i4-Sec. II) Statesman, COO Real Eetate 854 Howt For Sole SUNDAY 1 TO 5 V-BEAUTIES AMONG BEAUTIES ' I JlMtroom. 1'4 baths. I . DR.. Kit. Nook, Utility. Doubkt ifk"TaudMM. Ph. 4-fM wiO . boss. . L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR S055 PORTLAND RD. PH. 2-7642 $1,000 DNV , COMPARE THESE FEATURES ;'Beam celinji I fireplaces Jibleplumbjnf I foot ilidinl window wall LoU of bmlt-ina t block! tut of Kiim School J 6077 KENED ST. .:. (BILL) Davies, Bldr,-Ph. 3-9072 LOW DOWN PAYMENT Witt BIT THIS-Vert. nic horn. ES. f JUS. JSc $8300. Call Mrv Graham. ONI OP TH BEST CROCCTY STORES IN BALITM-Comb n- !. eieellantbutineas. Cmnt (tor building. 1280 q. ft I? aM. ill atora fixture weahlng machlno and equipment Books open for intpecxion. u i p.-. n yj. , Hyou are looking for a moneymaker. $29,400 plua Inventory. - Call Mr. Hick. - , IWT aHar. BUT THIS ACRES FOB TUT PRICI Of ONI VIEW LOT "si mitoi from th. renter of town ana; hat many fine iew .bulldlnrP0tt. Build yourteU the home youVe alwayi , wanted anTiU the reat Small barn on the plac and tome v mtrketabto timber. You ran t beat tola tor iO0. Call Fred Soartlar. ( 0f TODD SEAL 18TAT1 lti ! St P". !-'" Ira. rail. Doerflw Hlrkt 4-4M0; Crtkam 4-47; Vtndervort 4-7OS Todd M731. UK'S m X. CHURCH ST. f HERE IT IS A vary liktble I bdrm. noma. Good tlied U. rm. Din. rm. 'and kitchen comb. Oil haat IntuL Hdwd. fir. Vrn. blind. TuU price IS 00O. Call Mr. H. O. -TJan" baak, ,v.; Ph. 4-atu. LOTS 'A ROOM A liMlrMma. Tireglac. Oil heat, Dlthwather. Larie tot with treat. City but at door. Ix cellent value at W I1.0M down wiU handl. Call Mr. Crawford. Xve. Ph. 4-aoaa. 1TS TERRIFIC fjsvtly. S-bdnn. ham on am fir. Lf. ji. rm. Brkftt, nk. rtrapuc. Hdwd. fir. IntuL Bath. Shower. Near School "and trantp, Lara lot A (teal at ill WO. Call Mr. Sword. Iw. Ph. 1-104, SUPER MARKET Riah net Income from this su per market set up. Top loca Uon en hlfh trsffle atraat In booming town clow to new dam under construction. Lots at parkins room. No credit buaineea. I bdrm.' owner's ' quarter. Land, bldf ., and quip. Included. Priced at t. ' ' Mo, plus Inventory. Term ar- ringed. Oil Mr. Woodcock, ive. Ph. S-tlO. , , ., LICENSED ATSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Iveolnfs t-MM, 4-7S3X. 1-4823. S-M41, 4-1121, 4-fMl . It no answer, Dlsl 4-1241 OPEN HOUSE . SUNDAY 2:00 TO 5:00 ;:; 3915 DAKOTA ROAD A different and distinctive 4-bedroom horn located South off '. Browning Ave If your fancy run to th traditional you will love this hsndsome horn with Colonial feeling. Beautiful . work-aavlng kitchen with built-in oven and dishwasher sep arata dlnlnf-room master bedroom with private bath snd far above avsrsge closet and storage spsre. Put an end to wishing and drive out and let Adrienne Sercombe show you Priced at i22,M0.-Ev. phone 4-9082. T 471 Court St BE SURE YOU SEE THESE 2 LOVELY NEW HOMES , MAY 27TH, 2 TO 5 P.M. 358 GO OUT LIBERTY RD. TO 'C0LOMA, TURN LEFT TO Sharp - a bedrooms Spacious rooms Lovely fireplace batht ' Ceramic tiled bath ONLY: AND 4844 FIRDELL TURN LEFT OFF LORI TO 4M4 FIRDELL BEAUTIFUL TREE SETTING ) Large family rooia t bedrooms Lovely fireplace ' Built-in Dishwasher Bullt-ia rven and rang FULL PRICE: $15,950 Wait Jonas will show AI Isaak & Co.. Realtors aa H. Church St Salem, Ore., Sun., May 27, "58 800 Real Ettate 808 Hoirioa For SoU E I Bedromi. Bath, fwnlly rra, Liberty Garden. Mrs. Parkuco. J-, win ho. -f $14,000 TOTAL Ck to koooI Shopping center I bedroom : w "a. ikl. BEST ' 'WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES Ph. 4-tJU or M( j LOOK AT THIS Dandy home. Lr. B. rm. Oil haat Qaraf. near ocnooi ana trantp. Ia McKtnley Dlttrict Larat lot Contider trading for small house near tha unlver it. Pull srlca l ISO. Call Mr, N. O. "Dan" Isaak. Iv. Ph. 4-MS1. NEARLY 2 ACRES Clou in N. E. Beautiful yard. All kinds oi milt ana snruoe. Large garden. 1-room modem home, i-tir carafe plu workahoa. 14x80 new chicken fcmisa. Real value at 111.00. Call Mr. Crawford, Eve. Ph. 4-aOSt, , JOYOUS LIVING Bpadouc 1-bedroom horn. Sep. amine rm. a ktwij iirei.iw.-n, Davllta burnt Vh baths. P. A. Dayllti oil haat. Plu ill the extra to . make It aa entovable. Priced right at 111.M0. CaU Walt Jonas, Ivs. Ph, 4-7131 VARIETY STORE Ideal att up tor man and wife Very clean nock, snow gooa Income. Closed holidays and Sundays. Open 1 to. dally. List of equip, and fixtures. Pull arte 12,000 plu Inven tory. Cell Mr, Woodcock, Xv. Ph.1-7101 Ti Phone 2-4111 1-4111 L0RI BOONE RD.. TURN LEFT TO LORI, TURN RIGHT TO 358. New Home F. A. oil heat Owner to put in lawn Patio Large lot Sep, Utility $11,950 i, baths Lots of ceramic til Dble. att gang Lawn la In Na other Ilk It Ph. 4-3311 or 1-7130 800 Real Estate 806 HmM Fa Sale BEDROOM . Ing1od district nar bus acboot Show at 1830 Kliuu. RETIRE AT THE BEACH!!! 1 HOMES, l-t bad ream, 1-1 bod mm, furnished, centrally to oted hi kockawey. tot Ml or trade for Sales property. Total price law. Otimart'Ualaba, 471 Court It tool Mllt-Mlia t BDRMS. PART TRADE Urtnf room. Uxn, flrapt. din. rm, kvl kit If, lamll rm. wfirept. kttnt bar ft Moan. 0. a bdrmt nm re cleaota builtiiu. 1 baths. UUL rm. Sewing rm, dble (r or lota of bull tin stor age, tut oil turn. Cor. tot Ms 1U, bus (top. Beaut thru be Pttlo ft ncd bct yard . M will Ufc house ar coo up to taooo. Ph a-" LARGE k DIGNIFIED NORMANDY MANOR a hMinu Smith an fta overlooking m, inn mwx hat avtrythlnf. 3 tU of plumbini. hdw. floort up ft down. Ona ol th nicest fam ily homes in Salrm in a set ting of Urge oak. U acra. Call ut now. Sunday Salesmen. H. Peck 1-5411, Mux I rranii i-eua. Bon Clear y 3-9939, Roy Ferru 1-8010. Himel & Ferris, REALTORS 1M South Liberty Phone 4-4471 DONT MISS THIS property at J7S0 Sunny- view, noma ana a acri. uq tubdlvlilnn area. Or food tlte for trailer court or reildrn tlal court. IB feet on Sunny view. 4M feet deep. Do not bother tenanta. Ph. Ramtey Realty. 4-3381. 417 Terry. Sun day 3-aat; 4-10: 4-1694. THE HOMESELLERS C. D. McCARGAR. RLTR. DALLAS HIWAY 4 bdrmi. bamt, intiae utility wirea iot wather It dryer. Dble. fa rare, fruit nice view. Price 17,790. Call Pay Seat 4-SJH4. 701 No. Hlfh St. Phone 4-4441 BY .OWNER. Price cut on 1 Dorm. Large nv. rm., mn. m., kltrhen At utll. Attach, ft' rase, nice yard. 11,790. Ph. 4-321S. It's a Steal at only $13,900 tarea famllv room, flreolace. Uouhle garage, 1 oainrooms, j bedrooms, oil hest, pstlo on beautiful 71 x 120 lot. Near school. All room are large. Open for Inspection Set and Sunday, 1 to 1 o'clock. Out Uhartv Koad to Regal Gar dens sign on left turn left on new paved (traet Laat house on ngnt Glen Hamilton BUILDER 1480 State St. Ph. 4-7M4 Eve. 4- COZY 1 bdrm., home, lot 80x 142, apples ft peers, mi Mon ro Av. 17,290. Ph. 4-4544. FOR SALE Completely fur- nished 10 yr. old I barm, plas tered home. Wall to wall car pets in llv. rm. It din. rm., hdwd. firs., approx. 180 q. ft Very nlc furnitur com plete with T. V. set and yard equip. A good buy at 118.800. Tor pt. call Geo. Patrnv with ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR. 231 N. High. 1-M3I. eve. 4-1888 or l-MM. OWNER transferred: offers homo for gl.ioo. Locstea close to bus, shopping, ch. bus at door, large lot, large 2 bdrm. home. Finished room In attic. 390 Stark St. Ph. 4-8349. BUY my equity In Manbrtn Gardens home. 1 bdrms., or 2 bdrms. and den. F. A. heat frpl. and patio. 11.190 dn., 111 850. 839 Manbrtn Dr. Ph. 4-2493 4 BDRM. house In Kingwood Heights, finished dsyut nam t 2 frpl' i00 view. Also 3 bdrm., house In Kingwood Heights, unfinished dsyllte bsmt.. t frpls., good view. Three 3 bdrm. houses wfire- rltres in W. Salem. Ph. 1-1181 -1511 or 3-341, 18,250 1 BnilM. house, 5850 Fruit sna na.- iw psymeni. Ph. 4-Mtl before noon, week ends 4-8152. FOR SALE 1 bdrm. large llv rm.. Youngstown kitchen, good well. Chicken houses, cabin started, nearly 1 acre Sunny aide dlst grade school 3 blks.. low down payment etiau. rn. 4-1971. 1 BDRMS.. Hi baths, birch kitchen with dishwasher ft dls poaal, flrepl In large living rm. Lrg. utility. 3 yr. old Owner transferred. IU.20O. Ph. 4-7311. Garden Lovers Nice 1 bdrm. home, M'xno" lot, kitchen with formica counter tops, large living rm.. tiled bath, lota of flower ft ahrubs, also trees, lsrge gsrden spot slresdv planted, upatalrs un finished For more details call 4-8253. Price 18.750. 2 bedroom down and 1 unf. up plus a full basement. The tvoe of srrrsge ana gooa quality of the house provide opportunity lor an amDiunus family to Increase the value of this property It Is prlred now at only 111,900. Located about 1 mifei from the east city limits. For details call 2-8971 day or eve. 2 BEDROOMS SOUTH This neat and clesn 2 bedroom home on a nice lot and priced at 1A450 msy be tha one for you. You name the down pay ment Call 1-8171 day or eve. C. S.-JACOBSEN. REALTOR PH. 2-8971 781 Brennerft Center NEW 1 bdrm. on Hansen Ave H. W. Heat, plastered gar Swedish frpl. unique price re duced, tie.HO, Ph. 4-801.- BY OWNER: 11.900 da total Erica 112.000 2 new 1 bdrm omea. Included are !, baths, playroom, birch kit. wdinlng area, front rm. wtrpl., all dewd. firs , FA. oil heat, dhl gar wpatlo, lot sit IJ'tlJO'. city water. Loans arc on houses, move right In. Houaes are 1 blk. out of city limits North. 3321 Msyfleld Plac ft 235 Wilshlrs Drlv. Sea any time or ph. 1-0931. BY OWNER - S HOMES I now 1 Bdrm. homes, flrepl.. dble. garaie. birch kit, plas tered, large lot restricted Priced reae. Terms, trades. Open house daily. See 1 blk. N. Claarlak ttor on Wheat Usd Rd. 1 800 Real Estate S06 Ho.t For SaU LO'ILT IASTMORXLANO DIST. Mica I Dearm. nom. Areptocav DR.. kit Si nook, uul rm. Attached garage, owner aav aelt llt.anoat (Easy terms). Call Edna Mor gan, era. 4-403. CLEAN AS A PIN: t bedrm. hnma. H w. (toon, nrepiace. nil heat torated northent. full snra only taaasoa. Call Mr. Kifiuu. eve. 4-144. MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 4N N. Church TREES Lovely large oak add an air of frectout suburban living to this immaculately kept I-bdrm. home. Truly a show place with beautiful land scaped yard. Glata radi ant heat, wall-to-wall carpeting and storage ga lore. We (eel at 19.M0 this tt tnllv heat suburban LXS OHMAJtT have had for CaU Don Doug IWESTMENT Drive by 141-191 North Winter 132 pet month. Th lot Is 30xii. ine price it tli.xxi pieasa do not bother tha tenants. Call Louts Loreni to sea Intide. I HAVE A SECRET! ! ! Just listed a wonderful 3-bdrm everything you want In a tome Including family room, dishwasher, able plumb., dble. farsge. storage over garate and lots of treet creating a beautiful setting. Take a look. Call Ralph Maddy. I WANTED 3 BEDROOM SUBURBAN HOME Owner of 1-bdrm. home on N larger home. Then home has I bdrmi . living mom. kitchen with nook and att. garage. Good deep lot, 79x140. Prict ia 18790. Aik for Adrienne Sercombe. ENGLEWOOD COMFORTABLE 4 BEDROOM HOME Complete with bsmt. snd economical sswdust furnsre. clone to school snd market, nicely landscaped lot ana tne price is only 19900. 11000 down will hsndle. Sea Henry Torvend. IF YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL US :T& 477 COURT ST. Phone 1-41U. 1-4111. 1-4H7 Eve. Don Doughton 4-1414. Louis Loreni 3-9990. Ralph Maddy 1-34M. Adrienne Sercombe 4-1082. Henry Torvend 3-3832. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY -MAY 27TH 2 TO 5 P.M. 1453 NARCISSUS.STREET (Left off Wallace Road) BIG PRICE REDUCTION OWNER LEAVING SALEM Ranch ityle home, approx 2.SO0 n ft on msln floor. 3 bdrms . Isrge den, finished daylight bath. Please stop In Sunday sfternoon oertui lamuy nome. MRS. RICHARDSON 2:30 TO 5:30 P.M. 2150 NORTH 35th STREET (North off Sunnyvlew Avenue) Co North on Jeldon 1 block turn east on Brenna to 39th Street New 1-bdrm. ranch type home with full daylight baimt. Qual ity thruout. Formica dralnboardi. stainless itcel link. Tlmken forced air oil furnace dishwasher, built-in coAnter electric plate and even. Coma prepared to make an offer. J. E. LAW WILL SHOW GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 180 S. LIBERTY ST. PH. 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays call Salesmen Mrs. Richardson 4-89M 1 E. Law 3-9113 H. K. Laymon 2-3193 Ron Hudklns 3-1712 RAWLINS MORTGAGE LOANS FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION 3 OR I'll HOME WITH A GRAND VIEW ter bdrm., a lovely view out over Salem sod the valley. One of the finest views In Salem. Nesrly new 3-bdrm. home with family room In basement. Price 118.900 00. For details csll Dean Klarr. Eve. Ph. 2-7090. LOVELY NEW 4-BEDROOM HOME Sub E. Almost 1 900 sq ft llv. space. F. A. Oil heat snd frpl. Lots of house for price of 112.500 00. To sea call R. E. Gillespie. Eve. ph. 4-0944. 1-BEDROOM HOME, NORTH. oil furnace, lie. llv. rm. with Owner would trade for 3-bdrm 1 mi. of Salem. Full price 111.230.00. Call Henry Rund to aee. Eve. Ph. 4-1720. BEST BUY IN SALEM 4-bdrm. att. gar , 79 x 175 lot. City water, paved tt. Close to scnooi ana trsn. Owner lesving. For Infor., call Dale Rayburn, Eve. Ph. 2-2045. RAWLINS REALTY 605 CHEMEKETA STREET Salem, Oregon Office Phone 4-8173 E! kingwood heights-top of i the World View of city. va. ley and mountains. 3 bdrms., 1', bsths. living room, fire place, dining room, kitchen, bssmt , gas FA furnace (nat ural gas before wlnteri. Make an appointment to see this beautiful spot. CALL RON HUDKINS THIS IS IT-Words fall me in describe this eye catching de sign. Imtk plate glass picture window that looks out over valley and mountains 3 bdrms. and bath, lge covered pitln, dole, garage. To see this out standing home CALL I. E. LAW LOVELY AND FRESH AS A i DAISY 3 hdrms.. llv rm, din. rm., kitchen, nice fire place, oil heating 11 000 down 885 per month. Cash price 111.500 CALL RALPH BRUCE GRABENHORST 180 S. LIBERTY ST. Evenings snd Sundsys csll Salesmen Walt Socolofsky 3-88.13 Don H. K. Laymon 2-9193 OPEN HOUSE 1 to 1 p.m., Sunday 1244 GREENWOOD On thlt secluded, shaded itreet, w arc proud to how you thli fully landscaped. 3-bedroom home. 1 .900 iq. ft. Only 1 yesrs old Living room with raised hearth fireplace, dining room with built-in Birch China closet Birch kitchen with aatlng space Walk-fn closeti. separate utility room, circular floor plan. Double garage and patio. Close to ihnpplng. 119.250. For earlier appointment, Larry Johnson, 4-3799. Salem Proofirties REALTORS 287 N. High 800 Real Estate 80q HAwtanPwfSal ONMATCHtO POB ORICLNAL ITY OP STYLE Quality coa ttructHMt attcntHxe to detail, panoua floor plan include" S are. bedrma, dining rm.. greo tou bvlnf rm. By ppt only. Call Stearna Cuahing. evo. J-Ma NFW 3-BEDRM HOME wday lisht baarment 4k wonderful view. 1 fireplace, aai tot 110a 114. See this before you buy. Price 4I7.JM e. Good na, caU Mr. Keene, eve. l-07t. Phone 4-2299 one of tmr values wa tome time. hton today RUDY CAtABA PROPERTY itreet. This pronerty rents for home In "Hillendalc". Has Elms would like to trade fnr basement with kitchen and full snd let me show you this won- Wait Socolofsky 3-8839 REALTY from Hv. rm., din. rm , and mas Intide city. Only 3 yrs. old, F. A. fml beautiful yd , garden spot. home with 1 to 9 acres within home , lge. dining room, kit . creek lots iso front with trees. H-2 untrici only sj. 700 CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY SOUTH BEAUTIFUL FAMILY ROOM WITH VIEW-There is 1 908 iq. ft. In this fine 3 bdrm. home, hrkf. bar in kitchen. 1, 'bsthi large lot To see this excellent family home CALL MRS RICHARDSON for appointment CANDALARIA 3 bdrm. ranch style home. Approx. 1.400 sq. ft' of floor space Fenced hack yard with patio, a very neat home in excellent repair. Price 115.500 CALL H. K. LAYMON BROS., REALTORS PH. 2-2471 Hurikins 3-8712 1. E law 1-9113 Mrs. Richardson 4-8988 Ph. 4-0331, 2-1331 800 Real Estate 8M. HowtasFwrSaU KINCWOOD Belrht: Mod. 1 bdna. homo, 10)1 CaacoOe Dr. Prpl, hdwd. (toon, covered breeiewa.v. IrtnOe utiL. 1.101 ft I11.M. Own. Ph. CLOSE in. walking dutanro to Capitol Bldg. Attractive a yr. oto. l earm noma room m tnd bdrm. Uv. rat, dinnette 4V kitchen In knotty pine. !?. M. Call P. U Knapp Broker. Pk. t07 Ab's. Cutts for Satis BY Owner: f unit Apt. house, each with bath. 1 furnished. Good rental dut S blocks from ' renter of bun new dis trict. Ph. 3-733. 7 UNIT COURT THIS NEWEhV INCOME PROP . IRTY HAS HAD ONE OWN ER ONLY. Built tor comfort able living In secluded envir onment. Has no vacanctee. 1 units with fireplaces. AU have stove and refrigerators. Cen tral utility room with washer and dryers. Off street park ing. Renters pay own utilities. Owner will consider trade for hardware, variety or grocery store In valley towns Good retirement Income. ISO.ono. CaU Chet Nelson. Eve. 2-1330. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1350 S. Commercisl Ph. J-3SH! 3 UN IT court with good 1 bdrm! home, clou to good beach. 1 garages, take home or small acreage for part. Price 111 000. Wm L. Graham ft Co., Rltr. Ph. Delake 3463, Delake. Ore. 808 Loft For Sal ON Croisan creek. , A. lot., all year creek. 3 mi. from city ctr. Ph. 4-2940. TRADE 2 lots, just off Glen Creek Rd. for late model car. Ph. 2-20M. LOT. 1083 Oxford. Ph. 3-1470 or 3.3743 LRG. LOT 152x98 Price 18S0. Kener Heights. Ph. 2-U29. 3 NICE home sites. Ig lots. Mid- dlrsrove Scru, See at 9090 Si! vertnn Rd. TO TRADE 19S3 Bulck or 19S0 studebaker Com. for a lot or acreage. Ph. 4-912U 1729 Childs LARGE lot. wonderful view. A steal at 12850. See this before you buy. Ph. 2-4509. BUILDERS ATTENTION LARGE view lots, new street, lust off Ewald on Stanley Lane. Price real. Ph 2-9093 or 273 W. Ewald. SEVERAL lots 79x100'. paved streets, curbs At wster 1 blk. to Morningside school. Ph 2-9820 days, 2-0411 after 8:30 pm 810 Forms For Sola 19 A. ABOUT 9 A. prunes & cherries. 2 wells ft shark. 13350. 1790. down. Ph. 4-5094. FOR SALE or trade: 97 A . 89 under cult All clear. 1 small houses. 1 wired tor range, barn, family orchard, plenty of spring water, with or with out 130 head ot Sheep. Priced for quick tale. 3'j mi. from Silverton on Silver Falls Hwy. Star Rt. Box 3-A. YAMHILL COUNTY BARGAINS 1. Beautiful new rsch type home on 9'. A. nr. Yamhill. Deep well. Some income. See to sppreclate. 115000 terms 1. 181 A. 7 ml. west of Yamhill on Meadow Lake Rd. Modern house, big barn. H a s k i n s creek thru the place. (Lots of fishing). Several springs, deep well. Considerable tim ber ft Xmaa tree stock. 118, 000 Only 15.000 dn. 3. ON THE WILLAMETTE nr. Wilsonvllle. 40 A with over 6S0 ft. river frontsge. Fair bldgs. ja.OflO some terms WRITE FOR OUR "BEST BUYS BULLETIN" GEARIN Jt CO., REALTORS NEWBERG, OREGON THE SANTA CLAUS FARM Thousands snd thousands of Christmas trees covering 400 acres. Santa Claus offers year ly market for 5 000 to 8.000 trees and this farm will sup ply them for years. Free crys tal clear spring wster with sufficient supply for irrigation tnd home. Approximately $15 -0O0 worth of comi timber, plus thousands of poles and young timber. Besutiful Sil ver Creek flowt peaceably through the farm and a limit of trout can be caught any day In the week. Deer are plentiful and can be seen from the house often. Verv good 4-bdrm. home with bsm't and furnace, having ila-owa elec. power plant. Barn and new 22x100 ft greenhouse which has possibilities for a sizeable income. You can call this your Santa Claus farm because it will give you most everything you need. ALLEN C. JONES, - REALTOR 131 No High Eve.: 4-1889. Ph 3-58.18 2-9848 812 Exck. Real Eitoto PORTLAND' for Sslem. 1 bdrm. 3 rm. modern hse., 70' x 130' all fenced Garage. Roofed patio. Barbecue grill. Fish pond. Cherry ft appla trees, grapes. S t. Suburban, near schools ft bus. Quiet nice neighborhood. 110,900, .1045 SE. 120th Ave., Portland, Prospect 5-3880 NEARS.HIGH SCH. 3 bdrm., plumb, for washer ft dryer. 18.950 take car. or cheaper property. Ph. eve. 3-8647. fRADEToraTmy equity in 1 bdrm. modern home with 4', acres of fruit ft nuts for late model uied car or pickup. 2780 Hollywood Dr. MY EQUITY in my home at Gold Hill, Ore on the Rogue River for your equity in a Salem home, must have 3 bdrms Ph 4-9703. BY OWNFR. 8 uut spt. house, close In. sale-trade 4-3681. 816 Retort Property MOD. HOME on Alsea Bay. Prlv. dock. Reduced price. 3-4381. FBEDROOM house. 2 acres not torn land, Salmon River. Sur faced road, electricity, creek op place. 11500 00 terms to suit Robin Reed. Delska, Oregon. 8 1 8'WontoOeol Eitott WE HAVE A CLIENT Who hss a lovely 7 yr. old 1 bdrm. home In Eastmoreiano that they will trade for a new er 3 bdrm. home in Hoovef school dist. Salem Properties 387 N High St. Ph. 4-0331 or JM333 MANft Wife would like to buy home 1200 cash ft monthly payments. Good references, writs Statesmsn-Journsl Box 70. TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4 6811 f 850 Automotive 8S1 NsrvCort DRIVE THE BIG Th Smartest 4-Door Hard Too th Road. McKINNEY LINCOLN - MERCURY 43 It Commercial Salem 8S2 Utwd Cars For Solo 119 VICTORIA Ford-o-mstlc. Bank terms, pn. 3-aa aiier s 1942 PONTIAC 4 dr. sedan, very clean. Highest offer lake, lues N. Gains. 1938 CHRYSLER Sdn. heater ft O'dnve. Good cond. 145 4-2908 1944 DODGE sedan, cheap. 2171 (i. Liberty rh;4-343t 19S FORD. 4-dr. 4.000 ml. !.- 255. 443 W. Mam, Sllverton. Ph. 3-8722. 42 DESOTO, make offer. Call eve. 2-5473. TRADE. "4 Ford Convert, fnr motorcycle or 1150 cash. z-ztc FOR SALE Good 1930 Model A coupe. A-l. 4-5428 50 Buick Special 4-dr. 2 tone good cond. excel, tires. 4-1324. 49 JEEP 4x4 pick-up waium- Inum canopy. 1850. Ph . 4-3459 '49 OLDS 81 dlx. club ted. Black, radio, heater, white side walli motor recently o'htuxd. good condi. 1.195. Ph. 4-18.14. '42 CHEV.. trsde for livestock or cash. J'h. 2-U35. 960 S. 13th '49 PORD V-8 custom convert. good cond. Ph. 2-1192. '92 FORD Victoria, "race. Mal- lorv ignition, mag. triple est bs. Headers, pipes. Frenched headlights. A-l tires. Wes Kasta. Amity, Ore. Ph. McMlnnville 8291. '48 CHEV 4-dr.. good cond. R. ft H. good tires. 555 Illinois. 1950- NASH-Stateiman, nearly new tires, mechanically per fect, overdrive, windshield washers, double bed. stove, good tu-tone paint. 1254 Edge water. Ph. 2-9458 FOR SALE, 19S0 Chev. wheeltvwe dump truck. Ph 2-8820 eves. long 1900. '54 FORD Convertible, black with new white too Radio ft heater. WW tires, tinted glass ft etc 520 Klngwooa Ave., w Salem after 5 p.m. BUY HERE AND SAVE BANK CREDIT 1953 NEW Chry. New Yorker St. Regis. FULL POWER. 500 Mi. Discount 11200 1954 Plv. Belvedere Sedan, Auto. Trans. Radio, Heater. Sttrp . ... $1293 1953 Nssh Amb. Hard Top. Loaded, like new throush out $1495 1954 Ford Clb. Cpe. Fordo matic. Radio. Heater, Low Mileage H95 1953 Ford Tudor, Radio. Heater. OD. real nice 1145 1955 Chev. Sta. Wgn., a Dandy. Low Ml. .. 45 1931 Ford 8 Conv -Cpe. Ford- omatlc. Radio. Heater, Like New . ... in? SEVERAL $50 UP LOOK TODAY BUY TOMORROW 240 Center St. Ph. J-3734 Open till 1 POST Auto Sales 55 CHEV. V-8 4 DR. . $1895 Powerglide, 5 new tires, low mileage, just like new. '.14 OI.DS "88" 4 DR. $1895 hydra"' T,d'0' h'at"' "nd '54 chev. "210" 2 dr. $H95 Radio, heater, power filide, '54 MERCURY Hardtop 11795 Radio, heater. '53 FORD CONVERT. $$$$$ Radio, heater, overdrive. dual snoopers, chrome in terior, new top. Double Eagle tires, very sharp. 51 CADILLAC "fir' SDN. $1595 Radio, heater, and hydra . electric windows ft seat, one owner, 30.000 sctuai miles, new tires. '51 MERCURY SDN. $795 Radio, heater, overdrive, beautiful custom Interior, low miles. '51 CHEV. SEDAN .... $795 -53 WILLYS SDN. . $f!9fi Overdrive heater, new white wall tires. '52 FORD SDN. "6" .... $695 Heater 52 MERCURY SDN. $995 j Radio, heater ft overdrive. '51 OLDS SUPER 88 $895 4 dr . radio ft heater, hv dramatic. white sidewalls. loaded with extras. 4 barrel carb.. dual exhaust. '51 KAISER $595 Like new, 3n ono miles. 51 CHEV. TUDOR $r.95 Radio, heater ft power glide '51 PLYMOUTH CLB. CPE. .. $595 Radio, heater. 50 BUICK SUPER SDN. $493 Radio, heater & dyna. SPECIALS 48 DE SOTO 9 PASS. $495 Like new. .'50 NASH 600 TUDOR . $395 '50 STUDEBAKER 2 DR. CHAMPION $395 49 PLYMOUTH Clb. Cpe. $395 Like new for Its sge. POST AUTO SALES OPEN EVES. TILL 8 P. M. 1103 So. Uth Ph. 4-8231 FORT'S A LE'nkTFordplck -up. Ph. 2-3829. 4379 Delist Rd. To plica dignified ids cill 4-6811. ANDERSON'S 850 Automotive 8S1 Naw Cora SAVINGS!! AIMS The NEW Place to Buy That NEW '56 FORD ACRES OF NEW FORDS TRUCKS & USED CARS Come on out for that DEMONSTRATION RIDE Virgil Pade John Slanchik 3650 PORTLAND ROAD 4-0535 8 SiTUied Cora For Sola ALL DAY THE '55 PONTIAC 'W 4 DOOR $2295 Radio, hester. hydre.. V-l Mntnr hi.lnnt nainl Hn, owner. 13.000 milet, just t like new. "51 CHEV. 4 DOOR $ M5 Radio, healer, power glide, sest covers, tu-tone paint, sun visor, very clean. BARGAIN CENTER OF SALEM Silverton Rd. and Lancaster Dr. PH. 4 9114 . SAVE YOU MONEY ON 1956 PONTIACS IF YOU WILL. llL V-8 Tudor Sedan V-8 Fordor Sedan V-8 Catalina Hardtop V-8 Catalina Hardtop E 122 inch Road Leveling Whcelbase . . . Engine . . . Safety X Member Frame Locks . features. Deluxe Interiors Deluxe Radio and Antenna Underseat Heater and Defroster. i Hydraulic with Overdrive $188.30 Tinted Glass $32.30 Windohieid Washers Plus Many More at 660 NO. LIBERTY '19 PLYM SDN .. '11 BUICK Sdnet. . '46 NASH SDN '41 CHEV CPE '48 BUICK Sdnet. . '48 CHEV CPE .. '50 KAISER, Sdn. '18 CHEV. Aero .... 46 CHEV. SDN 1 24 dn 1 49 $ 29 dn 59 1 29 dn $ 69 $ 39 dn. $ 19 t 49 dn. $ 99 $ 49 dn. 1 99 1 49dn.$ 99 1 49 dn. I 99 .$ 49 dn. $119 46 CHEV. CI Cpe I xi an. $129 49 MERC CI. Cpe. $109 dn. $29!) ni'uauK 1 1. i p. e i. " SI PI.YM Sdn. . $ 99 dn. $249 f9 FORD CPE $109 dn $299 JO I CHEV. Coach $159 dn. $499 No Down Payment On Approved Credit AYNBEE MOTORS HO Union Ph. 2-0703 NlteJh3-325.1,4-7581 90 PLYMOUTH Suburban. Oregon'i Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Car Commercial ft Chemeket Ph 4-5711 47 OLDS sedsn. $100. 478 S. 12th. Ph. 4-7111 days. Eve. 2-1259. 1953 DODGE V-l Cornet 4-dr. 1823 I h. 2-88J, Independence. 437 Culler 1993 Cli'.V. Bel-Air V-8 station warm All power equlr., ww tirci. 4.!r. R ft H. low mile age. S,t or trade my equlpt forjir rir. JSin N. 24th. BEST C f,' oiler takes 1949 Ford But. Coupe. Phone Mr. Good win 2-0631. DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR ill 850 Aotomntfve SSI New Car Del Strand Warren Hocker B52 Uied Cars For Solo SUNDAY '55 CHEV. BEL-AIR 4 POOR $1895 Power glide, hester, tu-ton-paint, one owner. 13.000 mllei, clean. 30 OLDS. STA.'WGN. $ R95 "88", radio, heater, hydra., all metal body, 4-dr. a a a Coupe Sedan . $2,371 $2,429 $2,501 $2,574 V- Strato-Streak . . Safety Door Styling and many more .$ 90.25 .$ 89.25 $ 10.60 Reasonable Prices PH. 2-4113 '59 Chev. V-l Sta. Wgn. . 12350 Radio heater, nowerglid turn i i g n a 1 1, windshield washers, white side walls. 8.700 miles. Not a year old. Like new. 54 Chev 4-Dr. Sdn 11393 Radio, healer, Powergllde, turn signals, 2-tone blue. 54 Ply . 2-dr. sdn. $1093 Radio, heater, 22.000 miles Reallv sharp. piv fonvert N "-...J . . 11095 Radio, heater. Hydra, drive. new top (Sharpi. 92 Ford V-l Clb $793 Radio, heater, overdrive, turn ilgnais, 2-tone. harp 92 Chev. Sdn $699 Radio, heater, black. '53 Rambler Sta. Wgn. 1795 Radio, heater, cloth uphol stery. Here i a real gas saver 'SO Dodge Coronet sdn 1450 Heater, automatic transmis sion. Real clean. '40 Dodge 1-ton panel 119S S-Wheef all metal trailer .... 189 '90 Ply , 2 "49 Fords, '46 Olds., '41 Chev. See These Crest Buys Soon At DEWEY'S 3080 Market Ph. 3-4061 1941 LINCOLN Club Cpe. with 1M Merc, motor: A-l shape, best offer. 387? Mshrt Ave. 1 JEEP for sale. Tlrst claat ihape. Ph. 3-4863. '40 BUICK coupe, good cond. $90. Ph. 4-9883. '49 FORD 2-DR., $150 PH. 2-2663 low 450 dual axle G.M.C. 1 yd dump truck 14800. R 1. Box 879 Ridgefleld. Wash, ph. TU 7-3730 1930 NASH Statesman super, eood trans, or second csr. Come see and drive It. you'll buv It. Overdrive, whit side wall tires. Ph4-7359; 4CAD. ,a2"-4-dr. Mutt ell, make offer 1-1259. 850 Automotive 8S2 Um Cars For Salo SAFETY TESTED USED (NOT ABUSED) CARS '55 Buick Century Hardtop '55 Olds "88" Holiday Coupe Standard trans. '54 Olds "98" 4 Dr. Sdn. '54 Olds "88" Holiday Cpe. '54 OhiVW Holiday; Cpe. '54 Mercury Sun Valley Hardtop '53 Olds "88" 4 Dr. Stick shift. '52 Willys Sta. Wgn. '51 Chev. Dlx. 4 Dr. '51 Olds "98" 4 Dr. Completely overhauled. '50 Chev Bel Air Hardtop, auto, trans. '51 Olds "88" 2 Dr. WE HAVE OTHERS. Come In and Save Money on Your Car 461 NO. HIGH PH. 2-797J Prices Are Born Here . . . THEY ARE RAISED ELSEWHERE BEAUTIFUL Dreamhouse. 41 sips 7. Lena Lane, 1940 Lana AveJ 1953 2 DR Chevy, 1713 or trad! Eves. 4-5427. 48ncHEV7good cond. $123 casrT Call eve. 4-9176. cletin, new paint, 1545. M. W, Bradley in Aumsvllle. Ph. 1714, 1MMD, sale, leaving Salem. 51 Nash Rambler Sta. Wagon, exirl. cond. ft tires. Ph. .1-334.1. BY OWNER; '51 Olds 88 dli scd.. hydra., radio ft heater, excel cond. Ph. 4-8831 after I wk days. 1954BUICK Super 4-dr. power steering ft fully equip, will accept '51 or '32 car In trade. fr int. on balance, cash pneo 11895. 180 Howard, ph. 1-0592. 853 Auto Port! It Repoira ',T PICK-UP bed rcks. $20. 348 W. Chcmaws Rd. 4-4858. WE HAVseveral good used 184 tires. Compare our pricet at you'll buv. 3211 Skyline Rd. Dick ft Jim's Auto Wreckers. B54 Trucki, Trail, for tola FLATBED wflh st'" for. 13'k ftCsll 4-5822 FOR SALE tturdy 2 wheel gen eral utility or camping trailer. 5x10 ft. water proof ranva top raises to 8 ft 1100. 1571 N. 19th. Ph. 1-7752. 47 WILLY'S pick-up. Ph. 1.7384 CHEV. truck. Good motor, ttock rack. Sell to highest bidder E. A. Chisholm. 1210 Tile Rd. Ph;4-9352. FOR SALE or trade: equity 15 1953 1 ton Ford Exprett. A-l cond 3'i ml. from Silverton on Sliver Ftllt Hwy. Star Rt Box 3-A. FOR SALE. 2 wheel trailer, quire 2298 Lee St. In- SS6 Wonted, Cors, Trcki . WE'RE PAYING TOP CASH ror Clesn Used Can Psid Fnr or Not Bob k Bill's Uied Can Union k High Sta. 858 Motorcyclci 1952 HARLEY-DAVIDSON "ll", good cond. Ph. 1-7148. r94245 MODEL Hsrle Dsvld son. Call 2.7812. ALLSTATE motor tcooter 140. Motor needs work. Call 4-1831 after 8 30 p m. FROM85 to 100 miles pef gal. 1950 Cushman - $145 1951 Harley Davidson ..11H! 1953 Harley Davidson $261 1953 James 1"4 1954 Triumph 1291 No down payment IO.A.C. I Will take most anything in trade. SHROCK'S. Highland at Portland Rd. 862 House Trailers YOUR dreamhome, 45' two bdrm Lana LaneJMO Lana Ave FOR SALE private narty-1950 model 26' trailer. Call 4-6544. 20FTRO ADLINER Bargain 1940 LanaAve. 1953 35 ft. 2 bdrm. Richardson trailer hre , I party owner. N trades. $2198. Ph. 2-4304. 5081 Ptld. Rd. FOR SALE, Montecello 37 ft S bdrm.. njtn. lannem wnwu, good cond. John Frey, Dallas. Ore. Ph. MA 3-4421. SEE the new 44 ft. front bdrm. FLAMINGO. "Jck ft Jin bdrm. In rear. Priced to sell. Lana Lane. 1940 Lana Ave PLAY Shuffleboard at Salem' New Center street irauer Court. Trailer Spacet available 4135 Center St. 25' TRAVEL ITE. bath. 1.750 dn. Ph. 4-2217 ask lor naurr. 45 FT. ELCAR. 2 bdrm. Latest model. See at Lana unt, is Lana Ave. 12 FT. metal trailer house, exe. condition, real, lfo w. Brown ing, Eva. or week ends. . FIR CREST Trtller Psrk under new msntgemem. re.ir... spaces for rent. Mil N. Rlvor Rd. Ph 1-8313. Is1 VACATION SHASTAS SMALL DN. PAYMT. TERMS LANA LANE 1940 LAW A Ave TRAILER TOWING IAYNAWK TRAn FR SALES W4C Portland Rd Ph i-8041 LATE model 40' 2 bdrm trailer $.1295 ,MHAWK TRAILETt SALES Wi rort:Tid Ed. DEUJXT, Rollohome. 3 V ono bdrm. Lan Lane, U40 Una Av. ilirs