AW o Social Annual Vacation Bible School Plans Revealed by With the clone of the school year nesring. several Salem and on June 5-15. Mrs. JacK vuiring mid - valley churches have an-1 will be the general director of the nminced schedules lor their an- i school. Mrs. Pete Uewen will di nual Vacal ion Bible Schools. I red the Pre-School Department, Most will get underway in early , June for a period generally run- ning (or two weeks : Congregations which have an- nounced their annual schedules in-i will be from I to II every morn dude: I ins Children from 4 to 12 are Kingweed Bible ! welcome The Kings Adventureland will; First Baptist Church has so lve the theme of Vacation Bible Director Boh Hammond, director ( Voice of China and Asia broadcast, whe will speak at (our mld-val-lev services next week. Voice of China Official Plans Valley Rallies Boh Hammond, widely known director of the Voice of China and Avt broadcast, will be the speaker at four rallies in the (Ireatcr Salem area next week. He will feature documentary dims each evening depicting scenes (rom contemporary life in t hina. Meetings will be conducted at the following churches: Tuesday at Woodbtirn Kree Methodist Church at .7:49 p.m. "The Good Seed", a new 16mm release, will be shown picturing conditions among the Red China refuges. Rev. George Notewor thy, hosl paslor Wednesday, Salem Pilgrim Hol iness Church at 7:30 p m. Film m he shown will be "China's Peo ple", the storv of thousands of ..,,. ...... : , uir nir on wit- .uniyain, iinitj tif the Street Sleepers, and many other informative scenes. Thursday and Friday, South Salem Church of the Nsiarene, 7 30 p.m. Film to be shown will be "Ash. the Fiery Furnace", I ne sinry oi Asia s nupr tiieseiHru , aaamst a backdrop ot tragedy, sorrow, nd crisis, and the "Good Seed". Cross, Flag Sermon Topi ' The Cross and the Flag'' will he lhe suhiect of the Memorial Sunday message by the minister, n ... . . l.-ti. l.ouis r,. nnc. ai iui)iui ..ic monal t'hurch Sunday morning at II o'clock. All departments of lhe Sunday- School meet together at 9 4S a.m., for the recular monthly assem- hlv Thii service will be in charge .f lhe superintendent, Miss Mary F.vre. The Sunday School offers a 'program of graded worship and instruction in the Bible and christian living for all ages from Nursery to Adult departments, Junior High, Senior High and College age young people meet at 6 30 p m. in the Pilgrim Youth Fellowship. Trisha Perm is Pres ident. Youlli (Irnsade In ProjirenH a I Iission (lliurch Mission Street United Brethren Church is in its .wnnri of lis "Kvery Member Fvangelism Crusade." This weekend is the Youth Crusade. Services were held Friday and are planned this evening and two services on Sun day. Krnie Kpperson, regional evan Ilisl for Youth For Christ, will ne speaker. The Rev. Kpperson hold one campaign here over a icar ago and is a favorite with the young people. (Tiurrh lo Aeeept I t New Members St. John's Lutheran Church will accept into its congregation 14 new members through confirmation at 10 .10 a m. Sunday. Thev are: Kathlyn Anderson, Tom Blackburn, Gary Gilbertson, Priscilla Gugel. Gary Hoffman, Alden Jarnis, Mario Krause. June Lane. Mahlee Menter. Annette Millrr. Karol Peterson, Jay Prince 4ad Janene sJK'ltioB. V ' ' i 7 ' -,;V A: 7' t ' ' ' ...... Qll:-xK' ; Tomorrows Sunday Church Activiliei in Salem School at Klngwood Bible Church Mrs. Wilbur Ewert will direct the Primary Department ana Mrs. l - arry Buhler will direct the Junior Department, ine ciasa sessions nounced that its Vacation Bible i .School will begin on June 11 this ar and continue tnrougn Juneirom june Friday for Mrs Garland Read will be the; neral director with many capable helpers at each age level assisting. Superintendents will be: Mrs. James Preuit. Beginners; Mrs. George Cliptcll, Primary; Mrs. Tom Gannaway. Junior De partment, and Mrs. Chester Hed berg and Rev. Stan Irvine, Junior High and High School respective- i.. tl. . i ... . m v. "'u .. t ly. int; titriiir win vnaiiiJiviia for Christ . Bible lastrvctina The school will commence at 9 am each day and will provide classes of Instruction in the Bible, games, singing, memory work, handcraft, and many other re lated subjects (or children, ages five through 12. j New this year will be an eve-' ning school beginnmg at 7:00 mug finwi wBinnrng "l o clock lor he Jr. High and Sr j iiiKii MuueiiM. n s ueinK caucu the "Christian Night Club and ! will present challenging sessions Baptists Plan Dedication of Parsonage Halbert Memorial Baptist Church, the Rev. Elmer 0. Paul son, pastor, will dedicate the new will dedicate the new a Tfc recently completed at'l" W el OdI( 111 parsonage the close of the morning service Sunday. The Rev. and Mrs. Paul son will hold open house from 3 to 5 p m (or all the members and friends of the Church. The work on the "parsonage has been done mostly by the men nf the church. The building was started last summer and the pas tor and his wile moved in the first of May. Salem Churches APOSTOLIC JUIS NAME M Cealtr 11 m . I p m AssiMBLf or r.on rniral Cottaic nd Hood jvsnfflliUt Triple - Mtrktl, II am. Tu P m T thil - Tairvitw Avt. and Bluff St. 11 a m., l ii p m. BAPTIST Ihfl Collilt and II am 7 .10 p m. calvary Ubarty and Miller. 11 a in 7 30 p m ,jav 1(.,ool S O a m. Btrvlwt 11 am, 7 43 p m F'irtl-Libarly and Marlon 11 a m. 7::i0 p m Immanual Hartl and Academy 11 a m and I M pm. Wtst Salran Ith and Roitmon, II a m., 7 30 p m. CATHOLIC St. Joirph'i-Wlnttr and Ctim eta. S, 1. S. I ll, 10 Ml. 11 4) a m SI Vlnrtnt da Paul Mvrtlt and Columoui f. 1, S. S IS, 10:30 and 11:44 a m. CHRISTIAN Court St. 17th and Court. 10 50 am. 7 30 p m Flril - Collate and Marion, i m.. 7 30 p m. 10.45 christian ? Alliance 5th and oatnai u a m. 7:M pm. CHI Rf H or CHRIST Central (otuae and Chemiketa 10.50 a.m. 7 30 p in. wf.jt chibch or Christ -'i Hail, a am 7:30 p.m. rmsia or r hkist, scipntist , '"i rn-,b,r,y nd ch'mtk,u 11 " , c"inV."er aid Gl.nd"'.. 11 a m. and 7:30 pm rHi p( H or r.on. The j mo s land, ll a.m. 7 45 pm. chi Ri H or con or proi-hkct 15S0 S 10th Ua m. 7 45 em. rHiarn or jrsi's christ or I.ATTLR DAY SAINTS - 511) and MdiMm. V am.. 4 30 p.m. CONGRKnATIONAL Pint Cnltase and Marlon Ham Knliht Memorial nth and Terry U a m. 1 30, 1.30 PPISeoPAISt Paula S Liberty and Mven 11am MISSION Of ST. PAt'l. S : VFW Hall. 30 Hood SI . lam. eyancm.ical and arrnRwrn H'lhapy - Capitol and Mannn ll a in IVANGKI irAI. INITKD BRETHREN lnle nod-17th and Nebraska 11 am. 7 30 pm Hr it Aummer and Marlon. 10 50 a m . 7 30 p.m. FAITH TABLRNAll.R i:l5 N 5th 11 a.m.. 7 45 p m. rot Rsqi'ARE 40 N l!)lh 11 am 7 45 pm. mvr mkthodist Winter and Market, jfleh 11 am 7 30 . Cloiing Scrvicti With Dr. Hinton Aikew Saturday-7:30 P. M. 'The Battle of Armageddon" SUNDAY 11:00 A. M.-"Th4j Value of Forgetting" ' 7:30 f. M.-"Tho Unpardonable Sin" FREE METHODIST CHURCH Market at Winter md the Valley Churches on Scripture Memory, Bible Study, Music Appreciation. Missions, plui recreation each Bight. Two weeks of Daily Vacation Bible School at First Evangelical United Brethren Church will be held from June 11 to 22. The theme this year will be the King' Adventure and classes will include children from pre-school through sixth grade. Mri. Kenneth Hilfiker is director. St. Peal's st. Paul's Episcopal Church will iCOnduct vacation Bible School icauon BiDie bcnooi , wwrjw t ."iwok'SFormer.WU Time will be from t:U to 11:45 i l S l& to be classes for ary and junior 'a.m. There will pre - school children. primary The Labish Village Community Church will conduct its school in June starting on June 4, the Rev. B. M. Books, pastor, has an nounced. EnslWood EUB IJI M I , C:l I tanning Special Tif l c ,., . .... ,. i at the.Baptist Temple in Philadel- Special memorial dedication ! py rites will be observed during the! ft AH,mg beg.n his prepars Sunday morning worship at En-;tion ,or christian Service at Wil glewood Evangelical United Breth-!, university. Salem. Ore ren Church. Chapel Room fural-1 lure will be dedicated in memory of lhe Iale Rae P ' A. , mmr , lh. .... v1r. . j Alms Uin nl nl hr- tiftr. Englewood Sanctuary. ine paaiurs mrmage ai me Worship Hour will be "Lest We Forget." Special Memorial Day music will be provided by the Kel-1 j ler Girls' Triple Trio. Methodists Plan Turkey Dinner An all -church project ii planned by West Salem Methodist Church a benefit turkev dinner This will be given this evening from 3:30-7:30 p.m. in the church dining room, lhe public is in' om. i nr puniic is in- n the ticket committee , ry Branson, Jake Foos, 1 vited. On sre: Henrv Albert Fluitt. Robert Pattison, Archie Spittler, Laurence Wal worth. The proceeds wll go to the church budget. I miKSDS Hinlad Avpnua Church and j Highland 11 am 7.10 prn I South Balrm Crtrnmrmal and Washington 11 a.m 7 30 pm rrLi. oosrru pentkcostai. i Calvary ihaawl - 11U N Ubarly II am. 7 45 p in ! Pull GoifMl MlMloa - SOI N. Lib- i erty lu a m . 7 p m Jnui Htm PtntrtMUl HIS wli 1 am i:U pm JEHOVAH'S wiTvrssrs ItlW Miuloa. I p.m. Sunday JPWISK Broadway and Madiann. 1.30 pm (Tridayi. aiNOWOOD BIBI.K 112S Elm AS a in . 10 43 am, 7:4! p.m. LITHKHAN Central Capitol and Galnra Sun day achool, S:4S a.m.. aarvlrai 11 a.m and 7.30 p m Cartil lS'n and Stat. N and 11 a m. Sunday School at S 4S orara and n. nyview. Sunday achool MS a.m. service, i am. .. ai. jnnni uin ana court ot. w in im .rS'iYiT'm w!l;.rct1 ,!;m1)' school i. a m. worahip ll a.m. :i7U Kiniwood Ava Claaaaa S Friday MPTHODIST rirtt Church and Sun 30 and 11 am Jaaon Lea Winiar and Jallaraon. I:4& and 11 a.m. Ltillt Commercial and Mtytri. 11 a.m , 7.30 p m Morntns.tde Methodist Chureh Sunday School 9 45 a.m. and aervlcaa at 11 a.m. each Sunday West Halen 3rd and Garth. 11 a m and 7:30 p.m. N AARENR Plrst Hlh and Center. 10 50 a m , 7 30 m. OPPN Bllll K STANDARD 1232 N Commercial. 11 am., p.m. 1 45 HI.CRIM HOLINLSS 22i Carllon 11 am . 1:30 p m. ' PRr SB YTKRIAN first Winter and Chemeketa 11 am Hi im Rr'ORfl ANIZED CHt'Rt'H OP Jf SI'S CHRIST OP LATTK.R DAY SAINTS I'ln and Chemeketa II am. ( p m , SAt.F.M HIBI.R CHl'RCH 2'j milr rast on Center St., 11 a m : and 7 ;10 p m js.MVATION ARMY 241 S'ale. II am. IM pm. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Summer and Hood 11,30 and 11 a m SPIRITL A LIST First 1320 Madison 7 30 p m. TKl TH t'KNTFR 1149 Cnuil St Sunday School 10 a m , Worship 11 a in UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP VWC A 10 M a in UNITED BRETHREN First 1145 Mission St. Worship 11 am. WESLEY AN METHODIST Hlh and Mill St a pi and I pm. M. C. Miller, pastor Mi&iomry Tl'RNEB James E. Baker. I.r- ,: S"nd'y ?tK mer ml.slta.ry t. Cain, aad J "'t "J" r . ' . T Ob Wednesday the church and Sun- TeTJi.". Tl Assembly of Cad Iharrh at H a.m. He will teU of mission rg ress la those countries. it?!. 1 . W MlldeM WlHS High Degree OVERBROOK, Pa -Dr. Ronald K. Adsms. oistor of First tist Church. Oakland, Calif., was . Hnrlnr nf flivinitu He. igrce at the graduation exercise of rtem Baptist Theoionwi." j Seminsry, Overbrocik, Pa., on May , " ' J 13. The degree wsi confirmed teT tr Seminarv where he Braduated in i' ttture ne rjlluated ln .... in. Auains nas since serveo as - l . , . t ,, state Convention; as president o( tne Norm Adams, Mass., Council ! of Churches; moderator of the Rerkshire Baptist Association; as vice-president and president of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society and is now a member of the Board of Man azeri of the American Baptist r oreign Mission ign Mission Society, ch"'''- of the Public Relations Tie- nent and member of the man partment Executive Committee T)M 1 f 11 JDlDIC VOllClIC f. VIl kl oir nans Wnlnm vicit OtlsXIII T INI One of the outstanding fea tures of the Bethany Bible Col- lege choir, which is to apear at Evangelistic Temple on Friday evening, June 1, is a ladies sex- let consisting of Phyllis Frost, Jeanette Kienel, Dorothy Lawson, Margie Helman, Maudetta hny- der and Dorothy Juffaker. Special speaker it the 7:30 p m noitr win uri inr rvrv. L,riaiiu R. Keys, president nf Bethany Bible College and well known ed ucator. A recent trip lo Europe with many years of varied experi ence in Canada and the United States as pastor, teacher, district superintendent, evangelist, dean, college president, and radio work qualify him for his present po sition. Congregation To Conduct Memorial Rite A memorial service at which ranHlxa .hall h liffhlH in m.m. orv of loved ones deceased will be ... ...v... ! held' in First Congregational rv,P ot ,, m ,hr. 1,, .. . Those wishin? their loved ones me- inionaliied should call the church i An American and Christian . ".7 """"" '""" V panineni to uir v.ourcn. win ut- presentcd by the class and dedi- cated by Dr. Julian Keiser during the service. The choir will sing The Pilgrim Fellowship will hold their last meeting of the season in the recreation room of the new parsonage. 7!5 South Church St Ninth graders will be special guests on this occasion. Minister Tells Sermon Theme "The D;iv a Lawyer Met Jesus,' will he lhe sermon subject of fas- tor James K. KraU at South Sa- lm Church of the Nazarene on Sunday. Services will besin at the church with Bible School at 9 45 a m leaiurin classes lor eacn age group with departments meeting in the newly arranged departmental rooms. The 11 o'clock Worship Hour will he preceded hy a 10-niln-utr nrjan prelude by Klnise Bing enheimer Tin? Chapel Choir, di rected by chorister Paul Harris will present a musical offertory The Youlh Hour at 6:30 p m fea tures three activity groups: Junior Society, with Mrs. Betty Rice; Teenagers, with Lloyd Ktassen; and Young Adults with l.t Roy Oli ver The 7 SO p m evening Fel lowship will include a hymnspira tio. Bible memory period, and a message by the minister. Salem's Singing Church . Silverton Churches Close For Baccalaureate Service UltMita Ntws rvttt SILVERTON - Moat SilvertoB churches cancelled their services for Sunday night in favor of bac calaureate which will be held at the Silverton I'nion High Scbol , with the Rev. Carl G. Berg m speaker. The Rev. Mr. Ber will conduct; services at his own church. Cal- vary Lutheran, at tl a m. Calvary vacatioB Bible School will Mart June 4. Starting June S, Silverton Meth odist Church will go Into Its sum mer schedule which provides two , services Sunday, one at I a.m. and ! one it 11 a m. The church school ;time remains the same. Yeuta Meellag j Baptist Young People meet at the Rev. and Mrs. C. T. Cording dV chool will picnic at Bel Air . . -..."i,:,,. .,,;,. ., jivi( m uvmia irasai, imi tiiig eei i i.m. with a devotional hour at supper time. High achool graduates who arenP,r "J ," "3 member? of First Christian, will receive reeosnition Sunday durina the morning service. The annual senior banouet of First Christian Church will be held at the church ! social rooms Friday night with the " " complete reoecoration botn Christian Church graduates of both!n the exterior and interior of the junior and high school as special guests. Wednesday the congrega tion members will go to Turner for a general clean-up day of the j Christian Churches convention Ban-'grounds. Dally vacation Bible nom, J'"J tJ tcners are Mrs- . tUtShall, Mrs. Jack MOT- . t-.1. . t it : ,. i ,,' iuiA. .tnn nmi i iiiMujn, anu Rev. and Mrs. 1. M. Nelson. Irst Cammaaioa Holy Communion will be cele brated at Immanuel Church Sun-: day at 11 o clock with the members . of (he confirmation class, con firmed last Sunday, receiving their TT!im.. a (irst communion. Vacation Bible' U 1111(1 llull 10 W""f.i Ray Lester KKn will be guest speaker Sunday o'clock at Tinity Lutheran Church On June 3, the Salem Singers rhnir Trinity vacation Bible schol will start June 4. K. B. Hvatt . Silverinn will nk Quartet Plans rri ft I YVfi .NPTVIPPC " V 1113 Suivimu Nwi Itrvltt PRATUM Pratum Mennonite lwb.Uv?Wi" '?,,ur thJ .P?Ce. in .... MU. . , lwu hip program, services Sunday evening. ' r , The first service, designed for Tnr"hut h ummer the Tel the young people of the com- loSB'P wiU hM monthly picnic munity in a youth fellowship : moetlnga and the evening discus meeting, will be held in the ,lon T0UP continue to meet young peonies' room st 7. The twice monthly at the Robert second service, a combination pro- gram in two parts, one for chil- dren and the other a program of general interest, will be given at 7:43 in the main auditorium, The quartet is well-known for its Sunday evening radio pro- ns and also for many appear- grams and also lor many appear- ances in special programs and events throughout the Salem area. i tit- i latum iiifrnntmiie cnurcn is located five miles east of Lan-1 caster Drive on Garden Road. Special Rite T n it 1U I UV riOIlOr J To Veterans The Salem Federation of Patrio - tic orders will sponsor a special ..iiiiiuiiai flnvill m i.m p.m. Sunday at First Congregational Church, Marlon and Center streets. Veterans of all U.S. wars wttt be honored at lhe candlelight cere- m(!, , . ... ',0I1 ;'r Moiners Will Have a , P'ace 01 nonor al lne PUOUC serv- lcc 8 iU (smilies of deceased .veterans. . , ReMTVOir ( Jearillg liHl ASKS SIV.IMHI PORTLAND A The job of clearing 66 acres at the Hills Creek Reservoir on the middle, fork of the Willamette R i v e r brought a low bid of $19,000 from1 Harbert Brothers of Estacada Thursday. , The Armv Knoineer.' : for te work was $21,830. There were two other bidders. BILL AFFECTS STEAMERS ! WASHINGTON -House pas sage has sent to President F.isen hower bills reauirinu river steam- ers to carry life preservers (o all passenges and crew memoes and equiring motor-sail boats to C;,rry uniform ,igna tni running lights. "RIMIMIII THI IAIIATN DAY SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH NORTH SUMMIR AT HOOD IT. Services an taivtrfay Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Preaching 1 1:00 a.m. Youlh Meeting 4:00 p.m. MINIITIi IID. H. A. fiCKHAM A M.H CareJjal W.liem. Awaits Yaw First Church of the Nazarene (enter at Thirteenth 9 43 Sunday School 10:50 Morning Worship "Sermon bv New Psilor" 4:30 Youth Hour 7:30 Evangelistic Service "Sermon by New Psstor" Rev. Duane K M nth. Pastor The Public 1 Invited at Seventh-day Adventist Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. A church and school picnic Is planned for Sunday morning at wilhoit Springs Special baccalaureate services will be held at the Silverton Meth odlst Church for the congregation s young people who are member of the Union High School graduating class. The seniors will wear the caps and towns, and will be guests of the Woman s Society for Chris tian service following the morning worship hour. Dedication Set In Remodeled Salem Church First Church Open Bible Stan dard, known formally as Victory within and without. wor includes new rest rooms, nursery, Sunday School room, cloak room and a new platform as Duuaing. a new neon sign also nas been installed on the front of the church and new floors and seats have been installed. Dedication services for the new ly remodeled structure are planned on May 30 with services at 2:30 and 7:45 p.m. Speakers will be the Rev. Clifford Berg of Stevenson,' Wash., and the Rev. T. A. Tousley, Port land, superintendent of the regional division. Salem pastor Is the Rev. Raymond M. Eatrs. 'Hold Closinc -7 Summer Rite For the last format service In the Salem Unitarian Fellowship's meeting year, Dr. Will Drum will ..k . "tk. n .i.. .i Sunday morning in the YWCA. jeiM pUyH )or bim Dr. Drum is an associate pro- "They had me Jumping and lessor of social work at Portland ! from the way them cats acted I State College and a marriage reckon I had them jumping." counselor. He has recently com-1 said America's unofficial ambas pleted 12 lectures on a television "dor of jaa. education series. Armstrong said he made an- Mrs. Carlisle Robert, and Mrs. I S'.l" l07 durin hil thr L C.I It .. :il : j . cial music for the morning's wor Leonard residence. Lake G)unty St II Ml 14 r Jl rtTI 1 i . f-wi !T(3JJl Jflll C LAKEVIEW - Plans for a fund-raising campaign to keep a downs he played, Armstrong re country agricultural agent in Lake' plied: County are under way here. ) The ol 'St Louis Blues.' They Both the county agent and the understood it best 'cause it county 4-H Club leader were voted really started out down here." 'out in the primary election when voters rejected six special " measures The cost w..uld have measures. The cost would have been $13,657 for the county agent and 4-H agent. Officials said that rnri.ciintH ahnnt m fmirth nf that : cost of ,he ,x,.nsion progr,m iB tne county, the rest of the money coming from state and federal funds. U .l..nlAr.. r,.RJ. Mt rr ! l .k-will h-r-om. ih. Ani Oregon county without a county agent. TW K ru Mill lieW ETa JTIIII S Destroyed in Fire ORKGON CITY Fire de- st roved the Oregon Shingle Mill Era. south of here. Kri- at New day. Manager Klmer Tagh said the mill, valued at $70,000, was a complete loss, The mill reopened a few months after having been shut down hy a fire four years ago. It cm- cloyed 22 men. SAINT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL S. Liberty t High at Myers - SUNDAY SERVICES - 7:30 Holy Communion 9:30 Family Service 11:00 Matins ft Sermon Mission, V. P. W. Hall 630 Hood Street Family Service, 9 A. M. Rev. Gee. H. Swift, Rector A Warm Welcome Awaits You At FIRST BAPTIST SUNDAY 11:00 a. m., Worship Service "Sword of Separation" t REV. BEN OWEN 7 30 P. M. "SAVED - FOR WHAT?" REV. STANTON IRVINE Combined Youth Choirs iitfliilaatl I at j""t 'aaiia aafciaataafsatfc MOMMY "Vera, I'd swear these are Um Satchmo Says Blues Came From Africa ACCRA. Gold Coast tiu. Louis (Satchmo) Armstrong said he's convinced the blues really origi nated In Africa. "I've heard It all down here," the hot trumpet man said as hair? boarded a plane for the united! States. "Every time I listened to these rsts beat It out on them tribal drums 1 kept saying to my- self. 'Salon, you hearing the real stuff.' " Music experts have argued tor years whether the blues originat ed in Africa, or In the cotton Iields and back alleys of Ameri ca's south. Those who plumped for the south have been in the majority. Few Written by Himself "I've wrote a few blues my self," uid Satchmo, "but 1 got ' tonfess that I heard the real 01 bu tuff down here." Armstrong and his six-piece " I 1 saw one oi mem moat la dies who reminaea me so much of my old mammy (Mary Ann Armstrong) that I got tears ln my eyes." He referred to a dancer oi the Ewee tribe. Holds Head Like Maau "She danced and sang like my mother and when I went over to talk to her she even held her head like mama used to hold hers and before long I was call ing her 'Mama.' " Satchmo talked to her through an interpreter. "Now, ain't that a mess" he said. "I'm an African and she's an African and yet we couldn't talk the same language." Asked what tune his African audiences liked best out of the lVfo-ffjarpI TniniHll lIararei irUIIiail Has Laryngitis, Cancels TV Show NEW YORK (Margaret Tru man has a case of laryngitis, and ts cancelling her scheduled tele- vi"on appearances for the time being. "lt's nothing serious," her hus band, Clifton Daniel, assistant to the (oreign newt editor of the New York Times, said Friday. "She's not confined to bed. But obviously, with s bad throat, she can't per form " In Hollywood, a National Broad casting Co. spokesman said ached- UIM appearances mere oi miss Truman en the George (,obe TV snow June 2 ana on naannee Theater'' June 8 were being post poned. Daniel and Miss Truman were married last month. FIRST CHURCH OPEN BIBLE STANDARD 1233 N. Commertlsl Street Announcing Speclsl Memorial Day Rally May 30, 195 Dedication of Church Services at 1:30 P. M. and at 7:45 P. M. Rev. Clifford Berg Will Be Afternoon Speaker (Stevenson, Washington) Rev. T. A. Touiley Will Be Evening Speaker (Portland, Ore. Divisional Superintendent) Evervonr Welcome FIRST CHURCH OPEN Bltli STANDARD Wsi Formerly Victory Chapel Rev. Raymond M. Eites, pastor Special Mimic Statesman, Salem, Ore:, Sat., May 26. '58 (Sec. I)-7 ly THE MOSSIEKS aame weeds I palled laat year.' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHEMEEETA. sad WINTER "Chrlitian PatriotUm" ByDr.Pellag Memorial Day aUrvkt Two Services; MS aad 11 ua. KOCO 1INI.B, SALEM TRUTH CENTER 114 Court St Sunday 11 a. m. Sunday School It a. as. Warship Metaphysical LorWre Wednesday I p. as. Metaphysical LThrary Book Store Monday Friday, IM JsJa tafc sW(bI aksaW4aa OUtMESSAOI-CHRlSTl 11 e.K'cltsMNe Mad'tmlHUm- , THI FRIENDIY CHURCH SalWt METHODIST Churchti Welcome You Trinity at Four Corntn m 8. Elma Ave. Joe A. Hardlnf. raster rknrck School al 43 Worship Service al 1:31 tad ll.H a. an. Wait Saltm 3rd aad Gerth Oecar Olsea. Pastor rkssrek aVkausI t il Worship Service at 11:M a. as. First Ml SUU Brooks U. Moor. Pastor Church School and Wenhlp, l:J and 11:041 a. at. Jason LM Mtmoriai N Winter and Jeffersei Ernest Geulder, Pastor Church School at 1:44 Worship Service at U:M Uslio S. Commercial aad Meyer Robert Mcllvtnna. Pastor Church School at 1.4) Worship Cervlre at 11:0 Morningtidt) Community 3Z99 S. 12th John Morse Pastor Church School at 1:43. Worship Service at l:H District Supertntendeat of Salem Olstrlct, Dr. Geerg Reseberry. 1193 N. Summer. Through tha Into a Rtalm I' To worthily mark th psiling of ( beloved spirit, funaral should press, at eloquently it possible, th heartenina oromise of the life irnl. Observant of Evtry Wiih, Headful of Evary Naad 20S S. Church at Ferry Man Swallows Razorblade While Cutting Toe Nails ; SAM ANTONIO, Te. -Emii Samsel, U, took I deep breath while trimming his tot aaili and swallowed double edge raaor blade. At hospital attendants said the blade had lodged la bit etopha gus and that physicians would at tempt ta break It and remove It, Samuel said he wag holding tha blade hi hit mouth whea the ac cident occurred. The hospital re ported ha was la at Immediate danger. Fottrsqvsrt CbrcH 490 N. tttk It. MS .m.-Swnday Shl t;4S a.m.-Yovth Saevka "My letfrlond PM. "lacks! Re. Roy K, Worthlngtoa . A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU FIRST METHODIST CHURCH DffWn Toera the Tall White, Spin :30no!11r00a., "Grtot It Our Dtbt" Memorial Sunday meaaago IrtMckati KSIM 11:30-1100 Brooks H. Moor Mlavister FI3ST CK7JSTUN CHIHCH Wayne Greene, Clartnco Fuqua, Minister Martoa and CetUf t:4J, Church Sch., 10:4SWoehlp iMnirtail SwivM "Highway af Momory" 4:00 4:00 ' YsMtti AcMvWm 7:30 Ivanlng Worship) "The Last Jadfeat" S social ky TeeU Choir The Lutheran Churtho at Itlam WElCOMt YOU ST. MARE'S (1). L. C) 143 North Charch Servtco U:M a. at. ' Snaday School t:3l a. Jeka L. Caahl. Paetar ST. JOJlN-S (LC.-M. Sya.) Itb aad Coart ft. Service l:3 a. as. Sadr School 1:11 a. a. I. W. Greta, Pastor CRACK (ti t.) 33N Siiaayv4ew Avepo Servtca II a, m. Sanday School l:U a. aa. . LaweU Bella), Pastor GOOD SHEPHERD (tl. L. C) ITU SoaU Camawrrtal Serk 11 t. at. Sunday School 1:43 a. as. 0. W. Khrifhl, D. D.. Partor FAITH (U, L. C.) 43W North River Road Services 1:31 t.m. aad 11 a.aa. Suada School l:tt a. at. .. Warrea W. PKhaua. Pastor CHRISV (A L C ) SUU at lltk Street Service 1:31 . tad 11 a. sa. ovinday School. 1:43 a, a. T. M. Gehkard. Paster CENTSAL L P. C North Capitol it Galne Service 11 tad 1:31 p. as. Manda School 143 a. av Hirald Griadal, Paslor Gatts of Tims... of Ettrnal Light FUNERAL HUME I t 24-Hr. Phone: 3-913Y