Lincoln Senators Spokane Nabs 7-6 Verdict clges North -i Lose Again, fl)rej&on$3$tate$man alem 2 to 1 it Cellar Winning Run Scored in 7th Doing Things the Hard Way I; t 3-Riin Rally in 9lh Falls Short of Mark SPOKANE - (Speeiul) - The; Salem Senators dropped pnolhcrj one in Northwest l-canue nlav Fri day niiht, this time a 7-8 verdict 'Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., Mav 26, '36 (Sec. ID-9 to the Spokane Indians in the open- - - ' inj clash of a four-came none. The loss was Salem's cifchth slraichl, which ties a mark suf fered earlier in the season. It al.o dumped the Senalors into last place in the standings, behind the . Indians. Manager Joe Rossis strength ened Tnhe i:ot of i to a big start acainst Ad Satahch, scoring lour times in the irst inning, twice in the second and again in the third. Salem could manage only single tallies in the first, third and filth, and then cut ioose with a three-run rally that fell short in the ninth. The lieinu' and winning runs were aboard when Rill Bottler, fourth Spokane twirler, came in lo get Harvey Koepf on a long, game ending fly to left field The Solons were at full strength for the game, with Jack Dunn back in center field, Mel Krause at sec ond base and newly purchased Chuck Essegian in right. But it did little good. five hits were gleaned off Frank Chase. Lefty Don Sthnf.der, Manny Escalera and Bottler, in that order, and little advantage was taken of 12 hn.'-es on halls issued to the pitch ers. krause had two of the hits ami drntc in t.irre unv one with a sxrihee fly. the other with a triple in the big ninth Although he got no hits in four trips. Es-' segi.m drove in a run wi'h a ground-nut. Dunn got one hit and scored three times. Dunn's double. Hay Webster's single and a double play scored the first Salem run. But four singles, wound around a walk and a double steal gnt four for the Tribe in the opening panel. Hon Jackson's single and George Huff man's home run got two more in the second Marion Cowdell hurled the eighth inning for Salem, after Hon King had batted for Satalich in the same heat. The teams play a doubleheader i Saturday night and a series end- in 3 solo on Sunday. Salem then has Monday off before opening a series with Eugene, at Salem Tues day night. Yika Fliminateil From Playoff Spot fk-. 1 PORTLAND (Special) Lin coln, champion nf the Portland high school lejgue, scored one I run in the bottom half of the final inning Friday night to nip I North Salem's Vkings, 21, in l 1 tightly-played ("lass Al state quarterfinal baseball game. Cn.ich Bill Hanauska'i Viks. cot'ld manage only one hit off the pitching of Mickey Lolich and North's Jack Loy was almost as stingy as he allowed the Cardi nals only two. North Salem tallied first, in the fourth inning. Val Barnes led off with the Viks only hit. a single, Ed Kitchen Rot on when hit hy a pitched ball. Ed Syiing sac rificed the runners around and Bob Jantrc knocked a sacrifice fly In center that scored Barnes The Vikings were then retired when Kent I.emmeM fannoH F.tifrne 14 9 Lincoln lierl it up in the hot torn Lrwutn i.i o of the fourth when Pete Verdur men walked and was scored fro- -third when the Viks errorcd on John Whitelay's hit ball Deciding Run Scores It Was an error again that al lowed the Cards lo score the de ciding run in the bottom of the Jr. Olympics Here Today The annual VM("A Junior Olymplci, all for Willamette Valley beys from t to M and IS years t age, get off this morn ing al :30 'rlnrk In MeCul 'nrh Madiu'ti. Skip Alexander I in charge of the program and any bor In ll'e age limit la in vited In participate. All they ne-d Is their gym foots. Events for the 1-1? group In clude tf) and 75 yard dashes, 40 yard backward race, 40 yard J leggrd race, baseball thraw. football pant, high jump, broad Jump and fouV man relay. Ear the 13-14 group (nlsn Including 15 years of age If not beyond lfflif"Mfh school), Ihe events frt bt and 100 yard dash. 120 yam low nuroirs, nroad jump, high Jump, pole vault, shot put, baseball throw and four-man relay. Winners will qualify for the state meet next month at Portland. Redlegs Topple Braves; Yankees Wallop Orioles Br KD W ILKS Associated Press Sports Writer Cincinnati's Redlegs jammed Ihe National League race into an een tighter snarl hy rallying to defeat first plaet Milwaukee 8-5 Friday night nt'.cr St. Louis whacked the Chicago Cubs -l and Pitts burgh, with Dale Long matching a major league record on his sixth heme run in six games, came from behind lo beet Philadelphia, H. All of which left Milwaukee's Braves with no more than three percentage point 'dw over St. Oregon Edged Australia's Landy'Orance Slates Starts Trip Home SAN FRANCISCO - John Landy of Australia, the greatest Practice Game CORVALUS OP" -An Intra squad game will wlm! tip Oregon Louis, with the Redlegs only six points farther hack. On a screwy "games behind'' basis, the Cardi nals are in "first" by a half game over third place Cincinnati which is a half game ahead of Milwau kee Pittsburgh, winning five out of six, moved into full share of fourth place as three New York Giant home runs handed the Brooklyn Dodgers their third straight de feat 6-5 and dumped Ihe world champs into fifth place. It's Brooklyn's first visit to the sec ond division since the opening By 0SC, 11-10 Exley Hit Three Homers to Aid Win CORVALL1S - Jerry Exley slammed out three home runs Fri day to lead the Oregon State Col lege baseball team to an 11-10 vie- iri I : game of the 1934 season. i"r n T 1 "e. 1 ' ,,p' In 'he American U-ague, front- P ld J,,f D"l". for another running New York thumped Bal-' Vrthprn U'v,s,on cham, .onshm. timore, 10-2. for a four-same Exley homered in the fourth for bulge over second place Cleve- the Staters- first run. lie 'tied (in land. The Indians were dropped "ore at 6-6 in the seventh with 2-1 by the Chicago While Sox on' a three-run homer and hit his Billy " Pierce's three-hitter, third circuit blow in the eighth Boston's third place edge over , with one man on base to put Ore- nohthwkst i.r.Aoit the While Sox melted lo a single Knn Mate ahead 10-7. Exley vakim. n Po wntri.f mis jo P" s Washincton-lcd hy Roy Mlcd in six runs. Tri-O'.v M s .ww ,pnkw on .,nn . Sievcrs two home runs that drove Oregon surged ahead in the fifth w.i 7 is ...04 jn jvp markersbelted the Bosox with six runs and again in the Krldny result.-.: at Spoankr 7. Salem 10-5. eighth When Outfielder WfllTen "' vna"ch'fTn"C"y 4: 1 . Kansas City jumped past De- Harley of OSC dropped a fly ball 'rr-a'K'' ! troil and took sixth place by de- that allowed Tom Bowen to score . . . ;,..,;.. ,u t: e t 1 PUinc ( iiAsr i.i.ti,ir. ii'muuj tor hkiis, d-j. B.ur f . R...L But the Staters came back in seventh The bases Were loaded 0: at San PraneiM-o S. Hollywood 11 when Jim Cloutier got on with al Vancouver 1-3. Sarramento 11-4 an error. Ken Scales singled and Eric Blitz wilked. Paul Coddard iS.L' '11 c - ,V vFii Cincinnati trailed the Braves .on Ang 27 MS Sn Fran 2124 4t7 . , cue, : . .. ... B ... r,..-.,..j o-i ,ii anrl Warren Snhn 5 4 ooinf into eauit' ..iw ripiunu it in , - . n .-. . , uw , s kthmi 24 is .V7i Hoivd ih 23 452 njnih at Milwaukee. Singles "" score is .11 .34u . ,u T.,r.,i f!... dii five runs on five hits. In addition rattif .Ted Kluszewski scored the tying;'0 hompr ' Stn Uvejoy there (Conl. page 10, col. 5) So Dlf 22 :4 478 Vnrver Fiidav'n results: at Portland Sr.n Dieeo 2; at Los Anirrlt-s 6, NATIONAL I.FAfll'E W 1. Pet W I. Pit. 1 ,1 l-. , . . 1 1 wan k 11 nrK vn on ,.i At first glance it would appear that this boat racer is trying It while "Fn neuiers rnnice st Lnu 2n u Hl N Vrk M17 52 hi. h..j nr7.i..ii h. 1. ih. .1 twin flln. 1,1,1 dotiter scored from f h 1 r d ( immn is 12 w Prolan mm xa slanding on his head. But actually he was In the process of helng Hip- , crioi'tstnn Mike k'ellrv mm ritsW 17 1.1 W7 rhico S t 21s pert from the craft when Ihe photographer made the picture. Acel- wnrn noi isiop mikc ici ley over- f.r,dHV !t ruM,. A, Nrw York . j .,h ku. .nnn,. .iih hAoi rn Ui li Marine ' """" iiiix i" utnuu Hrikiyn 5. at fiiiiKifinnia .1 nm- Park and Ihe Willamrlle River will he Ihe scene of Salem's first major boat racing program of Ihe season Sunday, with numerous rrafl from all over the area participating. The program starts at 1 p.m. Angeh Blank Seattle . . . Portland Beavers Rap San Diego Pads, 10-2 PORTLAND Of The Portland Beavers grabbed the lead in the second inning and then held it all ttrn way as they clobbered San Diego 10-2 in Friday night's Pacific Coast League baseball game L'w'" here. Blitz. The loss ended the baseball season for North Salem, the win ners of District 8 A-l. Lincoln will advance to the semifinals. Both Loy and Lolich exhibit r -' tight pitching, each striking nut 10. Loy walked four and Lolich only one. j N Salrm (II B H H BnrrtfF.m Kitc hen .1 Svnrt(r,2 .!aot7e r I.ammervl I.ov.p r.llbcrtson.I Rusr II c. Kcllcy.j hurh 8; at Milwaukee f. Cincinnati ; at St. Louis S. Chica(to 1 AMERICAN l.FAIilF. W I, Prt. W I. Pet N. York 2.111 .S!lt nitl-nr IS l' .441 Clevlnd IS 1,1 ..VI4 K. Cllv 13 19 .406 Boston 17 14 S48 Detroit 13 20 .3"4 Chicago 14 13 .SISWshgtn 13 20 .391 Friday's results. At Baltimore 2. New York 10; at Chicaso 2. Cleve land 1. at Boston 9. Washinfton 10; at Detroit J. Kansas City 6. PCC Receives USC Charges, Plans Probe Total N S?lem Dungeoned: Elsewhere in the PCLLos An geles increased its lead over the challenging Seattle Rainiers by beating them fi-0. Hollywood pounded San Erancisco 1 1-5. and Sacramento took a doubleheader Williams Not Through Yet fiflh when the Beavers scored four 1 BOSTON' A disheartened Salrm () (') Spokane k.k. hrh. Dunn m .1 :i I I Murnhv m 4 o o n from Vancouver, 11-1 and 4-3 w hster s .1 i l o h vkn 2 5 2 2 ii Portland's big inning was the Krauze i a I i u . , i i. a I,-... i I A n r.seian r i o o o Deiiooe I 4 12 1 runs Luis Marqurx was on base but determined Ted Williams said 7"',r' oo h,.o'V1 'toll when Rob Borkowski doubled This Friday "I'll come back." Knenf'e 4011 ii"bea'u'.i j i i was followed bv Ed Mickclson's The Boston Red Sox slugger told Williams 1 I II 0 II Chase p 2 1111 Kin 1 ii II o Sc hndr p 2 n 1 Sataln 'i p 2 1 0 2 K-c.ilria p o ci n II (Vinlrll p 0 O II 0 Hotter p 0 0 0 II Wanen d 1 n o o (J) I Inroln B R Hi 1 1 1 Rht7.2 3 0 0 2 0 (I Ondda-d.l 4 0 0 2 0 n o hiutn m 2 n 1 2 n n Vrrd mn 3 2 1 I) 3 0 0 I.nrhtky.c 2 .1 O 0 Whl'elv.l 3 2 0 0 rinutier.r 3 1 n (I Srales.s 2 0 0 Lolirh.p 20 1 1 Tn'at 2S 2 2i ooo inn ol i 5 ooo loo l 2 2 1 Lnlirh. Losing inninn pitcher: pitcher; Lov. Pitcher; ip ah hn r er o bb Inv 7 29 I 2 1 10 4 Lolich 7 24 1 1 1 10 1 Hit hy pitcher: Kitchen, bv Inlich. Left on bases- N. Salem 2. Lincoln 7. Runs batted in- Whitelav. Codrtard, .lanize. Sacrifice Syring. Jante. i Stolen base: Occhiutn. Jaycee Tennis IlijPlay Advances 3 n n J Action in the Salem Chamber of Commerce tournament Friday saw winners in the senior division move into the quarterfnals while the hovs division advanced to the semi finals. Saturday morning matches in the senior division will have Don Lebold vs. Glen Durham; Roger Totals 31 6 ', 5 Toll!' 34 7 10 I Hit tn1n double p.-ty fnr Sala- lir -i ,1 Rt'l. ri Stuck out for S.--k 'I l.i S3i. .' I II I n I Ii II II t 2 M' n n n n v r"-t1rr S ruiddc! : nrlrrrr bala.ii i'iTcl:rr ip sacrifice fly and an error that sports writer Tom Kennedy or The hrnu-ht in Marqucz and Borkow-, Boston American his timc-drag-slii ging foot injury is "probably the Then Dick Voting and Eddie R,i- most discouraging thing that ever smski crossed the plate on a so- happened to me in baseball." wiinams resumea a rny tncrapy i 3' Sdla'tih Cra riell I :u-r S rinrifi. Kaiera J Bnl'Nr 1 Wild pi'hc - Sale .31 hn 10 II S i S 7 in 4; s.i lib S I n o 11 2 12 3 5 1 t n Chase !,ft on bases Htuur run Huffman I hiec-lwfo hits Kra.l e. Tvvo-hase hits -Dun Runs (Vitlod in J Jackson Z. Huff. ran 2. flourhnu. Krause 3. F.s( cia Sa'T'fjce- Rour bou it i, Krauze . : . "t'olen bes r.rlio. i J ,lai k.. r Huff -l .n nn.i b:c plays Hamontoln In .1. Jackson. Ha'v.ouinto to H. J.u .i-on 10 J Jack son Tln-e- ? 17 1'n.pir. led Hove and Ted I n. pa' A"rnnance 2 .'.'1 irl 1 Grant Blanked By The Dalles THE DALLES .T-Dcnny Peter son limitet! (ira-1' to two hits anil nlsn contributed a pair cf s.ifetics Eridav niht as The Dalles shut out Crnrtt of Portland :i-0 in (i'.iarlerfinal came ef the Oregon hi;h school class A-l baseball playnff.- t "as Ihe tenth sir.ii'.'lil iclnry for Pe'er.-.on and the .Wth straight win for the Indians. .Seaside Advances r;cs of successive singles Karlier in the second inning Portland's Ra-inki had a home run. his second of the year Thec was no one on base at the time. S.-.n Diego opened the scoring in l the first inning. Al Federnlf scored 7 on Dob I'sher's sacrifice flv. I'sh- i or accounted for the other Padre sandal run. lie scored on Bob FUiotl s nas single in the eichth. A cro vd of 5,242 saw Ihe game. Canby Blanks Centra, 5-0 MONMOUTH (Sepclal) Tt was a pitchers duel until the fifth inning and then the Canby Cou- i.-,,,!.,,- -nor IV Nm iWmon ,.f Krs cui loose ion iwo runs ann Lfthev Clinic reaffirmed the di- addded three more n Ihe sixth asnosis of his injury as made five '? blan.k lne ( lra lU'h Pan' weeks agn-a bruised tendon 'herS- 50- in, ?, ('la!s A-2 state known medically as a "plantar the Oregon College field Friday r,.u ..-in, ;nni,.n msht. A slip off a wooden shower which caused the injurv LOS ANGELES - The Pa cific Coast Conference commis sioner'! office acknowledged Fri day it has received charges aimed at- University of Southern Californ ia athletes and will investigate the accusations. "We have received the informa tion. Beyond that there is no com ment," said Bcrnie Hammcrbeck, assistant to Commissioner Victor 0. Schmidt. The charges, sent to the con- Junior ; ference by J. Miller Leavy, a tennis UCLA alumnus, claim that a Tro jan booster group paid out 171,235 to more than 60 USC athletes over a two-year period in excess of the conference athletic code. Leavy insisted he was acting purely as a UCLA alumnus and not in his capacity as a member of Ihe Bruin Athletic Advisory Board or as a deputy district at- Stewart vs. Jerrv Hagcn, and ! Larry Johnson vs Roy Stangeby. i torney of Los Angeles County, The semifinal matches will follow Special Meeting Eyed were singles by Tom Hunt and Tom Bowen. In the top of the ninth Oregon rallied for three runs and had the lying run on second base before Lowell Pearce relieved Dick Wil son and got pinch hitter Ron Cre- son on an infield out to close out' the contest. ' j Wilson was credited with the1 win and Jim Lehl, third Ore;. an pitcher, was charged with the loss. Oreon 000 (M0 01310 10 1 Oregon State . ... 000 COO 4J 11 It 4 Domochowiky. Henkel (SI, Lehl 171, Olson (Si and Bowen: Guldoltl. Wilson (M. Pearce 18) and Lovtjoy. Big Ten Votes For Rose Bowl MINNEAPOLIS - The Big Ten tightened its alliance with the harrassea Pacific Coast Confer ence Friday by approving an In definite Rose Bowl tieup. The action, although not unani mous, specifically okayed renewal of the Rose Bowl contract and gave the go-ahead on a continu ous series which would not re quire periodic approval by the two leagues. It was viewed as a morale-boost- in Ihe afternoon at the Willamette! Previously. Schmidt said lhat if . 0r for thfl Pnrlfip Pnact fnnfoe. jcnurts jthe accusations can be substan-. ence, now in the midst of a self- j Boys divison winners who ad-jtiated, a special meeting of the j discipline purge which has left jvanced to the semifinals are Ken- conference might be called to takcjUSLA ineligible for the bowl for neth Seipp, Larry Fanning. Del- action. three years and Washington for hert Sheldon and Mark W'ulf. I Hammerbeck said he could not two. They will play their semi- estimate how long it would take final matches this morning at i to probe the case. Willamette Third Round Results Friday results: Senior division third round Roger Stewart rlef Jerry Carle- j The Big Ten's policy-making fncnlltr rnrsnl atit'fie alcn an. aiosi or ne uproar oi mc past provrd a round . robin fnolba week, punctuated by heavy punish- ,fhdlli unApr uhirh rh eon. ment dealt to UCLA and Wash- ferenee team would play the oth- SAN DIF.fiO (21 H 11 ( l A (10) PORTLAND BHUA Ferlcmf 2 Rbn-p ni llsher.r Pl'lf r.l . Kaak.3 Flliotl m Sl( !;ir c !... r, l'f-1' p Me. on.2 .1 1 2 3ns S 2 1 3 1 5 s I 11 4 1 n :i t n 1 n n 2 1 1 n n r. I n I r-.ifri 7 II Ma-ne? 1 P.kv Kl.l M!:eln.l ivrn2 P. c 3 I'.mv I: -.s r Iattie! s 2 4 1 3 2 3 2 8 n 3 n n n ii 2 n Williams from anything but pinchhitting since the second g;mie ol the season. "I've come back from other ones and I'll come hack from this one." the article q'loted Williams as saying The story was Williams' answer to Ihe speculators uho have whispered he is through at le.-st for the season and maybe for cood ehanan 6-0, 6-1. Two singles by Mike Harms and D on Vounce and an error accounted for the two fifth inning runs. In the sixth, two hits hy Jim Beck and Ed Zachow, a walk three runs in the sixth frame. Beck allowed Central only two : match Bill Jacobson singles in hurling the victory for Marr 6-4, 6-2. ( anhy. dordy Dctzel, the Central pitcher, save up only five singles in taking the loss Canln now plays Seaside next Monday al Seaside unless a neu tral field is selected on 6-1. 7 5: Jerry Hagcn rief. Dick ' 0 one expects the calm to con Mwavec 6-1. 61: Larry Johnson tinue. however, def. (lay Newell 6-1, 7-5; Don, Alumni of practically all the Lebold def. Bill Ctimmings 6 2, ' PCC schools were far from happy. 6-0; Glen Durham def. Dick Bu-' ington y e conference acuity nine pus onc non-conference ell VlllUlld, I.V., U1CU UUWU Friday Fourth round def. Ted Boys division third round- Seipp def. Alvin Jacobson 4 6. 7-5, 5-4: Fanning rief Rruce Davis 4 6. 12 10. 63: Sheldon def. Jim Roger Bolmeicr 6 1, 6-0. I Kensn o 0 Ii (1 II :a-Tnweli n n n n h.Astrth 1 n n n ii : Tot.' Is .".I '121 " n Walked for Pete ip 7th h ,To:.ped out lor Kcrne.m in f lh fan !)ireo 1"" " "h1 2 Pet :n'I '12 Mf (I2x 10 E I?ohinoe2 IMirr. Menre 2. Mn.niie- ni'i I- Vlirkeison 1 Baain .ki ? Brirkowskl. Bottler FT nil 2B Mi krlK.n. lint !: 311 B-r. i-ow.k'. M:ik"Nnn III! Br.M'.ki SB- Vour.g. S Al-xii'rter SF Mi -ke sor tlP-Ilsvir. -kl Vnung and 'i -);-l rm; llavo-. V omit nii'l Mlckel son I.rt -S'ii Dieeo 10. Portland " PI- - Oictte! 1. AlcY.-iiulcr 4 Porte :: SO rictlel S AlexTlc 1 Pcf 'e 2 Ki'rnran " H-ER Ollrl 1-1. Ale- Rams Victor On No-Hitter PORTLAND f Joe Martin MO I 2-: 2-2 P-r ;e-t! 7 l.i 2-n. Kcr- In 4 I.. 1 2 'ii 2 Ale -en - n rl c - I (,Ctte 1-4 for find Yuh- etle Poete 2 ' A Icv.mricr .1,. . I;.,).! t r iv'. k' ii T 2-l.i A On -Hit Effort Strategy Told By Sweikert Tnl 1 1 pitched a no-hit, no-run game as c.mbv Central Catholic moved into the semifinals of the Oregon Class A baseball playoffs with a 4-n victory ovcr M'MinnviHe Friday. It was the third no-hit. no-run same of the prep playoffs this year and the first in the A divi sion since o;,2. Ma'lin allowed only onc man lo Kct to first base anil he was thrown nut trying lo steal second. Central bunched thpee runs in the sixth innini; ai'ier pushing across ore in the fourth "i'mI (l t) canhr BUM B R H Bl'hakrr. 2 2nn fleetr. m .100 I urner. .1 3 0 I Beck, n 3 11 Hill Id I .inn J'hnson. 12 10 B-aivIt s 2 0 0 Miles, r .10 0 l.nccns m 3 0 l M Harms. 3 3 11. Mnn.-on. I 3 0 0 D Harml. 2 3 1 I '. ( uniinins r 2 0 0 Zachow. I 3 11 NVwton. e 2 0 0 Vounce. 3 0 1 nct?el. p 2 0 0 Herk nip. c 2 0 0! 22 fl 2 Total 25 5 5 OOn 000 0-4) 2 4 OOO 023 -J S 0 pitcher. Beck. Losing rithcrr Detzel Piti her ip ah h r er nn hb nct?el 8 2.-i 5 .', I :i 1 Berk 7 U 2 0 0 7 2 I.efl on h.ivc- C'anhy 2. (' 3 n.m- n.tirH .n 7chnw Sacrifice: 1") HM-i- Douhle ply Younee-D H.trr!iow Medford Club Ousts Eucne Kt'flKNK '-r - Medford moved into the semifinal round nf Ihe A-l high school baseball playoffs Friday hy beating Kugenc 4-1. The winners rapped out seven hits including three triples Pitch er Duane Sides limited the host team lo three safeties. Liigene picked up its only run in the seventh. Busty Diehl got Larry Buss of the Oregon College to fir.t on the only walk given up Wolves have been named to Ihe by Sides and advanced on Iwo Ifl.Vi Oregon Collegiate Conference flic; and a single. All Star baseball team, it was ! learned here friray. Muss marie the team last year and is the onlv Buss, Adams On 0CC Team MONMOUTII-'Speeiali - Catch er Barry Adams and Outfielder game. I Legislation to net up machinery ' for the plan was expected later j this weekend. ' The 10-gnme schedule, however. can't take effect until 11 because of present commitments. Athletic directors are expected to work on an eight conference game sched ule for Ihe 1959-fiO seasons. I The present three year Rose I Coast expires next year. Action i was required here Friday be 'chiise Minnesota voted against re ' newal in a recent poll of con ference members. DAVIS (TP PI.AV SET repeater Major League! LLeadersJ SF.ASIDK .f (iary Holmes pitched Seaside into the slte A-2 high school baseball semi-finals with a no-hit-, no-run victory over Newport Friday. 3 0 Holmes struck out 1.1. but hit onc hatter and walked two others It was a si vcn-inninc rnrnc American Leapue Ktii'-k M .'1 Ki.oi-. fifi .3 Wih.ler P4 27 Williams l.i: 24 7,mI 27 B I) inn 17 13 Koepf 57 14 Szek.ila S7 21 SujtiMin 71 17 VVarien 21 3 F.---eiian 4 0 Lul'V 3 0 PiiL-hme 3 S f.e i e 4 17 , f ifle 9 4H'i Cnni'ell S 32 SJ.alcn f 41 rmf a 1 1 ' i Walsh 2 S'i 'P hr rhi p:l INDIANAPOLIS P - Defend ing champion Boh Sweikert un emered hn strategy Friday for the 40th 500-mile auto nice net VYHni'sflay. along with a Ihcry it u ill l:ik" a record IXS-mile an hour pace to win. The I'l.'i.i national racing chain ruon7nerrTc1ce iirmmd wav at U.i with hi left wheels Nci VoiV Bait. n. ere KiH-k Rrnwn i:t South I. :t i rn2 nio noo I mi ooo and Howard, Ferr.iro i. Inrih, Srhmlt7 i'h Fci:a:e- Wan metnn II - 'on R .on- Si: 1 13 mm ' ' 1 jo lion 'I t,'! ft. Si-le- . White W Ramcu 1. Su-ee . 010 OH" npn Chic ,i" CM. Yf , letkl 1 olUr f. Carrta lino (V si. n.ilei Heean: lie AMKRIC N lUdlH (. A R Mantle N Y 3d 13(1 Men.) Y 30 llfi "';i Oetrnll 28 R.3 Vcinon 2' flu Kenn. Detroit 3.1 l.u ' 1 'loodrnan Pnston ':n 12n fl O I ollar ('hlr.ipo 27 flu f-em r n r . Wa-h lon 25 77 anrl f7erneil Ftoie;n 27 (n keil. Baltpoorr 21 H 7 Home nm Mantli Ni a 7 2 P,( rrrf N -v York 12 Hanc S I Yo-k. r . Sicv. . Wa-n;nr'o i or'- n-rt Rolon a mrt rio'i- hit -d ;n M IR.r Sen J'.'., Re-r: N.nv 'n; k .1' Simp,,,,, K.'ln.,- I P- 211 Sieve--- U.r-iimr.lnn 27. l..:me;. Kansas Ci'j. 23 H p. i SB i:m ti :t:3 ;il 3o :ui 1.1 33'i II 333 2'l ..I2B 2'i .125 211 .'22 Jtl 3 1 Ft l.i 17. Yo s'F.W VOlt Kf - Davis Cup Others named In the sntiarl nre '('a'"s representing Ihe t'nited Gary Lansing nf Portland Stale s,1l,'s iinl '"nada will play their and Charles Tykeson of Oregon ' Nortl1 American zone semifinal Tech, pitchers; Ned Landers of rmlnd '"'''" at the Victoria. Southern Oregon, first base: Stan B C ''iwn lonnis 'in(1 badminton Phelps of Oregon Tech. second llul "n ,ll.v 2-2!l, it was an- bae; Merle Stewart of Portland nounced Friday hy officials of the Slate, sliortsTop. Ilarv N'effendorf l;-S- l'n Tennis Assn nl Portland State, third base; (iary Horn of Orecon Tech and Dave Starbuck of Portland State, out field. Coaches Bob Livingston nf OCK. A I Akins of Southern Orcfion. Bob Quinn n Kaslern Oret'on. Merrill McK-el of Portland State and (ieorgc Miller of Oregon Tech did the voting for the all star learn NVTMINAI. I.EAtU'K Brooklyn at New Yor k - C raij l3-2i vn Worthlnjlon M-4i Pitt.'hurKh at Philadelphia Law (1-3 vi S Miller il-li (incinnati at Milwaukee Khpp stcm 1 3-2 1 s Crnne i2-1i (')iicaeo at St l.oins - MinniT il 3i vs Po'holskv i.l-:. AMERICAN I.I Afil f. New York at Baitlniote tniRhtl MlDermolt ll-2l n Wight il-ti WaslmiRlon nl Boston - Slohhv i2-3i v DeltM-k ' 1 -2 K.msas Citv at Detroit Mrmaee il-2i or Ditiiiar i:i-3l vr. Boeft Cleveland at Chicago-I .einon ili-li vs Wltrron i4-2t er Kergan (2-1 1 3 3 7 11 TV N.o .lid is never more than a. tew meiies :!.!,' from the inside white line. j'n His route ignored the ' groin e" K.u nty mi an nen i ;. ,. , . , , . . . ,i , i Detrn:' C? Pl mm 3 7 1! 1',' vh'cli runs from high on Ihe Irack Krcinw s -d cm-iherg i-ovt-. k. ;J; at the. start of a turn, eases down cmo ck i and Hou.f i- rotaii 2i to the inside, and swings back to j"43 the outside for the straightaways ci.ii Sweikert's practice course has VWL Line Scores " 11 two advantages he can slip past Tn.c ,v 3 other cars, and it would be prac- e ) t it-ally impossible for anyone to , pass him :.3 The idea isn't irere Kotter.u'K and i a r n ( . a u t -1 nno 0;lll 301 4i il OOn Oilx Martin. I.o; . 1 N TIO XI l.r.K.I I (. An n I ong Piti.hnrji. 9 i2ii ; ; Hrpolki. St l.ou.v 27 2" ftriitnn. Ml!w.-".,l 20 75 17 Mipev. finirn 21 7S Wall? Plt'thnrsh 2!l S7 17 Bicjcr. S' Louis 33 111 Moon St Louu .33 12n Smder. Brooklyn 29 111 McMillan. Clncinn 29 lul Si-n.. St Louis 29 89 Hone runs- Long, Pitt Post Cincinnati 11: Bank (l Kl'isewski. Cmc:nn..ti C incinnati. B: Bo-.e- ('v-l()iH' Full in;r Wins Over 1 1 nine DDDDDDDDBDODDDnaDODDBDS fOPEN SUNDAY! mm M n n D t new but most W enah hee drivers don 1 think his route can Y. w 1 no bh 1 1 oc driven at modern racing speed. Nrai. one, Ac, nol 2 002 P'l 01 v 7 Laser; B'W like r 'dues i-nki l 1 R.n " (i .V. Ho. ei S- I 12 2 Onii'.nat! 27 VI .It 330 in r.i 25 42 150 20 .17 3X1 !l 32 .117 9 2S 315 hurgh 12. (. n;eazo. .lab s' l.on- fi (iene 'Cy a fierce fighting atted Long 1 l.Oul. 2. t':'Mi.itgt I .h,,n-'-i 1 "i.l-. A NF.W WK clone i Fullmer man trotn wesi joraan. uian, opened cuts around both eves of France's Charle Humei Friday night on the way to a unanimous decision over the Kuropean mid dleweight champ It was a gory tn rounder that may have pro duced I!."- ftobinson's next chal lenger 'iiiim,' weighed 1W, Fillnier 7. JTI V An II I iwm 1983 N. CAPITOL I STREET k D D B D D From 9 lo 6 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9 TO 9 1983 N. Copitol Hollywood District Phone 4-5007 rt i. i iwiuau game wiu wim. up iTrjini e runner, left for hit homeland stale CoUegft prin football Friday by Qantas Empire Airway i ! trnininff ttUlurelflV Pan- Sam Wuler. fleet halfback. He I scheduled to reach Syd-1 Joined the squad for the first time ncy at J p.m. Sunday, Sydney j this week. W esley, sprinter, kai nine. icomnctcd In track this sprint!. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30. P. M. 1 1VI pound;,. SnnanaBaBoaaanaoDnDDBeBi toll ?.H8 K encore special! reg. $198-32.50 boys' SPORT SHIRTS 1 More of these wonderful short-sleeve sport shirts flf sell-out price! Sanforized fi) cotton plisse or broadcloth in bright patterns. 100 washable and colorfast. Sizes 6 to 16. special value! reg. S3.9H boys' DENIM SLACKS 2.99 Heavyweight, Sanforized k cotton denim with pleated fronts, California waistband, heavy-duty pocketing Fully washable. Faded blue, wheat, charcoal. Sizes 12 18. Mail and dumc orders. I'hii .si;i;m'm cost In nrni mihidr our rcidur trmk delin nj mutci. BOYS' SHOP-STREET FLOOR FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING f OR OVER t,000 CARS