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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1956)
1 - 'f F (Washington jTrack, Field ;Meet Today f PULLMAX. Wash. Prep trackmen from 71 Washington State achoob meet Friday U pick successor to Yakima as tram champion the Mth annual State High School Track and Field Meet. - Yakima, whick piled up 15 points to via the meet last year but bat figured to repeat, hat four men entered. Talent' seems to be spread pretty evenly among the 17C athletes registered and reports in . dirate that no team will come up with as many as 23 points. Etnaf Contenders ; Fort Vancouver and Lewis and 'Clark erf Spokane are regarded as strong contenders this year, ; Entered from Fort Vancouver ; are defending champion in the 440 event Chuck Chronis, sprinter Don Haw and a speedy relay squad. ' With the addition of Keith Nance to Lewis and Clark aquad, the! Tigers have nine entries in the i rneet and are tops in manpower. I ,The Tigers have won every meet' this year in which they partici pated. Seven Entries j Ellenshurg has seven entries - and Bellingham, Clover Park, Fort 1 Vancouver and Wenatchee have six each. ? Stadium of Tacoma. which has four entires, won the west central district title earlier. ' ' I Track and field events are sched uled to begin Friday at 2:30 p.m. Finals Saturday begin with field SPORTS.AH'SPites Out OfWoods,Says Branch Rickey DIGEST NETTING THE FISH k 1 1 n hstt ut Et6co wrrw axa STRAIGHT KFOM UAPM6 M A PCFaATlC Fr&M. THERE'S LIT- ,tvi on no cuMtctrr an nsn is HOOKED ON A SMALL UaJW,rV MM SLACK WHEN NTS HEAD IS OVCR THE NET. HE DTKS DOWM nrro rr as you urr the net. OJWWT-e Small fish may k heldm a CURRENT THAT OPENS NET DOWN STREAM, ANO NETTED 1AJL FIRST y EASIN6 NET UPSTREAM, SUR ROUNDtNO FISH WITHOUT TOUCH ING HIM TO AVOW ALARM. LET HIM DRIFT SACK, THEN LIFT NET. Fishing Report: (CMtiaaed from page fair for spring chinook in North and South Santiam', Thomas creek, and Crabtree creek. Roaring river should improve by the week end from recent stockings. Many of the trails and roads into Cascade lakes are open, but some lakes may still be frozen. Lost lake on Santiam .i 1 i .-j . -' pas is free of ice. The road to events at 1:00 and races at 2:j0 . . ui ,.... n,. mm lull Idac IS upvil. Iim "initin p.m. Tigers Sign College Star PITTSBURGH -."Judas Priest, we're out of the woods' said Branch Rickey Thursday about the Pittsburgh Pirates the team he worked for five years to build into a pennant contender. But m i no surprise to me. remarked the former general manager of the Pirates, noting the team's fifth place standing within shooting distance of the lead in the National League "You'll be hearing about the Pirates for a lone time." They better look out." Rickey chortled after returning from combined pleasure-scouting trip to find the Pirates only l'i games out of first place. "We could real ly raise a rumpus in 1957. Stepped Dewn Rickey, who masterminded St. Louis' and Brooklyn to National League pennants, stepped down at the end of the 1955 season after five years with cellar-dwelling Pittsburgh clubs. But the guy with the bushy eye brows and the big cigars predicted then that sooner or later the: Pittsburgh team would no longer j be the doormat. "I'm not surprised to find the Pirates right there," said Rickey,' fumbling with a cigar. "If our of fensive holds up we could make the first division this year. "The pitching is not as good as I expected. Dick Hall's been a big disappointment. He's not in condi tion to pitch. He's got the qualities to be the ace of aces. Big Surprise "The big surprise to me is the offense. It is better than I expect ed Dale Long and Lee Walls need confidence at the plate. has caused the majority of the streams in the upper Willamette valley to rise considerably in the nnrt u,k Hank fiehinu nn IKa Mvn,i. .nH wiiimite h Th(,y 8t i now and are hitting fair while hnai have hron dninc ! "If our pitching continues to im- A few wlmnn have heen ' Prove e'll go well. We've had taken on the McKenzie. mainly be low the Leaburg dam. Lookout RICHMOND, Va. Euge (Bucky) Luck, the University of Richmond's All - Southern Confer ence outfielder, has signed a M.- 000 Contract with the Detroit Ti gers organization. 1 Luck, a 22-year-old Richmonder. . was signed by Ed Katalinas, chief scout for the Tigers, at Luck's home this week. The 14,000 con- Mav J5 4.13 am 7:45 p.m. May 26 4 12 a m 7:46 p.m. Mav 27 4:31 a m.. 7:47 p.m. May 2S 4:31 a m 7:4S p.m. Mav 2S 4:30 a m 7:4 p.m. Mav 30 ..4:28 a m 7:S0 p m. Mav 31 4:29 am 7:50 p.m. June 1 4:29 a.m ... 7:S1 p.m. some tough luck with Bob Pur- key. Bob Garber and Joe Trim ble." All have been out with some injury or another. "Then there's Lauren Pepper, continued Rickey. "I think these guys are great. I think they're going to get better. Bob Friend- well, hes great already. Chaore for Greatness "Bill Virdon's got a chance for d;.,i nH rw.ii. ro.orvnir. hnvp i greatness. He can hit, run and mm 'KM i"j' ta;iiM, Hank Foiles-why he's De tract is the max mum Dermit cd. rn. v . . ld"15 " ."iVj ,j. uvv 4 The outfielder was awarded alme banK lrollln8 nas la,r i " '" enntrart with rhMt w v ' Many small stcelhead from 6 to 8; 'r a long time. nMhr Imuran A.i Ti" rxing caught in Look- "And Bobby Bragan. Why he', of the American Association, a Ti- . .... . ,.,.,,: line verv host manlnulalnr nf mm- 'nn, rn,m l..k rU t I UMl J Ullll miu w.A.u luu.vii., r .. f., mini nuu. viiai K-niini no;, aqreed to option Luck to Durham. NC, of the Class B Carolina League. 1 Luck will report to Durham Sat urday night after his senior exams at Richmond; a ?, Dorena is fair SOITHWKST j power I ve ever seen. He's not I the manager he was four years Meadows Entries polt rriday, Qaurtart, Soring chinook aneling is fair ago. He's a modernist. from Winchester to Tyee but slow "We're out of the woods," ex in the lower I'mpqua river and claimed Rickey. Idleyld Park-Rock creek area. Sal-' mon angling has not yet started I 1 i o at Winchester bay. Trout angling r(;llH SCCITIS on Tenmile lake, Eel lake, and Smith river is slow. Trout fishing jrp 1 -O is slow in most upper Umpqua A1ICU Vylllll streams which are falling slightly but still high and turbid. The lower North Umpqua, Little river, and Rock creek offer the best possi bilities. The 'oad up the North umpqua to uiamona lane is open. Portland Matdows, time 8 p.m. ririt rac Purw $SOO. i. Hobart Koko. Kt Duncan . ...jn bqt there is eonsioeraoie snow 2 O. r Hurrican. T. Smothars. in ; around the lake .and in the camp- 3 Trir MlM. B. Zolllnsfr .113 j .u. . . i 4 Mtv Domo. G Dixon 120 8unu. ran laur in uie a t Defroat J. bmi is i South Umpqua watershed is free I 5 ?'!iy uC05i lloi't'.k' A?irrm'! 12S of ice, and much of the 'ground ; . Notation, r. Zufeit ... ill i arouno roe iam is pare, mw mere imjt i ennur nn inp Iran ninci m inp j Second race Maidpni 1 t year olds. 4'i furlonf: WINDSOR, England ( - Light heavyweight champion Archie Moore was grim and tired-looking as he went through six rounds Thursday in preparation , for his title defense June' S against Yo- lnnde Pompey. ; There were reports the champion might have to shed nine or ten pounds to get under the 175-pound limit Unnr. himolf t.,nMN' Aim , -1 ... ,1 1 W'Wt I'llU.IVW FVUIUU I Mia- i rrikv Tomhov. f. smothen ii4;Mripen Dass angling in uxs river 2 Buddy H., p. Hidalso 117 lis fair to eood. Trout ansline in south fork of Coos river and tribu taries, Tioga creek, and Williams river should be fair to good. All four forks of Coquille river should be fair to good. All streams in the upper and little Rogue basin Third rarn,im Pr.. uin i : are high and muddy due to con- year olds and ud. ($900). 5. fiir-itinued hot weather and heavy I national league ;'"nP:.. thunder showers that occurred last Brooklyn at New York (Nl-New r . wuii riuuir. o. Lollinxer mint s i. Sidney Lihl L. uner ; 3 Royal Trip. A. Sherman 4 Omicron. C. Slmnnis . 5 Lot Cherries, T. Lambert ' 3. Linda R . G. Dnon 4 Sonny Mac. A. Sherman 117 f S Throttle Happy. R. Ehleri 1 17 v S. Magic Devil. D Pierce 117 1 7 Flaming Bar. A. Duncan 117 S Big Debate. B. Zollinger 117 :! I War Horse. J. Boag 117 10. Hall'i iUdy, W. Phillips 114 HMMnMHaaaaaBaai Phillips i I Idaho Prince. W 7. Sir Jay. G. Dixon Eager Refardi R. Ehleri . S Pondid, T.. Miller 1(1 Roman Rice, S. McDowell m week end. Fishing is poor in all. .114 streams and only lair in the lakes. jj " CENTRAL ; up Road conditions to the lower ti9 lakes are generally good. Lakes -jjji accessible that will open on this '114! week end in the central region in elude East and Paulina lakes, pMT.?l&Xk?A and South Twin lakes. Crane J1, furiongj' ' Prairie reservoir, Davis lake and 1. Rolling Hope. H, Herr 119 nnoihlv Ti Tultn. Ink Al Ih. i DuzPDugP'DHp'erce "''present time it is doubtful roads . jots 1 will be open to big Lava lake, - HI ! Little Lava lake, and Elk-lake Anglers are warned that camping . 119 conditions at East and Paulina lakes are very poor. Snow still ivuvcis ine euuie m-wuvuy tiait-i Fifth race- Claim, Purse mw. 3 , It is suEKested that fishermen who 4. Clever Bag, G, Simonls 5. Miomond. L. Unger Lady Lissa. G Dixon 7. o War. E. Ctfford I. Snow Flight. S. McDowell. S Sir Dale. W Phllllpa 10. Red Green, L. Knowlea . combe 16.J1 vs. Antonelll 1 3-.1 1 Pittsburgh at Philadelphia 1N1 Kline 13-Si vs. Simmons tl-:i. Cincinnati an Milwaukee 1N1 I-awrenre (- vs. Spahn i3-2i thlcago at- St. Louis (Nl Mever (l-ll vs. Dickson (1-3). AMERICAN I.EAGIE New York at Baltimore IN) Kurks (4-21 vs. Ferrarese ll-2i Cleveland at Chicago N Imnn (11 1 vs. Pierce (4-11. Washington at Ronton INI Ramos (1-1) vs. Su-.ce 1I-O1. Kansas City at Detroit iNl Kret low 1 1-41 vs. Foyteck 3-1. American League' year olds. up. Fillies and Mares, j mi.h )n omn j . in ,h ,,,. nes: " r - - 1. Fair Kathleen, D. Henshaw (Jl.OOOi. Six furlongs: 2 Annie Jr., R. Cavallera 3. Skeets Best, L Knowles 4. No Boots. R Searcv B Country jane, 3 McDowell I Rock N' Pride, L. Unger Sixth race Claim. Purse 16(10. 4 longs 1. Betherforvou. D. Henshaw 2. Pernle s Star. W. Phillips . 3 Piratic. B Zollinger 4. The Meddler, D. Pierce 110 5 Rose Bow, E. Glfford a. Dancer Loose. F. Smothers 7. Prune-Pirkrr, I,. Knowles I Good Joe, R Hopkins ( Doran Flower, A. Sherman 110 portions of Paulina crook. Boat 107 launching facilities will he con J' gested at both lakes. All camp in; grounds are open at Crane Prairie 107 nA -nA Annlilw,n gouu. nnsnng lor KUKanee n us Brooklvn New York 023 050 00ln 17 0 Detroit 100 3IM 000 4 (2 Turley. Sturdivant (4i. and How ard; Maa.i. Maslerson i3), Carver (Si. Gromek (5, Aber (7) and House. Only game scheduled. National Leasiue Stattsman, Salem, Ore., Frt, May 23. "56 (Sec IYH1 7 , AUSTATE U LJL-v4 3 FltST QUALITY TltlS l - a W ' sjr sVwS af f - 1 IIST VALUES! mi L WHILE TIHiY LA: i JU1ITAT1 KMM, KMUCK AM CO. mm PUTS A SET Oil YOUR CAR 600-16 AUSTATI COMPANIONS iV,ilUV:M DELUXE CUSHION ALLSTATES Reg. 22.45 N. Trade-in Price Plui Tax 1 CD fiij V t70.ll lack la H of lackat Mm tafvlar , TraeVist Dwa N Treat, in Fries Price tack m Set .1 I Plustaa t 4PIejIax 70-15 r'22.45"" 13.88 (J.50 7M 5 1"27.25 t' -44 li 2.00 r- , '- -t, J 1 MlW 800-15 29.95 20.44 ,2.25 i, Isgular TraaW-i. ( Daw a .. ' N TrasW-ia Ptic Payaawil Prk. Ik i Ut K, ! PlasTaa i 4 Pls T 76-1 5 125.75 rj 5J8 J 75" 710Cl5l2a i-25t 5i00 760-1$ j 30795 20.44 "2.25 i ""I .'. Trade-in Allowance on alcYc! 4 .... WW f I TRADE III AllOVIAHCE, 0HETOE .'. J :!1Cl07 ' TRADE IN AL10WAHCE, TWO TIRES'. ;;.?22.l ' ' ; i-,.n '..nU.:. ; I' in .aiiaip viipipp Tinrc 14 4 r)lf TRADE IN ALLUWAflU, inKtr. imn. TRADE IN ALLOWANCE, FOUR TIRES 48.28?, Typical Trade-in Allowance Shown on 6.70x15 Allstate Cushion Tubeless While Sidewalls First Quality ALLSTATE WHITEWALIS Reg. 27.45 fit Trade-la Price Plui Tai 70ll lath la In 4 4 ' lnhaflf. Phis tea 200 000 1014 7 (I no m do 9 o year olds and up. 11.000). Five fur- been good at Udell lake. The Little Drvsdalr. Magile (51. Roebuck I7 ln Deschutes river is dropping, and."k" """"" 120 angling conuuiuns are rxpecicu iu : 120 i be much improved for the coming us week end. A few good catches 115 nave nccn maac ai nicxiup rescr- i2 -oir. The mam Deschutes river IZO .115 above Bend is in good fishing con dition, and prospects for the week end are good. The Deschutes river Meadows Selections Seventh race 3 Year Olds snd Up, iMM. i mne wis: ! ...... Bj , j j ,u I. Bolden. H Searcy m inriuw m-nu is uiuil"" 1 Trigger Miss. Lady Homers Cat. S Chief Co-Fd. C Gibson ll are good hatches of salmon flies. Billy Scoot Rorick S . rirst Jo. Cavallaro H'lThe Deschutes river below the; . , Horse. Big Debate. Bail s 4. Zan K. B. Zollinger 1! .. . . , . .,, Lady. 5 Count cino. g Dinon 17 1 rnouth of Crooked river is rapidl , r. r,,,,. s.r jav. Bull Simple Case. L. Knowles .. .121 clearing, and angling conditions , Fiddle. 7. Fleur d'Aione, J. Waleh Jilt i Qro aviuMaH In Vm fair to annrl ' I- No War. Dm Dur Snow Flight I Dolita. P. Hidalgo 116 , . r . . ,. . T 5. Skerts Best. Cnuntrv Jane uir uif wws. pnu. iiuiiiMK niiu n.v ; Boots. Fighth rare-Claim Tiirse WOO. H fishing have been producing good . Betherfosyou. Piratic. Prune year olds and up, i8O0l. Six (ur- ! !,. r ,,ik,u .i Cl,,n Picker. lon-s: , , o. , V ' Sample Case laivr. oun iimhiik hi nil w i-c u t JJ-J beds at Suttlc lake is good. Kish-! l : ing in the Klamath river has been r good. Klamath lake around Rocky ..m i Pninl hue kwn fair Wood rivpr JH j Williamson river, and Diamond 122 ; lake open May 26. Camping space at Diamond lake is limited in the campground because of snow, and the roads into the campgrounds from the highway are still closed by snow. There will be a $1.00 per i car charged for overnight camp- ir in the public campgrounds at Diamond lake and 75 cents for day camping in the picnic area. Diamond Lake Lodge will be open. tabular' .v Trads-i i town tit ' " I Payawal I f tk. lack Is Wslj PlutTaa i 4PIsTaa I 670-15") 27.45 "Pi 6.88 175 710-15 : 30.45 J19.44J 2.00 760-15 133.25 22.44i 2.25" 800-15 ; 35.95"" "24.44 1S0 SIZI tegular N. TiacW-isi Prk. f Plus Tax 670-15 ""30.95 710-15 j 33.95 760-15 : 36.75 " TreaMn , D.wa Prk. 1 lack In Sal I ltt(l 4 Plus T.i I 18.88 2.00 ' 21.44 I 2.25 24.44 The TAore You Buy-tlie More Savings Per Tire! 2.50 1, Fetchanwln. L Knowles 2 Slinstitch. D Henshaw S. Gold Arch. E. Gilford 4 Will Breeches. P Hidalgo 5 Blenheim Bow B Zollinger . . Reminder, A. Sherman .... 7 Beacham. J. Prouty l I Cromart G. Simonla 0. Short Walt, F Lambert 10. Bullrelis. S. McDowell .... 112 Ninth race Alw. Purse ISOO, J Tear olda and up, "Weatern Saddlery, Inc." S'i furlongs: 1. Pafa Dream. W. Philllns Ill J. Pacific Flash, R. Cavallaro ... 104 3 Shamle G Dlicon ...lit 4. Bepn Suoplv, F Clifford .. .122 5. Vino Segindo. B Zollinger ...111 Vox. A Sherman ..Ill 7. Rough Drde. G. Simonls 111 I Booter's Gem. H. Earl 100 No 7,dn K. Bcldcn 8. Will Breeches, Bullrelis. Slip- it i It h 9. Shamle, Vino Segundo. Repp Supply. 10. Ciearsway, Caddis. Bright Cos tume. BFST BET: Skeets BesWSth race. LONGSHOT POSSIBILITY: Beech am 8th race. Tenth race Claim. Purse f, i year olds and Up. (SHOO). Th Wish Ing Well." One mile: 1 Mio M.. A. Duncan Ufl J Clearawav, B Zollinger 11$ S Two Colors, J. Prouty IIS 4 Flower Song. F. Zufeit lift t Caddia, D. Henahaw 115 a. Bright Costume, G. Dye US 7. ",lr. Sprague, G. Dixon ... 120 Rualy Rosas, A. Sherman .,.110 Tall flrand 8. McDowell 120 MODERNIZE four Balk with DURATILE Metal Wall Tila 1249 S. Com 'I Ph.4-5292 CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE MEDICINE ANO HERB CO. NEW LOCATION SO. 12th AND LESLIE 1195 LESLIE OFFICE HOURS Tuet. and Sat. Only 9 a.m. -5 p.m. Phone 2-1830 8. B. FONG, IIERBIST 18-Month Service Card Guarantee Against ALL Road Hazards Broke , Bottles JifM Curbs Msnhole Covert Wire and Tin Can Raised Brick Sharp Rocks. Spike Broken Boiei Railroad Tiei n ALLSTATE Companions With X-41' Cold Rubbtr ONLY r 4 EXPRESS COMMERCIALS 1644001 You notxl no tradt-in ONLY Bonded rayon cord for cooltr running, tough .tad-stop ute. Lod Rited; tow cost per milt. Low prictt on othr J ILUlavr-Tvl SAVE 3.06 to 4.21 on ALLSTATE STURDY SAFEffJUBES Sogularly 7.05 It 1.20 J"l Tax Tough corrugated crown ads liVa valve In case ol puncture, lets atr aul tlowly to give vou rnora time for a safer stop LI U 67015 ", Exchange j Plua Tas O Nationwidt 15- monlh guarantet o Long-wearing x-41 Cold Rubber o Bonded rayon cord to resist heat; cushion road shock and impacts t Sure-footed traction-grip tread Other Sizes Proportionately Reduced! n,yommntytadm SHRJ550 N. Capitol Phone 3-9191 if i 10. Beautiful lut, u. timonu u t n - 1