600 Employment 415 Situations Wairtri CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tion, retaining walls, cement or pumir block. . free esu mites. Ph. 1-6240. STHARrr BROTHERS IniUIUUon Repair Sewerc, Septic Tanki, Drain Fields. Power Ditching, BackfUL Ph. J-O.HW Or 1-9072. SMALL carpenter Job, food worn, reaeonaoie. rn. e-iea. LIGHT crawler doxar, tovellaf trading". S-7041 L. Kurth. PAINTING, papering. Froa esti mates, uon uicero, -sssx CARP IN TEH work, any kind res 4140 Mscleey Rd. 4-4961 NEW lawna complete, free est 3-1441 mom, 4-241 Eva. LAND CLEARING D- Hr. I C Mitchell. Ph. i-mf PLOWING ft discing. D. Uar ahall. 1-1343. i. la, yd. ahovel, crane, boa. drf. Una. 15-ton mobll cranes. D4, Dl eau. carry all rlaar in I Wad. Rental eantraet or unit prices. SALEM SAND 4 GRAVEL I40S N front St Ph. 1-14(1 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. M Edfwater, W. Salem. 4-1541 618 Education LEARN to drive, $3 50 lewnn, Insured. Dual control nr. Ph. 4-OftM. MEN NEEDED WK NT ED several mechanically Inclined reliable men to train for i p e c la 1 1 zed Television F.lectronici positions of ser vicemen, cameramen, techni cians. If you are not now making over $100 00 per week, you owe it to yourself to write for free facts without obli ra tion about this training and our advisory service. Fill In coupon and mail to ELECTRONICS TRAINING Dept. "SV" Box 11 Btatesmsn Journal. Nam i Address siat ...rzzzizzzrzzzz Phona At - 700 Rentals 702 Slaep. Koomi, Board CLOSE In, nlc c,ln front rm. H C w,tr- ib Cepter. NICE rm. for-men. Alto bam't hskp. rm. 538 N. Winter. ROOMS (1 a day, $4 a wk. No drlnkera. 411 N. Summer. HOME away from horn. Pack lunchei. Men. 1099 N. 9th. CLEAN, quiet, near State bldf., hop Dlst kit privel. 1-1441. T. V. SLEEPING rm. friendly home, man. 120 board 1-7820 CLEAN, Comf. rms. T. V.. cloae In. Ill S. Winter. Mm 703 Wanted Rmt Board LADY deilrea attractive quarters wboard. Prefer home other woman. Ph. 1-6392. 705 Apartment For Rent AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apts. ISO N. Summer. 1-9201 1 OR 1 bdrm. furn. court apt. All util turn. Weekly r monthly rates. Ph. 1-1723 1 LRG. rm. Apt furn., cloaa tdi Capitol bldf. Ph. 4-2721 r 1-378 after 4 p.m. NEW 1 bdrm. uniurn. Birch kit chen, until, raw nice, $74, Ph. 4-5654. unfurn, flat 1 black P.O. Inq. IM Parry. MOD. nicely (urn. apt. Pvt bath. 948 N. Cott.it. ATTRACTIVE 1 rm., bath apt 137.90 Stat at 13th Ph. 3-4370 FURN. 1 RM. apt with bath. Vacant 8th. 139 N. Summer. LARGE 3 RM. FURN. APT. CLOSE IN SO. PH. 4-3661. UNFURN. 1 bdrm. court apt. Ranfe, rtfrlf. auburn. 1-2901 889 SAGINAW, nice 1 rm. kitch enette, heat ft water furn. FURN. 1 rm. apt Adult. 1949 N. Capitol. Ph. 1-8004. COURT apt, extra nice, 3 nut, hath. (urn. TV, laun, parking, aval I .Inq.134 So. 12th. CLEAN (urn. 1 a I rm. apis. 633 Ferry. 1 bdrm. unfurn. Apt. near down town 4- State Officee. 140. 740 Ferry Ph. 4-0015. NICE 1 bdrm. Apt., (urn. or uniurn. 1177 Court St. FURN."" mod. S rm. Apt., 1069 Madison. 149. Ph. 4-4754 COLONIAL Ma nor. 2 rm. (urn. it 3 rm. unfurn 1229 Che meketa. Ph 3-7954. MOD. clean, neatlv furn. 2 B R. apt. at Turner. Ph. 4-3497 4-3497. 3 RM. A; bath in modern court, range A: refng. but by door. 1469 Hmea. 145. Ph. 2-7520 2 RM7(urn. aptrT32.90 NearS Salem Hi. Ph. 2-7945. NCELY (urn. 3 rm. apt , close In pvt. bath. 690 So. Com'l 2 RM. ft bath, (urn., cloaa in, single only. Ph. 2-404 ATTRACTIVE- lMrnv furn. apt. near M 4 F. 570 Union. 3 RM. (urn. apt., priv. bath ent. Suitable (or cpl. 1112 Mill. DOWNTOWN (urn. apts. Util. pd. 170. 765Marion -5223. FURN-cottage, J rail. ft bath. 145L991N. Cottage. Ph. 2-4828 2 BR. Irg., clean, range ft refng. laundrv, also 1 .br., part furn. 1055 EdgewaterW. Salem. CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. apt. down town, lady pref. 645 Ferry. SPACIOUS UNFUR N ISHED 4 rm. Acacia Apartment. 1140 South 13th Street, 3-7009. CI.FAN furn-1 hdrm. Util.pd. Close In 330 Mission 2 nM. turn apt. newly dec. 705 N. Liberty 2-4947. 3 RM. furn. apt. 4 tilks. No of Lipnian's. 139. 340 Division Ph 4-59:i6. FURN. court apt. Water, gir haite tc garage (urn. Ph. 2-4399 CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. 1169 Chcmektta St. Ph. 1-M30 FURN. apt., close in, employed person pre(. 2-6197. FURN. 7un(urn. pt(7"nio"Ni Capitol. l-ROOMfurn.. priv. bath. Near Capitol Bldgs. 840 Mill. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Clot to State bldft. Ph. 1-1427. 1 BDRM apt Pvt. Vot Util. pd. Ph 4-933) after 4. 3 RM. nicely furn. Apt priv bath, 19 50 per wk. Ph. 4-4030 or 3-8441. 1 RM. furn , pvt bath. util. pd., gar. avail. 1951 State. 3 RMS. (urn. Store room. Call after 1 p m. or week-ends Adults. 1403 N. 4th. Ph. 1-8601 NICE rlean 3 rm. ground (jr. apt well (urn. close in. Also 2 rrn apt. Ph. 2-7991. 3 RM. (urn. apt. priv. bath, ft ent. util. Included. Bui line. Ph. 3-6890 3-7310. 1 BDRM, court apt. new furni ture all re -dec. 156. West Sa lem. Ph. 4-4875 eve. 1-4743. FURNISHED-baeheTor A "l bdrm. Apts 2136 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph 3-3134 before 4p.m. r 1-8980 after 4 P.M. 700 Rentals 705 Apartmawtt Par Rant CLOSE In. titan, 4 rm. balk utility rm. far., but. 1-5311. CLEAN 1 rm. ft kitchenette. mm. water ears, rum. Priv. nt. ft bath. North Imp lady pref. 1-0741. LARGE fst-fii. ckaan (urn. aot- f Ireplace, auto. ht; near lapllot Adult. 1-460; 1-6771. CLOSE in. nlca mod. furn. apt rn. i-tm, except an. LOVELY 1 RM. UNFURN I Nr. Capitol. Bsrbeq., creak, Btn- oiz w, st a. toupi. j-stxn. CLEAN I a I m, Apt. Ph -UT. TWT5 uplaxat SELL OR TRADE duplex en beautiful lot 131x300 with year 'round creek. Each unit hss 1 bdrma. Approx. 1 yra. old. Price 119.000. Will take houa to 47.900 in trade. Allen I Jones. Realtor. 131 No. Hifh Ph. 3-3636. Eva. 4-119. . THE cleanest tht cutest 1-bdrm. turn, dupltx In town. 1-1771. RED EC. upper 1 bdrm. flat, part. mm Aouiia. lit . in. 2 BDRM. FURN., 50 PH. 1-8997 1 BDRM. furn. duplex, rlean. 140 mo. rn. 1-4931. low N. front. 1 OR 1 bdrm. (urn., or uniurn., tide oy side duplex, yard, far. van a-avau. sea at 4 H. Winter. MODERN lurn. all elec. 1 bdrm. Lean ft Buih school. Garafa. Inquire 3110 Breyman St. 1ST FLOOR turn. 1 bdrm. extra bed, T.V ant. Bendix. nil heat, finit. 171. 1244 Court Ph. 1-1114. 4 BDRM (urn. duplex. 14 court, Ti mo. rn. J-MJ4. 707 Houiet For Rant 1 BDRM. home, fireplace, din ing rm., (ull bam't, Nlc yd. N. Fast. Rent or leas. See Jo L. Bourne, Rltr. 1144 N. Capitol (or details. 2-BDBM. house, carpets, TvTin tenna. Adults, 165. E. Stat. Ph. 1-5276. 2 BDRM. house. Falrmount Hill. Newly decorated. Ph. 4-4323. 1 BDRM. house, lots of closet spare, stove, rrfrlg , garage, soma util. Inq. 1909 No. 19th St. 1 BR. GAR, water furn. J01I Highway Ave. 145. 4 RM. HOUSE unfurn. 190. Near arh. on bus rts. 1440 Broad way. 1 BDRM , atovea, garage, water furn. 140. Cloa in. 4-4008. TRAILER apace 114 per mo. No pU. Ph. 2-1419, 1744 Ox ford. 1 BDRMS. furn. or unfurn, 179. mo. North. Ph. 4-4084 Avail. June 1st 1 Bdrm. houses, ran, refrig. tc furn. Salvador Apt. 1-J44I. 201 E. Miller. 1-BDRM. house wgarag. atov cV refrig. 1234 Allan Court. Ph. 4-5051. 1 BDRM. horn, 139 mo. at Tur ner. Chester Stewart Turner, Ph. 191X. CABINS partly furn. 17 a week. Ph. 1-1248. LARGE 1 bdrm. houa 170. Inc. mater or will sell, make offer. See 1854 Ward Dr. Inquire 1370 Nebraska Ph14-73(rt FOR RENT Small 1 MrmrhseT. refrig. at range (urn . young coupie preierraa. 1565 Baker. 141. Inq. 1 BDRM. unfurn. houa. Call 1-9921 after I or week nd. SMALL I bdrm. unfurn. house. oil heat, faraga. 144. Ph. 1-7104 or 4-1844. . RENTAL SERVICE 1-BDRM. RANGE. REFRIG. 131 1-BDRM. UNFURN. 137.90. 194 1-BDRM. RANGE, REFRIG., 461 1-BDRM. UNFURN M0, 460. tU 1-BDRM. UNFUR., 149, 159, 1110 1-RM. FURN. APTS. 149, 199 CENTER STREET REALTY 1741 Center Ph. 4-4431 Eve. 1-7111 2 BDRM., neat It clean, fenced yd. Utility rm. 150. Ph. 4-O019. SMALL clean unfum. houa. 149 per mo. Ph. 3-3793. 1 BDRM. house partially furn. atov te refrlf. Fireplace, oil heat, basem't garage. Couple only. South., 145. 2-8494. LEASE 1 bdrm. home, fireplace. a blk. bus stop. 879 S. 17th. CLEAN unfurn. l' bdrm. 4k gar. $49. W. Salem 1-7917. 707-a Furniihad Hornet FOR lease 3 bdrm. (urn. house. TV. Included. 3340 Neef Ave after 4. FURN. 1 bdrm. nearly new. an tenna, auto, washer & dryer 147 NL 18th CI.F.AN furn. I hdrm. house. Close in. Call after 4 p.m 4-1044 SMALL mod. 2 bdrm Sub I.ge yd. garden spare 145 2-0615. FOR RENT In Turner, aval June 1st. 2 bedem . part furn Fenced yard. Ph. 26X5. M. F Webb. CLEAN furn. 1 bdrm. house 145. some uiu., gar. aauus, no pet. 4-5195. WALKING dist. So.. 1 bdrm". turn, nous 2-okh. 710 Wonted ta RenTR tet WANT to rent large 1 or 4 bdrm. house before June 20th permanent employed profes sional man. Ph. 2-9969 or 4-0581 NETCD by June10th 2 bdrrn. unfurn. house. So. 2-6254. PROFESSIONAL man, now resi dent, desires 2 or 3 bdrm. house near S Salem High. Ph. 3-3179. 8-9. 3-3697 eve. 714 Buiinen Rentali BUSINESS space 14'x32'. avail, able June 1st. In Wallace Rd Shopping Center. 460. Ph. 3-7432 Ai 3-5077. DOWN own n(fic space, store rma It warehouse 3-4114. Convoletcent Hornet EI.DEREST Nursing Home Prt vale rooms available. 2630 N Church. 2-f"616. COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME. 231 N Cottage 3-7020 780 Movinf t Storogo LOW COST storage R L Stiff Furniture Co 3-8149 Larmer Tranifer & Storage Complete trevlng service Also agenta for BE KINS Nation wide Movers. Ph 3 31.11 800 Real Estate 801 Buiineti Opportun. MODERN 1 unit Salem , Motel and horn, aell or consider trad for small Apt house cloa In, owner 2-7130 FOR SALE 1 chair barber' shop F.- M. TlfflR 111 t-8t, - DRIVE-IN LUNCHES ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS 13.900 starts you In business. Good location, good lease. $12 490 buys all equipment. Stock of merchandise & pre pays rent for 6 mos. CALL MIKE RASCHKO with' JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR 409 N Hih.4-3482. Eve. 2-7402 FOR SALE: Chile Bowl Drlve In Restaurant, at Gates. Ore. Hiway a. 9 ml. W. of Dam Very good-going business. Verv real. Leaving because of health. Mill City T-307. 800 Real Estate 101 lailnaw Opportaii. WILL trad any S good lncom ' homes, all clear, for income property In email valley town, value 129.004. Writ owner, Mr. E. C. Ruaaell. P.O. Box 1191, Warrcnton, Or. RESTAURANT Poor health forces this owner to sail thriving business. Good location, froas in 14 moa. pe riod. 121,004. WIU eacrlftc for 1404 cash, for quick sale. call 1-8484 for appointment. FOR LEASE nar completion new ariva-m restaurant with heavy traffie count. Soma equipment furn. Box 11, Statesman-Journal. 801 Bwiinen Property SELL OR TRADE tor home up to SD.ouo. nave i'.i acres Last with 4 houses and commercial garage building. Bldgs. and acreage in immaculate condi tion, lllneaa force sal. Price 127.900. For apt., call Allen C Jones. Realtor, 131 No Hifh Ph. 1-9134. Eve. 2-8444 or 4-1444. LONG TERM LEASE. Corner lot tndust 1 son. 42iaxl32, paved 14' Alley. Writ Statesman- Journal BOX 47. VALUABLE PROPERTY: A large building 4s 1 lota, en taally located, a food business ail. Ph. 1-4444 or 1-4434. 803 Suburban LOOKING for home? Kelxer dist l' A., lots of fruit. 1 bdrm. modern nous. Ph. 1-4744. 806 Houtet For Sale $1,000 DOWN 1-BDRM, Near new, separate utility, attached garage, note In, nice neighborhood. 49,234. Eves. Parkinson 2-8834. L. E. KLUMPP. RLTR. 1099 Portland Rd. 2-7642, 4-4999 ATT.: CONTRACTORS OR INVESTORS NICE 1-YEAR-OLD 1-bdrm. home It 7 Iota. 14 50. Also 4 adlnlning kite available. 2630 Fisher Rd. Eves, call Donahoe 4-9704. L. E. KLUMPP. RLTR. 3053 Portland Rd. 1-7441, 4-8993 An offer on this delightful 1- bdrm. home. Large living room with heatalator (Ire place 4r gleaming hdwd. firs. Daylight kitchen It dinette comb. Til bath, inside utility. Attached garage. Asking price 48.250. Good terms. See this at 2180 Jelden. Call Waller. ED BYRKIT ft CO. Ph. S-2497 1344 Broadway 1 ACRE $1004 DOWN buys attractive I- year-oia nome urge cnerry, pear, apple ai willow trees. Small chicken houa, Willam ette soil. Modern 2-bdrm. horn with inside utility, heat alator fireplace, overall fa rage. Only 48990. $1000 DOWN moves you In. Call DON BELLINGER. Home 4-0481. Office 4-1384. If no answer 1-8994. Days 4-3384, Iv. J-8994 law rairgrounoe no. Good Family Home Lovely 4-bdrm, home In NE action of Salem, beautifully landscaped nie young (rult tree, near achool and bua. An excellent buy for only I8990. Must be aold thla week. Call. Roy Goodwater 4-8470, SOUTH SALEM Conveniently located, comfort able 4-room home with att. garage. Near achool and bua. also stores. Circumstances forces owner to sacrifice. Large lot landscaped, with lota of flowers It shrubs. You must see this to appreciate. All for $8490 on easy contract terms. Phon A I Room for appointment 4-9414. Joe L Bourne, Rltr. 1140 N Capitol Ph 3-4311 Eve. 4-5416 or 4-9570 Furn. Hou4c ft 2 Lots PH. J-7018 2.000 SQ. FT.-$13,950! Bestir your imagination and think. This home has a 17x21. all paneled living room, pan eled dining room, flagstone stepa and patio in front. 2 bdrmi. large utility, all this plus an Immense family room with beamed ceilings, com plete bar (fancy) extra full hath, large (ireplace. Located South. Eve. Marjorle Fanning. 4-6098 Office 4-7977. led Morrison REALTOR 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 THE HOMESELLERS C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. G I'S 1.100 DOWN Plus closing costs buys this new 3 bdrm. large living room with fire place Ai panel wall; party room: colored plb. ceramic tile: mahogany trim. Sunny kit. with Crosley metal cab inets; aluminum windows throughout. Best o( location; South; paved St. curbs: side walks; city water. In all new home Dist Price 111.100; call Tulhus eve. 4-5088 4 CORNERS DIST Nice 2 bdrm home: hdwd (Irs. tile bath. Venetian blinds; excellent wet Ige lot; Price only 46.504. terms. Call Rice, eve. 3-4869. 5 ACRES' WALLACE RD. Good drainage. Fine site (or aub division $5,000 terms. Call Faye Seal eve. 4-3384. LIVE ON AN ACRE. Raise gar den, have chickens and fatten a beef on this A. of ground, north, with good 7 yr. old 2 bdrm home; dble garage; good well barn; family (rult and fpaved road. Only $7,850. Call 1 Martha Thiesen eve. 3-5497. 702 No. High St. PJvone 4-4441 4-BEDROOM bsmt.. (ireplace. (orced air heat, beautiful yard tc garden. Located suburban Southwest. Immed possession. Priced at $8,400 Good terms To see call CHET RAWLINS - Evew -38234 - - - RAWLINS REALTY 605 CHEMEKETA STREET SALEM. OREGON Office Ph 4-4874 TAKE THIS SLEEPER, small 2 bdrm. home, with living room, kitchen tc bath, attached ga rage, large lot Bus by the door. I.ow priced buy with terms. Call Waller. ED BYRKIT ft CO. Ph. i-2487 1348 Broadway 800 Real Estate 806 Houum For Sale FOR THE FAMILY MAN ; This new horn 1 cloa to achool, bus and shopping are. 1 bdrma., (amlly room, dble. J Brag at patio, 1 fireplace : entrance hall. All this for less than $10 per eq. ft. Own er will consider i.awj down. Call Walt D Puy i-om. NEW 3 BDRMS. Fireplace, 21-ft living room, roomy bdrma., forced air beat 1 blocks to achool and bua with all city convenience. Owner will tak $400 down. Call Walt D Puy 4-4321 $500 DOWN t bdrma., 1 years old, Inside city. Balance on easy terms. Call Frtd Head. 4-4041. Ev. 2-7994. 25 ACRES SOUTH Older type house. 4 bdrmt., yr. around creek. Good straw berry land. Price $14,900. Call Jack Rawla 4-7741. 4943 N. RIVER RD. OFF. 4-6081 $900 DN M4 mo. well built 1 bdrm. elec. heat full pric. tain. rn. i-.b. $79 DN on this brand new 2 harm. nome. East in city Forced air furnace. Hardwood floora. close to atore 4e bua. Only 11.740. Ask for Geo. Patrny with Allen C. Jonea Realtor. 231 No. High. Ph. 1-9438. Eve. 4-1648. ENTRY HALL 1 years old. Approx. 1700 aq. ft. of spacious living. 1 large bdrma., separate dining room, fxSl utility. Living room fireplace ijth STONE mantle. Entry ft back hall reach every room In the house. Lovely neighborhood with easy to keep yard. Paved street, water ft sewer. 2-car garage. $16,500. Call GRANT BOW DER, Horn 4-3808, Offlc 4-H84-. If no anawer 1-8994. W! Days 4-3384. Eve. 1-8994 IBM Fairgrounds Rd. VIEW HOME l'j yra. old. Lo cated In Candalaria. 1 bdrma. and den or 1 bdrma. Central hall, forced air oil furnace. Birch wood kitchen with elec tric ranfe and refrigerator In matching color. Pric only $14,790. For apt. call Geo. Patrny with Allen C. Jonea, Realtor. 231 No. High. Ph. 1-9434. Eve. 4-1688 or 2-8444. HOMES, $100. to 1900. dn. 149 to $79 per mo. Why rent when you can buy your own home on these terms? Call Allen C. Jonea Realtor, 131 No. High 9-9834. Eve. 4-1448 or 1-8844. PARK LIKE SETTING Patio, trees, big sliding glaaa doors ar all featurea of thta 1-bdrm. horn. Built a (cw years ago by MAYNARD HAVER LAND, and recently enlarged, there'a a full dining room, food bktat nook, big utility with a ta 1 1 anower, is bath, and 17-(t deep let, beautifully landacaped. Own er transferred. 412.950. Ev. John VanOsdol 1-7343. Offlc 4-7877. Ted 1 Morrison REALTOR 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 BY OWNER. 11.900 dn. total price, 111,004. 1 new 1 bdrm homes, Included ar l'i bathe, playroom, birch kit wdlninf area, front rm. wfrpl., all dewd. fire . F-A oil heat. dbl. far. wpatio. lot six 82X13C. city water. Loans are on houses, move right in. Houses are 1 blk out of cltv limits North 3.129 Mayfield Place ft 2.15 Wtlihire Drive. See any time or ph 1-0933. CLOSE in, walking distance to Capitol Bldg. Attractive 9 yr. old. 1 bdrm home room for 2nd bdrm. llv. rm., dlnnetle tc kitchen in knotty pine. 17. 950. Call F. L. Knapp Broker. Ph.2-6286. BUY my equity in Manbrin Gardens home. 3 bdrms., or 2 bdrms. and den. F. A. heat, frpl. and patio. 11.150 dn.. $11 850. 439 Manbrin Dr. Ph. 4-2453 COUNTRY STYLE LIVING And yet so close to the city. Flegant, comfortable and a beauty. White colonial resi dence Among statelv fir trees on nearly an acre of land. Several (rult trees. Holly trees, shrubs. A pro fusion of flowers 4 bdrma., 2 full baths. Living room. Dining room, library or music room. Large kitchen with bkfst. nook Full bsmt. tc dble. garage. The propertv borders the cltv limits. All for 117.900 (or quick sale Call Mr. Sword, Eve. Ph. 2-8048. AI Isaak & Co. REALTORS 322 N. Church. 4-3311 or S-7820 BEAMED CEILINGS Spanking NEW and delightfully different. Living room A kilchen with solid beamed ceilings. Entire living room wall bricked with raised hearth fireplace At inside planter. I', baths. 3 SPA CIOUS bdrms Your choice tile or Formica drains. Built in ui.-mw nnnt-i . ionr. nvrii tc Intercom system. 2-car garage. Buv NOW, pick vour colors. Call IRA MANSFIELD. Home 3-9728 Office 4-3394. If no answer 3-8896. Davi 4-3394, Eve. 3-9954 1190 Fairgrounds Rd. MOd7iBDRM. nomelot294 x 65'. walnuts ft cherries. Just outside city limits. Buy equity tc take over loan at 4'a inter est. 2119 risher Rd MR. OWNERi Glen Woodrv will pay top pric lor your (urn ft appliances Ph 3-5110 OWNER transferred: off era home (or $9,500. Located cloae to bua. shopping, ech. bus at door, large lot, large 2 bdrrn TiorheTinished "room in attic. 390 Stark St. Ph. 4-4345. !3 BDRMS. 1, batht birch kilchen with dishwasher ft dis posal, flrepl in large living rm. LrR uMlitv 2 yrs old Owner transferred. 113.200. Ph. 4-7351. Garden Lovers Nice 2 bdrm home, 65'xl70' lot. kitchen with formica counter tops, large living rm . tiled bath, lots of flowers tc shrubs, also trees, large garden spot already planted, upstairs un finished For more details call 4-4293. Price $8,790. I3re.-V 11 4 4 V in 800 Real Estate 806 HeutdrtPatSala OWNER TRANSFERRED t BDRM mod honvee irg corner lot, near so rajem nlf n. gi, 440. Ph. 1-439. BY OWNER: I bdrm. house ft baaem'i Irf. kit. wptenty of Duiii-ina. udh fr irg. cor ner lot oatio ft plenty of trees A bargain at 14944. See at 784 BO. list TWO BEDROOM horn M extra tot Entire place fenced, autet ikj miuucu, wwiy ysra n Mill creek. Ideal plac for gardening and outdoor living, i. One block to bua and frocery. Near achool. Ph. 1-4349. BY OWNER: 971 Rose 8t In beautiful Walnut park, custom built I bedroom home, wall te wail carpeting, dishwasher, fireplace, full dry baacment with shower, built lna sailor, attached garage, nlc yard with choice roses ft shrub. Com anytime as I am moving Into my new horn June 11 REAL ESTATE CONTRACT FOR SALE AT DISCOUNT NO. 1-4 Acre ft Home. Dis count 1900. $3004 equity for 13104. Pava monthly. NO. 1 House ft lot In city. Die- count 4490. 41904 equity for 41104. Pava monthly. NO. 1-1 Acres ft Home. Dis count 11000. $3190 equity for 12190. Pava monthly. NO. 4 Houa ft lot city prop erty. Diacount $1294. $5294 eoulty for 444414. BEN C0LBATH, REALTORS 917 Court St Dial JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR Let us aolv your horn eeeds Ta Buy. Sail or Rent Call Ph. 4-1741 1131 Edtewatei Ph. 4-7474 ST10 So Comm'l TOR SALE: All furn. 1 bdrm. house, w1 extra lot. Ph 1-7011. SELL or trad small houa at 4039 Earl Ave, rn, 4.7w. "WEST SALEM By owner, 1 rrqom house, Dssemem. iarx garage, raai ant heat 1134 Franklin St. Ph. 4-3787. S BDRMS. PART TRADE Living room. 15x14. flrepl . din rm.. lovely kit Ig. family rm. wflrepl.. kltnt bar ft stools, den. 1 bdrms. wmaaa- Ive closet ft bulltlna, l'i baths. Util. rm Sewing rm dbl gsr wlots of biilltln stor ge, suto oil furn. Cor. lot 90x 162. bus stop, ueaui. anruns Patla ft fenced back yard. 121.- 894. Will take house or coa up to 44 600 Ph 4-8044 HOUSE PLUS APPLIANCES Washtr, dryer, rang and re frigerator, ail in gooa condi tion, te stay in this conven ient 1-bdrm. houae. Living room, separate dining room and hallway have wall-to-wall carpeting. Especially nice kitchen with eating apaea and separate utility room off kit chen. Large fenced In back yard. Good FHA term at 11,W. BEAUTIFUL HOI FOR A LARGE FAMILY This 7-year-old 4-bdrm. horn is on of in nest constructed, cleanest homea we've seen. The exterior la of the Cape Cod style, both houae and yard are In excellent condi tion, all the rooms are large. The downstairs bdrma. are 19x18. with walkln cloeete in each. Large bath, separate dining room, large kitchen. Upstairs there are S more bdrraa., and a den. All the rooms and th attached f arag ar plastered and In new con dition. Located South, near South Salem High School. Full price only 113.790, beat oi nnsncing avinsme. RON JONES ' REALTOR 1931 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 4-4494 Eves. Ph. Bob Steevea 1-3971 . or Wea Gregg 3-3924 G.I. HOMES 100 Loan Only closing coats down, s-bdrm. nomas, fire places, hdwd. floors, oil heat, paved street Price $11,404 to $12,600. Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 180 SOUTH LIBERTY STREET Phone 1-2471 4 ACRES SUBURBAN SOUTH Large 4- bdrm. house. Ideal country family home. Fruit, excel, well School bus by door. Ask for Mr. Cheatham. Eves. 4-9863. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318 N. Church Ph. S-9236 8 OWNER NEEDS SMALLER 3 BDRM HOME Has nlc 9 bdrm. near So. Salem Hi. ft fiark. Dble. garage, full bemt, arse dining room ft sewing room Only $11,500 with $2, 900 down. Will take car as fart down payment. See Bill Idler, Eve. 4-7448. LIVE SUBURBAN A 2-bdrm home on 2 large lots. Near school. Reduced to $5,900 Make offer on terms. Csli Frsnk Graham Eve. 4-4744. j ACRE 2-bdrm. home, barn, chicken house, good well. Needs some fixing. TV ft deep freeze go at the price of $5,000 See Bill Fldler Eve Ph 4-7448 AT SHAW-A fine 20 acres for chickens, berries, etc. House old but livable. Price of 44 850 includes almost new tractor, plow and cultivator, also cat tle tc sheep. See this for a bargain. Might trade for citv See Graham, Eve Ph. 4-4748 A BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOT FOR THAT NEW HOME A two way view, has city water, lot 100x176. See Ron. Kraus, Eve. Ph. 3-56B8. WE HAVE A GOOD SELEC TION OF FARM LISTINGS. VALLEY FARMS. HILL FARM. TIMBER. FTC. CALL FOR CEO KRAUS OR HERB BARNES FOR INFO. Real Estate 316 N. CHURCH PH. 4-6871 DAYLIGHT. BASEMENT McKlnley area. Just 1 year old, with 3 bdrms.. 2 fireplaces, 2 full baths, dining room, kil chen with nook, 2-car garage, full bsmt. with finished, pan eled partv room. 2 blocks to McKlnlev. Built hy DON LARGENT. $18 500 Fve. Cor dova Stephenson 4-6148 Of fice 1-7977. Ted Morrison REALTOR 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 800 Real Estate 806 Hamas Far Sal BEADY FOR YOUIM This home with (hake roof fa rustle exterior with sot appeal I ready now for th family that likes large rooms ft 1 baths. The kitchen haa built-in oven ft range (copper keodl, large fam ily room 1 fireplaces entrance hall 1 ipaciou bedroom Call Ltvula Lorenx today, you'll want to see It right away . . . HANDY MAN LEB O KMART Ideal for a shop on It Highway .nina vity nesuuraw. naa naipn aiaddy to see this property. OWNER TRANSFERRED A move to Portlsnd give vou iui j-oeareom nome on Evergreen Av. Attractive large uvtng-room, separate dlnlnf-room and generous nook, full basement with party room and second fireplace I plumbing roughed in) Back yard enclosed by natural colored wood fence FHA aaya lis worth $17,104. Come and see why Ask for Adrtenne Sercombe. SURBURBAN HOME ON 84x170 LOT-8R300 Uving-room with fireplace, separate dining-room, 1 bedrooms down, unf. up, stairway ft sub floor In. A good home lor the growing family make your effer on down payment Call Henry Torvend. , CANDALARIA You should see this horn If you Ton win agree mis nome la with 1 bedrooms (or 2 bedrooms ft den), loads of storage, 3 seta plumbing, very spacious tot naa tremendous view asx tor uon uougnton. IF YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL US OHMART & CAM, REALTORS 477 Court St Ev. Louis Lorenr 1-999, Rslph Msddv 1-3484. Adrlenn Serromb 4-8042, Henry Torvend 1-3632, Don Doug Most 4-1414. TURNER $1,904. Half acre nlc ground Neat ft clean. 1 BR horn. Ill fin iahed natural wood. Good alia a utile different. Term. FOUR CORNERS AREA 14,900 Out of city owner must sell I yr. old, 1 BR home on extra lot Will sell on contract or take car In trad. Vacant June lat. McKINLEY DIST. $10,500. Owner transferred. Sell I BR. nearly new hem. Fireplace. Quiet street, 1 block to bus line. Term. NORTH SALEM $4,794. I BR. home with unfinished upstairs. Extra lot for gar den or building. Can be handled for low down payment. "NEELON ACRES" Three home Just completed In thla fast growing sub-dlvlsinn. Double plumbing, l-car garages Paved streets and city wa ter. This is becoming an Ideal plac to llv. Priced from $13. M4 to 114.900. Good term. A. A. Ill I. Htgh Eve.: A E. Beckett 1-4941; Helen Lewis, 4-300S. ONLY $375 DOWN-! ACRES Good small 1-bdrm. shake horn. Furniture Included. Can have immediate possession. Garage. Large poultry house. Close in N. E. on paved street. Fruit trees. $7,900. Buy today. Move In tomorrow. Call Johnson. Ev. ph. 1-3494. $500 DOWN Verv neat 1-bdrm. , living and dining room, hardwood floor. T. A furnace attached (araee. Larlt lot. paved street. Close to bua. This waa built by on of th $4,140. tall Lucas. Eve. pn. i-waa. LARGE 1 BEDROOM WEST SALEM AM room ar extra large with room for 1 or t bedrooms upstair. Huge baaemant with sawdust furnace. Nlc large front porch. Fenced back yard. Vary wall landscaped. Only $4,890. Ask for Hick, iv. pa. s-oa. LOOKING FOR SMALL INVESTMENT? This nays 11 en your Investment Neat IV, bedroom, living room and kitchen, bain, cioa w bus ana acnooi. iouu pric bj,' 400. Call 1-8203. REIMANN REAL ESTATE Ml South High St. STATE FINANCE 147 S. Hifh St. II ACRE farm. Good improve ment. 4-BR. home, basement, furnace. Barn, machine ahed, etc. 40 Acre cultivation. Good stand of fir timber. Creek and spring Price $11,004. Terms. Csll O. V, Hume. Xves. phone 1-920$. $7,994. Good 2-BR. horn. South. Hss large unfln. upstairs. Large bedrooms, firenlsce. Lo , rated about 3 blki. from Mnrninfslde School. Terms. Call O. V. Hume. Evea. phone 2- 5204. $4,690. with $500 down. Clesn 3- BR. home South on paved street. Close to schools and bus. Lot 90 x 100. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown. Eves, phone 2-9561. HIMMEL & FERRIS, REALTORS LARGE FAMILY SAFE STREET hedrooma. excellent condition, full bsmt. .fireplace, dble. ga rage, quiet neighborhood. Only $10,500. VIEW LOTS 111 ft. frontage, $3,000. 46 ft. frontage $2,790 Paved street. WEST SALEM BEAUTY 1 bedrms , forced sir heat, large lot 100 x 130. This horn Is In good repair. Drive by 759 Caa cad Driv. Plaasa do not disturb renters. SOLID BRICK FAMILY HOME This lovely home Just reduced. 2 fireplaces, lovely (amily room, 3 bedrooms. Lifetime tile roof, dble. garage. Solid living, no upkeep. WONDERFUL SCHOOL LOCATION both parochial and public. Large 3 bedroom home on corner lot. Nice basement with aawduat heat. All room ar large. See thla (or $12,500. TO SELL YOUR HOME IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS Eve. ft Sun Salesmsn: Murl Frsntt 1-4443, Bon Cleary 3-8838, H. Peck 3-5413, Roy Ferris 2-4010, Joe Himmel 1-3122. 134 SOUTH LIBERTY HAF PHONE 4-4471 ROOMY 1 BDRM. IN SOUTH SAl.EM HIGH DISTRICT -All the rooms in this house sre terse and well-arranged for com fortable living Living room, dining room, hanriv kitchen Very well-built, neat and clean. Owner unuld trade (or a cheaper house. Price 11 990. Call Mrs. Graham. BUSINESS BUILDING ON 3 ACRES 90' frontaee on busv high way. Building 31' x 42' auitahle (or cabinet shop, repair ahop or trailer court. Owner would take good car in trade. Full price $8,900. Call Mr. Hicks. SALEM HEIGHTS AREA 2 bdrms. 4 yrs. old. 950 sq ft door spare. Large living room, dining room, large kitchen with eating spsce. Good sized lot, double garage. A neat place (or $9,500. Call Fred Doerfler. 4 BDRM. SOUTH 4 vrs. old Well-built home with 1 000 sq ft of living space. Nice big lot. city water. Big living rm.. din ing room, attractive kitrhen. Built for family living. See this st $12,700. Csll Roy Todd ROY TODD. REAL ESTATE 2.119 Stste St. Ph 2-9591 Eve cells: Todd 2-1731: Doerfler 1-3784; Hicks 4-4930; Graham 4-4748. Vandervort 4-7602 Right For Retirement SOUTH Salem, cholre location, modern, coiy 2-bdrm! very complete home, large level lawn, shrubs, terms. $12,950. Bi NL. Mason, Realtor 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 1-1441, 3-3064. 3-3542 BY BUILDER NEW 3 bdrm nome neai S Salem schools ft prrk 2-7071 6Y BUILDER NEW spacious 3 bdrm. Engle wood Dist. Top quality 2-7071 OWNER TRANSFERRED Will sell spacious 2 bdrm home for F H A appraisal Must see lo appreciate 1420 N. 24th FOR SALE neat house furni ture, garage, garden, best In. cation, W, Salem. Ph. 2-0371. 800 Real Estate w 806 Hatiaet Far Sate KUDY CALABA South, across, th street from th large sot 1 email nouses tall for the Moortunlt to sen a detitht ar Interested In Candalaria not ever priced all en on floor living and dining-room, urge Phon 1-4119, 1-4111. 1-4117 AREA rooml. See this for something Ph. 1-8628 Andy Halvorsen. 1-7143; 'S belt builders la town. Total price Ph. 3-9201 CO.. REALTORS Phone 1-3191 $4,900. Will trad for Albany property. This clesn 1-BR. horn with unfinished up stairs. Located cloaa to High land School. Has basement. Fenced yard. Call Stanley Brown, Eves, phone 1-9941. 19 ACRES on 89E. North appr. mile frontage. Part In cult, and som Oak Grove. Large barn, no house. Full price $4,900. Consider lncom or lots. Call W. H. Steveley. sales man. Eves, phone 4-3611. $200 down or mske offer. I-BR. home on large lot North out side city limits. About 4 yra. old. Wired (or range and good plumbing. Carport ft utility Full price $4,250. $49 per month on balance. Call W H. Steveley, salesman. Evea. phone 4-2618 - Close to Bush's Pastur. I CLEAN 4 yr old bdrm aubur ban home, hdwd firs venlttan blinds. nice shrubs. $7,290 3835 Monroe Ph 4-5544 NO LOAN COSTS $80 mo includes principal. Int. taxes and fire ins , on this brand new 3-bdnn home with dble. garage fireplace, llj hath hdwd floors and cabinets, large corner lot. Ail for 114 700 4490 Stale St. Ph. 4-8844 OWNER leaving State June 2nd " 1750 buys equity In 1 vr. old mod. 3 bdrm hom. located at 224 if 49th St t7 850 Automotive SSI Now Cart The NEW Place to Buy SWIMS!! AUIO ACRES ' r ACRES OF NEW FORDS TRUCKS & USED CARS Come on out for that " DEMONSTRATION RIDE 3650 PORTLAND ROAD5 Virgil Pide John SlancMk 4 - 800 Real Estate 806 Hautat Par Sala U ACRE LOCATED tust eft Lancaster on GKnwood Drive. 1 tsedrcwrna, L. R, Kltchea and dinette, utility room, gaa furnace, large garage, food well and pump. Close to rtua, achool and stores. Only O0 dowa will handle. LINCOLN PARK 1 BEDROOMS, family birch kitchen, living room witn bulltlna In book case. 1 fire places, l'i baths, 1 car gar age, paved street with curb, sidewalks, and community wa ter system. See thla for only $14,000 fas & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING DEAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS Offlc 39217. Evea. 14704 r 17341 GOODBYE RENT RECEIPTS EXCELLENT terms available en this sparkling clean, I yr. old two-bedroom So. Salem home. Nice yard and patio. Here's Jour chance. 44240. Pa. 1-1541 v. Ph. Fred 4-7334. Cluett & Kenyon, Realtors 1844 Fairgrounds Rd. RM. rabla en Ablqua R,, 241 ml. N. E. of Salem. Good fishing. 12,004. Illverton 1-4334. BY OWNER 1 bdrm. house Irg. llv. rm. din. rm. birch kit. fireplace hdwd. Hr. T. A. heat, attch. gar. kit 40x120 located N. E. Suburbia 49.0O0 Ph. 4-7074. BY OWNER Reiser I bdrm. cir culating fireplace, wwcr petlng Ph. 1-4117. YOU WOULD BE PROUD TO OWN THIS NICE, CLEAN 1 BDRM. HOME Suburban. Northeast Neighbor hood of fin homea. Extra lot goea. A real buy at 18.254 EVE. 2-2612 DELL KUBLER Put the "Oh" in Home 1-bdrm. modern split level In beautiful swtanf. Tn (top down living room Is out of this world. A (smtly room that puts th "llv" ta living The kitchen cannot be de scribed. Flnst material A workmanship. For th quali fied buyer inn as iti SHOWN BY DEL KEEBLER DAY 3-8620 EVE. 2-2S12 McKillop Real Est 309t Liberty Rd. Salem 807 Apt't. CaurH far Sala OWNER LEAVING STATE Anxious to sell lovely 4-unlt cottsge Ct. plus home, excel, location, terms. JOE NOONCHESTER. TtL. EST. 199 N. Cottage. Ph. 4-3441 SELL OR TRADE 7 unit apt house furnished. Close to ttet cspltol. t compute bath Total Income $294. per me. Auto, oil furnace. A food buy at a reduced price of 125.004 or take house, lots, or first mtg. In trsde. 13.000 dn. will hsndle. Allen C. Jones, Real tor. 3-9834. Eve. 2-8444. BY Owner: 4 unit Apt. house. each with Bath. rurnlahed. Good rental dlat S blocks from Capitol, 4 blocks from renter of busines district. Ph. 3-7343. 808 Lars Far Sala 3 A SOUTH PHONE 4-4213 ON Crolsan creek. A. lota. all year creek, i ml. from city ctr. Ph. 4-2844. TRADE I lota, iuet off Glen Creek Rd. for late model car. Ph. 2-2038,. LOT. 1049 Oxford. Ph. 3-4470 or 1.1741. LRG. LOT 142x84. Price 1990. Kelzer Hellght:Ph.-1129. TO TRADE 1993 Bulck or 1990 Sludebaker Com. for a lot or acreage. Ph. 4-8121. 1729 Chllds MAKE offer on my equity La bi in village, balance due In cludes street sssessments. Ph. 4-5270 LARGE lot. wonderful view. A stesl st $2850. See this before you buy. Ph:2-454S. BUILDERS ATTENTION LARGE view lots, new street, lust off Ewald on Stanley Lane. Pric reaa. Ph 1-4484 er rs W. Ewsld. 810 Formt Far Sala 38 A. NORTH NO BUILDINGS. Very good rail ft highway frontage, won derful Industrial posaibllitiea. Priced right will finance. Eves. Call MrFarlane 4-8411. L. E. KLUMPP, RLTR. 30.13 Portland Rd. 1-7442. 4-8893 HORSES - HORSES - HORSES "A natural", 4 Arret: excellent paiture: plenty of water; barn 2-hedronm home; dhle. gar age Only $7950. low down payt. Ph 2-3551 Eve. Ph. Thelma 4-8989. Cluett & Kenyon, Realtors " " - Win Farrtfounos Rd: SUBDIVIDE 37 A CLOSR IN. EAST tarft older horn. wt1La, will trade for cltv property, court or how. Prirt $m,O00 fell alt or anv purl Evt. Call Car pntrr 3-M4R. L, E. KLUMPP, RLTR. 305J Portland Rd.l-7441. 4-1998 LOOK, THEN DECIDE " Owner says sell or trad I acres, East, 1-bdrm. home. JOHN .!. DANN. REALTOR 401 N. Hifh Ph. 4-342, 4-4011 d Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tiies 850 Automotive 8S1 NtwCert That NEW '56 FORD Del Strand Warren Hockcr 0535 1 800 Real Estate 810 Fan. Far Salt TRADE Do yon want a fin i acre rarm wita a gooa norm, nouee en ill u yrm have a houa etoar, wasrth areuad $4000 we caa aiak a deal for you. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE tilt State St Ph. t-4441 100 A. NORTH OLDER 1-BDRM. HOME. Large Barn, Mle, as acre cult., bal. pasture, duck ft fan poaa. water rights tor alL Dairy, row crop, general farming. Eve. Cal MeFarkasve 4-4414. L. E. KLUMPP. RLTR. 1491 Pertlana Rd. t-7441. 4-4444 812 lack. Kaal Eitata PORTLAND te Salem. 1 bdrm. 4 rm. modern haa , Tr X lar all fenced. Garage- Reefed patio. Barbecue grill, risk pond. Cherry ft appl trees, (rape. S.E. Suburban, pear achool ft bias. Quiet, nice neighborhood. 110,400. J044 a a. izvtn av., roniano. TRADE $2 004 my equity la I Barm. Rrvooern nmi wita u. acre at fruit It auta 4s lat model used car or pickup. 1740 noiiywooa IT. FOR BALE or trad for house or lot 1844 Ford Vldortl, Sill Bllrertoa Rd. Ph. 1-0024, 850 Automotive 8S2 Utatt Can Far Sala 1134 CHRYSLER Sdn. heater ft O drive, (ieod cond. 44 4-aaoi 1144 DODGE sedan, cheap. 2171 n, uoeny. rn. -mm. 14 Bulck Special 4-dr. 1 ton fooq cono. excel, tire. 4-I9M. 1444 NASH Statesman, nearly new ares, mechanically per fect overdrive, windshield washers, double bed. stove, food tu-ton paint 1294 Fdge water. Ph. 1-4444. 94 FORD Convertible, black with new white ton. Radio ft heater. WW tires, tinted glaaa at in. paw mngwooa an, w Salem after 4 p.m. AT THE '50 CM C. H ton pickup. $595 heater, 4 ateed Inn. 41 CHEV 2 ton 1995 power take off, twa speed site, 19 izsxui piy ayioa ures. ueaa. NO DOWN PAYMENT O.A.C. Bargain Center of Salem ROCKET MARKET Silverton Rd. k Lancaster Dr. Ph. 4-1114 FOR SALE: 4M equity In '94 nymoutn. 4 or. Excellent Cond. Terms. Owner In serv ice. Ph. 4-4841. MOLL MOTORS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH TiD Tod Used Cars Silverton, Ore. Ph. 3-5191 40 BUICK roup, food cond. 190. Ph. 4-4441. 1953 I DR. Chevy, $71$ er trade. sve. s-sin. 48 OLDS 44 dlx. club led. Black, radio, heater, whit aid walls motor recently 'hauled, good eondt. 1384. Ph. 4-1434. '48 FORD V-4 custom convert food cond. Ph. 1-1 181. 46 CHEV 4-dr food cond. R. ft H. good tires, 144 Illinois. at 54 FORD VJ Rsdio, hester ft overdrive This is really Immaculate automobile, low mileage, beautiful tu-tcme bhi fin ish ft ether extras ... 1IM '52 FORD This Is s wonderful buy in low cost (conomy. Mileage maker 4 cylinder, cuatom model, radio, heater, auto matic drive 89l 50 CHEVROLET This Is Deluxe 1 door fleetline. a rlean car In ex cellent condition and fully equipped for only 4485 49 BUICK . SUPER ESTATE WAGON This Is s rsre model. It hss the origins! finish with whltewslf tires, radio, heat er automatic trammlssion. The Interior Is clean as a pin. See this st $989 NO DOWN PAYMENT Center and Liberty PH. 4-4931 91 CHEV. 2-dr. Extrs nlc. Will take small trad. Ph. 1-4447. Itrj& M oFWiy , - 1994 VOLKSWAGEN. Only 1.300 miles. Light tan. with leather interior. Standard accessories, plus radio. Telrphrme Bend. 2404-J. Chevrolet Cadillac NEW ft USED Union ft CwtuMrclal Ph. t-1171 TO May 29, "56 (Sec. 1T)-15 850 Automotive 8S2 UaasJ Cart Far Satf WE - : 111 NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT '46 Dodge 1 Ton Pickup ' rough aad ready M ' '50 G.M.C. V2 Tori ' Pickup v ' . sosal deal lor Its '50 Ford V-8 2-Dr. teblack aad fair eoavaltloa '51 Chev. 4 Dr. Sdn. real Sharp, reconditleneal 4694 50 Chev. 4 Dr. Sdn. a food solid tar $44 '51 Mercury 4 Dr. son. . : tefety tested ft food tit '51 Olds Super 88 j tr., local ewaef., stora 49 Olds 88 M)iv i tmsa ata. foorr MU l ? '49 01ds 884-Dr.Sdrt, aeeeai cieeatnf. iMM Buy with No Cash and Save Your Money for the vacation You Are Taking Soon n (1 NO. HIGH PH. 2-771 "The Lot with a Lot" 1993 Bel Air Chev. I dr. Parfert cettditisn. Robert Martin, lilt Tomnn av., woodburn. 44 CAD. "S3" -4-dr. Must aell, 4i. i-ixa. OrtfOD Old Dealar . BEST BUY Used Car Commercial ft Ph. 4-4711 H Ford cpe. area, mrr. body O.K. sa eaan. rn. --. SELL r trade qiaty. Ift eleai I '91 Mere l-door. rn. 4-1114. 1441 LINCOLN Club Ct. wita 164 Mere, meter, a-i enape, best offer. 1414 Mahrt Ave. 1956-M0DEL r I .... Hm Aim a. tLiae CENTER AND HIGH SALEM, ORE. 1 JEEP for sal. First snap, rn. a-eee-i. "SAFE- USED CARS! 94 LINCOLN CAPRI coupe, full power, au-seatner Interior, on owner, and il Is priced to 4111 54 MERCURY HARDTOP rsdio, heater and oteiarive, nappy red ft white, price) rlfhtl v 14 MERCURY SEDAN en owner, fully squippeo, rul buyl 13 MERCURY COUP! rsdio, neaitr, verarivt. rea with whit top, rsrln' ta g t ranabl price I - Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. 444 ft. coral rn. a-' "THE CAR MAKES GOOD OR WE DC IS4 Truck Trail. TaTSC LIGHT trailer with car hitch. II complete. leor epeesi Chcmiwi lndlsn School at Ph. i-aiTf Sfier p m. 44 FORD ta ton pick-up. . tend. Ph. tr. jsntrson rsir fax 7-2C4. UTILITY traitor with top for camptnf. st. rn. 1-tw. 156 Wanted, Cart, Trtti WE'RE PAYING TOP CASH For Clesn Used Csn Psld nr or Not Bob Bill'i Uad Can Union k Hifh St. 858 Matarcyclti '41 H-D rr.otorcyel. "74". foot! cond. 1429. Rt. 1. Box t-A, Ph 1-1401 Sllvrton. ftM HARLEY-DAV1D80N "41 food cond. Ph. 1-7144. 862 Houta Trailer! PI.AY Shufleboard at Salem New Center Street Trailer Court. Trailer Ipse ivallabl 4191 Center St. TRAILER TOWING JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES SMt Portland Rd. Ph 4-a4t 1441. 34 ft. I bdrm Rirhsrdsos) trslier pse , I pariy owner, ne trades 12184. Ph. 1-4104. 404 Ptld nd. CUSTOM built Tr Drop trail er. A-l shape, reaa. I-tiiw. ForFsALErMontecello 17 ft. I bdrm . bath, tandem wheela, good cond. John Frey, Dallas, Ore Ph. MA 1-4411. FIR CREST Trailer Park under new management, restricted space for rent. Mil N Rrvar Rd. Ph 1-4311. 15' VACATION S HAST AS SMALL DN. PAYMT. TERMS LANA LANE 1940 ULNA A VS. mm. mm