li(Sc. llI) Suttsmtni Sikm, Ore, Sun, Miy 27. 56' I Wed at Stayton Rites v , ! , f f I ,1 i A fr""- - vv l . -- - w ; '- , . : ... X . ' Mrs. Bernard Joseph Miotke, who wit Alice Patricia Johnson ' before htr marriage on Saturday morning at tha Immaculatt Conception Church in Stayton. Tha bride it tha sitttr of Mr. " and Mrs. Jack L Johnson of Salem, and Mr. Miotka is tha I son of Mrs.- Rosa Miotka of Sublimity. 'The newlyweds will ! live in Strion, (Staimontt Studio). Miss Alice Johnson Is Bride of Mr. Miotke at Stayton Nuptials taa Church of tha Immaculata Conception in Stayton was tha scene of tha wedding of Mist Abet Latrkia Johnson, sister of Mr. and Mrs. Jack I Johnsoa of Satem. and Bernard Joseph Miotka of Sublimity an Saturday moraine. Tha Rev. Robert O'Hara of Sublimity officiated at the low mass. Mr. Miotka is the son of Mrs. Rosa Miotke at Sublimity. Calvin Miotke, brother of the groom, and Orval Miotke, a nephew, were altar boys for tha 10 o'clock nuptials. ,Mlst Josephine Brand wis tha orgetlst and vocalists wero Mrs. David York and Jo senh Douiherty. Tha altar was decorated with white stock and blue iris.- , Tna bridal gowa was of inv oorted Swiss ortandr over nylon tulle, fashioned with a fitted embroidered bodice, short sleeves and embroidered mitts. Toe full length skirt terminated ia brush trsia. Her fingertip dou ble wylon tulle veil was caught ta a crown oi sequins ana aeea pearls. . She carried a white mo , ther-of pearl prayer book topped with pink EUo rosea and a Boa- The Bridal Attestdaatt Visa Frances Peters, tha honor attendant, wore a wjlts gown of blue nylon organdy over nylon tulle flecked with white flowers and a headband of blue nylon and pearl flowers. She carried a ' cascade of Uly-of-tbe-valley. The bridesmaids were the Misses Nancy Frye of Stayton, Kathleen Hartauna of Sublimity and Jane Cex ef Stayton. They also wore blue nylon organdy irockx with headbands at white nylon and pearl flowers and earned cas cades ef lily-of-the-valley. Bernard Lulay of Sublimity was best man for Mr. Miotka and Gary Cehlen of Stayton, Thomas Moore of Albany and Ronald R net of sublimity were grooms men. Ushers were James Friehtl. Louis Beuberger and Gerald Hints. Dallas Dateline New Honored Queen Quirings Wi Be Honored Today By B. KORBERG DALLAS Golden weds. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. are observuif their anniversary this afternoon at 1 in. at the Evangelical Men aeeite Brethren Church. Following the anniversary program a recep tion will be held in the e h u r c h social rooms. Mr. and Mrs Quir ing were married May C 190 in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, and have faved in Dallas for the past years. Mr. Quiring is a former pastor of the local EMB church Guests in the name of Mr. and Mrs. r. S. Klaus this week f re their son and daughter -la-law. Mr. and Mrs. Vermonic Klauss. and daughters Jrom Missoula. Montana. On Memorial day the Klauss fam ily will nave a reunion in Oswego at the home of Mr and Mrs. Robert RiUette and family. Mr. and Mrs. ' LaMoine Klauss and daughter of, Stayton will also joia the family group. . Vaealiea Begin Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Miller are enjoying a two week vacation m! Twin Falls. Idaho. This is the first vacation trip in XT years for the Millers and they are visiting his daughters and families. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McAllister and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Stuart. I Mrs. Joe Garcia. Mrs. Charles Baker and their children left this past week for Clarksburg. West! Virginia, for a visit Mrs. Garcia will be with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith, and Mrs. Baker i will viait her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Garcia. Sr. The Dallas! families expect to return the mid-' die of June. 1 MUi Yeoig Installed At a ceremony in the Masonic Hall this past Sundav Janet Young. I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William! Young, was installed as worthy ed-i visor of Naomi Assembly, Order of nainoow for Girls. Serving with Janet for the snrini hterm will be Mary Ellen McCleary. wormy associate advisor; Kath leen Kelley. charity; Nancy Klee man, bope; Jocile Grimes, faith: Donna . Clemens, recorder; Laura McCoy, treasurer; Ksy Wells, chaplain; Mary Ann King, drill leader: Tamara Needham. assis tant drill leader; Mary McQueen, love: Virginia Wilson, religion, Judy Page, nature: Sharon Thomp son, immortality: Sara Jane King, fidelity: Alvira Wenko. patriotism; Caroline Haworth, service; Karen Casey, confidential observer; Myra Hildebrand. outer observer . ..e. t A I . s x t Tion't JCook flow . . . I . Is.. - j, but . . . from the number of private plane accidents last weekend, it looks like they're going to have to list airway as well as high way deaths every holidsy. Naughty naughty . . . twe didn't mind the parking ticket so moch, as the fact rthaf the little slip of carbon 1 paper on the cop i pad was 'thrown down in the street and by the very man who ; should be encouraging a 'clean city, la'er, old busy body that we ft, we check- led a prominent gutter and found the thing 'fairly littered with those little slips, put there by an untidy policeman. Old softies . . . Rather scornful of the present-day antics cf s'uden's who put Vos , wagons in university building hallways, we (recall our own rugeed generation of colleg ans jwho put cows in t-e chapei no less. We also jretnember one g'eeful occasion when the njs A chapel was mined with alarm docks set to go off at intervals during the services. That was really fun, everytime the faculty thought things had settled down another bell would ring. Strangely still . . . Up to this writing, people seem happy enough about the rainy spell and we haven t neara a conwumi. ali, we did have some pretty nice weather, and now it's time for the little plantlets to get a break. Were sure glad though we didnt wash the car this week. ' Some change ... ran across some of the very first of ?h column written years and years ago end found to our own surprise that it started out as a collection cf breezy items about people. But we found that no matter how kmd one's intentions are, people may take offense so to remem friends with every one possible, the only person we ever tell jokes on anymore is us, and she can't corrv plain . . . Maxine Suren Mrs. J. It U wffl amine at a 1 o'clock luncheon Monday afternoon at her Leslie Street home for the pleasure of the Gaiety HA Gardea Club. Coffee to Rotarian iWomen Fete Miss Doerfler's Recital Today at WU Music Hall 'Chapter Honors Grand Officer I SILVERTON Mrs Dale Lamar. ! Grand Adah of the Grand Chapter Miss Marsaret Hogg will pre- 0f Oregon, Order of Eastern Star, sent Mary Lino Doerfler. pian- ss, non0red Tuesday night at the i?t, in her annual solo recital to-lfjna mating of Ramona Chapter. day at 3.30 o'clock in the Will-; prior to tV Grand Chapter con- tvrc!tv miiir hill She vention Also honored orTer a cosnpfel chowe of many kindi of Wcrds to tha Vi$a w.iK'- v. ii o- ... t w v.. I Annual spring party for the , Rotarian Women will be held i Monday morning at the Manbrin ; Gardens home of Mrs Claude Miller, 4243 Shoreline Drive Members of the outgoing board serve ss hostesses for the School. She has given solo pro- iron. Tuesday night announced a dock coffee and all Rotarian grams previously, in Keomonn visitation to Ainsworth itiaptfr in ana suvenon as wei: as in aaiem. .Salem lor June 20 HoMf'scs for the evening were was Mrs U.i.. UVLc uhn has hron AO- is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. a gran(j page pini J. J. Doerfler of Victor Point and Lhapter sesionj, is a junior in .Wtn fcaiem nipn Mrs Austin antora. wormy ma y J a I Women are invited to attend. mrmnm ill r .it nn idirni . inttrl milK ..n IT ana Mien scntx)! orcnrir iu i'inr .. ri.,,,4 U.ll., I.Vlai n,'U 1 ...I . , i vuuv ,anw ... lne orcnesui! xuin uni"irni Bee- the Miss Patricia Clagoeft. daughter of Mr. and Mrs dagger), who will be installed as honored queen of Bethel 43, Job's Daughters on June 1. The formal ceremony will be held at the Scottish Rite Temple at 7:30 p.m. with the interested public invited to attend. (Kennell-Ellis Studio). Miss Claggett (Violin and Piano To Be Installed Rtali Today As Queen During the coffee the new of ficers will be Mrs. as president lor tne ensuing the first increment of the resr. thoven Concerto in B flat. Board members serving as1 The recital is open to hostesses tor the pirty are Mrs public. Charles Heltrel, the outgoing . , president. Mrs. P. H Brvdon. The program n ss follows; Charles! Mrs. Roy Hsrlsnd. Mrs Hueh ! r.,nch s.te No s-GMjor Bcn Morrow. Mrs. Robert Ebersole. son.u - a fih Major . Haan Mrs. Gordon Carl, Mrs. Jason Grlln .wn.mii - Scnum.nn Lee. Mrs. Elmer Berglund. Mrs Gardner Knano. Mrs. Palmer Sather, Mrs William C. Perrv. Mrs. Donald Woodry. Mrs. Will iam I. Williams, Mrs. Harry S Dorman and Mrs. Miller. Mrs Wayne Crodrian. rs t i.. Sylvester. .Mrs n. a Epenter and Mrs Charles Seibel to convey your congrofvferfions 000 very beaf wishes. See our big aaJedtona. FIltS-MiKS-CHAIIS-SAriS SUIIONHT-OMICI SUmitS 441 () Si. rt. 1 14SJ, Stkia, Or. Willi Op M 1 . Chopin Scfifno - E Minor Mf ndf Isjon Inh Tune From Crwnty Drrv Dnc cf Spin . Ituroi Aribsqj No 1 D6umv MinsTr: Dtuv Concer'.o No J-B riit Mi-or Beethon Bt'ENA VISTA - Mr. and Mrs Harold Withrow were hosts buffet dinner and shower for their Mrs. ii at a Mrs. Kenneth Carbon win enter tain members of Chapter AB Dalbert and Elizabeth Jepsen PEO Monday night at her home will present their violin and piano 2280 Wallace Road, at " pm .students In two recitals today at Mrs Gordon Krueger wiu oe tne oranrfauirhtrr Bettv Lou Bacnn Miss Patricia Claggett, daughter " Roberts Studio on North Sum- assisting hostess. 0( Albany Sunday afternoon. At- v nf Mr xmi Mr rHt ntt enfling tne aiia:r wtre .Mr Karen 01 Mr- aM iMr- vJiarlCS Uaggell. , nnartet .itin mill tv. . u .1..: ..j ... d.ii d a D JTSS 5 ,0rmally inSt,Ue1 " b0nr-iiVM - 7: Ve5' Dalid Lou. Cor'" Mr, a aZi. m.,Li ' Jane ed queen of Bethel 43, Jobs' Violin students, assisted by Chambers. Peter Jepsn. Mary Kay daughter. Deoora. Mr and Mrs i"wiH. ' . . r- I .. .:.L, , r-V. . .1.. f .. , M - . n . , n i f . . . j . , J t r , Uduj(iuei9 r i iwty nigni, aunt i vnui .ucvirc, (iiaiuni. win apct-ar tseni. nicnaru rveeti, ouyan .nTjrr. vewi jr .iimn.vii. .u . aiu .u s in a program at 7.30 p. m. The Donald Reed. Patricia Stevenson Delbert Jennings from Albany, Mr i nl ... . Jk M,,kl; I - -... ... I , a t . I I I a,.. M...L L" , . n . J J.i.h. nll.r. I. k !,,rfni .;tk Mi ","r,rcu yuvu. u mun iu a.- ana tnaries mcviee. iiu nuKii timij onvi uauiu- . " tend.. Appearing on the evening pro- ters, Joan and Barbara, of Aurora. Claggett are Mary Clark, senior, px,na . Lm -m he Terrv Ann Inrein Mr and Mrs Fred Dunn of Dal- princess: Imogene Thomas. Junior gram are Vicki Nelson. Ann Watts,1 Mary Kay Bent. Richard Reed. las. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Furseson princess: Koletts Thomas, guide: Sue Schaefer. Janie Bent. John Susan McGee. Peter Jepsen. Lyle and Mr and Mrs. Leonard Teter- ITurnidee. Susan Wins. Kathv Grossman and Charles McG son ot Salem Smith, junior custodian; Pat Bar- The crowninf eeremonv was nr- formed by Michael Jvolow, master l the Scottish Rite Temple. councilor of Willamette chapter. Order of DeMolaJKor Boys, Salem. Keith Cooley to Wed Portland Girl June 9 SILVERTON The marriage of Miss Janice Johnson, daughter of Ufr. and Mrs. Vernon Johnson, Portland, to R. Keith Cooley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rholia Coley. Saverton, will be held at the Im maauel Lutheran Cburch in Silver toa at 4 o'clock Saturday after noon, June t. with a reception ia tne church social rooms. - . After a wedding trip to coast ia. i. :n i a tw. . fTaZtaSuveTtL Reception to Honor Frank Milletts rick, senior custodian;, Judy Pen- gra. Inner guard: Diane Amund son outer guard; Karen Van Keu len, Nancy Baker, Terry Blum, Sue Zwicker, Sue Sickler, mes- C4nerc- Knrvn T.vnn mucirian- Linda Berry, librarian; Margaret 1 Martin, recorder: Mary Ann Ca(. U Sandra Wiscarson, and Carol Rdroj Judy Daggett, chaplain; Elbert, treasurer; Betty Mr. and Mrs. frank MilletL who were married on May 29, 1906 in Spring Valley, Minn., will cele brate their golden wedding an niversary at a reception on Sun day, June 1 Tne affair will be Pa: HM il. k . Charnn uiu , ui nvuiv VI UlEir Hill . .. " , j i nit ilaiialit 1. 1.. If. j , , I CaII latv if liohla Ann Waworth iiauiiiici-urwi, nr. anu mtm. , v Russell Millett, 1420 Court St. choir director; Sue Morris, ments; wil be employed at Cooley's Gar dent during the summer. In the faO they plan ta return to school hi Eugene, where Mr. Cooler will be a junior in the school of Business Administration at the University of "Oregon. Miss Johnson will complete her high school education there. After completion at the univer sity present plant call for associ ation of Mr. Cooley with nis par ents la the Cooley Iris Gardens at Silvertoo. the press to call between 2 and 5 o'clock. Arranging the party are the couple's four children, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Millett. and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLapn. Mr. and Mrs. Alternate Bethel officers include Sandra Hummel, junior custodian; Nancy Van Houten, senior custodi an: Pat Stevenson, inner guard: Joyce Pederson, outer guard; Marilyn Colsan, Shirley Tjhede, 'i..!1! Jl70u".2,lUrtt Pat Backe. ferri Gustafson. Janie The goldenweds came to Salem 33 yean ago and before his re tirement Mr. Millett was with the states highway department for 25 years. Roberts, messengers; Mari 1 y n Carr. musician; Judy Jacobson, librarian: Pat Karnes, recorder; Diane Hensey. chaplain; and Pat Johnson, treasurer. i Committee chairmen to serve Salem kUu Ctah members wltn M,ss claggett are Laura Kend will meet Monday night at the T education; Carole Norwood, home of Mrs. Agatha Nelson, 735 boapitalitv; Carol Ramsden. tele Madrona Ave., at I p.m. Miss pnone. shirlev Beutler. cleanup: Alice Mathey and Miss Gertrude : Elaine Standish. audits, Pat Cheney will be the co-hostesses, j stivers, investigation; Sharon Gold en, obligation. Miaron ienion. oe- 9 A . f , t re-M4ial Fartlea Mist Johnsoa has been feted at a number ef parties this past month, since her wedding plans have been made known. at her Portland home for MinV Albany and Mrs. Larry Ernst.' gree: Vicki Fronk. philanthrop.v . Greet Gaetts at BerepUee A reception was held at St, Mary's dining room following the ceremony. Mrs. Louise Beau champ cut the cake an1 pouring ware Mrs. Frank Peters, godmo ther of the bride, and Mrs. Hen ry Miotke, sister in-Uw of the groom. Mrs. Edward Miotke, 1 1st a sister-in-law, served the ices. Assisting were the Miiaes Dorothy Frank, Pearl Fink. Bet ty Jean Friehtl, Sandra Davie, Shirley Wagner, Helen Peters, Joanne Frerea, Patricia Freres and Judy Huffleman. For her wedding trip the new Mrs. Miotke wore a beige and white cotton knit suit After a honeymoon in Las Vegst the cou ple will be at home in Stayton. Mlaa Patricia WaeUa win pro- tide at ber final meeting aa hon ored queen ef Bethel J, Job's Daughters Monday algnt at the . Scottish Rite Temple at 7; SO pjn. Formal Initiation will else be nek) during the evening. Johnsoa Thursday night. A num ber of Silverton friends attended.! which also included Miss Johnson's mother. Mrs. Vernon Johnson, the former Henrietta Lovett of Silver-ton. Monday nifht Mrs. Perl Bye was hostess at her Silverton country home for Mist Johnson. Assisting Mrs. Bye were Mrs. I. L. Stewart. Mrs. Larry Ernst and Mrs. Diane Rold. Bidden were Miss Janice John n. Miis Verna Johnson, Miss Connie Schriener, Misses Judy and Georgie Ernst, Miss Diane Bye. Miss Piper Rold, Miss Joni John son, Misaes Beki and Lori McKee, Mrs. Harold Morse of Joseph, Mich., Mrs. Vernon Johnson. Mrs. Byrde Miller. Mrs. James Keith. Mrs. Fred Warnock, Mrs. Sam Staedeli, Mrs. C. J. Cooley, Mrs. John Morley. Mrs. Charles Brown, Mrs. George Lovett, Mrs. Alfred Johnson. Mrs. I. L. Stewart, Mrs. Merle Rasmussen, Mrs. Duane Rold, Mrs. Rholin Cooley. Mrs. Larry Ernst, Mrs. Robert Schrein er. Mrs. Harold McKee. Mrs. R. E. Kletnsorge, Mrs. Alvin R. Fish On June 2. Mrs. Harold McKee i will be hostess at a shower for Nancy Sears, social; Doris Strmz Miss Johnson at the home of Mrs. Ernst in Silverton. ham. decorations; Pinson. sunshine and Marilyn Your sigrtofure, filce your skinlones, is uniquely yours. So, of this Chorlej of the Ritz Powder Bar, your sltinfones decide the individual shade of made-fo-order face powder that perfects your own coloring. And, as you wofch, our comuffonf hand-blends that one wonderful shade right before your eyes. $1, Introductory size. Other sizes, 2, i3. (m tn p' ) The moU rtveiutionmry watch in modern timet ftrfof far at wmuM aaa aaaniaWy far rai JL yvu eiy Va W XU.1V& Jlvi. TOTS TO TIENS 234 N. liberty m - I i ,,,, SUttlndlng on m ballbearing n&m Exquisitely fishnned for dress wear sturdily constructed lor every day use. It winds itself at your slightest gesture . . . more smoothly thin any other witch. The most tiscinating time-piect you can own. . . or give. Watchmakers unci 1855. Lmdim frm $85.00 f $.175.00 Afrn'l w-rk-fnm $75.00 U, f 375.00 frsi wM, Ftatl Im JAW JEWELERS 225 North U'flff.' hrforr yrni storr your fur coot for another year, consulrr fur ic-iiiodelinji 39.50 O rrpair prcscn Liberty , ii t r. -ii l ur sKilifKi cratt'.mon win tican. restvle and reline vnur t fur so carefully and clcvprlv vou'll think its brand new! Bring in vnur fur coat, cluxise a becoming stvlc (cape, vtde. cliitib,taw etc. l and vc do the rest. (Small additional charge for dyeinR.) l.ipman't Fur Salon, 2nd This price for most furs slightly histier for types requiring greater care. You're invited to use our convenient credit plans. i L I I I. ?! 1 I ! I lit I if Ui5 I ' 1 1 WW n L wind and sun ' are lots of fun but banish every curl pool and surf are likewise mirth but hair-woe to every girl a mi i.Maa ii miai.iiaiiuMi ni U y I a art. i m.M - - - V. ,i , . -a ,inn-w eatlier wise the pirl w ho relies for "Permanent" insurance in her summer coiffure. Take out your vacation insurance today ... a soft, natural, long lasting permanent by skilled experts can keep vour hair looking its through a summer nf fun. best I'hone 3-.l)2l or 4-1 LSI for an appointment T7