12-(Sec II) Statesman, Salrm, Ore., Sat., May 26, '56 DAILY CROSSWORD rmim ACROSS I. Auction I. Aatrmffnt fruit . Biiffiw, 10. A print lit) . 1! Faultily 13. Command 14. Yourtf . oyittr 15. What cow chw I Creek letter 17. Man'f nlckmml It Mark down briefly It. Small rxploaivt ound 10. Extra tlm (rolloql 3. Salamander 24. Equip 25. Jump 2S. Part of tha far IS. To word again 11. Owna 12. Bon formlnr framework of tha mouth S3. Exclama tion J4 Lik 35. Uir 11 Governors of minor Turkls province It. Portleoi (Or. Arch ) 40. Border for a' plcturt 41 Earn 42. Aaccndt 43. Headland 44. Crowi old DOWN I. Not complicate t. Larpit continent S. Mitlnd 4. Half am . Eject In M (. Rendered fat r ewlne T. Strange Heretofore f. Fundi- mental 11. Bunt forth. at a volcano 15. Coquettiah IS. A sharp projection II. Gourd likt fruit II. Cod. tfese of discord (Gr.) 22. Gain 21. At the pretent , time tJ.Cut, e wood 24. A forge 2T. Hurry 21. Flowed it Veraif lea 10 Measured amounla of medicine EEE1 mm Y.leesy's 12. Jokea 33. Railed . platform at and of room 34. A ahlpa jail 17. Alleviate 39. Metallic rock 40. Friar title f r rr M' i &n r li"fil I:"!- in. - w M 1 1 w I rm Dummy, Ejection Seat Cast Off Cliff at Near Supersonic Speed Classified Advertising Classified Index Your Convfitrnr Tor By VERNE HAUGLAND AtMM-iatcd Pmt Arlatlai Editor HURRICANE. Utah III Tha air IofcTnfmpBite(riauinrny 1 1 and an airplane cjectioi teat off 1.900-foot cliff at near-aupef-tonie apeed Friday and for tha first timt In 39 attempta tha dummy'i paracbut failed to opn. ' The mishap occurred durtni the first public demooatration of parachute launching from a luperaonie military air research track, known aa Project Smart The chut on the aeat also failed to open. The dummy and the aeat were ahattered Into bits on tha valley floor. Oppmlte View Afterwards, two o( the na tion' top test pilots expresaed opposite view of tha demooatra tion. George Smith of North Amer ican Aviation Corp. In Los An- felea, who ha bailed out of a Jet plane racing 780 mile an hour, said he thoufht the dem onstration waa a success. "The more information we can fain from experiments of this type, the more we can learn about high-speed bailout, and the aafer we can make them," ha said. But Douglas tat pilot William Brldgeman of Los Angelea. who ha flown the Dougla Skyrocket research plane more than two time the speed of sound, dis agreed. "I find the results very dis couraging," B r 1 d g e m a n said. "That dummy could have been a pilot." Built Project E. A. Gardner, vice president and general manager of Cole man Engineering Co. of Lo Angeles, which built and operate he prelect here, could giv no reason for the failure of the dummy'i chute to open. "We won't know the reason for at least 48 hours, when data and films of the run will be avail able," he uid. Gardner said "The failure of the dummy's parachute today was the first we have had here, although one run previously a i chut became entangled with the dummy'a arm. There have been a number of failures of the smaller chute used for the ejec tion seat, but that is because they are special chutes never before used and not too reliable. They art used only to make possible the salvage of tha seat. Gardner aald the aeat and dummy on Friday'a run were hurled from the rocket sled at 612 miles per hour, eloae to luperaonie apeed of about 700 miles per hour. Fired by Rocket The sled, fired by rockets, Is controlled from a shack a it rips along 12,000 feet of track atop a mesa near Hurricane. Ejection of the dummy and seat ia controlled from the shark. The sled ia atopped on the brink of the mesa by powerful water brakes. Salem Obituaries takm tiger tnilaa Lai resident o iM Brr Ave., Salem, May 13rd Survived by wilt, Mra. lilt r. Enlnd, Salem; 4 daughters, Mra. Lillian Griffin of Ellendale, N. D ; Mm, Lorna Clark nf San Francism, Calif.; Mr. Pawn Bolton of Ian Francisco, Calif : Mn. Maxin I e k 1 1 1 n of Long-view, Wash.; 4 aona. William t. England f Portland. Mclvtn L. England of Albany, Hsrlyn E. England, Salem, and Nell L. England of Corvallla: 2 later. Mra. Maud McShane tit Van Nuya, Calif.; Mrs. Oavev Crif fith of Oak. N. D. IS grandchildren and t great-grandchildren alan Bur vtv. Service will ba held Saturday Vay Mth at 1 30 p.m. in ih Chapel oi in ciougn-B a r rlr k Funeral Home Rev. Wayne Green wiU of ficiate Entombment, Ml. Crest Ab bey, Satan. Mr. Ellaakelh Ell Miller Let resident of Rt. I, Box JM. Turner, Ore , In a Slaylon hospital May 14 at the a of 71 years. Sur vived by e on, Cecil Miller of Sa lem. Dsughter. Mra. Mary Kellogg of Turner, Oregon Sinter. Mra. Eva Howe of Klamath Ealla, Oregon. Two grandchildren also aurvtv. Several meres and nephews. Member of the free Mathodiat Church of Salem. Servicea will be held In the Howell Edwardi Chapel Saturday, Mav 26. at S.to pm., Rev. M c Miller and Rev. Frank A. Wing oINriatlng. ln tarment City View Cemetery. Mra. Llllle Dae Stafford Lai rtildent of 141 Warner St Survived by a daughter, Mrs. Dor othy Walkr. Salem Slater. Mra. H. May Cochran of Salem. Broth er, Jphn D. Matthewi of Yakima. Washington Grandson, Darrell Wayne Walker of Salem. Services will be held Saturday, May 2.1th at 130 pm. In the Clough-Harrlrk Chapel. Interment, Belrrest Me morial Park. Ritualistic aervlrea will be conducted by th lalem Bebekah Lodg No. 1. Mra. Mary Orr Late resident of Roarhtirg at i local hospital May to. funeral an nouncements will be road later by In Virgil T. Golden Co. Lllliaa M. Dewey Lata resident of 44M Verda Lane In this city. May 13, at th age of 70 year. Announcement of services will b mad later by th W. T. Rifdoa Co. Maarlr T. Wood. M. D. Of Eugen. Oregon, pasaed awav tt San Francisco, Calif., May 34th Born in Amity, Oregon. August IK. ISOS. Survived by wife. Mrs. Marian Wood; two sons. Robert and Pat rlr of Eugen; a aular, Mrs. Wm. Bod ar, Paris, Franc; mother. Mrs. Car. rw Wood of Salem, funeral will be held al th Pool Larten Chapel In Eugen. Oregon. Monday, Mav 21. at 4 pm. In lieu of flowers dona tions a his memory may bo anad to the burl fund. Fqhies Hike Fire Danger COLUMBUS, Ga. W -Those falsles built into dresses may spell glamour to some gals but they're a headache to1aundrieit-and fire insurance companies. The Columbus Cleaners Assn. heard reports Thursday that sev eral recent fires in cleaning shops have been traced b the padded material being ignited by the high temperatures used to dry clothes. And one member said fire Insur ance companies are getting tired of paying loss claims on the fires. The solution? No full agreement but apparently lower drying tem peratures will have to be used. And that means slower service which isn't good, cither. SUUsaaaa-JaarBaJ Newspapers MS N. Chares It. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mia. I Maes) Waeaaajs "la per tin 1 tim. .11 .11 per Mn 1 limes S .SO pw iln tlms II 10 $1 ft line t ma. -MM Unci Sub. I Cla self 14 ads will b run in oo IA paper lo give advertisers th advantage of th trsmen eomhined circulauons When an so is ordered trtre or lis time and a Sunday Isau is Included I for example Friday, Saturday. Sunday I the lower Sunday rate apply braua only Th Statesman publishes Sun days. Classified ada will start la tha morning Oregon Slatasman, con clude ia th vamng Capital Journal but ads will b ac cepted lor Sunday Salesman only. Th deadUns for elssslfled ad Ml pm. th day before pub lication xcpt for Sunday when deadline I IM pm Friday. Emergency ads snd smaU lin da received after 100 p m. weekdays and until 11 noon Satudray for Sunday may be placed in th To Let to Claa alfy" column. Ads for Monday papers must M in By a a m. Saturday Tha Statesman-Journal Nsws paptr reserve th right to re ject questionable advertising; 11 further reeerves th right to Plac all advertising under th proper classification. Th Statesman-Journal News- papers aasum no financial re sponsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements published In Its columns and In case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an sdvertlsement In which th typographical mlstak occurs. A ''Blind" Ad an sd contain ing a Statesman-Journal News papers box number for an ad dress Is for Ih protection of Ih savertlaera ana must mere for be answered by letter Th Statesman Journal Newspaper ar not al liberty lo divulge in formation aa to th identity of an advrUar using a "Blind" ad. HIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect its readers sgslnst fraud, decepUon, or Injuries. Besders r csutionsd lo mak NO PAYMENTS to f el a po sition advertised la th help wanted columns. All help wsntsd sds MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK.. 8a lea help wanted Ida must stats If Ih psy la In th form of aalary. commissions. nsm. Bona fid offers of em ployment with par belong to th "Help Wanted" columns. AOs in other columns which re quire Investment In stocks, i samples, equipment or cssh bond ahculd be thoroughly tn vestigaed before paying out any money Advtrtisera re quiring a cash investment for ' samples or merchsndiae, sales aide, etc., must so specify In their ada. Kindly report any reception to thie nil lo in eiaaauiea sa eertlilng manager. 310 Meeting Notice 111 Lost snd round 114 Transportation 115 Personal 311 Stamps and Coin 400 AGRICULTURE 401 Livestock for Sal 401 Livestock Wanted 404 Poultry snd Rabbits 407 Fur Bearing Animals oa Pets 40 Ses Foods 410 Seeds snd Plants 411 Fruit snd Farm Produce 111 Fertilizer 414 Fsrm Equipment US Auction Skin 490 MERCHANDISE 431 Machinery and Tools 433 Wanted Machinery Tools 454 Sewing Machines 4.19 House Goods for Sals 434 Wsnted Hous Goods M Rsdio snd Television 49S building Material 43 Do it Yourself 4(4 Musical Inatrumenta 41 Sports Equipment 44 Bicycles 46 Trade Miscellsneous 4a For Rent. Miscellaneous 470 Fnr Sal. Miscellaneoua 471 Wanted. Miscellaneous 474 Miscellaneous 471 uel 90 BUSINESS AND FINANCE 910 Money to Loan 911 Loans Wsnted ill Investments 00 EMPLOYMENT 01 Help Wanted 504 Help Wanted, Man OS Help Wanted. Lady 01 Pickers Wsnted 910 Sales Help SU Work Wanted. Man 114 Work Wanted. Lady 19 Situations Wanted 17 Jnb Information II Education 20 Day or Contract 700 RENTALS 701 Sleeping Rooms Board 703 Wanted Rooms. Board 709 Apartment! for Rent 70S Duplexes 707 Hous for Rent 707-A Furnished 701 Fanr.a for Rent 70S Wanted lo Rent 710 Wsnted to Rent House 711 Wsnted to Rent Apt. 714 Business Rentals 711 Resort Rentals 711 Convalescent Homes 780 Hoving andStoraie IO0 REAL ESTATE ani Business Opportunities 01 Businees Property Mil Suburban 505 Houses for Ssle 07 Apts. Courts for la! n Lots tor Sale 115 Farms for Sals 111 Exchange Real Elate IIS Resort property IS Wanted Real Estate 13 Insurance as AUTOMOTIVE 831 New Cars SSI Deed Cars for Sals SM Auto Parte and Repair 194 Trucks, Trailers for Sal S3 Wanted Cars, Trucks 38 Motorcycles DO Auto Miscellaneous Ml Hoti5 Trailere SM Heavy Equipment R0 Aircrsft 300 rerona! 312 Lost ond Found LOST: Csndslsrls Dlst. Blue garakeet wyellow head- Has and en leg. Ph. 4-193. Reward. 316 Personal REPLIES to the following boxes may be picked up at the Statesman-Journal office, ISO N Church St. 191 137 St2 H M7 711 .MO 711 mi 7!0 at 7;is oii.i 741 sns 19 INN S47 BIO ll ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group WO. 1. lOBI N lorn I 1-4337. PSYCHIC READER MME HAZEL Reveal's all. can help you obtain lle one you love, and 'Jcc4-s in all af fairs, apeclal readlrg 11, 4390 Portland Rd. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, M Commercial. 2-210 400 Apiculture 411 Lown-Garden Equip. 1 USED mower Reg price l4 30 Now 124 30. Also reel type mower Reg 1124 30 NOW SM V) like new (Terms I SH GRKEN STAMPS Will trade BATDORF'S HOME AUTO, 1420 State St. Ph. 3-USH2. 412 Fruit as Form Produce 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sola 1 YR OLD black filly: Green broke to ride and drive 1133. IH34 Park Ave Ph 1-193B FOR SALE cow with heifer calf Ph. 2-5870. R W. Tavenner. Rt. I, Bnx 912 W I ci . with white faced ij rorm Equipment fort SALE: horn cow calf. Ph. 1-S102 ONE fresh cow k 1 heavy springer, I heifers. 1 gentle burrow L. C. F.dwarda, 4743 Sllverton Rd . Salem. PROFESSIONAL horaeshoor Lee Hanson, 4-0724 or 4-903 FOR SALE- New Alta fescue hsy!2S ton. Csll 1-403L ASPARAGUS Fresh dally 10c lb Rhubarb Ic lb. Green Apple Market 3003 Portland Rd. PASTEURIZED wnole milk, 73c f al. Homogenized, 79c, gal un 40c. desry Dsiry, 1-JOJ9 Save time - Save money For the Best Professional Scrvicei CA M EXPER 450 Mmhandlse S 462 Sports Iquipmnt Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! 413 Fartiliier FREE manure st th Flsgg rsnch, S ml. East on Miller Creek MULCHING STRAW Ph. 43081 FRESH r rotted manure, Rlcn, fine manure by sack or yard. Delivered or at farm Phillips BroaRt 9 Box 493 Ph. 4-J0I1 BARN YARD fertlllreraultable for flowera. 13 ton delivered, minimum 3 ton load Joe Rogers, Independence 41.U. ROTTFD sawdint for mulching. S yd. load 116, 4 yds S10. 1 yds IS. or 12 s yd or 30c sack at farm. Also Beaver Dam Soil. II sack, for IS Phil lips Bros. Rl 3 Box HO, Sa lem. Ph. 4-3US1 Salem Meat Co. locker beet. Custom killing, ruttlny M vrtp- ping, trailer loaned free FOR SALE or trade, gentle pontea for children, also good saddle hnrsea Boh Frank, 303 N Water SL, Sllverton. Ph. 3-6134. 403 Livestock Wanted CATTLE, horses, at your farm E. C. McCandliah, R t 2, 3-81611 CATTLE buyer. A. F Sotnmer. l2S0Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-H067. CATTLE buyers 4297 State. E & n. snethen, 2-1345, 1-I3IK) LIVESTOCK buyer Claude Ed wards. Rt. 3. Box M'JE. 4-1113. 404 Poultry ond RobbTti DAVID Bradly garden tractor with 30" cvrle. cultivating & ' hilling attachments 1133. R..E. Sneecf Rt. 1, Sublimity. Fo-io ' Mccormick or- steef 2-14 plow. Ph. 2-7384. INTERNATIONAL Tractor," chain block, elec. drill & hit Cedar fence posts Ph. 4-4321. AnniNO MACHINE Buy as you rsnt. Roen-Tynewrtters, Ph. 30773. AfPl.lAMas All 434 mskea Court WESTINGHOUSE Woodry Turnltur Ce. 474 So Cors'l . Ph 4-2111 lirODINO CAPITOL Bedding Mattress re novators New mattresses 3-4048 BRICK jfc BI.O( KMASON BLOCK Ai Brick Mason, also man wSmlxer for hire. 4-7MI7. BRICK and" block "vyoraTguar anleed. Ph. 4-1433. CRAfii WORS" 23-ton Lorain moto crsne Ss lem Sand tt Oravsl Co 1-1441 DRY CLEANING aFvTcE Foreman's Cleaners tt Dyera Fur Storage: Complete Dry fining Ar Lndrv Srv. Free pick. up A- Diver. 1070 S. Com! ph. 3-944S S&H Green Stamps. FAVATIN(i VINX'ENTCrNEAL Excavatfng Co. Excavating - Grading Ph. 1-HSI FLOOR COVERINGS 425 Auction Sale OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITE 4840 CENTER STREET SALEM 450 Merchandise HEAVY hens for locker use market price. Ph. 2.0130. BRED does A- litters 2 bucks A hutches Inquire Ph, 2-Wlt.V Dresser! Heavy Fryers PH. 3 7023 clip me for fast action STATESMAN- JOURNAL WANT AD ORDER BLANK Write your ad here: (one word on each line) ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED ... Too Late to Classify LIVE FRYERS 2'i to 4 lb Your rholc, 1, 1355 Alder or ph. 4-7747. 451 Mochinery & Tooli LATE model 40' 2 bdrm. trailer 332113 JAYHAWK TRAILLH SALES. 2IAU Portland Kit 1SI52 HARLEY-DAVIDSON !". good rond. Ph. 2-7148. 1911 LINCOLN Club Cpe. witn 1941 Merc, motor. A-l shape, best uller. 3D75 Malirl Ave. 1 JEEP tor aale. first class shape. Ph. 3-4863. 40 BU1CK coupe, good cond. 190. Pit. 4-9HKJ AVAILABLE JuneTT, T bdrm. mod. No. Attach, garage, fenced yd. Laundry traya. elec. range It refrig. very nice for working couple or older couple. 945. 1337 Hines. HEDEcripperl bdrm7ilatTpart. (urn Adults. 1145 S. 13th. CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultrv. We buv rsbblts. i WJng'sSfWJ State. Ph. 4-3911 BABY CHICKS. ISc strsight run. rhoice of Parmenters. New Hamps., Whits Rocks and Leg horns. Special New Hamp. and White Rock pullets. 19c. Par menter red rooster, 8c. VALLEY FARM STORE Ph 4-4624 Salem JOHN DEERE Crow ler tractor. ShRhlly used. Rt 2. Pox 6 Dallas Ph. MA 3-4049. r SKII.I." saw 4" blades Clod condition, $ti5. Ph after 9pm 2-8293. FOH SALE S tiorseMrCullouch chainsaw. Ph.'4-9I5. HAVE several used welders AC St DC. Call 4-7944. 'NORRIS WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering, Division (jual Ity Installations. Linoleum. As phalt r Rubber Tile Wall tils Free Esjimates 4-2279 GRADING aTDOZINO DOZING Ph. 1-0952 & LEVELING D PANTOVICH BULLDOZING, clear'ng roads, ponds. D-4. D-t rarrysll. V. Huskey. Ph 2-314. GRADING POEINO BULLDOZING, grading It Land clearing. Elmo W lacker owner It operator. Ph. 2-9742. HOME PLANNING EXPERT horns building li.re. modeling. Phone 4-7577. LAWN MOWING LAWN mower sharpening, low prices, work gusr Ph. 4-S092. LOCKER as ICE CREAM LOCKER meat cut It wrapped, quick frore, 3720 Silvertun Rd Vista Frozen Food Lockers 1095 S. Com'l Ph 2-9737 Lockers Now Available Custom Meat Cutting and Sales Ic Cream for All Occasions, Packs to Tske Out. PAPERING PAINTING EXPERT brush or spray pain t lng. Hr. or contract. Ph. 4-3900 Painting and Free estimates paper-hanging Ph 3-9313 Exp paper-hanging It painting Jerry Johnson. Ph 4-H334 Painting & Decorating Dirt ( heap Price 3-7552 PAIVT1NG EXPERT spray-brush painting. 'rpap,'r hanging, your paint or mine Free est Terms. Ph. Nelson 3-8493. 3-243. ROTOVATINC. Howard Rotovator Work Call Bill Bevens, Ph. 4-2526. TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-6811 ROTOVAT1NO Cl'STOMR b t o v a 1 1 n Ford eqillpnient. Fields, lawns, or- rhards Ac gardens. Ph. 1-Mtil It 3-477 HOTOVATINC w'orVVvweek cnds.J HathswayPh. 1-3828 GARDEN It lswnwork wsnted with rotovator. Vincent Krem er 2130 Lansing Ave. Ph. 2-310. ANOANpGRAVEL SALEM SAND It GRAVEL CO" Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, aand and top soil. 1403 N Front St. 1-1411. VALLEY SAND At GRAVEL CO" Crushed It round gravel. Sand It con mix. 2-41X12 WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1829 McGllchrist Crushed quarry rocks snd grsv el. All sizes for roads, driv wavs and parking lota. RKADY MIXED CONCRETE Garden aand. bull-dnrlng, shov el and ckaglme work. 3-9249, SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter. sewers, septic tanks cleaned. 3-3317, ""MIKE'S Septic rvic. Isnks cleaned. D rooter cleans sewers drslns. Phon l-4ta Hamel's septic tanks cleaned, line service Gusrsnteed work Phon 1-7404 or 1-0774. TRt'CKINO at HAULING WANTED to hsul short logs snywhere Ph. 4-073. I'PIIOl.ST'RINO UPHOLSTERING Professional: guar. work, free e.t.. pickup, deliver. Ph 1-4:90 HIC,g!nS com ping trailer with extr room. Western Auto Sup. ply Woodburn, Ore. Ph. 9751. FOH SALE: 10.ftrrtopboat" J'-!op earner. Excal. cond. Ph. 4-9101. CASH paid for used guns, mod- '' " sra anuqu. casoada Mere.. 123 Broadway. FAST IS ft. Seigler cruieerTfiber sV 1 a a knlliiiB mm me ce. uwsiijiii, nnr no mercury Hydraulic atMring. Ph. 3-7. Bicycle GIRLS 10 In bike 120. Girls II blk' Coot condition. 4773 Lowell, 48 For" Rent, Misc. rOR RENT or leas, ire war, hous spac. cement floor, brick hldg., downtown. In. qulr H. L. Stiff Furn.. 1-9IM. 40 For Solo. Misc. 1CVI BCA VICTOR ennsnl TV. Limited quantity. 190 M. 24 mn. to pay. MARR'S II 40 J Com 'I Ph. l-foij NO 10 galv. wire for beans" herriei or elec, fences 9c a iSi.,0p.,n. ""7 'orenoon. Ph. 79 W, Independence. SAKE. 1 hr. fire rate,T-fbuiC glary. 42 locking compart, menls. mnnev chest, with night depository It ledger compartment. Ph. 3-7911 or 4 -.44 (0. R UMM AG ESALE 499N. Cottage Ph. 4-7301 RICH TOP SOIL- DEL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 TYPEWRITERS adding m rrii.iera aupll. ca,tor-0ka. chairs, fiiaa. sup. Piles. Roen's, 456 Court 1-I771 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise 455 House Goodi for Sole 458 Building Moteriols 430 Merchantlise 455 Hous Goods for Sale T08 Pet Apt. prlv. Pil. 4-4020 3 RM. nicely furn. bath. 19 90 per k. or j-WHi. EXP. drapery Saleswoman Should have knowledge of custom It ready made drapes A curtains. Apply Lipman's. BOY wants job for summer Prefers larm. Ph. 2-5595 U-PICK Strawberries mi East Keizer Sch. Good pick ing. Marshall berries. A. Goldsby. Ph. 4-8.174 EXP. drapery Saleswoman, snould have knowledge of custom & ready made drapes Ai curtains fcApply Lipman's. RELIEF DesClerkT Part time Box 7lt Statesman-Journal 2S IN. Schwlnn. A-l. $20. Rt. 3. Box 342 Ph. 4-3902 SKA KING 5 H P. outboard-mtr. In the water doen times. Excel, cond. 150. Call 1-0729 Sunday. SPAUI.DINg"-Autoeraph GnFf C'lubs It Bag Excel, cond. 3- 2515. W A NTED : Freeh " large-eggs". Meadows Restaurant. 524 State RF1 Shetland Sheep-dog pup limn. Colllei. 4165 Toni Ave WE found vour blue rimmed (lasses In 200 block of S Win ter Identify St pav fnr ad. Ph. 4- fiSll. ext 4 le PUPPIES, beautifully marked, red St white cockers wire Toy Terriers. Scotties. Pekingese, champion Bloodlines Low prices Douglas Kennels. Scotts Mills, 5 ml. north of Sllverton Hwy. 213. ST. BERNARDS. sTxceilent C ters. Birthplace of 'Neil", the famous TV Topper-dog. Pup pies from our Swiss imported dogs. Show stork It companion dogs. Come to see them or write. Sanctuary Woods, Drain Ore REAS. 1 1 j )r old beagle hound papers if desired. 1790 No. 24th Ph. 3-70M FREE male kitten, sits up Th. 3.3482. BEAUTIFUL purebred male Collie. Sacrifice price. Ph. 4 -1 Hoi) or 2-ORia DOCS boarded, Cnrkhaven Ken nels. Luclle Lund, Rt. 3. Sll verton. 3-4787. ANTIQUE SWING ROCKER PH 4 8836 VSEbaenobdToNLY" 121 HOGG I1HOS 248 State SI SI'FED yueen ironer. good con dition. IW. J. Watson. Rt. 2. Kox 3.1AA Silerlon L'SEU 3 piece breakfast set 116- 50, IIOGC. BROS. 248 State St FOR" SALIV1 "nieUl " bed." Toil spring A: nuttiess, reasonable Call eve. 21135 liael. CSED refngeiatois & freezers, son.e like new. Low lou priced. Edsy terms. No monev down. Master Service Station. 309 N. Commercial. New Appliances Rre Vnui Range : $459 95 fjfta Refrigerator $M4 95 :i:i4 Range 1439 M li?W Kreerer S479 99 J.'TO 30 ff5 gat glass lined Water Healer $169 99 I 17 HKIDKR'S 33 N. High $499.50 MOVING, must sell, Antique Sofa, tables, chairs, choice pieces in top cond. very reas. 880 Union St. .MOORE PETS Siamese Kittens, birds, tame monkey. 401)5 Slate St FOR SALE or trade: Labrador Retriever Pups 3 mo. old. A K C. Reg. 1US E St. Pii 2-66 J8 A K. C. REG Dalmation male. Ph. Monmouth. Skyline 71.163. FOR SALE Puppies, all kinds Come see-aXterniiona..al. X5a Livingston or call 2-79B9. Will buy puppies anv kind. REG. German shorthatr pointer. 6 mo., call after 6. Indepen dence, 340J3. AUTOMATIC washers, used. low as $25 no nionev down S!C-H Green Sumps. Master Service Stations, 365 N. Commercial SLIGHTLY used 3 piece section al $149 HOCG BROS. 248 State St LIKE new Aimstrong portable manele. $.15. Pn. .1-3204. USED wrought iron patio table ! and chairs $49 HOGG BROS 248 State St 17" T V FRFF. with nurrhave ' of freezer $10 do w ill handle . USF.D Singer vacuum cleaner will trade Auto washer! Sl. I'sed Mds Mart, 2,0 S COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD New Roto-;uck daveno giuup. inc. 2 end table?. 2 Ul.le lamps .o. klail tabli . Bed loom group inc new 9 diduer Mr A Mr- Bookc.ie bed w . f.mt matihini; bov splint and inneispr.ng mattress; Kitchen Kioup im- Ib.t Point Electric HanKe, Zemtn Hc ftigeiator. 5 pc W 1 Dinette Set. 20 pc. Dinner Set. Low tin pavment. l-t.i I eas terics S.ve ul Salem a LouestOei head Stoie GLEN WOOORY 1605 N SUMMER BED DAVENO, REAS PII. 2-0615 458 Building Moterioli LUMBER 1 lot each 1x4, lx and lxS Util ity grade-55 00 per -M I lot 3 4x standard $45 no per M. 4x3 wood gutter 4 tn S' nc L ft 1x2 com O K. fnr garden stakes 2'tt per ft. 38x E Rustic -$55 00 per M 1x10 and 1x12 Cedar. Standard A- llelter, $1,13 0(1 per M Fred W Smith Lumber Co. 3813 State St. Four Corners BARGAINS FURNITURE CALL 2-3780 PAINT oil base $1 89 gafcien Woodry 16115 N. Sumtnr Auto. Washer and Drver PH. 4 5428 sllghtlv damaged in shipment,, PRICED RIGHT. SAM GRFEN STAMPS. BATDORF'S HOME A AUTO, 1420 STATE ST. Ph 1-95H2 SWING rockers' $12 95 " Used! Mtlse. Mart 270 S. Liberty Open Frl. night til 8. No dow n ! payment (O A C i I SAVE on nearly new- modern ap- , plla'-ces at Salem s lowest 1 Overhead Store Glen Woodry j 1605 N. Summer Liberty Ph 4-6.171. Open Fr night til 9. No down payment i O A C i POWER mower. 3 pc din set. desk, corner cubbosrd. wanl rof.e. storage chest w..rk table, oil circulator, pump or gan, small bookcase, dress form. Ph. 4.7938 i - - - I w asner I V 4x1 Birch. 1 sides 40c 12-1 wire, roll at 4'jc. 8 in ceiling fans $11 75 O Cedar shingles $3 00. $' . IS G.ilv. lion root g. CHEAP 3 tab roof . lowest prices Nails per keg-$8 94 4" ce't soil pip 75c ft, 't gal pipe 12c, V-16 I1, "-29c. l'i"-3c 500 al stee! sep tank 131 50 loo gal steel sep tank $.W Ml O 4" black sewer pipe 30c. 14c ) Drier IHTlbs enod ones, S'J 7", Bldg. paper 500 sq. ft. 12 33 libra glass blanket. Insul CHEAP 4x8 plaster board 11.40. $160. $1 85. Ceiling tile. 16x13. 10c sq. ft Shane nio.d. long length. 10c. Oarage doors, all sties cheap. Barb wire 80 rds. $S.5 17.45. Ojtside white paint gal 12.50. ) New window sashe $2 00, W strip crystal window 21x12 kitchen sinks cheap. Toilets W'seats $M 50 New bath fun complete $43 30 Strictly Cash - U-HauL Closed Sundavs Ic Mondays C. G. LONG & SON'S 1 Ml N Keller Ph. 4-3031 .IS4S Ixl. 2s, 28 (., $55M 4SIS S4. 3x6. 28 'fl $2.IM 2x8 car dei king $5fl! el 2x6 car di King $25M 3 " " lxS shiplap $38M e:i 1x8 R B boards $.'.6M e4 1x8 Rough '.. S20M 4 lx R H lioiiiM "St Pit Run Cravpl TOP SOIL PH. 2-4310 Ton Soil Orchsrd Losm River Losm Dial 2-1749 Prompt Deliver Kelzer Sand i Gravel Co. top soil-fili7dirt PHONE 2-4763 La CREOLE LUMBER Co. EI.I.ENDAl.E ROAD DALLAS I'll MA 3-25 1 9 i Overhead steel garag doors with hardware. 139 30 In- i Hailed 149 90. ! Gnlwntzed cs trough. 12'bc.psr ft EPPING LUMBER CO. PH. 4-6123 3740 S1LVERT0N RD. TOP SOIL Phone2-1373, 2-a.i01 GEIGER ""C 0 U N-Te RTi PRICE W H I L E THEY LAST. GEBS, 1870 LANA AVE. Top"soili;rfo"rfovdlos Pit-run gravel. Ph 4-6083. UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP ARMY & NAVY SURPLUS FORMERLY ARMY k NAVY STORE N'FW merchandise coming In err ria Come in and brows around at 223 N. Com'l or Ph. 1-4141 459 Do It Yourself BUILD a 16x24 ft cabin for $199. All materials furnished. Call 4-8311 U-Fix-It-Garage Repair your own car. Phone 4-33. 20!S N Com'l. HOW-to-do-lt advice, planning aid. complete material sup ply, plumbing, heating, wir ing, see Judson's 279 N. Com'l RECONDITIONED automatic, water heaters. Judson's, 279 N Com 1. WESTINGHOUSE auto perfect running condition rn. 2-1819 $65 YOUNG parakeets, cages, feeds Mickey's. 3823 3 Com, 1-2755 BIRD Paradls for hi rds, cages supplies 310 Livingston 1-1842 410 Seeds and Plants SMALL dining table, radio, as sorted luggage. tihO Union. i NEW Brass Firescreens $12 95 . FaThtuhs must sell 25 cubic ft I Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer, i Wash Basins freezer Ph. 4-6161, I ZTr. iftrr- ".d" i Used 1x4 llooring USML plalform rocker $14.50, ; MOVING, upright I 1 sIries $10 ea 15. ea 5c It, . 460 Muiicol Instrument! FOR SAI.F small spinet piann ' see at 1993 Ssginawr af'er I P ' I STOREY A- CIARK spinet pi- ,r" I.Ike new. I'll, after 6. 4-6i, 462 Sports Equipment 4' Flui.resc er,t liRlits Used e!e, boxes Used conduit Steel !.. keis. 12x15x51) nxjAsfii:.1. i ii NEW II ft. McKcnne It (lnft l,oal Ideal f.,r nu.itinfi , Ir5 !:U' I'KI Settle:'--, - Ave . i Wo'idinu n, uie. Lo. 1j7 alte; , 6 .10 TKADF. .'Ml 06 !.. i. 3-60.12 o ,tno.T-d n o alt,r 5 17154. ral" ' '' rJ - 5 ea INDIA OFFICIAL TO VISIT BRUSSELS - India's scholar ly Vice-President Sarvepalli Rad hakrishnan will visit Belgium and Luxembourg June 3-6. He will have an audience with Baudouin king of the Belgians, and receive an honorary doctorate from Brussels University. NOTICE OF FINAL SF.TTI.EMENT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed tn th Probate Department of th Circuit Court of th State of Oregon, for Marlon County, hia duly verified Final Ac count, aa Executor of th last will and testament and estate of MYRTLE BECHTEL, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Mondav. the 13th day of June. IN38, at th hour of 9 15 am. of said dv, aa the time and th Circuit Court Boom In the , Countv Court House at Salem. In Marlon County, Oregon, as the place for the hearing of said final account, and all objections thereto. Dated this 26th day of Mav. IK56. WILLIAM BECHTEL. Executor of the Last Will and Testament and Eatat of Myrtle Berhtel, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executor, 209 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregqp. M26 Jl 16 2.1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS IIKRKUY GIVEN that the IJst Will snd Testament ol John Hughes, deceased- - ties been- dulv proven and admitted to probate in and by the Circuit Court of th State of Oregon for Marlon County and that Letters Testamentary have is sued to Velma M. Hughes, as execu trix of said will All persona having claims against ssid estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified and with proper vouchers to said executrix st 704 t.lvesley Building. Salem. Oregon, within six months from th date of first pub lics Uoa of this notice. VELMA M. HUGHES Executrix of th Last Will and Testament of John Hughes, deceased ASA L. I.EWELLINO Attorney for Estate Date of first puhllestlon: April IS Oat ol last publication: May 16 April IMUF l,U,ll,M ft'RN. F.mp apt $35 utll included Ladv nnlv. Ph. 4-1587 '49 FORD 2-DR , PH. 2-2663 $150 STEADY dependable bahv sit ter bv June 1 lh. 4-1844 WANTED, some ladv'lo do light housework- live in or by day. Ph. 4-5041 ce FREE Small !r,ales7iarneM r tiki, will give to some boy on farm. Ph 4-5(i43 ee 3 PIGS almost readv to butcher tr.trle for enw A calf W G.-i'-rlson 1250 Tierra Dr. Ph 2-2884. 300 Personal 0 words (2 lines) 1 time . . . 70c: 3 times . . $1.80 6 times . . $2.60 Per Line Per Day 1 time ... 35c 3 times . . . 30c 6 times . . . 21c Order your ad for six days to qualify for the lowest ratel 312 Lost ond Found LOST Brnwn ternrr nrir Pur mh s. hl. Th ?-7fiifl LOST -I. (?) ' it .'pen parakeet Will thp puny Ihal w o pli k I n U m tarp nn t h- inr-l ripr pf ("mirt ,1 Frnnt St. WfM Mav Hi ahmil .1 p tn plt-cp.; Ira vr H at 212 N I Com I. 1 Mav 25 (V t hargpj not hp pnssrd. will not hp pnssrd. j il II ' j Ph. 4-6811 K(;A. GARDENS- PETTNIAS A- rrCHSIAS. TN' ;oD SfPPI.Y MI NO. KEIZEB Sl'llnOI. ON' SALFM ST. PAUL HI). GERANIUMS 3 for "(llant ruffled petunias 5 for II Hang- j i'ig havket fuschias II 08 Wual-I it Bedding plants K (Jarden j Supplies A Plnt flreenhouses I 1298 S Llth Open Sun It eves. PAINTED daisies single It dou ble. Meiers .1175 Eveigieen at Sllverton Rd. I.ATE se.ison Araleas in lull bloom. Fuchsms, Cimellias It Hhodos W a i l n g s Nurserv Drive So. on 12th St, ... ml. past Mornnigslde Sen. Turn light at OaKhlll Ale FITHSIAS"' 25c It 45. Af-r-aluni It stock .15r dor Dm rf Mnngolds. tnnialoe'., lettuce A cshhaee, 30c Sultanas It fiherous rooted begonias, i shades!, Eergreen araleas. Vic en Rnododeridions, $2 23 to 43 75 Periwinkle for hot sun 5llc dn; Martha W.ish in bloom Geraniums A car n.itlons I.ouery s fiieennouse, 2.W5 t herrau a Rd CMRYSA NTIIMl'MS. 'oxer 200 I oewer eanv llosseiin varities. , Asttlhes Delnlilnnims (includ ing Bright I'mkt. (.eraniimis, I 1 opines Salem s best perin- i mal "iipplv Bla' k s 2270 1 t"hemaa ltd 4-76-'2 j LARGE si'lerllon of named Ins,! Border pcremiLiis mm' Llonm-' ing Pinks. I alomhlnes. Paint- ed Daisxs A many more. Bur- nett Gardens 'j rrl w of Prison annex on Boope Rd 4-2451 ( losed Sun TRANSFERRED MUST SELL White Thaver babv bed. nia't 117. he,nvv yelloy chrome set. excel. $.10: cmidren s trvindle bed co't-nletc $20 Duncan Phvfe table $3(1 club rhalr , $25. W',8 N Capitol. Ph. 2-107S ' FOR SALE-Westinghouse tangel : $45. I'ii. 4-tm.i , INLAID LinoTll S!leqyd R L Elfstrom Co.. 260 S. Lib- ' erty w im. ELFJ. . range, good cus tomer returns range, regular 12.34 93. reliable party mav assume balance of 112:150. Terms SA-H Greert Statr.ps Raldorfs Flli-stor.e Home Si ce 1421) State Ph 3-S532 USED 5 piece walnut dining set 34 HOGG BROS 218 State St. INLAID Lino .11 S per sq yd R I.. Elfstrom Co.. 180 S Lib- MOVING: must sell: Westing house refrig. drop leaf mahog. dining rm set, sectional u7 tahle A- other good pieces Ph 2-9528 Sat. or Sun. before 3 or 3-B5H3 NEARLY new Hop Point 4 burn er apt. range. $!I5. Terms. Glen Woodry 16U5 N. Summer. NEW lavatory. 40 gal. elec. wa ter healer, recessed bath tun medicine cabinet, very reas. Ph. 3-3790, SMALL refrigerator, good cond. Ph. 3-7.117 B Y O W ER . 7 cm s o f n I e e f u : -nituie. most of it practically new. See at 2597 Ptl d. Rd No dealers NEW white enaio toilet seats $.1 95. Judson's. 279 N Com I l'SEI lounge chair BROS. 248 Slate $'15(1 HOGG St. KING CHARLES of London liv ing rm. set Ph. 4-1227 i TABLE model radio stove . refrig . bed. dresser A curb, fir. i-onil Rt I, Pox 180, 3 n.i out Wallace Rd. Robert Lai-.t WFSTlNGIH.t.'SE'refrie. .go.il. ' $59 1(5. t'sed Mdse Mart Ph I 4-8.171 J7I1 M LiherH Open I Fri night til 9. No down pay- I ment ( O A f t 1 STUDIO Couches $44 44"cien! Woodry. 1805 N Summer j INLAID Lino . 11.39 per sq yd R L. Elfstrom Co . 20 S Liberty $7 in $15 per M blr lumber $45 per M I 2x1 .Short lc Im.al I' j ) Hetert hardhoard, 511x11111 ' $! 75 sht ! 4" Drainage pipe in.- It I All Kinds of I'sed Pipes, I Fittings and Valves. j ALSO . Tallin Windows and 'Doors I S. RITTER & CO. 7411 PortiRr.d 4 Mi No of Open All Dav Ph 4-8.111 n j Mi. No. .... '?. Srftunlay NK'W FIBER r;l.ASS BOATS i IT 3280 - 11' $:i7.i 15' $197. , ii.. liiie i,t'..M, ail colors in--1 me.lia:e dcluerv N.. down pas n-e-t iO A C x" 1 1 1 take I most anything in tuidp j Mi HOCK S II, f l.uid at Poi Land Iltl ' 1F' FOOT A-l boat rj, k oars 1 hp. motor. $193. 2-5585 afler 6, 15 SPORT BOAT. 25 hp.' EVIN- ', Rl'DF. trailer, shies, ski lines. . . mplrte A re.-idv tn g .l ' finance A- take trade-in. 1'n , :'-l.:27. 8-fi nas, NFW lii-speed runabout Must sell very reas. Ph. 4-I5R9 USFI1 sinks. plumbing fixt. . . h;isir.s bargains. 27'. ,M. C'oio l tubs, Jud- USFD $14. St daveno HOGG and lii.i.r IIM Y BHDS. 248 Stale FRIG IDA I RF. IBM! IMPERIAL washer Ar dry $475. Modern Appliance Cen ter. 1 1 4 1 S Commercial piece bedrm. set $49 PROS 248 State St MILCH Peat u ith nnisihrori!n Fin for mulch. Ph fprtfM7r 2-0331 CFRANIUMS fiiMhmii, tuh hp- f'ntt "'tL rllt HrK-3 fl.'? $1. Furhsu hasketii Mrr rtlls C. rppuhnusp. Brftoks. FlICHSIAS Ivy(;pf nuimY bif-kpti in blponi. also Dahba bulhf Wards Garrlem. 4.3HO Cherry Ave SQt'IRREL hetd feneral "mn wnrf ay f'lpir thp hra h hrad for artinn. iT 1hm Irish man aids Ar abets prosperity, and I pxplmtpd of money Ha" Wholesale pruea on black Rhodies etc Rox with 11 pure hasp of bardv dwarf Rhodie 25c with $.1 purchase Fr box to children or 7fl year mi rat leu Sat Sun. Huston Nursery, Rt. 5. Box (tt Salem S1, ml S Penn 4 Corners left 1 mi. on pas, ibla CULVER RDU I SFD 4 HOC.; I'SF.D flHlHf fringe fr co,lei cookm?, clparance prifp Wp need tlip .i;ii'p Master Ser !f'f Station, 3ti5 N. C'oimnci- 2-1'IFCF fri ceti(iral f 1 14 M Used Md.vp Mrt 270 S Llb rrt . Opt n Pn ntRht 'tit t No down pa vment iO AT i Ph 4.fi.!71 NFW Til! -ha. k rerltner chairs f.ifl 50 Roin-rotk rn- ker, $4'i SO (.im Woodrv IfirtA N' SunmiT t'nfinishrd Chrl. New 3 tlrawers f ! 5 Dt ;iwers $fl S N" Phone Orders Plea" Hoc.; Bros. 218 State St USFD tank Vacuum cleaner and stlachine.it $19 5(1 HOGG BROS 24 State St FOR SALE KenmoreAuto washer A elec ranf. both in food working cond ANo Air line Console radio F, M It A M A- 2 lhle model radios, like new, davs 4-7879 eves 4-4713 TRAII.FR house refrl $55 Oil Circulator $1'4 50 Glen Woodry ISOJ N Summer USED Hotpoint range pushbut ton $12115 Used Mdse Mart 270 fl l iberty Open Frl til No dnn payment tOACl Ph. 4-1371. (ilJARANTEED Rprnndi finned automaMc wash pi s. d i vers, ranges Si reft igs YKATKK APPI.IANCK CO 3"i5 ChpniPkPta St SOO.tXXI FEET New, frpsh-milled old A second Jrnwth lumber 2 to 2x12 In to 24-fnoi lengths. DpUvered prices Salem, $;i0 per thou minimum Ted M tiller NFW vent fan for kitchen or bath $22 95 Judsons. 27 N, Com'l BOATS .MOTORS Tnll.VCRAFT l'.-.5 i s th cabin hardAar-e. e I. i ' . ..ndili"'i Can ' told from new On!v l'SI-:i) TIRKS THI ( K PASSKNGKR Lytle's lire Mart 2303 t,', Com'l. Ph. 4-M33 CEDAR post, bean post, shei poles, sll types St berry ir. Ph4-3081. FOR SALE like new S" Atlas tiltm arbor table saw stand, switches, dado head, extra arbor It blade horse motor, table extension All for $1.5 Ph. 4-633.) FOR SAI.F OR TRADE 750 clean used brick 3 ea. or for good used piano. Ph. 4-7010. FOR SAI.F. lse."dor. house7dress n.akers rutting tahle, measures 4.1 x6 . misc. hand tools Kern, seoe ueerl killer, 1893 Eair grounds Rd TKANSFKRRKD " MIST SKI.L Tri.-ycle. $fi, snow tires, excel, cha. ns, lake furnishings. I d.s.ie pillows, paddles, cook ing w.ire, tr.ise tools. IkSfi N. Capitol Ph. 2-1076 EASY uasher. good $111 Rotarv power lawn mower $.'50 4 - 22 73 moi i ir gs or see a: 205 w . Prow-itn,1 CI.E'VRY rash register, 2 its. old $2.15 terms if needed A-l cond G T -SQf plus. ' liWW N. Capit.., Sal in V S A DDI K 14 in oi,.;e rig, dark brown, Papederas, breast s, ..mar f. bridle Ch 4-7784 FOH SALE Like new fully autr) gas water heater, fittings .Si vent pipe. Cheap Ph 4-506.1. POWFH lawn niowr $43 50 t'sed Mdse Mart 27n S I ibrrtv. Ph 4-6"7I Open En night t:l ri Nn ftnwn paymert iOAf'1 BCILT-INS. 2 oil furnaces, .h.o.s A- other materials Sta' A- Lancaster GUARANTEED " rsc'-ondil.oned auto washers, drvers ranges It refrlgs. $.18 18 A up - .KATF.R AITLIANCK CO. ;;75 Oierneket st laundry trays, "del ,.-el- t'SFD wall Led coll spring $19 50 HOGG 1IKOS. 248 StateSt , U.NUMSIIKU furniture il I.. StlffFurn.lure.175 N High ! CSFD club chair $1"I50 HOGG BROS. 248 State St 456 Wonted Hou$ Goodi Fl'RNITURF Wanted. Courteous. service Th 3-6018 i op C AS ii PHicr"rTTSsr TtlRE. APPLIANCES, ETC t'SED merchandisf: mart !7fl S LIBERTY PH 4-8371 d)i u 1) tU 4' CARIV controls glass. 6' ( AP.IN '51 2"i electro- A con' of this ItO AT Sleer.ng cvnpietr'v fiber Only t -5" T ii'ed 1 '.ear r-o K'INRI1)F. .ir'ing, a'l steer, eg s fn-' m n'or All r onlv $1035 HI'Hl. HCRAFT with t. Tiler. 14' HITfCHfRAFT Re. . I Good $235 I2H5 ROAT new corrhtion $2.15 R' N'AHOt I. ss- it 1179 -Need -st tlhce Late model E Applianres Psy cash premium for Hi Grade Electric Ranges. Refrigerators. Automatic washers Oners It 1-at Model used Furniture Ph Glen Woodry 3-5110 right Now for Pleasing Results! ' : CASlTF()RI-"l-RNITl'RrT-VA1.I.EY FURN CO, Ph. 2-7472 457 Radio and TV I '15 price 1 t'SED 17 T V Re II4D 30 ssill take $.14 Sill GREEN STAMPS BAT DORF S HOME A AI'TO 1420 State St Ph 3-9582 r"OR SAI.F Stand radio A phonograph rnmh $20. food cond. 1137 So. llth. 48 '..in Birch Plv . 3fic f! Full 1 x Id" K r ( edar Rai.co Soling $131) (ill M 4x8 Hardhoard $1 l s-.t 48 SheetroeK 51 SO S'U 4-8 3. 8-m. Serv ;ce Plv $2 3.1sht 4x8 12-in .Service Plv $3 110 sht. 4s8 5 8-'n. Service Plv $.'! 43 sht -A" Grade Hirer. doors $7 70 ea ) ' A ' Gr.irle Beech ri't.'l'S $8 93 es A" Grade Mahog doors flrVtra p., Roef.'ig $10.30 sn finrTge Door Hard ware $13.W.et No charge for cutting Ply wood Free Delivery OPEN ALL DAY "redit gl.rilv SATt'RDAY C& K LUMBER YD. Lancaster and Center Ph Salem Z-iSm TO PLACE AD CALL 4-6811 USED MOTORS, ALL GOOD 5 h n .IOIINSON $75 .1 h p EVINRCDF $73 ; T, hp JOHNSON . $13 j 12 Ii p SEA KING, w ith gear sb.ft $I5 !0 h p MARTIN $10 1 'S3 25 h p JOHNSON 2l I "55 25 h p FVINRCI1F Fie.-"ic i controls with motor . $195 j ('RKI)IT GLADLY (H'KN SL'MIAVS I'SFD lenient Ph 2-3180 RFCAl'S 600-16 "67d-15 $6 93," Fxch I.vtle's Tire Mart. I.ADIFS new- goif "clubs .1140 Neef Ave Sun. afternoon nnlv. CHILDREN'S SHOES sires S'i thru 3 Gnnd selcrlion. Onlv $:'.8 ARMY A NAVY SI'R Pl.fS. 223 N. Com'l Ph. 3-4143. 472 Wonted, Miic. I CASH raid fnr any used aMiclei ! fnr t'-r l'rin",r ; BARKFR FI'RMTI'RK .3794 Silve.ton Rd. Ph 4-0444 LOGS WANTED - Topprlces paid 8-in. to 30-ln. dismeters ' in 8-ft. or multiples of 8-ft, ! We also buy stumpage B"rk iard Lumber Companv. Tur ! ner Ore. Ph. Turner 1123. Evenings phone Turner 2302 or Salem 2-7826 V ANTED:" El II "dirL lg niiantl. tics. Ph. 2-3151. 4295 Filbert. WANTED several thousand cord! of wood, all species. Ph. 3-7721, Nights. 4-5633. faris 474 Miieelloneoui DFNTAI. PLATE REPAIR Mia SERVICE C4 MOST CASFS OR HARRY SEMLER Dentlsl Adolph Bldg. State It Com'l Sts. SALEM PH. 3-3311 ArtDIN'tl Fri8cfitnes. rash reg-X Clary 1979 Fairgrounds. 1-5.17J. 476 Fuel 2S0 Wallace Rd WANTED several thousand rords o. wood, all sneeies Ph S-7791 Ph. 2-2476 Nights 4-5633 5 HP Johr.son outboard motor Good cond $45. Ph. 2-2655 14' SPORTS runabout mahogany finiBh. trailer 25 Evmiude electric with rontrois. like new Mns he seen to he ap- i preciated Call 3-3445 or 2-4560 : GUN cabinet, rack " holds 29 j guns, attractive, lrg ammuni tion space Ideal for Sporting Goods Store Verv reas 30. ! 60 OxfJld St. Ph. 4-3470. I SAWDUST for sal. 3 unit load, push out, 1S. Ph. Gervsls 2211 Capitol Fuel Co DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCHINO Planer Ends Choice slab and block mixed 1420 Bioadway Fh 1-7721 Hir,HVAVFlrKLCb SAWDl'ST Ii WOOD. I4i4