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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1956)
Election Due on Proposed New Fire Hall SALEM HEIGHTS-Propoied new fire hall for the Liberty-Salem Heights Fire District will hanf In (he balance whe. district residents vote Tuesday oa a 60,00 bond Issue. The fpeclal electloa will be held from I It I p.m. at the Salem Hrlfhtt Community Hall. Curreat fire hall Ckeaejr Are. reportedly lacks (pace for efficient operation!. (See itorjr See. 1, Page 1.) Valley News Statesman News Service Turner Graders' !Stroke Fatal Graduation Fete im wr c i. iu w.dcurui Of Silverton Slated Tonight Stitriman Nwi Srrvtra TURNER Eighth grade Krad u.ition will be held in the Grade school auditorium Monday, May 2Slh, 8 p.m. Commencement be delivered by Nwi ferviro SlIA'ERTON-William Scarth. 92, ol William Scarth k Sons, grain and wed mill at Silverton, died address will Sunday morning at the Silverton Agnes Booth, . Memorial Hospital. He was hos- McCall Rites Today SILVERTON Funeral services for E. J. McCall, who died at Tyler, Minn., last Wednesday, will be at the Ekman Memorial Chapel Monday at 2 p.m. with burial in Valley View Cemetery. The Rev. I. M. Nelson of. First Christian Church will officiate. Dallas Ninth Grade Class Sets Service Uttsaaa Nam ItrTtco DALLAS Graduation txercises for 110 ninth grade students will take place Tuesday at I p.m. in the senior high school gymnasium, according to Principal Kenneth Walt. The graduation address will be given by Dr. C. R. McClure, pro fessor of English at Oregon College of Education. Superintendent S. E. Whitworth will present the grad uates and Frank Guy, chairman of the school oSosrd, will present the diplomas. The Rev. John McDonald, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, will deliver the invocation and Dr. Har old Burkholder, pastor of the Grace Mennonite Church, will give the benediction. Georgai Thompson will play the processional. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richards will present awards from the- Am erican Legion and Amerian Legion Auxiliary. - Musical portion of the program will be vocal selections by the Jun ior high triple trio, a violin solo by Joan Colgrove and an instru mental duct by William McCleary and Neale Povey. Carol Woods, valedictorian of the graduating class, will give a talk of welcome. She will be introduced by Kenneth Wait, who will also present the three ninth grade stu dents tied for salutatorlan honors. They are Karen Casey, Lucille Friesen and Nancy Kelley. exer- Dayton Seniors Set Graduation For Tuesday lutoamaa K4frvko DAYTON - Graduation cises for Dayton high school sen iors will be at I p.m. Tuesday, May 29, at the high school gym nasium. Class valedictorian li Betty Youngblood. Salutatorian is Wanda Neycomb. Miss Youngblood has received' a scholarship from Oregon State col lege, and Miss Newcomb is the holder of a scholarship from Ore gon College of Education. ' Graduation for 52 eighth, graders will be at I p.m. Thursday, May 31, at the Dayton grade school gymnasium. LUNCH IN COMFORT AIR-CONDITIONED Cherry Room Today's Complete SPECIAL LUNCH Old Fashioned. BEEF TURNOVER Brown Gravy, Whipped Pota toes, Savory Green Beans, Hot Roll, Drink, QZn dessert yOKj Park Free With, Purchase a . If'W'V.", Come at county school superintendent, pitalized a week ago, suffering Presentation of class is to be by I from pneumonia, from which he Principal High and presentation had recovered when he was takeji ot diplomas by Albert Jensen, fpy a stroke Sunday. chairman of the school board. Mr. Scarth was born September j Class Roll includes Karen Alio- j 4, 1863, In Binscarth, Orkny w;iv. Helen Bales, Donna Berry, Islands, British Isles, and came Bobby Blocker, Donald Cain. Ju dith Davenport, Fayrene Fraiier, Delvis Freeman, Mary Fry, Jon C.rim, Kdwin Helton, Herbert Jones, Gary Keene, Edward Kor kow, Joyce Korkow. Course Jl.inn. Lowell Manning. Donna McGregor, Dile Mitch ell. Warren Moyer, Carey Mur riock. Betty Myers, Francis Paris, Stanley Peterson, Eugene Poi tras, Edward Robertson, Richard Shobe, Alan Stanford, Judith Stark, Ronald Whitehead, Robert Whitfield, Vaughn Witzel and Kenneth Wolf. 90 Graduates At Silverton c. Nfiw Srrvlro SILVERTON Dr. Chester Frisbie, professor of education at Lewis and ( lark College will tive the commencement address tn SO graduates of Silverton I'nion High School Tuesday night at R p m. in the High School gymnasium. The high school band will play the overture, processional and recessional. Dr. Howard Balder stone will present diplomas and Principal Milton Baum will an nounce the honors nrl scholar ships The Rev. I. M. Nelson of the First Christian Church will cive the invocation and benediction. to Canada in 1890, living in Bin scarth.. Manitoba, where on June' 18, 1895 he was married. His widow, Ella P. Scarth, survives at Silverton The family moved to Toledo. Ore., in 1D02 and after a few years there wentA to Portland, where Scarth was associated with Balfour Guthrie grain dealers for 20 years. They came to Silverton in 1930 and bought the old Loughmiller mill on Fronth and N. Water, later building a new plant farther north on North Water Street. ' In addition to the widow, sur-1 vivors are two sons. W. P. Scarth, j who is now manager of the Scarth mill at Silverton, and James A. ' Scarth at Waldport; six grandchil dren and five great grandchildren: t sister, Mrs. Walter Bell, Bcceles, England, and a brother, Matt Scarth, Binscarth, Manitoba, Can ada. Funeral arrangements are in charge of Ekman's at Silverton, and burial will be in the family plot at Toledo. GOIN' CAMPING Too aa aavo mora mmy at Py Um m all honor ooilfty canoktfl and outdoor ntodt tout, tloopinf boot, Coloowo itava. ortd ovory riiiftf to mala your holiday and vacation moro onoyiblo. LOlEST PRICE AIIYIWERE! Too Can ly Thit ham 0 Pay Um laiy Pay Plaa M A - MM "WHITE STAG" REAR ROOM FAMILY TENT Urge 12'3 "lift T6" Center Height Metal Stateroom Center Pol Quality High Count Poplin Vinyl Impregnated and Waterproof ai a Duck's Back Heavy Duty Flooring Hems Roped and Sewed with Metal Foot Loops li myion neueo mnaows, dipper nosing 55LI Doors 'M' t I l rMW ..... Pried at $99.95 Oofy to.M D.w.-lJ 1 Por Month I " I I" 1 1 KM U1.4 J- U i W.I y :f XwoTfld I M W i BlSf p r m T w m m SS a m. am MOOtl 7140 HIMCH Wlltl UMBRELLA . TENT fit Rofolar 14JS0 23"j ' ll Ceremonv Set At Falls City Nrwi Service FALLS CITY Nineteen mem bers of the eishth grade of the Kails City Grammar School will graduate into high school at a special program on Tuesdav at pm at the Falls City High High School gymnasium. Dr Francis Haines of the Ore gon College of Education will be the speaker. Gerald Shoemaker will give the welcoming speech and Elaine Eddie the. farewell speech. The grade school band will make one of its first appear ances under the direction of Ter ry Murray, this being the first year, after several years, that the school has had a band. School will end on June 1 and each room of the grammar school is planning a separate celebra tion to conclude the year. Some rooms plan to have picnics. OCE Faculty Member Quits Statrsman Nw Strvlra MONMOUTH Dr. R. E. Lieu- alien. President of Oregon College I of Education, today announced the! resignation of Dr. P. M. Murdock, i assistant professor of Social Sci-j encc and Humanities effective at the end of summer session. Dr. I Murdock has resigned to accept a j specialized assignment in the field I of history. The nature of his new position will be revealed later this summer. Professor Murdock has been at Oregon College of Education since 1954. Previously, he was a in structor in Social Science at the Northern Idaho College of Educa tion at Lewiston and a graduate assistant at Washington State Col lege in Pullman, Washington. He was awarded his Doctor of Philoso phy degree in History from Wash ington State College in 1955. SILEsBPIIKI A Four Pound Wool SLEEPING BAGS Hirsch-Woiss Quality Full Zipper ... 522 5, W8 PAY LESS "KINO SIZE" if Giant 40"x80" First Quality New Filling 4'i Lb. Dacron Acrilon k Double Mattress Pockets it Sharkskin Cover SHThb $ ItrrifK Rig. Value 529.9S 19 88 Tik. Down .88 Helps You Overcome FALSE TEETH Looseness and Worry No longer ba annoyod or frol til-at-aaM txtraunr of looao, wobbly fulaa tratb. FA8TEETH. an Unproved alka line (non-arid) powder aprlnkled on your plates holda thpm firmer oo thay fel mora comforubla Avoid ombar raMmpnt rnnsM by tooao platoa. Oat PAS TEETH today at any drug oountor. $9 50 fllC I ML V,Hmr Typo - W "?9sLITTLE BROWN ICE CHEST 9M "?:RUBBER AIR MATTRESS $7M S. PLASTIC AIR MATTRESS 266 AIR MATTRESS INFLATORS 98 Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon.. fay 28. "56 (Spc. I7 " 1 mit mm mm SAFETY Q TIRE m : : " i . because you're only as Safe as your tires A K B E Goodrich BRAHD NEW EXTRA-SERVICE THE TUBE-TYPE ECONOMY TIRE II m 00-1 M gf PU tax omo Mro 11 I a 6.70-15 ' SAFETY-S TUDELESS Some famous tree) design t f ermorly cam now can . . . NOW WITH IRUISMLOWOUT MOTICTION. PIUS TAX AND RETREADABll TiRf: ' LIST PRICE 32.10 vlthout Trodo-l SAFETY-S TUBITYPI 195 LJ 13 UCS 6.00-16 iM ii' aaa ; ' ' . I I .70-IS,... .!,. , , j' . m a 1 i ' kEF.Goodfich SAFETYLINER"iiw car" 7.10-15 19.10.1$ 21 tJ wriiffl T OJ 113 E IL E S 3 NYLON Safttylintr Brulst-blowout proloction plus extra safety of nylon cords. 2650' IUT PIICI WITHOUT TIADI-4N t)IU Un U PW M 6.70.1 S ooo'ro Nltvoo'oblo Nr LIFE-SAVER TUBELBS8 - RAYON - BLACK List pric without traaVin $40.10 SALE PRICE afc r & Um3 OA .reirrrv DIIK rIITY "Jf M W .f RF.Goodrich n.t 9,'m Without Trade-In 141-10 LIFE-SAVER WHITEWALLS . tt -AY .-Jbv IIII . 4.70-11 Plu. lo nd jratroodoblo tiro Lrr" 6.70-11 F. Goodrich life-Savors give 3-way proicc- tion seal punctures permanently, change 'sy'.mt tmmm.t ir toet against skids. Fully Guaranteed-Full Size B. F. Goodrich ri T ft C U iJOrle EXPRESS TRUCK TIRE PLUS TAX AND YOUR RECAPPAIU TIRI AS $ PUTS ANY TIRE ON DOWN YOUR CAR TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE on all NYLON passenger ; - tire In stock '4 .. ' mm taootoiitaf BXGeodrlch I SAFETY DEFLECTOR JOIN THE SAFE DRIVER LEAGUE mm ACT NOW - SPECIAL LOW PRICES ALL TIRES, SIZES CONVtNIINT TW AVAHARll 12-PIECE ALUMINUM &0 -I DOWHTOVN SALEM MERCHANTS OPEN MONDAY UNTIL 10 ACRES OF EXCIT ING MERCHANDISE SI P.M. CAMP KIT Reg. $9.95 88 Watar luclal Slaw Kattla Coff aa t Pry Pao 4-Cop. 4-PUih $5 GAS LANTERN flight vp 100 Apm. $, Storm Rag. 12.95 988 CAMP STOVE Owiak laiy Maak Mora Tima for Foo Cook. lika A City Oat lanaa PoM. op, Carrio liko iuhcaio. 10" SALEM it TRUAX TIRE STORE Center A Church Sis. LARSOWS TEXACO 3157 Portland Rd. BILL'S TEXACO 1145 Edff water CADVyELL OIL CO. 2490 State St HAGER'S SHELL SERV. 830 S. Lancaster LUCKY CORNER SERV. Front & Columbia BOWDEN'S TEXACO 13941 Broadway LES & CHARLIE'S TEX. Silverton A Lansing; WOLGAMOTTS SERV. 1090 8. 12th St. LYTLE'S TIRE MART Pine k N. Commercial HAMER'S ASSOCIATED Dallas Road TEX'S TEXACO Lancaster A Sunnyvlew EVERGREEN TEXACO Evergreen A Market O.K. RUBBER WELDERS 1820 8. 12th St. CRACROFT SERVICE 1300 N. River Road LANA AVE. SERVICE 200.1 I ana Ave. AUBURN OIL CO. 61.1 N. Lancaster Drive AUMSVII.LE (RANDALL'S SERVICE LOREN'S TEXACO JEFFERSON SANTIAM OIL CO. LYONS FREE'S GARAGE WOODBURN O.K. RUBBER WELDERS JACK'S PRIDE OF OREGON STAYTON GORDON'S SERVICE SCOTTS MILLS HAROLD'S GARAGE OUT-OF-TOWN DEALERS INDEPENDENCE RICHARDSON'S CHEV. 0. K. RUBBER WELDERS MILL CITY PAL SERVICE MONMOUTH Dl TOUTS UNION SERVICE SILVERTON it TRUAX OIL INC. OP SILVERTON 0. K. RUBBER WELDERS DALLAS CARL MAY OIL CO. SHORTY'S SUPER SERV. ANDY'S SERVICE ROCKET SWIM MASKS Round of Oval, With Unbroakabla Unto REG. 1.25 VALUE ROCKET SWIM FINS 15c M.D. 69c HEAVY INSULATED KEAPSIT PAPER PAPER PICNIC NAPKINS PLATES JUG 80 Count With Pouring Soout tC 100 AO On.-Gollon M for J Count 77 Reg. 3.25 X SPECIAL JSn J D USUAL PRICE 4.95 SALE PRICE T(0)CL I Sturdy, all-mcta! nll folds V-f VT SSu i J up compactly Plenty of fj jj . : room on grill 162 square r-v ..2i3?l - I J-; I . -w (inches. Detachable wind I I 77 vr ' ' Lf - A , SS .?t .( . mil m sr- I FIRST IN RUBBER - FIRST IN TUBELESS