r tlATidNALtV ADVERTISED fubnit'ube Outstanding Beauty- Fabulous Fabrics - Comfort That's "Out of This World"- Lifetime Construction mmnmmxm ... ; . . fc 7 ; in HOGG BROS.' will allow you $1 For your davenport and chair or 2-piece sectional during the remainder of this month only ' I I I! I Tit I New end distinctive is this Piedmont Creep. Erocd, heavily1 padded arms wish decretive button-tufted tops end sidss. Deep full cushion, backs cr,d sects.give utmost comfort. of & & thm Regular . . 262.50 Less Trade-in . . . 50.00 You Pay Only REGARDLESS OF AGE OR CONDITIO!! We have an immediate demand for used furniture for beach homes, family rooms, dens, play rooms . . . your furni ture is WORTH MORE NOW on this top quality "FLEXSTEEL" than at any other time. INGINEEIED tIFITIMI CONSTIUCTION 21250 L This popular modem 2 piece section al In the Piedmont Croup Is function al and versatile to allow eosy re arrangement of your entire room. It is custom made for you and available In many decorator fabrics. ' ' 2 - pc Sectional Regular . . . 254.50 Less Trade-in ... 50.00 X i Only Superb tfyling ani lif.timt conttruction txpertly com bined by Flextreel'i staff of engineers . . . eiturei yon the latest styles combined with best quality . . . Precision-milled, solid hard wood frames . . . kiln dried, reinforced with t a r n e r blocks, doweled and glued. The finest use of Firestone Foamex, world's most com fortable cushioning mater ial (arailable at slight extra cost on all Flexsteel uphol stered furniture) . . . Flexsteel's exclusive spring unit, the revolutionary spring without coils . . . This is FLEXSTEEL cons truction . . . construction that you can actually see . . . construction that COSTS YOU LESS IN THE LONG RUN! ..... 4' 3 I 11 Corondo" Impromptu Sroup This Nationally Advertised "CORONODO" group is today's most exciting fash ion! The beautiful, graceful styling is available in eleven different shapes and sizes. Select the "CORONODO" and you have selected the finest for your home. The above illustration shows the right arm sectional 55" wide . . . the armless I chair 31" wide and the left bumper sectional 55" wide. . -.... ' L. u , -r 1 111 RmXM" Sofa & Chair ML I CUD GROUP 1 ,IU; iy ,J i ...... ( If " Y ' v . .. 11 'Ofe & Chair 270.00 m The very symbol of elegance nd quality! An unparalleled combination of stunning new style and heavenly comfort with exclusive lifetime constiuctioa. The elegant Casino Group is high In style, lAaua to fit' the most modest budget. Sofa and -CSS Trade-in . . 50.00 if 1 1 - M chair or 2 piece sectional are mounted on Yqij Pg y concealed castors for that new "Floating . ' On Air" look. Only 220 50 Every piece of this versatile eight piece group procloims your excellence of good taste, and Flexsteel's revolutionary con struction assures you of the same exemplary beauty and comfort for years to come. See the stun ning New Palo Verde today! This luxurious, "Diamond Pleated" button tufted back adds glamour and richness seldom ever found. Deeply cushioned seats, foamex padded arms and just the right back height add up to perfect comfortl Choose the SOFA, CHAIR, OR SECTIONAL PIECES for any one of eight combinations. The DEL MONTE'S pleasant contours, wide arms and thickly padded seats and back give you I FLEXSTEEL'S outstanding comfort. Thir if a large & 87'' sofa with matching 43" chair. Choose from 50 Colors 275 Upholstery Fabrics Immediate Attention Given to Special Orders For Delivery from Factory in 3 V2 weeks Designs in Modern, Contemporary Modern, Early American and Provincial No Down Payment (On Approved Credit) Free Parking - Free Delivery Store Hours 1:30-5:30 Daily 8:309:00 P.M. Men. 1 Fri. 1 SALEM - OREGON CITY J 260 State St. Ph. 3-9148