600 Employment 04HlpWM, Maw IMMEDIATE vacancies now ex llt in th Salem re for: Psychiatric Aid., lM-Ma. Cooks, I1M-SM1. Prison Stcwardi (high arheol graduation plua tour year, cooking experience) I2M-30. CorraeUonal Ottlrara (at least It" ia height. 11-4 yeare of aft, and hava good personal reference) paa-HM. Apply ! either eMet of tht Stat Civil Service Centime sion. Room 101, Public Ser. vice Building. Selem. ar 204 Itata Of tie Building, Part, land. RETIREMENT craataa opening with iutura lor a young ant bitioua exp. SEEDSMAN Ji GRAIN WAREHOUSEMAN lit oldar tatablithad manufacture inf plant. Good aalary with bonus. Replies confidential to g.PA, Ion KM, McMutnville, CAREER POSITIONS OPEN Large National Insurance re porting Agency haa permenent aalarttd caraar pontion opon. Good rhanca for advancement No selling involvad. Outside lnvaatigativ work for Inaur anra It Employment purposes, alary plua le par mile for aar. Typing aaaantial. Aga Zi yi Muat ba High School arid tiata, cleen background. Work la in loral area, no overnight travel. Wrltt qualifications to O. Bex U0, Portland I, Ore gon. 606 Help Wonted, lady SALESLADIES Only experienced ready-to-wear A aporta wear saleslodies wanted. Apply Mri. Peace. Anita Shop, 404 SUta St., Sa lem. EXP. drapery Saleswoman, should hava knowledge of cuatom It ready made drapea It curtaina. Apply Lipman's. STEADY, dependable baby lit. terby June 1. Ph, 4-144. WANTED, eome lady to do light houaawork live in or by oay. Ph. 4-3043 eve. reliable" woman to do light houaawork 4 care for 1 cnil dren. Pvt. bdrm. It ban Raf. exchanged, Inquire 1771 N. 24th.Phl-7430. MIDDLE-Aged woman to keep house Country. Ph. 3-3112. Eve. 6-7. LADY to care for elderly ladv. t da. wk. Ph. 3-5803 after I p.m. ELDERLY woman for compan ion It houaekeeper for elder ly man in country home, wages. Keith Allen. Rt. 1. Jef ferson. Ore. LADY to help Whousework St care of 2 children, exchange for board, room It wagea. Ph. 2-3775 after p m. WANT middle-aged woman to do cooking at light housekeep lng. Would help if ran drive. Write P. O. Box 138. Lyona. Ore. 661 r.ckort Wonted BERRY pickers reg. now. Mar ehaU's. Ph. 4-304. "WANTED: Strawberry pickers; clean, easy picking Marshall It Northwest. Ph. 3-0161. 1495 Auburn Rd. STRAWBERRY pickers register now. Marshal A Northwests. Trans, furnished. Adults & children over 12. Platoon lead er Mis Yonwie Stafck Ph. 4-207S Howard Eirgiman Field. Ph. Silverton 3-4791 REGISTER now for strawberry flicking at Alan Wiesners. arge crop, exceptionally good Marshalls A Northwests, clean fields, adults It children over 11 that want to work, bus fur nished, former Parcher pla toon, now under supervision of iwra Henaricki. ph. 2-iou. WANTED atrawberry pickera for platoon, can J-mw. Mrs. Lien. REGISTER now for atrawberry Ai iiean picking. 10 A. North west. 40 A. beans. Cablna. wood, water, lights furn. M(lt smi Farm. 3 mi. N. 2 ml. E. nf Independence. Rt, 1, Box zoo. rn. aarz PICKERS wanted. Marshall strawberries 1 ml. N. At W. of Ketzer Srh. Jorgensen-Evana Kerry Farm. Ph. 4-1906. STRAWBERRY pickera wanted. Now registering for our North west Strawberries. I ml. North In the Clearlake dlst. Fir Grove Farm. 70M Wheatland Rd. Ph. 4-4062. WANTED strawberry plckara. Start picking about the lat. J. E. Whelan Rt. I Box 111. Salem. Ph. 4-1M6. REG. FOR steady picking of Marshalls Ar Northwests, mer ries later. Near Popcorn Sch 2.6301. REGISTER for picking at Kurti A Llvesly. Platoon leader Alice Warrenbur. Ph. 2-7051 for information. WANT strawberry pickera. Cabins A pickup In Salem. Ph 4-1376. W. H. & A. P. WILLIAMSON BERRY FARM Reg Dickers now. 29 A of Mar shells Ai Northwest. Good Picking, clean fields. Ph. 4-4074. REGISTER now, clean fields, good picking. Ben Goldsmith Transportation furn. Call pla toon leader Mrs. comer 2-bjo.i. STRAWBERRY pickera register wnn Joe Lucas. j-R5e. i mi out Orchard Hits. Rd. Good fields. I wka. picking. BERRY pickers wanted. Trans, furn. from Pen 4 Corners E. V. Hammer. Phone 2-2:106. STRAWBERRY pickers register now. good clean field of Northwest berries, i ml. no, of Drive-In Theater nn IDE. Jess Mathls. Ph 4-320. REGISTER now for picking Marshall strawberries. Jamea Whelan. Rt. 2. Box 111. Ph 2-4277. STRAWBERRY pickers register Platoon or drive out. North on Ha?eville Dr. M. A. Artz Ph. 2-6.100. U-PICK Strawberries. ml East Keizer Sen. Good pick ing. Marshall berries. A Ooldshy Ph. 4-8.774 REGISTER now fnr strawberry pirking. Marshalls. Rudy Sri del. Ph. 4-2417. I STRAWBERRY "pickers 'reg. now. Clean fields, close in. Jerrv A- Nita Anrlresen. 4S45 N. Lancaster J3r. Ph. 4-1973. A.VDRF.SEN Farm now regis terrn strawberry pickers. 24 A Marshalls 4990 N. Lancas ter. Ph. 4-2943. WANTED: Strawberry Pickers. 41 A. Northwest berries. Good crop, clean field, trana. fur nished Reg at 201 S High St Ph 3-9203. Eves 3-3264 FOUR CORNERS STRAWBERRY pickers needed, starting about June 5th. School bus transportation: . wast on Auburn road, south on Lan caster, east on State Street, 4 miles to field. Strawberry Elckers have preference for eans starting about August 1, and blackberries starting ' about August 25th, Phone 4-1363 to register. ."Piflting All Summer" CORNELIUS BATESON OAK CREST FARM W. Selem, l ml. No. on Wallace Road. HEAVY PICKING Register now for bus route: So. on Commercial. N. on 12th. several atopa W. Salem. Pla toon leader wants adults Ar children over 11. Please call 4-626. WANTED, strawberry pickera. I acres of Marshalls, 10 ml. north of Salem. Ph. 4-1901. REGISTERING pickers "at Van Cleave Farms for M A. of Marshalls At 1st. year North-' wests. Also 9.1 A. Bovaenner uaa At Blackberries. 2-5161. I 600 Employment 601 Nck.r W.nttdl STRAWBERRY Pickera reg now Marsnana at northwest, good clean fields, steady picking, Alvin Schwengel. Ph. 4-1311. 610 Sales Help Wonted NATIONAL ORGANIZATION Haa opening la tht Salem area for a man wne ia intereetea in abeva average income. In re turn for hard work we will guarantee ateady Increases In earnings it a secure future. Interview will be granted 16 am to II noon. Mob., 14J0 Broadway. EXP. drapery Saleswoman Should have knowledge of cuatom At ready made drapea aV curtaina. Apply Lipman a. iXPtrtlENCED REAL ESTATE SALEMAN for deal, able down tow office. Guaranteed amount of advertising. Bast working conditions SALEM PROPERTIES 267 N High - Ph 4-0311 EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE CITY OP SALEM SILLINO Long Ufa 'light bulba, (Iuoree- rent tuoea ana otner electrical products of Eastern manufac turer thru Portland whsa. atock, direct to Industrial and commercial users. Prefer ma ture salesman who can work without constant supervision. Your opportunity to go Into business for yourself. Several established accounts that will be turned over to qualified man. Write box no. 74, Statesman-Journal. FOR Immediate employment. MOO mo. guaranteed rom. ap ply 129 1. Rush. 1:30 to t A M Only. MAN to distribute it pick up Fuller Brush catalogs 1100 weekly comm to atart 1-U17 EXPERIENCED Real Estate salesman or woman. Ramsey Realtor. 427 Ferry, 611 Work Wsnted, Mew PAINTING free estimates rea sonable Ph. -SI1 eves. CARPENTER WORK, day er contract 1-141 er 1-1454, tolls tree service Spray, top ping, prune, cabling. 4-2666. NEW building or remodeling, est. tree 4-6340 after 1 J0pTse TILLING Howard Rotovator. Ph. 4-2623 or 2-3533, No calls Sat. please. HOWARD rotovatlng. new lawns prepared. free estimates 3-5699 or 4-9261. LAWN mowing done by week Ph.- 3-5695. PRUNING, spraying, topping, re moval L w caudle 4 itei R0T0VATING Salem Area. Ph. 4-2301. So. RELIABLE experienced meat cutter desires position immed iately, rn. LAWN MOWING. POwYp. MOWER. PHONE 4-2301 WSPECIAL ! !T NEED en addition? Remodeling? Cabinet Work. Free estimates. Big discount. Expert work. Work guaranteed Rrf. Go anyplace; Chas. Exllne, Ph. 1-7016. WOOD CUTTING REAS RATES. PH. 4-1214. CEMENT Work. Ph. 4"-3.nTsidet walks, patios, ret wall, ga rages, bsmta. Free estimates HOME building remodeling" house framing er any line of carpenter work. Ph. 4-6271. roto-tilLing PH. 4-CJJ or 1-2511 614 Work Wowtod, Lody WANTED to board it room, el derlylady. 7I.JPh. 1-M34. WANTED. Beby afttfng, 11 a day. Box 76, Statesman-Journal. BOY wants Job for summer Prefer! farm. Ph. I-1M1. DEPENDABLE care for Infanta to 4 years. Play room It toys. Week-ends accepted. Ph. 4-0703 or 1451 rerry. HOuYlCLEANINC. by hr. refer ences. Ph. 4-027. PRACTICAL nursing, 19 years exp. win live in. rn. BABY sitting In my home eves. It week ends. Ph. 4-W49. CHILD care, my home by ex- fierlenced mother. 1340 N. Win ar. Ph. 4-0657. MIMEOcffAPHlNG typing Mrs Poe. 6J N 16th Ph 3-3643 SEWING Dressmaking, in my home, ayefypes. Ph 2-9391 WANTED Ironing In my home. 119 N, 9th. 2-1616 EXPERT child care. My home 1541 Trade. Ph. 4-5866. WILL care for elderlv person in my home. Ph. 3-5061 LOVING supervised child care, my home So. Ph 2-3:il6. 3h!LD CARE my homo II da. 29c hr. 4 Comera Ph. 2-9572 EXClLENT CHILD CARE My home, W. Salem. Ph. 4-65J8 615 Situations Wontod SCHARFF brothers Installation Repair Sewers. Septic Tanks, Drain Fields. Power Ditching. Backfill. Ph. 3-956 or 1-9072. SMALL carpenter work, reasonable jobT good Ph. 4-1424. UGH1 crawler doter leveling grading. J-041 LKurth PAINTING, papering. Free estl matea. Don Lucero 3-5522. CTRPENTER" work, any kind real. 4140 Macleay Rd. 4-59S1 NEW lawni complete, free eat 3-1443 morn., 4-3041 Eve. LAND CLEARING D-6. Hr L C Mitchell. Ph 3-9137 PLOWING It discing D. Mar shall, 2-1343. '.. 'i 's vd shovel, crane, t oe drg line. 26-ton "muhl le cranes. D4, D7 cats, carry all clear Ing blade Rental eontrart or unit prices. SAI.EM SAND GRAVEL 1405 N Front St Ph 2-2461 700 Rental. 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board NICE rm. for men. Also bsm't hskp. rm. 5.H N. Winter. ROOMStl"a dayTtS a"wk. No drinkers. 411 N. bummer. NICE FURN., quiet sleeping rm. in private home. 2-6514 eves. HOME away from home. Pack lunches. Men. 109 N. 5th. CLEAN, quiet, r.eer State olrtj , shop Pist, kit, pr'vel. 2-144D T. V. SLEEPING rm friendly home, man, 20 board 2-7620 CLEAN. Comf. rms. T V., close In 219 S Winter 2-1, , 705 Apartment! For Rent FURN. apt., cloae In, employed person pref. 2-6197. FURNfWtfurn," apt7l7i6""; CapltoL 1-ROOM furn.. priv bath. Near Capitol Bldga. 940 Mlll. 1-ROOM furn. apt. Close to State bldge. PrtJ-1421. 1 BDRM. apt. Pvt. ent. Util. pd. Ph. 4-1332 after (. FURN. apt. 139. util included. Emp. Lady only. Ph. 4-197. 3 RM. nicely furn. Apt, priv. bath, 19 90 per wk. Ph. 4-4020 or 3-8141. I RM. (urn., gar. avail, pvt. bath: util. pd, 1953 State. 1 RM. furn. apt, priv. bath At ent Suitable for cpl. 1111 Mill. DOWNTOWN furn. apts. Util. pd. (70. 71 Marion 2-5223. 700 Rental TOSAswjrrmiRH For Rent SPACIOUS UNFURNISHED 4- rm. Acacia Aparunent. 114 South 13th Street 2-700. CLEAN S-rm. (root apt. Ground nr.. rerrig., novo utilities furn.. pne, balh, Ph 3-7145. I RM. util.. turn. pvt. hath. enu reirig. m g. i3tn. Adults. I RM. furn. apt Also eingie sleeping room, nee, eve . ji. CotUge. CLEAN turn. 1 Bdrm. TJuTTpI nose in ue Mission, FURN. apt., I oiks. Meier Franks a Stale Bldea., Pvt. ent. AH util. pd. inc. auto, waaher At dryer. 46 N. Winter. CLEAN, furn. upstaira. 1 bdrma. e oo. list, rn. a-isn. 1 RM. turn. apt. newly dee. 705 n. Liberty i-ohi. COURT Apia. (Court At Cottage! otter anwntown outet epta, from Ml 60 to 194 Ph. 1-7440 1 RM. furn. apt. 4 Wka. No. of Lipman's. S3S. 14 Dlvtaipn. Ph. 4-JJJ4. FURN. court apt Water. gr- bage AV garage furn. Ph. 2-439. CLEANT bdrm , llv. rm.. kit At dinette. 1059 Edgewatet, W. Salam. CAPITOL PUZA 1 BDRM, UN FURN. 111 Chemekete St Ph - AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apts. 550 N. Summer. 2-920 1 OR I bdrm furn court apts nn uiil nirn. weekly or monthly retes. Ph. 1-6713 1 I.RG. rm. Apt furn.. rlns to t-apnoi Dias. rn, -77n or 2-37M after p.m. SMALL Attractive furn. apt 34 N. 12th. NEW 2 bdrm. unfurn. Birch kit chen, until, rm,, nice. 170. Ph. 4-5056. ROOM unfurn. flat 1 block r o. mo,, in Ferrp, MOD. nicely furn. apt. Pvt bath, 149 N. CotUge. ATTRACTIVE t nn bath apt ej-r.ao state at 13th Ph. 1-4370 FURN. S RM. apt with bath vacant atn. 63a N, lummer, LARGE 3 RM. FURN. APT CLOSE IN SO. PH. 4-3661 UNFURN I bdrm. court apt Range. refng suburb. 2-2906. 963 SAGINAW, nice 2 rm. kitch- enette. heat At water furn, FURN. 3 rm. apt Adult. 1949 N. Capitol. Ph. 2-900. KINGWOOD Courts: furn. At uniurp: apts laundry facilities, water St garbage furn. 3rd St. W. Salem, Ph. 4-8514 mom Inga or eve, after . 2 BDRM. apt. redecorated, $39. iiooa location. 3-3323 COURT apts. extra nice, 3 rms.. netn, turn, tv, iauiM panting, avail. Inq. 1341 So. 12th. CLEAN furn. 1 ii 1 rm. apt. e.id rerry. 1 bdrm. unfurn. Apt. near down town & State Offices. 140. 140 Ferry Ph. 4-0015. NICE 1 bdrm. Apt, furn. or unlurn. 1117 Court St. FURN. mod-Srm7Apt., 1069 Madison. 145. Ph. 4-4754. COLONIAL Manor. 2 rm. furn. Ai 1 rm. unfurn. 1225 Che mekete. Ph 1-7954. MOD., clean, neatly "furn. "l" B. R apt. at Turner. Ph. 4-1497. 4-34 7. 1 RM. At bath In modern court, range At refng. bus bv door. 146 Hlnes. 144. Ph. 1.7110 1 RM. furn. apt 132 50 Near I. Salem HI. Ph. 2-7941. NCELY furn. 1 rm. apt., cloee in pvt. natn. eao ew. torn I, I RM. At bath, furn., clone in, single only. Ph. 2-4094. ATTRACTIVE 1 bdrm. furn pt. near M It T. 17 Urrton. CLOSE In. clean. 4 rm. bath utility rm. gsr , bus, t-Mll CLEAN 1 rm. At kitchenette. furn. water k garbage, furn. Priv. ent AV bath. North Emp. lady pref. 2-0763. LARGE lst-flr. clean furn. apt. fireplace, auto, neat; near Capito. Aduts 2-4503: 1-5272. CLOSE in. nice mod. furn. apt Ph. 3-6490. jxcept Sat. Lovely 3rm.lfurnT Nr. Canitol. Barheq., creek. Plan- dix w A, d. couple. 3-0334. CLEAN 1 i 1 rm. Apts. Ph. 4-9728, 1 BEDROOM furnished apart ment. Fh. 4-6D73. 706 Duplex! THE cleanest, the cutest 1-bdrm. furn. duplex in town. 2-6775. REDEC. upper 2 bdrm. flat. part. turn aguiis. lisa utn. 2 BDR M. FURN $50 PH. 1-8997 BRAND new 1 bd unfurn., raoient glass heat, hirrh kit.. Call eve. or Sun. 1461 N. Win. ter. 1 BDRM. furn. duplex, clean. 140 mo. Ph. 2-6533. 1 OR 3 bdrm. furn , or unfurn., aide by sine duplex, yard. gar. Call 3-6980, See at 949 N. Winter MODERN furn all elec. 1 bdrm Leslie At Bush School. Garage Inquire 2210 fireyman St. 1ST FLOOR furn. I bdrm. extra Dea, i.v ant nenaix. on heat, garage, 175. 1284 Court Pi) 3-7124. 1-BDRM. unfurn , clean, yard gar. rn. 4 BDRM (urn duplex. 1469 Court 75 mo. Ph. 3-5834. 707 Houim For Rent l-BDRM. house, carpets, TV an. lenna. Adults, sto. . State. Ph. :-5276. MOD. 2 bdrm. hse . south on 1 A. land. hdwd. fire., frpl., tile bath. view, sei mo. Ph. 2-9577 1 BDRM. house. Fairmount Hill Newly decorated. Ph. 4-6323. FOR LEASE: 2 bdrm furn house. 3340 Neef Ave. after 6 AVAILABLE June I, 1 bdrm. mod. No. Attacit. gaiaie. fenced yd. Laundrv tras. elec. range A refrlg, Very nice fnr working couple or older couple 149 1397 limes NICE 2 bdrm. unfurn. house It garage. Nn pets. 160. Available June 1st. Ph. 4-2662. 4595 State I BDRM. house, lota of closet apace, stove, refrlg, garage, some util. Inq. 1901 No. 19th St 2 BR. GAR. water furn. 2011 Highway Ave. 4i. UNFURN. 4 rm.. house A gar age close in 135 month. 696 N Cnttase rRMrCABIN7bachTlor7 ll07Ph. 2-7506. 4 RM. HOUSE unfurn. 150. Near sen. on bus rts. 2460 Broad way.' 1 BDRM. gar. water turn. 145 Cloae In. 4-4009. TRAILER space 110 per mo. no pets. m. i-wea uiu ox ford. 1-BDRM. cottsge, pertly turn, yerd. garage 4-I5M. I BDRMS. furn or unfurn. 171 mo. North. Ph. 4-800 Avail. June 1st I Bdrm. houses, range, refrlg A- furn. Salvador Apta. 1-384I 201 E. Miller. 1-BDRM. house wgerage, stove Ar refrlg. 1231 Allen Court Ph. 4-Wil. I BDRM. home, 1M mo. at Tur. ner. Chester Stewart Turner, Ph. MIX, CABINS partly furn. 7 a week. Ph. 2-124. 700 Rental 77 Houses For Rout ITOOO 4 Rm. House North 142.10 1 Bdrm. Keirer E. A. McGLALTLlN, Agent JH N. High 1-M11 -1 1 BDRM. house, 141. at 226 Claude St. To rent call Lela Whelcnel, tat to. Uth eve. attar 4.3. TOR RENT Small 1 bdrm. haa.. ratng. 4c range rui n . young couple preferred lie. Inq. leal Baker. I BDRM. unfurn. house. Call 1-M2 after t er week enda. SMALL S bdrm. unfurn. bouae. on heat, garage. (40. Ph. 1-710 or 4-14. 1 LRG. bedrm. util., shower, 3i Ph. a-JH4 after i I BDRM , neat at clean, fenced yd. utility rm. gap, ph. 4-ooia. SMALL clean 'unfurn. heuae. 41 per mo. Ph. 3-1793. NEW 1 BDRM house, range; re fng. Ar wasrter furn. All util inc. WO. 401 So. Pacific Hwy. Ph. l-so. I BDRM. house partially (urn. stove at rerrig. rirepiare, on heat, baeem't garage. Couple only. South.. 141 -B4, LEASE S bdrm. home, fireplace. a oik. Qua atop, lis i. inn. CLEAN unfurn. It, bdrm. gar. as, w. sajent J-iH7. 707-a Furnished Houses FOR RENT In Turner, aval. June 1st: I bedrm., part furn. Fenced yard. Ph. 26X1. M. T. Webb. 2 B. R. mod. aub beautiful lne. Aivtew.FTpI. garage. 2-1227. 1 RM. COTTAGE furn. Call after I p.m. 2127 Myrtle Ave. SMALL Furn. house. Clean, Close In. 491 S. Hielv CLEAN furn. 1-bdrm. house. garden. Inq. C. I. Andreaen, 499N.Lanceter. Ph. 4-2941 I BDRM. house with bsm't 4- ml. Bo. 79 mo. 1-114. CLEAN furn. 1 bdrm. house 4. Some util., gar. adults, no pets. 4-5131. WALKING diat. So, 1 bdrm. furn, house. 2-75, 709Wontedto Rent Nelson's Rentals WE WANT GOOD HOMES TO RENT TO OUR WAITING CLIENTAL. ALL PRICED HOMES UP TO 1125 WE SERVICE OUR RENTALS AND ADVERTISE ALSO COLLECT FOR OWNERS Call Dorothy Deal, Eve. 4-8631 NELSON k NELSON, RLTS. 1590 S. Commercial Ph. -369 710 Wonted to Rent Hies NEED by June loth. 2 bdrm. unturn. nouae. ao. j-ozas. PROFESSIONAL man, now real dent dealrea 2 or 3 bdrm. house near S Salem High. Ph. 1-3171. (-1. 1-197 eve. 714 luslneit Rentals STORE ROOM for rent Ml N High. Ph. 4-8351. BUSINESS apace 16'x.12'. avail. ahle June 1st. In Wallace na. Shopping Center. 160. Ph. 3-74.12 A 3-5077. IH)w N town office apace, store rms Js warehouse. 3-4)14. Convalescent Homos ELDEREST Nursing Home. Prl vat rooms available. 11 N. Church. 1-91. COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME. 232 N. Cottage. 1-7030 780 Movinf Store 90 LOW COST torage H U Stiff Furniture Co 1-lltl Urmer Transfer Storage Complete mevtn service Also agent for BIKINI Nation VVida Mover. Ph. Mill. 800 Real Estate 801 Buinei Opportun. FOR SALE: Chile-Bowl Drive In Restaurant, at Gates. Ore. Hiway 2S ml. W. of Dam. Very good-going business. Veiy reaa. Leaving because o( health. Mill City 7-307. WILL trade my 3 rood income homes, all clear, for Income property In small valley town, value 121 000. Write owner. Mrs. E C. Russell. P.O. Box 1198. Warrenton, Ore. HEREa the spot" for New car and Truck Dealership in Wil lamette Valley. Looking for a good business? This Is it. Nash. CMC Truck and Willys Commercial. You can't beat this combination. Nash haa been In for ( years. Vary ood tales record. CMC and Willys Commercial 1 year. Sold 99 trucks last year. This is one In a million. I just bought an other Dealership in a larger town, reaaon for selling. It will take approximately 116.- OOflOO to buy. Must be cash. No used cara or accounts in deal. Clean deal with a good profit. Box 66 Stateaman-Journal. RESTAURANT Poor health forces this owner to sell thriving business. Good locstion. gross in 10 mos pe riod. 121.000 Will sacrifice (oi $grX) rash, (or quick sale. Call 1-IMBS for appointment. MODERN 7 unit Salem mote and home, sell or consider trade (or small apt. house rinse In. Write Box 13 Stateaman-Journal. FOR LEASE near completion new drivo-in restaurant with heavy traffic count. Some equipment (urn Box 13. Stateaman-Journal. 802 Businen Property LONO TERM LEASE. Corner lot indust. zone B2'2xU2. paved It' Alley. Write Statesman Journal Box 7. VALUABLE' PROPERTY: A large building & 2 lots, cen trally located, a gnod business site Ph. l-40 or 3-4434. 803 Suburbon LOOKING f,r a home? Kener dist. 2'j A , lots of fruit. 3 bdrm. modern house. Hi. 2-076. 4 Bdrm., nearly acres, south. Good well, pavement Sell ell orpart.4-213. Vi A. HOME at FRUITLAND. 1 mi. Kast out Center St. Church It achool close by. Rct Willamette I.oam sn:l VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. fi ono $1 500 dn . IV) month. STULLF.R. Rltr. Ph. 4-S7B2. foTTT outei For Sold BARGAIN 'i acre trdct. joining city limits. Coy. small home plus garage apt. Family fruit, garden, paved street, bus line s.V.W Reasonable down payment. See my agent B. M. MASON. RLT. 131 Cbameketa 3-841. 1-3141 1-J04 Furn. Home It 2 Lots PH. 3-7011 CLOSE TO ALL SCHOOLS" Attractive, modern 3-hedrm. home, full bsm't. wparty room, hdwd- doors, fireplace, dhle. nlumb., numerous hunt ings It storage space Must be seen Inside to appreciate. Well kept yard and shrubs, fruit treee. (0x100 corner lot, city bus service. 113.1130. See et 1010 Electric Ave 500 DN , 10 a mo. well built 2 bdrm elec. heat, full price, 178O0. Ph. 1.JJ7I. 800 Real Estate 106 Houses For Selo BUSH Park. edrm : I bdrm : near S, High Sch. 1447 er 1-3741. NEW I bdrm. home. dole, gar are, large Int. t mi. E. of Totem Pole. Ph. 1-997. OWNER leaving State June Ind , 175 buya equity in 1 yr. eld mod. 1 bdrm. (tome, located at 194 S. 41th St. OWNER TRANSFERRED" I BDRM mod home. Irg corner lot, near So Salem High, tie. ano, Pk. l-aattl. Right For Retirement SOUTH Salem, choice location, snndarn. cosy 1-bdrm. very complete home, large level lawn, shrubs, terms, Ill.aM. B. M. Mason, Rrsltor Ml Chemekete St " Ph. 1-M41, J-306, 3-141 BY BUILDER NEW 1 bdrm noma neai S Salem achoola At park 1-7071 BYBUILDER NEW spacious 1 bdrm. Ingle wood Dlst Top quality. 1-7071. OWNER TRANSFERRED Will sell sparlaua I bdrm. home for F H A. epprelsal. Must eee to appreciate. 1419 N. 14th. BY OWNER: I bdrm. heuae It basem't Irg. kit., wplenty of bullt-ina. Dble gar., Irg. cor ner lot patio AV plenty of trees. A bargain at t99i. See et 1M So. list. TWO BEDROOM home on extre lot Entire place fenced, quiet and secluded, lovely yard on Mill creek. Ideal place for gardening end outdoor living. One block to bua and grocery. Near school. Ph. 1-13M. BY OWNER: (73 Rose St. In beautiful Walnut park, cuatom built 1 bedroom home, wall to wall carpeting, dishwasher, fireplace, full dry basement with shower, built Ins gallore. attached garage, nice yard with choice roeee At ahruba. Come anytime as I am moving Into mr new home June li. REAL ESTATE CONTRACT FOR SALE AT DISCOUNT NO. 1 1 Acre At Home. Dis count 1900. (3000 equity fur 13100. Pays monthly. NO. 1 House At lot in city. Dis count 1490. gllflo equity fur 11100. Paya monthly. NO. 13 Acres At Home. Die count 11000. S31U equity for 21a0. Paya monthly. NO. 4 Heuae at lot city prop erty. Discount 11250. tfclM equltv for 14000. BEN COLBATH, REALTORS ?IL?urLSi DlaM-4494 FOR SALE, neat house, furni ture, garage, garden, best lo cation. W. Salem. Ph. 2-0373. MOD. 2 BDRM. home, lot 29-x 65', walnuta At cherries. Just outside city limits. Buy equity At take over loan at 4', Inter est. 2119 Fisher Rd. MR OWNER! Glen Woodrv will pay top price for your furn At aoDllancea Ph 1-1110 COZY 1 bdrm. home north close to bus line, peved St. 11.300 1300 down. Imm. poaeeseion B. M. Mason Rltr. 341 Chemekete. Ph:3-664l:4-3469; joe hWchison REALTOR Let us solve vour home needs To Buy. Sell or Rent Tall Ph. 4-5743 1131 Edgewatet Ph 4-7174 7I10SofimmT FOR SALE: Alf furn 2 bdrm. house, w,l extra Iota. Ph 3-7016. SELL or trade email house at 4033 Earl Ave. Ph. 4.7160. WEST SALEM By owner, S bedroom houee, basement, large garage, radi ant heat. U3 Franklin St. Ph. 4-3797. Close in N. Church Oldet home. 1 bdrms. one fir. Full basement, new oil fur nace. Large tlving At dining rm. with fireplace, lot to al Ity. 110,000. Entrlewood Dist. Lerge ranch typa home with Earty room and I fireplaces, area utility rm. A real buy et 114.200. Call Corey. Brand New 3 Bdrms. New dist. East Close to Kru ger's store, off Lancaster All H W (Ir. Large lot with dou ble garage. See to appreciate 114,700. Art Madsen Realtv 1326 State 3-3960. 2-6612. 3-1103 RETIRE AT THE BEACH!! I 1 HOMES, 1-2 bedroom. 1-1 bed room, furnished, centrally lo cated In Rock away. For sale or trade (or Salem property. Total price 18500. Ohmart & CaSaba. 477 Court St. Phone 24115-2411 3 BDRMS. PART TRADE Living room, 10x24, flrcpl , din. rm, lovely kit Ige. family rm wfirepl., srttnt. bar ii stools, den. 1 bdrms. svmass Ive closets bulltlna. l's bslhs. Util. rm Sewing rm, dbla gar wlots of hulltin Hor ace, auto oil (urn Cor. lot m i lfi2, bus atop. Beaut, ahruba. Patio A- fenced back yard 121. 951) Will take house or con up to ta nno Ph 4-dom THE H0MESELLERS C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. DALLAS HIWAY - 4 bdrms., bsmt., Inside utility wired (or washer A dryer. Dble, ga rage, fruit, nice view. Price 17.730. Call Faye Seal. 4-134. 702 No High St. Phone 4-4441 COZY 1 bdrm.. home7 lot "0x 12. apples A- pears. 3I3S Mon roe Avc 17,250. Ph. 4-3844. OWNER transferred: o (" e r s home (or 19.100 Located close to bus, shopping, sch. bus at door, large Int. iarce 2 bdrm. home. Finished room tn attic, MO Stark St, Ph. 4-6345. 3 BDRMS . 1 1 a baths, birch kitchen with dishwasher At dls- pnsal. firepl in large living rm. Lrg utility. 2 yrs old Owner transl erred. litjoo. Ph. 4-7.1S1 Garden Lovers Nice 1 bdrm. home 3'xl70' lot, kitchen with formica counter tops, large living rm . tiled bath, lots of flowers A- shrubs, also trees, large garden spot alrcsdv planted, upstairs un finished For more details call 4-82M Price 18,750. NFW 2 bdrm. on Hansen Ave. H W. Heat, plastered gar Swedish frpl. unique price re duced. 110.950. Ph. 4-053. , BY OWNER.-sT 500 dn total price 112.000 2 new 3 bdrm homes, included are Hi bathe, playroom, birch kit wdintng area,' front rm. w(rpl , all Sewd. fir".." tJi oil heet. dbl gar wpetlo, lot sis 12 x110' city water Loens ire on bouses, move right tn Houees are I blk out of city limits North 3311 Maydeld Place It 23 Wilshlre Drive See eny time or ph 1-093.1 KINGWOOD-Heights: Mod.Y- hdrm. home. 1001 Cascade Dr Frpl, hdwd doors, covered brrerewav Inside util, 1.100 aq ft. ilO 1O0. Owner. Ph. 2-7(95. CLOSE in, walking distance to Capitol Bldg. Attractive yr. old. 1 bdrm home room for 2nd bdrm. llv. rm., dinnette A kitchen In knotty pine. 17. 950. Call F. L. Knapp Broker. Ph. 2.828. 800 Real E-tate 106 Housos For Solo MOST ROOM FOR YOUR MONEY J-bei rm. home with 1 Sao aq. ft. plus dble. garage. Hot water redlani beat in floor. Fireplace, livi rm., din. rin. Inside utility. The beet buy In Salem at only 111,. CALL RON HUDK1NI 1 ACRES CLOSE IN This creage la level end well drained, irrigation ditch on two sides, fenced. ' In eult . Is wooded. S3 ft. well, hern II M, garage If a t4 t bdrm. house. A fine buy fnr 111 to. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON EXCELLENT BUY Unit res idential court. Brick construc tion Good location. IMS monthly Income. for Details call h. x. Laymon . GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS ISO S. LIBERTY ST. PH. l-MTt Cvenirurs It Sundeye call Salesmen Ron Hudkina 17 11 Walt Socwtofsky 1-ta.M J t Lew S-Mll Mrs Richardson 4-aae WANTS SMALLER HAS 1-bedroom home lone of them In beoement) to trade. His has M 14 living room. Dining room. Nook. Fireplace. 110,500. Terms. ON NORTH ITH IS a 3-bed room home (or 17.106. with eome terms Big living room. Utility. Garage. Lot (i S 1H Fruit. Nut. PRICE CUT ft .000 YOU now ran buy thla 1-bed room home on Cross street for IA MO, with some term. aaement. Creek lot. Trees 427 Ferry List With Eve : Mrs Lehmann 1-MW: Frank RAWLINS MORTGAGE LOANS FOR BUY IN O OR CONSTRUCTION I OR ', NEW 1-BEDROOM HOME-l.Stl rm. and din. rm. combination Lovely kit. with plenty nf birch cabinets, it, hatha, utility, att. ger. Sanberf oil furnace City, water. Paved St. This home built by one of Salem's better builders. Cloae te new Jr. High afte. Call Del Raybum for app't to see. Eve. pk. 1-1041 1-BEDROOM DANDY-Llv rm.. down. 1 bdrm. and lull bath up. This home It tn perfect con dition Inside end out Beautl(u) email yard. Walking distance to M. A F. Priced at 11,1000. Call Henry Bund to see Eve. Ph. 4-1720. NICE HOME. CONVENIENT LOCATION-Good neighborhood, yet walking distance to shopping center, near eus atop, a on rms., liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm.. kit. with nice bullt-lns. ttt. gar. You will Ilk this home. Price I1L1M.00. Term. T eee call Dean Klarr. Eve. Ph. 1-7W0. THIS ATTRACTIVELY PRICED 1 ington School. Well constructed. Shake anterior ens eiastereo inside. Both Electric and Oil heat Owner anstioue to move into larger house end sacrificing it I7JM.M, Te eee call R. I. Gillespie. Xve. Ph. 4-044. RAWLINS REALTY 60S CHEMEKETA STREET Salem, Oregon Office Phone 4-seH STATE FINANCE 117 I High St II ACRE farm. Good Improve ments. 4-BR. home, basement, furnace. Barn, machine shed, etc. 4 Acrea cultivation. Good etand of fir timber. Creek and spring. Price 121 000. Terms. Call O. V. Hume. Ive. phone 1-520. 17 1. Good l-BR home, South, Haa large unfln. upstaira. Large bedrooms, fireplsce. Lo cated about 3 hi lis, from Mnrnjngslde School. Terms. Call O. V. Hume. Eves phone 2-1204. I 030. with lion down. Clean l-BR. home South en paved street. Close tn schools end bus. Lot 50 x UK) Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown. Eves, phone 2-5561. J N. CHURCH ST. Ph. HERE IT IS A verv likable I bdrm. home. Good sired liv. rm. Din. rm. end kitchen comb. Oil heat. Insul. Hdwd firs. Ven. blinds. Full price M 0O0 Call Mr. N. G "Dan" Isaak, Ive. Ph, 4-1933. LOTS A ROOM 4 bedrooms. Fireplace. Oil heel. Dishwasher, Large lot with trees. City bus al door. Ex cellent value at 19,900 $1.00 down will handle. Call Mr. Crawford, Eve. Ph. 4-M10. IT'S TERRIFIC Lovely 3-bdrm. home en one fir. Lie. liv. rm. Brklst. nk. Fireplace. Hdwd (Irs. Insul Bath. Shower. Near School and transp. Large Int. A steal at 1126O0 Tall Mr. Sword, Eve. Ph. 2-104 SUPER MARKET High net Income from this su per market act up. Top loca tion on high traffic street. In a booming town close to new dam under construction. Lota of parking room. No credit business. 2 bdrm. owner's quarters. Land, bids, snd equip included. Priced st 131. 000, plus inventory. Terms ar ranged Call Mr. Woodcock, Eve. Ph. 2-710 I LICENSED ATSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evenings 4-1020. 4-731. 1-421, 2-M4I. 4-9111, 4-99S1 If ns enawer. Dial 4-2241 KEIZER DISTRICT I7S00 FOR thi 1 bedrm. house. Lg. lot, Inside utility. Lg. 2 rsr Ga. 1300. down, will take good contract in trade. Eve. call RAY DAVIS 4-3917 Days 2-M0 F.d Lukinbeai Realtor, 431 N, High. Hollywood District l NICE 3 bedrm. home with a full basmt. A sawdust rum. din ing rm. fireplace, lovely large yard with (rult A shade treea, close to Church It Schoola. this is not an old run down place but la quite attractive and in real good repair, only asking 17950. Eve. call FLOYD McNALL 3-774 Days i-0 Ed Luklnbeel Realtor 431 N. rHigh. . BY0WNER - 1 HOMES I new I Bdrm. homes, firenl., dbl. gerege. birch kit . plas tered large lot. restricted. Priced reaa. Terms tradea. Open house daily. See I blk. N. Clearlake atora on Wheat- ler.djtd. HIM 1 BDRM. house. MM Frultland Rd Low payment. Ph. 4-131 before noon, week ends 4-132. 807 Apt'i. Courti tor Solo BY Owner- ( unit Apt. heuae, each with bath. 1 furnished. Good rental dist, : blocks (mm renter of business dis trict. Ph. 1-733. 800 Real Estate " 106 Homos Fop Solo GOOD BUSINESS LOCATION 40 ft. on Pacific Htfhwev. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY HILLTOP HOUSE Twr those who ereukt like to enloy a little country living. Sightly 13 eeee farm with year 'round stream. Ideal far the familv that eravea few "white face" and horse oe two. 1 min utes frees downtown. CALL J ( LAW CLOSE IN NORTH - Charming name walking diets nee to town an achoola. Large 4 bdrm. heme, basmt.. Ml neat, t fireplaces, wall to wall ear pet thruout. Nice) yard. pati. dble. garage. FOR AFPT CALL RICHARD . GRABENHORST H. K. Layman l-ttl ONLY KM DOWN FOR thli big home In Ingle wooo) niiiriei. a oearoome. Ideel tor large family. Plumb" Ideel for large family. Plume. I !?? V cr ' i let Fruit. K M i OUU1H NEARLY new 1-bedroom home with ll the feature. Nice view. Basement, Fireplace. Oil furnace. 1110. Terms. WANTS LARGER OWNER et fine I-bed room home will trade. Dining room. Nook. Fireplace. FA U beet Genie- . Terme. Us Office 44381 Visile 4-M7I; Jim Ramsey 4-UM REALTY ee). ft. floor spare SI a II llv. din. rm., kitchen end t, bath - bdrm. home I blkj. from Wash CO, REALTORS Phone l-llll SUM. Will trade for Albany Rroperty. Thie cieae l-BR. erne with unfinished up stairs. Located doe te High land School. Haa basement Fenced yerd. Call Stanley Brown, sacs, pnewe a-aeei. IS ACRES on Ml. North aeor, i. mile frentaee. Part in eult end some Oak Grove, Lerge barn, no heuae. run erica II 100. Consider Income or lots. Call W. H. Steveley.aalae- man. Eves, phone 4-W11. 1100 down er make offer. I-BR, home on large lot North out side city limit. About i old. Wired for range and good Flumblng. Carport li utility, ull price t4.2M. 141 per month on balance. Call W. H. Steveley, salesman. Ives, phone 4-HII. NHORST BROS WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES 4-1311 or 1-712 LOOK AT THIS Dandy home. Lie. llv. rm. Oil heet. Gerage. Near School and transp. In McKlnley District. Large lot. Consider trading for amall bouse neer the univer sity. Full price M 230. Call Mr. N. G. "Dan" lsaak. Eve. Ph. 4-1193. NEARLY 2 ACRES Cloae In N. E. Beautiful yard. All kinds of fruit, and ahruba. Large garden, t-room modern home. 2-ear garage plut workshop I4x0 new chicken house. Reel velue st 111,00. Call Mr. Crawford, Eve. Ph. 4-IOS. JOYOUS LIVING Spacious 3-bed room home, Sep. dining rm. I lovely fireplaces. Daylile basmt Its bathe, F. A. oil heat. Plua all the extras to make It so enloysbls. Priced right al 115.90. Call Welt Jones, Ive. Ph. 4-7132. VARIETY STORE Ideal act up fnr man and wife Very clean slock. Shows good Income. Closed holidays and Sundays. Open I to dally. List of equip and fixtures. Full price 12,0ft plus Inven tory. Cell Mr. Woodcock, Eve. Ph. 1-710. 1500 DOWN 1 ACRES. 20 minutee west large oldar houae, newer barn, brooder house, 1 car garage Grade school close 1700. E. A. McGLAl'rTIN, Rltr. 331 N. High 2-M11 1-M12 BUY my equity In Manbrin Gardens home. 2 bdrms., or 1 bdrms and den. F. A. heet. fro . and patio. 11 IN dn., Ill 50, 33 Manbrin Dr. Ph. 4-141 808 Lett For Solo ON Croisan creek, A. lota. all year creek. 1 ml. from city ctr. rn. s-wso. TRADE 2 lota, lust off Glan Creek Rd. for late model cer. Ph12-203, -. t ...... LOT. 101 Oxford. 3.3141. Ph. 1-1470 or LRG. LOT ISlxS. Price 193. Kelter Heights. Ph. 2-112. TO TRADE 1031 Buick er 180 Studebaker Com for a lot nr acreage. Ph. 4-0121. 1721 Child! hish Villaea balance due in cludes interest A street as sessments. Ph. 4-1270 LARGE lot-wonderful vTew. A stesl at 250. See this before you buy. Ph. 1-439. ' buTlWrsattention LARGE view lota, new street, luat off Eweld on Stanley Lane Price re is. Ph I-HM or 271 W. Eweld. 8S0 Aatomotirt III Now Cops SAVIRGSH AUTO ACRES The NEW Place to Buy That NEW '56 FORD ACRES OF NEW FORDS TRUCKS & USED CARS Come on out for that ' DEMONSTRATION RIDE Virfil PsMMt Johs Jlsnchik 3650 PORTLAND ROAD 4-0535 800 Real Estate 104 Hovsos Fsh Solo WEST 8ID1 I BDRM. HOME with eome View. Ha tk A. of land. Separate dining rm Bee pretty good kitchen. House needs paint Owner will eon. elder offer. Call Derethy Deal Ive. 4-MJ1. COEY BUNOALOW IN GOOD LOCATION. Completely redec orated. Good location for of' flee workers, hoanltal em ployee, store clerks. Has economical sawdust heat, fire piece, Bua by doer. Don't miss seeing inis neel itome. i.ane. Call Echo Yea tar, Eva. 1-4471, BEAUTIFUL TRI-PLIX WITH GOOD INCOME. Thl Inveat ment haa 1 rurnlahe unit, 1 lovely eot with 1 bdrms A firepl., and owner's llvtn juerter. Obi, plastered sir age. Central Utility, Close te bua and chopping. Call Clyde reuix, sve, a-aaja. Nelson i Nelson REALTORS 154 I. Commercial Ph. I-IM 1150 Down, M0 a Month BUYS thla I room home, near Salem Heights achool I31M, E. A. McGLAUFLIN, Rltr. 131 W. High 1-111 mil U ACRE LOCATED lust off Lancaster en Glenwoed Drive. I Bedroom, L. R.. Kitchen and dinette, utility room, gas furnace, laree earaae. good well end pump. Cloae to but) school end stores. Only MO Sewn will handle. LINCOLN PARK I BEDROOMS, famlre birch kitchen, llvlna room with bulltlna In book eeee. I tire- . places, ilk bathe, I car far age, paved street with curbs, aidewelks, nd community we. ter system. See thl for only u,wo Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUTLDINfJ REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS Office 19217, Ives 1470 or 1731 GOODBYE RENT RECEIPTS EXCELLENT term evallable en this sperkllng cleen, I yr. eld two-bedroom So. Salem home. Nice yard nd petio. Mere's your chence. SUM. Ph. I-Mll fcv. Ph. Pre 4-13M, Cluett & Kenyon, Realtors ISMPlrSTOuptf M. 4 RM. cabin en Ablqua ft, IS ml. N, E. or Salem. Good fishing. M,,rSI!v.rtn I-U34. 810 Forms For Sals TWO ACRES LOVELY wooded view erroe lust outside City Limit, th Ideal location and spot for some one wsnung eeciusion, many lots within (tones throw from thl parcel of land r selling tor neerly es much es this entire property can be had for. Eve. cell ID, 4-101 Days l- Ed Luklnbeel Reeltor. 411 N. High. II A. ABOUT I A. Prunes It cherries I wells A aback. 13330, 7K. down. Ph. 4-MM 2 ACRES SOUTH I BEDRM. Living Rm. big kitch en, geod Bern, poultry hse place all fenced, fruit It nut treea. good buy at IMM. Small down payment eesy monthly Installments. Eve. cell PLOYD McNALL 1-774 Days l- ED LUKINBEAL. REALTOR 431 n. High. SOUTH on peved reed. Appro I A. orchard, mostly cherries, well taken cere of. School bus by door Older type 4 bdrm. house. Must see to ep predate. Price 111,730 (Would consider smell house In South Salam on trade.) for partlcul lars ask fnr Ed Schreder Eve. Ph. 1-7121. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) Sll N. Church Ph. I-S2M WANT AN OFFER FOR this II Acre North with 1 Bedrm house. Earl, weter system with Irrigating equip, ment. Lend ell under plow, cloee to Sch Pvd. Road. Ask ing 100. Owner la real an xious to aell It will consider sll reaaonable offers See RAY DAVIS Eve. rail 4-selT Days l-0 EO LUKINBEAL, Real tor, 411 N. High. HORSES - HORSES - HORSES "A natural". 4 Acrea; excellent feature! plenty al wst.r, barn bedroom home; dble. gar. ege. Only 730. lew down payt. Ph. I-1M1 Eve. Ph. Thelme 4-. Cluett & Kenyon, Realtors 190 Fairgrounds Rd "5 ACRES EAST ALL under Cult. Berries Exel. water system, llvsble 1 bed rm. house not quite completed, gnnd value fnr MM. Terms within reason Will Mil house with less land et reduced rrlce. Eve cell 3-123 Days wwifl Ed Lukinbeai, Reeltor 431 M. aUgh. Statesman, Salem. Ore., M on.. 850 Automotive IS1 How Con Dot Strand Warrw Hoekef DRIVE THE BIG T Th Smartest -Doee Bard Te os tn teed. McKINNEY LINCOLN - MERCURY 424) R. Coenaaeeetal Saleaa IS2 UiceJ Cars ft Sols LATE MODEL mo CAM Highest Prices Paid EISNER MOTORS IS! N. High sUlern 1M MERCURY Monterey sedan, radio, heeler, Mere-U-Matie. white wall tire, thl as really hcteen ear, tu-tone finish, trad te "Cee1 Welveftoe e-ssMT uir. INS, 4H dual ele ft M C. d Jiwinar MWB) nVVl tt aWWdt w Rldgefleld, Wash. ph. TU 7-1730 13! VICTORIA rord-e-matie. Sank term, ph. 1-4344 tfter I 1IM CHRYSLER Sdn. heater It o drive, (ieoa cona. hi e-nra 144 DODGI sedan, cheap, tltl N. Ul berty, Ph U DEIOTO, auJke effar. CaU I-Mtt. TRADE, 'a ford Convert, for motorcycle er tie eean. s-awse K Suick Ipectal 4-dr. I tone go eond, excel, tire. 4-1M4. 'a Jir. 44 nlck-un walum- tnum eanopr. eetw. rn. me It OLDS II dlx. alub pad. Black radio, heeler, white aid well meter recently e heuled, food conoi. i.j. rn. e-is.n. '41 FORD V-l euatom convert. food cond. Ph. 1-1 IM. 4 CHEV 4-dr, lead eond. . tt H. good tlree. M lllinoia. MM NASH Statesman, neerly new tire, meenanireiiy. per fect, overdrive, windshield washers, double Bed. atove. good tu-tone paint, 124 Edge water. Ph. 1-MM. M FORD Convertible, black with new white top. Sadie a heeler. WAV tire, tinted glass Is etc. IM Kingwood Ave, W. Selem altar I p.m. tWlATIi' 193 ierf pickVus. rn, l-aaae, aire Da nee na. iim "VtacTOTforrTCun PHAETON, low mileage, .las sie wnite ano ctamer tan, re die, heater, full power, equip ment, will trade "fee" Wol verton 1-147 DLR. 01 EVES. AT THE 50 C M C. H ton pickup. 1595 heeler, 4 speed tram. ' CHEV I loo tms power take off. two epeed axis, 711 2111 ply aylee) tires. Clean. NO DOWN PAYMENT O.AC. Bsrfiln Center of Sslem Silverton Rd. Lancaster Dr Ph. 4-1114' BY OWNER; '11 Olds It, dlx. aed. hydra., radio It heater excel cond. Ph. 4-M11 after I wk asyi Chevrolet Cadillac NEW as USED Union A Commercial Ph, 1-1171 FOR SALE: MM equity In M Plymouth, 4 dr. Excellent Cond Terme. Owner In aerv Ice. Ph. 4-341. 141 POMTIAC 4 dr. sedan, very clean. Highest offer takes. 1040 N. Cains. 800 Real Estate 810 Forms for Sols LOOK, THEN DECIDE Owner says sell or trsde I acres, East, 1-bdrm. home. JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR 4M N. High Ph. 4-I4U, 4-tOlJ 812 lich. Rool I staff PORTLAND for Salem. I bdrm. I rm. modern hae., 70' k 130' all fenced Garage Roofed patln. Barbecue grill. Fish pond. Cherry It apple trees, grspes. S E. Suburban, near schools It bus. Quiet, nice neighborhood. 110.300. 3043 II 120th Ave., Port Is nd. Prospect !-(. TRADE 12 000 my equity in 1 bdrm. modem heme with 4, errea e( fruit nuts for lste model used car er pickup. UN Hoiiywoea or. BY OWNER, I utdt apL houae, eloae la, (ale-trade. 4-2441. May 28, S6 (Sec H13 830 Automotive 832 Uitdt Cora For J.Io f. SAFETY TESTED USED ' (NOT ABUSED) CARS '65 Buick Century Hardtop '65 Olds "88" Holiday Coupe Standard trana. '54 Olds, ,498M 4 Dr. Sdn. 54 Olds "88" Holiday Cpe. '54 Olds "88" Holiday' Cpe. ; i s 'i4 Mercury Sun Valley Hardtop '53 Olds "88" 4 Dr. tick Hun. 62 Willys StV Wpj, '51 Chev. Dlx. 4 Dr. '51 Olds "98" 4 Dr. Completely eterhauled. '50 Chev Bel Air Hardtop, suto. tran. , '51 Olds "88" 2 Dr. WC HAVE OTHERS. Com Is and Ssva Haatf en Your ur m wa high ph. vm Prices Are Born Her . . . THEY ARE RAISED ELSEWHERE fOR SALjUCood IMI iUSTl coupe, A-l. e-eare, Oragw's Oldest Otsiar BEST BUY Deed Car lal a Chaaaskata Ph. -7ll 1144 BUICK Super 4-dr. powet eteerlng la lull equip. Will eceept 11 ar 'II esu In trade. 1 Int. en valence, earn price) tm, Wk) Howard, ph. 1-0161. If-LL or trade equltv cleat 'al Mere l-door. Ph 4-1 In nth. rm 4-nii , iv. I-I1M. 1131 DODGE V- Cornet 4-dr". uil Ph. l-sV, tad.pendeno. 417 Butler fottHtV. Bol-AIr V-l lUtloa wagon. All power Mulp, w tlree.. s, e-r. B a. H, low mile age. Sell er trede my equipl tor elder eer. 1241 N. 14th. EST Cash offer take 141 fore! But, coupe, men nr. win l-OSJl. LWc6lN Club Cee. wltk 1141 Mere, motor. A-l shape, beat oiler. M7I Mahrt Ave. en pa rn. -eea. "io "BUICK coupe, good (onsV 140. Ph. 4-10 1 FORD S DR., tlM Pit S-KU 131 1 DR. Chvp, 7U M trade. Eve. 4-1421. "clean, new paint 1341. M. W. Bradley In Aumeville, Ph. 1714. IMMD. sale, leevtnl Salem. II Nash Rambler at. Wignn. excel, eond. as tires. Ph. I-2M2, III Auto Parts e Kipairs 1T PICK-UP bed Is racks. US. a w. cnemaw ne. Heae. 1,4 Truck Trdll.fTT; 'W FORD 4 ton pick-up. est. eond, Ph. eve. Jedereoa Fair ( t t UflUTTlreiler with top far cmplnJJ.jrjl:lSl. FLATBED with grtla for, 1)3 ft. Call 4-921. '47 WILLY'S pick-up. Ph. I-TIM t!l W.ntej, CnTtti WI RE PA VINO TOP CASH For Cleen Used Car Paid nr or No Bob 4 Bill's Used Cars Ldiod 4 Hlfh St. 838 Motorcytla 41 H-D motorcycle, "74", good cond. 1423 Rt. 1. Box t-A. Ph. 3-1402 Silverton. 1M2 HARLEY-DAVIDSON "11, good cond. Ph. i-H4: f41 41 MODEL Hurley DavieC aor.call I-jsii. FROM Uto IM mile per gaL ism cmnmsn ....... eiw list Harley Davidson S1BS IM3 Harley Davidson Ii IM3 James WS 14 Triumph ....Slaw No down payment (O A C I Will use moat anyining in -raae. SHROCK'S. Highland t Portland Rd. 862 Housa Troilori FOR SALE S4II equity In IS 'M vacation site trailer. Will Uke 200 cash. Ph 1-421. 181331 ft. 1 bdrm. Richardao trailer hse . 1 party owner. Na trades. 2IS. Ph. 1-4104. MO Ptld Rd fOR SAlI. Mtwtee.ll 'ft.'i . bdrm., bath, tendem wheela, Kod cond. John Frey, Delia. e. Ph. MA 1-4411, PLAY Shut'fleboerd at " Salem' New Center Street Trellet Court. Trailer Spaces available 4131 Center St. FIR CREST Trailer Park under new management restricted spaces (or rent. Nil N River Rd Ph 1-4311. 1.V VACATION SHASTAS" SMALL DN PAYMT. TERM! UNA LANE 1940 UNA AVE. TRAILER TOWING JAVHAWX TRAILER SALES M4I PartUtkt lav Ph. t ill MR ini 4 t' I ft