450 Merchandise 47 Putt ANDERSON'S lllbwood. 2-7751 or 4-2654. Spring Special Mulch Sawdust, Fertilizer Block Slb Wood West Salem Fuel 1528 Edgewater Ph 1-431 OREGON FUEL CO. OLD FIR LILLY PADS MULCHING SAWDUST SotH GREEN STAMPS J-S333 3087 Broadway OLD growth Ur'tflTontrPh. 4-053. S00 Bus. & Finance S10 Monty to loon Business Loans To $7,000 ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS Loans to Purchase. Repair or Refinance All Typet of Equipment Including Crawler Tractort A Trailer Hnmn PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS Wm C. Kilmer, Manager tin S. Liberty PK 4-I2M' fTrlAVE'rarti Bujen torreal estate contract! aod 2nd mort gage Ohmart A Calaha. Realtors 477 Court St Phon 1-41 II LOANS 150 00 to 113000 Buy Whit You Need Comnlidata rout nil la. Finance th.ro.igh WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S Church St ' PM 1S457 S'c CONSTRUCTION MONEY Available (or FHA. GI or long mm conventional mortgage loans anywhere in the Willam ette Valley. 5",, 10 rear money also available for existing home loam. $1500.00 Now you can borrow $1100 from us. on (iirnlture. autos, trailer hnuiei and equipment. We are happy that after at years we are able to extend thii additional tervlc to you. 1J7 S. ComT. Salem. Orr-fon General Finance CORPORATION PHONE 3-9161 PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy contract! and mortgages. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-8841. COLONIAL Investment Co. Real Property Loans Contracts Purchased. 661 Court 4-1243. $25 to $2500 Pacific Industrial Loans 111 . Lfbertv Ph. 4-2J0S PRIVATE money to loan. 17 interest. Ph. 2-74. 512 Loam Want. LOAN wanted from Private party on Income A Business property 6 Int. 4-3661. ()00 Employment 602 Help Wonted AN experienced couple for cui todions of large club building A grounds, quarters furnished, must he experienced, refer ences required. Statesman. Journal Box 73. HOARDING home wittln Salem City limits needed immed iately for temporary care of 4 or 5 dependent children. Will pay 12 per child per day and guarantee fi5 a month If home found satisfactory for permanent agreement Call Marlon County Juvenile De. partment. Ph. 44401, Ext. 75 I.ABR ATORY technichian - Im mediate vacancy exists at Oregon State Hospital for Registered Lab Tech. Salary range 1.124 to $41. For further information contact personnel office Oregon State Hospital Ph 4-6651 Ext. :i72. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 2-0636. 354 N Winter Adjoining Presbvtenan church Free parking In rear Exclu sive listings on all types of employment APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesman Bicycle route! Several routes will be open. Applicant! must be sc eompamea by their parents or have their written permls lion Apply at the Circulation Department of the 5tetesmaa Journai. 604 Help Wonted, Mew 1MMF.DIATE vacancies now ex. 1st In the Salem area for: Psychiatric Aides. 1196-1205. Cooks. 1I96-1.T42. Prison Stewards (high school graduation plus four years conking experience! $280-$:l60 Correctional Officers at least 5 9" m height, 21-40 years nf ar. and hae good prrsnnal references! $:63-$.126, Applv a' either office of the Stale Civil Service Cnmmis tion. Room 102. Publir Ser vice Building. Salem, or 3n4 Stale Office Building. Port land. RETIREMENTcreates opening with future for a young am bilinua exp. SEEDSMAN K GRAIN WAREHOUSEMAN in older established manufactur ing plant. Good salary win bonus. Replie. confidential to C P A. Box 304. McMinnvilIr. Ore. YOUNG man handy with tools to work in floor covering depi Some exp desirable perma nent position gitwl ftlaiv v.hi1e learning Apply Hosg Bros . 260 Stale St CARPENTER helper wanted Ph 4.5177. TaREER POSITIONS OPEN Urge National Insurance re porting Agency haa permanent salaried career position open. Good chance for advancement No selling Involved Outside Investigative work for Insur ance A Employment purposes. Salary plus c per mile for rar. Typing essential. Alt 22 30 Must be High School grad uate, clean background. Wn-k it in local area, no overnight travel Write qualifications to T O Box 530, Portland T, Oregon. $3,000,000.00 147 i. Hia . i-JISl 600 Employment 604 Help Wan, Man ALL around grocery man. mint be able to cut meat. No drink ers. Walker's Grocery Store, Tall City.Ph. SunaeM-aw WORLDS largest Installer of home heating need more men to learn warhoustng aalei A service, assured future, guar anteed aalary If you qualify. Apply In person Mon. fore noon or calf l-IKU foe appoint ment. 1057 So. Com 'I, WISH to contact party who doe commercial baling. Ph. 2 -JOSH WANT aeveral wood cutters. Apply Capital rual Co, JHO N River Rd. 66o Help Wonted, Lojy BABY litter needed days, my home. South, ref. Ph. 4-4810. WANTED: Lady dinner cook", Morn, ahlft Bright Spot Cafe. ELDERLY woman for compan ion A housekeeper for elder ly man In country home, wage. Keith Allen, lit. 1, Jef ferson. Ore. ' LADY tohelTw7houewo7kA care of 3 children, exchange for hoard, room A wages. Ph. 1-3775 after p.m. ASSISTANT for Doctor ! "of fice! High school graduate, age 21 43 yean. Muat type. Call 1-M33 alter p.m. or before (am. PasiTfONavtlableJune 1st.! full charge bookkeeper 1250 also experienced bookkeeper I2O0 Age 25-35 reference!. Ph. 1-4176. WANT middle-aged woman to do conking A light housekeep ing. Would help If can drive. Wnte P. O. Box 13a. Lyoni, Ore. BABY iirTn-vfc7nitv'of WaiuV Ington ah., 5 day wk. Ph 4-715 RELIABLE woma"ntodoiight houaeuork A rare for 2 chil dren. Pvt. bdrm bttn Ref exchanged Inquire 1775 N. 24th. Ph. 2-74.1. 608 Pickers Wonted STRAWBERRY pickers register now. Marshal A Northwests. Trans, furnished. Adults A children over 12. Platoon lean, er. Mrs Yonwif Stafek. Ph 4-2075 Howard Eggiman Field. Ph. Sitveiton 3-4il. REGISTER now forttrawberry fucking at Alan Wiesnei. ajge crop, exceptionally good Marshall A Northwests, clean fields, adults A children over 12 that want lo work, bus fur nished, former Parcher pla toon now tinder supervision of Mrs Hendricks Ph. 2-8091. WANTED straw berrv pickers for platoon. Call 2-0468. Mrs. Lien. STRAWBERRYplckers register now. fl acres good clean Northwest Jack Chapln. Rt 2, Box 206. Salem. Ph. 1-4371 I-323I. REGISTER now for strawberry A bean picking. 10 A. North west 40 A beans. Cabins. wood, wafer, lights furii. Milr oma Farm. 3 mi. N , 2 ml. E. of Independence. Rt. 1, Box 260 Ph. 33F2 PICKERS" wanted.""" MlTVhaT I strawberries 1 ml. N. A W. of Keirer Sch. Jorgensen-Evant BerryFarm. Ph. 4-190. STRXwBERRY"prckerswa'rited Now registering for our North, west Strawberries. 6 ml. North In the Clearlake dtst. Fir Grove Farm 7095 Wheatland Rd. Ph. 4-40S3. WANTED strawberry pickers Mart picking about the 1st J. E. Whelan Rt 2 Box 193. Salem. Ph. 4-1961 REG. FOR steady picking of ! Manhalls A Northwests. Cher nea later. Near Popcorn Sch. 2.:t01. REGISTER for ptckiniTTt Kurtr A Livesly. Platoon leader Alice Warrenbur. Ph. 2-1051 for Information. WAhTT itrawberry pickers Cabins A pickup In Salem. Ph. 4-1376. DO YOU have our number? 1-3393, register for berry A bean picking. Transportation furnished. W L. Summer Jr. Rt. BoxSlT. W. H. oTA. P. WILLIAMSON BERRY FARM Reg. pickers now. 15 A. of Mar snails A Northwest. Good ptrktng, clean fields. Ph. 4-4074 . REGISTER now. clean fi7ld7. food picking. Ben Goldsmith. Transportation furn. Call pla toon leader Mrs. Comer 2-6353. STRAWBERRY" pickers register with Joe Lucas 2-5951 1 mi out Orchard Hgts. Rd. Good fields. 5 wks. picking. REGISTER now for strawberry picking. Marshalls. Rudy Sei del. Ph. 4-1417. BERRY pickers wanted. Trans, furn. from Pen 4 Corners. E. V. Hammer. Phone 2-2308 STRAWBERRY- pickersregister now. good clean field ofi Nnrthvest berries, 'a mi no of '"Drive-In" Theater on "RE Jess Mathls. Ph, 4-3920. REGISTER "now for picking Marshall strawberries. James i Whelan. Rt. 2. Box 211. Ph. ... .. STRAWBERRY picker! register. Platoon or drive' out. North on Haeville Dr. M. A. Arti. j Ph. 2-6:100. ! STRAWBERRY pickers""" reg. now. Clean fields, close in. Jerry A Nlta Anrlresen. 4645 N. Lancaster Dr. Ph. 4-1973. ANDRESEN Farm now regis tering strawberry pickers, 24 A Marshalls 4990 N. Lancas ter. Ph. 4-2943. WANTED: Strawberry Pickers. 45 A. Northwest berries. Good crop, clean field, trans, fur Jl"1" "I1."'8" B,'f i rn-sju. iin. i REG. fur Mrs. Badgett s pla- ' toon. Trans furn.. steady picking Vlck Williamaon farm. Ph 3-9052 , WANTED, strawberry picket! PLOWING A discing D. Mar 8 acres of Marshalls, 10. ml. shall. 2-1343. north of Salem. Ph. 4-3991 REGISTERING pickers it Van Cleave Farms for 50 A. of j Marshalls A 1st year North-j w ests Also 5.1 A. Boysenhi r- : lies A Blackberries. Ph. 2-3181. STRAWBERRY Pickers reg now Marshall's A Northwest, good clean fields, stesrtv picking. Alvin Schwengei. Ph. 4-2313. REGISTER for strawberry pick- ing of Marshalls A Northwest in Harel Green dist. Bus trans l from North A So, of own Also drive out needed. For further info call Ernie linskl 4-1032 or Platoon leader. Mrs. R Gcsner 2-6665 ATVtM TC 1. .kiUt.ii rani.!. now. Bus route North A East, going out Silverton Highway. Good field of Northwests, Steady picking. Ph. 2-3693; OAK CREST FARMirVu'mrr' W Salem. 2', ml. No. on Wal- I ..,, .,, . , -lace Road 1 ",cs FURN . quiet sleeping rm. HEAVY PICKING I i" Jf-L - . , . HOME awav from home. Pack Register now for bus route: iur)cn Men ,093 N. Sth. Commercial to Hovt; 12th to : - - Market; Market to Front; S T V SLEEPING rm friendly stops W. Salem 'Platoon! home, mail, 120 board l-7m ItVeo" ov."rn"il"!Upu.I'. in CLEANComf ,Tn,t. TV . cfcTe - 4-iSt ? - - in 115 ; Winter ,1-1718 A.,, u .,.iri"ini DOWNTOWN, nice clean front C ;L SI,h;.?; VL. 1 rm. H A C water. 454 Center Mrs. Robinson. 3-8633 for bus .. - transportation to 40 acres of ! CLEAN quiet, retr Stat bldg., rln N.W. bene, in Kelaer shop Dist.. kit, pnvel. 1-1449 BERRY nickers, reg. now 11 A ((ill iwiiru iimi wm r mile. E. of Scotty AucUon pn-26 eT L. , -". olO Sale Help Wenteri EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALEMAN tor desirable down town office. Guaranteed amount of advertislne. Best working eondttinnt SALEM PROPERTIES 367 N High Ph. 4-0331 600 Employment 410 Solei Htlp Wentee SALES OPPORTUNITY W have a position open for maa between ages of a and 40. The man we select will have a 3-year training pro gram with monthly (alary of 400. This la an excellent op portunity for the man we se lect. Sales experience ti de sired but not necessary. Re plies confidential. Write, giv ing parllrulare to Box 68, Statesman-Journal. FOR Immediate employment, 1400 mo. guaranteed com. ap ply 325 E. Bush. 130 to I A.M. Only. MAN to distribute A pick up Fuller Brush catalogi Hoc weekly comm to start 1-K357 EXPERIENCED Real Estate salesman or woman. Ramsey Realtor. 427 Ferry. I NEED 4 aggreatlve ex peri -enred salesmen or salesladies, that wish to cam tang to (too per month selling one of the world's finest products A services. Ph 1-363 ask tor Al Brown. EXP. Shoe Salesman wanted. Guaranteed aalary. Apply Box ( Statesman-Journal. 612 Week Wanted, Maw PAINTING free estimates rea sonable Ph. 1-9551 eve. CARPENTEnrrORlTaTor contract 2-1842 or 2-1459. LOU'S Ire servicers pray top ping, prune, cabling. 4-2666. NEW building or remodeling, eat. free. 4-6340 after 1:30 please. TILLING Howard Rolovater. Ph. 4-2823 or 2-3535. No calls Sat. please. HOWARD rotovating. new lawns rrepared. free estimates 5695 or 4-5261. LAWN mowing dona by weak. Ph. 3-5893, PRUNING, apraying. topping, re moval L W Caudle 41461 PLOWING A discing. Ph. 1-277 Albert Creft 3710 Monroe ROTOVATING So. Salem Area. Ph. 4-2102. REL1ARI.E experienced meat cutler desires position immed iately. Ph. 4-9790. WANTED several cottage ta paint, experienced painter, reas. price. Ph. 1-7984 after 5 30. EXPERIENCE Service Station Attendant needs work 3-9457. ph. i LAWN MOWING, POWER MOWER, PHONE 4-2301 HOWARD Rotovating gardens, new lawns prepared. 3-5695. ROTOTILLINGWORK KM per hour Ph. 3-7M6 "EXTRA SPECIAL!!!" NEED an addition? Remndrlings Cabinet Work. Free estimates. - Big -discount. Expert- wf-kv Work guaranteed Ref Go anvplare, Chas. Exllne, Ph. 2-7016. WOOD CUTTING REAS RATES. PH. 4-1M4. CEMENT Work. Ph. 4-6332 Side walks, patios, ret wall, ga rage!, bsmta. Free estimates HOME building remodeling, house framing or any line of carpenter work. Ph 4-8275 R0TO-TILLING PH. 4-S253 or 2-2S18 j614 Work Wanton1, Lojy DEPENDABLE care for Infants to 4 years. Play room A toys. Week-ends accepted. Ph. 4-0703 or 1455 Ferry. CHILD care 11 a day.Mv"hom"e. 23rd A Stat. Ph. 4-5611 WOULD llkeTto car for children In my home, 4 yrs. A under. Ph. 4-HR3. WANTED Hr. work, cleaning ironing or baby sitting. Apt 1 550 W'rSt.Ph.2-51l74 HOUSECLEANING by hr. refer, ences. Ph.4-027. PRACTICAL nursing. 15 years exp. Will live in. Ph. 3-4444 CHILD rare my home, Keiier Dlst.Ph.3-9414. BABY sitting In my home evei. A week ends. Ph. 4-1349. WELCOME wee folk who need country home wteacher's family. 1 50. 2 $60. 4-0494. CHILD care, my home by ex perienced mother. 1340 N. Win. ter. Ph. 4-0657. MIMEOGRAPHING lyoing Mrs Poe, 665 N 16th Ph 3-3643 SEWING Dressmaking In my home, all type!. Ph 1-9392 WANTED Ironing In my home 1919 N Sth 2-1115 EXPERT child care. My home 1545 Trade. Ph. 4-5666 WILL care for elderly person in my home. Ph. .i-Dtma LOVING supervised child care, my home So. Ph 2-39H. ClLDTiRE my home ifdT. 25c hr. 4 Corners Ph2-9572 EXCYllENf-CHILD CARE My home. W Salem. Ph. 4-6538 61 5 Situations Wanted SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation Repair 'Sewers Senile Tank! Drain Fields Power Ditching, Backfill. Ph..0SF 2-5566 or 3-5072 small' "aSbYe. i.?Sa I L1CH1 crawler dcaer leveling grading 3-7041 L Kurth PAINTING, papering Free ettl mates Don Lueero. 3-3522. CARPENTER work, any kind reas 4240 Macleae Rd -SBfii i -- j ,,.1 ' , (E' UT I Jll'4!i-m.0-rn- M1 V LAND CLEARING D-8 Hr L I I C Mitchell Ph 3-5337 "l i. 7 3 yd thovel. crane, hoe. drg line. 25-ton mobile cranes. D4, D7 rata, carry all clear ing blade Rental contract or unit prices SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL 1 1405 N Front St Ph 2-1461 J . ..Vxr'rDAr,'Tvrj CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling founds. bortI r, U.jfBmiM lumdiinlex clean 140 , m Ph. W:M m Ph Tvil P ' Tmn. rrwimiiK wen., i nnrm , t : 7lH) IVPtltalS 702 Sleep. Koomi, Boord . . . . . i i '"'""" uu"" " lrl Pn 1-14 j NICE rm. for men. Also bsm't i,skp. rm. 535 N. Winter. . . . NO : , ' WANTED - Man to room and iiuiu. "w ... ,-,., ,, 705 A'artm"H Fof '"' SPACIOUS UNFURNISHED 4 - South 13th Street, 3-700. CLOSE U, well furn .3 rm . btth. air condition 654 Center. ! DOWNTOWN furn. apts UU1. pd. 170. 763 Marion 1-5223. , rm util . fum. pvt. hath! 1 ent refrig. 731 S. 13th. Adults. 700 Rentals I; 70S Apartments Far Kent 1 DM. turn, apt. Ala single sleeping room. Rea. N. collage. CLEAN furn. I bdrm. UtIL pd. Cloaa in 3.1 Mission. FURN. apt.. Ibikt!" Meier A Frank! A State Bid, Pvt. ant. All util. pd inc' auto, washer A dryer. 41 N. Winter. CLEAN, turn, upstairs. 2 odrm. SaljBo. Itat. Ph. 1-157.' 1 RM. turn. apt. newly dec. 205 N. Liberty 1-047. 3 RM. furn. apt. it Mka.No.of Lipmans, $15. 340 Division Ph 4-13. - FURN. coiri apt. Water. baaa A rlrin'fuia. Ph u! I - - S,.. J&JPIJ! 240 N. 13th. Ph. 4-6705. CLEAN I bdrm . Ilv. rm , kit A dinette. 1055 Edgewater. W. Salem. CLEAN, quirt t rm. apt. down w, lady pret. 445 Ferry. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. 1165 Chemeketa8t Ph 3-K130 COURT APTS -Ha77rTvato"A modern down town a pit From to (65. Ph. 3-7440. In quire 69 Court CHOICE, CL0SE"lN 3 RM7 UNFURN. YARD. 3-9524. 1 RM. turn., pvt. bath. util. pd., gar. avalL 1553 State. 1 RM furn. apt., priv. bath A ent. Suitable for cpl. 1112 Mill CLEAN 3-rm. front apt. Ground fir . refrig., stov & utilities furn.. priv, bath. Ph. 1-7145. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apts. 550 N. Summer. 1-820 I OR 1 bdrm furn court apti. All util. furn. Weekly or monthly rales Ph. 3-173 3 LRG. rm. Apt. furn., cfoee, to Capitol bide. Ph. 4-272 or 2-179 after am SMALL Attractive furn. apt 346 N. 12th. APTS. for rent. Hollywood Dlat. Lge. furn. 3 rms. A bath. .w Unfurn. 147.50. Dayi 4-717. eves. 4-4713J NEW 2 bdrm. unfurn Birch kit chen, until, rm., nice. 170. Ph. 4-JH54 3 ROOM unfurn. flit 1 block P O Inq. 456 Farry DEVEREAUX APT. Nice 1 bdrm turn. 1466 state, Pt. 2-1534. MOD. nicely furn. apt. Pvt bath. 54 N. Cottage. ATTRACTIVE 1 rm .."" biitrTTpT 13750 Stale at 13th Ph. 3-4370 FURNISHED bachelor A 1 bdrm. Apts. 2136 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph 3-313 before (p.m. or 2-9580 after 5 P.M. FURN 3 RM. apt with bath. Vacant 9th.3S N. Summer. LARGE 3 RM. FURN. APT CLOSE INSOTHr-MGITri5 PTTrm."Pfrr3i3T93; UNFURN 1 bdrm. court apt. Range, refrig. suburb l-nwa. 985 SAGINAW, nice 1 rm. kitch enette, heat A water furn. FURN. 1 rm. apt Adult. ' 1545 N. Capltol. Ph. 1-tOO. KINGWOOD Courts: furn-" A unfurn. apts laundry facilities, water A garbage furn. 3rd St. W. Salem. Ph. 4-4514 morn ings or eve, after 6. 2 BDRM. aptredecorated. 135". Good Jocation. 1-5323 COURT apts. extra nice. 3 rmsT bath. furn. TV. laun. parking, avail. Inq. 1341 So. 12th. LOOKING' fornlce quiet 3-rnv apt ? Priv. bath A ent., 1 Irg. A I small closet. Call' at KM S 12nd after 1 p m. Furnished. SMALL attractive apt. with fire place A priv. bath. Imp. lady. aj no. tnurcn m. CLEAN turn. 1 A 1 rm. apta. 131 Ferry. 1 bdrm. unfurn. Apt. near down town A State Office $40. 740 ferryPh. 4-0015. NICE 1 bdrm. Apt, rum. or unfurn. 1177 Court St. FURN7mod.S-mrpt.ll65 Madison. J45. Ph. 4-4754. COLONIAL Manor. 1 rm." furn A 3 rm, unfurn. 1225 Che meketa Ph 3-7954. MOD. clean, neatly furnlB. R. apt. at Turner Ph. Salem 4-3497. 1 RM. A bath in modern court, range A refrig. bus by door. 1469 Hinest4S. Ph. 2-7520 2 RM. furn. apt!$32 50 Nears! SalernHi. Ph. 2-743. NCELYfurn."l rm. apt . close In pvt. bath. 690 So. Com'l. 2 RM. & bath. furn.. close in. single only. Ph. 2-604. ATTRACTIVE I bdrm! furn. apt. near M A F. 570 Union. CLOSE in. clean. 4-rmba"th utility rm. gar., bus. 2-5513. 3 RM. furn. apt. pvt. hath, util furn,, adults. $40. 585 S. Com I Ph. 2-0784. CLEAN 1 rm. &kitcFMtt! furn. water A garbage, furn. Priv. ent. A bath. North Emp lady pref. 2-0763 LARGE lst-flr. clean furn. apt . fireplace, auto, heat; near Capitol Adults. 2-450; 1-4:72 MODERN 1 A rm. court apt , util.. A garage turn. 3215 Portland Rd Ph. 4-5373. in. nice mod. furn. apt. Ph. 3-1490. except Sat. LOVELY J-RM. UNFURN: wr Capitol. Harheq.. creek. Ren- dix w. A d. Couple. 3-9534. CLEAN 2 A 1 4-9728. rm. Apt. Ph. 1 3 RM. A bath nicely turn t pri-4-3788 vate ent. 1110 N. Sth Ph , p,EDROOM furnished apart-1 ment. Ph. 4-8973. FURNnewrvdecorit-1 blk V,.' Hail pi, i uu ' 1 ! I y Han. fh. 3-344 COURT Apt. iCourt A Cottage) offer downtown ouiet ants. from 14 50 to 15. Ph. 3-7440. 706 Duplexe i BDRM FURN., tV PH. 3-R!f7 BRAND new 1 hd unfurn", radient glass hett. birch kit., Call eve. or Sun. 1461 N. Win. ter DON'T MISS SEEING THIS If one bedroom will do you'll like it. Nice LR . kit A nook. hath has tub A shower, inside uiiiuy. mu oi eiaeei. garage , range, refr washer A dryer, TV ant., auto heat. 160. see at 3250 Livingston. 5 ROOM unfurn. flat.' l block P O. Inq 654 Ferry 2 OR 3 bdrm. furn. aide by side duplex vard. gar Call 3-890. See at 949 N Winter 1 stnRM film flunle aaraee College Dr.. W. Salem, avail - able June 1st. $43. Ph. 4-4930 MODERN furn all ele'e! 1 bdrm. Islie A Bush School Garaee o Inquire 2210 Breyman St. 1ST FLOOR furn. 1 hdrm extra bed. TV ant Bendlx mt heat, garage. $75. 1284 Court ! Pn. j-iui. 1-BDRM unfurn , clean, yard, gar. Ph. 4-3253. ! 4 RDRM furndupiex" 1481 Court 171 mo. Ph 3-534. JOT'HeieTForitr ; , , mod , )ne. A view. rrpl. garag 1-1177 NICE 2 bdrm. unfurn. house A a rage Nn pets, $60. Available un lst Ph. 4-1662. 4593 State 1 BDRM. house, lots of cloeet space, ttove refrig , garage, some util. Inq. 1104 No. 19th St 1700 Rentals 707 Hemes For Rant 1 BR. GAR. water turn. 2011 Highway Ave. $45. UFURN.4 rm7noiWA"gar. age close In 3I month. 494 N. Cottage. 1 BDRM.7 houwTlMl Lewis SU Joins Paulus cannery on east. See Mr. Greig across st. at ViM or A V Lansing. 5 Cummings Lane. CLEAN, small 3 hdrm"homa. Beautiful view of city. Flee heat Attached garage. 62 50 per mo. inquire mxi cascade! Dr Ph. 4-34B2 e-A 1-4644. 3 RM CABIN, baclwlor, l"Pti. 2-7506 "m '.urn.. turn, an bo. torn i 3-otih. 2 BDRM . HOUSE-close" In, W See at 1360 No. Cottage. MODERN 2 bdrm. house, auto hot water It garden space. 3715 Silverton Rd. NICE small 2 bdrm. house, oil heat, Ig. garage 155. Ph. 3-6946 4 RM. HOUSE unfurn. 150. Near sch. on bus rti. 2460 Broad way. 1 BDRM. gar water furn. 45 Closein. 4-4009 TRAILER space 110 per mo. No pels. Ph. 1-1685, 1740 Ox ford. J-BIDRM houses In Maplelon nisi, norm Salem. Call 4-2233 1-BDRM. cottage, partly furn. yara, garage. 4-6596. 2-BDBM. house A 3-room apt.. in j-oarm. nouse, aso. pn. 4-4114. 2 BDRM. house, gar., juirden, 1 ""'" uni, ioa in. neas. Ph. 2-571. 2 BDRMS. furn or unfurn. 175". mo. north. Ph. 4-6094 Avail. June 1st. 2 BDRM. house. 243. at 2240 Claude St. To rent call Lela Whelchrl, 890 So 25th eve. after 4:30. CLEAN 2 hdrm. house, attch. garage, available June 1st. Col lege Dr., W. Salem. 175. Ph. 4-4930. FOR R ENTS rria inbdrm7hie. refrig. A range furn , young couple preferred (43. Inq. 1565 Baker. 1 BDRM. unfiirn. house! Call 2-5526 after 5 or week ends. WHY RENT when you can biiv tliii new 3 bdrm home located at 1173 Lupine Lane for 1100 dn A 185 per mo, Inc. taxes and insurance. Immed. posa. See Ben Colbath, Rllr. Ph. 4-4494. FOR RENT. 2-bdrm. house near Washington School. Ph. 1-531. 2-6122. SMALL 2 bdrm. unfurn. house. oil heat, garage. 140. Ph. 2-7105 or 4-1848. 1 LRG. bedrm. util.. shower, 135 Ph. 3-3694 after 5. 2 BDRM.. neat A clean, fenced yd. Utility rm. 150. Ph. 4-0015. SMALL clean unfurn. houec. 1 HIIBM house, laundry facil ities, elec range, on bui line. Ph. 4-2932. 1 BDRM.. Lg. carpeted llv. rm. furnace, Youngstown kltrh.. range A refrig. 163. Center St. Realty Rental Serv 1741 Center 4-6631 Eve. 2-7B1J. NEW 1 BDRM house, range, re frig. A washer furn. All util inc. 260. 4010 So. Pacific Hwy. Ph. 2-6890. 1 BDRM. house partially turn, stove A refrig. Fl reel ace. oil heat, basem't garage. Couple only. South.. 165. 2-98A4. 2 Bdrm. houses, range, refrig. A furn. Salvador Apts. 1-1841. 205 E.Mlller. 1-BDRM. house wgarage. stove A refrig. 1231 Allen Court Ph. 4-505. RENTAL SERVICE 1 BDRM. RANGE. REFRIG. ITS 1 BDRM. HOUSES 137.50. $55 2 BOHM HOUSKS $40 $110 165 3-BDRM HOUSES 145 155 1 BDRM FURN APTS. 145 155 CENTER STREET REALTY ,n. r.i.. 1748 Center 4-631. Eve. 2-T61,'OJ 5Ullirxm LEASE 2 hdrm. home fireplace. 2 blk. bus stop. 175 S. 17th. CLEAN unfurnT"ii"-bdrmTA gar. 145. W. Salem 3-7907. 1 BDRM home, $35 mo. at Tur ner. Chester Stewart Turner. Ph. BYX. CABINS partly furn. $7 a week. Ph-1248 2 BDRM. near new rm. home nice loc. $65 2 bdrm. mod. furn home $50. Ph. 2-4361. 707-41 Fvmiahed Hornet 3 RM. COTTAGE furn. Call after I p.m. 2127 Myrtle Ave 3 RM. Cottage, clean, no pets, 2160 N5th. SMALL Furn. house. Clean, Closejn. 492 S. High. NEAT, Clean 3 rm. furn. cot tage 4970 N. Lancaster. Ph. 4-2943- 2 BDRM. house with bsm't 4" n' 'J" U8 mo. 2-1146. NICE new 1-hdrm. home. Irg clothe closet romp furn. inc., watrr A garbage serv ice. $50. No pets. Ph. 2-888J. J740 Oxford. 1 BDRM. wtile bath laundry! garage. Inq. 3845 Ptld. Rd CLEAN furn. 1 bdrm. house $41. Some util., gar. adulta, no pets. 4-5155. WALKING "dist-So..l bdrm. furn. house. 2-6751. yna W-iJ Bt r VI , , U III t U IV twill Nelson's Rentals WF WANT GOOD HOMES TO RENT TO OUR WAITING Cl.IENTAL. ALL PRICED HOMES UP TO $125 WF. SERVICE OUR RENTALS AND ADVERTISE ALSO COLLECT FOR OWNERS Call Dorothy Deal. Eve. 4-8632 NELSON 4 NELSON. Rl.TS 159 S. Commercial Ph 2-3669 710 Wonted to Rent Hiet WE NEED more 2. 3 A 4 bed room houses to lent all prices, furnished or unfurnished. We specialise in rentals Center St. Realty. 1748 Center 4-6431 Ev 2- 7612 PROFESSIONAL man. now real dent, desires 2 or 3 bdrm house near S Salem High. Ph 3- 3175. 8-5 3-3697 eve. 1714 Bulinetl Rental store ROOM for rent 265 N High Ph 4-5351 BUSINESS space 16x32'. avail, able June 1st. In Wallace Rd. Shopping Center. 160. Ph. 3-7432 A 3-5077. GOOD" BL'ILDING"lOxM' " 135 S Church Ph 2-MI2 'DOW 14 'Own office space, stcr rms A warehouse 3-4114 rw Convalescent Home! EI DERF.ST Nursing Home Prt- -Vfl'e . rooms available, jn.iti Church.2-!i6i ' - COTTAGE CONVALESCFNI HOME 252 N Cottage 3-7020 780 Moving 1 Storoa Huss Pr, MAYFLOWER Movinc and Storage FUEL OILS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER Cbw COST storage ft L t Uff Furnjtur Co. 1-9115. 1 700 Rentals 780 Movln 4 Seoroja LESTER OeLAPP LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE ' Moving & Storage PH. 1-17S OR 34966 Larnter TransJer & Storage Compieta moving service Also agents inr BLaina nauon W ide Mayor. Ph. 3 3131. 800 Real Estate 801 Butiness Opportuw. HERE Is the apot for New car and Truck Dealership In Wil lamette Valley. Looking for a good busineaa? This Is It Nath. CMC Truck and Willys . Commercial. You ran't beat this combination. Nash haa beim In for years. Very good sales record. CMC and Willys Commercial 1 year. Sold '55 trucks last year. This l! one in a million. I just bought an other Dealership In a larger town, rea ann for telling. It will take approximately 111.. 000 00 to buy. Must be cash. No used cars or account! In deal. Clean deal with a good profit. Box 66 Statesman-Journal. RESTAURANT Poor health forces this owner to sell thriving business. Good location, grosa in 10 mos. pe riod 121.000 Will sacrifice for Won cash, for quick sal. Call 2-9495 for appointment. WANT KD to "buy : Motel or rent al court. Box 71 Statesman Journal. SELF Service' Laundry, doing good buameM. for tale or trade for Income or farm Sroperty. H. L. Johnson. 11231 . E Dlvitlot St. Ph. Atlantic 3-6165 Portland SUBURBAN GROCERY Well located grocery and gaa business. Ideal for couple. Good store bldg. with living quarters. 2 gas pumps. Prop erty, fixtures, itock. and gas pumps, all for $13.500 00. $4. 500 00 cash, balance good terms. Busineaa shows good Income and could be ex panded. Older couple in poor health -reason tor selling. Will consider house In or near Salem as down payment. Northwest Land Co. Ph. S-9311 Realtors Eve. 1-1294 1746 CENTER ST. SALEM MODERN 7 unit Salem motel and home, sell or consider trade for amall apt. house close In. Writ Box (3 Statesman-Journal. SERVICE STATION MA JOH "oiT Tb.Kai unlTTor tease on main arterial. Excel lent gallonage history. Prefer an experience man with refer ences. Phona Mr. Stephenson, 4-B6M. FOR LEASE near completion new drive-in restaurant with heivy fraffle count. Some equipment furn. Box 13, Statesman-Journal. SoTT uiinett Property NltHr 2 bdrm. home A small Husinesa mag. on iwxioo lot. In good coast town. Price 114 - 000. Phon or write, ask for Mr. Bishop or Mr. McDonnell. Wm. L. Oraham A Co.. Rltrs. Ph. Delake 1663, Delake. Ore. LONG TERM LEASE. Corner lot Induat. tone. H'lXllU. paved la" Alley. Writ Statesman. Journal Box 7. VALUABLE PROPERTY: A large building A 2 lots, cen trally located, a good business sue. rn. a-w or wi RURAL Haven 3 bdrm. modern house. 1 acre. lge. barn at McCoy near store A post of fice. Easy driving distance to Salem, Dallas, McMinnville. Business interesta force sale for $3500. Jim Hathaway, Mc Coy, Oregon. 1-15 ACRES, gd. hse. A gar., bui $$.$00. $750 dn. 3825 Cherry 2"i", A". HOME a"t FRUITLAND. I ml. East out Center St. Church A school close by. Best Willamette Loam soil. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN. $600 $1,900 dn . $50 month. STULLER. RPh.4-74ll. lXK)KiNCrfnr a home? Keller dist. 1', A . lot of fruit. 3 hdrm. modern house. Ph. 2-0766; 4 Bdrm.. nearly 8 acres, aouth Good well, pavement. Sell all or part. 4-6213. A Haven (or Min A Beast Ranch style home with large rooms A 3 fireplaces, 1 bdrma. A 2 full baths, set in 3 arret of beautiful trees A flowers, with acrea of lush pasture. A 5 box alalia for horses. 10 minutes East of town. Ph. 2-3981 Owner. 806 Houtei For Sole BV. OWNER: Small neat 2 bed room home possible 3rd. up stairs, excellent location, near store, school, bus. Full price 1 500. 1 1 000 under appraisal. 146 N. 21st. Ph. 2-7803 $500 DN., $0 a mo. well built 2 hdrm. eler. heat, full price. $78(10. Ph. 3-3571. FOR SALE, 4 rm.house, Keller dist. 4200 down bal. 12700, at 31 mo. needs repair. 471 Fil more. 2-6474. 3 BEDROOM home, landscaped, fruit nut treet 'i acre, four romersllUIUPh 1156 NEW3bdi m. house, frpl , F A. heat, hdwd. fl.. tl. dr. closets lots si tp. In. needed, fruit. TV ant . G I loan. 1500 dn. Out Liberty Rd.. lo Regal Gar den io 148 MODERN 2 odrm. Top condi tion. I A. Variety fruit, close in. room for children a pony or to build. Priced for quick sai.v Ph. Woodburn 2-413 2 BDRM room home, hdwd floors. 16.750 1350 dn $60 mo 2 bdrm fum. $4,710, $356 dn. $40 mo. Ph 3-4361 BY OWNER: 3 bdrm house A hasem t Irg kit. wplenty of l'l:1.n,.?T ',".riv .eT.V A bargain at $495. See at 79 j, jt BY OWNER 575 Rose St." In beautiful Walnut park, custom built 2 bedroom home, wall to , wall carpeting, dishwasher.! fireplace, full dry basement with shower, built Ins gallore attached garage, nice yard with choice rosea A shrubt Come anytime as I am moving into my new home June 12 TWO BEDROOM home on extra lot Entire place fenced, oulel ann scriuora. inveir v.iu Mill creek. Ideal place for gardening and outdoor living, nne block to hut and grocery. ! Netr achool. Ph 3-836 jOWNER leaving Slat. !rnost, I new 2 hdrm. home Ontet ! street for children Only 4','. j Interest on the r n A. loan. I Will take car. trailer house, or what have yout nn our equity. I 158 mn pavment. Immediate i possession. Drive hv 3430 Wllla Ine or rail 1-045 after 1 o'clock, BUSH Perk!4bdrm Ts'bdrm : near S. High Sch. 3.8470 or 3-3743. NEW 3 bdrm. home, dble gar age, large lot. '. ml. E. of Totem Pole Ph I-M87 OWNER leaving State June 2nd . 7$n buyt equity In 1 yr old mod 3 bdrm home, located at 224 S. 45th St. 800 Real Estate 806 Hou. Far Sole Furn. Houm k t LoU PH. 1-7011 CLOSE TO ALL SCHOOLS Attractive, modern 2-eedmt home, full bam't., wparty room, bdwd. floor, fireplace dbfe. plum., numerous built Inga A etorag apor. Muat be aeen Inside to appreciate. Well kept yard and afiruba. (run trees. MxlO corner lot city but service. tlMM. See al lull Electric Ave. SELL equity nice 1 bdrm. home 1 yr. old fireplace, ww carpel, ear McKiniey 8c M. Ph. 4-714 OWNER must aell amall. older home not fancy, but comfort able, convenient anal redecor ated. Immediate possession. 4900 Terms. See at 135 Wan der Way. Sunday. eNGLEWOOD DISTHICT-Drlve by 1550 Pearl St. 4 bdrms.. 2 hatha. Ph. 4.1703, make offer REAL ESTATE CONTRACT FOR SALE AT DISCOUNT NO. 1-1 Acres A Home. Dis count $900, uoua equity for 12100. Pava monthly. NO 2Hcii- A lot an rity. Dis count $450. $1500 equity lur 11100. Pavs monthly. NO. 33 Acres A Mom. Dis count $100. 3I equity for 12150. Pavs monthly. NO. 4 House A lot city prop erty. Discount 1250. $5250 enmtv for $4000. BEN COLBATH, REALTORS 111 Court 8t Dial 4-444 FOR SALE, neat house, furni ture, gsrage, garden. Best lo cation. W. Salem. Ph. 2-0373. ENGLEWOOD JUST listed and priced for quick sal only M.7J0 with 10 down. Very near Engle wod school and Kay park r playground. Bedrooms, llv ng room, kitchen and dinette bath, basement with furnace, garag on sllev. Located oa quiet itreel. Monthly pay ment! less than rent 4 BEDROOMS LOCATED oa N. 13rd St, 1 bdrms up and I down. Eler. heat, hardwood floor. Vary clean Interior and newly painted exterior, lovely lawn and shrubs. Large back yard 110500 will go FHA or Gt. Call ut now. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans Offlce391l7 ives 1470 or 3734 MOD. 2 BDRM. home. rorXM'x 05', walnuts A cherries. Just outside rity limit. Buy equity A take over loan at 4 '.a inter- eat 111! Fisher Rd. MR OWNERI Glen Woodrt trill pay top price for four fur A appliance! Ph 1-111 COZY 1 bdrm. bom north eloae to bus line, paved at $3,300 g.10 down. Imm. etoaaeaslon B. M. Mason Rltr. Ml Chemeketa. Ph. 1-W4I. 4-349. JOB HUTCHISON REALTOR Let ut mlv your noma eeedl To Buy. Sell or Rent Call Ph. 4-5743 1131 Ediawatet Ph 4-7174 710 so comm'i BY OWNER - J HOMES 1 new 3 odrm. home, tire pi. dble. garag. birch kit, plas- lerea. large lot. reairKiea. Priced reas. Terms, trades Open house dalle. Set 1 blk N. Clearlake store Wheat. le-.d Rd. FOR SALE: All furn. 1 bdrm house, w,'l extra lota. Ph l-TOl. NEW 1 bdrm. an Hansen Ave H. W. Heat, pwaterea gar twedish frpl. unique pne re aueet. $10,950. pn. hw BY OWNER: fl.MO in. total price 112.000. 1 new a norm, home. Included) are I'i bath. playroom, birch kit wdlnln area, front rm. wtrpl., all dewd Art., F-A all heat dot ear woatlo. to air t2'xl30. city water. Loans are on houses, move right In. Hosreet are I oik. out or city iimiit North 1315 Mayfield Pile A 1.15 Wllahlr Drive. See aay Urn er ph. 1-013. 1 BDRMSL. li, bath, birch kitchen wnn aianwasner at dis posal, flrtp! In large living rm. Lrg. utility. 1 yrs. oltf Owner transferred. I15JO0. Ph. 4-T15I. Garden Lovers Nice I bdrm. home. U illf lot. kitchen with formic counter lops, larg living rm.. tiled bath, lot! of flower A shrub, also trees, large garden spot already planted, upatalra un finished For more detail! eall 4-8253. Price M.710. t hedroomt down an4l 1 unf. up plus full basement. The type of acreage and good quality ol th house provide opportunity for an ambttiout family to Increase th value of this property. It Is priced now at only 111.500 Located about 3 mllet from th east city limit. For details call 1-1171 dsy or ev. 3 BEDROOMS SOUTH This neat tnd clean t bedroom home nn a nice lot and priced at 16450 may be the on for you. You name the down pay ment. CaU 2-4871 day er eve. C. S. JACOBSEN. REALTOR PH. 1-6971 71 Brenner A Center OWNER transferred: offers home tor 1 00. Located cloae to bus, shopping, sch. but at door, large lot. large 1 bdrm home. Finixhed room In attic. 390StarkSt. Ph. 4-6345 BUY my equity in Mtnbrln Gardens home. 1 bdrms., or 2 bdrms. and den. F. A. heat, frpl. and patio $1 150 dn.. 111 650. 635 Manbrln Dr. Ph4-2453 4 BDRM. house In Klngwrioel Heights, finished dayllte bsm't 2 frpl I . good view. Also 1 hdrm . house in Kingwnod Heights, unfinished day lite bsm't , 2 frpl'i . good view. Three 3 bdrm. houses wflre plares In W. Salem. Ph. $-1111 2-151.1 or 2-341. BY BUILDER NEW 3 bdrrn noma nett S j Salem arhoolt A perk 1-7071 $J BD"M. house, 56V1 , Pf1"''"?, J"; J?r?JTj , -"" ""'' mft SALE 1 hdrm. large liv m Youngstown kitchen, good well. Chicken houses, rahln started, nearly 1 acre Sunny side dial grade school 3 blkt , low down payment $4,710. Ph. 4-1979 BY BUILDER uruJ ....to. , Mr , ' ' - . T. wood Dist. Top quality. 2-7071 HIGHLAND Rt Vincents dist owner leaving assume G I loan on attractive new 2 bdrm I home bricked fiaMo beautiful i yd A shrubs 2273 N. 4th. EXCELLENT FOUR'BEDROOM HOME. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. DISHWASHER. ANTENNA, TWO BATH ROOMS. GOOD NEIGHBOR HOOD CLOSE TO ALL SCHOOLS $13,700 n. I B YOUNG, REALTOR 433 N. HIGH ST Phl-4fl OWNER TRANSFERRED Will tell sperloua 1 Bdrm. home for FH A appraisal Must see to appreciate 1420 N 24th SILVERTON. House A lot Good location, close in 4.WI50. j Terms. F W Lnngenerkei. I 1552 Oak. Eugene. Ore. 800 Real Estate 806 Hornet Fr Sola $1,000 DN COMPARE THESE FEATURES Beam Cfllnn S fireplace Double plumbing I foot sliding window wall I btoeki east ( Kelxer tcttool 5077 KENED ST. (BILL) Davies, Bldr.-Ph. 3-9072 i. lilipiatli. 3IS N. Church St. FURNISHED l-bdrm. home, kitchen with nook, extra lot com pleiely furn. elec. stove, refrig.. beds, daveno. tables, main. radio, etc. uniy fa.auo. as a FAIR MOUNT HILL BIT. Nice car of. l-bdrm. home, excel, A shrubs, lawn, large living eel in i-bdrm. upateirt, bamt Aak for Ed Ichredtr, y. a - BAST l-bdrm . living room 14x23. furnace, 16V) esq. ft floor apace. Lot nxiia. extra Blag in rear used tor bird house. Atk for Mr. Woeltttt, tve, e-AW. SOUTH SALEM Excellent l-bdrm. home villi view. Fireplace. kitchen with nook oamt patio, garage, lot 100x145. Fruil, garden apot, claa ta aehooL but. Ask for Mr. Lemm, av FAIRMOUNT HILL SMALLER Hat i bdnria., fireplace in living room, anaxe exienor. Lot toe. Plaaterad Garaee. Would snaka good homa for elderly aertoa. Clot lo Eve a-iaw. rOUR-BDRM. fiLDTH HOME In Industrial Eon, ran h pur chased for t.oa. OU A wood heat i-cer far. Ha bath up It down. uxn. Hetb Miller. Iv. I-H71 REDUCED TO $3.aM. Thli tl a mond Dist. Ha a Bdrmt., good uunty. uarage, un pavesj t treat Newly painted. Glassee-ia ttonl porch. Haa creak la pack, gl.toe. vau uoroiny um, ate, i aaia. uisiasm osiaptwtv wrrsl lot on moat attractive corner location, urgvr noma reniee rot 17L Ha knotty pin Interior, 1 bdrmt. Emails horn 1 bdrm. lot auoxiio. Aoamonai m avaiiaDi. aisss amis. well. CaU Clyd Foulk, Iv. 1-12. NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS lttO S. COMMERCIAL yH-lrt- W- ""' 'i.r'fi .Vf.'- . -.: ",.v,;. ISflflK'S BST BUyS 321 N. CHURCH ST. PHONE 4-3311 BEAUTIFUL SETTING Very fin homa among lovely tree. Large nving room. Dining room-kitchen comb. Oil heat. Hdwd. floor. Cov ered natio. In lovely area. Lara tot Only too. Will go HA or GI. Call H. O. "Dan" laaak. Eva. Ph. 1-153. IDEAL HOME Unusually attractive name ' In the Eastmoreland dlat Spa cious rooms, separata dining room, plut Bkrtt. nook, urveiy flreplac. Nice yard with eprinkktr rvttem. Patio, Bull! to tuit present owner. Full price III.. CaU Walt Joaea. Iv. rn. 4-731. LOOK HERE Flna living la thl lovely noma. Living room, amirtg room, bkttt nook, utoul. hdwd. fleer. Oil heat Att fare. 1050 sq ft. All at only $75A Call Mr. Iwerd. Ev. Pn. 1-1041. APARTMENTS Well located. I apta. 1 turn Refrigerator and rai nee. AU 1 lid! in. 8hJW fOOtl tl?M1M. Priced at $11,600 or will trade equity nn l-bdrm. house. CaU Mr. Woodcock. Eve, Ph. 1-7106. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS EvtningI -03. 4-7(31, 1-462S. 1-8041. 4-1111, 4-1953 If no answer, Dial 4-1241 LOW DOWN PAYMENT WILL with living room, Oinetta, i bdrms. on extra large, on ', acre South. House 1 yrs. old 1 block to school. Low tax area. Fenced yard. Price 16500. CaU Mn. Graham. ONE OF THE BEST GROCERY ed with a gooa-si'ta trailer an txrellent business, cement ttor building, u te,. n of floor soar, all store fixture washing machine and equipment Book open for II vou ire looking tor moneysnixer. ein.sw piua inventory Call Mr. Hick. BUY THIS t ACRES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE VIEW LOT Six mile from the center of town and haa many tint view building toots, Build yourself the home you've always -'inteii and u the real, ftmall ham on the place and Bom marketable timber. You can't beat this for $2800. CaU Fred Doertl.r. i ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 3311 Stat SI Ph- 1-1591 Eve calls: Dnerfler 1-174: Hlckt 4-49.10; Graham 4-4141; Vandervort 4-7401; Todd 1-1111. ENGLEWOOD GEM YES. thli home li Immaculate In every way. Expensive wall to wall carpeting In living and dining room, Rreplae. beautiful Targe kitchen and utility room. F A. oil heat, and - large bdrms . alao baa tool house tn rear, large enough for guest house or rental. Must tee to appreciate Easy terms Call 4-86M any time for appointment tn te and further detail II no n twer, dial 2-2242. CLIFF PETERSON REALTOR 1, BEDROOMS NORTH ENGLIWOOD TRANSFERRED to tail!. Sac rifice N. Englewoed bom for tkVW. 3a bdrmt.. separate dining room spacious dinette, fireplace, full bamt , with ex cellent forced ir furnace. 5Uxl2t' fenced lol leaded tn new Itwn. Verv close tn school A shopping.. Quirk poaacssinn. Offered today tor only $tnW. Call tiR ANT fOW DFR Horn 4-101. oiflc 4-334. IN Falrgroundi Rd. OWNER TRANSFERRED 1 BDRM mod home Irg corner lot. near So Salem High- ".- imo. ph. i-m. l" BEDROOM home. Englewood district near bus A school, i Shown at 150 Kansai, "Stateshian, Salem, Ore., Sat., May 26, '56 (Sec. II)-13 800 Real Estate 806 Hoii For SoU $14,000 TOTAL Cloae to Khool Shoprjlnf center I bedroom LoU of buiU-lo i Realtors) Ph. 1-K36 ror nesmam, ave. t etas. 1 -story okter type, well taken lot, itreel te alley. Nie tree mom. dining room, family room with furnace. Price $l0,$O, Tea. family room. I'l bath!, T A. e4l with aawauat rurnace. coveret a-nt. HOME, Ideal reatal property. bu. M.'l. Call Chat Mettoa, Goo inveatmant tor you. bu neat tmalktr property I Rich TNCOMf. Tvm homa! aa ana WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES OR 3-7S2D , HERE'S VALUE Nice ilnd Irving room. Sea. amine room. tjoveir rue- alar. Wall-to-wall carpeting. Builtla dlshwaaher. Full btmt with F. ell heat. Hdwd. noera, Walnut park area. Priced at only 111.950 Call Wall imm. Ev. Ph. a-iufi. , - , McKINLEY DISTRICT New 1-adrm. ham. Fireplace, forced air alt heat. Birch kit chen. Lara alaatared garage Bath. and half. Extra spe cial at 110.750 Call Mr. Craw- lord. Ev. rn. 4-aoz. JUST LISTED Thl wonderful 4-bdrm. family horn. Large living room, tea arete dining room, bkltt nook. Inaui. Hdwd. floor. Oa ap pro. 1 1 acret. Barn nd hog ahed. Priced at the low ml Msot CaU Mr. Swerd. Ev. Ph. 4-1020. $30,000 YEARLY NET Top money making butlnaa. Fool-proof, assured tet-up. Established about II years. Full price $55.09. sja.rsaj iwn will handle. Good term en balance. For full informa tion, call Mr. Woodcock, Ev. Ph. 1-7101 . 1 BUY THIS-Very nice hem STORES IN SALEM Combin park, wen equippea eno aoing Inspection Don't pat! this up THE HOMESELLERS C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. REAL CUTE al BROOKS. ORE A very well Built neat A clean I bdrm. horn. Hiren itrnn; dining area. WW carpet In living room: tots of clotet apace. School but by door See it lo believe it Only 6.75 Large lot CaU Martha Tnteten v. 1-5417. ISO DOWN; excellent location on r4 lim. g Blkt rrnm an glewood school. Jutt right for small family; 1 bdrm.; living room eule kitchen, nook, attch. gtragt. Basement, about 11 yrs. old. Included in price a very nice elec. rang nd refrig If sold before Tueaday, Immediate pottetslon. Out of town owner tays sell for $6 .150 Pvmta. 150 per mo. Call Tulliut eve. 4-5061. IDEAL FOR RETIREMENT: Soma elderly coupla should surely be pleased with this tidy place: moderate living -m, wilh flreplac open Into cojy dinette with large win dows Light airy kitchen wiUi an abundance of cabinet apace. Beautiful fenced In back yard with fust enough garden l pace to putter around. Cine to UanaportaUon A toret. Call eve. Faye Seal 4-534. WOULD appreciate good list ings CaU Lloyd Rice ev 1-469 71 No. High Phone 4-4441 BY OWNER. Price cut on 1 bdrm. Large liv. rm , din. rm.. kitchen A util Attach, ga rage nice yard. M.TM. Ph. 4-3211. 800 Real Estate 806 HoyiFf Sal Close in N. Church Older nern. t bdrma, one fir. run a anient, pew oil rur nace. Large living A dining rm. with fireplace, lot to al ley, fit,. Enjrlewood Dist Large raneit type bom trlua Crty room and 2 U replace. r utility ran. A real fcu at 14JM. Call Cony. Brand New 3 Bdrms. New dist. East Close to Krw ger a alora, off Larscailer. Al X fir. Large lot with osj. Me garage, ie to appreciate 114.700. I Art Madsen Realty i.ua state l-nan, i-ait l-Aiol Clot la Wallace Rd. Ipa eioua lava trlih treat, taste fully laodtcapee, aatwrera patio, view, w-to-w. tairpt n, drape, Hvlng room, Ing room, insulated weathe atrippea, S hdrm A real bar gala, reduce to IM5 Own er mttvitvi la Portland. Call WILL TRADE Attractive 1-bdrm. bant Flrepltc. att garage, toot residential attirtci, priced at 1 Me. Will trad tor I or bdrm. tflburban. Up to llna. Can Mr. Lindsay eve. 1-464. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 305 Portland Rd. t-TIMl. 4-tOW Suburban Beauty BOTH INSIDE AND OUT, IDEALLY LOCATED la ettO ot Salem's select neighbor hoed. Cloaa to transporta tion, sboopinf . schools. Spa cious lawn, choice ah rub, (had tree. sVult arc hard oa MxlM-ft lot. Convenient floor plan. 1510 a. . ttvlruj tpare. plu 1-car gar. Charm Ing entrance hall with pow der room, a perata dining room, family ataed kl tehee with lovely nook ta beer window, 1 bdrmt. er two largo bdrma. A den with book t helve, utility off kltchea, Tastefully decorated through out. Large thtliered patio. Garden house for aforage. WE RE MOVINO FROM ORE COM AND MUST SELL. PRICE lit 10 APPLT OWN. ER. Its PARK AVE. PHONl 4-141, RETIRE AT THE BEACH!'! 1 HOMES, 1-1 bedroom, -$ hee room, furnianed, centrally w rated In P?rhwy. Foe a or trad for Salem property. Total price $4500. Ohmart & Calaba, 471 Court St. Phon MUe-MltS I BDRMS. PART TRADE Uvtng raenv lavti, Brepl , din. rex., lovely kit lge, family rm, wmresH., arms, ear a staosv den, I bdrma. wmat ' Iv closet! It bulltlnt, lUj bath. UUt, era Sawing rm, dbl gat. wlott of bulltin ttor aae, tut all turn. Cor, let oa 111. ua stop. Beaut, thru he, PaU A feasted bark yard all. te. Will take haute er tea up ta W .600. Ph 4-eossl FAMILY HOME Wonderful Engtrsh type home. 1 full bath Til, J LARGE Mima, ruU bamt with part room and 1-car ftarage. Flre plac of court, carpet tn eluded, separate dining roera. keeping room. Located la fin eat neighborhood. Sacrifice ill,fJ0. Excellent term to re labl buyer. CaU CXIFP IOWDIR. Horn rettt Of Be 4-334, I to FalrtrourHtt Kg. BENNIE'S BUYS HARDWARE STORE DOrNTS BUSINESS IN VALLEY TOWN. Due to major eve op (ration unabk, to continue. WUI aell at Inventory or trade ror noma or income property. CaU Tom fagan, day 444M, v. Mill. LOT BARGAINS Drive bv these beautifully treed, perfectly located sou tear achool, out It etc. Each SOx 101 Corner Judton ty R. Church Street. Price 130 each or 15050 for both, CaU Mrs Wtlla, day 4444, eve. 13731. $90d DOWN BUYS l-BEDROOM HOME Alt bdrm an main floor with range, refrigerator A heater. Gaa wall furnace. Located at Lake UMh uat erf Portland Highway. 1 Yeart old, comer Int. large rag. Monthly paymta M pel month. Ask Andy for Appmt to tee. Day 444 li ev 43714. MASTERFUL Brother, you've missed thebotl If you haven't teen thai aee, A most uniue 1 bdrm homa with 1 ceramic baths. 1 fire place ton la family room I, beautiful utility rm off the "out of that wortd" kllrhea. Look out aver th city A mountalna from th II -tl liv ing nn. You'll lov th Inter esting feat ire wrought Ima trim, flagstone entrance hall, Inald planter, used brick wall, beemed celling, bullt-h oven, grill A barbecue, dlsh waaher A disposal, Plu c toe ell A storage room. Itoat qualltv for a Qualified buy er FVCLUSIVE LOCATrOef. Call Mrs. Wells, dayi 4444, eve 2373A HERE'S A SNAP FOR YOU IF YOU HAVE A 1 TBitirn uniTxr l a irr. TLE CASH and would like to trade it for this nice 1 bed mom modern home fully fur nished. Only 1 yrs. old, 1 nic Mt. in Highland District, Hdwd firs, tile bath, attached garage Price furnished 111. MO. Equity is $5500. Ask for Andy. Days 44494. eve 42714. FORCED SALE OWN BR TRANSFERRED TO RAN FRANCISCO Will aacrl flee for quick Ml thli neat 1 bedroom home with wall to wall carpeting, play rm. walk in closets, fireplace, rlos to ttnAvce a he I MICID RIGHT AT ONLY 111 950. CAU. Tnm Fagan, dayi 4444, tvt 41! M. REALTORS lit Court St. Dial 4444 CLOSE In. walking distance to Capitol Bldg AttrerUv jr. old. I bdrm horn room for Ind bdrm llv rm.. dinnetto A kitrfien In knotty pin. 17. tn Call F. L. Knapp Broker. rn. 2.62S.