JQ-(Sec. II) Statesman, Jalopies ir Uk great) ef Jallf was m(M gelaf la H aireeUaaa ay the ktfraaar ttarlag a acttnwIiM dcrbr M fwtUW. 04 Um Bight 4rlar smaal sees to to be fcrH at Salt m'l Hllr1 Bawl lealfht. Mm nm ! la aeaaaa iMrt. Wnj ran iq Mrtl ! UI be Mm by member, af Um Caaltal Ant Raring AsaeeiaUea srMeh Destruction Derby . . Jalopies to Take Over Hollywood Bowl Tonight The motnrtd tterellrti of aula ridm-the Jalopiee-Uke over Holly wood Bowl hero toolfht for the first destruction derby of the season. Valley Sports promoter Ron Ai! expects to hive around 30 of the Klun- j keri la the smasheroe, which will get under way with time trials at Eugene Edges Braves, 5-4 EUGENE ID - Eugene took Northwest League baseball game Friday light by edging Tri City H. The Emeralds got four runs In the first and scored what proved to be the winning tally ia the third. Gene Marinacd singled, Carl Hutzler walked, both advanced on a sacrifice by Bob Gauthler and then Bill Eastbura walked to fill the bases. Dick Bartel walked to force in the run. Tri-CHy's big Inning was the seventh when the Braves scored three runt on two walks, a sacri fice and an outfield error. Terry Loy was the winning pitcher but be needed the help of Berlya Hodges la the ninth Inning who choked oft a Tri-Clty rally that bad two men on base. Taklma Beats Chiefs YAKIMA I - Don Boenker.""' . . scattered nine hits Friday night to h give Yakima a 7-1 win over the Sf J?" " tr,ck ' Wenatchet Chiefs before t.t durln the Wftk' fans, largest home crowd of the' Northwest League baseball see- M. 1 Ik I . HNL 1 n win was Boenaeri mui against one loss. The Bears scored twice ia the fifth when Vines Mored homered with Eny Wilcox en base and were never threat ened thereafter. Yakima's triumph left it undis puted master of the league i top position. Tennis Favorites Iab ND Victories CORVAUJS - Oregon Itato and Washington, the major con-' tenders for the Northern Division tennis championship, e a m . through too quarterfinals Friday almost on etiual terms. OSC had two players in the sin- gle. semiflnaU to on. each for i. aj c.t...j.'. -i.t... m ,...-,. I in me aougiea ine nusaies nave l"f www", v.....WMt mil 1 .u . m-M ...i.rf n.... ..Jn " vim min wc f;iiis vi i gun aim the other against Oregon State. Saturday'! matches pit Chuck Mertel and Bill Jacobson. Wash ington, against Rich Butler and Bob Gorman, Oregon, and top seeded Doyle Perkins and Gary Linden, Washington, against Bob Jensen and Larry Newman, OSC. In the singles it will be top seeded Perkins against Butler and Norm Merrill against teammate Larry Newman. Archery Lesson Sel An archery lesson for youngsters IS years old and under will be held Sunday at the Jabberwalkies field range from 10 to 12 a.m. Any of the boys and girls planning to enter the Robin Hood tournament should be present for this lesson. Adults are also welcome. The archery lesson will be di rected by Bob Hinkle and Wayne Daughton. National League Chleaan iso l l a St. Louie Mev.r Valeiitlneltl ll, V.l..r .111 . n M rre in a and Landrtthi Dlckaon and garni. L'rnunt "inn (Dtroni :t.y tjuiniela il.ur. Ins IM III 1 I I m KO-4 1 Klin. Km (41, Face ill. Munaer (I) and Falle. ghepard til; 8im mW. Flowen (It, R. Miller ill, Ne ray III and Semlnlck, Lonnett (!i. W Klnf . L Simmon. Brooklyn (Of IM l-l II I Mew York . 211 Wl 00'- 4 1 1 Neweomne am uampaneiia; An tone I II. Gomea (I) anf Kattw riiwlnnatl tll soi- 1 Milwaukee ., . 100 111 000-S 1 4 Lawrenev, tstmrw-rn. rieeniaii i pi. Nuahall III and Bailey: Itwh. Con ley il) and Crandall. W Black. L paha. t I'CL Line Score. Beatti . i ass sos oooa 4 1 K irr os. wo i Podbieiaa. A I kin ill at Ortalg: Bilbnaa sad Tappa- Baa Frneiro eas III Reydon. ODmuwH od Hall: Crb. Kem-Wer ,1). glaeh III and Bullivaa. Fl-e night game arvi Seer amen u. J Aancouver tol SJS O I II . bi n.tH' r-iirtl. Bar- Bttraai U'. tearc ij aiWfMwaitls.'Phar-lth rac. Salem, Ore, Sat., May 28, '50 Enjoying a Merry Mixup T V A, . araMe4 lait wees's fwi-niiM sr 17:41 o'clock. Members of the Capital Auto Racial Association, which pro duced last week's stock hard tops meet at the bowl, one that resem bled destruction derby since it ... . the Jalopies tonight. And If they go at things unusually hard, it will bo because some of the pilots got Into quite hassle during the as sociation's mid-week meeting, same beefing over the rough driv ing tactics of last week and threat ening retaliation. The card will include the trials. I trophy dash, heat races and two mala events. It will then close out with a six-car demolition bee. if l Mr. .r. .till In run-In .h.n. t by that time. All but deliberate head-on colli sions will be permitted at any time during the entire card. The driv en can attempt to win any way they like, so long at It does not Include premeditated head-ons. There are no favorites for the wins tonight, as the driving gents 11 u ally picked to win in the CARA'i regular hard tops meets may not have adequate running rvll D T ! T" LfUUUS U1UUB JLU1I . Chamber Golfers The Dalles Dona club defeated the Dallas Chamber of Commerce In their annual golf match played Friday afternoon at the Oak Knoll golf course. The Lions won with la ef-ttroke average over the nine holes played. The C of C team had an average of M. Individual low score was made I by William Wood of the Lions who 'shot SB. I It was the second straicht loss ,or ,U. h,,T,b?r 0mmIf1rCt,wh.,! Win "won' the "Bill Blackley' Xrtrc. . u . s.herB1 M ln hr of """fl lh, Priie h ch were g dln!!'r f Da" 'atf r Wftf. .Tm SUrba E!! L !, tto'dlnni ,iuwto Kre was cumpusra oi m AdoU. Jtcii vMn j... f. Bou-' K - ,,. ' 1(h . ,-..t, Portland Meadowa rnulta. May 29. Tint race, 34" varda quarter hnraaa Mntalinn iTi.falll til Ui Un S2 20: G. ft Hurricane iSmotheni'i S4.S0. 12 50: Trltier Mlu (Znllinferi 12 20. Quiniela IIS 70. time IB 7 Second race. t'i furlnnfa. two veer aide Bm Debate I Zollinger i ITS 40. IS.M. 14.10: lUndt R. i Dunn I u 20, lW: War Hone (Aoafi $2 90 Quin tet SM M. time :M Third race, 5'. lurlona. three up Roval Trip iShermaai SSSt, St 10, SKl; Tift Heearda tthlers) 70. SO; Pondid l Miller 1 MM. Qum iela S14 W. time I 05-4 S Fourth race, ft'j furiona;i. three up -Snow rillht I McDowell I 17 70, S.1S0. MJO; Du Dut iPlercel, MM) 130; El Pat iliidalfol SS1S. Quin lela SIS 30, time I OJ-45 riflh r, ! hi.lnni. Ih.M un Annie Jr iCaballardn) M , H on. 1 1140: No Booti iScarryi M VI. 12 50; Sl:eet Beat IKnowlen 12 SO. Quin lela SlS.lt, time 1:11 Sixth rare. S furlnnga, 4 up Roie Bow (Glflordl W W. IS IS 12 70. Dancer Loone iSmoiheri M.aO. i;i 70. The Meddler i Plene i 1.190 Quiniela 121 M Seventh race. 1-1Ifl mlle. no Zan K. iZollinierl tS 20. 13 40. 12 40; Sample Cau iKnnwIesi 171111. M :o 131 111. time 1:41-19 Ith race S lurlongi Reminder ' (Shermani 4 40. I DO 2 70, Rullrem 1 McDowell) 4 9. .120; Sllpitllch iHenahaw) l.M, quiniela 1J 70: lime IIU Ith rc S1'. furlonji. Rnitffh Duete ISImaiai 110.111. 10, Shamie i Du nn I 4.00. ISO; Rett Supply iGMfordj 2.7(1 quiniela II .SO; time I 04 S 10th rec I mil Call Drand (McDowelll IM. StiTO. lit: ('tt-li. iHenahaw) la IS. S SO: Beautllul Sue j'RImonlai 174; quiniela S20; ttmej Attendance 44; handle II.1.1.3R2 j Meadoiri Srlcfiiont i 1. Fahuioua Joe. Okie T liter. Mm Klttv in. 1. Wlr Trouble, Lord Abbey. Jean Sue 1. Valentin Jo, My Man John. Ardell 4. Doubl Dream, Reprley. Pip Pup. a. Df CeJiean, C asunder, Vatta Pearl. . Bull Oak. Caiuud Gooeh, Ml Box B. 1. Bed Rang. Pharma'l Angel, Tin N t. ftcwttt D 0. Unity, Mr Boy 6y. a Traniolr. Tuahan. Myrtle A IS. Pharllla, Mad Runner, Oeilden ' Wm. , RFST RET: TrniMre rh rare J lNGSHOT POSSIBIUTY: Dark "an was so filled with wrecks ind.oy doo renmn. crackuDi. will be at the wheels of After each flight is completed. Meadows Results V- V e 1 V up aifrt. Golfers Slate Flight Finals Most of the night finals in the annual Spring Handicap at the Oak Knoll golf course are expected to wind up Sunday. Six of the eight (lights are in the finals and the other two are already decided. The golfers actually have until next Thursday tos, complete their matches but Bill Ashby, club man ager, said Friday he thinks most will play theirs over the weekend. The two flights already com pleted are the first flight, won by Fred Haase, and the eighth, won k. tL H -11 the flight winners will compete among themselves to determine the Spring Handicap champion. Pairings in the other flight finals are as follows:. Second flight-Pat Patterson vs. Ed Richards. Third Larry Mc Laughlin vs. Paul Carmichael. Fourth Charley Hobson vs. Del be rt Price. Fifth Clarence Apple- ta va Tim Rarrv fiivlh vlan Sanders vs. Bud Nossineer. Seventh ! - '" "erv uw.ip- is. -L. s-v-iu i bell. Pilot Athletic Staff Granges PORTLAND I Three chang es in the University of Portland athletic staff were announced Thursday. Rich Carlascio resigned as base ball coach and is being replaced by Bob Glennen, an assistant. The Rev. Arthur Near was named tennis coach and Rill Smith, who earlier this month be came head of the physical educa tion department, was named track coach. Portland Mudowi. Saturday, port urn, i p.m.: Pint rae. auarter hor. au S40O. all mm. fradt B. JV yardi: . Red Champagne. 1. Boa I. Sorrtl Sammy. B. Polllnitr 117 IIS 3. Paliy Irrnt. 1. Wilih 4 Bank Roll, 8. MrDowall S. Pabulnui Jot, D. Plrrr . S. In Wag Mr, R. Waodt 1. Rlu Mu-lc E Gilford S. OKI Twiatrr, R. Ehlrn .. S. Nallla Dnmo G. Dlion 10. Mill Kitty Jo. A. Sherman 111 170 lit . Ill . 117 IU " Sfcontf ract.claim. puna 1600. si inn ar oldi and up. I M00 1, 8' fur min: I. Billy Vanm, A Shtrman I. Al a Buy. O. Purr S. Jr.in Su. S. McDowall 4. Lord Abbey, D HMJhaw . 5. Lonf Oala, B. Zflllinr . lit ( Libido. R. Srarcy t. Bob rellrr H. Part .lis IIS IIS 114 I. Wire Trouble, E. Citford I. world Affair, w Phillipt 1 Karroo W., G. Dtnon Third race, claim, flu rae SO0, 1 mar eld and up. 1100), one mile 1. rinaaaax K. uinom i. Ardell B. Zollinftr J. My Man John, D Henhaw 4 Snow Poma. It Cavallara . I Speed fairy G. Dve S. Great Spirit. A. Sherman .. 1. Fluffs, t Miller 5 Above rreerinf. B Searry S. Valentine Joe. S McDowell PP'ns Jewel. W Phillip ourth race, claim, purae PM. year oldi and up. itl.OOOi. 1 mil lS: 1. Julian B . B Zolllneer lis I. Carllato. G. Simonn 1 IS 1 Boyal Carina. C. Glfford US 4. Double Dream. G Dixon IIS I Nepnere, 8. McDowell 124 5. Fort Gunnybaia. L Unfer . Ill T Flrat Jo. R Serey 111 a Pip l Pup, D. HanahSw .115 Fiflh race, claim, pun lion I year oldi and up. ilSooi, I mile ll 1. Vlata Pearl, R Searcy 107 I Contender. G. Dixon t!t 1 Colonel H A.. D. Heiuhaw . 112 4. Sweep Luck. I. Unier 101 5. Deeo Canyon. B Zollinger 122 I I.lttle Sport. C. C.ltxnn IIS Audacloui Boy S. McDowell 117 Sixth race, claim, purae SSflfi, veer oldi aod up. WM). Stt furlonfe: 1. Fre Delivery. W. Phillip 111 1. Mr Sotn T Smothera II I. Hnnev Run. P. Hidalan IIS 4. Vina Rox S. G. Slmonli ill 5. Harney Norton. I Roae III I Canned Condi. R Cavallaro II I. Bull Oaka. B. Zolllnrer 121 Seventh race, allow, puree 100, I year ohti. ' tiirion. Pharene'a Angel. G Dixon 114 III) ion . 114 114 . IIS . 114 US 1 Flortondo, F. F.ulelt 2 Fait Feet. W. Phillip 4. Tin H . G. Slmnnti I Red Rang. B. Zollinger .. I. Soecimtnt, R. Gilford 1 Black Policy, L linger I. Shareholder. S. McDowell . Eighth rce Inv. hdep , pur lino, year olda and up. 1 mi. 111, "Port land Roeedway": I. Nolltn. G. Dixon 111 1. V Unity. D. Henthaw III 1. Mv Boy Bobhy. S. McDowell lis Pert Heel. A. Sherman . 1 1" I Scnttl D . R. Fhlera IJfl I (oniented. L. Know leu IIS 1 Dark N Phar. R Zollinger 11 I. Sandy Xe. W : Beirtjr".". lir MlnlK mm -Rneerf Hdcn M nurl g jra, I ye.r oldi and UP. I'i tur- knetea . Fuieer l Bov. F. Lambert Ill I. Morel. W. Phillip IIS 1. Traniolr. B Zollinger IIS 4. Mvrtle A . A. Sherman II I. Effort Duty. E. C I (lord 11.1 a. Tuahn. L. Kaewla US Teath race claim, purie IO04. 1 year oldi and u. 1 1001, on mil. Tha Wiihini WU"; 1. Peaceful Pan. A Sherman .117 t Gunga. L Unger ...112 1. Good Opinion. K. Gibeon 111 4. Black J B Zolllneer I"" b . . . . . m . a - M j a. nviniiy pmnrr, w. oith'iw - . I S. Golden Warrior, L Know lea 122 t. Wl Wordi D. Henahaw IIT I Petrrmute. R. Cavallaro ll I Med Runner. G. Dixoa JJ Meadows Entries Letters Given North Salems Vik Villa Honors Spring Sport Stars Athletic letters were awarded In baseball, track, tennis and golf dur ing the spring awards assembly held Friday at North Salem High. New members of the National Ath letic Scholarship Society were also named. The new athletic scholarship members are John JeMcrks, Dale Suran, Jack Berger. Larry John- Kevin Morse, Bob Burnside, Larry Kans and Jim Hidden. To be eligible for membership, a boy must earn a sports letter and have a B grade average. BawbaU awards, given by coach Bill Hanauska, were: Bob Russell, Bob Jantse, Jack Loy, Gerry Kep- pinger, Dick Cobb, Kent Lammers, rd Synng, Bob Burnside, Mike Kclley, Ed Kitchen. Jim Michae lis. Orin Gilbertson. Val Barnes. Paul Ferine, managers Bruce Clat terbuck, Vernon Whitehurst and Jim Mathers. Ball Trepay Awarded The North Salem high student body was also presented with thej District championship trophy. JV baseball awards, given by coach John Jacobs: Gary Kanx, Ray Krueger, Ed Phillips, Darwyn Harms, Pat Kelley, Dean Logan bill. Steve Briggs, Harvey Haller. Dean Posvar, Tom Fisk, Bob Reaves, Gary Vestal. Al Cowliit. Jim Reimann, Horace Dailey, Jim McCaffery, Gary Higashi, man agers Dallas Wood, Bob Gourley. Track stan given awards by coach Ken Hunt were: Jim Norval. top star in the recent state meet. Larry Kanx. Gary Hogan, Don Har ris, Tom Darby, Herb Graves. Dale Darke. Larry Johnson. Corky Meis-!.?.' Inger. Jim Litchfield. Chris Johsn- sen, Ksrl Rsutenkranx. Ben Kelly. I Jim Backhand. Clarence Miller, Fenton Lockenour, Wayne Terry, Colin Morse, Mel Monster, Jerry i Shipman, Dick Nets, John Gettis, manager Sid Steinbock. ! Teaais Ararat Made Norval awarded the third-olsce I trophy recently won at the state ! Schoendienst and Bobby Del G re meet to the student body. Norval 'co, battered three Cub pitchers was also awarded a trophy lor I for 10 hits while Murry Dickson Dfin' high-point man at the meet. ; Tennis awards made by coach Chet Goodman: Dick Buchanan, Glen Durham, Kent Jaquith, Bob Parkhurst, Mac Davis, Tom Ihrig. Jack Bowman, Larry Johnson, Ion Brydon, Lee Weaver manager Don Jarrett. Larry Johnson was high man for the year. In golf the following received awards by coach Bruce Thompson: Steve Jackson. Stan Sather, Chuck Johnson. Bob Carr, Rex Sims, Phil Goulet, George Andrews. Colorf ul Bout Awaits Archie LONDOM ill - The Archie Moore-Yolande Pompey world light heavyweight title fight may never go down in the books as a classic but it promises to be one Af fjl (IrMsiMI Knilfa in a tnnff aH ...a . time. I have asked ill ringside pa- irons." said promoter Jack Solo-1 mons, "to wear evening dress." ing bat average to .427 with two Moore, the San Diego, Calif , for-three. title holder meets Pompey, a Trin-1 Jim Rivera hit a homer off idadian, June S at London's Har-jMike Garcia to open Chicago's ringay Indoor arena. two-run sixth with Larry Doby, "We usually have an outdoor the ex-Indian, scoring the winning! arena for world championships, 'j run on some clever base-running said Solomons between puffs on and Bobby Avila's error. his big cigar. "We couldn't ge! Siever's second homer, a three-: one this time, so the emphasis 'run clout, broke up a 5-all tie will be on class rather than mass." aoiomons suggested cocxtaii lIpMUl .II..I.H I Ik w ctciiiiik ivwiia ivi me lady patrons. n! Archie Moore, he added. Jjwear a gold dressing gown." will 6N MONDAY AND FRIDAY THE HI RED DESERT BOOT INTHR0P A imooth combination of ityle-bleck soles, stitching and laces with tht now mot popular color "high red." Come in and try on these booti-you'll like their cool comfort, like what you see. Sires 6' t-12; A-D widths. Adi and phone order. Tfii.t xhijifring cost to mean outside oir regular tnu k dclkcry routrs. MEN'S SHOES-STREET FLOOR FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS Theyll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo TlE R4RI-MUTUEL & Vt3U6IMM8N0 7.' I KXJR tLtUkET M4H TOOK EGRET WW4SS4 Bid KXA?U I OM,M4C-G(VI AT HIS VvORO AMD Z? i H rrjMCiflOMI.' Redlegs Whip Braves, 6-5 (Continued from preceding page) marker, and Billy Bruton's sec ond error enabled the big run to score. In all, the -Braves committed four errors and the Redlegs con- i verted each Into runs. Gene Con- T'L.i ':. i.L. ley, just off the disabled list, re- "'Z .n. w.lh, Pn nn "f L 5 " !"ln l,r.ou"u uul " r, lMr Klusxewski homered for the first Cincinnati run in the fifth. J Black on in rtlief of Broolt, Lawrence. The Cardinals, playing without the injured Rip Repulski, Red won his second with an eight-hit ter. Dickson also singled twice to touch off a pair of two-run St. Louis innings. Long, putting his NL bat lead at .417 with three-for-five. brought the' Pirates a 4-J lead with a two- run homer off loser Curt Simmons in the sixth. The Pirates then iced it with two in the seventh on Dick Groat's triple, an error and singles by Long and Frank Thomas. Dusty Rhodes, Ray Katt and Daryl Spencer homered off Don Newcombe in the Giants' first vie- tory over Brooklyn in five tries this season. Soencer s coke, a two-i run shot in the sixth, provided the winning margin. Ruben Gomel won in relief of Johnny Antonelli. ; The Yankees made quick work nie laimrra nivuc huii wuir of rookie Don Ferrarese. who shut them out and almost no-hit them May 12. New York whacked the little lefthander for seven runs in ihro inninoc Rh foff't ... ... vv ...... ....... -'" v . . m grand - slammer was the big blow. , Johnny Kucks won his fifth while ' Mickey Mantle sent his AL-lcad- at Boston. There were six homers j in tne game taaic vost ana tar- 1.. f..ln 1 ,. 1. , W I nn rauia nisu wiiiitr.iiiiK iwi uir (Senators. Jimmy Piersall hit a ; pair for Boston and added a sin- igle for four RBIs. 12:15 TO 9 P. M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. STORE FOR MEN (iff SPORTSMAN'S DIGESTS PRESSURE POINTS TO STOP BLEEDING EvCRyoMt, AND ESPECIALLY OU door tPoerrCMnvN WHO TWAVBL FAR FROM DOCTORS, SHOULD BE 0 FAMILIAR WITH FONTS TO APPLY PnewuRt (indicated by aiwows; FATAL BLEED1NA. ff PWMSUftK DOtSieT HALT THf PLOW, PROM FOR THC MVtT SPOT. A NO .e ALSO LOCATIONS FOR PVAC na TrJUrtraoueiTS ON LIMB9. DO MOT LOOSEM IP BLEHJINC HEAVI LY; VICTIM MAY BLEED TO DEATH. iPCC Ball Champ f.tte Vf A A lirfll Apt. IS HUli itri six : w AMiUJa me winmr of the Pacific Coast Conference baseball playoff June 1 and 2 will , represent the Bth district at the ; NCAA tournament in Omaha.1 ,George tollman, cnairman o we, ilielrii-t'c Mloftinn Mmmittpf said Friday.' .. . . . tk ...lu Ami nt Iha Omihl I TVUIlllian MUU rAIIII a.iir-uuiT-a ouu mi; o . . ...v tourney. June 0-13. make further playoffs impossible, l iilf Table Tides (or fan, Ornoa (Compiled oy 0 s (.oai and Geodetic Survey Pertland Ore I JJ " High Waten Time Height Low Watera Time Heiihi 12 .11 a m. Ill p m. 1 OS am. 3 : 1 A p m. 1 4.1 a m. 1 SO i in. -11 7 19 p.m. 2 2S am. 1 I 102 pm. 2S ni a.m. 0 9 B:.W p.m. S 7 9 40 am. OS 9 44 p m. 2 7 10:18 a.m. 0 2 p m, 2 2.1 a m. 117 p m. 3 (IS a tn 5.19 p m. 4 0,1 a m. M 31 S I) 10:4 p m. 2S 'tl p in. (1:02 p m. -XL -11.95 Cougars Claw Vandals, 4-1 PULLMAN ( - Captain Jerry Bartow pitched his Washington State College Cougars to a 4-1 win over the University of Idaho in northern division baseball play Friday. Bartow gave up two hits, both of them singles, and one run in the first inning. Then he held the Van dals scoreless the rest of the game. He faced only three men in each of the last eight innings as a dou ble play and a pick-off at second canceled out Idaho's two other hits. Winters Hits Dm Me WSC got the winning runs in the second inning as Mo Winters dou bled two men in. Winters went three for three at the plate. Another win against Idaho Sat urday will put the Cougars in the 1 c,. c?" Payoffs against. ter the national NCAA tourney at,,..-.- Hnhnwnrrs Inrfav is hrtter Omaha Idaho WSC 020 010 01x-4 8 0 Anderson and Howard Bartow and Rich. Gaston No-Hitter Ruins Corhett 'T 4 GASTON i - Bob Saunders pitched a perfect no-hit, no-run onm r.attnn r!.faiiH Tnrhpit u m a c,asf fi hjg) Khool b bjjj piayof con(est Friday mnovuliv ,'w5 ,he second con.secutie nivhit nn-rnn Dam four C,mtnn j fJr',eT, j" P,tchin C"10" 10 "j 'district title win over Knappa. . , naunuerj 5iim oui is iidurrs. , ! Uowed nn! "f t0 -ct on base "V i the seven-inning game. Stra " MBjgggxsjjj,. ffMks)ajjtkw wberry Northwest trials prove it In strawbtrry trials last year at Puyallup, Washing ton, "Zerlate" xiram fungicide was top performer. It's effectiveness in controlling fruit rot produced yield increases as high as 52. "Zerlate" proved most profitable when applied in 10 dust formulation at 40 pounds per acre-begin-ning when plants were about 20 in bloom. Three to four applications were made at intervals of about two weeks. 4) The residue tolerance established for "Zerlate" on strawberries is 7-parts-per-million. See your deakrjrarjy JorJtoPont "Zerlate' ready to cut your fruit rot Joss to a new On all chemicals, always follow label and warnings carefully. BETTER THINGS Estranged Wife Trims Olson Of $49,600 in Court Battle REDWOOD CITY. Calif. IK - f 10,000 out of the estimated $l.0n0 Ex-middleweight champion Carl purse he got for fighting Sugar i Bono) Olson took it on the chin Ray Robinson four disastrous again Friday to the tune of $49,- rounds in Los Angeles a week ago. l00- ... J Olson 'a purse was trimmed by Attorneys and his estranged , dig wife and attorneys in an agree win h-h mm mur nwn inan;mfnt approved by Superior Judge Minors to Get Majors' Help DETROIT 11 -Baseball com missioner Ford Frick Friday promised "radical and sweeping changes" In the attitude of the major leagues toward the lower classifications, but he didn't live a hint as to what they would be. Frick said certain operational changes which he was not ready to discuss publicly will give the minor leagues more of a chance to make money. He said a com- bined major-minor league com- mittee which has been studying the problems Including television will meet several more times before the December meetings, Preffraa Premfted Then we are sure we will have very definite program to lay before the majors and minors," the commissioner said. Winter baseball was the only other matter discussed at the first of four meetings of representatives of all 1$ major league clubs In Detroit. Frick called the five-hour, closed-door session "very suc cessful, but mostly exploratory.'' The club owners outlined terms of an agreement under which ma jor league players could partici pate in winter baseball in Mexico, Venexuela, Colombia and the Do minican Republic. One Agreement Baseball now has one agree ment, with the Caribbean federa tion, and is expected to complete negotiations with the others soon. Frick said the arrangement with the Caribbean federation needs "a little tightening up." major Of the much-discussed and minor league situation, Frick Mjd, id: Th Ihinlrin n th maim- than it has ever been. Cer- tain nrartippe ar ffninff tn ha1 chansed t0 ive ffij. in tnc min-' ors more opportunity to operate successfully. Now we have formed i broad principles on which to work further." I MOONING FOR MOOIA? STAY IN TUNE SOON IT'S JUNE Growers.... Low-cost iJIkJMBBHf ZIRAM FUNGICIDE gives you outstanding control of fruit rot FOR BETTER LIVING . . . THROl Cotton. Here's the way his money was carved up: Trait Fond Ret I'p $10,000 set aside as a trust fund to insure payment of 11,000 a month to Helen Dclores Olson, hit wife. (2.000 to attorneys. $1,300 for back bills. . ' $$.300 on a federal tax lien. $13,000 for state taxes. $18,000 for Bank of America i overdrafts. Olson agreed not to transfer or assign any of his assets and Sid ; rianeny witerprise. an opera- i" the middleweight s man- : r' t to dispose of n .000 trust fund In Olson's nu" "or advance him more than $1,000 a month, All this happened in connection I with Mrs. Olson's separate main- trnance suit. And afterwards she said she isn't sure whether she wt" continue to seek separata maintenance or return ,to her a vorce action. 1297 Leading Bowl Tourney Dale Bastian and Renn Valdet were holding down the leaders' role Friday as the Statesman-Capital Alleys doubles bowling tourna ment nears completion of its third round. The Bastian-Valdet team has rolled a 1297 score. 16 pins better than the present second place team. Three teams have not yet bowl ed their third round and have un til Sunday night to complete it. Bob White and Gene Braurht j turned in a score of 1271 at the Capital lanes to hold down second place. They are followed by Jeep i Fpp'mg and Rich Staudinger with IIC 1aJ.m V.Avnr and TnvA T in4. i hlH u,ifh anrl Runnv R,mnn and Tony Vitone with 1151. TVia nroci.nl finM' nf 'icht wilt be cut to four at the end of Sun- day's bowling. The remaining four will then enter the finals which will be held at the Capital Alleys June 3. an d be low. instructions T.R CHEMISTRY Aylctt R.