The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 28, 1956, Page 9, Image 9

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    Ebur Hits Help Braves Dump Kedlegs 7 to
Torre s
In Split
Cardinals Sweep
Two From Cubs
Sparked by Rookie Frank
Torre's four straight hits, the Mil
waukee Braves stubbornly clung
to their hold in first place in the
National League Sunday by de
feating the Cincinnati Reds 7-2 in
the rubber game of their three
game set.
The Braves needed the victory
to stave off the onsurging St. Louis
Cardinals, who swept both ends of
a doubleheader from Chicago 11-9
and 12-2. The twin triumphs ac
tually boosted the Redbirds a full j
game over Milwaukee. The
Braves, however, hold a percent
age point lead. .640 to .629, be
cause they have lost only nine
games to the Cardinals' 13.
Rain curtailed the activity.
washing out a scheduled double
header between Pittsburgh and
Philadelphia and single games be
tween Brooklyn and the New York
Giants and Baltimore and the
New York Yankees.
Chisox, Tribe Split
The Yankees' three and a half
game lead in the American
League remained intact as the
Chicago White Sox outlasted the i
second place Cleveland Indians 5-4
in a marathon first game that re-1
quired four hours. 52 minutes and
l." inninps to play. Cleveland won
the nightcap. 4-2.
Boston's third place Red Sox
were held to a split by Washing-!
ton with the Red Sox winning the
first game 9-7 and the Senators,
taking the second 11-10 in 10 inn
ings. Kansas City also got a split
with Detroit, winning the second;
game 5-0 after the Tigers had tak
en an 8-2 decision.
Torre, who replaced the slump
ing Joe Adcock at first base for
the Brpves a week ago, made,
three singles and a double, drove
in one run and scored two. He
rnw has a streak of five straight
Musial. Rover Hit Homers
The Cardinals blasted out 27
hits, including home runs by Stan
Musial and Ken Boyer. in their
double win over the Cubs
blew an early seven-run lead in
the opener but fought back to win
(Cont. page IS, rol. I)
January Nabs
Golf Victory
DALLAS Lean Don Janu-
ary, newest Texas star in the golt-
ing firmament, shot a dramatic
eagle on the 18lh green Sunday Ed Mickclson had the only Port- Loi Anj .ion si s. Fran n i.n gjx cars Ro onn (ne track be
to score a fantastic victory in the land circuit blow, which provided JJJ 'S Hiyd In a '.J fore rain set in again 57 minutes
$.10 000 Dallas Centennial Open. the Beavers' only. runs. His came s Die 24 25 aw v never 1S3.T .327 later fc
The 2fyear.old Abilene, Tex J in the eighth inning with Luis Sun re.uiu: Pond 2-2. . Thp track wi an hour
professional was a stroke behind Marqucz on base. ! S(,,t,ie i-t; t sn rr.nmeo s-4. , and three minutes at 8 a m East-
Dow Finsterwald of Bedford ! Portland collected nine hits off j Hollywood 4-. only tamo M-m standard Time Mondav 'if
Heights, Ohio and Doug Ford of Carmichael while he Padres got , u"a wpather i( but chir( stpw.
Mahopac. NV. when he banged 13 of Bob Darnel land reliever national leagif. I art! Harry McQuinn said there
from a undtrap into the cup for Dick athel. Darnell was charged w l m w l Pet Mn.t be puaIifications Ml
ijic SUM r nr. niniri wom nnvj
lX"uuL?," "1,
IIVJIC IUIOI us Ji OK'U u wuanv
him $6 000
When .January made his sensa
tional snot u pm nun a stroxe
ahead and left it to Finsterwald i
and Ford to shoot birdies on the
final hole if they were to gain
a tie lor tirsi place. January naaiRu iu,r nnH nirk Kir Thev !
t,iA oc rlol,..U ont VnrA
iiiii.-iik.u no t niaiunaiu oitu ui w
came into the 18th hole.
They tried with long desperate
putts on the final green
missed, and the biggest
of the poorly-attended tournament
let up a mighty roar
Finsterwald closed out with a
l under-par 6!) while Ford shot a
3-under-par 67.
The three had started the day's
final round with Finsterwald lead-
ing with 200, January second with
201 and Ford thin: with 202. Janu-
ary, in a thrilling stretch run,
hanged three eagles over the 6.-
in the last
Big Ones Bite
Close to Home
The big ones also will
close to home, a 10-year-old boy
happily found Sunday.
Donnie Hooker, U.19 Waller
St . bagged a 124-inch trout
while fishing in Mill Creek a
short distance east of the paper
mill. Excited Donnie said he
used a black gnat fly to make
the catch.
UCLA Cridder
LOS ANGELES All right,
j :. i - --. .
wnai noes ii cosi a tuii'-se iuoi-
ball player to get through school
in these times'
The recent Pacific Coast Con
ference three-year slapdown of
L'CLA for boosting its monthly
payoff to gridders from $75 to
$115 makes the answer important
and timely
The answer, in Tom Thaxter's
case, is $171.35 a month. ent, the fiinre is $75. plus $40 un-
Thaxter, 21-year-old UCLA.der the table at UCLA,
guard, with one more year of cli- Here's Thaxter's careful break
gibility if the PCC doesn't take down of his monthly budget:
it away from him, outlined his, Board and room, $78.72; week
expenses in an interview with Bob end meals 'his frat house kitchen
Oatcs, Los Angeles Examiner j closes on Saturdays and Sundays',
iportswriter. $24.85: laundromat, $2.80; laun-
Thaxter said hit present cost of! dry, $6.20; cleaning, $1.40; tooth-
P " " H w 1 Si turn mm , mm , j ntV im 1
... m. , . t . :
" , w . -
I t" ' i . ' ,..; . . . y ,t , .-,'' v r ' " . ' .
i. . . , . . - ; ' . J - v . .. - v , i. . '
U ' " ' J t - ,L, f . .;, , - -
- -. -'. . ; . vrCiP " -:
f t ' t J-ml ithe
2 V ,,7 a w , .1 y
BOSTON Jackie Jensen, Boston rightfielder, steals second base ia the first Inning ef Sunday's econd
game with the Washington Senators. Jerry Snyder, Washlngtci shortstop, Just misses ci'cher Ed
Fitzgerald's overthrow as umpire John Rico watches the play ia which Jensen continued on to third
base on the wild throw. Boston won the first game, S-7, but lost the second, 1110. (AP Wirepboto)
33 Qualify for Memorial Day 500'
Padres' Homers Rap Bevos in Pair
Angels Sweep
Two from Suds
won both ends of a Pacific Coast
League doubleheader here Sun
day, downing the Portland Beav
ers 9-2 in the opener and 4-2 in
the nightcap.
Three home runs aided in the
first game victory.
Pads Hits Homers
Eddie Kazak. Bob Usher and :
pitcher John Carmichael hit home
runs for the Padres into the left
field stands in the opener.
willl inc ;
Ullfl III Idl II Ul IMC lal 31A ill- ,
Borkowskl Bents Ifomer
In.the slfrU-npd second game. '
lh. PaHrp, thp ,rnrp ... jn
the third inning with one run on -
successive singles by Al v ederoti, i
. . 7 . 1
anntin Iwn mnr in !hn lilih ac
j (Cont. page 10, rol. 4)
Semis Gained
In Net Meet
Glen Durham. Jerry Hagen and
I arry Johnson joined Bill Jacob-
son in the semifinals of the Junior
Chamber of Commerce tennis
tournament by taking wins in Sun-
f'na's tne boys division of the
Durham defeated Don Lebold 5-7,
fi-1. 62; Hasen defeated Roger
; Siewart 1-fi, 6-4. 7-j. and Johnson
ousted Hoy Stancohy 6-4, 1-6, 6-2.
In the boys division. Fanning
heat Kenneth Seipn R-0. 6-4 and
wulf defeated Delbert Sheldon 6 2.
.V7. 9-7
Tom McDonald, former Oregon
star, and Bud Mull, sinelcs chairni
from Willamette, gave an exhibi-
tion for the young tennis players. 1
The senior division semifinals
will be played Tuesdav at South ;
Salem High and the boyB finals!
are set for Wednesday morning, i
Tells Cost of
living includes only one frill
1 ...i.:-u .... it. .
; a tar, wnicn lasi rrmnin cost mm
$23 69 to operate. That would
make his rock-bottom budcet
,,," , , "
to. wine people nave recom-1
mended that $150 monthly aid to
PCC gridders would not be put
of line.
This fall, under a new confer
ence rule, coast football players
will draw $100 a month. At pres-
Helps Jensen
W I. Pd W I. Pet.
lYaklmi IS S .704 Wcn'ch 101 5.W
Trl-Clty 19 10 .SOO Spokn 11 18 .379
Eugene 15 10, .son
Uwiln 13 9 .571 SALEM IS ..WD
Sundav'i reiulU: Al Spokane 10-
Sa' M'LH'TJ:LXrl:.
1.9. ' ,
AClrlc roAgT t EACll E
w L Pri ' ' w l Pet.
ifh' 19 13 mi PhiUdrkioj!':3M!6
rilUDUrjfl!. mil, nrw i .ii rv-
Brooklyn, ram; t st. Louis 11-12.'
I Chlcaro 9-2;
i cinna'i 2.
VFBlr.v , r.r,, .
w , Pr)
N - York a . bi. irnr on
mi mi
Boston is is .529 whtn 1521 .n:V ". ' , ;. . r. , ,. ,
chirato lsu sn k city un .411 .
cnrf.,v-c r.,nlt- At Bnstnn O-lfl l
wihinston Y-i.r .V chtcaso i-2,
Cleveland ,-4; at Detroit -. Kanaa.
-it.. 1 . ait Da limnrA.Naul Vfirlt I
X' ' "
Senators Swat:
Vp to date:
b, pcl
il :-i33
lJ -m
l .2H3
4 .185
4 071
2(1 2.1
Steinkr'i Setn Drill
Stcinke's baseball team of the
Salem Junior Baseball League
will hold a practice Monday at
5 p.m. on Barrick Field and all
ab h 2b 3h hr i
Webster, st 04 llllt
Easterbrk If f 2.1 3 1 4
Krauir. 2b 78 2fi t 2 1
WiUiamt, lb 81 24 3 0 3
Zari, c 31 9 2 0 1
Swanson. .lb K. 23 4 1 1
Dunn, ci 57 15 4 1 0
Szckula. ot 114 23 2 1 1
Koepf c 82 14 1 1 1
Warren, of 27 S 1 0 1
Essegian. of 14 1 0 0 1
I ip w 1 so
George 4 17Jj 2 1 1
Rucne 4 8Ja 1 1 4
Cnde 10 4n 2 4 42
Km 4 W 1 2 14
Cowdell 7 23 1 2 9
Sitolich S 44 1 4 34
Walsh 3 IK 0 (I S
Krause I 4i, n 0 2
prospective players are urgea to R(.m,skl st i.,lllls 27 n2 2n .u;
attend. Monday will also be thelBrut.m. a so n 2 .is.i
final day that players can sign wnr ";bn,;,rh l
up for the team. , Baiiry. Cincinnati w n n 2n rtsn
I ?2r Sk.iTk!vn inn's V, S r.n
College Living
'paste, .49; haircut. $1.50
i i n. (in. tn.U;Hrt tie IA
; w.uo; luiuu... j.u, ckili.m.k, to n,
gasoline, $6.14; car repairs, $4 0o:
car insurance. $13.50: movies and
I . '
maiu, o.w.
How does Thaxter make uo the
difference between $115 and $161? ;
He digs ditches for the gas com-j
pany in Fresno at $1.74 an hour
j . .. . ,
during the summer Last summer:
he Saved $550
... ... .. , .
If he would do it all over, would
he make the same financial deal
With I'CI A'
"I'd have to if I wanted to plav
football." Thaxter replies. "Vou,
,L . .. ... .
can i oo inree inings at uniu
go to schoo , p ay football and
work at a job.
Make Steal
Bob Christie
Gets Position
eight veteran Indianapolis Motor
Speedway drivers and five new
comers from the dirt and midget
car circuits Sunday filled the field
for the Kh MO-mile race Wednes
day, but some of the slower ones
weren't sure starters.
Track officials promised two
hours of oualifvin runs after rain
washed out the Saturdav trials
and delayed Sunday's runs for two
hours and 3.1 minutes
P' - because the track surface
From North. "
- -
The weather apparently had
Novi V-8s, driven by Eddie Russo
of Hammond. Ind.. and the experi-
menial iianan-American barnanl
w"""in num ranna oi uaiy.
TU r- : ...u -J .1. -
v Tutl Tii v V
Novi llth in the lineup of cars
mliiinn fnr I Vim nA ni n IA
;""""' " . v""1""'
; mile trials. Probably no more Man
c.K..t in ..... ... u.r " i"'u
Two Pacific Northwest drivers
Ill l Illtl.
are among me quaiiuers. jacK
lurnor ol :ealllc. who qualified
a iravcion iraner sm-cial al
H2-3K will start in the eighth
Bob Christie of Grants Pass.
Ore., will be in the ninth row in
fie-J at 142 236.
There was a bitter dispute be-
5 er cars already qualified
track officials over the extra -scs-
a sion Monday. The qualifiration pe-
Knnt. page 10, col. 9)
Major League!
national i.kacit
Pl0,llr,h '.j.,
iSami. si Louis 25 M ii ;in 3-i
i Aaron. Milwaukee ?5 94 17 30 313
I Home runs Long. Pittsburgh. 13;
Pot. Cin.-innaf. II. B.mks. Chirago,
i in; Boyer. si Louis. 10; Kluizrwski.
'lnrnn':': n,.,I hlnn"kl- cinnnnita
R,Jn5 hailed In: Long Pittsburgh
.ie; Bo.ver, st Louis. 33; Musiai. st
a" JJ. Jfionski. Cincinnati. 27;
Moon, SI. LOUU, JJ
America liagcb
mMf Nw Yrirk f, g.
Maxwell Detroit 31 w t2 ss ..tsi
B""- n'w ork so m 22 ji .353
Vernon. Boston 27 90 15 31 ..144
Kuenn netroit 3 us 24 50 .342
Courtnev. W.h'ln 2S S7 12 29 .3.13
Lollar. Chirajo 29 !7 12 32 .Ml irrt r.otnn io m n .12 327
Smith. Bniti-nore 27 S7 t 2s .322
Gnotlman. BuMim 33 140 S5 4S .321
Home run: Mantle. New York. 17;
Berra. N-w York, 12; Sirvcr. Wmh-
'n,on- l':,'c.'r"nrl .Boston .9. ,i.nP,
Kinsas City. 9: Maurr. New York. 9.
Run hatted In: Mantle. New York.
, 4.i. Bern
city. 23,
New York. 31; Sievers.
ton 32. Simpson. Kanaat
Lopez, Kanal City, 2A-
, t ,,.f
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., May 28, '56 (Sec. Il)-9
Senators Ripped
Twice by Spokes,
Drop to Cellar
SPOKANE (Special) The Spokane Indians put the skids under' national card at Portland Speed
Salem Senator! twice Sunday in their Northwest League baseball ; wav.
doubleheader here, winning 1M and 9-4 games i and putting the Salems ;
back into the loop cellar. The clashes ended the four-game series, j
with Spokane winning three of the
Salem s 5-1 win of Saturday night was the only victory the Ore- j
2,000 Watch
Boat Racers
On Willamette
About 2,000 water-sport funs
walched Salem's first boat racing
program of the year Sunday on
the Willamette River and werei,n,rd ,fr P"ch(,r B,n Walsh had
given the additional thrill of two walked. Swanson whacked his, a
flips that left the drivers wet but , MO-footer , in the fourth after E. C.
not injured
Eight different classes of races
were held and Salem drivers man
aged to place in every one, as well
as sweeping the free-for-all. Boat
racers from as far away as Los
Angeles were entered. i arid the next four Tribe runs came
The program was sanctioned by off Marion Cowdcll in the sixth,
both the American Power Boat Lefty Don Schneider, third Spo
and Oregon Motor Boat Racing kane flinger, picked up the win
associations and was sponsored by
the Salem Boat Club.
Ted Nova, Corvallis, flipped over
early in the D-Runabout race on
the upriver turn. Dean Ray, Sa
lem, flipped on the straightaway
in the B-Hydro race when the bow
of his boat caught under a wave.
Neither was injured and both were
picked up almost immediate!- by , f,olons ln lne ,econa 8amf Dul as i
crash boats. knocked out in the fourth when
Salem winners were Jack St. Spokane took a 4-2 lead. Mel '
Walrc in the D-Run.-ibout, Jolin Krause. the regular .Senators sec
Hall in the B-Kunabout and St. nd baseman who did some line;
Claire in the free-for-all. pitching for the club at the finish
D-Hydro: Jonn Haniev. Cmiqitie;
Jaek St .Claire, Salem; Paul Wood
rofle. Salem.
A-Runabout: Alee Cameron. Port
land; Cliff Plafman, Albany; John
Hall. Salem.
D-Hydro; Jptin Craven. Loa An
Selet: Bob Brownell, Corvallis; Har
vey Beinke, Salem.
D-Runabout; Jack St. Claire, Sa
lem; Bill O'Malley, McMinnvllle;
Dean McHaffey. Salem.
A-Hydro; Cliff Prasman. Albany:
3lAlec Cameron, Portland; Allen Mc-
3UIM. Salem.
F-Hvdro: John Hartley. Ceaulllel
Jark St. Claire, Salem; Paul wood
roffe. Salem.
B-Runahout; John Hall, Salem;
Virgil Thorton. Newberg; Sammy
Koonti. Albany.
Free-lnr-all; Jaek St. Claire. Sa-
i i c i r.k
; ward. Salem.
Yaks Win 2,
Eugene Splits
YAKIMA - Timely hitting
nairl off for Yakima as the Bears
took both ends of a Northwest
Wena'.chee Sun 2d
The winners got only two hits
off starter Glen lsringhaus in the
.first contest but they both came
in the fourth inning when Herman
Lewis singled and Herman Rich
itoiiowea who a ftme run.
. .,
I " F"
i EUGENE im - John Keller, a
rjnivprsi,y o( Oregon student
I J "
(signed up by Eugene Sunday,
; cafcmc in with the winning run in
the fourth exlra inning ol the sec-
.1 .in i t a
ona game as me tmeraias snui
out Tri-City 1-0. Tri-City had won
the opener 7-4.
John Caruso, the losing pitcher,
struck out eight and walked three
lp the nish'eap.
I Ie"t'r wa"iec'- was sacrificed to
; second by Berlyn Hodses and
and later came in on Bill Gird-
j In the .'irst game a three-run
hompr bV former Portland Beaver
... 1 catcher Milt Martin in the fourth
inning featured Tri-City's victory.
Cassady Set
10 Iiriiract
COLliMBl'S. Ohio - Howard
, "Hiipalnng" Cassady will sign a
Detroit Lions professional football
contract before the ISSfi all-star
game, the two time Ohio Slate All-
I America aid Sunday
fassa(v madp lhe announce-
mcnt following a conference with
President Edwin J. Anderson and
(ieneral Manager Nick Kerbaway
0f f,p j,ns
i. 5atfi ! ,. (.
,MP SaK1 "F ws passing up van
aclian pro football offers because
- learned to play my football
iiu c aim . nan iiamt-u ail a.i-
America here."
I have a number of 12 and 3 bedroom houses and cabins lo
cated on the North Santiam at Idanha. All are modern, some
have knotty pine Interiors and fireplaces . . . Ideal for fish
ermen or weekend homes. Some with river frontage. Priced
from $1850 tn $1500. Low down payments and easy monthly
terms. Contact Mr. lagan at Colbath Land Co. Phone 4 4494 or
call eve. at 4 8193.
gonians were able to gain in a 1
seven-game road swing. In fact
it is the only win in 14 tries on
the road to date
The Senators now have Monday
off, and are to open a four-game
series at Salem with the Eugene
Emeralds Tuesday night.
Warren, Swansoi Homer
The Senators were held to four
hits in Sunday's opener, but two
e blows were home runs, hv!"1" r!
son. warrens came in the r .... i i
cf the
Williams had walked.
Swanson's blow tied the score
at 4-4, but Lefty Jerry Cade who
relieved Walsh in the third inning,
couldn't hold it. He was taken
out after a two-run Spokane fifth.
after blanking the Salems on one
hit for two innings.
Spokane had 10 hits, one a two
run homer by Bob Bourbeau in
the fifih, the wallop that wrecked
Kranse Tries Monad
Ross Rugne started for the
" last season, reiievea Kugne.
Krause did a good job of It until
the eighth when the Indians rapped
him for four runs, two of them
coming in on Manager Joe Rossi's
homer. Salem had 11 hits in this
(Coat page It, col. I)
Flights Won
In Handicap
The field was narrowed to eight
Sunday in the annual Spring Han- j
dican golf tournament at the Oak '
Knoll golf course. All eight of the .
flights were finished and the tour
ney now sends the flight winners
against each other to determine
the tournament champion.
Fred Haase had already won the
eighth flight and Bob Fellman the
second before Sunday's action.
Ed Richards took the second
flight title by defeating Clayton
Patterson 2 and 1. Paul Carmich
ael won the third flight by default
over Larry McLaughlin. The fourth
flight went to Delbert Price who
ousted Charley Hobson 2 up.
Clarence Applegate captured the
fifth by defeating Tim Barry 1 up
on 19 holes. Bud Nossinger won
the sixth by heating St ra, Sanders
1 up on 19 holes and Toni Mosher
took the seventh by defeating Del
bert Campbell 1 up.
In the first playoff among the
flights next Sunday at Oak Knoll,
it will be Haase vs. Richards, Car
. . . . .
. michael vs. Trice, Applegale vs.
I Nossinger and Mosher vs. Fell-
man. This round will narrow the
; f;eld to the semifinalists.
Bicycle and
Sport Shop
Home of Quality Products
Swim Fins
Reg $95
5.95 D
Bike Repairs
(in today finished
tomorrow or sooner)
Nothing down on
approved credit
Phone 3-3844
237 North High Street
2 Wrecks Mar
100-MUe Grind
Statesmu Sports Editor
PORTLAND i Special - Herb
Thomas, three times winner of
the Darlington, SC..., stock car
'500" classic, drove his 1958
Chrysler 300B to victory here Sun
day in lh VASriR 1llm.U
nalivr , Soh' Cai.olin4
Thnm.n raped in Phii.inh.
Idayniht flew his car her bv
transDort Diane Saturdav took a
25-lap trial run on the half-mile
paVed track early Sunday and
then drove off with the bigger
share of the $4,600 in prize money,
A crowd of 8.000 jammed the
speedway for the event.
Thomas started ia 18th position
in the 24-car field for the main
event. But by the end of 23 laps
he was in second place, and was
hotly pursuing Gordy Haines, the
(Cont, page 10, col. 7)
Don't Let DEATH RIDE YOUR Wheels this Memorial Day. Remember.
Most Highway Fatalities Are Due to PREVENTABLE ACCIDENTS in
Which FAULTY TIRES Play a Big Part. Get Those Highway Murder
rs Off and Replace Them with FAMOUS GENERAL TIRES
S1 tmn
710 Stale SI.
,. By DON
Not too well known in Oregon
cational work shop on conservation
by Southern Oregon College of Education and Portland State College,
Teachers attending the workshops this summer
will be aided by a staff of qualified experts from
the Oregon Game Commission who will be on hand
to discuss various aspects of wildlife
and to help ia the interpretation of
One summer session has been
SOCE from June 11 to June 22 to be held at
Ashland under the leadership of Dr. Elmo N. Stev
enson, president of the college. Portland State
has scheduled two workshops to be held at Hoodoo
Ski Bowl Inn on the Santiara Pass. The two ses
sions will be from July 29 to August 4 and from
August S to August 11. Educational leadership
will be under the direction of Dr.
Coordinating the wildlife discussions at Ashland will be Mat Guy
mon. game commission information representative, while Austin
Hamer, education agent, will act as wildlife consultant at Hoodoo.
Experts from other state and federal agencies will also be on band
to assist the teachers in their study of the conservation of natural
Uader the kMoglst's galdaace. fleU trip win take the teacher
stadeats U lakes, streams, katc Series, and lata big (ansa raagea -where
a-tae-ipot knowledge ef maaagemeat eperatiaas nay h
falned. t ;J r. ;j
Reports reaching this department from around the various lake
fishing areas indicate that the fishing was ranging from fair to excel
(Cont. aai K col. 1)
ivn'yn STiit cot
OTMEI flt AltO fnuefD
m4 raaaMt lira
6.00x16 6 ply
Other Sizes up to
ply at Special Sale
(Across From Elks Lodge) Ph. 2-2459
to the relatively sew lummer td-
and wildlife management conducted
multiple land
scheduled by
Da Bus
Howard Wescotl and Dr. Rutk
T - f.l!LERS
l.7n IS
10.00x20 Highway 12
'TIL 9