12-(Sec. IT) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Mon.t M ay 28, 56 j DAILY CROSSWORD ACKOSS IKinel of poem ' I. rrilow .City .Alaska) - 10. Own . :: 1L Aslant V URurred , mount in crttt 14. 8wiM rivtr . IS. Fortify , 11 Radium isynt.) lr.Aplctur. , aqut view 20. Dutreas . IrjisJ XL In Ihlt piece . Cavity ; I3.avUwraif "-' J, Rubbish SS. Selected II. BiMlcel '" MM 13. Ruth About wildly 34. Whether S3. TooUikt II Author of ' T lUven" T.Awofnee's ' llftit. ; , knitted woolen seetf II Divided ints two parti jr i n medise f 5 in - 4t Reg-retted 4)1 Otrith-Uka klrda . . 41 Mualcal ' ' instrument '44. InellM DOW7T L To en twin , 1 More 20. Thus destitute 22. Aaiiat 1 MiKhitroul 24. A person stronf 4. Letter o the (la alpha bat 25. Put S. Cautious 4V Injur T.Hall! I. Gasoline (Brit. It Movable , framework of a window 11 Alleviate : 19. Herbs of the to- (ether 21 Spread .out, at rl.f tt. Negative reply mm- mm Satardaj's A as wee 31. English author . 35. Aaouaro 2f. At much as pillar the las can 31 Purchaae aster family hold 3..wajer 11 Part of body JO. Slf-een- 4a VVurttem. 10. Coddessof tend person berg; healinf IN.) St Feat ' measure U M il 77 )s J 14 -- ""111! W IT" 40 " Big Carriers 'Essential' ForH-War - AKRON (fUA high Naval officUl laid Saturday that tht Navy con sider! kj mobile carrier task forces to be "ths essential counter to thermonuclear war." . Asst. Secretary of tht Navy James H. Smith added that u enemy "cannot afford to launch a turprist attack on our homeland while a Naval striking force of such retaliatory power is roaming the high seas unopposed. He must first attack the Naval force." Smith made his claims for Naval Power In a speech prepared for Naval and Marine Air Reserve units here. He avoided reference to the accepted United States doc trine that the Air Force's long range, strategic bombers constitute the main deterrent to a surprise nuclear assault But he argued that the Navy's moon nuclear reprisal force " would be "relatively lnvulnerabUJ hard to find, and independent of the use el foreign bases. Smith said such a force of car riers, missile ships and submarines woum "present a major problem to aa enemy commander which must be solved before he dare initiate an attack." Smith said that the huge sir- erau carriers of the Forrest al class Were designed and equipped n punisn aa aggressor without -provoking or permitting greater aggression.- But this "tailored deterrence." he said, la "in ad dition to their function In our total deterrent to total war." - He claimed for the Narv'a sirik. Ing forces the flexibility to employ all types of wessons. Includim hydrogen bombs, "which are tai lored either for total destruction or limited and precise attack." In another Indirect reference to Air Force emphasis on long range bombers and missiles that will be released from aircraft, the Navy official declared his opposition to "any long range tendency to con sider the air delivery system of nuclear weapons) the ultimate and oiuyone. Salem Obituaries Charles Lee Carper At the residence. B Academy It. I Hum, assy asm. eumveo n Broth- er, Amos A. Carper, Salem; sisters, I mis, jomtpn m. uavta. Fotrlsnd: Mrs. Claudia U. Kennedy. Portland. Graveside services will be held 1 inursaaj at i:je am. at the Wil lamette National Cemetarv. Port. land, under the direeUea ef W. T. sugaoa 10. Former POW Isle Becomes New Resort . SANDUSKY, Ohio (eV-An Island ;. in aanouuy Bay, once a Civil Wsr prison camp, Is being turned Into a residential resort Some Cleveland promoters bought Little Johnson's Island all except one acre where Tpi Con- leaeraie Army oiQcer are buried. The promoters said today they have already sold one-third of the lots along the coast line, and are ., negotiating for construction of a three-mile causeway to the main land. The Island, where 15,000 Confede rate officers were once confined, is more than a mile long and neany a nau mile wide at its " widest point. A few ruined foundations are all that remain of the prison camp. For man veara that mi. .. unattended until the United Daugh ters me tonieaeracy In Cincin nati bought it They replaced the wooden markers with Georgis mar- Die aeaastones, donated by the peo ple of that state. In 1910 a monu ment to the Confederate dead was unveiled a statue of a soldier. - Now the cemetery JLUJggyerj, ment property. The real estate promoters plan to recondition the existing docks and dean out an old quarry to crests a land-locked harbor. Army Issues New Typ 'Water Pistol' "' WASHINGTON UB The Army Is issuing a new version of the famous water pistol. It has developed a paper shell. tour incites in ammeter ana 43 , Inches long, which is filled with water. Its weight makes It possi ble to test the recoil mechanism of the 108 millimeter bowitxer. j M. Dewey Lata resident al 44 Vanla T tn. in this eity. May 15, si the al n yean, sister M Earl Hotlieljw. Portland. Ore.: Arthur HotlirUw I nunc visi., aawm; airs. BHli Pro, Salem: Mrs. Roberta Menard. Salmi. Services wlU be held Tuesday, May! IS at 1:30 p.m. In the Chapel of the I W. T, Rlfdon Co. Rev. Wayne Greene will officiate. Interment Hsvm. viue kcmeiery. Gerald Mark dies Late resident of Route 1 Turner. near that city, May V. Survived by isiner ana mother. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. HedSM, Turner. Announce- I ment of services later by tht Vlritll i. ueraea to. Cera SlsU Weyt Late resident ot US Ptee t In this city. May 17, at the ase of 11 Eeara. Survived by husband, Bert nyt, Baiom; siepHlaushtera. Mrs. Xlalne Borleaua, Portland; Mrs. Na- ayne uiMqulst. Portland: suter. Lulle Struble. Salera. Announcement s scmesa atier ay viriii t. coidan Co. Hirlsj Radsesa late resident of 11IS Mlnturn. Sa lem. At a local hospital, May M. Bur- vivea or wife, Mrs. Bruit M. Until ers of Balem: two daushters, Mrs. Mar nobains of Balem and Vn Jim Vl.na. nl D..II.. f r -1 . 1 . four srandrhildren, Bill Robblns and Alien Hootum. Both or tmrm M Charmalee Blakaly of Clearfield UUh. and Mlsa Mariana Elin.r nf pacifie urove. calif.: one fr.i (randchlld. Jamie Blakely of Clear. teld. Utah. rvlra will h hM Tuesday, May , at I X p.m. In the tnapei ot the Cloush-Bariiek Funer al Home. Dr. Paul Newton Pohn, III officiate. Memorial Park. Interment, Belcresi Usabeth WaUace Lata resident oi MO NW rd A v. Portland, m that city. May M. Sur vived by dsuehters. Miti Ruth Wal lace, Portland; Mlu Lets M. Wal lace. Riverside. Calif,: Mrs A n Hsren. Tillamook, Ore.; sons. War ren D. Wallace and Brure R. Wil lace, Salem; Allen D. Wallsce. Col leie Place, Wash.: Raymond T. Wat lire. Pend Oreille. Idaho: mMmr atrs. rrancee Bower. Ocl Monte. Calif.: Mrs. slter Firth. Mcthucn. Mass,: eleven srandchlldren and six mat-grandchildren. Services will be held Tuesday. May M. at 3 JO o m In the Chapel ot the Cloufh-Rarrlrk Funeral Home. Interment Plonrar Cemetery, Balem. Malayan Indenpndence Advisor Appointed LONDON un -Britain Saturday named Sir Ivor Jenninns tn the independent commission charged witn mating constitutional recom mendations for independence of Maiaya. ' I Jennings, 53, a leading light on constitutional law. was vire chan cellor of Ceylong University for n years ana neipea snspe Cey lon's constitution. He later haw came master of Trinity Hail, lamonage. NOTICi OF FINAL ACCOUNT JITt.lAM n nTTODntrr?ua utor of the Cutate of MARGAHIT M. BtlHROIir.H'i nr....ri h.. iii.a hit final account ai such tn (he Cir cuit' Court of Marion County. Or.. Son. and said Court hm fixed Tun. day. June I. IMS. at 1:19 o'clock a m In the cnurtrnnm nf uiil rA,iri tha tlma mH Inr k i tcctlnnt thereto and ths lettlement nJUAW D. BURROUGHS. Executor. C. H. Borensan Si Paul R Hendricks Attorneys 110 Oreion Building aaiam, vrcfon A M.M.7.14J1JS On Msy S, IBM. MALCOLM Mae DONALl) w h rit.la mul.iul ecutor of the ettat of CATHTRINE aiuinu, aecesseo. By sn order of wm viivun twin xor Marion Loun ty, Orafon All peftont having claims aealnst said aatata kak baIIl fiad to present such claims In due iorm k, ma axecuior ai an pioneer Trust Building, Bslem, Oregon, with Ing Bin months from the dste of the first publication of this notice, to wit: May 1 IBM. MALCOLM Mir DONALD, Am aniok hTt JOHN A. HILTZEL, Attorney for Executor. Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon. M7.UI1.JS KOTICt Tl ROOFING CONTRACTORS tlmatai an ranalplna rM, A Hall Bldg 4S a SO ft. Please have axtimataa luhmtHul k.,... t wivia fuia a. ISoS. InanartMm msy he made at anytlsj.e. CanUct Lee Hishberger er Lorea Cowsr In Aumsvilk. R E. Wsrren, City Becerder UnMJA. 1 1 111 MM QassiHed Index "For Yur Convenience" 1300 Personal IIS Meeting NotJeaa 111 Lost sad Found 114 Transportation 115 Personal 311 Stamps sad Coins N AGR1CULTURB 402 Livestock for Sale m Livestock Wanted 04 Poultry and Rabbits 407 Fur Beennf Animals V4 PeU tot Ses roods 4IS Seeds and Plants 411 Fruit and Farm Produce 413 FcrUlirer 414 Farm Equtpeneait ill Auction Bales 4M MERCHANDISE 1411 Machinery and Toole 4U Wanted Machinery Took 4M Sewinc Machinaa 4M House Goods for Sate 4M Wanted House Goods 457 Radio and TelevtsMsi 49S building Msteriaat 450 Do it yourself 00 Muaicsl Inatrummta (401 Sports Egulptneal 464 B icy r lea tes Trade Miarvllaneoua 4fiS For Rent Miscallaneeeai 470 For Sals. Miscellaneous 471 Wsnted. Miscellaneous 474 MucellaBsoua 47 I uel . MS BUSINESS A NO FINANCE lie Monev to loaa 1 511 Loana Wantad I il investments no EMPLOYMENT I S Helo Wantad 104 Help Wanted. Man 40S Help Wanted. Lady 0S Pickers Wanted ! Sslei Hrln 111 Work Wantad. Man 1114 Work Wsnted. Lady I ill Situatlona Wanted . 1 417 Job Information ": 1811 Educstion 20 Osy or Contract 700 RENTALS 701 Sleenina Rooms Board 1703 Wanted Rooms, Board 70S Apartments foe Rent 70S Duplexes 1707 House for Rent 707-A Furnished IMS Fenr.a for Rent I im wanted to Rent 1710 Wsnted to Rent Houses 711 Wanted to Rent Apts. 714 Businew Rentals 711 Resort Rentals 1 711 Convalescent Homes Ml Hovtng andStorsge I W REAL ESTATE I Mil Business Opportunities isol Buaineas Property M3 Suburban so Hihisss for Ssle 07 Apts.. Courts for Sale I lot Lou for Sale ISIS Farms for Sals I ill Exchanee Real Etata II Resort Property II Wanted Real tstate E3 Insurance SN ADTOMOTTVB IM New Cars 8U Used Cera tor Sale IH Auto Parte and Repair 454 Trucks, Trailers for Sale IM Wanted Cars. Trucks ISM Motorcycles 40 Auto Miscellaneous Ml House Trailers ISM Heavy Equipment SO Aircraft 314 Per.or.ol I ALCOHOLICS AtMnymoui croup P. la esVfJel n. COtlL PSYCHIC READER I KMX. HAZEL Roves!! aO. son neip you ootain lie one vou love, ana success la sll if. fairs, special reading 12. 4MO rorusna Ha. IALCOHOUCS Aaonymeue. S Commercial. 1-210 400 Agriculture 1402 livestock for Sole 1 1 PIGS slmoat ready to butcher, raav iot row at call. w. car. nson. 125 Tierra Dr. Pb. Z-ZSB. I ONE fresh cow ft I heavy springer, I heifers. I gentle burrow ' L. C fx) wards. 4745 oiiverum aw., OSiem. PROFESSIONAL boeseahoae J Manaoo. -e7S4 a 4-Kan Salem Meat Ca. lockae kMl I Custom killing. cutUny as wrap- puig, itujt loanes rree. I-OR SALE ee tsedo. SMtlo pontes i or rnuaren. also aood saddle horses Bob Franks, n N Wster SL. Slhrertoau Psl S-SIM. 403 Uestock Wenteel I CATTLE, horses, at your fa am. a. -. asccanousn. Rl x. s-iss CATTLE buyer. A. F. Sommer, uos Harmony Dr. Ph. 4VS4M7. I CATTLE buyers 427 Stats. . as rt. snetnen. a-IMS. 1-43S0 450 Mfrchandlae 435 House Goodi for Sale MAHOGANY drop leef dining table. 42 xM plus U" leaf. I ehslrs, wbewwn St gold up holtering trimmed la copper. Like new. 10M Dteti Ave. Pb. 4-SS. CROSLEY refrigerator wfrees- er aiSBJO. uaed Mdse Mart 170 8. Liberty. Open Frl. niftiv H.i a u. m . mi a. w wu w a panivni o a. CI GUARANTEED econdlttoned sutomaUe wsah- ers. dryers, ranges at refrigs. Y EATER AJPPUANCE CO, 17 Chemeketa St BE THRIFTY Buy used furnl jure snails a ess. THE THRIFTY WAY on Easy I nmi at WOODRVS THRIFTY USED TURN. Ill S. Comi Ph. 4-J31I complete household of new or Buy now on our easy terms. IF YOU need a single Item or s used furniture or appliances. y now on our easy u Woodry'a Thrifty Used furniture 111 So. Coral 81 Ph. 4-3311 1 block So. of Paper Mill x WOOL rug. good rond. 111. Used Mdse. Mart, 270 S. Lib erty. Open Fri. night til S. No down payment lea e BUY your dryer now and save ess, used Mdse. Mart, 170 S. Liberty. Open Fri. night 111 g. No down payment los t I O'P.ERATMN- 450 Merchanrllge) 470 Fer Sele. Mine. EAST washer, food. II. Inter power aawa mower U 4-ttfl jomings or sos at St W. Browning. I BUILT-INS. 1 ell rurnaost. doors St other snaterials. State at Lancaster. "ph" l-MS"' 1,UBdr - im mmn. tuildiny SupplPes DEEP FREEZE Ph. 1-S7H .vet LIVESTOCK buyer wards, Jtt. 1, Box SMU Claude Ed 4-1111 404 Poultry end Rabbits I FOR SALE colored fryers. SSc lb. Ph. 4-3027. Herman Hahn. I HEAVY hens for locker use market price. Ph. 2-0130. BRED does St Utters. 1 bucks hutches Inquire Ph. 1-M15 CUSTOM DRESSING I Of poultry. We bur rsbbtts. Wing s, 38S State. Ph. 4-3911 BABY CHICKS, lie straight run. cnoice or i-armentera. New Hamps., White Rocks snd Leg horns. Special New Hamp. and White Rock pullets, lie. Par- menter red rooster, Sc. VALLEY FARM STORE Ph. 4-424 Salem 408 Pets FOR SALE: Labrador female I mos aood blood line a Ph Dallas Mayfair 1-4117. Advertising I REG. Shetland Sheep-dog pups i mm. vomei. siso roni Ave. ST. BERNARDS: 1 excellent lit ters. Birthplace of Nell", the famous TV Topper-dog. Pup pies from our Swiss Imported dogs. Show stock lc companion doga. Come to see them or write, Sanctuary Woods, Drain Ore. REAS. 1", yr. old beads hound, papers if desired. 17W No. 14th Ph. 3-70M. BKAUTirUL purebred mill Collie, Sacrifice price. Ph. 4-ltoS or 1-OUI. roR SALE. 4 antique dining rm. chairs. Ph. 1-42M. LOOK ! ANTIQUES MOVING ! MUST SELL ! ! Sots, tables, chairs, choice piecea in top cond. Very reas. 10 Union. TAILOR-made tiered curtains, Hollywood type double bed. Hallicrafters radio-phonograph comb., walnut finish, yellow mica top table with wrought Iron legs. Crosley Frostmsifter oeep freeze luo lb. cepscity. rn. j-oshi. - 4 x t Birch. 1 sides 4c V u-s wire, roll si 4',c. I in. ceiling fans 113 7 Cedar shingles 00. SI , g Galv. Iron roof g. CHEAP 3 tab roof, lowest prices. Nails par ksg-SSSS 4" east soil oloe 71a ft Vt gal pips lie, N"-le l"s-lc 1 SO gal. steel sen tank 131 M Sno gsl. steel sen. tank S3 M w a oiaca sewer pipe sue. S4e. Door iambs, toed ones. St 75 Bldg. paper SO aa. ft. tlJJ Fibre glass blanket lnsul - rnra 4x plaster beard 11.40. II so CsiUng tils. MaJa. 10c sq. ft Shake moid, long length. 10c Garage doors, all sires ehean B Barb wire SO rdi U 85 7 44 Oitsids whit pslnt gsl tl.50 New window asshea SS. W strip cryital windowa 11x31 kitchen sinks cheap. Toilets Wsests S2S.M New hath tub comolete S63J Strictly Cash - U-Rsul Oaeee Sundays aa Mondays C. G. LONG & SONS I SO. N, Ketaer-Ph, 4-0l Horn Salee Bathroom RemorJelina USED refrigerators A freeiers. some like new. Low low priced. Fjsy terms. No monev down. Master Service Station 365 N. Commercial. MOVING: must sell: Westine- nouee rerng, drop lest mahog dining rm. set. sectionsl w Tanie ac other good pieces. Ph 1-SS2I Sat oe Sun. before 1 or 3-4583. NEW white enam. toilet seata HH Judsoni. 17S N. Com'! "nTr:Triatov 1M TMPERUL wssher A dryer ssis. Modern Applianca Cen ter, iisi a. commercial. USED electric range for cooler coosins, ciesrsnce price, we need the space Master Ser vice Stations, 3d N. Commercial. Unfinished Chests, New 1 Drawers MM I Drawers M 95 No Phons Orders Plrsss HOGG BROS. 14 State St. Statrsmaa-Jeirial Newspapers tM N. Charck St. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mia. I Baas) Wakari ttm. tine 1 Urn. JS M par lino I times. S .a per line S ttmssLJl S II J par Una 1 mo. 45 0 (Uci. Sua.) Classified ada rffl be run In ooth papers to give advertisers no advantages of the tretnea- oombioed eireulatiena MWhen aa ad is ordered three or six times and a Sunday issue la Included (for example Friday, Saturday. Sunday I the lower Sunday rates apply because only The Statesman oubllahas Sun. days Classified ads win start tn ths morning Oregon Stateaman. eon rluds in the evening Cspltal journal dui sos will be ac cepted for Sunday Sateaman only. The deadline foe eliaslfted ada is 1:00 D m. the day before nub- llcstlon except for Sundsy when aesoiine is a w pm. rridsy Emergency ads snd smsll 11ns sds received after 1:0 p.m. weekdays snd until 11 noon Sstudrsy for Sunday may be Placed in the loo Lata to Claa ally" column. Ada for Monday papers must oe In by S p.m. Saturday Ths Statesman-Journal News papers rcservs the right to re ject questionable advsrtislng; It further reserves the right to Discs all advertising under tha oroper classification. The Statesman-Journal News papers assume no financial re sponsibility for errors which msy appear In odvertlsementa published in Its columns and in cases where this psper is at (suit will reprint thst part of advertisement In which tha typographical mistake occurs A Bllnd" Ad an ad contain ing a Statesman-Journal News papers box number for an ad- ress is for the nroteetioa of the advertisers snd mutt there lore be answered by letter. The Ststeaman - Journal Newspapers are not at liberty to divulge In formation aa to the Identity t sn advertiser using a "Blind" ad fHIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect Its readers against frsud deception or Injuries. Reeders sre rsutloned to make nu payments to get a po sition advertised In the help wanted columns All help waniau aos MUST SrSXlFT THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Rales help wsnted ada must state If tha nav la in tha form of salary, commissions, guarantee or Include firm name. Bona fide offers of am. ployment with pay belong to the "Help Wanted" columns 4da in other columns which re quire tnventmenl In atocka. samples, equipment or cash Bond thculd he thoroughly in vestigaed before paying out any monev Advertisers re quiring a rash inveitment for sample or merchandise, sales ald, etc . muit to specify In their sds FOR SALE or trade: Labrador Retriever Pupa. I mo. old. A KC. Reg. 1135 E St. Ph. 2-663S. A. K. Ph. C. REG. Dalmation male, Monmouth, Skyline 7133. FOR SALE Puppies, all kinds. Come see afternoons at J34S Livingston or call 17MS. Will buy puppies any kind. REG. German ahorthalr pointer. S mo, call after f. Indepen dence, S40J1. - YOUNG parakeets, eagea. atlckeys. U12S I Com. t-tlU BIRD Paradise for herd eagea. suppllaa site Uvtngstoa S-1S4I. 41 0 SeesJs onsj fronts CUT flowers, plant, shrubs. Dalhla bulbs. A etc. Stetners nursery. JIM Market Ph. Lies. USED Hotpolnt. apt. sire 17150 Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liber ty. Open Fri. night 'til Ne down payment (oai i Ph 4-371. ANTIQUE SWING ROCKER PH. 4-88.16 MM EGAN GARDENS PETUNIAS it FUCHSIAS, IN UOUU SUPPLY. Ml. NO) KEIZER SCHOOL ON SALEM- 1. 1-AUl, KU. GERANIUMS 3 for II. Giant ruffled petunias 5 for 11. Hang Ing basket fuschiaa S1.M. Uual Ity Bedding plants A Garden supplies A Plant Greenhouset 1Z8 S13th. Open Sun & eves CHRYSANTHMUM8. over 200 newer early flowering verities. Astuoes, ueipniniums (Includ ing Bright Pink I, Geraniums, uipines, ssiems beat perm nisi supply. Blacks 2270 cnemawa Rd. 4-722. MULCH Peat with mushroom fertilizer. rine for an men. Ph. 1-0331. GERANIUMS, fuschsia. tub. be gonias 3 1. Glad bulbs 3 doi. 1. ruchsis bssksta 13. Mer rills Greenhouse. Brooks. FUCHSIAS It Ivy Geraniums. baskets In bloom, also Dahlia bulbs Wards Gardena. 4380 Cherry Ave. Fruit li Form Produce FOR SALE New Alia fescue nay 123 ton. Call 3-4031. PASTEURIZED whole milk. We f!i. Momosenlted, 7c. gal on 40c. Clesry Dsiry, 1-303S. 413 Fertilizer MULCHING STRAW Ph. 4,3081 FRESH or rotted manure. Ricn, fine msnure by sack or yard. Delivered or at fsrm Phillips Bros. Ht 5 Box 493. Ph. 4-3081 ROTTED sawdust for Mulching" yd. load IIS, 4 yds 110. 1 yds M. or (2 a yd or 50c sack at farm. Also Beaver Dam Soil, II sack, I for IV Phil lips Bros.. Rt 5 Box SS0, Sa lem. Ph. 4-30S1. 414 Form Equipment" indly report any etrcptlon to tnis rule to the classified ad vertising manager 300 Personal 312 Lost end Found BIRTH rertlflrste Inst between the First Nstinnsl Rank and vaney sora. Fri. 4-2813. JITT ersonel I WILL not be responsible for hills or debts contracted by any one other than myself S ' - "rure u Harbsugh, A Fr B.i Tecomer Wash, REPLIES to the following boxes may oe picxea up at the Statesman-Journal office N Church St in 180 n ie 711 7U 720 738 741 IS 47 57 M2 mn ami f)7 tm 903 Ml 90B din 11 TO PLACE AD CALL 4-6811 IRRIGATION svstem-fllO ft. 9 in mains, Ifldd ft. 3 in. laterals i aprinxier neacls 4 cyl. Wisconsin motor uith pump Equipmenl in excellent condi tion, 2.000. Wm Barr. Cists kanie Ore Ph Bfil BRADLEY tractor with disc plow, cultivator. S 1 75. Ph 4-2B40. LAV'ID Rrad'ly Harden tractor with s .Hi" cycle, cultivating & hilling attachments S 1 .'15 R E SrierdRt I. Sublimity fo-io Mccormick or steeFi-Tt plow. Ph. 2.7:184. INTFJINATIONAL tractorTchain block, elec. drill A hits Cedar fence posts. Ph. 4-4.121. 'COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD New Roto-rock daveno group, Inc. 1 and tables. I table lamps, cocktail table; Bed room group Inc. new drawer Mr. k Mrs. Bookcase bed wytoot, matching boa spring and tnnersprtng mattress; Kitchen group inc. Hot Point Electric Rsnge, Zenith Re frlgerstor, S pe. W. I. Dinette Set, X pe. Dinner Sat. Low on. payment, bal. essy terms save at Salem a Lowest Over. neaa store. GLEN WOODRY ' 18(15 N.SUMMFJ FURNITURE CALL 2-3780 FREE bathroom planning serv ice. We trade-In old' fixtures. Check our huge display room. Lower prices. Judson's, S7S N. Com L Ph. 3-4141. Your bouse will appraise higher and sell better if In top condition. For profes sional sales advice consult your mm Salem Board of REALTORS Kitchen Remodeling FREE kitchen planning service. nncnenmaia oe Hotpolnt dishwashers. . Republic steel csbinets. Amer. 8td. sinks Judson.s 37 N. Comi. Ph. 1-4141. luiltjiwej Supgslisrs BLDG. SUPPL IES 4' Fluorescent lights lit ea Used elec. boxes J5c es. ITeeri UM mnrfull Sm t Steel lockers, HxlSxM'' 1SX13X80 - 17 5 ea. Bathtubs S17.SB ea. Wash Basins ... 7 40 Used 1x4 flooring 45 per M Used No. 1 snd btr lumber 143 per M 2x Shorts .. lc llnial ft Helect hsrdbosrd. 50X100" SI TS ant I Dralnags pipe 30c ft All hinds of Used Pipei, Fittings snd Valves. ALSO Cabin Windows and Doori L S. RITTER & CO 8740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-8311 4 Ml. No. of Salem. Ml. No. or Totem Pole on SHE Open All Dsy Saturday 4J1 W.wtesi. Arilst. CASH paid for say need arttekss for the home. BARKER FURNITURE" 174 Silvorton Rd. Ph. 4-0444 WANTED aavarai theusaad oarda m MiK.11 leneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR S-HB, SERVICE W MOST ri era SEMLER. Denttat A4olKs 21S-ttMtt cw"i . SALEM PH. 3-1311 P'NG meehlnee, .ash.regta. Clary. 1S7S Fairgrounds, g-u'l 476 Ftjel TO PLACE AO IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-M11 Save time -Save money For the Best Professional Services CA Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDING MACBTNE8 Buy as you rent. All Koen-Type writers, 45 Ph. 38773. makes Court 4FPUAMSS WESTINCHOUSB Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So Corel Ph 4-1111 IFDDINO CAPITOL Bedding Mattress ro- novatorsNew mattresses 3-409 BRICK St BLOCKMAgON BLOCK A Brick Mason, also man wmlxer for hire. 4-787 BRICK and block Work guar anteed. Ph. 4-4431. GRADING DOZING BULLDOZING, grading St Land clearing. Elmo W. Locker owner St operator. Ph. 1-5741. HOME PLANNING It re- CHANS WORK US-ton Lorain mote crane Sa lem Band at Gravel Co. 1-S4S1. DRY CLEANING SERVICE Auto. Washer and Dryer PH. 4-5428 POWER mower. 5 pc. din. set, desk, corner cubboard, ward robe, storage chest, work isDie, oil circulstor, pump or gsn. smsll bookesse, dress form. m. 4.7938. INLAID Lino.. It SI oer to R L. Elfstrora Co., IM S. Lib- eriy. MOVING, muat sell 25 cubic ft. upright freezer. Ph. 4-8183. FOR SALE Westinghouss rsnge so. rn. i-wj. INLAID Lino R. L. Elfstrora Co.. erty 11 M per sq. yd 260 S. Ub- W ESTINGHOUSE automatic washer, good condition 180. SeeJISO Diets Ave. Ph. 4-1719. UNIVERSAL wringer wssher. good condition, reasonable price. Call 1-S7S3. UNFINISHED furniture. H. L. sua Furniture. 175 N. High 456 Wanted House Goods FURNITURE. Wsnted. Courteous service. Ph. l-SOSS. CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY FURN CO. Ph. 2-7472 Foremen's Cleenara a Dvera Fur Storage: Complete Dry fining at uiory arv. rrae pick up St Diver, 107 S. Com! ph 3-S44S. 8AH Green Stamps. EXCAVATING VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co. Excavating Grading Ph. 1-188 FLOOR COVSR1NGS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co. Floor-covering, Division (Jual ity Installations. Linoleum, As. Phalt St Rubber Tile Wall tile ree Estimates 4-2279 EXPERT home building moaeung. rnone 4-7577. LAWNJgOWER SHARPENING LAWN mower shsrpening. low prices, work guar. Ph. 402. LOCKER ICE CREAM LOCKER meat cut ftwrspped, quick frore. 3720 Sllverton Rd. Vlsts Frozen Food Lockers 195 S. Com'1 h. 2-737 Lockers Now Available Custom Meat Cutting and Sales Ice Cream for All Occasions, Packs to Take Out. ROTOVATINO ROTOVATING work eve, week ends, i Hathaway Ph. 3-31. GARDEN St lawrrwork wanted witn roiovator. Vincent Krem er. 1150 Lansing Are. Ph 3-310. SAND AND GRAVEL PAPERING PAINTING EXPERT brush or apray paint ing, Hr. or contract Ph. 4-3900 Painting and paper-hangusg Free estimates Ph 1-M13 PAINTING EXPERT spray, brush psintlng. paper hanging, your paint or mint Free est Terms. Ph. Nelson 3-8493. 3-8243 ROTOVATING Howard Rotovator Work CaU Bill Bevens, Ph, 4-252 SALEM SAND a. GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand snd top son. ii n Front St. 1-2481 VALLEY SAND a. tiHAvri (iu Crushed k round gravel Sand at con mix. 1.4001 WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1U3 McGllchiilt Crushed quarry rocks and ersv el. All sizes for roads, drive ways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dosing, shov. el and dragline work. I-I24 SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Roto-Rootar, sewers, aepue tanas cleaned. 3-S33T. MIKE'S Septje sorvtee. Tanks cleaned D rooter clean eswsra drama Phone GRADING DOZING DOZING Ph 1-0952 ft LEVELING D PANTOV1CB BULLDOZING, clear'ng roads, ponds. 0-4, D-8 carryall. V. Huskey. Ph. 1-3148. ROTO-VATING CUSTOM Rotovstlng Ford equipment. Fields. lawns, or chards K gardens. Ph. 2-886S A 3-477 TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 Hamel's septic tanks cleaned, Una service Guaranteed week. Phone 3-7404 or 1-0774. TREE SERVICE De Rosls Tree Service Trees Shrubs. Hedges. Insured 1735 N. Liberty St. Ph. 2-8861 TRJiCKJ? lAUL'NG WANTED to haul-short" anywhere Ph. 4-807S. log! I'PHOLITIRINO UPHOLSTERING Professional; guar, work, free est., pickup, deliver. Ph. 1-429 OREGON FUEL CO. OLD FIR LILLY PADS MULCHING SAWDUST , a H GREEN STAMPS 3QT Broadway 1-5533 WANTED several thousand cords SAWDUST for aala. 1 unit loadT jush out. I1A Ph. cJZSi Capitol Fuel Co. aa-r.SJ JWAVTNGS SAWDUST FOR MULCJUNfl Planer Ends Choice Slab and hlivk l.a 142 Broadway ph. 1-7711 HIGHWAY FUFL rn SAWDUST aa WOOD i nn ANDTMSOttiT suibwool PtT i-77l or eiet. Spring Special Mulch Sswdust. Fertiliser Block It Blsb Wood West Salera Fuel 1518 Edgewater Pa. I erm S00 Bus. 4 Finance) 10 Mereey f lea Tl HAVE cash buyers for real roairacKB aa and mors hMrt k Calabe, Realtor 477 Court 8t Phone 1-41 IS LOANS . 850OS to S150M Buy What You Need Consolidate your bill. Finance ftroegh WTLLAMXTTI CRXDIT rnvrvaxnr IU 8. Church St Ph. 1 14a LONG TERM LOANS (Fsrm and Suburban) LOW INTEREST RATES Ph. I-J551 CLUETT ft KENY0N REALTORS 10 Fairgrounds Rd. 1 Hollywood Dut I For Cash HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. 180 Fairgrounds Rd. 1 Hollywood District) HOME OWNED HOME OPERATED No Investigation Fee Free Parking Let Call 1-7053 PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy contracts and mortgagee. 341 memeketa si Fri. COLONIAL Investment Co Real property Loan Contract Purchased 47 Court 4-113, 450 Merchandise 458 Building Materials rop cash price - run.Ni. TURE, APPLIANCES. ETC USED MERCHANDISE. MART 27 8 LIBERTY PH. 4-0371 rseea si once e Late model E Appliances. Pay K nml,,M f.. I , I J vxiiiiuiii w 111 Ul.u. Electric Ranges, Refrigerators. Automatic Washers. Driers Si Lste Model used Furniture. Ph. Glen Woodry 3-5110 right Now tor Pleasing Resultsi 1 1 458 Building Moteriols 430 Merchandise 451 Machinery t Tools RECONDITIONED ilitim atlc water heaters. Judson's, 279 NL ComT Overheed steel garage doors with hardware. (39 5 In stalled S4M. Galvanized ava trough. 12'e psr ft EPPING LUMBER CO. PH. 4-6123 3740 SILVER-tlN RD. 3S4S 1x4, Ixl. 2x8, 55iM 4S4S 3x4, 1x8, 2xt 9 12.1 Nf e3 2x8 csr decking I.18M 4 1x8 car decking SUM 3 lxl shiplap 1.18M 3 lx R B boards ISM e4 lxl Rough in- I20M 4 lv II I boards S25M La CREOLE LUMBER Co, ELLENDALE ROAD DALLAS PH. MA 3-KI9 sgS & I GREEN STAMP UIKtUIUKY "Clip & Save for This Week's Best Buys" New, 500,000 FEET rretn-miiied old M second frowfh lumber 2x4 to 2x12 in to 24-foot lengths. Delivered prices Salem, 30 per thou minimum. Ted Muller 1-1 198 NEW vent fan for kitchen-or hath 122 95 Judson's, 27 N. Com! 459 bo It Yourself lire JOHN DEFHE Crowler trsctof Slightly used. Rt. 2 Box (4 Dallas. Ph. MA 3-4049. S" SKILL saw, 4 bleriea Good conamon, S5. pn after t pa. 1-8293. HAVE several used welders AC as DC. Call 4-744. 455 Home Goods for Ssle AUTOMATIC washers, used, low ss 125 no monev down. SAH Green Sumps. Master Service Stations. 36J N. Commercial. INLAID I ino 1 1 perej7 yd R L Ilfslrom Co. 38 8 Uk-erty KING CHARLES of London llv" Ing rm. set. Ph. 4-1227. TARI.E model rsdlo. stove Ht refrlg., bed. dresser 8r couch, exc. cond Rt. I. Box 380. .1 ml. out Wallace Rd. Robert Lants. LIKE new Armstrona portable mangle, S35. Ph. 1-330. B 4x8 ".-In Birch Plv ... 38c ft. e Full 1 x 10 ' K. D Cedsr Rsnch Siding f 150 0AM 4x8 Hsrdbosrd tl.Msht. 4x Sheetrock . . . .51.40 sht 4x8 38-ln. Service : - Plv 12 33 sht 4xS 12-in. Sefvle Ply 13.00 tht. 4x8 Sl-ln. Service Ply 13 45 sht. "A" Grade Birch doors 87 70 ea "A" Grade Beech doors 18 95 ea. "A" Grsde Mahog doors 14 M es. Iron Roofing 10 50 iq. Garage Door Hard ware 113 50 set No charge for cutting Ply. wood. , e Free Delivery Credit sftdlv OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YD. Lancaster and Center Ph. Salem 2-1500 USED plumbing flat., tubs, sinks basins bargains. Jud son's, r M. Com! U-Fix-It-Garage Repair your own car Phone 4-53ilM95 N Com'l HOW-to-do-it advice planning am. complete material sup ply, piumning. neaiing. wlr. BAREST Peerless Bskery 170 N Commerclsl Phone 3-5704 CAMERAS Cobum Cameras 174 N. Commercial Phone 1-1141 OklGS Capital Drug Store State k Liberty Phone 1-311 Chapman's Drug Store 140 Candalarta Blvd. Ph. 4-4871 Free Delivery Mootry's PhsrmScv Hollywood Business Dtit Keizer Business Disc FUEL Oregon Sswdust Fuel Co. and Wood FURNITURE Ennel'i Colonial Furniture 1743 S. Commerclsl Phone 1-4741 JEWELS Alexander's Jewelers Diamonds-Watches Silverware 183 Court St LAWN SUPPLIES Howser Bros. 1183 S. 12th Garden Tractor Headquarters Leather Goods Shster Leather Goods 125 N. Commerclsl Luggage St Fine Leather Good PAINTS ft WALLPAPEB Hutrheons 181 N. Commercial Phone 1-887 RADIO Mitchell's Radio It T V. 1880 State St - Ph 1-7977 Installing Sales St Service SERVICE STATIONS Batdorf t Texaco Station 805 Fairgrounds Ph. 3-7455 14th k State Ph. I-S5S1 Webb It Anderson I Richfield) 11th St Mission Complete Auto Repairing TEl.gVISION Mitchell's Rsdlo Si TV. 1880 Stste St -Ph 1-7577 Installing Sales it Service ing. see Judson s 279 N. Com'l 460 Muiicol Instruments LF.STF.R Betsy Ross Spinet Pi anci at sacririrr. like new. 818 f.i 1 is. uanas. Ore. MA. 3-3547, STOREY inn Like 4-8.'6l, CLARK spinet pi new. Ph. after , 462 Sports ports Equipment SPORTSMEN Here's your chance! Sacrifice -aie of 15 H P Evinrude. Like new, only run 20 hrs. WOO. bank terms. Ph. 2-12:18. NEW FIBF.R GLASS BOATS iV 2l 13' 1375 15' 4!)2. dnufile bottom", all eoioTi,-immediate delivery No down payment lOAt l. will take most anything tn trade. SHROCK S. Highland at Portland Rd. NEW sell. hi-speed runabout Must very reas. Ph. 4-8589. SPAULDING Autograph Golf Clubs & Bag Excel, cond. 2-2511. SEA KING 5 H P. outboard mtr In the water doren times F.xrel. cond. 150. Call 1-0729 Sunday 14' SPORTS runaboutlnahogany finish, trailer 25 Evinrude electric with controls, like new. Must be seen to be ap- prcdatcd. Call 3-3443 or 2-4580 CASH paid for used guns-modem and antique. Cascade Mere, 123 Broadway. 450 .Merchandise 464 Bicycles GIRLS 20 In bike 120. Girls 24 in. bike. 115, Good condition. 4773 Lowell. 468 For Rent, Misc. FOR RENT or lease, ige. ware house spacs cement floor brick bldg downtown. In quire H 1 Stiff furn . 1-815. 470 For Sole, Misc. SOMEONE to tear down old house snd two' sheds, 1.150 clean up property, also must obtain necessary permits: hr M. Flsgg. 780 No Liberty St. to 1 by June 1st. radio. A-l. 19 95. Used Mart, 270 S Liberty Fri. night 'til 9. No payment load RUMMAGE SALE JMN.Cottgg Ph. 4-7308 RICH TOP SOIL DEL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 CEDAR post, bean post shed poles, sll types k berry wire Ph 4-3081 FOR SALE lge. dog house, dress- msxert cutting table, measures 43 "x8'. misc. hsnd tools Kero sene weed killer, 199 Falr grounds 4. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sole, Misc. TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, eash registers, dupli cators, desks, ehslrs, (ilea, sup. plies. Roen'a. 458 Court. 8-8778. VENDING route mschlnes for ssle. P. O. Box 177. Gervsls. Ore. Ph. 2513 Gervals. Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 2-U10 Top Soil Orchard Loan River Loam lial 2-1749 Prompt Delivery Keiier Sand St Gravel Co. TOP SOIL-FILL DIRT" PHONE 2-4763 TOP SOIL Phone 3-1578. 1-8301 GUARANTEED Reconditioned auto, washers, dryers ranges 81 refrigs. Ill 18 St up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St USED TIRES TRUCK PASSENGER Lytle's Tire Mart 8301 V. Coral Pb. 4-MJ3 S2S to $2S00 Pacific Industrial Loans g. Liberty Ph. 4-838 8 til PRIVATE Interest. money to loan. Ph. 1-0794. Jl2 Leans Wonted LOAN wanted from Private party on Income 8t Business property 8'. Int. 4-381. 600 Employment 602 Help Wentoel INTERIOR Decorator, some ex perience required to sell in store St tn homes. Guarsnted salary plus commtsison. Writ Box 77. Statesman-Journal. AN experienced couple for cus tndions of isrge club building k grounds, qusrters furnished, must be experienced, refer ences required. Ststesmsn Journel Box 73. BOARDING home within Salera city limits needed immed iately for temporary care of 4 or i dependent children. Will pay 11 per child per day and guarantee S83 a month If home found astisfactory for permanent agreement Call Marion County Juvenile De partment. Ph. 44401. Ext. 71 COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1 Ml Specialists urnre Placements F-Exp. Keypunch op.. typing F-Exp TIC Bkkpr. -dsy wk. one-e r off . 25-J5 . F-Secty., shthnd, typing forms . F-Bkppr.. ac rec. Ivpe . F-PRX nper. gd. typist F-Cashier. posting maeh. F-Steno-Bkkpr , 11:30- 4:30 . . 1 5 hr. -P T. Invoice elk, payroll, car 1 38 hr. MT-Off. Mgr.. credit, bkkpg. bkgrnd , mature .... ... 1,101 Best Wav to the Rest Jobs 494 State St.. 411 Oregon Bldg. 4-3351 IM I2M 1221 1221 open open CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 1-083. 154 N Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church. Free parking In rear Exclu sive listings ea sll typos el employment APPLICATIONS are now being is sen tor statesman Dicycie route. Several routes will be open. Applicants must be ac companied by their - parents or have their written permis sion. Apply at the Circulation Department of the Bta team so journ si- 664 HelpWontetTSKcT ALL around grocery man. must be able to cut meat. No drink ers. Walker's Grocery Store. Falls City. Ph. Sunset 7-8310. WORLDS largest Installer of home heating need more men to learn warhouslng salea k service, assured future, guar anteed salary If you qualify. Apply in person Mon. fore noon or rsll 1-7803 for appoint ment. 1057 So. Comi. WANT several wood cutters Apply Capital Fuel Ca, 3M If. Buss B4.