BIONDII MRS. BUMSTEAD-) I BZT2 SIGN ON THE r n WDMC By CHIC YOUNG) NO-THAT5 MOORt NO.THIS IS YOUR OWN PENCIL-' Pf NCIt-I DIDN'T I HAVCMINej VHAVEC. ITEUVOuY J XTELLVOU irsQj9 4 ITHISrSNCuR PfNOL-NCW 1 V PENCIL, BARNEY COOGll Ml POffOCT )''" JftTOClVt ME v HAVE' YE MET UP WIF VORE NEW NEIGHBOR Pierre ldvair VET, SNUFFY ? OH, SHORE, CALEB- ME AW HIM-WE'RE FRIENDLY as a BASKET OF KITTENS i AS A MATTER OF FACT- fi?S 1 I KNOW HIM SO 6000 J IfiSL HE LENT ME TWO Cj KV DCILLERSALREADVyl By FRED LASSWEU YE MIGHT KNOW VOQV' MAW I HIM, BUT Jlfl FETCH ME HE SHORE IVfi A BARREL DON'T KNOW nS Statesman, Salem,' Ore.; Mori., May 28, '56 (Sec. 11)41 ine Bus Accident Fatal t6 19 .e , x f; :nV.t , v CJ. ,-r 4'V::,.-.'-.--.,. MICKEY MOUSk 5jT. W.NN S ... IT S V JA, i?-' AT Tnc SZr-OD.... d-?3 VJg Sj ... 1 j j I By WAIT DISNEY BUZZ SAWYER $0 FR, CAPTA'V, A SS MUMPS, Yl KLWILY, I'VE vy cases, wwn jiinj.rwi v J C5.T VOJ K, W, . WES MVS dOrtJew AffOtNO HE? S'SW T.'e S'S APPEREP OM DECK. PTOIAB'.Y HALF THE 5;? HAS AL?EA3Y KEN EAPOSEP. I Vi ' fc" I CHECK THE La i By ROY CRANE (tl CASES, 00C70R.Y: VkS AniAIOOFTmO f RV I CVT V. GASOLINE ALLEY By KINO Walt. one thinaYBut onlv joli .e krow. om tpottea rim gp rooked us I 85 t nigger. TOT ILL J That'4 " pi Jj;2""S But 'e'" hav5 to n True, eur I r KroDsoi-y 1 rave more man tnac kj fm pretty 1 1 1 1 VJa'.t is 1 to pat the police r I jre. V riant. A On hi4 trail. V I Ll1 -cf Nean. maybe We'll go back There' he lert some and search just one L clues. J the house 7 K ft y . V v -A Dm. Z.mcU ROME-Wrkag of tourist but litt en it In Alpine stream bed near Belanie, Italy, Qj I ANNAPOLIS, Md.-Mlw Beverly Jean Deuglati ef Atherten, Cal'rf, and fiance after crashing off Brenner Pais highway in accident that vw,wl w,u Midn. Robert S. Cecil ef San Francisco look eve model of 1M7 class ring, killed driver and IS Austrian tourists. Police said but brakes Miss Douglass will have her big moment this Thursday when she passes the colors to thU failed. (AP Wirephoto). year winning company, commanded by Cecil. (AP Wirepheto). a ' . i ' ! V 1 rfr4 V . r I f I r,-. , a r.. .. . I & ajt- i ti?d in iffiinir r'it-' ,i i J A mj BUTLER. U-OIl Mm laki. can. . spring jurveyor j,,,,,,-.::' UIJ Choirmen Get Together SSSSStffiM&S: UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY Er- i EVEBV600Y wvr AT THE ttrrLE Tj andvoo. kid -NExr time r teilj jjjz MOTO0. SAILER . REMfMBEB, WE'RE TO WAVE" OR DO ANVTWlMS FLSE, HDU r5fjL V7l ALLJUSTA BUNCM OP HAPPY jCT V M IT-PRCMTD-OR YOUlL B6 SORUr" ' Lr VACUTERS OUT FOR rfSti frf w NEVEa LEARNED MOW JttfL'. 10 0 BE V ORDERS! y DARRELL McClURE TUE YACMTS NAMf S A NOR I. TAUOT. NOMAO- BUT I VE V BUT I MUSf SAY NEVER SEEN A YACHT THY ACT LIKE FLYING ne PAMADOaiAN) A FRIENDLY LOT. FIAS BEFORE, RIP KIRBY ' ITS THE ONLY REASON I PLAY DON...TO 6iVE JOY 1 OTHERS! ALW4fVJ A RSAL I...$ujrfLkY P'.EASJRS TO AM iV 'J 1 play so.f " LATEH, IN HPS KEW YQe APAXTMENT: I a ( I DON'T HAST MX TO SPCA,N YTJLK NECK, DESAV5NQ SO I'LL KEA3 HONEY'S LETTER TO XXI. SWEUJ BE BACK By ALEX RAYMOND II JTakwAV AWiHfei$-F' ..i , " vr,, civ u 60METMIN3 I AM VtXI SAY VDU WAS - CEPTAiN A LITTLE MISSION FOR f""& Xfvj ms. touts i&Qiy fFz:Xe. DICK TRACY By CHESTER COULD TT VERVOCOOf V-L- -PICTURES APE NICE T TBiCy I d F WE HAVE TWO CAMERAS T TPAINED ON THE FRONT ENTRANCE ANOTW3 ON THE s l BtCK. OKAY? , FOW5TUflr.CHIEF?ijS .l tS THE ANCLE ft. Qikv. TiM. MOMMY By THE MOSSLERS dNN4 ASMHf , corn-plantlno team from perch in crab apple tree on farm Butlor Sunday discussed this year's election outlook on NBC's American Forum of the Air pro- near here. Associated Press photographer Walter F, Stein ; gram. (AP Wirephoto), r-.t' 'V caught the seasonal spirit In this shot. (AP WlrephotoL M. W , . . , .jr. -3jiv-- 0? . i ;' J .its:. . Wv AUi.wam-MaMsmWtaam- .-s4.UBB1 Dancer in Distress r Dawath Soliman 'down from perch atop a city fountain in Hamburg, Germany, Friday after a publicity stunt wont wrong. Dancer, currently on a night club tour, posed with vails atop fountain for photographs, but became frightened first woman in the United States to be made a member ef a conference, a policy making body - and refuted to descend slippery stone figures. Police cited which represents church districts. When she completes studies et Boston University' she will , : photographer on "gross misdemeanor" charge. (AP Wire. be ordained an elder and assigned a pastorate. Congratulating her is Bishop Newell Booth of " 'photo). the Belgian Congo. (AP Wirephoto). Prararlant Cat ONEIDA, N. Y.-Miss JoLorene Miller, 40, ef Chicago Sunday was rreceueni aeT ordiin,(1 , jMton n m Methodist Conference. It is believed the is 5 I5, N.. TM H...M ww Im. -r) TiW. . U i ' OK I "Hold them ot the front door a mo ment, George! If Mrs. Benson ever sow these . . ," r X2 Mm7 Ouft r-oif 0 f Wf A'Hf eMPMU D.'ll' (giiiiu'll 60 HO HO e UnnnrArl N0T DAM8 ' --Hi Eminence Frencit Car- Wnrmor in Woct NEW YORK-Rain it expected Monday in New England, the Plains 1 ,w"wl cw dinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, con Warmer in VVeSF ,(i(M Mississippi and Ohio Valley, along the Gulf Coast and fers Degree of Doctor of laws, (Honoris Causa) to Mist Helen the central Rockies. It will be warmer along Atlantic Seaboard from North Carolina to Maine Hayes. In the center is Sister M. Madeleva, C.S.C., President and in the Pacific Coast states. (AP Wirephoto). of Saint Marys College Notre Dame Ind. (AP Wirephoto).