by ex perienced mother. 1340 N. Win der ,Ph4-067. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mrs. Poe. 663 N. 16th. Ph J-3843 SEWING - Dressmaking. In my home, all types. Ph. 1-9392. PICKERS wanted. Marshall strawberrie 1 ml. W. It N. of Kelzer Sch. Jorgensen-Evans Berry Farm. Ph. 4-1908. WANTED Ironing In my horn. 1 9 1 9N!th . 3-ljie EXPERT child care. My hom. 1 545 Trade. Ph. 4-5888 WILL care for elderfv person in my home. Ph. 3-!"8. LOVING supervised child carT, myhome So Ph 2-3918. CHILD CARE my hom "$1 da, .. J- Corners Ph, 2-9572. EXCELLENT CHILD CARE My hom. W. Salem. Ph. 4-8531 615 Situations Wanted contracts and mortgages 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-8841. COLONiAXIiTveF Property Loans r- Contracts Purchased 887 Court. 4-2283 PRIVATE money to loan. t IntveM. Ph. t-OTM. FOR steariv nlckinff nf Marshalls A Northwests. Cher ries later. Transportation furn. Near Popcorn Sch. -6301, REGISTER for picking at Kurti Llvesly. Platoon leader A He Warren bur. Ph. 2-7091 tor Information, CARPENTER work. ny kind, reas. 4240 Macleay Rd. 4-3061, NEW lans complete, free t 3-8445 morn., 4-2941 Eve. LA ND CLF.ARHGD-8 HtZ C Mltchell Ph 3-5337 PLOWING-' discing " D."Mar shall.-1343 ' 3's vd shovel, crane, hoe, drg line 25-ton mobile cranes. D4 D7 cats carry all clear ing blade Rental contract er unit prices. SALEM SAND k GRAVEL 1401 N. front gu fh. 1-2411