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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1956)
14-(Sec. ll) Statesman, 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sal '." I BEDROOM KOMI On eor- nr M la M zone. tmi . It n older ham In excellent condition and choice loce- tlan. Ideal for conversion to apartments. ton DETAILS CALL H. X. A.YMON CLEAN 1-BDtW. HOME - I yetrt old. Wined for wether nd drvor. Eectrte heat, over alied garage. Price fH.MO CALL WALT. SOCOLOrSKY 1 ACKM IN CANDALARLV Thto fin family homo li on 11 tcret with many Inn 1 bdrma.. On. 1 bathe, I Artplacee. A beautiful Horary f.RABENHORST ISA I. LIBERTY ST. Evening! A Sunday rail aleemen H. X. Layrnon S-SHO J. t Law WHS Mm. Richardson Ron Hudkloj 1-1711 Walt gocoloisky e-839 KIT'S tO TILT EASTMORLXAND CIST. Nlra 1 bedrm. borne, fireplace. SR.. kit. nook, Utll. rm. Attached garage, owner aayt aell, llJ.SOOOO (Easy term, I. Caii Edna Mor gan, eve. 4-403. CLEAN AS A PIN! I bedrm. horn. H. W. floor, 0 replace, II heal, lorated northeaat, gull prtc only te MOM. Call Mr. Klggln. eve. 4-J494. MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 4M N. Church , TREES Lovtly Urge oak treat add an air of gracious u bur ban living to thia Immaculately kepi I-barm, home. Truly thow place with beautiful land raped yard. Clan radi ant heat, wall-to-wall carpeting and atorag ga lore, Wa fact at 18,80 thrt tj truly on of the beet suburban value w hava had for eome time. Tall Don Dough ton today,- i v f :iA4W. LIE OHMART INVESTMENT PROPERTY ,. Drive by S4S-9SI North Winter itreet Thia property rent for 1131 per month. The lot I (OxllS. the price I Ill.SOO. Plea do not bother tb tenants. Call Louis Lot cm to ace uuld. I HAVE A SECRET! It Juat Mited a wonderful l-bdrm. horn In "HUlendale'. Ha 4 everything you want la a name Including family room, w dishwasher, able, plumb., dble. garage, (toraga aver garage ' nd lot of tree creating a baautifui tatting. Take a look. CtU Ralph Maddy. - WANTED J BEDROOM SUBURBAN HOME Owner of I-bdrm. home en N. Elma would Ilka to trade for a larger home. Theli home ha 1 bdrma., living room, kitchen with nook and att. garage. Good deep lot, 75x140. Prlca la 5750. Aak tor Adrienna Sercombe. ' ENCLEWOOD COMFORTABLE 4 BEDROOM HOME Complete with bamt. and economical tawduat furnace, elnee to school and - market, nicely landteaped lot and the prtc I nig )990o. 10M dowa will handle. Sea Henry Torvend. W YOUR HOME IS FOR KAI.F. flR TRADF. CAM. iTS IRT Tf COURT ST, Eve. Don Doughton 4-1414. tenia Loreiu 1-SM0. Ralph Mad a-wa. Aorienna tercompo Nice I-room and bath In good repair, clone In an paved atreet. A few block to school and ttoret. Big lot, fin garden spot. Full price 13,400. too down. Good I-bdrm. horn, all ana floor, range and dryer, cite, water fieat, tingle garag. food-sited I area, clow In. good toll, (-room Aba bars and ether building. 1 acre canebtrriea. A ,; ale acreage - $6, 900 eO-trre alU farm, about II acre cultivated. T-room and bath, part aamv, wireo ror range, etc. aim large Darn, cnicxen House, t garage, loll of nice iprlng watr. 490 t Tl acre, tfc cultivated, new drilled well, l-room and bath, rock and pier foundation, wired for range, etc. Alto atrial! barn, email granary, new machine thed, poultry home, etc .. 114,000 Cell at writ for lilting bulletin and free City Map and Pictur folder, : . HOMESEEKERS AGENCY MASONIC BUILDING SILVERTON, OREGON BY OWNER I barm., daylita bant., 1 fireplace, dithwaahar, dble. garage. .. View lot . BE SURE TO SEE THIS HOME 1185 MORNINGSIDE ST. Open 1 p m. to I p.m.. Sat, Bun. RAWLINS MORTGAGE LOANS FOR BUYING OR) CONSTRUCTION I or , ATTRACTIVE 4-ROOM COTTAGE Including three lott. Has I fruit tree and garden apace. House it only 10 years old and neat as a pin. Ideal home ior tmal lfamily or older eoupla. Price $7,500. Submit reasonable offr. To see call Dean Xlarr. Eva. Ph. 1-7000. l!f,t,, K - ipwr. In tranaferred and prlca Cllleaple. Eve. Ph. 4-0044. TRADE! TRADE! I acre with nice l-bdrm. home, room for 1 nice bdrmi. up. large dining room, kitchen, bkftt. nook. Full bernt., all forced air heet. Dhle. gar., owner will -take nice l-bdrm. home In Salem. For tnformatiomi call Dale Hay burn. . . TRAD! YOUR TRAILER HOUSE FOR INCOME PROPERTY 1 good home on 1 lot. Each hat I bdrmi.. fireplace, hdwd. floor, plattered and att. garage. In top condition. Always rented. Priced at ll.OOo. Would take In about 10-ft. trailer at part payment. Call Henry Rund to tee. Iva. Ph. 4-1720. RAWLINS REALTY 404 CHEMEKETA ST. Salem, Ore. Of. Ph, 4-475 SALEM Attraetlva l-blrrh. liome IB met dli'.ikl. ' lias fiKid II ted Mvliig room, bdrm., bath, kitchen tnd Inside uUHty room. 1 cherry trees thtt hava been parinf the taxes. Asklnf M Mo Will consider trade for -barm. is around M00. Ask ior Hlckt. Kva. Ph. 1-40J. 10 ACRES-CLOSE IN bat Paved road. Older l-bdrm. home. . Large 100x21 building now used to raise broilen. Other bulldmes. Good well, lomt equipment. Full prlca, 1 11.500. Owner ma take In amall rental la trade aa part payment Call Johneon. Iva. Ph. CENTRAL HOWELL DISTRICT N tcret all In cultivation. 1 mllea tram ialem. l-bdrm.. bamt., large poultry and brooder houae, barn, machine thed, trac tor, com bine, disc, plow, aeeder and amall taolt. Owner mutt ' . aelL Total prlca ifs.coo. Contlder trade lor houae la Iowa. Call Lucaa. va. b. I-fSM. -BELMANN REAI. ESTATE, IN fOUTB HIGH Salem; Ore., Sat , May 800 Real Estate 806 Housot PorSolt a M. For ppt la sea thtt lovely noma CALL MM. RICHARDSON ITS A SHAME: Wa only hava ona llkt thie on, t bdrmi.. hardwood fkwri. extra large and baautifui nrepiaee. urn lot, beautifully landscaped. ' ft. Inn Height! tree, fll.000. CALL I. C. LAW KINOWOOO HEIGHTS Top of tne worm view or my, valley and mountain, i bdrmi.. l'y batht, ilr. rm., fireplace, dining rm., kitchen, Imnnl.. Hi FA furnace, (nat ural faa before winter I. Maka an - appointment to lea tlui . beautiful spot. JCALL IJOITHUDKINS BROS.. REALTORS PH. J J471 Vnmatched for original ity or arYLK. wutiity con atructlon. attention to detail. padous floor plan Include! 1 Ie. bedrm., dining rm., grac lous living rm. By appt. only. Call Steam Coining, eve. 1-5041. NEW 1-BEDRM. HOME wday- llght Datemenl i wonderful ' view, I fireplace, on lot UOx 114. See thli before you buy. Price I17.J5018. Good term, call Mr. Keen, tea. MOTS. Phone 4-2391 RUDa CALABA Phone Will. Mil. I-411T e-soss. Henry Torvena cement foundation, wired for heater, new roof. alee, or oil lot. Paved itreet fS.SSl bath, wired for rang, ale. REALTY - M.rm, "i ? home attached! iiveij icnreu nacx yaro uwner cut to $1,950. To tee call R. t. 'S HEIGHTS Mi , Ph. e-MU 28, '56 800 Real Estate : 806 Houtdi For Sold l-bdrm. noma. Eatt Moreiand Addition. Fenced In back yard. Large kitchen. Living room, dining room. Priced at onl 110.750. which Includei elec. Itove., refrlg.. plat glaaa mirror, fireplace act tt TV an tenna. ROOMY older tvn home. Ex cellent condition. Nice yard Good location. A buy at 19, 00. Tom Armstrong ir 1741 Center St. Ph. 4-4D01 It's a Steal at only $13,900 Large family room, fireplace. Douoie garage, z nainroomi, j bedroom-, oil heat, palio on beautiful 71 x 120 lot. Near arhool. All ' room are large. Open for Inspection Sat. and Sunday, I to I o'clock. Out Liberty Road to Regal Gar den, aign on left, turn left on new paved atreet Lilt houae on right. Glen Hamilton BUILDER 240 State St. Ph. 4-7M4 Eve. 4-H9M COZY 1 bdrm., home, lot 0x 141, applet ft pear, jra Mon ro Ave. I7JS0. Ph. 4-SM4. 807 Apf'g. Courti for Sols 7 THIS NEWER INCOME PROP ERTY HAS HAD ONE OWN ER ONLY. Built for comfort able living in aecluded envir onment. Hat no vecanclei. 1 unitt with fireplace. All have itove and refrlgeratori. Cen- , tral utility room with wtahrri ana aryert. im iireci part ing. Renter, pay own utllltiea. Owner will conalder trade for hardware, variety or grocery tore In valley town. Good lelliement Income. l-IO.aua. Call Chet Nclion, Eve. 1-1390. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1590 8. Commerclil Ph. 1-3M9 I UNIT court with good 1 bdrm home, cttMe to good beach, garage take home or amall acreage for part. Price I1J 000 Wm. L. Graham & Co.. Rltr. Ph. Delake 1SU, Delake. Ore. 808 Lots For Solo ( LOTS KEIZER lOOxMO-ft. can easily make 11. This property will trow in value. Will accept i trade. Asklnf to OOO. Will take of fer. Call Carpenter, Eve. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 3055 Portland Rd. S-TO42, -95 TRADE 1 lota, just off Glen Creek Hd. for lata model car. Ph, i-mh. LOT. 1089 Oxford. Ph. J-4410 or LRO. LOT 152x0. Price 050. Kelter Helthta. Ph. 1-1119. i NlCt home titet. If. lota. Mid- oietrov sen. Be at aura su- verton ho. TO TRADE 1053 Bulck or 1050 Snidebaker Com. for a tat or acreage. Ph. 4-9121. 17M Child! LARGE lot. wonderful view. A ttetl at $21150. see thit before you buy. Ph. 1-4568. BuTlDERS ATTENTION LARGE view lots, new stseet. iuit off Ewtld on Stanley .an. Price real. Ph 2-5695 or 175 W. Ewtld. SEVERAL lot 75X1W. paved streets, curb & water I blk to Morningslde arhool. Ph 2-M20 days, 1-0411 after 1:30 p.m. 810 Forms For Solo CLOSE In. I acre ideal for busl- net or mall chicken ranrn. See by appointment. Ph. 4-8758 4 A. LARGE barn 1.1250 Low Dn Out Liberty 4 ml. rtnt I rm. Rt. 4 Box M5. WILL trade my 3 good Income homee, all clean, lor income property In small valley town, value (25.000. Write owner. Mrs. E. C. Russell, P.O. Box 1198, Warrenton. Ore. 13 A. ABOUT $ A. prunes & cherrlet. 1 wllt ft shark. $3350, $750. down Ph. 4-5890 YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS RANCH 140 tcret. 40 mln. from Salem. beautiful little valley, fine 3-bdrm At den home, auto oil. 2 fireplaces, Vt bath. kitrh en It dining room, laree feed barn, modern stable. 10 acres permanent pasture, 10 more could he. ,10 acres hill cleared for seeding, bal. hill ground. Beautiful year around stream, equip, goes. Absent owner taya sell. For particnlars call McFarlane. eve. 4-8818. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 3055 Portland Rd. 1-7612. 4-89DS FOR SALE or trade: 87 A.. 63 under cult. All clear. 2 small houses. 1 wired for range, barn, famllv orchard, plenty of spring water. With or with out 130 head of Sheep. Priced for quick sale. 3'a ml. from Sllverton on Silver Falls Hwy Star Rt. Box 3-A. 1 ACRE COW & ROOM FOR THE KIDS Comfortable home with 2 spa cious bdrms. down and 2 bdrms. nearly finUhed up. Oversize bath, separate .din ing room. Full bsmt. with outside entrance. Chlrken house. Good pasture with cow thrown In. Price reduced to 59950 Call DON BAI.I.IN GER. Home 4-0492, Office 4-&304. 1 1S90 ralrgroundt Fd. 812 Exck. Real Eitat PORTLAND for Salem. I bdrm I rm. modern hte , 70 x ISO til fenced. Garage Roofed patio. Barbecue grill. Fish j pond rheift Jt. !r4P'r?fi grtpet. 8.E. Suburnan, nea schools Ar but. Quiet, nice neighborhood. 110 900. 3049 HE. 110th Ave., Portltnd. Prosper' 5-9WW. NEAR g. HIGH 8CH. 3 bdrm, plumb, for wather dryer. M.KS0 take car, or rheaper property. Ph. eve. I-M47. TRADE SJ (XX) my equity In i bdrm. modern noma with s 's acres ol fruit tt nuta for lite model uaed rtr or pickup. 27M Hollywood Dr. MY IQUm In my home at Cold Hill, Ore. on the Rogue River for your equity In a Silem home, mutt have 1 bdrms Ph. 4-S703. IIIJIWIUDbV uut tpt. houta, i close Id, aala-Trada. 4-JW1. 800 Real EsUte IK Kosort Proptrty MOD. HOME on Alaeia Bay. Priv. dock. Reduced price, 1-4301, 1 BEDROOM houae, 1 acre Bot tom land, Salmon River. Sur faced road, electricity, creek on place. 1 1500 00 term to ult. Robin Reed, DeUk, Oregon. fT8 Wontad, Rool Eifott MAN A Wife would like to buy ' home fax) rain A monthly payment. Good reference. writ Statetman-Journal Box 70. 850 Automotive 831 Now Con DRIVE THE BIG mm Y The Smarteit 4-Door Hard Top as the Road. McKINNEY LINCOLN - MERCURY 490 N. Commercial Salem 8S2 Uiod Cert For Solo is no time to find your old car can t stand the strain. SO COME IN AND CHECK THESE '54 BUICK SUPER HARDTOP $2195 Loaded with extras A tu tnne paltit, low mileage. 54 FORD VICTORIA $1693 Radio, heater, overdrive Jet black, with white wall tires, dual pipes 54 CHEV. BELAIRE 2-DR $1495 Radio, heater, a very sharp one-owner car. '54 FORD V-8 2-DR. $1195 Maroon finish with white walls, special this week end only. 53 CADILLAC "62" 4-DR $2395 One owner, low mileage. excellent condition. '52 CHEV. CLB. CPE. $895 Radio, heater, power glide. white wall tires 52 MERCURY H'D'T. $1395 Radio, heater, tu-tnne, one owner, and low mileage. '49 FORD CUSTOM 2-DR. V-8 $263 Radio, heater A overdrive. '50 FORD COUPE $495 Original maroon finish. 30 late model cars, verv clean and In the best of condition for you to choose from. SEE US BEFORE BUYING WE MAKE THE BEST DEALS IN TOWN Open eves, 'til 9 p m. 6 days a week. Corner Center rV Church Ph. 2-6808 USED CARS 53 OLDS SUPER "88- Heater, hydramatic. excel lent tires H195 52 PLYMOUTH SUB'RR'N Radio fc heater, very gd condition 1895 '53 PLYMOUTH CL. CPE Radio Is heater, white walls M5 51 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Cranhrook series, seat cov ers S5 51 NASH STATESMAN Bed equipment, heater. $495 Union W!i5 VICTORIA Bank terms, ph Ford-o-matic. 3-R344 after 5 I WHEN YOU'RE 10 mites FROM HOI Me Site iCK2kl !! & High Ph. :-H60 I 1942 PONTIAC 4 dr. sedan, very j make offer 2-I2J0 clean. Highest offer takes. l"'foH SAI.F. 'l'i:i9 Ford n. oamn. r(i.KICHnYSLFR Sdn7heater ft O'drlve. Good cond. 145 4-2!n 1K40 DOIx;Esedan. cheap. 2175 N. Liberty. Ph. 4-3434. lBUrroRDf 4-dr. 4.000 ml $2.". 25S. 44.1 W. Main, Sllverton Ph. 3-8722. T2 DESOTO, "make "offer. Call eve. 2-5-475, TRADE, '4e Ford Convert, for motorcycle or I1S0 cash. 2-264(1 FOR SALEGood J930 Model A coupe. A-l. 4-9428 FlXTBED with grain for. 13', ft. Call 4-9822 LATE MODEL USED CARS Hiphest Prices Paid ELSNER MOTORS 352 N. High Salem 'M Bulck Special 4-dr. 2 tone good cond. excel, tlret. 4-1924. '4 JEEP 4x4 pick-up walum Inum canopy. 60. Ph. 4-3499 To plac cltMlfled dt 850 Automotive 8S1 Now Cars IF YOU WILL. V-8 Tudor Sedan .: V-8 Fordor Sedan V-8 Catalina Hardtop V-8 Catalina Hardtop SAVE YOU MONEY ON 1956 PONTIACS 122 inch Road leveling Whoflbasc . . , V O SlraloStreak Engine . . . Safety X Member Frame . . , Safety Door Locks . . . Deluxe Interiors . . . Styling and many more features. ADD YOUR 01 E Deluxe Radio and Antenna S 90.25 Underseat Heater and Defroster....? 89.25 j Hydraulic with Overdrive JISS.O Tinted Glass $ 32.30 i Windshield Washers Plus Manv More at 660 NO. LIBERTY . m la t m SAVINGS!! MO AC E The NEW Place to Buy That NEWJ56F0RD ACRES OF NEW FORDS TRUCKS & USED CARS Come on out for that DEMONSTRATION RIDE Virgil Padr John Slanchik 3650 PORTLAND ROAD 4-0535 852 Uied Cors For Sole ONLY ONCE 1956 Plymouth Belvedere Sdn. Reautiful color sweep combination nf green and white 200-h p. V-8 engine, 4-barrel earn . dual exhaust, radio, heater, power flite trans., power brakes, white wall tires, tinted glass, windshield washers, etc. Only 2900 miles 100' (i warranty on parts and labor for one year no matter how many miles you drive. TAGGESELL PONIIAC BfiO NO. L1RERTY Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Cars Commercial St L'hemeketa Ph 41?1!' 47 OLDS sedan. lfio. -8' S. 12th Ph. 4-J181 dajs. Ee 2-12.W 4 CAD. '62,-4-dr. N1 nick-up Ph. 2-5B25 4.1 5 Dallas lid KIM 2 DR Chew. f715 or trade 1 Eves. 4-9427. -'4 CHEV.. good cond. 1125 casii. 1 Call eve. 4-BI7ti , '411 OLDS 88 dlx. club fed Ulark I radio, heater, white side walls molor recentlv o hauled, good t rondl. :i85. Ph. 4-11U4. , 42 CHEV., trade for livestock or cash. Ph. 2-1119 960 S Lith '49 FORD V-8 custom convert good cond. Ph. 2-1 IH2. '52 FORD Victoria race Mal lory ignition, mag. triple! eai lis Headers. pipes. Frenched headllKhts, A-t tires Wes Kasta, Anutv. Ore Pii McMlnnville 82!H 48 ( HEV 4-rir " good "cond R i tt H, good tires, MS Illinois I )9 OLDS food iWor"vprrea" 1 M9) So 24th St I SELL nr trade lti.18 lour speed G M C. flat bed pickup. Ph t-in.n 1 1950 NASH Statesman nearl j new tires, mechanically per fect, overdrive. windshield washers, double bed stove, I good tu-tone paint 1254 Fdte water Ph. 2-9458 853 Auto Porti ttRepoiri 'iT PICK-UP bed fc racks. 120. .148 W Chemawa Rd 4-4858 WE HAVE aeveral good used lY' tires Compare our prices & vou 11 huv 5215 Skvline Rd. "'ek i Jim'a Aulp Wreckers. MO Si 850 Automotive 851 Now Cars ;. $2,371 $2,429 Coupe $2,501 Sedan $2,574 T $ 10.61) Reasonable Prices PH. 2-4113 Del Strand Warren Hockcr 852 Used Cart For Sale PHONE 2 4113 J4 FORD Cnnveilihle h!.n-k with new white ton Radio heater. WW tire, tinted glass - elc. 520 Kincwood Ave . W Salrin after 5 p in 50 PLYMOUTH Siihiirtiun tie. m. new painl. $r45 M W. P.rjrilev in Aumsville Ph 1714 l'is MF.RCl'RY Monterev sedan, radio. Iiealer Merc-O-Matic ul itc uall tires this is re..llv ,t clean car. til-lone fiolvil III trade to "fee' WoKettnn 2-24H7 Dir. l:iSli MF.RCL'RY MONT('LAlr) PMAKTON. lo mlleace 1 las sie vi hite and clamar tan. ra dio healer full power, equip- ii'cmi uill trade Cec Wol- verton 2-J4R7 ni.n .17 CHEV 2 dr. toed tires, runs good $75. Ph. 4-48H2 S4 PLY 4 dr Belvedere. Exc CoiHliiion 1068 7t!i 2-8128 '55 CHEV. WAGON V-fl Radio, healer pow-rglide. 55 FORI) R'NCH WAC.ON It's like new '54 KORD R'NCH WAC.ON Radio fit heater, overdrive, perfect red finish. 55 WILLYS 6 CYL , 4x4 WaB'm A trrrifir huv. 5;i I'LYM. SUBURBAN Rarl to hr.itf r. perfect mnrlition , " ELSNERS 2 LOTS Center & High I'ninn & High 195.1 DODGE V-8 Cnrnet4-dr 829 Ph. 2-88J. Independence 457 Butler 195lTcHEV. BTTait-VWI statton wagon. All power equip , ww tiret, 4-dr, RAH, low mile age. Sell or trade mv equlpt for older car 1240 N 24th BEStCash offer takes 1949 FoVd Bus. Couoe. Phone Mr Good win 2-0631. 1 1850 Antomotive 8S2 Ued Con for SaU POST Auto Sales 55 CliEV. V-8 4 DR. $1895 PowcrgUde ! nw tlrea, low milragf. lust like new. 54 OLDS !' DR. I895 Tu-tnne, redio. heater, and hidra. . 54 CIIEV. 'lO'" 2 DR. tm Pdin, heater, power ghd. JJJKI0 rmlee. 54 MERCL'RV Hardtop l"5lwHf:RE P.Ea.ING OUR CUSTOMfRS HAS BEEN OUR MAJOR Radio, heater. 53 FORD CONVKRT. W$$ Radio, heater, overdrive, dual noopn. chrome in tennr, new top. Double Eafle tirct. very iharp. Jl CADILLAC "62'' SDN. $1393 Rdlo. heater, and hydra , flfctnc window A aeal, one owner. ,10,000 actual miles, new tires. 51 MKHCI RY SDN. $705 Rrim. heater, overdrive, beautiful custom interior. low nulet. 51 CHEV. SEDAN . 53 WILLYS SDN. Overdrive heater, w hite wall ttrrs. 52 FORD SDN. ' ' Hra'rr 32 MERCURY SDN. Radio heater A- overdrive. i olds siti:r ra fra;l951 Ford, Sedan $ 595 tr. w tvtr Kirt wall. ; 19 If Buick Station Wagon $345 lnanen m,i rxira. nai rvi , cari djal exhaiHt I 'Jl KAISKR Wis; Like nru . .10 mtlei. j jl CHKV. Tt'DOR .W Radrn, heater k power glide ! 51 PLYMOUTH CLB. : CPK. $-595 Radio, heater. ' 50 BUH'K SUPER SDN. $-l!)5, heater At dyna. SPECIALS 4 DK SOTO 9 PASS. $4n5 I. ike pw. '.in NASH BOO TUPOR tm .50 STUDERAKF.R 2 CHAMPION DR $.1fii 49 PLYMOUTH Clh. Cpr. M95 Like new for it! ate POST AUTO SALES OPEN EVES. TILL 8 P. M. 1105 So. Ilth Ph. 4-62.11 AT THE 53 OLDS Sl'PER 'r 2 DR. $1493 Radio, heater, hvrlra . tu tnne paint. Tinted glass, power brakes, seat covers. 33 FORD CUSTOMLINE V-8 4-DOOR $1195 Radio, heater, o'drtve. tu tone paint, clean inside and out '50 FORD 2 DOOR -V-8 $395 Heater, seat covers, clean j 50 MERCURY 4 DOOR Heater & o drive $.195 ; j 48 BUICK Radio. dr' e. 4 DOOR $295 heater, dnaflny FORD V-8 2 DOOR $85 Heater and radio clean. '47 KAISKR 4 DOOR Oo,xi motor. 40 FORI) V-8 2-DOOR Heater. good motor pa;nl. $55 and Snecial 1'4S WILLYS JEEP Iie!;rrv radio, healer. .115 lu- ' tone paint j Open Eves, and ! All Dav Sundav Bargain Center of Salem SILVERTON LANCASTER !' 4-fii ;e RD. DR IM.1. liO ftu.-il avle C, M C d dump truck SIM'O n 1 r.nx t3 niflcrfield W',ih rh Tt' 7-37.1(1 I'.i'.ll NASH Statesman super, good oi .'eond tar ('nine antl drive it ou ll hu it Oviidrui- iiite side a!l tiiet Pii 4-7I.19 SS4 Trucks, Trail, for tale EOR SAI E era! uliiit- SnlO It (,,' r.nsc -turdy 2 v lieel ten or canipme trailer water proof canvas to R fl lino U75 X 1'it'i Ph 2-7752 ; WILLY S pick-up. Ph CHEV tnif-k finod motni slock Sell (lhr i-'i:i.i2 o hiffiet bidder F. lie. 1210 Tile Rd Ph 49 FORD V-8 dump '1 -i.-k 4 or a vd hed Pnce'I nc1'' P O i Ho 'iho W,iidp,Ml. fi.e Pn 1 .lordan FOR SALE or tsade eqilitv IP I 1953 1 ton Ford Express A-t j coivl :i'.. pi from Sllverton I on Silver Falls Huv Star Rt ! Box :i-A FOR SAI.F. 2 wheel trailer In- quire 22:6 Lee St 156 Wonted. Cars, Trcki W'F'RF PAYING TOP CASH hir t'lcetn I'sert Car Paid E" Nni Boh. t BJIs Lscd Cari l mon k Hih St. B58 Motorcycles . 1942 son. 45 MODEL Harlev David- Call 2.7612 ALLSTATE motor scooter $10 Motor needs work Call 4-15:18 after 8:30 p. 111 FROM J9 to lOOmlles' per gal. I960 Cushman . 145 1951 Harlev Davidson 1199 1953 Harlev Davidson - 1285 i 1953 James ' 1954 Triumph . 1295 No down payment lO AC 1 Will take most anvthine in trade! SHROCK S Highland it I Portland Rd. I 850 Automotive 852 Utoot Cors For Soto AR For Qoaliiy-Consideratioo- Dependability WILL LEAD YOU TO WILSON'S CONCERN SINC1 0"R FIFTY -THREE YEARS AGO. 1954 MERCURY&TATION WAGON $1995 Ridlo. heater. Ttlercn-mattc drive, power sleerin power brakes A full Cnrdaveen interior inree aeai, eienx pas senfer til metal body. Immaculatt condition. 1954 BUICK SUPER $2295 Riviera tudnr with Dvnaflow. radio, heater new white wall tires Two-tone finish of white on elenn reen. We solo and serviced since 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan $2195 7t.5 ' 1954 Buick Special Sedan $1995 ,695 1954 Buick Special Hardtop $1995 "w 1953 Buick Super Sedan $1495 3;1953 Buick Special Tudor $1395 j 1052 Chrysler Sedan $795 W3i(n-i -l i.a 9 Knr. UI'Ol L Ilcv rOlCl OCliail OREGON'S OLDEST DEALER COMMERCIAL AT CHEMEKETA PHONE 4-5711 LIVE THRU MEMORIAL DAY Dm a latiiiai BONDED USED CAR 100't Warranty on Parts and Labor Good for One Year Regardless of How Many Miles You Drive 1956 Pontiac Catalina Coupe $2695 Radio, heater, hydramatic, 3,000 mllfs. 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air $1895 Radio, healer, powertlide. tinted tlass, 1ft, noo miles. 1955 Chevrolet 210 4-Door Sedan. .. .$1695 Radio, healer. 13 000 miles. 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air $1395 Jet Mark, radio, heater, while walls, one owner. 1954 Chevrolet 210 2-Door Sedan Radio, heater, one owner. 1953 Buick Special Sedan Radio, heater, dvnaflow. 71.000 miles. GOODWILL GUARANTEED CARS 952 PT)NT!AC CAT. $1095 : Radio, heater, hydra. 1951 OLDS SUP. 88 $8'.5 C!h. cpe. radio, re.iter. hydia 1952 STUDK V-8 CPK. $695 Radio, heater overdrive, sharp TRANSPORTATION FOR LESS THAN $500 1950 PONTIAC SDN. $495 1951 HUDSON 2 DR. $495 1949 PONTIAC CLB Cpe. $395 1951 KAISKR ... $295 1919 MERCURY SDN 1947 PONTIAC SDN. 660 No. Liberty Del Ray Cpe. ONLY 1,800 MILES V-8 MOTOR POWER TACK RADIO & HEATER TL'-TONE BLUE W. W. TIRES POWER BRAKES HIGH 49.00 & UP '39 PLYM SDN S 24 dn t 49 II BUICK Sdnet. . I 29 dn. I 59 'Hi NASH SDN. I 29dn. 69 41 ( HEV CPE. ... 39 dn. I 79 46 Ht'ICK Sdnet. . I 49 dn. 99 41 CHFV CPE I 49 dn S 99 tsi v.icra en t iurin t U9 18 CHFV." Aero ' . 49dn $ 99 48 CHEV. SDN 49dn. 1119 4 ( HEV. Ci: Cpe I 39rtn. flt54 19 MFRC. CI Cpe. I09 dn 29 '49 HUDSON 11 CP I nan. 19 PI YM Sdn !o (in. jsh it ronn CPE 1109 dn S299 vt CHFV Coach J159 dn 1499 No Down Payment On Approved Credit AYNBEE MOTORS 940 Union Nlte Ph Ph. 2-0703 J-3253. 4-7987 ' 1 954 BUICK Super 4-dr power steering tt fully equip Will accept 5t or 52 ear In trtde S " tnt on balance, cash price 11899. 980 Howard, ph. J-0592. $245 DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR !m Oil'! lilt mm v)l3s L EISNER'S CENTER 4 bai Automotive 852 Vu4 Cors For Solo b In BUSINESS WAS ESTABLISHED new. Service record available ? O.JO IVJ .$1295 .$1295 1954 PLYMOUTH SDN. $895 Heater, white walls. 1952 PONTIAC SDN. $795 Radio, heater 1952 NASH STATESMAN $895 Radio, heater, white walls, clean. 1949 KAISKR $17 Ph. 2-4113 ONE 25 passenger bus. one 29 passenter bus. good, operating , cond Your rhoue at II "l per bus, Mav be seen at 211 : Center St. Ph. 2-5898 , FOR SALE. 1950 Chev. long! wheelhase dump truck. t900. Ph 2-8820 eves. I B62 House Troilert YOUR dreamhome. 45' two bdrm Lana Lane. 1940 Lana Ave TRAILER HOl'SE 15-ft HOWARD Like new. Trade for small nr trade for real estate Call Carpenter Eve 3-8648 L. E. KLUMPP. REALTOR 3055 Portland Rd. 2-7842. 4-8995 FOR SALE private party 1950 model 26' trailer. Call 4-6544. 20 FT. Rariiain? ROADLINER 1940 laina Ave 1953. 35 ft 2 bdrm. Richardson trailer hie.. 1 party owner No trades S2195. Ph. 2-4304. 5085 Ptld Rd FOR SALE, Montecello 37 ft. 2 hdrm . hath tandem wheels, good cond. John Frcy. Dallas. Ore. Ph MA 3-4421. SEE the new 44 ft front bdrm FLAMINGO. "Jack & Jill" hdrm. in rear. Priced to sell. Lana Lane. 1940 Lana Ave PLAY Shufflebonrd at Salem's New Center Street Trailer Court Trailer Spaces available 4155 Center St. 25 TRAVF.LITE, bath. $350 dn Ph. 4-22W ask for Baker. 45 'rf"El.i;Air 1 hrfrmr Lalrst model. See at lana Lane. 1940 , Av, - 12 FT metal trailer house, exe condition reas. 170 W Brown ing. Eve. or week ends. FIR CRESffrai1er Ptrk under new management, restrtcted aoaces for rent. 3010 N Rivet Rd Ph 2-6313 ll VACATION SHASTAS SMALL DN PAYM'T. TERMS LANA LANE 1940 LANA AVE TRAILER TOWING IAYHAWK TRAILER SALES M40 Portland ltd. Ph. 4-1043 $95 1947 FORD $8j 850 Automotive 852 Uttd Cors for Soto) SAFETY TESTED USED (NOT ABUSED) CARS '55 Buick Century Hardtop '55 Olds "88" Holiday Coune Standard trans. '54 Olds "98" 4 Dr. Sdn. '54 Olds "88" Holiday Cpe. 54 Olds "88" Holiday Cpe. '54 Mercury Sun Valley Hardtop "53 Olds "88" 4 Dr. Stick shift. '52 Willys Sta. Wgn. '51 Chev. Dlx. 4 Dr. '51 Olds (,98" 4 Dr. Completely overhauled. 50 Chev Bel Air Hardtop, auto. tram. 51 Olds "88" 2 Dr. WE HAVE OTHERS. Come In and Save Money on Your Car 401 NO. HIGH PH. 2 7973 Prices Are Rom Here . . THEY ARE RAISED ELSEWHERE L950 CHEV. AERO SDN. 1950 FORD V- J-DR n FBI CMC! 2ND SDN. . . $42 1949 chev. Aero sdn. 4 1950 chev. aero sd?j. $3i 1948 chev. 4 dr. sdn. $279 1948 chev. 4 dr. sdn.. $249 1946 chev. aero sdn. $189 1948 chev. aero sdn. $129 j 1948 DF. SOTO 4 DR. I . SDN. $119 ' 1947 NASH AMB. CLB. J CI'E. $79 1 1948 MERC. 4 DR. SDN. $fi9 Fine Selection of Late Models Also Chevrolet Cadllac Used Car Dept. Union and Com 1. Ph. 3 .1175 20 strns from Rrnadwav ft Hood 520 Hood St. Ph 2-8101 l!Uh ( hev Sdn. V-8. Overdrive t:9J , FORDS 1052 Sdn . V-8. Heater I 895 1951 Tudor. V-8, overdrive I SflJ 1951 CI. Cpe., new paint I 5"5 jni i uaor V-s t 54s overdrive ,-' 4f1 1949 CI cpe.. V-8. wwalts $ :i99 1951 Cadillac Sdn 11599 1951 Kra7er Com'. Sdn I 799 11150 Ot1. 88 Sdn .. t 595 1951 Hudson Sdn I 499 1951 Stude. V-8 t 4H5 1941 Chev. CI. Cpe. S 199 1MMD. sale, leaving Salem. 52 Nash Rambler Sta Wagon, excel, cond. ft tires. Ph. 3-3343. '53 Chev. V-8 Sta. Wn $24150 Radio, heater, pnwerrltde, turn signals, windshield washers, white side walls, 8.700 miles. Not a year old. Like new '54 Chev. 4-Dr. Sdn $1399 Radio, heater. Poweiglide, turn signals, 2-tone blue '54 Plv . 2-dr. sdn. $1099 Radio, heater. 22 000 miles. Reallv sharp. '53 Ply Convert. . $1099 Radio, heater. Hydra, drive, new top 1 Sharp 1 52 Ford V-8 Clh 1793 Radio, beater, overdrive. ..In.. Ckx-n '92 Chev. Sdn. $99 r - Ro, haatat. black - '53 Rambler Sta Wgn $799 Radio, heater cloth unhol sterv. Here's a real gas saver '90 Oodse Coronet sdn $450 Heater, automatic transmis sion. Real clean '40 Dodge 1-ton panel $109 2-Wheel all metal trailer $89 90 Ply . 2 -49 Fords, '46 Olda., 41 Chev See These Great Buys Soon At DEWEY'S 3080 Market Ph 2-4061 BY OWNER; '51 Olds 88 dlx. sed.. hydra., radio ft heater, excel cond. Ph. 4-8831 alter I wk days. llltl