The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 29, 1956, Page 16, Image 16

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    iejScc II) Statesman Salem,' Ore., Tiies., May 29, '56 ,
prfy Movies No Substitute for
? Gospel Sermon, Baptists Told
KANSAS CITY ll - Minister!
who substitute wit, music and
tnoviet for old-fashioned gospel
preaching drew sharp criticism to
bight at tht Southera Baptist pas
tors' conference.
Such substitutes, said the Rev.
John Edmund 'Haggal, Louisville,
Ky., result in an "essy-beJievism"
that is "filling many churches in
the land with members but not
with Christians. M
: The pastors' conference Is a fore
runner of the Southern Baptist Con-
Visits Eisenhower
" Eiseaaewer visited Meads wlla
SaJll 8. ' Hlteacecs., defeated
Jat week by (eraser Secretary ef
-the latetier Dtaftas McKay In a
ld lr the ReaekOeaa aeaslaa
31m far the VJ. Seeate tnm
Oref ea. '
. Hlteaeack, wkeae acesc Is ta
Pertlaad. told aewsmea after the
visit that he Is eeafldeat MrKay
wU defeat Deatecralie Sea.
Wayae Mem fcs lae November
; Morse was elected sti years
age as a ItesaeHeaa aad later
lad ike sesosIUoa aarty.
; Rlteheeek reseated that he la--leads
to hack McKay la the
: He ttM reatriers he came to
ike WkHe Basse' to tea Howard
Pyle, deaaty assistaat to the
:presldeat ea feaerat-state area
Stas, aad that Ueeaaever seat
'ward be weald Use to see Hitea
eedu ' ' ' '
vXeaslaled Ikat the Presldeat
seeks highly ef ketk him aad Me
. Kay at a aews eeafereaea 1 last
week, Hltcbeeek sale" Elseaaew
er eaagralalated him today aa
the lyat af. eamaalga he eee
dacteii. The Presldeat eadarsed
McKay's eaadMaey for the seaa
toriaa aemlaatlea whea McKay
first aaaeaaeed he was reslgalag
frsm the cabled to eater the
race. , "
Asked abeat his alaat far the
future, Illlrbcack replied be Is
gelag back to his Job la the feed
ralsiag develeptneat deaarimeat
at Lewis aad Clark College la
"I am a Presbyterlaa aad we
believe la aredestiaaUea.'' he
added with a smile. "We take
taiags as they come."
Hltcbeeek said be Is la the
East to attead a meetiag af the
Presbyterlaa ("berth's Geaeral
Assembly fat Philadelphia this
Asked whether Ebeabewer bad
effered him a geverameat Job,
Hltcbeeek said:
"I am afraid I am aet avail
able, bat aethiag was said abeat
Mail Courtship
Ends in Marriage
: ' :- i ' : .
; CAIRO, Egypt A couple
who courted and became engaged
By mail and tape recording were
married Sunday in cathedral
overlooking the river Nile.
Carroll H. Pedersoo Jr., M.
I mi sa in a sa sanH annAiinAdX sVa
srUIICt IVflal 1 CflUIV PWIrVUin-Cl 1 VIII
Pasadena, Calif., wed his "Prin
oVss of the Nile," Egyptian Trans
world Airlines secretary Laurence
fhaker, 22, to climax a romance
wjilch began when the couple was
ifOO miles apart, - ; y ,;
r Pedersoo and Laurence were
brought into contact through her
brother, who spoke of her to Pe
dersoo whea In the United States.
A courtship followed through the
medium of tape recordings, air
mail letters and photos until Pe
dersoo persuaded Laurence to say
Insects Attack
Fabled Home
NOTTINGHAM, England (fl -
The Forestry Commission said
Monday tree-killing Insects are at
tacking Sherwood Forest, where
Robin Hood once played cops and
robbers with the sheriff of Nottingham.
The Insects, a kind of weevil.
have destroyed or damaged 40.000
"The position Is very serious,"
said a commission official. "The
plague is rapidly turning some of
the Robin Hood beauty spots into
black spots." .
'.Several Insurance companies
now offer nondruikers sharp re-
aumons in auio insurance. -
Do It Yourself It's Cheaper
Salem's Oldest Tool Rental
MM Soath 12th St.
ventfon (SBC) which begins its 4
day session Wednesday.
Oppose Llqner
The Women's Missionary Union
(WMU), which also is meeting in
advance of the SBC, heard an ap
peal for stronger efforts against
liquor traffic from Duke K. Mc
Call, president of the National
Temperance League.
The Rev. Haggai said the minis
try itself is lo blame for the de
cline in pulpit emphasis because
many ministers slight sermon pre
paration, are slovenly in their
work and as a result seek substi
tutes. He auoted an unnamed Detroit
minister as saying he planned a
gospel film revival alter failing
to attract crowds to bis meetings
by preaching.
No Substitute '
"A auick wit. a facile use of eoi-
eram and witticism and a supply
of tear-Jerking stories will not take
the place of the message of God
nreached in the Dower of God by
a man of God," he added. "Music
is treat but it it no substitute for
gospel preaching. It will not do for
us to substitute the potentially pow
erful Sunday night service with
vesper hours, panel discussions
and candlelight meditations."
Once Accused
Kidnaper Held
In Dope Count
PORTLAND 11 Jimmy Valen
tine, 43, who won acquittal in 1954
on a charge of kidnaping the wife
of a wealthy investor, was arrest'
ed Monday on charges ef va
grancy by drug addiction.
He appeared in court later Mon
day and was released to Probate
Court for a decision on whether
he should be returned to the state
hospital as a narcotics addict. He
was released from the hospital recently.
lyfy ma a
- t
Firemen Wade to
Halt Portland Fire
MAY 12
?JJ lUHt
657178 I
uo .
fU 677 6 86 881
AUG 34
()Good (JAdver
PORTLAND I Firemen had
a little trouble surrounding a fire
at Ihe old Oregon Shipyard in
North Portland early Monday.
They had to wade in knee-deep
water. .
The blaze broke out in a 120-
by-250 foot building. Because of
the high river level the old ware- DEPOE BAY I Gov. Elmo
house was on an island aad pump-: Smith will give the commenora
ers sprayed water on it from all lion address at the 11th annual
sides. fleet of flowers memorial observ-
Firemen said the damage would ance here Wednesday,
amount to an estimated $100.000. 1 The ceremony, in which flowers
M Tour PoiV Admfy Gvitft M
Accerding to tht Start. '
To develop message for Tuesdoy,
nod words corresponding to numbers
of your Zodioc birth sign.
, I Kff 31 frtm
2 EkmcI 32 6
3 AIM 3) JuH
4 CemMant 34 Show
5 Jol 35 Droit
6 Art
7 Climinott 37 Tht
S Pilch 3 In
? Don't 39 Nt
10 Ll 40 Battl
11 IWblt 41 A
12 CHwrlul 42 Smort
13 Abruni 43 Plocm
14 Condition! 44 lit
15 Somt 4 eon
l Oan't 46 our
17 Socl 47 On
IS Run 4i And
19 In 49 Con
20 Work 50 Allam
21 Mal 51 Probltmt
22 Ptoplt 2 Yid
23 Fxlingl 53 Porh
24 Trovtl 54 You
25 Moy 55 Oil
26 Snon-.ttrm 56 Down
27 Nict 57 Tht
28 OK 51 On
29 Intt 59 Dtton
30 Social M Littlt
OCT 33
U7J764 1
61 A
62 TroubM
63 Go
64 Protft
65 On
36 AnnoyencM 66 Outvot
67 Gtt
68 Wottrl
69 Contoet
70 No
71 Tht
72 Plocn
73 Stimuloimj
74 Hardtr
75 Mon
76 Thtm
77 Ptoplt
78 Sock
79 Am
10 Imlotmo
SI Invtllioott
12 You.
S3 THtm
14 Porh
15 Atftction
NOV 27
B0-73-15-90 V
S6 Stroighttntdbl-64-81 83
87 Succm
68 Out
69 IndKOttS
90 Ftfwtd
154-5979 80 Vit
uasI 4k ' T
124-2S 37-40 JT
Depoe Bay Rites Date Gov. Smith
are cast on the ocean 'from a fleet
of boats, honors the memory of
all persons who have lost their
lives at sea. The affair is spon
sored by the Depoe Bay Coast
Guard Auxiliary.
Bpnclie Says
Race Tension
present period of increased racial
tension in the South "is inevitable
in the process of social change,"
Dr. Ralph J. Bunche told an un-
segregated audience here Sunday.
Bunche, undersecretary of the
United Nations, said "there would
be no tension, no problem if the
Negro were not pressing hard for
He said Negroes only ask that
their privileged in America equal
their obligations.
The 1950 Nobel Peace Prize win
ner for mediation in Palestine ad
dressed about 1.S00 persons at Ala
bama State College, a Nrpro school
here. A sprinkling of white persons
heard the speech sponsored by j
Negro women's social and service
Russ Youth Work
Das Cut to Six
Hours From Eight
MOSCOW tfl - The Soviet gov
ernment Monday decreed that the
working day of youths from 16 to
IS will pe reduced irom eigni
hours to six, effective July 1.
Reductions have been forecast
for all Soviet workers. The eight
hour day and six-day week re
standard now.
The council of ministers said the
young workers will be paid the
same for six hours as they have
been paid for eight.
DVI Aftf Alum- Screens
KILVlfl and Doors
rr (Ytrytblni for Tour WhUow
Frrt Eitlmatrt Day or Nlhl
NEW YORK ( Americans I
smoked 42,300,000 cigars in the first
three months of 1956 an increase
of three per cent over the first
quarter of last year the Cigar
Institute of America said Thurs
day. The institute credited the in
crease to "aggressive advertising
and merchandizing operations."
How Many Wear
With Mora Comfort
fASTEETH, t plMunt Ikollnt
(non-ncldl pcmdttr, noldt fla toctb.
nor flrmlr. To tot nd talk In mora
comfort, Jutl tprlnkl a little KA8
TtETH on your plain No nimmy,
loocr. putf tait or (elln(. Cbtrka
plat odor' idtnturo brrathl. Ott
FASTKBTH at aoj drug couotti
Agency Okehs
Slum Funds
At Portland
ing and Home Finance Agency
has approved the advance alloca
tion of $84,193 to the city of Port
land for an urban renewal survey
and planning work on the 85-scre
South Auditorium project. Sen.
Neuberger (D-Ore) advised Mon
day. ;f
The Portland city council has
approved the slum clearance proj
ect south of the downtown busi
ness area.
, Neuberger said the Urban Re
newal Administration also has
reserved cap tal grant "funds of
$3,167,000 for the project, which
involves clearing and redevelop
ing a blighted area surrounding;
the City Auditorium.
Zcmo Great For
Itchy S!dn Rash
Zemo, s doelor'i formula, prtaptly
relieves itching of aurfac tkia rubra,
rczema, prickly brat, athlete's loot.
f.tmo (tops leratchinf aad a aids
faster healing and clrarinc. Buy Cilre
Sirnttk Zrma far tnbborn raw.
Midget Deer
2-Fcet Tall
Pester Town
LEAMINGTON, England i -Midget
deer only two feet tall are
leaping like kangaroos in Leaming
ton's streets and gardens.
One householder spotted a midg
et deer among his radishes and
"It sailed gracefully over a five-
foot fence and vanished," he said.
Harry Lightbrown, an inspector
for the Royal Society for the Pre
vention of Cruelty to Animals, said
their origin, is a mystery. There
are herds of deer in the area, but
they are normal-sized. Lightbrown
speculated that drought may have
driven the midgets into the city.
V White Enameled
S Toilet Seals 2
I $395
. .. - J "
r 10-
Now at our Thrifty
suggested selling price
'' - rr..f----.,----.f. . . "N assawasaassi;
I " ' nrr"t lybl
Our "Gold Tag" price
to you
Look at the size look at the name
look at the fried This big stunning-
1956 - Frigidaire offers the
latest show-stopper styling-"once--week-shopping"
plus all these "big price" features!
Zero-Zone Food freezer tmtA iS-lb.
capacity Roll-to-Yo Shelf Twin
PorctUin Hydratur$ Handy Stor-
agt Door Cyrla-Maiit Dfjrnsting
((onpUltty automatic!) in rtfriaeT'
ntor secfton.
All this at a whopping big sav
ing to boot! Come in and sec what
you save!
Other Frigidaire Refrigeratorsfrom
as low as $000.00 (for Model . . .
not shown).
(On Approved Credit)
Free Parking
Free Delivery
B:30-5:30 Daily
1:30-9 rM.Mon.tFrl.
260 State St. Phone 3-9148
' 'i ' V- :.:
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, ' . ? .. . H- h !l ' U ' '
! ' ' ":' - i;,,''-..'..".:,!! :,'Jj'v ' Ml,. ,! --..;Sr Ji
iro I I i... ' - : : :- v:
' . S w ' - f r-n "' ' "' -ii
v ' tLi k - 1 - -
,IU , f-.W : '
t4 n AtCii' It f ;',, ,
m ky f' v:;X'f
i1- .a. L m , -in, T.f '.j , -,.Ya lmjrt m i.iimi.i. naaraa- lit' nam i A .jjwSa.
laITJl At the San Antonio Proving tirounds, several cars were fueled f f t
JfTJAfT II far with competitive premium-grade gasolines. The 200-plus H. P. 11fTLf I I
f)f f J ff lLf I I Vil car you see was driven about 3(XX) miles, under normal driving WW 1 1 It I 1
At the San Antonio Proving Grounds, several cars were fueled
with competitive premium-grade gasolines. The 200-plus H.P.
car you see was driven about 3(XX) miles, under normal driving
conditions. Then the rate of acceleration was checked by
radar. Performance was below par, due to deposits which
caused the spark plugs to misfire.
The same car, after a few tankfuli of Shell Premium Gasoline
with TCP, showed 10 faster acceleration when checked be
radar. Results on the other cars, when switched to Shell
Premium with TCP, varied. Most cars showed a 6 to 18
increase in pick-up. In each case, TCP additive had neu
tralized power-waiting deposits, stopped spark slug "mua."
hell Premium with TCP leaves
Competitive Gasolines behind in identical
acceleration tests !
MODERN CARS are beautiful perform
ers. Yet, within less than 3500 miles
of driving, even a new car can fall victim to
engine deposits.
These deposits cause pre-firing of the gaso
line or spark plug "miss" denying you the
power you paid for, the acceleration you
occasionally need no matter how careful a
driver you are.
Shell Premium Gasoline with TCP, the
greatest gasoline development in 31 years,
neutralizes engine deposits. TCP additive
restores power to your car that pre-firing
and spark plug "miss" take away.
Switch to Shell Premium Gasoline with
TCP and get back lost power as you drive.
See your neighborhood Shell Dealer.
Shfll's I rarlrmiri: for ikis unique (soltne sHHtrtwa
iiwaiosMi- tT SskU Isjwei Ptttm spplttd .
The Octane-Rich GasoRn
The Gasoline with TCP
I PfPjjl I
The aMosf Powerful Gasoline Your Car Can Use!