i-(Sea I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., May 28,56 Foreign Policy Welcome!, WASHINGTON III - Secretary of State Dullet Mid Sunday he will welcome "a pretty thorough airing of foreign policy" in the loss political campaign. But be taid be bopei the dia- cuukra will be kept on a high level "not Just throwing dead eats around." Dullet, now vacationing en Lake Ontario, U Interviewed W Hep. Keatin (R NY In I television program filmed last week for up state New Yor stations. ' Keating asked if Dullet antici pate that foreign policy "la going te be an election issue this .com ing fall Paul Robeson Subpoenaed By Congress WASHINGTON IH-Paul" Robe- Ion, the Neiro baritone with pass port troubles, has been subpoe naed to appear before the House Committee on Un-American Ac tivitiee Tuesday. Last week the committee start ed an inquiry to determine whe ther the laws governing issuance . of passports should be strength ened and whether American pass- ' ports have been misused. Robeson's passport was revoked . in 150 on grounds that bis travel ing abroad would not be in the interest of the United States. He was awarded a Stalin Peace Prize is MM. . Tba committee also subpoenaed uiw Hainan, executor 01 me Estate of Albert Einstein, to ap pear Tuesday. The committee list ed Nathan as sponsor of the Cul Itursl and Scientific Conference for World Peace in New York in 1MI. ' A third witness called for Tues day la Henry Willcox. The com mittee Mid WUlcoi's passport was confiscated In New York Nov. 2S, lass en the grounds that he and bis wife bad violated federal re strictions on American travel to Red China. The committee Hid WIBcot and bis wife attended the October. 1952, Peace Conference in Peiping. The committee beard nine wit nesses last week. The questions were mostly about various "World Peace Conferences" m Poland, Uruguay and Red China and how Americana got te them. Most of the witnesses declined to answer the question af whether they bad attended the conferences. Vote Results Still iii Doubt PORTLAND tiw Results of Malheur County balloting in the May 11 primary elections still have not been reported and sev eral contests for delegates to the national conventions remain in doubt. '- --- -':-' Lowell Paget,: Portland, had a lead of 153 over John F. Steel hammer, 8alem, for the No. 10 position in the list of the 10 at large Republican delegates.. ... George Stadelman, The Dalles, had a lead of M ever bis nearest competitor, Irvlag Mann Jr., Adams, for the second of the two GOP second district delegate posi tions to bo filled. In the Democratic second dis trict contests, with returns not counted from Malheur County.. C, L. Allen is' leading Baker County Judge Lloyd Rea by 199 votes for ' the second position. rAn unofficial report Mid, however, that the ad , ditlon of Malheur votes would put Rea out In front ' Other delegate positions appar ently win be filled aa reported earlier. - CARS COLLIDE , Two cars received minor dam age in a collision at 17th and B Streets about i ii p.m. Sunday, Salem police reported. Police listed the drivers as Colleen Jeanne Zamxow, 1435 Norway St., andJamea Bernard Miller, 2175 N Liberty St ' ' , . Yccdb'jrn Drive-In Sunday Monday Tuesday la ClnenMseepe . ? j coin mm Kumar Clifton Wear ..Flu "fTumuuur ; ftL 0 Tiara M. Carey Opea l:45-8tart Duk , DALLAS M0I02-YU Cleat 1M Ft. Screen Galea opea 7:00 Shew at Dusk Greer Garten, Dana Andrew - !TUNU0TMT0Wir' , CiMasaerepe and Color ' Second Feature Bobert Rnark ea Safari , "AiiuiDvunutr , . la Color" ', J Gates Open S:tt Shew at Dusk Now Playing Heart-warming story ef 1 fabulous family! , . IOI HOf MIUII VITAL! "7 UTTIE FOYS" . -4Hlt ' Bamphrey Bogart " Kathrya Hepearn 'African Quon1 Airing Says Dulles "I believe. Dulles replied, "that at a time like that there should be a discussion of foreign policy. - 'Healthy Wag "I think it s a healthy thing that every four years foreign policy should be discussed," Dulles ad ded. "I hope very much that the discussion will be on a high level, and be constructive and really educational from the standpoint of uie American people, and not Just throwing dead cats around. "But 1 think It is useful at these four-year periods to have a pretty thorough airing of foreign policy, and 1 would welcome that my- seir. The Republican Secretary of State proceeded, under ' Keating's questioning, to defend some of his actions which have come un der Democratic fire: Frequent travel abroad - Dul les said it is "silly" not to use speedy modem air travel instead of "the old-fashioned way of ex changing notes" which might take a month and still not provide as god understanding as a brief face-to-face talk with foreign lead ers. Teased by Reds Dulles figured his air travel now totals more then 310,000 miles and that Soviet leaders Bulganin and Khrushchev have been out aide Russia more than Dulles was outside the United States in the last year. He Mid frequent travel has become accepted practices for secretaries of state and for eign ministers. Consulting Democrats Dulles Mid be baa met with congres sional committees more often than any previous secretary of state, were discussed with leaders of both parties before u well as aft er the decisions were made. Copter Used In Rescue of Girl Climber VANCOUVER. B. C. 11 The first helicopter-to-hospital emer gency rescue service waa carried out here Sunday following an al pine accident on the towering peak of Mount Seymour, about 25 miles north of here. A girl whose name has not been released by hospital authorities, fell more than 100 feet down a steep slope and then dropped Into a fissure 15 feet deep. Bob McClelland, chairman of the Mt Seymour section of Van couver's . Mountain Emergency Squad, Mid the girl waa climbing at the OOO-foot level of the peak wnea ana ten. a iwin-roior neucopter wai called Into . action by the Air Force. The 'copter was piloted by Don Park and carried a medical officer, The closest the helicopter could ne landed was on (he (,000-foot peak, about mile from the In jured girl. The Mount Seymour Ski Patrol and members of the Alpine Club. under direction of the Air Force medical officer, lifted the girl from the fissure and strapped her in a first aid toboggan before car rying her to the rescue craft. Ten minutes after the girl was loaded aboard the helicopter the big machine Mt down on the lawn in front of Shauihnessy Military Hospital. Full extent of the girl's injuries were not known, but they were thought to be serious. Family Smuggled In Folding Sofa ROF, Germany if A 35-year- old Czech worker spirited his wife and children across the border in to West Germany Sunday in a folding sofa. Andrej Donoval, a city employe in Asch, placed his 34-year-old wife and two children, aged 10 and 4. in the folded-up part of the sofa, tugged the sofa to an un watched border point on the side car of his motorcycle, and crossed over. The jubilant Czech told Bavar ian border authorities he tossed the sofa back Into his Communist homeland. ALSO iiCraMAScopfi v if A WHIRLWIND, MERRY-MAKING !V4i MUSICAL ADVENTURE! . T ' .1-" iST AtSO Ti-rfTV- - njjjg gg PRINCE RAINIER III WEDDING IN miss cuTrv kttty MONACO" ; j -nausivi! I Plus Oniroftcuiruaif Cartoon and Ntws Bumper Tags I -"-ef ."".v"". ' I Secretary ef State Earl T. Nrwbry divlsiea, attack the first "Slew Down aid Live" bumper atrip le a state car la front f the Capitol. Bumper atrips will be placed state vehlrles as part ef promotion for the aatlonwide traffic aafety program to be Uaacked Memorial Day. State Vehicles Join Traffic Safety Drive All state motor pool cars as well as those assigned to many other state agencies will begin sporting "Slow Down and Live" bumper strips this week as part of a cam paign to reduce traffic injuries and deaths this summer. The program, which is nation wide, emphasizes the hazards of excessive speed and speed related violations brought, on by what of ficials called on "in a hurry" complex. "Drivers would be amazed how i much more relaxing a weekend trip or vacation would be if they j would stop driving as if every second counted." Secretary ofl State Earl T. Newbrv state co ordinator for the campaign, said. In addition to bumper strips, the state plans to distribute sev eral thousand driver warning fold ers through regular mail going to the public. Many other civic, fraternal and service groups are participating in the drive in hopes of reducing summer hlshaps. Hoodlums Attack Man in Portland PORTLAND - Richard Rankin, 40, was released from a Portland hospital Sunday where he was treated for Injury he said he suffered when a group of teen age hoodlums attacked him. Rankin said the gang set upon him when he tried to get them to stop disrupting a Little League baseball game which was under way at Irving Park. fHONI 4-471 J SOf Opt MS iMh Tanwrnw lack Nadu Mht ConH lrknt Never Soy Goodbye Jln Siym Mm Stmimii The Rood to Denver SILVERTON Drive-In Theatre Sunday Monday Tuesday "ON THE WATERFRONT" Marlon Brando Plus 'EttlH 10 lUthU" B. Stanwyck R. Ryaa Opea :45 Start Dusk HELD OVER! PnWriWGIMaMce to Plea for Highway Safety r (left) and Capt. Halter Lasting, Theatre Time Table El IINORI "MErT ME IN LAS VEGAS": 7 00 WEDDING IN MONACO": l:M CAPITOL "ALEXANDER THE GREAT": 7:00. 10:06 Plui Short Subject! HOLLYWOOD "NEVER SAY GOODBYE": 7:00, 10 3" ROAD TO DENVER": t 06 NORTH SALEM DRIVI IN Bob Hop In "SEVEN LITTLE TOYS" Humphrey Bofart In "AFRICAN QUEEN Italy Awaits Vote Results ROME Millions of Italians voted this sunny Sunday in 7.694 local elections. The results will . show whether Western European! Democracy is losing ground to Communism's new line of coexist ence and anti-Stalinism. Both the East and West are watching for' the final outcome, expected late Tuesday night. Vol- uig continues mrougn nionaay ex cept in the Italian Tyrol and Sic ily, where the polls closed Sunday. The election was orderly. By nightfall not a single incident had been reported. The turnout was running slight ly behind the 1951 -52 local elec tions, a reflection of mild public response to the 45-day campaign, which was marked by none of the clashes between rightist and left ist parties in other elections. An tit c2J- i f 'Z' I STARTS TOMORROW he had to find her. he had to find hec. JEFFREY WARD mm iMMtMr sauetntr VOM - Also L"". 'v--. w :;f rMi, f V 19, iSsVfA I director ef the state traffic safety 4 Frenchmen Try Atlantic Trip on Raft HALIFAX - Four French men trying to drift to Europe on a raft passed dangerous Sable Is land Sunday, heading for the Gulf Stream. They told a ham radio operator they were well and happy. They also said their two cats were aboard. This was the first time the cats have been mentioned since the raft left nearby Dartmouth Thurs day. The society for prevention of cruelty to animals tried to keep the cats off the raft. The sailors had been afraid of the dangerous sand bars of Sable Island which lies about 180 miles southeast of here. But they told the ham operator they were 90 miles south of the island. So far they have had strong north winds to fill their square sail Tne 'our- a" born ln France DUl now nionireaiers, wen mweu out of Dartmouth by a fishing boat, and a stiff wind kept mov ing them out of sight. They plan te keep in contact with ham radio operators here until they get out 0f range. The four said they would be come Canadian citizens after com pleting their voyage. LONG-RANGE PLANES ASKED WASHINGTON Sen. Ma lone (R-Nev) said Sunday that to preserve peace the United States should have an air force capable of sending planes anywhere in the world and return to North Amer ica without refueling. LAST DAY "MEET ME IN LAS VEGAS" Plus "Monoco Wedding" HUNTER - VERA. MILES ROND-NATALIE WOOD mu ccoena mtiuch rem 'FORD BfS) warnfTbro" - Congressmen Defeated for Racial Views RALEIGH, N. C. I -Two North Carolina Congressmen who did not sign the "Southern Mani festo" on school segregation were defeated In the state's Democratic primary Saturday. A third Tar Heel representative who did not sign the document won a new term over an opponent who bad campaigned hard on the segregation issue. The ousted incumbents were: Rep. C. B. Deane of Rockingham, beaten by A. Paul Kitchin of Wadesboro in the Ith District: and Rep. Thurmond Chatham of Win- stbn-Salem, defeated by Ralph J. Scott of Danbury In the Stb Dis trict. Fourth District Rep. Harold D. Cooley of Nashville turned back Challenger W. E. Debnam of Ral eigh, who had used Coley's re fusal to sign the segregation docu ment as his main campaign Is sue. Cooley, chairman of the house agriculture committee, was the only one of the three non-signers of the manifesto, however, who mrU II rlnr Hurinff hit rmniiffh i that he "despised the Supreme Court's opinion and that he was strongly opposed to mixing of the races. In a congressional race where segregation was not an issue, for mer U. S. Sen. Alton A. Lennon of Wilmington defeated Rep. F. Ertel in the 7th District. Other results of the voting gave whopping victories for Gov. Luth er H. Hodges and U. S. Sen. Sam Lrvin and left the possibility of a runoff in the 11th Congression al District race. In the 11th District, where Rep. Woodrow W. Jones did not run for renomination, Ralph Gardner of Shelby held an edge over Basil Whitener of Gastonia and Hugh A. Wells of Shelby. However, it appeared that Whitener would be entitled to call for a runoff. I IT'S A BIG WIDE WONDERFUL SHOPPING DAY Monday in Downtown Salem SHOP UNTIL 10 Acres ef Exciting Merchandise lower monthly fuel bills! Lots of clean, even heat with oil! With a modern oil furnace in your home, your whole family will be warm and cozy all winter long . . . every room has lots of warmth and comfort with even temperatures. (No cold floors or hot and cold spots.) Oil HEAT IS SAFER, TOO! With modern oil heat there are no hot elements or glass panels to break, shat ter or burn. Oil it so safe you can store it in your home. YOU CONTROL YOUR OWN FUEL SUPPLY WITH Oil BEAT. With dependable oil heat, you are the boss, free to buy any brand and from any dealer you choose. There's no giant monopoly to dictate how little or how much fuel you can use, when you must use it and how much you must pay. And with automatic oil heat you only pay for what you use no minimum charges, pilot lights, brownouts or demand meters. " II other (vol oNora ye ao mvclt kaatleif eoenforf at avast rootoMbl east mt eJaosuidiftU, wtamatU oil boat. Pofronhe West's Jets Thrill Crowd At International Air Show By JOHN FIEHN ZURICH, Switzerland I Jet pilots from the West put their military craft through splnechill ing acrobatic performances be fore a half million spectators Sun day. The Russians sent up only one plane their sleek new TU104 Jetliner. It was the windup of the two day International air show which attracted both East and West air force experts. Judging from the applause, the "Sky Blazers," the noted four plsne jet team of the 12th U.S. Air Force in Europe, stole the show. Headed by Capt. Jim Reyn olds, brother of onetime Yankee pitcher Allie Reynolds, the Sky Blazers put on a performance that drew cheers from the crowd. Their hair-raising low level flight, their zooming from near ground level to 4.000 feet, diving and then streaking awsy in four different directions left the crowd breathless. At the climax the four U S. planes converged from four dif ferent directions onto the center of the field and passed each other only a few feet apart in split sec ond precision. The Soviet TU104 flew at low level over the field. The Russians say it is not a military plane but U.S. Air Force experts said it could be converted into a bomb er at any time. The giant two engine model for high-style travel will seat SO passengers and the tourist model between 70 and 80. Its maximum speed is slightly over 600 mph, with cruising speed at 560 mph at an altitude of be tween 30,000 to 40.000 feet. PICCARD BUILDS "COPTER" BRUSSELS. Belgium I Au guste Piccard, the Swiss profes sor who specializes, in deep sea dives, is building what he says is "a sort of maritime helicopter.". He will use it for deep sea plung es. It will have to go pretty deep to beat his 10,335-foot dive in a bath-sphere in 1933. P.M. You SAVE MONEY with dependable ffce eWer who eVcyj thh uel... He it or off Aeor jpecioiif Britain put its latest rweptwlng Super Hunter into the air. Four British "airobats" from the 11 1th RAF Squadron in Hawker Hunter jet fighters did precision flying. France's entry was the "Pa- trouille de France," a team of! four Mystere jet pilots. Sweden's SAAB jet fighters also Impressed the crowd. Another feature of the show was the display of two of the latest American frontline jets, the su personic F100C Super Sabres. Hot Wiolher Special... Xj STUFFED TOMATO SAUD With Choped Chicken, hot roll, butter and jam 40 StATU SALU1 V u H:IUhJm STARTS TOMORROW! jjJr r I' I 1 V j.v rciY l ; W m v ! m im"- eaw mm saa aw- 1 1 - BARBARA RUSH IETF MORROW JOHN McINTIRf Rousing Action and Thrills OLD GRAD TO RETURN WEST POINT, N. Y. ID - Mai Gen. Henry Clay HbdgetvW, old est living graduate' of the U. I. Military Academy, will be among the dignitaries attending the sda demy's traditional June Week ac tivities. It will be the general's 75th reunion. He graduated with the class of 1U1. kattucJ NOW OPEN MONDAYS 65 Air-Conditioned Open Until I p.m. Daily LAST DAY Richard Burton f redrlc March "AllXANDER THE GREAT" AUDIE MURPHY Tha Sentotional Star of "TO EHL AXD IACX" 'n th fighting story of tho CHAMPION OF THE WORLD! UrtiRf MOWMO DUFF UH0MT and t Cartoon