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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1956)
(Cfitty N TWO WHEELS STOLEN IEOI R PERMITS FILED Two automobile wheels complete! Building permits were Issued w ith tires, hubcaps and wheel nuts Friday to Mary Drake, to alter were taken from a 1956 model car one and one half story nursing parked on the Capitol Chevrolet home at 805 Oak St., $100; Glen Boy Scouts, Leaders Set i Salem Meeting Helscr Office to Hold Open House The Salem Helser office. MT Chemeketa St., will serve refresh ments at an open bouse for clients and friends from 1 to I pm. Fri day in observance of the invest ment firm's 24th anniversary. Resi dent Manager Jack Bush has an- and Cadillac lot on North Liberty L. Clark to alter a onestory house Scout, and Mt ,pader, from fjv'f nounced smietime Thursday nifiht or in- rt 1055 Oxford St , $500; Allen B. r!huci .1,1.. au.i,. .m The ! day morning, Salem police re- Crais, l a"r one-story house mert jn Salem june 21 )o a for tw managing 35 active investment ao Salem office is currently J tft. - i t- i . it niA i ' I r .-. J t t pariw. iue irom ena o. .ne c r . ,,npen .mi u. .. anmml Cite-ns Now urn oeen jacnea up, uic wnn-i riping, iu uuiiu a uiir-siurv nuuse frpncf rcmovea ana me car lowerea onio ai jiso tncsier Ave., iu,ouu blocks of wood, LeRuy Mittendorf, - - , Hl;nBkt .4. - ... ran. liwiiiD, I rifi rscmuiK viirm urwaiu oi over, ana nas is em- Through thr.,.,). rnnm .ployeal Bush said. It serves Marion three-day program of ri rlinti tl M rt .VTwS Stop at the Flower Box for Mem- discussion aod speaker, Kiplorers i -nlj-o inuiiai uv. ruiwrrs ac a up. " ainrr a neuer unacrsiana- , l p-fi.,,1 v ! Open this Sunday from 10 a m. to ing of their privileges and respon- are ,n romana Fur storage at Lachelle's assures 4 p.m. Flower Box, 1210 S. Com J. isibilities now in home and ccm-! iadv.)itnuniiy. gi . -i The program was started last AlMHl V 1 AMI VI our furs the quality care they need in refrige.atcd vaults. 1348 Kerr'. Ph. 3-6814. (adv.) Custom made steel awnings as low as $12 M). Judson's, Ph. 3-4141. (adv.) Public lteiorcls C1RCL1T COCRT C.t P.JJI. . . L 1 1 l atucm .dutiii' i iuu nursr snow at vaP u.u,lfl m-. 1 odeo sat .May 26 at 8 pm 27th' frrencs ' na . J V.I ; " i "JS' A"111- adul,s .' mental basis over the nation, was- IlCai'S LlailelS students soc. children accompanied he,d in Salfm. Thls yfar ,lmjIar by parents admitted free, (adv.) meelinK5 m Wng he,d jn a of 1? I) J HOME FROM GERMANY nation's 12 scout regions. A HUH 11.(11119 Spending a 30-day furlough at the; As nost unit again this year to I home of his parents Mr. and Mrs region 11, Cascade Area Council1 Marion County Court was still Theodore West of 935 Juedes Ave. ls ln charge of arrangements. Ger- reaping the results of last win-i is Airman Dale West, radio techni-! (ad Silkc, Salem Kxplorer Post 3, ter's heavy rains Friday, receiv cian with the 615th Air Squadron is arrangements chairman.' den- ing a mudslide damage claim and at Franklort, Germany. West has erl conference chairman is Scout settling another. ; spent two years in Germany and , Kent Vokey of Eugene. I On recommendation of County 'Appointed I 'i '-, ' ', f . ' . Dorolhy R. Palmer vs. Corvallis ifaves May 28 for another tour of Sand k Gravel Co., John 11. Gal- only there. . lagher and W. L. McFarland: UHATKVKr voiR PI RPOSE, Complaint seeks judgment of $50.- Vant Ads he,p you rMfh i(, To 750 allegedly due as result of de- Ket enant joh homf car any. f. ndants' alleged negligence in op- thing use classified ads. Phone eration of motor chfcle. 4-6811 for an ad writer. tadv.) Pacific Greyhound Lines vs. ! Date K. Marsters: Judgment lor Court Apts; (Court & Cottage' of- $1,548 01 ordered against defen- fer down town quiet apts., from dants for alleged failure to meet $42.50 to $56. Ph. 3-7440. tadv.) terms of promissory note. Edith E. Moore vs. Walter C. Beck, Delford J. Strand and Gar net L. Strand; Second amended SALEM MAN ARRESTED A Salem man was arrested in the 200 block of Court Street about in in m VriAav nn r'hnrt;p nf complaint asks defendants be en- drj wi,h a suspfni)p() joinca irom maKing any ciaim ui a()r s ,u.ense cily pojce r,.p(,rtt.d Each of the 29 councils in this Engineer John Anderson, the court region will send five Explorers, agreed to pay $500 for damages to two adult advisors and one staff the Blankenship property on Kub executive. The conference will be ler Road in the Roberts district held on the Willamette University caused by slides along the county: campus and will include a dance, road there. A survey showed five j trees damaged, damage to grounds i and loss of three oak trees on the property. I The county also 'agreed to put ' 'in a drain line on the property in 1 an attempt to prevent further slip page. Cost of the project was esti mated between $500 and $1,000. A lettef to the court from Mrs. Queenie Long, Route 3, box 915E, in the same vicinity, complained Appelated this week at lew Boy Seeat iflrlal far Salem area Is B r y s a Lausrh. prafessloaal scout staffer at Olympla, Wash. Olympia Man Named Area Scout Leader 43 Families to Attend Meet on Handicapped Forty-three families have regis- premises of plaintiff: new com- 'in, iitH him . Honrv Alh,.n tered for the eighth annual Insti- 'hat county road projects were re plaint seeks judgment of $4,500 yhue Jr 4270 Munker Ave Shute ,ute for Pfnts of Visuallv Han- sponsible for slides damaging her fur alleged damages caused as re- M)Slod h;i',i 0f $2:0 dicapped Pro-School Children, property, including loss of several suit of defendants building within i Everett E. Wilcox. Oregon State feet of fence. t iv feet of property line in viola- eea more eieci. ouueis: can Jira- . uir ine r.una principal, The claim was taken under Hon of city ordinance. sons. 3-4141 lor prompt wiring rriaaj. Public I'tilitics Commission vs. 'service. 'adv i More are expected before the Paul Rouse: Complaint seeks , , h , r,.mmt ,,v-da'f begin Wednes- .idgment of .".nd $2.075 ... J ,,1 M h' study by the court. Dorothy V. Tipton vs. James R Tipton; Complaint for divorce tWO Hl'BCAPS FOl'ND seeks custody of three minor chil-1 Two Chevrolet hubcaps Principal speaker will be Miss Ceorgie Lee Abel, education con sultant for the American Foun- drvn wilh S'ift ii mnnlh siiDDort lor fminH nn lh hank nf Sheltnn Ditc h " . ' J,cw " rill II I1U 9o Jliuinil ii ' (lirrtliy ai Tta mini uir juninr3 sell for one year. Married at Food Market, 1!W0 Mission St . lm And IS IU1T Unn-M Will II nf 7?? TnUPSPIllI ohr. rim, .lorbtnii Dpnvir U.-V tolH n,li ThursH.iv Thi- . mi 1 1 es attending the insti Young: Writ of habeas corpus hubcaps were turned over to police. ordered. PROBATE COl RT Frank Guinla. application for name change: Order granls re quest to change name from Frank (icinta to Frank Joseph Junta. Estate o Alice Vtitzcl. deceased. Order discharges administrator and decrees estate to be hilly settled. Estate of A. J. Flint, deceased: Order discharges executrix and speak the mornini? of June j on "When the Child Grows I'p." Families lute live on the Blind School campus. Blind School teachers Saddle Club's Horse Show, Rodeo Tonight The final entry list assures a "very complete" horse show and rodeo for the Salem Saddle Club's - ri cJ.I1 AnH hop, ...a n.,..tnJ ' ICiU nonl In ka cttaaA of .liaKe mis a uaic OUIt-OI ,-ldUUir -- 'v """ii i .- nic u.-.-m.-u-u jn i.jui annum ccuv. iu "bhvu SCIiib Horse Show, State Fair,car'nK for the large number of the state fairgrounds at 8 o'clock Grounds. Sat. k Sun . May 26 k children arrompanving their par- i tonight and again at 2:30 p.m. 27 Children free if accompanied '.'n,s members of the Oregon Sundav, leaders announced. i.iuna iuu Auxiliary. Ti , :. : i . . ci.j. Steinke. Captain of the Oregon I Mounted Posse to take part is Bus j Youngquist. i Children under 12 are to be ad mitted free if accompanied by a parent. Proceeds are to go toward build ing a stadium on the 30-acre plot ; the rlub owns op the South River S Road. by parents 'advi ; Ct-ot nf rnaH ftnetino'' ! suit follows Call Tweeriie Oil Co., Ph. (or finest in road oiling. 'Auto Crash IU BCAP REPORTED STOLEN A rear hubcap was taken from hr 1956 Buick while the vehicle . ... i r- .i f I ti:u ... . decrees estate to be lully seuieu. was parnea near souin nait-ni niii" a collision between two automo Estate o( Elvin C. ( rum. de- School, Mrs. J. B. Christian. 3520 biles two years ago today result- ascd: Order discharges exec J- inola Ave , loia cny ponce mors- ea in the tiling of a damage suit day. ,Ws. Christian vaiuea me nuo- against one of the drivers in Mar- Brvson A. Lausch. 34. Olympia. Wash . Boy Scout official, has been hired as a district scout director for the Cascade Area Scout Coun cil, it was reported Friday. "Lausch will be in charge of the Cherry City Salem district." said Gordon Gilmore, Cascade Council scout executive "We are fortunate in securing a man of his calibre." The newcomer will succeed James Kern, who left this council several weeks ago to become exe cutive of the scout council at' Nam pa, Idaho. Now at a training school jn New Manico, Lausch will arrive here within several weeks. A Jormer Eagle scout, Lausch was raised in Astoria and grad uated from the I'niversity of Wash ington in 1949 with a degree in forest management. He was in the Army Air Force in World War II and later worked in local and fed eral .forest programs. tie joined professional Boy Scout rank as a district executive at Olympia in 1953, and is a graduate of the national training school in New Jersey. He is married and has three small daughters. Appointment of Lausch raises the Cascade Council's professional staff back to three district execu tives in addition to Gilmore, the chief executive. Three Men Meted Jail Terms, Fines Jail terms and fines were meted wit to three men Friday after they pleaded guilty to charges in Mar ion County District Court. Heaviest sentence was handed Richard Parsegiaa. 1795 McCoy St:, for driving without an operator's license. District Judge Edward O Stadter Jr. sentenced him to 30 day in jail, his second conviction on the charge in six months. Knife wielder Manuel Hernandez. 1 I7S N: Liberty St . drew a 10-day sentence on a charge of carrying a i concealed weapon after a com-' plainant had accused him of threat ening him with a long-bladed knife. Charles Lawrence Faulkner Jf J Chemawa. was fined $200 after pleading guilty to charges of driv-j ing while intoxicated. ; Drunk driving charge against: a Stayton man were voided in Dis trict Court Friday when the at torney for Philip Horton Bell filed a motion for non-suit. Judge Stad ter allowed the motion when it was pointed ont the complaint did not say where and what Bell was driving at the time of the alleged violation. The case had been transferred from Stayton Justice, Court of Wal ter Bell. Rites Today For Founder i r m t ut lax League Word was received here Friday nf the death Thursday night in Vancouver, Wash., of Peter Lloyd Cover, long active in Oregon Re publican circles and father of Carl H Cover and Mrs Gleason A! Young, both of Salem. He was 67. Cover for many years represent ed the Oregon Tax League in Port land and was known in Salem through his regular attendance at legislative sessions in that cap acity. He lived in Portland until six years ago. when he moved to Vancouves to buy a grocery store.: Besides his two children in Sa lem, he leaves another daughter, Mrs. Edward Lord. Portland; bro ther, Allan D. Cover. Portland; and sisier, Mrs. Ashley C. Dixon, Portland; and three grandchildren. Services will be 2 p.m. today in Lundberg Mortuary. Portland. Lawyers Get r Brief Permits In Lane Case Statesman, Salem, Ore., SaL, May 20, 58 (Sec. l)-5 Death Claims Mrs. Dewey Mrs. Lillian Maude Dewey 4WI Verda l-ane. died at a Salem hos pital Friday after an illness of several weeks. She was 70. Mrs. Dewey was born at Ger van. Nov. II. 1885. She moved to the Keirer area with her family in 1899. She was living at the home of hef brother, Arthur Holtzclaw, prior to her death. Mrs. Dewey's parents, Franklin and Elmirra Holttclaw, came to the Willamette Valley in 1883 from Missouri. . Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Roberta Shepherd and Mrs. Sadie Pro', both of Salem: and two brothers. Arthur Holticlaw, Keiier, and Earl Holttclaw, Portland. Funeral arrangements are in rare of the W. T. Rigdon Funeral Home. Five more Eugene lawyers wer granted permission Friday to sub mit briefs as friends of the court in the Lane County grand jury case. The case, brouuht by Dist. Atty. Eugene C. Venn against circuit Judce Frank B. Reid. will be ar gued before the Supreme Court at 10 a. m next Tuesday. The five lawyers are George T. Langfnrd. Thrlma Chapman Fw ' ler, James P. Harrang. Bert Me Coy and Donald F. Bach. They are added, to the group of ,11 allowed Thursday to submit a ! brief. In the action. Venn contend! that the grand jury was not legally ' 'empaneled. Willamette U. Adds Head Librarian i Brooks A. Jenkins, assistant li brarian in the humanities division at Washington State College, has : been appointed head librarian at .Willamete I'niversity. it was an ' nounced Friday by President G. Herbert Smith. I Jenkins obtained his B.A at Middlebury College, and his B.S., t iu i-.L ! .i t : i e ... i uir allium ui uiuiuiy ocivnic at Columbia I'niversity. Between 194fi and 1951 Jenkins served as post librarian of the American Merchant Marine Asso ciation in Boston: assistant in the Vermont Free Library Commis sion: librarian of Vermont Junior College: attended Breadloaf Schnl nf English: and was assistant li brarian at the public library in1 ' Monterey, Calif. i He attended the I'niversity of ! California, where he is now a can-, jdidate for a master's degree in English, and in 1951 he assumed I his present post at Washington State College. He will begin his i duties here in August. if" J cap at $7 50, police said. Man County Circuit Court Friday. Rummage Sale, Sat., 9 a.m. overt . Brin8inK 'he suit for $50.7.50 Greenbaums. E. Salem Lyons Aux. damages " Dorothy R. Palmer tor and decrees, estate to be fully .settled. Estate of Edmund Albert Juedes, deceased: Order sets June 28 at v 15 a. m. as time for hearing ot , iadv.)ih0 charged John II. Gallagher linal account. . ! and w: L- McFarland with negli- Estate ot Artnur A. tnurtniii, i Denial piaies repaired wnne yuu jrar in operation oi an autonw deceased: Order admits will to .wait at Painless Tarker Dentist. probate; estimated at $6,000. Sab ii 125 N. Liberty, Salem. t Adv. ) MARRIAGE LICENSE BOY RECEIVES HH.vr All Applications Eldon Jarms, 14. of 51W Port-, Philip II. Robare, 22, Erie, Pa , land Rd . was treated for over 1 S Navv and Joy J. H. Robert- exertion about 12 45 p m Friday, son 22 435 Kearney St., registered , Salem first aidmen said. The youth; ' l It . ...I,;1a nl,-in(f at nursr naa oren iumiiiiik wnnr (.in. n,., n Dean Wilford Nelson, 20, Sheri- Parrish Junior High School, they dan Route 1. plywood worker and said. Carol Ann Schott, 21. 572 N. 17th ( js g g collmh,r at Sohl St., aide. nrpn i Restaurant. Air conditioned one wnicn sne says resulted in multiple and permanent injuries. The accident occurred May 26, 1954, ten miles south of Salem. I ntal.o I ; aaii aia II i Ronald Glenn Freeman, 21. Aloha. I S Navy and Faye Ann Unwell. 16. Portland, at home. Norris Lynn Jones, 2.1. 1215 Chemeketa St , student and Helen .loan Hath, 21. 406 S. Capitol St . secretary. Jess L. Strong. 49. Waldport. laborer and Dessie Winnnna Hop per, 42, Waldport. housewife. Clarence Otis Braaten, 55, 5115. Auburn Rd . farmer and Neva Kthel Woolery, 43, 2038 Vaughn Ave , cook. for your comfort. Rummage Sale, Mnn Sat. open 9 to 6. 975 Market HANEY - To Mr. and Mrs Dallas Haney. 205 Lancaster Dr . a daughter. Friday. Mav 25, at Sa- through 'em General Hospital. tadv. , 'GBEBll NO NOT i l Sat., Mon., Tues. Only! i PAIHT CASE-SALE! j BARN FENCE PAINT WUi. iJ r...m Rl.rk Bn Ptirm A Call $11 00 Case Sale Price $69j u ...dinflifif wi ...thick sows ...kulkf linMt ...uts But will Chang ytw ippMrioct (adv.) , EGGIMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Are you contemplating re-styling your furs'" Consult Ben Wittner at Lachelle's, 1348 Ferry, tadv.) Dr. food's Rites Monday DISTRICT COl'RT Richard Parsegian. 1795 McCoy St., sentenced lo 30 days in county i .,, ,a.l alter pleading guilty to charge Funeral semrcs for Iaunce if no operators license. . T Wood E.igene o ded T hura- i t H..UI rhflreefl w I I "l ' J Norman H. Eggiman, Salem Route 5, Box 381, a son. Friday. May 25. at Salem General Hospital I.l'TZ - To Mr. and Mis .lack Lutz 2410 N. Church St., a son. Friday, May 25, at Salem General Hospital. FIT7.MAI RICE To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jitzmaurice. I2W1 Oak ville Ace . a son, Thursday. May 24, at Salem Memorial Hospital. A hearing aid that becomes pan of your present glasses. A miniature miracle of con cealed hearing. Sec the new Maico Hearing Glasses today. If ou can't come in, write today for free booklet. maico Or SAIEM 111 Stilt Strut HOUSE & FARM PAINT White Only Reg. Price 4 Gols. $17.80 I Sale Price . f-n? G. by lalse pre to June 25 lor on own recogni- obtaining money tenses, continued plea, released 7.,iik e. Manuel Hernandez. 875 N. Lib erty SI . sentenced to ten days in jail after pleading guilty to charge o( carrying a concealed weapon. Charles Lawrence Faulkner Jr., Chemawa, fined $200 after plead ing guilty In charse of driving while intoxicated. John George Weber, Stayton. pleaded innocent to charge ot failure to remain at scene of an accident, released on $5(1 bail. Loyal L. Orcm, Salem, charge ol assault and battery dismissed and delendant committed to Ore gon State Hospital. Fred Herehel Russell, Sutherlin, charged with driving while intoxi cated, ordered committed to Ore gon Slate Hospital. Philip Horton Bell. Stayton, mo tion lor non-suit allowed in trial en charge of driving while intoxi cated. MI NK IPAL COl'RT Henry Albert Shute Jr., 4270 Munkrr Ave , posted $2511 bail nn a charge of driving with a sus pended operator's license. WITHEL - To Mr. and Mrs Glenn Withel, 1 1'm Oak St., a son Friday, May 25, at Salem Mem ,, ,,,....-., U..K..-.. will be held at 4 p.m. Monday at "r- the Poole Larsen chapel in fc-u-gene. Dr. Wood was the son of the late Dr. H. Lee Wood and Mrs. Wood of Salem. He atlended schools in Lebanon and Salem and was a graduate of Salem hieh school. He also at tended the I'niversity of Washing Ion, the I'niversity of Oregon and the I'niversity nf Oregon Medical School. After serving two years intern ship in a Santa Barbara. Calif , hospital, he settled in Eugene Survivors include his widow. Marian: two sons. Robert and Pat rick; his mother. Mrs. R 1.. Wood. Salem: a sister, Mrs. William Rnd ner. Paris. France, where her hus band is on duty; two nephews. Stephen and David Bodner: and several aunts and uncles in Ore gon and California. j Pltlti it m jm Xel'tt HllSIKt (LASSES j I Not,. I I I C I, PAINT THINNER In ynur container .. G,. 40c : UNSEED OIL g,i.$2.39J PURE TURPENTINE (,, $1.59i Searching for Simoleons? STAY IN TUNE SOON IT'S JUNE 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 See Plastic Tile Demonstration By a Factory Representative... mm- I w rvfii WK 1 I A Saturday, May 26 Today she will answer any questions, and tell you how simple and easy you can install this tile end save yourself money at the sae time. Reg. 48t sq. ft. (during demo, today) 39t Keg. 27.98 Tile Kit (during demo, today) 24.88 SHINGLE STAIN Ret. 14 40 5 gal. ran Gallon rovers 125 sq. ft. $11.98 1 PORCH AND DECK PAINT TRSSS $1.70 ! Stay Clean SHAKE PAINT j J 12 Colon to Choose From Reg. Price 4 Gals. $17.80 bj Case Sale Price Enough to Do An Average 3-Bedroom House ! Stay-Clean HOUSE PAINT j 20 Colon to Coose From Reg. Price 4 Gols. $23.80 pj Case Sale Price $2 49; 8 Enough to Do An Average 3 Bedroom House Free Estimates Lots of Free Parking I : C2 17IO FRONT JTREET C74-I17, Ji OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 11:15 TO P.M.-OTHER DAYS :30 A.M. TO S:30 Pi. f IUI ARB 39 MINERAL Oil 27 49 WITCH HAZEL M 29 1.19 SERUTAN 97 2.25 LA. FORMULA L M.49 $1.13 AMPH0JEL TABLETS 89 1.49 AMPH0JEL LIQUID $1.17 2.88 METAMUCIL 2.25 98 PEPT0-BISM0L : 77 2.25" K0NSYL M.49 3.49 SUCARYLTABS Bottle 1,000 J288 39 5-LB. EPSON SALTS 27 12' M.D. TOILET TISSUE 5.. ,. 39 19 DIAL SOAP Bath Siie 3 Ban 35 .2.98 SUCARYL Sweetener 62' BAYER ASPIRIN 100 Tablet Bottle 49 s1.35 EMPIRIN COMPOUND 100 Tablet Bottle . 98 98c ANACIN 100 Tablet Bottle . 79 3.43 0NE-A-DAY MULTIPLE VITAMINS ,,$253 83' LADY ESTHER CREAM 57 54' ALKA - SELTZER 25 Tablet Bottle 39 TOILETRIES-STREET FLOOR Mini mill filmnr ortlcn. Plus WiiiiiNi: mil to nuns iittilc our rix'ilm limk ilrhiiri routrv. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS I yirtiP4e4rvA''',tr K 1 "tZZSZtt """