North Salem to Graduate 352; South High School 285 Coiniiieiiceniciit Exercises Due June 5 for Northside Youths Three hundred fifty-two Norlh! Nolan, DeAnna Mae Norton, Wil Salem High School seniors are . Iiam James Norval. candidates for graduation on com- j o, P pletion of the spring semester. iar1ine Delores, Oclke. Marjorie Commencement exercises will be Olson. James Leroy Osborn, June 5 in the high school auditor- Phyllis Ann Osterberg, Sigurd Wil ium. Dr. Roy E. Lieualleh, prcsi- liam Osthy. dent of Oregon College of Educa- Gary Lynn Paddock, Larry tion, will be speaker. Vaughn Paddock, Jerry J. Paddon, Baccaulareate services will be I Frances Patricia Palmer, Don p.m. June 3 in the school auditor- Paul'Parise, Laura Elizabeth Par lum. Iscgian, Eleanor Victoria Patten. Graduating seniors are: Janet Mae Pearsall, l-ou Ellen a I Pearson. Joyce Leona Pease, Den- nis William Pemble, Dorothy Ann Douglas Howard Adams, Nora ,.nhorwood. Barbara Jean Peters, Berthell Adams, Susan Margaret R(,x Arnod iMerson, Bctte Jo Adams. Nancy Virginia Ahalt, fpjiijpS, Donald Wayne Pigsley, Beverly Jean AVer, RobeYt Sher- sharon riessingcr, Betty Jane man Allen, Gene Weston Andal, rMSiey. Phyllis Elaine Provost. i.eorge v. r.yre Andrews, jua- 1th Ann Ashford James Maxwell Rackstrand. Ann Wilms Baglev, David Allen Baker, Wayne Arthur Raker, ' Robert Paul Barnwell, William McKalhp Bateson, Chris Karl Battahon. Richard Noel Baxter, James Evan Bayman, Edna Louise Pennett, Jack Daniel Ber- ger, i,arry diii ncvens, uarryei Dean Bihclheimer, Sally Jo Bil- tings, mcnara wiiuam Biai-KDurn. Arlene Mae Blomgren, Carol Ue Hnesrh navin Knllnn. Nharon - -' ' Bourne, Lynne Jane Bownor, Joretta Bae Braasch, (,ary Edgar schaeffer, Robert George Schafcr. Braden, Bermce Bright, Mildred Joann Margaret Scott, Sharleen L. Bright. Donnise Ellen Brown. Myr ;. Howard Scribcr. War Earl William Brown, Joyce Ellyn rpn Max Scriber. Judith Ann Scelv. Brown. Warren Everet Brown. Si- Jacqnellvn Rochelle Soguin, Lil grid Else Bruehl, Patricia Gloria ljan (;rare Seiber. Jan Lewis Shid Bruns, Marie Elizabeth Buren, pr Shirley Jean Siems, Nancy Judith Kay Byers. Louise Sievers, Donald James Sim, Maxine Kay Cadwallader, Au- rov ee Simmons, Jo Ann Slater, die Alice Canary'. Kenneth Eu- Lia Marie slucum, Howard Lon gene Carl, Thelma Ronelle Car- nle Snllh Jr Theodore Hay lisie, i,enani wary Alice t arr, Sno()k R()na,i Bruce Snvder, Dale 1 f Robert Gordon ( arr, Ronald Bert waync Standley, Mary Lou Starr, 1 f Carr. Mavis O'Dell Carter, Joyce M,thael Eugene Steed. Helen I Delayne Cassat, Shirley Jean Caz- S,aron steinbock, Rosemary . jell, Sharon Shirley Chamberlain, Stephenson. Freida Slepper. Marva ' Frederick Oliver Clark, Marlys i,ou sieppr, Carol Mane StetlUr,' . Kay Clark, Tamela Gertrude Clay- j()VC(. Klaine Stelller. John Freder ton. James Eugene Coates. Rich- it.k" St()nPi Beverly Louise Straw, ' ard Dean Cobb. Carol Lynn Cole, p.,, c strawn. Loren Clare Lamona Lee Collins. Larry Jay SIrawn r)ai0 William Suran, Ed- -Conrad, Sigrid Ann Converse, wr(j m Syring, Jr. William LeRoy Cornie. Jill Lu- shirpv 'r)arPne Tabcr. Lvnda eile CummmRSr Norms Jesn Cur- m,a Tnnev. -Nancy Ann league, tis. Caroline Joyce Cushman. Jo- s lvcster Wavne Terry. Norma anne Lou Custer, Joe Bernarr Kaine xharp.'Darrell Ray Thomas, Cufter. Fnyd LcRoy Thomas. Gwendon . Dr E , i.lewellva Thomas. Janet Marie j- Lila Mae Daily, Lawrence An- drew Davenport. Donna Kae Dean, Fredrick Francis DeLapp, r, . n...... D , Diane Kay Dependehner. Doryce Fliane deVries. Diane Carol Don,' Dorothy Ann uwyer. Patricia harlywine. Bernard John hastlund. l.a'Tv 1 '1 Fbert. Leroy Elliott. Bruce Alii- son Esles. Dee Ellen r.v.iii-. James Leo Evenhus. JoAnne Kathleen fcvernari, Kooena no- reen tyre. : F. G. 11. ; James Jacob Faix, Kenneth Rav Farris Diane Lee Ferguson, Charles Fdward Field Donna Lou Finlev Elta Mae Fleck, Robert lee French Carol JeanFussell Robert James Fussell Beverlev Christine Card. Sand- ra Jean Gatelv. John Lvnwood Gettis Rolf Orin Gilbertso'n. Shir- lev Goraldine ScholU C.ikrease Jerrv Lee Gillming, Gary Brock Gogie Janet I.eRose Gohring Iawrence Everett Goodman' lames Burton Gordon Ernest T-.n :ni,w T-h.iin linrntr l"Ty,KT'L Graudnn, Shirley Lorene Gregg, William Clarence Greig Buell Wesley Hartley, Darlene Jean llankel, Lorene Joan Han- kel. Richard King Hansen, Bruce I Walker Hanson". John Irby llar- ger. Marjorie Lou Harkins. Judith Ann Harman, Lula Lee Harmon. Larry George Harrington. Keith David HarriSj Mary Jane HastaylV 1 f f I fiOt J Thomas Jacob Haurv, Julie Ann I Heinz, Ronald Dean Hemmer. Stephen Edward Highley, William Erlward Hiltiker. Sandra Kay Hill, Marilyn Jean Huffman, Ken ! tiAlK ITranpic ITnllpr I.nrplpi Atippl D.iiu inn u,.inh,,rr I C.arv Thomas Holoubek, Ruth . Elaine Hornschuch, Leroy Ernest Horslev, Evelvn Lucille Hough, Lorraine Eleanore Howard. Nellie Jo-een Howard. Joan Charlenc Hug, Patricia Joan Hughlelt. Ju- riilh Ann Hume, David Arthur I i if ! r M t . t.k. Pt.illi "'"" C.iiffith Jamieson, Robert Fred Jantze, Mary Elizabeth January, Jerry Ellsworth Jaqua, Douglas Kent Jaquith. James Vernon Jar- vis. Charles Leslie Jayne. John Anthony Jelderks, Jr.. Michael Eugene Jenkins, Donald (.rover Johansen, Alice Anne Johnson.: Irene Hoskins Johnson, Larry Water JOnnson, itOSaiie licne Jones, Lola Jean Junta. Gary Warren Kaehler, John Edgar Kelley. Jerry Dean Ken- . . . r. ... Waller Johnson, Rosalie Irene yon. Jerry Ross Keppinger, Mar- jorie Clair Kilgore, Jack Francis Kinney, Robert Michael Kipper, Martha Marie Klaus, Dena Lou Kleen, Elaine Marlys Kleven, Gwenlyn Lee Klinge, Donald Eu gene Kronse, Sharon Ann Kuy kendall. I., M, N Deborah Pauline Lamb, Joan Sylvia Lanktree, Richard John Lermon, Darlene Ellen Lester, Arija Lietuvietis, Peter Fredrick Lindsay, Fenton Findley Locken- our, Diane Looney, Harold Luther Lollis. C.arv Arlen Lovre, Joanne Shirlev I.nwerv. Jack Kdwin Loy. Marlcne Kggert Luhde. n u i t nAA.. i..e.n Ihi Maguren. Jerrv Michael Mav. Carol -' Fftye McCandlish. Lowell Maurice aid. Doug Wray McKeever, Bar- tiara Anne McMhtien. lerry Lyie Ba'baak-ovC0ehlho,fn WdMam Barbara .loy Mehlhotl, William Roger Meier George Kugene Mei- cinrtr Hnhv nrlinp Vtpllnn .lumps , . .L Irwin Michaelis. Reno Anthony Miletta. Clive Taft Miller, Diane Klizabeth Miller. Knid Lee Miller. Gwendolyn Leona Miller. Janet Lee, Miller. Kent Douglas Miller, Joyce Ann Mount. Sharon Gail Mulier, -AUm BoydUurphy, BicnardXauise Mvhrc ' . ..'.. .: ii... Neiger. Richard Stanley Netz. Leonard Ray Nickels, Sharron Dee chirirv R Put,n JiM Vance! rumam. r. s, r, Samara lsobel Ramp. Karl Clair nallll,kranT u,,hAri Vemnn Rea Marilyn Kay Redel. Doris i.avonn, Reynolds, Ilena Mae Rid- nath Rjchard ,ewis Rieekmann, r)enV(,r Leon Roberts. Janice Lou Cherts, John' Charles Rodgers. Thomas Renee Rosenbalm. I Jt,an Roth Asa rors Uowel!. Joanm, Louise Samf!, Ra ,,,,an Saminen, Lois Audrey j..ui m ,.. c...i v.a;. u,llll, itldl V mill Odui, nauinc i (;ladv. SaVelv. Fredrick Paul Thorson, Robert Paul Tom. Gail , . T..,... .,v,... c Marjorie Totten, Arthur (Icary Tripled. Janice Krnestine True, Gordon Lee Turner, y w Marjorie Joan Vancil. Mary ;; ancil. Kenneth Allen VanCle, . .... VanCle.ive Allan Dean Vesl;lI ernon Vogt. Anna Mane Wanner. Rose Marie Valery. Norman Charles Wallers. rles Wallers. titK.! Mannn nrown Wampl' Warren, Carl Douglas Ion Boice Watson. Gerald William Watson. Dorothy Mae Wealhers, j Lee Russell Weaver, Patricia Louise Weaver, Carolyn Jo Webb, Lois Eileen Webster. Nancy Alice J Weeks, Beltie Deloris Wennevold, j Carol Bertha Werner. Rosemary Werner. Carol- Margaret West. ' Judy Marilyn West, Carole Loretta Wiggins. Kay Frances Wilcox, Shirlee Jean Wilcox, Robert Col- 1m Wilder. Sterling Dave Williver. David John Wilson, Barbara Claire Woclk. Judith Marie Wolfe. Gail Lee Wood, Richard Wayne Wood- ruff. Anna Mae Wright. Gary Lee -or' tJ-e W 6 vvriKlil. .ueraici Arnoia vtngni. v 7 . . . - i t T llitlord r.lmore lost, Jr., 1CX F. Yukl, Robert Allen Yunkcr. paul Darold Zielinski. f I) Tf' nwlfnfe f ll ni l i ; -W T "W 7 9 W I'sfjr' V ItlOfi r , o ' By JAMES DEVLIN fr . . 1 ' , . r. w iuni w ' .""i H"- ,r.vv uivri ir ,ilifal. workor eliciting votes, don t inlernipl tne voters nivonie icicvision proKiam. ' That's one of Ihe instruc ions' Seared to modern day conditions 1 1... D,...U mnne hnf icciinrl In I - me I'ariy intuitu. i The worker must think not only oi me canoiuaie out oi sum inm .. h-,1,, c,ll.,rc 1 "'rs as an !(: "" "" , ,,, ... r,.r ",,u '""""' e- 11UII uu. . A campaign manual, ,u . T ' Z , " - - II-.! -000 campa ( 1 jVlIlS iH ltOIl ' Volk Republican state l0II,.lUllO 11 :. ' in lnlnrs afll ' " . . , ;,., sels narticu ar v on evenings ' , " when the most popular programs are scheduled You do not start friendships by interrupting a, hniisphn Her s favorite TV Dro- householder's favorite TV gram. ' Workers Adviaed pro- the workers are ad- ounc llepumicans are a gieai aid in baby sitting and groups of u"'" Ml"",u '"' "llu'"u "Of great importance, parncu- lnrly in suburban and rural areas is setting up- car pools to offer trnntiu.ri ilinn (ri M cniihliran- minded citizens both to rogKtcr and vote tactful and polite in approaching voters "Above all never argue." says (hp manua ..,f thf prospoct ,., a Npw t)pa, extrrrnis, )ravp pil.ce . ..... .. of campaign literature. . . ; ' ,. TR'AL DRINKS SOI (.HT WINNIPKG i - Manitoba has asked me tanaaian governmeni 10 let Indians drink in approved liq- - iiac . calilLsJimcntL ano. on. res- ervatinns for 8 two-year trial per- i.j a r.J ,1 el,miin .. needed to make a new provinua i liuor act effective. 1 urther, vised: 1 a ;.-.., ni.,l...r nt K,ul I Kenuhlu In votes in vour district rnasl after two bombings Ear- He was eleclea Dy a majority Dennia Brown Elected K.puiutan voi sin your uiMiLi :,ihnrilies rl.imned student vote over Ron Potts. ' Sniknoh Dramatics Sorietv also 'Tie 1 . "i S ers'Toup to ad mothers a 24-hour curfew on Lannrca. port Other officers are Sam Speer-held elections The results lljllt 101 ',iif ',.', ,hiiHr,n in rawkipr citv on the southeast coast where sra. vice-president over Joan were Dennis Brown, president; Wim 0ling Cnillirin in ntlMII- ,,,.:,..., .;,j ti..I., llll..n..k..- Uirrl I 1..IH :,n,v VIcKarlanil T 1 ij and vntine """"" .'i'""" iiohu iHui-iuy. n ......v.-, j - , - c aaUars S I K '' Several persons were injured in secretary over Eileen Hadley; Donna llaniinan, treasurer; Ann III 11 Ncic Winners v.-.n ii.m ...i m.,. !.... lors, were amoag four winning college Kholarshlps Friday, Four North Salem Seniors Win Scholarship Awards I Four new scholarship winners ; pav tuition at Bridgham Young "'T ;;!? V t;dLar5 netta Yvonne Hopkins Patricia ? a.have been announced at North University in Prove. Utah. She rZrk PriT-n..h" "a mJoan "T'vTcra Salem Hiuh. The largest educa- has been in active in Commercial! 9"' Kn-. 'alncia Ann Ann .HuUengs. Mar- adn arv and has served as news editor ol .. .... ... . .. . . ih can Mary's scholarship will go to - ' 1 . , TFiiuier v"V y V nan narho,n rhvav Willamette 1" - -- senior, hus won a major law : scholarship to New York I nlver sity. WU Senior 4 . ....aLwl 1 .ia' V til llCll lJtl U a a Scholarship The New York University School of Law has informed Wil- lamette University senior Dan Dearborn of Ontario, Ore, that he is the recipient of the John Ben Snow scholarship, which carries a stipend of $1800. The Snow scholarship. 10 of which are given throughout the nation, is alternate to the Root Tilden scholarship, which carries a cash value of $2300. Dearborn will begin his studies at the New York school next Tall and, wilh the other Snow scholar- snip ninuvis, mini a yum num whU-lLthev mav fill vacancies in r, ... t:u. u:. line noui iiiiieu M-iKiidisiuu mu- Eram Other WU grarls on the pro-' cram are Tom Schrock. '55, and Robert I'arkwood, '54, who was originally a John Ben Snow scholarship holder but in his junor year received the Root Til den stipend. Dearborn, a senior ' political I science arid "economics major, is alfiliated with Beta Theta Pi and i Phi Eta Sigma, scholarship hon ! orary He spent a semester in Washington, D. C, at American I I niversitv on the student ex- , , , iriantc iiioKiani, aim ue was 'chairman of this year s May V eekenrl festivities. An ouisianrnng siunent. near- born won Freshman Honor. Con - solidnled Freightways.:and Union .kJn a.nt, ...U.-r ,!: idi,v ,ur ,s umierKianuate woik at i bmette. Cyprus Bomb xir0SIA rvnrus ( - Ten !. ,, ,.'' ,.,i i-r;j.. in scatteren areas oi t yprus. A ,. ... . ,. , ,- , British soldier was killed and an- other wounded. The fatality occurred al the vil- ion., f Trikmn u-hm a vnmh A curfew also was imposed at aphos on Hie island s western , .;,c (:r..i, rvneini -..n. . .' ,i.,nin,i Th(, Turks wm, pr(lt(.stine the , , TurkUn rvDr:0 no. liceman. Six bombs were thrown Friday liqht in Nicosia No casualties or ,n Nicosia No or damage were reported. Another "bombing vTa virrnrr- sol on Ihe southern coast Losp Uom (;auM. . . . Lproar 111 Madrid uicinrn c..; TK... , "'""""' 1i""" '"" lions go irom a r renin r- cus Friday for a stroll along Ma- drj(i s slm.S They caused quite a slir but not much damage and were all back nn,, roundup A circus lud left their jcage door unlocked. Announced r 1.1,11 vii. s.i. 111.1. the Clarion. She will major in Ik.. - ! - .. .j-.:-i....ii- J..M .. studv journalism. She is daughter of Mrs. Lillie Januarv, 1360 N. L,bertv St Three Girls; League scholar- ships, each for $100, went to Mary Vancil, Jovce Mount and Janet ! Miller. Marv Vancil is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al Vancil of 2194 Vaughn Ave nr.Ln ....,.. I.. 1 .U. . ' "- Emanuel School for Nursing in J onitina. JlH i. tk. H..ahl.r f ,, , . " rhoo, pi i ' . Chemawa Rd. Joyces activities w!nH lSo7r i J r . 71!' 0f rAescendn club, Future Teachers of America u.. .1" " j T V . . ' ,L k. .1.. -j . , , , has played important par s in the iL k ,,vT rCtta. ,hatcuN0r,,tl i ... t i' ir'.V . . n.. iuj "lujn ruiiiauuii 01 uir g0n State College nr. c.r... -.u.n. Final Winner rinai winner, janei Miner, is the daughter of Mrs. Hazel . Miller. 665 Morgan Ave. She ; moved to North Salem this year' irom hent. Ohio, where she was active on the staff of the school paper, she will attend Oregon Stale College and study medical technonolgy. i J Ti c kh ( lnh V'll pI Im anrl ( ir c' I nf . si: i j i . i .., i d . tlj . ' " V '" "icnaru nroose lasne. wauen Georw Lameman. Rona L. 4 ... ...... ..v. i.nvnp t aswen. nanvAra jtsn i,. u.ou i n.,L n School Reporter BY HILL BATESON AND BARBARA BONIFACE Honor Society Accepts 24 South Salem High Twenty-lour new members of the Saxon chapter of National, ' iinnnr snrii-rv annpn tnptr names i j iu uir uiiiLidi inriiiui-i snip iciuiui i . , rrmi i.j.ii ThrA . at a formal induction Thursday evening in the j Leslie auditor- iurn. Ann Finlev.! Bettv Coo ' Charles Kingnama, Hob TrrUtari M ir- . . .J nyn e u e r, BONIFACE Marcia Humphrey, Alex Aga- thonos. Gary Anderson, Barbara Boniface, Linda Davis. Carole Mc- ; Farandi carol Hoffman. Joyce Johnston, Elsa Mykol, Ed Scheidel, , ' ) ' ' B()h ; m , t n Judie Temple Ion. M a'r y Jane Wait and Donna Zeh were this year's new members hon ored at the in duction. Dr. Howard Runkel. head ot th Willam- WILL BATF.SON """i""" "' ivirlmint ennrlnrloH tho nrnnri.n ' P-rtm- nt conclud d the program. 'sh- lj Vrli, I f 1 a(nIH the fhir niemners dttenacd me altair. Leslie Junior High harles Minikins will lead Charles Hudkins will lead the Leslie Junior high student body government next year as presi - ' Rill Purvine,.r m n... : heeea Sintvr- .lonn Avre. uA Al. lan' Currier, song queens over .lulia Dodge and Nancy Van lloulen; Eddie Davis, veil king over Howard Kreeburn and (iary Wals. sergeanl-al-arms over Doug Halvor.sen. Taking mxvi thtvpontl mn uu M. ilor of the Leslie Broadcaster, tin school newspaper, next year will he Jimi Minty. who has been a member of the stalf since her sev - enth grade year. ! Assistant editor was named as Rolierta Metzeer. who has also l ... . .. neen a stall mcmiier since me M,Venth grade. Newly elected officers for the Girls' league at I-slie are presi- denl. Janice Jacobsen:" vice-pres- ident. Marilyn Sailer; secretary, ,,idi ..luuh. ueduiri. jinon lluches: serce.inl-al-arms .loan Huonokc und song queen. Merrily Schram. ' n. 1 1 , ' jk Slate .Education Official Will Address Southside Graduates Two hundred and eighty-five; seniors win or in me secono. class to be graduated from South Salem High School since the school was opened in 1955. Mrs. Joy Hills Gubser, assistant superintendent in charge of spec- ial Hiiralinn fnr Ih Klali Dp- partment of Education, will be speaker at commencement exer- cises in the school gymnasium JuneS. Baccalaureate services will be Sunday night. Graduating seniors are: A. B I Alexander Agathonos, Donald R. Alhrich, Ralph A Alexander, James Reynolds Allen, Marilou Allen, Roylea Karol Allen. Darlene Ingaletla Allenhy. Richard Russell Allm. Ken C. Allmcr, Gary Ardell Anderson. John Noel Anderson, Barbara Daniela Andic, Martin F. Andic. Kenneth Dale Asltey. Dale R. Badger. Michael Eueenc Bailey, Jack LeRoy Baker. Uw- rente Andrew Baker, Ronald War- ren Baker, Larry Grant Baldwin, .,' n', , ' u , B'. taro1 Rose Hmd, Vl"n' hRCBKina,ld J'T An" 1Bt'hrI('ns' J'mkEdwa;d Bpnl"- ( arolyn le'n BlsnoP Mwin M. .B"al' Ji:h" tAmo B"1m- Kf nAnPth 1 Bad Barbara Jo Anne nifaw. norothy Dene Bradley, i ......... .,, Norcutt Brunk, R. Edgar Bryant. i Donna Mae Burns. Jovce Diane . . ' .7 . . ' . . . -7" " Liark. taoot Huntington Clark, Uarre Ray clempns, Lfsley Lor- raj. rjn Klizahelh Ann Cor . .... ... .. V ""K" 'rans i,oigan, Murray uee Conklin' Karen Arline Covert- R,,nnlH .lark Cnwnn fiMriniu Rhae Criswe11' WiIliam S- Cum- mings. John Thomas Curry. Jorald Orville Davenport. Glenn UNV,r ,'av'5' Jr- Larry nruce ! ' Davis, Linda Karen Davis, Jeanine Diane Day- Maura Ka,hleen Def": "ey' "onald James UeHl,t- Bet,y 1 .loan Ipmnsov Nanrv K on Don. - , , . ton, I.yle Robert Dickenson. Daryl i Allen Dodge, Jane Louise Doerksen, Jimmie uoiana, William uoss, Myrna Nadine Dufour, Marjorie Joyce Dyck. E, F Patricia Leigh hdstrom, Gerald C. Elslun, Phyllis Hope Emery. Lynne Ann Lnyeart, Dennis Robin Ermel, John William Evans, Mich- ,ael Wane Eyerly, iSorth Salem High North Salem High's editors of the Viking, yearbook, and Clarion. scihhii uaoer. nave aniuuiieu ine , . , , j . . . Plarinn prlilnr Sammv R:imn and Viking editor Shirlee Wilcox re- vealed them at a Thursday banquet a' which Nancy Weeks and Shirley lanor sanS solos The newlv selected staffs are: Lof-iCIantm ed,lor- Rosamond Both-: man; Mary Linda Doerfler, news Ji4ilnr- larnl ilf,lt raolurn ttAilnr- Harvev K a v'Fayc Sork- assisfant Mw' 'dell Southwick. Richard M. SlBTtr1"1 " ? 1"" A Smith Mavislp'f, W, H;i Bonnie Joan Starr, J.inda David- CtKt.0xtnn Powfr M,-, Mnlhnn Knren;Bob Russe" and Don ',arrctl' sPortsson Steele. Roy Dean Steele. Jo .. .'. . editors; Donna Kelley. business rQri uwUmmmur Marv l v ' nl..n.nll,,r. Sonia SlonliinH aaaiaJc'. .-l ' i ' c, !. I v u . 'ant business manager; Kathie Ar - irhrr. exchange editor: Stephanie Kurtz, circulation manager. VIKing eUHOr, .laCKIC 1'OSVar; Tom Meier nssislnt Hit or- Jen. pita llnnkp hnclnncc mnnnirpr - , j "":'" Linda Cushman, assistant business man:f'r Crescendo Dines Crescendo club, North's music club, held their annual banquet May 2.1 at the China City banquet room. Pete Van Horn. ISM winner! of the Lena Belle Tartar music award, sang a solo, along with. another solo by Mrs. Lester Hagen. ' .. II' . I . . . . .... I J ai :ianL'v ntt'ns was awarueu me -------- - annual Lena Belle Tartar oulstand- ing music service award with Larry Goodman receiving the North Sa - lem Choir award. Judy Seely was K'ven till' oesi acci Newly elected C. lkm are: Jim ' ,..., r ,a n,.. given the best accompanies! award rescendo club of- right, president; , J r l Mary I.nda Drfler, vice - presi - dent: Trisha Perrin. secretary; Ilt-ll'll IlUIIlUN, II t'dUI t'l , Oil I IV Tontz. program chairman; Jan ; Drakely. membership chairman; 1 Dave Patch, historian. ' Knhinsnn. sercennl-at-arms. The results of the recent Palat- leers nut). Minns an ciuii. eicc- ,ons were: presineni, imn njiM'ia. vice-president. Anne Hart : secre ,ar' - treasurer. Maine Gamson. i - ',,tKt r'illltiisf - II """.a - lmlI w.r(M ("I'llllti r' " alctlllS 1 PORTLAND UP Some Inn I'm numbered dams are in Ihe sands ,nlPWhere between Seaside and a.i,,-,., -'"io, Slate Fish Commission scientists usw) a hard-tipped drill to in- 5i r,i. ih,. nnn, on the. shells then renlanted the clams They hope to learn how fast razor clams sroi . and whether me raie varii's neiween i umis .m Ihe he.nh and dams in Ihe water Tt are kecpint; sorrel the j exact location of the 700 clams, Janet Frances Farmen, Dorothy ' .nay resiicns, j;anji imanr ruir. Sondra Jean Filch, Denzell Ellis Fox. Dewey Edward FTance. Car- nlyn Lee Franklin, Julin Charles Frederick. Sharyn Lianne French, Robert Floyd Fry. : II Richard John Gabriel. Willi am ' Douglas Galloway, III. Orva Lynn Gemmell. Mvrna Gidlund. Gary Wavne Gleason, Leora Maureen Goodwin. Diane Lenore Graham. Mary Jo Graham, Marjorie Ann Grant. Ronald D. Graves, Carol Ann Greider, Susan Jo Grier, Richard D. Grim. Laura Lee Grim- melt. Ellis Ray Grimmctt, William Robert (irimmell. Janice le Hall. John Phillip Hammerstad. Godon Uon Han- sen. Don B. Hanson. Ada Gwinn Hartman. Donna Mae Haugen, Gloria Faye Headv. Mary Ellen llcndrickson, Eldon Waldcmar Her- ineer. Lvnn Anne Herrall. Kathleen Rulh Hiiks. Gary D. Hill. Norman Richard Hill, Carol Jean Hoft- man, Dianne Louise Ilolgate. Bf"y W Ja'm'r ,,eor'!e Fred.-rick Jacohson. Evelvn Johan- WB- m lm J,,hn,on' jM,4cStl!, Harold Johnson. Jr . Leon Bernard i Johnson. Robert M. Johnson. Ron- d. a C o aid P. Johnson. Carolyn Joyce g M;;h Jonnsln, Carl Glen Joines. Dale R . jon, w.lma M. Jones. ,ou P d. n. juuy r lorrnce M'ner. Leo tienry Kenyon. Georgia Kay Keortge, rUn wrr aiKm-t ..,,.u u.u.. u IV.. ,t """ l"". """O-U . i,. i.bold. Shirley Ann Lemcke. Stephen Tracy Lillie, Maxine 1 i n..-u I l.,L;l,nl i "" u.n.. LaMoyne Louis Mapes, Lucky "" MV Stuart Ralph Ma!th.s.lNr0'm n ... u n... n.r .t t-i. "?.J. Frances McCoy. William Kyle Mc- (Conaid. Carole-Sandra McFarlancL Jerry Van Megert. Allan Wayne Meissner, David Morton Merchant im-isMit-i , luoi jioiiou .uniimiii, Sally Atkins Merrill. Donna Mane Meyer. Charles R. Miller, Donald ! W. Miller, Darlene Miller, Marcene i . a..n t-i... r;... ijCr u,iaa tcumr ,u,rui. Aliee Lillian Nees. Erie Rein- hold Nelte, Phyllis Marie Newland, gtar Lyle Nugent 0. P. Q, R Lane Edward Olson, Eileen An nette Osko. Sherrie Lee Otjen. Vernon Duane Paoenfus. Bettv Paris, Wallace Russell Park, Richard Terry Parsons, Bruce Blaine Patterson, Ruthann Patton, Jeremy Lee Pekar. Douglas Lloyd Peters, Arlan Wales Peterson, Yvonne Pool, Ronald Roy Porter, Bernice Puhlman. Karlene Quistad. Betty Jane Reichcnbcrgcr, Mar garet L. Reid, Irvin Richard Rein hard, Judith Rae Remington, Larry Edward Rhoads, Julia Kay Rich, Sandra Ross Ricket, Darrel Kay Rickman, Jo Anne Ricks, Myrna Jo Robinson, Allen Uwis Rolland, Michael Raymond Rolow, Ladley A. Ronning, Janice Arlene Roseler. Richard Lee Rosen, Mary LaVcIle Ross. . S, T IiVini'ic tltirhort Qannriorc HaP. ; lene Mae Savage. Edward Menry schpiripi up wvn k M'nuip trap , 1 " . n cuucii ovuii, iitimiici moi son, rn.vhn Fronl. Kafnurv Shnfr.r j Barbara Jeane Sharpe, Gladys Ann j Sherfield, Jerald Lloyd Shipman, i Barbara J. Smith, Duane R. Smith. Manet Smith, Joyce Ann Smith, l.e- and F. Smith, Mary Jo Smith, j Robert Allen Smith, Nancy Elaine , ' Snider, Bcttie Catherine Snook, j m.- t- I. .: John nn i vens, onaryn aim nan. ) Judith Sharlene Strain. Margie 1 ? ... t,..i,.,i.,,i r,n tnn,.n ! , T Z' juHith' ,Tmnlelrai R.i kie .In Temnll'tOll. .,' i, ;.i i. ... , n i """"" ' " f .' I Lee inorne, juuan negan inrus- , shjrll,y Mae Thuln John 'Bertram Trelstad. Wava June I Trout. Susan Churchill Trueblood. Jeanne Antoinette Turenne. ; v, W, I ! .ianne Kav Van Cleave. - , , Lawrence 'l,ee Wacken. Mary jane Va, Beverly Jean Walls, Bruce Monroe Walton, Elisabeth' Brinham Walton. Ray Allen Waltz, i I ii u l u'i.i bona uttniwv .i.-..r. IUIIUIU I j , 0 1 1 ill "hv ni'v vvaver Ronald 11. Welton. 1'atri- ,.la Annp wt,ean. Sali Marie While, 'Joan i.aVerne Wickslrom, Loren K(1ward Wi!rnx, Robert Devon wj, AnK(.a Jeane Willard, Van.., V VA'ilhirH 1 cHnv l-'.nt'le uiii.a. ' u-e.lvn 'u..ih Williamt io.,n V.iii.. e-Hrfie I. w,i. , aJU.talll" niiiiliiii,'"", a...... ... .. ison , r, w j R h t Windecker, char,ps , wjnKpr A Wool. I r.i I i n... ill. .If "l" .,' ,,i,.r. i .wjcjCr , 'w,c sons in Texas Flood A MA HI LLC Tex. - Eight were rescued by boat early Fri day when the waters of ram-swollen Carrizozo Creek swept through rtbr VniPT at wihdnwsill revet. TU.. nnnnln uhn lilO n3f TpV- " " i""i"' " " line, lex . were resiued after six inrhes nf rain and 10 inches Ol I I U..I 1..II... ,n iKn r.,a n ir 11,111 noil nun n hi in c.m ...v. the last 48 hours. The two farm were located ap- nenimii..iv ia miles sinithwest of j.. ...... the h'"hway which runs Irmn lex- line, Te to Sedan. N. M . close t the New Mexico-Texas line Apiiroxiiiiatelv 250 acres of farm and creek bolton land were reported covered by water Irom i-m- it, r.- n--.-,- -rT-,-.,,. eralions were reported continuing Kndav lor liirml'iri and n'.lur i property at the two farms. New York Closing Stocks Reported T Merrill I yne.i firm. fanner arte Haane o Admilal Corp Al Chcm A Allied Sir. Allu Cham 11 110' . 41', . SI Grn Dvnamii'i Gen Food (ien Motors Alcoa 110' Ren Tirt !;im.Ud ::lltM?" Am Can - Am rvn 7r Am tat VuISa UnarCopprr ' 4.1', ICIlrtrtTn 71, , Cioodru h 7 iGoiid.veiir 44', 'Grtcr W R . nn'a ifirt No Ay . 1si,:Crl Wt Siis M'i ,Grf hniind . . 7J , Gulf Oil n I - H ISJ i Hoitilak M . 's'.i I I Int -Harvrt . . Aimco Atrhttnn Top veo " In! Nickl lilt I'anfr . "dl" A1 so Htin sn Bwint Air Klg w.rn iiurvrui Burrn Addm : ' t'1" p,t" MarTyP '.. ia J l J'r,t oii.itx 't.iaint.rd h'!M'k0si f Chi nw Hy in-. m1, j Wt Juhns-Mans W iJonea Si M SM .. 42', j . Kalwr Alum . KrilnK,il j Krrn Land .. Jl '. I.lhhv MrN . - 12 t l.iti Mvera . . . 71', of (ilaw IS l.(Kkhfrrl Air 41 '( xxw t Inc . M i Br II A . SI Lorillard . . li I , M . 3S'4 ' Manavnx .. !' : Mm. n Field Hv Cltlci Srrv M Ac M Wood Mrji'k A- Co . Mont Chun VoiU Ward . Mutorola . . An-';'"" M"1J' 6i, 41'. utn, . . 4' . 40 ' . iV, .. "8 45'. 114', 84'. 31'. t luni Natl Bivull Nail Cash Rr( Natl Dairv Nail Ulitllt Nail Gpum Nail Lrad Natl Supply ('"m 0,1 " -l" j NY Central , ! No Am Avia I No Par Rv IS'. : VW Airlin. "s Kv i4 o Olln Math '' otn rv Pabco Pac G A El Pai- T & T Pan Am Air . Pnny J C pn Ry IVii Cola l'Hrl-Dodit M MM) llM rt a -v a ... I lnl ;- oaiciii Y""'""""9 , a, o. I... rtrd.y, TTrsirA lum RL'TTRR Wholraalo Ratal) tonstihrytntv iWholraali! prir rans from o . small to I rtnu ovar Burma pncoi m A poi'LTRT . i..oiorpa nina Leghorn Hma . .. Colored Fry- ... Colored Roantert Old Roosters I , . rp . 1 II I'M 1111111 HUMS (Zilka SiritherA; Co Inc I Birt Asked Alfiliated Tund 5 9S 47 . Canadian fund ...IS 83 10 3S Centurv Share. Truit 2.104 24 SI Chemical Tund IS aj 17 91' Delaware f'lnd 1ft SS Ills Diver Invent. Fund . . ft IS 10 01 1 Dividend Sharea I 7 J 00 1 Katon Si H. Bal. rund 1179 U 311 Ga.. Ind USt 15 OS Group Tobairn 4 20 4 SJ Inrorp. Inventon 43 10. IS Key Cutt. Tunda: B-.1 19 15 MS9 B-4 10W 11.92 K-l KM 11140 S-2 12 U 1.1 23 I S-4 , 10 09 II 04 1 Man Bond Fund : 8 09 B SS Mass. Invest. Trust - 33 48 MIS; Nail. Sec. Series: ' Income Serlei S 19 S 77 . Slock Series S 35 9 13 1 Pref. Stuck Serlea 8 71 9 52: Nail Div Serlei 4 70 5 14 Natl (irotvlh . 5 99 S.SS Pioneer Fund 13 SO 15 00, Tel -Eire. Fund 11 42 Z 45 1 Value Line Inc Tund 02 S SS i Wellington Fund 13 4ft 14.60 1 Western Securities (ZllKa. Smither Si Co. Inc. I These hid and Jk notations rep- resent prices at which one or mo' . "Xi,,,n or would tiad.' with the eenerai public at the time Ihe Olllltjtlona Were . ai in, lime loe uoot, mm .cie Lastaile Plvwood . 334 36',! t'onsol FreiEliI 15 Ifii . Iron Fireman , it's '' s 21', 2:i', 15 II'.', 40', 44 fil'j Hli'i ... 2R', :il', ... SS 2S JllnUv i, cm. Meier a- Frank Mornson-Knudsen '!' r'. 'T'VL Poor K Talbot Portland ;.i A Cnke :ui'.. :i;i', 22', 24', Tort lien. Kier ranks ;ft,nk , Alnfnca Bank of California :nh"'!'in .35', .IS1, T 7Si. si', ss',lMar SO'a OATS 73's 7S'4!Julv I Sept. r iri .t..iM,n.i, First Nit Cltv NY ....... V. S. National siw-LH nm! HmwU Bm ,d Th Associate Pre.. My ti KS a V Bl i I'VD A Jll1!! I ' N-t ' "" : we.k ao 20 10 10 L'tll U I w (IS 0 !14 !l .) 1 ; :i '1H II 14 (I 10 Fn I) 1 Ruils Indust I) 1 Cmii I4 A fi 2 :i s h:i 'i' HI I 84 4 M '.I m i M I 95 9 n 7 5S SS 2 . 115 5 '"". ,. hi, : K.i I Hi 2 H.I !l HH V H4.0 h.j u.a,. es t i l"s l.m . '!!?? '."" SI S inn 1 W 4 HS 0 mjj IjtlV, in rl IT0 -E vmM IV ' . . induct, rail A I 1) I ?4H 8 1 HI ; P IH 5 141 n 5 I in f 2, 'li .' I.i I 4 2-.'2! l.l4 275 ; liS I '.'44 11 I I'll II ;S7 S 14? 4 ;n:i 1 ihi II 4 Kr id ay : n i I'ipv da WVfk aiio Month ao Ver aeo i'i:,(i Mini 1'iss u.u- I'lS.I lllB'i IM.i .,,H 710 IH',1 '.'1!H I:"!? .1 l,4 1 75 2 I'll ' 716 lil 6 75 7 IHI 5 iU i I III fl Dow Jonrs Avrraprs NKW YllHK iAIN-Ili' J.mps tloma lii k av.-rajr,- Hie1' I.. "'-' ' .HI Inris 477 7'l 460 .:1 17:! 11 ;n Hll l"6"i 1"I21 I1 i ' 15 I'lils S3 Ml 65 II 651.1 ("iiraj:o Ifiillrr-Kfy: rmr Ar.n , Al-.-rsDAi ,,,,, ,piilr, r changed to ', lower A A A "2 511-5" 2.7. B 90 5fi 75-57 25, ". - ' I -5 . . - FSRS' strariv 'o weak: i iflllng pnrrs unrlvinfrd . ' !o 1 1 in?! fill prr nil 1. i-xlra uirdiiiMi A ,.Mr.i i,ik i.odaKl :iS 75. -rn k- XI i. - ( I1RISTIANS (.KT MI.4S0 NEW YdllK . The fund (or Ihe republic has made a t.ll.lao grant to the 'ongrc national Chris- ll..,,,, i......, , lion I" uu reasr eilut .ilmtial work und al improving r.n ,.il relations, Phllro Cnrp IJ Phil Murm .. 4J Phil Wlrol ...i .!' h.O.U AA1 ........ SS'a . Sn;, . 41 . S4 . '. . , . J.V, . TS . SS', . 47, . 40 ', Proc A, Gam ' Put M Pa L Puro Oil Radio Corp .... Havonicr Inc : Rrpub Stl RfvnnWf Mfl . SI Rlrhtlrlrt O Ha Roal Dutch ..- 3i Kafrway Sir M. , hi Ju U-au Si I. A SV Rv ... St Rt-sn Pir .. - S4 Ml'. ! it', ; Hi-hfilrv Ind Si-otl Paprr Seat a Ro i'iiju .... s . .. . 4'. 4. an .1'j ...... w, ,S,fll Oil I Sim Ian Oil j Nkflly (III . ' . StH-miv-Moto ... Sou rai r.ii ! Sou Par Ry . iKou Ry . 47 ): .. 45 71 ' "' n" 24 . 1 JSptirv Rand ... I V, ;Std riindi (ii, i Sid Oil Cal . . a.3,' iStd Oil lod . 44ia ' S'd Oil NJ . . r, ;stdr-Pa. k . T 1 Sunrav Oil a 'Sun.'tma otl'J H " SS'a vv I y J , SWItt A to . . SyUania fX, -T Txa Co - Tifxa. Gult Textron . ... Tulr-Asao Tranjiaoi Tram Wn Air .. I wn On Fox S.V, . u. 33 3l, 40', S4', 41'. .. . 3J 4tl'i 40', "1 S4',l . . 3S', . 4J, ST. 24", S4'. m s.v, , s: 3S' IS', V t'mon Carb . ., Union Oil I'nion Pat Ry I'm Aircraft I'nl Air Uitirt I'm Corp Unl Fruit . .. CR Plvwood ... 1'S Ruhhrr I'S tl us ST'i 1.17' . so 41', SI S3", S4 4S'i Warnr Plr Wah Wa'fr P Wt Air Br ..... Western Air . . W'r.trnl Klw .. Wptrrn Union Wuolworth . . . ... Jl', ... 3l', . Jl'. 19', 53 J ... 4, . 37 , . SO US'. IS', .. S6, . J4 i'4 Pa Ztnlth . lll'i Portland livestock PORTLAND Ufi-USDA-Cattle salable for week 1.275; market uneven; fed steers, heifera active. , fully steady: cows Wrgely grass an kinds, slow-fully 1.00 lower on an 'I j increased supply: bulla weak -SO lower; two loads high choice with I some prime 1.057 It 1,109 ro steers . this week 21.00; other choice steers 19 50-20 50; good steers i mostly 18.00 19.00; commercial J0 1 1R 00-17.50; utility down to 12.00: .is high choice heifers lacking, mostly ' choice 19 00; good kinds 17.00 f, 1 18 00; utility - commercial 11.00- 16.50; canner and cutler rows I7DO - 0 50, earlier sales to 10 00; jutilit;- cows 10 00-12 00, Monday to ! 12.50; few young commercial cows I early 13.00-50; utility-commercial bulls 15 0-16.50; cutters 12 00- Calves salable dr week S7S market slow; vealcrs mostly 2d lower; slaughter calves about steady: choice vealers 20 00-22.00. few early 23.00-24.00; good grades 17.00-19.00; commercial 13.00-16.; good 40-50 lb calves 17.00-18.0; cull calves and vealers down to 80 Hogs salable for week 1,950; market slow, opened 1.00-25 higher but midweek sales 25-50 lower with closing sales 50-1.00 lower; sorte lots U.S. No. 1-2 100-235 lb Iff 00, No. 2-3 250-270 lb butchers around 100 lb feeder pigs 14.50- 16.00. Sheep salable for week 2,975; market moderately active; spring slaughter lambs aroi id 1.50 lower; old crop lambs 1 00-2.00 lower; good-choice springers wlier 24.50-25.00; good-choice old crop No. 2-3 pelt . u- ir to m .1.. I u .rn.iw. '7-00. ee choice offerings lot uu, une lot fiiusuy ewer sreardyr-cull- is 2 00-4.50. Chirago Grain CHICAGO (APi Open Close WHEAT .1 ul v Se(.t. Dec. Mar r'ORN 2 04', -04 2ns',., 2 tin.',.', 2 0SV' 2.01V, 2 0:i'i JOS',-', 2 07-117', 1 511,-1, 1 sn 1 3S', I .w,. s-M1, r !' j 71'. 1 W',-23 1 2.1 1 25',-', 1 28 .1 111 ',-10', 2 6V,-', 2 50',-', 1 51',-', 2 511', July I M'i 1 S2', I .17', I 40 SS'j 67', 70', 71'. I 21", I 24 1 26', SI', 's -37 'sept. Wei- Mar RYE Julv Dec Mar SOYBEANS Julv 1 2H 3 I.V-14 2 7-(l', 2 SI1, 2 1.1 ', 2 57 Srrit. Nov Mai Chicago Uvoslook cmrAr.n iapi-iI'sdai Rai. ahle hoas 6 000; aneral markel f lv artiv'. steadv In mosllv 25 his'icr on hiitcli i. op more at i )oe. mihi "tnrlv to 25 hteber No I lo .1 l'ai. 225 Ih hii', i,rr IS(in-25. No 2 and .1 I'll-2611 lb 17 50-1R OH. 270 .110 III IS 7.-.-17 50. t r.O-1 nil II) 1550-17 HI. sous 1 4 75-in IHI r.r!'!r lono i.ihrs ?oo: iicf .lift hi ,1(1 Ml'TK !i;,(l. i-ii'a- ''cii'l ' holli w.'.ik, a'.ei 1 ISJ l"A - v i (inn.e leil hrlfi i. i,(i 'u ;'.' I'll I'l-iT .mil lu-itrri I7 25-2D5H u'.il'' anil i'i.inin.'rn:il rrnn II 50-1 I r.iriiifrt and riitrrs lfl(IO-l;;25 hull- I l i .' I 1WI ..I,.,t.. ,l.r. Ill no 'M no Sheep 20. nmnmallv sieariy; j iod slii.t " "Id i 'op, lanihs m Hi i Mil N 1 p-H 22 1,0 itioin slauahlrr fi :l 50-51)11. t Market at (fiance STVV YfiRK 'APi S'n( k MtX-'l. M' ird r.-,i i....i rmn-nls hig.h Irade demand t'olli.n i uu Ai.r Wnrat .,rl Very ueak: enandm . . "' ' Wr.ik. So. bean i ii rr Hi, i'- ili,iilv down Wllh w''eal WV.ik. soybean oil 25 hifhp! , I,.. SIS 25 . ( a'tl, S'i, rs inn' t"i 22 0o ( Jiicat'O Onion " " ' .(.in,,. !l e'l ; '1 j I'l -t-yi im I January 1.37 rrr Stocks Close " On Mixed Note - Kf W VDRK If) A alran -ijl'ily. bad sinking spell and ij ,43'J stretch of Irregular price mov- 1 nienta left the stock market In iH, (mixed pattern Friday. v J On the average, the market tor - 4.1', jits fifth straight setback af truH - JJ.Jweek but among leading issues -3 ' ' 73'. i the winners and losers were pret - 104'. ly fven!y divided. ' ' The Associated Prena average,? m, of M stocks declined M rents la4.'; $177.40. with the industrial com- ponefit up 10 cents, the rails down cents ana me uuiiiie town wc cents. , o Of 1.161 issues traded thtrt ?f were J!W advances and 122 de clines. There were t new high K owa . for Jhe year and IM new lows. Among the IS most active aj stocks, however, there were eight. advances, five declines and twd? unchanged Volume totaled 1 STfl fmf) aharM compared with J, COO. one Thursday. "iSelling Drops j Grain Prices , ' niirir.n ia a '..' c ing movement sent all grains low- er on the Board of Trade Friday. wheat and old crop soybeans , were the main targets for the sell- ', 'JJjilng but nothing was able to es- cape. Whpat closed t'-JH lower, corn 1 S-2 lower, eats H I i lower, rye 1 H I lower, soy- J beans 1 -J S lower and lard 2) to 25 cents a hundred pounds low- ' er The selling carried July wheat down to a point where it wai only 1 'i cents above the 22.00 mark. ' Alain reason for the selling was , the belief receipts of cash wheat at southwestern markets will be -, heavy Monday, possibly leading to hedging pressure. Portland Produce PORTLAND (Jl Butterfal - Tentative, subject t Immediatt change--Premium quality, deli. "''' ered in Portland. 10 63 lb; first,"' quality S7-M; second quality 53-35. ' Butter-Wholesale, f ab. bulk V mwi w w m ui sin nnt , 92 score, 59' j; A grade, 92 score, :'" 58i: B grade 90 scort 57; C padi . 89 score. 55. "I Cheese lo wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-46 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, ' 43H-50. Eggs To wholesalers Candled fob. Portland. A large. 44-45; A medium. 40-40lt: K small 30-30'i. Eggs--To retailertGrade AA, large. 49-50; A Urge. 4M7: AA -1 medium. 43; A medium, 42; A small, 32. Cartons, 2 3 cents add ''' tional. . .1.'. Eggs To consumer AA large, m-5; a large, 53-57; AA medium, ' -50-55; A medium, 49-54; A small, . 39-44. , '.! Live poultry N. 1 tntalityv if' fob. Pdrtland Fryers. Jti-4 lbs, 24-244; at farm. 23's-24; light jm hens, 17-1 at farm: heavy hens, t 17-K at farm; old roosters, 11-12. Turkeys To producer!, I v aj weight fryers, 27-28; breeder tur kav hinc evisr-araf V) hraeHar toms, 39-40. . j Rabbits Average to growers Live white. 34-44 lbs. 23-X; 14 f lbs, 18-21; old colored pelt 4 cents loss; old does, 10-U, few higher. , Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 58-' 60; cut up, 62-65. '" Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, ' 34.00; commercial, 29.00 31.00; 34 00; commercial, 2900 3100; cows. 250-30 0; Utility. J4.0O- 21.00; canners and cutters, 22.00- ''' 25 00. !' Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters. 4200-46 W; rattfldt 39 00-43 00; full loins, trimmea. 61.00 - 67.00; forequarters, 36.00- ' . M 00; chucks, 28 00 - 31.00; ribs, " 42.00-46.00. vV Pork cuts Loins, choice, HI lh so nn-.'M oft- ahoulders. 1 lbs. '' t 44 0; fresh hsms, 10-14 lbs. 46 00- 52 00. "r Veal and calves Good-choice, ' all weights, 32.00-45.00; commer- '-' eial. 28 00-40 00. "' - Spring lambs Choice-prime, 40- .. 50 lbs , 48.00-50.00. ' Lambs Choice. 40-50 lbs. 41.00- " 44 00; good. 37 00-42 00. Wool Nominal, clean basis, H bloof, 1.00-05; H blood, 1.03-08; H blood. 1.12-18; fine. 1.17-23. Country-dressed Meats, f.t.b. Portalnd: Reef-Cows utility. 24-26 lb; I cutters, 20-22. . Veal Top quality, lightweight, 32 34; rough heavies, 20-30. Hogs-Best light blockers, 26-27; , lean light sows, 20-23. Lambs Good yearlings, 30-35; top grade springers, 44-48. , , Mutton Lightweight ewes and , Wethers, 12-14; rough heavies, 8-10. Fresh Produrf Onions Ore. Danvers, No. l"," iiied. 2 00-50; Texas yellows, lge, . f'otatoes Central Ore. I.ussets. No 1 A, 100 lbs, VKV75, few 8, ); No 2. :' lbs. I 7.V2 10: bales N'o. ' Is. s-io 'lis. J 15-50; Klamath Dis-; tntt Itussets. No. 1A. (.00-30; Idaho Itussets. bales, 5-10 lbs, 3 50- 4 00; Calif. Long Whites, No. 1A, 100 lbs. 5 .VI-6 01). few to 6 25. Hay New crop. No. 2 green alfalfa, haled, fob. Portland, 4:1 (Kl 4ti on Ion, some sales higher. Portland (,raiii IMMtJLAXJ) .f Coarse grains 15 - day shipment, bulk, coast deliverv ():,is. No 2. .18 Ih white 58 00-50 Barley. No 2. 45 lh B-Vt 4150 Corn. No 2. E-V shipment ' 70 00 Wheat 'hid', to arrive market. basis No 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft While 2 17 Soft While 'excluding ftexi 2 17. White Cliib . J.17 Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2 17 in per cent """ 2 17 11 pi t. , cent 2 2.1 Friday's ear receipts Wheat 5.1 barlev 5. flour ! i 1 , nidi I l id T. cum (. oats aauk.