Il 1 1H&LU) Statesman, SaleraOre.; Tuts.,' May 29, '56 MOMMY (WIUMiwlt4wl WesVATs "There's nothing wrong that I know1. Doctor! It's just that I have to be in top physicol condition with school letting but next week!" Bullets Whiz As Police Nab Tl f f. CL . At the residence. MO Academy St.. I tlPTT .llSnPrl Salem. May 28th. Survived by broth- X11V1I' UUOUtll .,, Amoe A. Carper. Salem; sisters. : ' 1 ' Mrs. Joseph I. Devi., Polrland; Mrs. t Claudia L. Kennedy. - Portland. ' ROSEBURG - Oscar Eldon era""1 .."r,iS JT'lt f?. m? ... . .. . . ' Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at the wil- Bllby. J3, WM jailed 0" !" i l.meile National Cemetery. T Port theft Charge Sunday Bight after land, under tha direction of W. T. bis capture ended a high speed B,fd0B Ce- 'chase punctuated by police gun- Liinaa. M Peaty fire, . Late reeldent of 44M Verda Lane. ".. ' Li, u . In Uua city. May 25, at the l ol Bilby. whs police said was re-,,',, ,. 'i,t,oi Earl Hoiiii.w. leased from the Oklahoma State Portland. Ore.: Arthur Hotliclaw, B.:. 11 11 ,hiA nolle Keller Dirt., Salem: Mr.. Sadie Pro. i j .i ' ' aft f Officers Spotted the Car is beaded north on Highway M as poi re fired rule and pistol bullets at the (needing auto. At least a doses bullets struck the' car, some narrowly misting the fleeing driv er. . He drove through roadblock ner Sutherlia as more shots were fired. Bilby continued on for about tnllne KaTam Inelntf f-Antl-ftl ft bJ W ., oaklanrl hw ' tn Vlr" Guidon Chapel the car. It rolled over at Oakland ThurdByi uy at io: 3 a.m. with Junction, and Bilby mirrendered. Rev. James e. Krat officiating, in- Police said Sit ether Cars were Knnant, Belcreat Memorial Park. forced off Oie road In the chase, ; cera gut Ryt and two men in one of the csrs ute rjident of sis pin st in .o. l..l4 .t knenllsl Inr ,nl '' Ut Survived by hil- were treated at a nospiuu lor dcrt Hoy, g,m StCp.dBuSh- Itlinor injuries. ' : Itera, Mr Elaine Bartaaux, Portlsnd; New Element May Explain Fading Stars tA JOLLA, Calif . UP A scien tist said her Sunday (hat Calitof- rthun, an element unknown until it was made In the University of Cal ifornia cyclotron, may explain the fading brilliance of dying stars. V Dr. William Fowler, physicist of the California Institute of Technol ogy, told B scientific symposium that the US! Bikini hydrogen bomb explosion gave a clue. A report on the Bikini fallout showed that one of the Isotopes of Californium corresponded in its properties with the mathematical rate of the fading of supernovae stars that suddenly increBse In brilliance and then fade to Invlsl b'lity Within B period Of B COUple Of 'Tars v.Z.i ..lA tk.t it,, iu-, . FOttler Said thnt the tneory Wa that the cooling Iron Center Of Old . stars collapse, due to gravity, causing a flare up of temperature. This starts a chain of nuclear re action, causing Iron to be tnni formed Into the quick-cooling Cali fornium. . PEAK AEPORTED SCALED LIMA, Peru ( Four French and Swiss alpinists report they have scaled hitherto unconquered La Veronica, a lS.8.V(oot peak In the Andes. Skilled climbers have tce. sstem: Alien D Wallace Col been trying to corner It for 30 v'Q'ZTo; VekTt. - Un rr,nr R,.o nl Mrmt '" 1 Tha trademark "BECKY THATCH- , ER" applied to peanut brittle candy 1 has been filed with the Secretary of Btata by Ha owner, Lot Anieles Nut i House. 492 South Soto Street, Los : Angeles, California. I May ll.22.2l DAILY CROSSWORD V ACROSS - 1. Father . t. Crust on B wound I. A regulation for society 10. Greets 12. Shofhoncsn Inditn 13. Grief 14. Man's nickname 15. Torrid 11 West Africa labor.) 17. Knockout tiling) rig. Centum 19. Permit 10. Forward 13. Rowing Implements 1 Toward th . lea (naut.) 3. Con by 4. Exclama tion (slang) 3. Discharge, aiagun t. War on T. Breeie 8. A machine to force lr through building . Bully 11. Strike I slang I II. Oriental trees II. Sea ttglt (Eur.) II. Young girl U. Retrd :. Unbiased it. City (Ruji ) 3L A wagon wheel groov 51. Indian tree " ' 11 Plutonium lym.) 34. Gold (Her.) , 15. Writing ituid ; St. Floating ' mats of lea Is. French river tposs) 40. Toward th lee (naut.) ' ' 41. An exami- : nation be- ' for a court 42. Exclude . 43. Egyptian dancing girl 44. Vthlcl with runners DOWN tlarg snake ' By THI MOSSIERS I FT I I ii ill rr Snlwii Obituaries '" Mr "oberta Shepard. Salem. Servlcet will be held Tueaday, May will oilklate. Interment, Hayes ville Cemetery. JeraM Mark edges Lata resident ol Rt. I. Box 321-0, Turner, near that city May 27. Sur vived by father and mother, Mr. and Mra. Frank i. Hedges, Turner. Broth era Kanlal Hedges and Richard Hedges, both of Turner. Orandpar enta, Mra. Ada Trosvenor of Sacra mento, Calif ; Mr. and Mra. E. E. Hedgea of Salem. Services will be fftrr.. naayna (.unuquisi, rumi. Sister, Lillve Htrubl. Mllwaukie, 8?..., Te",!. "''L' JL'V Virgil T. Golden Chapel Thursday, May II at I p.m. witn nev. naipn H. f. Wolverton officiating. Inter ment Beicrest Memorial Park, Pklllp Allaa Jehruea Services will be held at Mt. Crest Abbey, Balem, at 1 p.m. Tuesday. May SB, with Dr. Paul Polling offl - ciallng Tha lamlly requesU that in lieu of flowers, donations In his memory may go to the Boy Scouts of America, I . I Lewis Dexter McAllister Lata resident of HO E. Lefelle street, Balem. at a meal hospital May 27. Survived by wife. Mrs. Lela McAlllater; two daughters, Gerl Mc- Mtiiair, fvtii, iiu mis. maiju Britton. London. England; grand son, Thomas Britten, London. Eng land: I brothers, Glenn McAllister, Seattle, and Vernon McAllister, Sa lem: half-brother. W. W. Chadwtck, Salem; sister, Mrs. Gertrude Cum mings of Eugene. Services will be held Tuesday. May M. at 10:30 a.m. In the Crough-Barrlck Chapel In terment City View Cemetery. Edwin Badgers 1 Lalo resident of 1210 Mlnturn, Sa lem. At a local hospital, May 2. Sur vived by wife. Mrs. Bessie M. Renti ers of Stlem) two daughters, Mrs. Mir llnftriirt. nl Stil,, arifl Un Jen tinner of Pacific Grove. Calif : 'r rr-nd( hlldren Bill Rnhblna and Allen . Robbirs. both of Salem. Mrs. Chrnnelee Blakely of Clearfield, Utah, and Mla Msrieiie Eisner of Pacific Grove. Calif.; one great grandchild. Jamie Blikely of Clear field. Utah. Services will be held Tuesday, May 19, at I SO p m. In tha Chanel of the Clough-Barrick Funer al Home. Dr. Paul Newton Poling will officiate. Interment, Beicrest Memorial Park. . Eltsaketk Wallace Lata resident of 330 NW 23rd Ave. Portland, in that city. May 2. Sur vived by daughters. Miss Ruth Wsl lace, Portland; Mist Let M. Wal lace, Riverside. Calif.: Mrs. A. D. Haven. Tillamook, Ore ; tons. War ren D Wallace and Bruce R Wil- Calif ; Mrs. alter Firth. Methuen! Mist eleven ranrlrhllrirrn anrl .iv gre t-trsndchlldren Services will be held Tuesday. May 29 at 3:30 p.m. in the Chapel of the Clough-Barrick Funeral Home. Interment Pioneer Cemeterv, Elder H. A. Peck- ham will officiate. 31. Bit . 23. Pub. 23. Coin (Swed ) 25. Anglo Saxon lftter S8. Irs 27. City (III.) 29 Cover 1iomct vn,i Yeslerda Aaswer let 30. Carpenter tool 32. To anoint (archaic) 33. Officiating priest of a mosque 3. Bengal qiiirce-tr 17. German river 39 Wire measure 42. Dal segno labbr ) Jjie it ii 7ft it M In "1? V LvyJ i M 1 1 wrm 300-Personal 312 Lot end Found ' LOST Black Toy poodle Cor. No. 16 A Madison Pft. 1-TMJ. BIRTH certificate iostbetweesi the Flrat National Bank a ad Valley Ford. P. 4-JdlJ. , Jl Personal I WTU. not be responsible for billa or ' debit contracted by ny ona othar than myself. S F. C. Bruca L. Harbaugh, A. r. B.. Tecoma. Wh. REPLIES to the following boxes may be picked up at lb Sutesman-Journal office, HO N. Church St ll 01 ST Ml M7 711 711 720 m m 15 147 SO MX ana It III AOS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . Too Late to. Classify OLDER home for aale or rent with option to buy, Ml SO. Ph. 1-0111. MUST sell older convenient home, redecorated. 14750, terma. Ph. 1-0111. f" PONT1AC I-dr Torpedo" radio, heater, excellent buy at 1150. By owner. Ph. -740. 149 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-dr.. very clean, 350. By owner. Ph4-740. 3' IBM Sportanetie " trailer home, like new. never been pulled. By owner. Ph. 4-8740. THE fine flxturet A furnishings of the Either Foster Gown Shopjor sale at 130 N. High. BABY litter wanted, my home. Call aflef 4, 4-1 Ml. Good 10-M Tractor Tire PH. 2-6161 1841 PLYMOUTH. "47 motor See after 4 p.m.. 3599 N. Lancaster WANTED: Strawberry pickers for Irrigated Marshall starting May 11. Eldon Wrnger 1 mi. E. Pratum on Meyers Rd Ph. 2-4317. 40 ACRE fri.j pasture eloee In. will Ium. Ph 1-0077 fir. Ph. 1-0071. 4 LOTS In Reel Lawn Gardens. 1175 M l B. Smith. Ph. 3-0301 L'NFURN. i-rm. house Sr'gar" $30 mo. Ph. 4-047after 4. EXPERIENCED lady for general office work for summer at Flower Nursery, vicinity of Brooks. Typing, filing, etc., no shorthand. Apply Schrein er's Gardens, Rt. 1, Box 327, Salm. Ph. 1-S117. BAHAJ world faith Information' writ Statesman-J'rn 1. Box SI. 4CERMANShorthairs, 120 ea. for aal or trade for sporting equip. 70 Log Cabin, Inde pendence, Ph. 107 R. SOMETHING NICE Furn. elec. hut. But A store. Close in. Utll. furn. Reis. Ph. 1-C470 before 2:30 p m. G'BSON" elec steel guitar A care, professional amp. 2 in- uut. Vibrato. Standard Elec tric Guitar, all like new. $150 takes all. 695 S. ISth St. FURN."Apts. M"A" $45 Util ities incl. Employed lady only. Ph. 4-1587 ; s-UJIN. tBH. home full bsrn't. iood ol furnace. garage, nice l vd j pn 3-4370 .--'-. ' - -. . , CORNER Apt.. 2 rma. A bath. i clean A Inviting, Just right for Ion lidy. Ph. 3-4370. ; WANTED: Strawberry pickers, . w. r Buh, Rt, 1. Box 134. 1 mii gu, ( Brooks. Ph 4-2041 j ,i(er g p m. to register. CLEAN 1-bdrm. house, partly furn., near Liberty Cannery. Jhl-BJ. CAB"ihop wnted-l-15 ers , exp. pseferred. not necessary. in person, am s. mn. 12 WTmetaflraller house, exc. t ondltlon, reas. 17 W. Brown ing. Evador week ends. W4L"Xske plana (of hauling away. 4-7013. WHITE SO bass Soprano accord ion, $80. 3-410, ever CLEAN. furnl bdrm. bsrn't. apt. Bee after 3. 163 S. 24th. Over ' 115,000 Readers . See "ptoemgn nurf)C, 1 for Courteous Ad laker PhonR m T60bipluy Clottificd ,Tr(ie-ln Allowance On a Set ol New Allstate Cushion Black Wall or Whits Walls m sssaw m w nnvi X-We'li-Olwl aV You Morel : 1 ISears Roebuck & Co.l I . 18 M. CAPITOL I 300' Personal 31 Personal ALCOHOLICS Ammymeua freua No. 1. 104 N. Coml S-4SJL - psychic reader UMI. HAZEL Reveal's aD. era help ou obtain Im owe rau - leva, and ficmt in all if . Iain, special leading S3- J Portland Rd. TOO MANY. BILLS?" Oont let four bills oat you in trouble. If you're behind la payment, we can Help eou. Ne security or cosigners ared. ed One place to pay all Mill Par obIt whet sou can ford I (Bonded and Ucaiuc for your protectMio.ll CREDIT CONSULTANTS Salem I-M44 for Information ALCOHOLICS Aeonymoua. (H Commercial. I-310S 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sols NEW single horse trailer Ph. 1-313. PROFESSIONAL horses noer Lee Hanson, 4-4724 or 4-S049 Salem Meal Co locker beef Custom killing, cuttlnp at wrap ping, trailer loaned free FOR SALE or trad, gentle pontes for children, also good addle horses Bob Frank, 305 N Water St. Sllverton . Pn 1-4134. J? 403 Livestock Wontoe CATTLE, horses at your farm E. C. McCandliah,Rtl. 3-4 1 SS CATTLE buyer A F Sommef, I1S0 Harmony Dr Ph 4-XX1 CATTLE ouyer-47 State t it H Snethen. 1-134). 1-41M LIVESTOCK buver Claude Ed wards. Rt 1. Box SS9B. 4-1113. 404 Poultry end Kobbiti FOR SALE Blue Cochlm Ban tams. Silver lace polish k cross breed Bantama. CtU 4-119 between HAS pjn. FOR SALE colored fryers, 29c lb. Ph. 4-3031. Herman Hahn. HEAVY "hens for-lockeruse market price. Ph. 1.0130. CUSTOM DRESSING : Of poultry. We bjv rabbits I Wing s. 3M5 Stale Ph 4-3S1I BABY CHICKS lie straight run. Hamps . White Rocks ana Let horns Special New Hamp and Whits Rock pullets lc Psr mentei red rooster. Sc VALLEY FARM STORE Ph 4-4(24 Saltffl ttrPetT GIVE away, kittens A cats. 1M0 Fairmount J-1341. FOR SALirUbnTdor" female I mot. good blood line. $25. Ph. Dallas Mayfalr 3-4111. BEAUTIFUL purebred malt Collie, Sacrifice 4-1860 or 2-OKIi. price. Ph. FOR SALE or trade: Retriever Pups 3 A K C. Reg. 1135 E Labrador! mo. old. I St. Pn. l-6ai. A. K.C REG. Dslmatlon male, Ph. Monmouth, Skyllne71M3. FOR SALE Puppitt. all K1n Come ee afternoons at 3355 Livingston or call 2-799 Will buy puppies any Jilnd YOUNG-paTa keels cages feeds Mlcxey's mi S Com 12155 BIRD Paradise for Mrds. caiei lapplles IIS Livingston l-llil 410 Seeds and Plants BEDDING Plants 40c dot. A up Hybrid tomatoes 20c ea Cab bage. Lettuce. 25c rloi. Sllktl Greenhouse. Ph. 4r407S h rr CUT flowers, plant, Dalhia bulhs A etc . v. .". Sterner s Nursery. 310 Market. Ph. I ' 2.I946. EGAN GARDENS PETUNIAS A FUCHSIAS. IN GOOD SUPPLY. MI, NO. KE1ZER SCHOOL ON SALEM- 'STPAUL RD. CHRYSANTHMUMS. over 200 newer early flowering varitles. Attllhet. Delphinluma (includ ing Bright Pink), Geraniums, Lupines. Salem's best perin eal supply. Black's 127Q Chejnawa Rd.4-1622J T MULCH Peat with mushroom fertlllier Tine for mulch Ph. I-03.U GERANIUMS," fuschsla tub b eonlss 3l. GUd huirn 3 dm. il. Fuchsia baskets S3 Mer rills Greenhouse Brooks. (12 Fruit I Form Produce PASTEURIZED whole milk. le gal. Homogenired, 19c, 'i gal lon 40c. Cltary Dairy. 1-3035. 413 Fertilizer MULCHING STRAW Ph. 4-3081 FRESH er rotted manure Ricn, fine manure by sack or yard Delivered or at farm Phillips Bros Rt. 5 Box 43 Ph. 4-3011 ROTTED sawdust for mulching. yd load SIS. 4 yds $10. i yds t or $2 a vl or Mc sack at farm Also Beaver Oam Soil. SI sack for S3 Phil lips Bros Ft 3 Box . Si lem Ph 4-3051 414 Form Equipment HOWARD Rotovator. 30" 15 H. P A heavy duty trailer. 3(10 Liberty Rd. Ph. 1-6691 OLIVER 70 tractor for aale or trade for car or pick-up. Ph. 1-774. IRRIGATION system S10 It. 5 In. mains, 16O0 ft. 3 In. laterals 40 sprinkler heads 4 cyl. Wisconsin motor with pump Equipment in excellent condi tion, $2,000. Wm. Barr. Clsts kanle. Ore. Ph 61 BRADLEY tractor with disc" plow cultivator. $175 Ph. 4-2TI40 INTERNATIONAL trarlor. chain hlock. flee, drill A hits, CKlsr fence posts Ph. 4-4.121. 150 Merchandise 42S Auction Soles OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONTTE 4M0 CFNTETt STSfET SA1.FM ( 451 Machinery It Tooli 4! MALI chain saw. Ji, HP 30" i bar. gooo cond. 75 4-2 JOHN DEERE Crowler tractor. Slightly used. Rt. 2 Box M. Dallas Ph. MA 3-4049 HAVE several used sveMeri AC ft DC Call 4-744 454 Sewing Machines SINGER Lightweight Portable Electric $59.50 I SEWING CENTER 11 N. Coml Ph. l-ltl 450 Merchaui'di 454 Sewlwf Mtickiwet Deluxe Vaccum . Cleaner Just Like New For"Blanc Due on Contract ER SEWING CENTER 13 N. Coml Ph. I-U1I li . ' V I il i 3 nouie U04XJS tor olo 1 USED refrli. S4SJS S4.M dn. S4.PS mo. SAH Croon Sumps. MWorll n as A. 1420 SUt St. Ph. MSM. NEW Mr. and Mrs. wbookci bed innerspring snattresa, mat chine box tprinf SM.44. Glen Woodry ISOS N. Summer. MAHOGANY drop leaf dining uioic. n in piua la leal, I chairs, wbrown It gold up holterlng trimmed In copper. Like new. 1051 Oiotx Av. Ph. 4-09SS. 1 STUDIO Couches 144.44 Ea. GlertWoodryloS N. Summer. REPOSSESSED Irtttif Reg. 3.S. NOW S2SS.53. terma. . will take trade. PAH Green Stamps. Bttdorfl H A A. 1410 State St. ,Ph. 1-tSSl., NEW Brass firescreens 1!.U. Glen Woodry lOS N. Summer. CROSL.CY refrigerator wfreei- er aies.M. used Mdw Mart. 210 S. Liberty. Open Frl. night 'til S. No down payment to. DO YOU hsvt back achest Then let a Besutyrest at Salema Lowest Ovtrhead Store. Glen Woodry IK N. Summer. MODERN used appliances are me a per it Bajem a Lowest Overhead Store. Glen Woodry ISOS N. Summer. REG. S359 M New 3 pc. curved sectional now S2SS.00, Terms. Gton Woodry I40S N. Summer. SELL, or trade: Westlnghouae auto, washer, perfect cond. SH Ph. l-iim. LOVELY M 1 pc. Free Form Sectional 1254.50. Reg. 1324 Sn. Save at Gltn Woodry s. 1105 N. Summtr. BETHRirn-Buysed furnl ture It sppliances, THE T H R I F T I Terms at WAY on Eaay WOODRVS THRIFTY USED 'URN. Sli S. Com'l Ph, I-33II WESTINGHOUSE auto, dryer $99.94. Gltn Woodry 105 N. Summer. GULS HANSON Piano, nearly new. Dm. rm. set. Duncan Phyfe. Sect. Davenport. Ph. 1-3780. 3.99 NEW lamps wshades. Glen Woodry 10S N. Summer. I1, CUTW Zenlth"lfrlgeTaTor Oood running condition. Ph. 3-B233 alter 4 p.m. APT. gas refrigerator $51.50. Glen Woodry 103 N. Summer IF YOU need a single item or a complete household of new or need furniture or appliances. Buy now on our eav terma Woodry i Thrifty Used Furniture 513 So Com l St Ph. 4-331 I block So of Paper Mill NEW-S pcB!ltwell SectlonTl I12S 50, Terms - Trades. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. (x WOOL rug. good cond. 115. Used Mdit. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. Optn Fri. night til 1. No down payment lo.a.c.) NTw 4,doo7mirrora$3.l. Glen Woodry IMS N. Summer. BUY your dryer now and save asss. uiefl ntase. Mart, no s. i , , w.-,u nun r.i a No down payment lo.a.c. ) APT rYectrlclango $245orGien Woodry IMS N. Summer. DEEP FREEZE Ph. 3-9111 eves. LOVELY, modern foam rubber sofa $12500 others $11950. Glen Woodry 105 N. Summer. TATLOR-madt tiered curtains, Hollywood type double bed. Hallicrafteri radio-phonograph comb., walnut finish, yellow mtca top table with wrought iron-legs, Crosley Frottmaster deep frrne 100 lb. capacity. Ph. 3-Msl. fofft DELUXE Zenith-Electric ranare wratsable deep well elerrient and warming oven. Sold n- lor $.119.50 Our price 1S! 00. Glrn Woodry 105 N Summer. NEW white enam. toilet seats S3 5 Judson's. 219 N. Com I. TWIN eediriike newv7lthin nerspring matrresses and box springs $.15.00 each complete; grvornn Winthrop desk with book cabinet $30. Small size Frisrldatrr $70. 22' extension ladder 15. Television tables and odd dinlnsr chairs. Call 1004 N. Winter Memorial Day Unfinished Chests, New 1 Drawera $6 95 1 Drawers M 95 No Phone Orders Please H0CG BROS. 211 State St. USF.D Hntpolnt. apt sire $190. Used Mdie. Mart. 210 S. Liber ty. Open Frl. night 'til 9. No down payment (oa.r i Ph. 4-J71 IN L. A ID Lino $1.1 per' sq yd R L Cltitrom Co . 2(10 S Lib erty $30 DN. Buys complete household of furnlturt A appliances at Sa lem's Lowest Overhead Store. Glen Woodry, 1405 N. Summer FOR SALE Westinghouse rsngt $45. Ph. 4-9443. INLAID Lino., II 59 per sq yd ft L Elfitrom Co Ml Lib erty W FSTlNGKOUsrr a u"t omitle washer, good condition H0. S;e lltO Dletz Ave Ph. 4-1719 UNIVERSAL wringer washer, good condition, reasonable price fall 2-57K. V N FIN IS IIKD furniture' H . L. StiffFurrutjire,175rL High. TWIN spring, mattress, frame, St9 50. Glen Woodry, 105 N. Summer. IN"LAID Lino. SI M par sq. yit R L. Ilfitrom Co.. 260 I Lib erty NEW Blltwell Swing Rockers, :s3M. Glen Woodry, 105 N. Summer. KING CHARLES of London llv tne rm. set. Ph. 4-1227. KENMOnt elec. range, deep well, timer, clock A light, exc. remit Not a scratch. Deluxe w-hlns machine, hravy rlnty roller, pump A timer. Exc. cond Ii. 4-KiSS NEW maple bunk beds complete wmattrttses 17 as. Gltn Woodry. 103 N. Summer. "22 CU. FT. FREEZER PERrTCT condition. I, 7eri old. Must sacrifice at $30(1 cash. Ph. 3-7911. $99.50 New deluxe 7-rc. wrought Iron or chrome dinettes. Even at these low prices we take tracif Clen Woodry. 105 N. Summer TO PLACE AD CALL 4-6811 For the Best Professional Services MUM E Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads' Daily! ADDINO MACHINES Buy as you rent Soen-Type writers. Ph. 24173. All makes 454 Court WESTINGHOUSt Woodry FursUturt Co 474 Bo Coi.-I Ph 4-1111 CAPITOl Bedding Mattress re novators new mattresses a-eoaa BRfcafTl-MSOrl BLOCK A Brick "Mason, also man wmlxerfohlr.J-7a7. BRICK. and block. Work fuar anteed. Ph. 4-4431. CRANI WORB 15-ton Lorain mota crane Sa ssm Sand A Gravel Co 1-244I DRW CLEANING S ER VICE Foreman's Cleaner A Dyers Fur Storage: Complete Dry Clnlng A Lndry Srv. Free pick up A Diver, 1010 8. Cnm'l. ph. 1-S44S. BAH Green Stamps. EXCAVATING VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co. Xxcavating Grading Ph. 2-16SS FLOOR COVl-KINGS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering. Division Qual ity Installations Linoleum. As phalt It Rubber Tile Wall tile Free Estimates 4-2271 GRADING A DOZING DOZING A LEVELING Ph I-4S51 D PANTOVICH BULLDOZING, clearing roads, ponds. D-4, D-4 carryall. V. Buskey. Ph. 2-3146. 450 Merchandise i456 Wonted House Goods FURNITURE Wanted. Courteous service. Ph. 3-4096. IOP CASH "Hit. t ruflNI- TURI, APPLIANCES. ETC USED MERCHANDISE MAR1 27 S LIBERTY PH 4-6371 e Need at Once Lata ssodel E - Appliances Pay cash premium for Hi Grade Electric Ranges. Refrigerators. Automatic Washers Driers A Lata Model used Furniture Ph Glen Woodry 3-5110 right Now for Plessing Results I I ' 458 Buildin Moteriols 4' Fluorescent lights .... $1 ea Used elec. boxes ISr es. Used 's" conduit tc ft. Steel lockers, 12x15x50" lSxlSxW" $7 50 ea. Bathtubs 117 .50 ea. Wash Baslnt $7 50 Used 1x4 flooring $45 per M Used No. 2 and btr -lumber - 45 per M v4 Shorts .... . Ic hnial ft. Reiect hardboard. 50x100" $17 sht. 4" Drainage pipe 30c ft. All Kinds of Usfd Pipes, Fittings and Valves. ALSO Cabin Window and Door L S. RIHER & CO. 740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-1311 4 Ml. No. of Salem, "i Ml. No. of Totem Pole on 99E Open All Day Saturday PAINT $19 gal. PAINT Glen Woodry 1S05 N. Summer 3S4S 2x4, 2x4. 2x8 S $55M 4S4S 2x4, 2xt, 2x8 C I23M 3 Ixl car decking 5SM 4 2x ear decking $25M 3 lx ehlplap S5SM 3 lxl R B boards $MM 4 lx Rough ' $20M 4 lx R B boards S25M La CREOLE LUMBER Co, KLLENDALE ROAD DALLAS PH. MA 3-2519 LUMBER 1 lot esch 1x4. lx and lx Util ity grade 155 00 per M. 1 lot 54x4 standard 145 00 per M 4x5 wood butter 4 to I 10c, L. ft. 2x2 com. O K. for garden atskes 2'ic per K. 5Sx E Rustic M 00 per M 1x10 and 1x12 Cedar, Standard A Better. 1135 00 per M. Fred W. Smith Lumber Co 3S45 STATE ST. Four Cornrrs RECONDITIONED automatic water heaters Judsnns. 279 N Coml Overhead steel garage doors with hardware. 139 5 In stalled 4N Galvanized eve trough IJ'e per ft EPPING LUMBER CO. PH. 4-S123 170 SILVTRTON RD. 0 4x1 Vln Birch Plv O Full 1" x 10" K. D 3C ft Cedar Ranch Siding 1150 00 M 41 Hardboard (I 90 sht 4a Sheetrock . ...11.40 sht. 0 4xt 1t-ln. Service Plv -t2 33 sht 4x1 lI-thY BefvTc- - Ply 13.00 sht. 4x1 ls-tn. service Ply - - "A" Grsda Birch doors O "A" Grade Beech .. 1.145 sht .. 11.10 ea. doors ..W93es O "A" Grsde Mahog doors . . 14 55 ea O Iron Roofing 110 50 sq O Garage Door Hard ware .. in 50 set O No charge for cutting Ply wood. Free Delivery. Credit gladly. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YD. Lancaster and Center Ph. Salem ,a-lM USE! 1 BLOG. SUPPLIES ; mm '- ' r Save time- GRADING A HOMO BULLDOZING, grading It Land clearing. Elmo W. Locker owner A operator. Ph. 1-5741. HOME PLANNING EXPERT homo building It re modeling. Phone 4-7577 LAWN-MOWER' SHARPENING LAWN mower sharpening, low prices, work guar. Ph. 4-0092. LoCKIk'A ICE CREAM LOCKER meat cut A wrapped. quick froze. 3720 Sllverton Rd "vistarro.en Food Lockers " Mm S ComJ Ph 2-737 r. .LerlT.r .l?".."''"1;-, Custom Meat Cutting and Sales Ice Cream for All Occasions, Packs to Take Out. PAPERINO A PAINTING EXPERT brush or spray paint ing. Hr or contract Ph. 4-3900 Painting and ree estimates PAINTING paper-hanging Ph S-MIl EXPERT spray, brush painting, paper hanging, your paint or mine rree est Terms Ph Nelson 3-6493. 3-2 PAINTING ii DECORATING Dirt Cheap Price 3-7532 aWTOVATING " CUSTOM Rotovatlng Ford equipment. Fields, lawns, or chards A gardens. Ph. Milt It 3-477. TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 450 Merchandise 458 tuildiwg Moteriols . USED plumbing ftxt . tubs, sinks, basins bsrgains. Jud son's. 219 N Com l "WK.NEED- JURN'if L'RE Valley Furn Co.. 2-1412 V i I I Birch. 1 sides 40c 12-1 wire, roll at 4',c. I In. celling fans 113.75 Cedar shingles $3 00, $5 . S Galv. Iron roof g - CHEAP 3 tab root . lowest prices Nails per keg-$S 95 4' csst toil pipe 15c ft i gtl pipe 12c V-16e i'4"-29c l'f"-3c 500 'si steel Sep tana $31 50 :iin gal steel Sep. tank S.'N Jo 4' Dlack sewer pipe 3c 34c Omi amh it on s 2 "A Rldg paper 500 sq. ft. $2 35 Fibre glass olanket Insul -CHr-AF 4x plaster board $1 40 SI 60 $1 S3 Ceiling tile., 10c sq ft Shake mo, a long lengtli. 10c Garage doors, all sires cheap Barb wire u rds Si 95 $1 45 O jtude white paint gat $2 50 New window sashes $2 00. W strip crystal windows 21x32 kitchen sinks cheap. Toilets W seats S2IM New bath tub complete (63.50 Strictly Cah- U-Haul Closed Sundays A Mondays C. G. LONG & SONS I Ml N Retrer - Ph 4-5031 500.000 FEET Now. fresh-milled old A second frowth lumber 2x4 to ixll In to 14-foot lengths Delivered prices Salem. $30 oer thou minimum Ted Muller 8-119 NEW vent fan for kitchen or bath $211 Judson's. 219 N Coml 459 Do It Yourself U-Fix-It-Garape Repair your own car Phone 4-J5M 209S N Coml HOW-to-do-it advice, planning aid. complete material sup filv. plumbing, heating, vvlf ng ste Judson I 279 N. Com 1 460 Musical Instrument! LESTER Betsy Roys Spinet Pi ano at sacrifice, like new 18 Elllj. Dallai, Ore. MA3-3547. STOREYtV CLARK apinet pi ano. Like new. Ph. after f, 4-8261. 462 Sport Equipment SPORTSMEN Here's your chsnee' Sacrifice fi! p rutpirnrt. tiki "J L1?..H.P,.EnIL"d.' ?i new bank terms. Ph. 2-123 CASH oaid for used guns, mod ern snd sntique Cascade Mere 1230 Broadway GUN cabinet" rack holds49 guns, attractive, Irg. ammuni tion space. Ideal for Sporting Goods Store Very reas. IM 360 Oxford St. Ph.4-3470 C-H TYPE 30-30 cal complete reloading outfit. Ph. 3-6255 after 4 pm. OREGON'S BEST BUYS IN BOATS MOTORS & TRAILERS AKo convertible .tops flying bridges. outboarrT repairs Free tral on the river. Many ex tra services such as moorage, salt proofing, parts 7 DAYS A WEEK FISHING LICENSES See the new molded boats, these are the boat beautiful A prac tical boats on tha water SALEM BOATHOUSE 100 CHEMEKETA. PH 3-9303 464 Bicycle FOR SAI F. Boy s 26", i Ph 3-9749. bicycle Sin ' 1-. 468 For Rent, Misc. FOR RENT or lease iga ware house space cement floor brlrk bldg.. downtown. In quire a L. Stiff Furn 2-I1I3 470 For Sole, Misc. SOMEONE to tear down old Baker Wrecker to clean up property, also must obtain necessary pernlts L M. Flags. 11 No Liberty St. tn 5 by June 1st. k RUMMAGE SALE 495 N Cotbige Ph 4-73O0 RICH TOP'SOIL . DEL. $1.25 A YARD F4-2463 CEDAR post, besn post, shed poles, all types as berry wire. Ph. 4-30IL ROTOVATING ROTOVATING work ev.. week enda. J Hathaway Ph S-3S2S. GARDEN A lawn work wanted with rotovator. Vincent Krem er 215 Lansing Ave. Ph. 2-3180 j SAND AND URAVKL SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and top soil. 1405 N Front St. 2-2441. I VALLEY SAND It GRAVEI CO Crushed A round gravel Sand I A con mix 2 4IW1 ; yvALLING SAND AND GRAVEL ,1625 McGllchnst . Cru,hf,3 irry lna r,v. el. All sizes for roads, drive ways and parking lots READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-doring. shov el and dragline work. 3-9249 SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, sewera, septic tanks cleaned 3-532.7. MIKE'S Septic service I anas cleaned D rootel cleans sewers drama Phone l-464 Rmel t septic tanks cleaned, line service Guaranteed work Phone 1.1404 or 1-0714 TREE SERVICE De Rosia Tree Service Trees Shrubs. Hedges. Insured 1735 N. Liberty St.2-Mleve. TR t'C K INJJ AIXING J WANTED to haul short logs anywhere Ph. 4-012. l-PHOLSTHRINO UPHOLSTERING guar. work, free est , pickup, deliver. Ph. 1-4200 450 Merchandise 470 For Sole, Misc. TABLE radio. A-l. 59 95 Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S Llbertv. Open Fn. n(ght til 9. No down payment iosc.1 FOR SALE Ige. dog house, dress makers cutting table, measures 43"x6'. misc. hand tools Kero. sene weed killer. 1S9S Fair grounds Rd. GOOD used Reo" power mower. Call 4-1196 between 12 A p.m. NEW 25gal. garba"geant""$4"air Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer LADIES "clothes". tlzet""l4to"l" Ph. 2-25 BOUGHT gas home, so Free equity new Seigler 5- rm. oil burner, also arm davenport A chair set. single used garage d'iors After 5 p. m. 1815 N. Liberty. Typewriters" "a coins "ma chines cash register! dupli cators: aeau? chairs 'lies sup plies Hoen s i5fl Court 3-S773 VF.ND1NG route machines for sale. P O Box 171 Gervais Ore Ph. 251.1 Gervais Pif Run Grave TOP SOIL PH. 24310 Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loan, Oial 1-1749 Prompt Delivery Keizer Sand A Gravel CO. TOP SOlt-FlLL DIRT PHONE 2-4763 TOP SOIL Phone 2-1573. 1-B01 USED TIRES TRUCK PASSENGER Lytle's lire Mart 2.105 U. Com'l. Ph. 4-6033 Highest Offer Takes NEW tj to 10-vear child s electric car. Complete wtrailer, new bat- terv charger At battery J'n 2-478. BUILT-1NS. 2 " oil" furnaces, doors A other materials. State A Lancaster. USED cement laundry trays. Ph I-3JM). RECAPS 6n0-i6 A 670-13 6 95 Exch. Lytle's Tire Mart. 472 Wanted, Mile. CASH paid for any used article! for the home BARKER FURNITURE 3194 Sllverton Rd. Ph 4-0444 W A NTED several thousand cordt of wood all species Ph 3-7121 474 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HhY SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER. Dentist Adolph Rldg State A Com'l Sta SALEM PH 3-3311 ADDING machlnea. cash regis Clary 1979 Fairgrounds. 2-5313 476 Fuel FOR SALE: Dry split shakes for kindling or garden stakes 24" long. Rt. 1 Box 31. Brooks. Ore. OREGON FUEL CO. OLD FIR LILLY PADS MULCHING SAWDUST S A II GREEN STAMPS I.VYtf 307 Rrnariwav vv A:' I Ml several tnousano corns o, woou an species i-n J-nii Nights 4-56.13 Fa W DUST for sale. 3 unit load, push out 115 Ph. Gervais 2211 Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Planet Ends Choice slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph. 3-1121 HIGHWAY FUEL CO SAWDUST A WOOD .-444 ANI1KRSONS slahwood Ph 2-175 01 4-2l54 Spring Special Mulch Sawdust Fertilizer Block A Slab Wood West Salem Fuel 152S F.dgewater Ph 2-4031 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan LOANS 150 00 to 11500 00 Buy What You Need Consolidate vour bills Finance tnrojgh WILl.AVfETTF CREDIT COMPANY S Church t fn i: 125 to $2500, Pacific Industrial Loans II S. Liberty Ph. 4-2201 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Monc-y to Loon WI HAVE caah buyers tor reel estate contracts and tnd mort gages Ohmart A Calaba. Realtors 477 Court St Phone 1-411 For Cash HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. 190 Fairgrounds Rd. (Hollywood District) HOME OWNED HOME OPERATED No Investigstion Fees Free Psrklng Lot Call 1-7032 PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy contracts and mortgages MI Chemeketa St. Ph. S-M41. COLONIAL Investment Co Real Property Loans Contracts Purchaseq Ml Court 4-123 PRIVATE money to loan. 1 Interest. Ph. 2-4794. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted INTERIOR Decorator. omt fx ptrirru-e required to aell In ( it ore & in homei. Guaranted lalnry pint coirimlstson. Writ a Box 77. Htateshian-Journa. " CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AtiENCY Phona t-WM 354 N Winter Adjoining Prei by tart an church fre paricini In rear Exclu ilva hatlnm en all type of employment APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Stateamau oicycie rot t tea Several routes will be open Applicant! must be ac com pan led by their parent or have their written oermla Hon Apply at the Circulation Department of the St a teaman Journal COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 194 Specialists In Office Placements 494 Stste (411 Ore. Bldg ) 4-3351 604 Help Wonted, Men WORLDS largest Installer of home heating need more men to' learn warhousing sales A service assured future, guar anteed salary If you qualify. Apply in person Mon. fore noon or call 3-18113 for appoint ment. 1057 So. Com l. WANT aeveral wood cutters Apply Capital Fuel Co., 2900 N River Rd ELECTRONICS needs men. See our ad under Clasa 41. MAN. age 20-35 of good char acter for steady worn on Minx Farm Call 2-2872 between 30 A 8:30 evet. AUDITOR TRAINEE Not over 43. high school educa tion and some accounting education but not necessar ily graduate for position of traveling auditor trainee. Sal ary plus all expenses paid. Permanent career position with opportunity for stmdy promotion and many employ ment benefits. Reply giving ase education. experience, Falary required and personal data tn Box No. 79, Statesman Journal. RETIREMENT creates opening with future for a young am bitious exp SEEDSMAN A GRAIN WAREHOUSEMAN In older established manufactur ing plant. Good salary With bonus. Resiles confidential to C P A. Box 304. McMinnville. Ore "CAREER POSITIONS OPEN Large National Insurance re porting Agency has permanent salaried career position open. Good rhance for advancement. No selling Involved. Outtide Investigative work for Insur ance A Employment purposes. Salary plut c per mile for car Tvplng essential Age 22 30 Must be High School grad uate, clean background, work is tn local area, no overnight travel Write qualifications to P O. Box 530, Portland 7, Ore gon. 606 Help Wonted, lody RFL1ABLE older girl or woman for work in good home. Pvt. rm.. good salary. 2-1729. OFFICE worker II to .10 years old Must type. .10 week. Write full details to Statesman-Journal Box 60. BABY sitter (fart time. 2 nnvs. 2A4. References. 1143 S. Lib erty. Ph. 4-5737. SALESLADIES Only experienced ready-to-wear A sports wear salesladies wanted. Apply Mrs. Peace. Anita Shop. 404 State St.. Sa lem. V ter by June 1. Ph. 144 MIDDI.E-Agrd woman to keep house Country. Ph. 2-JIU. Eve. 4-1. LADY to careorTderly ladv da. wk. Ph 3-503 after ( p m ELDERLY woman for compan ion A housekeeper for elder ly man in country home, wages Keitn Allen, Rt 1. Jet- ffison. Ore 608 Pickers Wanted W. 11. A. P. WILLIAMSON BERRY FARM Start picking Thursday. May 31. 25 acres Marshall & N W. Good picking. 2 ml. E. of To tem Pole. Rt. 2, Box 444. Ph. 4-4074. REGISTER for Strawberry pick ing 30 A. Northwest Kelrer Dist. R P. Barnwell. Ph. 4-4304 VV A NTED Marshal lstrawberry pickers, good hemes. Clean patch. Ph. 2-2963. RF.G Mrs Badgetts platoon: N. West berries. Trans, furn. Stcaclv pick. V. Williamson farm. 3-9052 BERRY pickers reg now. Mar shall's. Ph. 4-3064. WANTED: Strawberry picken: clean, easy picking. Marshall A Northwest. Ph 2-0161. 5495 Auburn Rd. STRAWBERRY pickers' register now. Marshal A Northwests. Trans, furnished Adults A children over 12. Platoon lead er. Mrs. Yonwle Stafek Ph. 4-2075. Howard Egglman rield. Ph. Sllverton 3-4791. REGISTER now for strswberry picking at Alan Wlesnera. large crop, exceptionally good Marshalls A Northwests, clean fields, adults A children over 12 that want to work bus fur nished, former Parcher pla toon, now under supervision nf Mrs. Hendricks. Ph. 2JMW3. WANTED strawberry pickers for platoon. Call 2-046. Mrs. Lien. REGISTER now for strawberry A bean picking 10 A. North west. 40 A. beam. Cabins, wood, water, lights (urn. Milt oma Farm. 3 ml. N . 2 mi. E. of Independence. Rt. 1, Box ' 260. PtrrSSFl. , PICKERS wanted. Marshall strawberries 1 ml. W. A N. of Kelrer Srh. Jorgensen-Evans Berry Farm. Ph. 4-190. STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. Now registering for our North, west Strawberries 6 ml North in the Clearteke rltst. Tlr Grove Farm 71195 Wheatland Rd Ph. 4-404.1 REC, FOR steady picking of Marshalls A Northwests. Cher- rtes later. Transportation furn. Near Popqorn Sch. 1-6301, RF.cfsf ERfor "picking tl Kurtz A Llvesly. Platoon leader Alice Warrenbur. Ph. 2-7031 lor information. PAGENSTECHER'S 600 Employment 608 Pickers Wonted BERRY Pickers wanted: picking starts June 1st. O. D. Noren, . 2B3U Blossom Dr. 4-3II32. REGISTER now. clean fields, good picalng. Ben Goldsmith. Transportation turn. Call pla toon leader Mra. Comer 2-6.15.1, STR A WBERRYpickersrelster with Jot, Lucas. 2-595. 1 mi out Orchard Hgts. Rd. Good fields. wks. picking. , U-PiCK-StrswberrlesT- (i ml East Keiier Sen. Good pick ing Marshall berries. A. Goldtby. Ph. 4-8374. REGISTER now for strswherry picking. Marshalts. Rudy Sel del.Ph. 4-1417; STRAWBERRY pickers regf. now. Clesn fields, close in. Jerry A Nlta Andreaen. 4843 N. Lancaster Dr. Ph. 4-1973. ANDRESENFarm now regis tering strawberry pickers. 14 A. Marshalts 4990 N. Lancas ter. Ph. J-26t3. WANTED: Stra'wberiryPlcker!r 45 A. Northwest berries. Good crop, clean field, trans. ..fur nished. Reg. at 201 S High St. Ph. 3-9203. Eves, 3-3264 FOUR CORNERS STRAWBERRY nickers needed, starting about June 5th. School bus transportation: west on Auburn road, aouth on Lan caster, east on State Street. 4 miles to field. Strawberry pickers hsve preference for beans starting about August 1, and blackberries starting about August 25th. Phone 4-1363 to register. "Picking All Summer" CORNELIUS BATESON OAK CREST FARM W. Salem. 2's ml. No.' oa Wallace Road. HEAVY PICKING Register now for bus router So. on Commercial, N. on 12th aeveral ttopt W, Salem. Pla toon leader wants adults A children over 11. Please call 4-62M. WANTED, strawberry-pickers S acres of Marshall. 10 mi. north of Salem. Ph. 4-3991. REGISTERING pickers at Van Cleave Farms for 50 A. of Marshalts A 1st year North wests. Also 5.1 A. Boysenher ries A Blackberries. 2-5165. PAYINC'extra for adult pickers only to pick N. W. Berries for stores Picking each morning except Sun. Ph. 2-42HO REGISTER for strawberry pick ing start very soon. C. F Stoller 930 Lardon Rd. off SilvertonHwyPh. 2-2024. SPECIAL I NFEDED Fi Strawberry pickers Friday June 1. Ph. 4-0875 Allan Hahn. miles N. ofClearlake Store PICKERS wanted close In start ing soon, excellent patch. Marthalls Lauren Stettler. 2717 Blossom DrPh. 4-3935. WILL START picking MarshaTi strawberries May 31st. James Whelsn Rt. 2. Box 211 Salem 1-4277. STRAWBERRY Pickers reg"riow Marshall's It Northwest, good clean fields, steady picking. Alvln Schwengei. Ph. 4-2313 610 Soles Help Wanted EXP. Salesman mens auitt V f urnishine. ran teed .alar' t plus commission. Write boi 75 j Statesman-Journal. ;KXCU'SIVK KRANOIISK , CITY OF SALEM SELLING ! Long life lijiht bulhs, fluores cent tube and other electrical product of Eastern manufac turer thru Fort land whae etock, direct to industrial and commercial uaers Prefer ma ture salesman who can work without constant aupervismn. Your opportunity tn rjo into business for yourself Several established accounts that will be turned over to qualified - mn Write box no. 34. Statea-man-Journal. ATTENTION SCHOOL TEACHERS Do you want to add to four Income during Summer Vaca tions? We rterd representa tives in Public Relations work with fe.t growing Fra ternal Society. No travel re quired. Commission. Direct your reply to Statesman-Journal. Box TOH immediate employment. $400 mn. guaranteed com. ap ply 325 E. Bush. 130 U 9 A.M. pnly. MAN to distribute A pick up Fuller Brush catalogs 100 weekly comm to start 3-1357 EXPERIENCED Real Estate salesman or woman. Ramsey Realtor. 421 Ferry. 612 Work Wanted, Men Yard and Lawn Work PHONE 2-0659 REMODFXING. Building or hour Ph. 4-ewi. PAINTING free estimate! rea sonable Ph. 2-9551 eves. CARPENTER WORK, day or contract. 2-142 or 2-1159 LOU'S tree service Spray, top ping, piune, cabling. 4-2666 NEW buiidinglir remodeling, est. dee. 4-6340 af ter5 30 please TILLING - Howard Rotovator Ph. 4-2K1 or 2-35.15. No calls Sat. please HOWARD rotovating. new lawns prepared. fee estimates. 3-595 or4-5.'rM LAWNmowmg done by week. Ph. 3-56M. PRUNING, tpraytng. temping, re moval L W Caudle 141 ROTOVATING So. Salem Area Ph 4-2.T02 RELIABLE experienced meat cutter desires position Immed- lately, Ph. 4-0790. LAWN MOWING. POWER MOWER. PHONE jt-2301 "EXTRA SPECIAL"! f! NEED in addition' Remndelingf Cabinet worK. rree esumaiea. Big discount Expert work. I Work guaranteed Rcf Go anyplace. Chas. Exllne. Ph. I 2-701. WOOD CUTTING RF.AS RATES. PIL -J2"4 CEMENT Work" Ph 4-6339 Slde walks. patios, ret. wall, ga rages, bsmts Free estlmatea. HOME building remodeling house framing or any line of carpenter work. Ph. 4-275 " ROTOflLLING PH. 4-8253 or 2-251S 614 Work Wonted, Lody CHILD rare my home 5 ml. South. Ph. 2-1395 WOULD like to care for child ren in mv home 4 vrs A- un der Ph 4-2W2 WANTED to board A room, el derly lady. 75. Ph. 2-8ft:i6 BOY wants Job for summer. Prefers farm. Ph. 2-5595 HOUSECLEANING by hr refer-encesPh.4-0276 BABY sitting tn mv home eves. It week ends. Ph. 4-349. CHILD csre, my home by ex perienced mother. 1340 N. Win. - ter, PJu 4rOjS7, MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mrs. Poa. 65 N. 16th Ph. f-3643 SEWING Dressmaking, in my home, all types Ph 1-9392 WANTED Ironing In my home. 1919 N 5th l-lllli ! EXPERT child care My home. I 1345 Trade Ph 4-5666 I WILL care for elderl person j in my home. Ph. 3-5066. i LOVING supervised child care, I my home 80. Ph 2-391. !clnLDCARE my home II da. 25c hr. 4 Corners Ph. 2-9571. EXCELLENT CHILD CARE My bona. W. Baltm. Ph. 4-453