The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 25, 1956, Page 40, Image 40

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    4HSec. XV) Stiff snun, Salem, Ore, Frl, My 25, 06
Los Angeles '
Leaders Said
Fund Bosses
(CmOmh tm rift )
Klacttd: Levis K. Gough. form
er aational commander of the
Amerkaa Legioo; Ransom M. Cal
Ucott, wealthy restaurant owner
and now a city councilman, form
er lSC football star Marshall Duf
fjeld, and Gwyiuia Wilson, gener
al manager of Santa Anita race
Also listed was H Eamea Bish
op, a past president of the Trojan
dub, one of the booster organita
tions lor the university.
The founders proposed to help
high school graduates through the
granting af "scholarships, fellow
ships, f loans .and such other as
sistance as the members may
frorr JUme to time determine."
Activities of the foundation were
disclosed by a prominent UCLA
alumnus. J. Miller Leavy. He did
not identify U by name but said
Tomorrow, May J. the remainder af Oregoai lakea will epea
ta angling. A great many at them however, will be opea h i
legal sens only as they will still b eorerad with snow and tea.
Lost lake. i the Sanliam highway is free af art aod snow now.
although It wu nearly Ice-bound only one week ago. Snow still
remains the camp grouna ano wrnwv.
will posjiMy be a bit oa the cool side, Tbt waters
of Lost lake art kigft and spread over a wide area.
, Too, the water temperature la that shallow lake Is
below good fishing level. It would take a few days
1 of good warm sunshine to raise the temperature to
Mint whrro lha fish would loose up and ct-
" operate . . Anglers may travel ta Davis lake either
from the' Crescent road taking off from highway
17 or from the Willamette pass road, water is
4 over some of the west road around Davis but
, anglers may let to the fishing area without too
W' much trouble. - Snow still remains ia the shaded
dm awr areas . . ; Anglers win be able to get into crane
Prairie from the Wickiup end and over the Brown's mountain cross-
ln UMiMr ) lac tunnel tha mad oa South CentUTY drive WtS
imi nrvi I-rh iWhiitM hridn. We have not received word he had forwarded to Conference
. .iiw ia whether or not lha road into Lava Lake is free i commissioner Victor 0. Schmidt
at snow. To Forest Service was trying to open the road to Lava
and may have it completed (after a fashion) by late Friday.
As, to assay af tat Met aeasoas. raaHaa aad East lakes
10 be' opea to aaglers allkaagft eamptog facilities art ImHed.
Saew still reasalas la meet of tat canalag area aad ears wU
have to at parked aa the rwi Motarlota are eaaUoacd att It
ana hawse trailers ap nasi tat tatw Baa. Nnmw Umes ss
the past, traffit Jama aava oecarred aear East lake becaate of
Bouse trains a".". ia Ike pesr reads. - OUmaad lake wlH draw
aay aaglera aftaeegb camaJag faculties are United at this
ta. famowa fishiag sett Toe, Diamead lake IravcOera saaald
toke plcwiy of warm beddiag, ctathlag, aad a few galloas of
Maatatta repelieaL The tittle black flies aaa) Bneqaltet are well
ksewa at Diamond where they seem to gather for their aaaaal
eeaveaUea, ' '
Be Equipped for Any Kind of Weather
' Tl be o the salt side Uus weekend, take along your tire chains
nd a good sturdy shoveL With various cold ironta surrounding
Oregon anglers could well be caught in a sudden toew storm. Without
equipment to aid ia getting through snow one could be rather un-
Theyll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hado
rP40ME?EOTO j I II. ILL II lill Ill Y . ' " T' ,1
Beavers Nip
Stars, 2 to 1
Lnia Marque Scorn
Winning Ran in 8th
(Ceatlated frtai proredlag page)
as ha went the distance for lha
The victory girt Portland tbt
series here H.
Aagela Wla, H-lt .
LOS ANGELES iff - Los Angel
es scored aa ' astonishing eight
runs la the seventh to pull Into a
tie aod went oa to defeat Saa
Diego, 11-19, on -eighth inning
noma runs by Steve Bilko and
Bob Speakt in their Pacific
Coast League clash Thursday.
documentary evidence that more
than W USC athletes over a two
year span had been paid S71.23S
in under-the-table help from the
booster group.
Others listed as trustees include
Ray Sparling, another Trojan ex
grii great.
Leavy is a deputy district at
torney and a member fe UCLA
athletic advisory board. He emph
asized that he was actinc only as
a UCLA alumnus. WALLACE. Idaho Jerry Williams, football coach at Montana
it. -t r..ti ..f...! l- Klnlo t' anH hia ac&iatnnt l.nri imi .ara Intiirajl Thurt.
close the source of information day when their light plane crash-landed on the' highway at Lockout ' Plrk n0' Ponrd by the
r l tj.L. f 4 i: . Sa pm Kr.sf I inn will inrliinp
Montana State U.
Coaches in Crash
Boat Racing
Classes Told
kins, who has bees languishing on
the Sacramento bench all season.
aunt ' off the boards Thursday
night in relief and nailed dowa a i
S-l victory aver Saa Francisco in '
a Pacific Coast League baseball
game. He pitched five scoreless
innings after starter Gent Beard I
en left the scene with two injured
Raiairrs Wla
fly-ball that outfielder George
Metkovirh lost in the twilight
dropped in for a double' to score
three runs and give the Seattle
Rainier: a 4-2 Pacific Coast
Events for Sunday's first mnjor League baseball victory over the
boat racing regatta in the Wil
lamette River, off Wallace Ma-
i Vancouver Mounties here Thurs
day .light.
which he said was contained in the Pass near the Idaho-Montana line.
registered letter sent to Commis-j
sioner Scbmkit. He saia oruy mat ;
it contained detailed Information
on money paid to USC athletes.
Leavy noted that the information
eormortaoie tor a wnue. ue sure w cm jour ..... i m A ... id . ..n
ao that you will know just f hat the limits art on the pai ucuiar , .tudpnu" at USC but he said he
m yourict. Most ofater. earn rjj JJ 1 &251 "tta mm?
hot to exceed U incnes. Somt lakes carry special regulations which
art listed ia tbt angung tyoopsts.
t, Most W tat smaa lakes ataag the akyUae trail which are
reached by feet art still aaowbtttad aad wilt be nnfisbable far
terns iliac. Many of tat trails art atiU covered with tatw with
driiit reaching a depth af astro thaa M (eet. A late report trem
eeatral Ortfaa todiealea that tat Little veschirtea saa Cresceal
crocks art still am tbt baaka la the meadows aad fishiag Is
diflieaU. Wtckiap reservoir has Its waters spread aver a wide
m wOh flaoiaa: a ilia a arooiem there, aba.
best reports received by this beparunent coma from the Me-:
tolias river. Vt. aod Mrs. Richard Emoick with Dr. and Mrs. Richard
bpruiger lishtd tot Metouut last weekena In the upper tly area. All
a, Um party took ush with Lit. unoicc coming out top rou wuu
The USC foundation reportedly
Owen Plans
If wrestling matchmaker Elton
Salem Boat Club, will include
Both were rushed to a Wallace """ngs for A. B and D stock
hospital. They were knocked un-1 D'dros- CL BU snd DU
conscious by the landing, a hos- runabouts F outboard hydros snd
pital source said, and later com- free-for-all runabouts, it wss sn-
nouncra i nursuay.
Hollywood (I) Fertliai (?)
Brnrr.rf 4 1 1 S 4 0 10
Smith.u 0 4 Mrqut.lf 4111
Mirskl.i 4 3 14 Brkski.r 4 1 4
! Gablcr.l 4 S 13 1 Mckl.n l 3 1 t
i N.ton c 4 0 1 S Baxet.3 3 13 3:
' Mciiaa.rf 4 S 1 0 Youns.l 4 1 1
Duhm ll 4 10 1 Iteinkl.u lill
The races are to start around i AUie.j 4 113 Bottir c 10 4 0
p.m. Officials for the meet " 1 vld c S
2-plaee plan, landed on the side of . .Jfc"i?f!!f Ji.! i dSZJt M " ToU 3f. ML?
uie nignway. une wing enaea up . , J ,, . . I Portland ... 010 ooe oi-j
ooin.i . hilled. .nH th. .ih timer; Jack Helton, starter: Doris I DNon rbi Bottler. Dunm.
finVncialw aisisU stents othr ' ?wen h?. hU wajr about it. was over the road. The wheels ""l'n: 1.
uviu kjmiij viiuiiv iiu un j were in a waier-IUlru UllCn aiOns- . ' Dixn ana .innciwn mum inai
plained of aches and pains
A truck driver, who said he wit
nessed the landing, reported the
than athletes.
Shrine Honors
Grid Players
(See picture, page 39)
Douff Donovan will nut on the !. th hinh.v ) Pit manager.
boxing gloves for the Armory Williams, 32, ' the pilot, bad Tne event nctionl by the
main event next Tuesday night rhartsnwt th ni.n. ut Mi.m,i ! American Power Boat Assoc ii-
Chene is willing In fact anxious Mont-i to fly tor Spoloine t0 interl tion and the Oregon Boat Rsdng
VrMmian h a a h ' i uat fraihati4 I .... ... ... A mmrn ei f I nn That anuria tavill haa
Lads Advance
this week's
filled Ue team mamer, which at
n LUk uk.i rMk.ta uiii rcsciiiuicu iai m.iij
beautiful 4 to. ramoow. Jars, trnwca naa we usuai iianernwua . ... . ... , ., ... ........
ba me of losing big rainbow which mignl havt topped the one the? S hrine CUss II . rt WOn. r . th', ?,ntM S"!
w.. It i. ha .f tha wUnesss. It L" ?.n "wanted to fight Donovan then
wc. ... r -- -----, r, -. roniana ano renaieion in aur- ,j hor tint hIH nff The T -t m ar
kr phasing however, to note that at least one lem angler la blessed were , M honored t J; f "m tte Mm5m 111 Not
wito a .J. dN. M tch tht largeal , t of tbt . Hotel by the annu.l me n7e . bu he ,nd Z "b HI ll Ct Meet
- Hivu fun Uke-tifh r..? th weekend, and let ut know what luck cwrin rinr,'. KonnnH aL. .w u ,l.
you aad. Take your warm sleeping bags, warm clothes and plenty pUytr WM jntroiuced ,ngry crowd by protecting
M looo ano ine irip win o more enyau.w. .... By m COacn. The mentors were guards.
your tuning roo. , ....
roaki and Gablrr Left Hlljr"od
7. Portland I. BB Sawyar 1. Val-:
das I. SO-Sawyr 4. Valdta . .
EB Sawvar 1-1 Valdea 1-1. FB
Naton. Balk Valdea. Wlnner-Val-:
tv . i. t . .... i i 4.-..:.:.. Tk. :n v , wi. lAmei - w
Lrvnuvan uaau i y uuucu Mik.i ...j;h,iu hi. kmih. nwuuuu. inr cuuisc wm in auin.r Uulirl and Smith. TI 11
things. er. Billv William.. SnnkAnalawva10' on mile, With two bUOy'A-tfSl
The two were the principal and former Wano (0,,, payer turns;
iiKurca in una wrci a juji:h- gniA
An . sdmission fee of SO cents
for adults will be charged, with
kids under 12 admitted free.
Parking will be free. All profits
derived will be given to the Sa
lem Park Department for the im
provement of Wallsce Marine
Park Nn one will be allowed
to watch the races from the two
Junior Olympics
CMliY Pilots Warned
s Srbr Saturday. TAeet
t t tfrlvinifroster for SaturaW Iifg1ifs,1iftit lorVWtrU(mW
derb a of the season at Hoiiywooa uowi reaas simosi laenucany
with that hic performed In list week, stock, bsrd topa progrsra
hen for ft h mist up tf pilcta represBtin tne Capita. Auto jRae-
1 ing Associstion.
The CARA boys, whost stock
Three lads advanced to the
third round in the senior division
also honored guests for the oc-, Cnene made a public challenge of the Jaycee tennis tourney yes-
JtaaAtl . II. ..a la . mm .a
v""". ovpr ins nun ic annrcas sviiem. leraav. nov Mxnzenv apteairn i w
Those present were Harold , Utm arind that "if I iinn't.1 wv itn n.i- wnii.m r.VPIlIS I .lfilPfl tor
Jacobson licked William Rlrhter ; m . . . .
Northwest and won't be back forifl.3. a,!: Ted Mai- whiooed T)irk OatlirtiaV Aliair
at least three months " mat J
Donovan only laughed when
Wilcox, Wallace Wood and Del knock that jerk out 111 leave the
v-asieei 01 Amuy, wno were lmro
duced by Coach Ray Stephens,
Lloyd Ross, Gerald Strong and
Track: Clear ant fart. ,
rirst tact. J3 yardi, auarter hon
a. mine S4CO Miai Domo (Dlxonl
1 40. 140. 1.40; Fuuy Cat (Ehirrai
bard (dpi meet of last week re-
Scoggin, M, 6-2.
Jacobion and Marr will meet!
asked if he'd put on the gloves . "rr.," Vh.
with the bounding Tex.n, but ! ? "V'J
Owen said that he'd keep after 1 - ..bcuj w... v,j
Dick Crook of Mill City who were
Introduced by Coach Jim Hale,
T.arrw Viatrv nf ft! llAnlfaM
t Subhtalt taho ara introxlaced himrfor such m -match. He was hi emi-inI malh,Jator.
by Father R. P. O'Hara, the still trying to get an okch Thurs
Subs', mentor, Cecil Bremner of day.' ? ,
Chemawa who was introduced by I v ; ; " 1 " "
Coach Ed Bartlett and LaMoyne
Skip Alexander, chairman of the
Ore?on. 0SC
Hasli Todav
(Continued from preceding page)
nrob'bly. Oregon's earlv week
loss to the Washington Huskies
was a major 1 1 w. for up until
then the Ducks had a f. ir chance
to overhaul the loop leading
Washington State Cougars.
WSC now lesds the division .
race with a record of 10 wins, 3
losses. The Cougars have three :
games left to play with Idaho
Mapes snd Dale Jones of South
Salem High who were introduced
sembled a destruction bee. since by Coach Let Gustafson
there wen so many crackups snd 1 Not present because of other
wrecks in it, are now getting commitments were Norm Ber
their assorted derelicts ready for . horst snd Coach Buck Weather-
Saturday's show. There will be "1 of St. Psul, Ennis Hawkms
around 30 of em in ail. and u anq ioaca van nyman 01 jci
Archery Meet
Entries Sought
8-4, with the two games remain
ing with Oregon State. The OSC 1
record is 6-8, while Wsshington, '
six are still left In running shape ferson. Ted Hubbard of Amity, t0 la),e par, jn the Robin Hood
1, a.4 mar -a i.inrr, --- - - - - n.k.... .1 ri.
m iui- in.h nuiM iHarn 1.10. lauowini ine reiuiar oroxram. vucmawa,
Oui'aiaia no: Um u.. ' they'll bt tossed into a final d ' The group saw colored movies
. M,...r'"- .?S ,' aiVJi: molition feature. t the great work being done at
,w.T3. iSTuoi hobm Laie Time Trials at 1:M Shrine Hospital for Crippled "
(jounsar, ,. QulnWU ...4.; Um. ' ' ' - J 1955 East-West Cl.isic at San
Snknr rfmialna A w
TV-.nation-wide shoot Sre Urged I over Moora. default; Ubold ovr Ih-
n. -s. s-l. s-l; Durham over Blh
I op t-6, -0; Carleton m tr Calaba.
b-j. -3: Ha(n over Jaquith, l-. S-
to ick up entry blanks at Dough
Inn tlq.iliusrn Cn Calnm tmmnil.
2. 6-0; Moravec over Mccormick, d
Tnn ...... . nn.iT. ir kAv mnA .
aama aa anv other auto racinn 1953 East-West Classic at San " ?'"" . '' 7' . P divl.ioa-Snpp over Baker.
. ... oipia moon in mnn vni.ins . h.i n -1 ..... . . -
. a (..rWM 1 1,11 aiina .l.k ,. t.i.1. I.nn.u PTinplsrn Which uraa mnn hv Iho - - - - -. - u.v. uiwau. n-u.
h 1- I v. ir (KmnVlHl I Too 100 T Pro, wua) miii , wf"J T , , ln(j un(ler The contest is ri; olm"" r Graham. l-. -7.
Hale aad A. ng .-ied onl
MNTtime i:U W. - " ?n m I "shtner of the Salem Shrine wltn ,ocal arcnery C,UM-
annual Junior "Y" Olympics, I (-9)-. Oregon's record is now
which will be held Saturday at
9.30. a.01. Ja McCulloch stadium.
In the bovs division Deihvri bas announced the list of events.
Sheldon advanced to the semi- " th Willamette valley , which has now completed play.
final round with a victor over v " snow UP 'he field in their finished with five wins, nine
Jim Davis, 6-3 2-8 6-0 1 hoe re eligible tt Compete I losses.
Meanwhile, finals are due Sun-!in, ,? 'ff man re,a''' Plu' ,nree
day and Jim McDonald and Bud ' iZ'Vu J
Mull, recent champion of the L.t.'L1 ..y'al:
Pacific Northwest tourney beld ;d r 8 y thir: RflVnllltinnnrV WoW
.....v.. rn acuon in me two high jump, broad jump.
uivisions. nere are vesterdav'a n.u ..a u .....
aw si isvvivc, aiiu tan jrai
varsity "these include 15 if still in
junior high: 50 yard dash, 100
yard dash. 120 yard low hurdles,
broad jump, high jump, pole vault, ;
eight pound shot put, and base
ball throw.
Here are yesterday's
Boy and girl archers planning results and today" matches:
rourth race, t furkmia. 1 up, r- . . ., , rik ,1 ik. .rr.i.
aurHivot, :t Um Puree, 11.00. 130. Under Jalopy acsmicxion oer vu ...c ...,.
iso; un Time (Umperti .M. iw k. rules, the drivers will be per-!
Z TiJi"T.: Trmitei to r,m and wreck each
Quintal S.40; time 1:11-11.
f a. purf other's mount st any time during X Cctlllo. ITlCC t
association meeting -Tuesdayflt f)r .f f l 1 1
w as. w w aw, aMa W M.
aTtflk ear llfWlfin
!tl.'Sk2S.' ttlStZi' In. lh prow- There may be con-1
1.50, . 2 SO Aiaaaaia inl -.S.W. A, ,w. , ,k.
ljb-.Arts farmat iniaaio a.ucmuic u, i.a, ...
aixlk raca. S'i lurlonsa, 1 up. ,... ,k. u .i, !,.,
Bjiaa SdtO-Ultla Bu (Gilford! " ""
fn.ou. rfii, 4.10-aii ChaJiani tHoa- spent arguing over the rousn
'!"""'. 'ftiLi-'aJ.'.u TZ, tlUt driving tactics some of themem
iUVSt, T"- ,bfri -it in last week s hard
Sevanth raca, I lurlonni, 1 up, tODS meet.
f.u:i? .7S?rE.l.Jor9..w..? W!?,! Drivers la 'Beef
U OSJ. "W.aW, 1 (ajaiUVTHf
smi. iso: Blum tMcDowaiii- a,T4. - Tempers flared
Qulnlala U:M; tlm 1.11-41.
Iih raca, 1 mil, t CalUarnlaa
(Zolllnrarl, 7.1S. 1.40, IN. S-Faud.
in' rank iSmolharil. 10. ISO.
Blue Mink (Glllord), 1.70. Qulnlalla
111 40. : t
ith . naaa, 1 snll. t Halorlaa
(Plane). HIS, 11.90, lit. S-Our
Land I Boas I, U SO, S M. S-Na Pho
to (Sharmant. 1.10 Quinlella IMI 40.
Atttndanca 1,7(3. Total handle,
Gates Holds"
Olympic Go
CATES (Special) - The an-
prexy -Red weiiman nnaiiy
called a halt to things snd sug
gested that the involved drivers
"get it oft your chests Ssturday
night in the Jalopy meet."
The CARA provided a lew de
struction gems st the bowl last
year, the best of their kind in the
history oi tne big racing saucer.
A bundrv practice session is
planned at the JabSerwalkie
course between 10 and 12 noon.
On Monday, there will be a prac
tice session between 4:30 and 5:30
p.m. at the Fairgrounds.
The TV program will award
prizes on basis of division. All
scores must be tallied ind in th
hands of the sponsors by June
State winners will have the
nlna; Wtilf vs Bolmeier
Senior division matches tonight
Cumminirs vj Lebold; Durham vi.
Burhaniin: Stewart v Carleton: Ha
fen Moravec: Johnson -s Neu-ell.
Four teams and seven in thp in
dustrial league met in Salem last
nipht to discuss plans for the com-
s,rZ..f, ,k- .i-MlriKM 10 cmP't a' Lakewood
filv tD. llmknru T,.. I .t 1 " J '
Phillips Field at 7 30 will be IGA contcst Aug 13 19
vs. Randle Oil, and at 8:30, Pris
on Officers vi. LAR; the latter
38 Girls Out
! For Sofllrall
team is being sponsored bv Lind
berg Distributing Co. and Randle
Chuck Wagon..
In the Industrial League open
ing June the Jamboree will see national lcagik
g ab r
and National Guard will meet.
y . i.rrj .....,uS..
l .lltlO (Ji III"
with the events.
etc., who art normally favored to
win the bigger pieces of the
....1 m.vI.. T...k stock hsrd tops events by the
WZZSJ BT. (ta iGatf AHA, will of coum be no bet
Hit tvl Wedneaday, with, 0 $ the rMt of ,n an
youngsteri from W to 17 years of ttu
(gt participating in four age 1 "
First EUB Holds
" rJ Softball Crown
School. . .. ..;..-
. Three communities in the can- First EUB won the senior di-
yoa area were represented by vision Church Softball champion-
their school dUtricts, Lyons, Msii ship list night with a 2-0 victory
TjEa i city and Gates. Mill over First Baptist. Each pitcher
rit. arfeAola acorcd 17f poinU. hurled two-hit ball, Norv Hilfiker
JJari-Linn Wk vA Cates 77. . for First EUB and Gordon Tur-
...:"k ' it... t.AA rwi.idustrial loop will be Meier and
Collie. Ray Hiebert, Stan Dietz, ! "; Kay Woolen Mill and Cas-
Lorn PltlbrKh
Rrpulski, St I
Walls. Ptt.brgh
Boycr, St. I..
MtKns St. I..
Snider. BrkHn.
Sirni. St. 1.
McMillan. Cinclnn. 2S 7
Bell. Cincinnati 30 109
Thirty-eight girls turned out
for a Softball practice Thursday
nidht nl T..lio Fi.M tn kalr.
nfii!'n1'Wid' "rchery bols,er ,he no a Rirls
league this summer. Another j
practice was scheduled for next
Thursday night
Sponsors, msnsgers snd
coaches are still needed for the
girls. Those wishing to take part
in the girls' league should cr
tact Jim Dimit or Vern'Gilmore
at the school administration of-
Ncw Softball Loop
Ready for Action
Play in the newly-formed Wil
lamette Valley Men's Softball
League will get underway Tues
day night at the Central High
School field near Dallas. Hub
bard and Dallas will clash at
7.43 p.m.
Also announced Thursday was
that Ml. Angel has joined the
new league and raises the loop
total to six teams. Others are
Independence, Sheridan and
Major League
31 115 21
27 92 20 :in :iii
:s S4 is 31 .m
32 127 24 4J .154
32 11 2S 41 .TO
2S 1(M 20 .14 1411
:s 8.1 7 28 .:i2-l
.11 120
20 M J14
H Pet.
47 409 fice.
The meat was noder tbt direction
M Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Frost and
Don McCluskey of Gate HlgW
Ri(H Watart
tut HaiShl
Vide Mr
Ttaaa far fait. Ortiaw
(CawttMtew V I to ant
CeMrtw aWrve Peruana 4jn t
Law Aatrra
Tim Ht"r
frit am. lt
I M a m. 4
1 St l a. -I I
I IS r an. II
I a m. - I
im. IS
al a m. 01
I as am. I'
I 44 ant. -4
1:44 fJB. S-T 1
tUm 4M
It am. IS .
IM wm. 1
I IA a.m. I I
I IS a at. 4 7
I at a m. It
I at am. Jl
I IS aaa. -i .
4J1 pas. U
ner for tha Baptists.
EUB scored its two rum In
tbt fourth.- In Junior League
action. First Baptist imesred
Immanuel Baptist, U-l.
to smu DUST
Duck Chapter
Meets Monday
The Sprig Chapter of the Oregon
Duck Hunters Association will
n.eet at the haak Walton Hall
Monday night at fi.
Two films will be seen and Cas- Maxwell. Detroit
.-j :. ...:. i Kuenn. Detroit
uc .nviiamiie win emeriHin wun, Goodman BoIlon j 12. 3:
a aenronsira"" ot ne reioaaing
or shotgun shells.
, Also, it is announced that de
linquent members wilt no longer
bt carried on the club rolls or
mailing list unless duet are paid
Aaron. Milwaukee 22 8.1 1.1 24 ..11
Home rum: Post. Cincinnati. II;
Lonit. PltUhurfh. 11; Jahlomki. Cin
cinnati. 0: Bnyer. St. Louli. 0; Rank.
Chiraio. 1: Roblnaon. Cincinnati. S;
Kluszewski, ICnclnnatl. I; Thomaa,
Pittsburgh. I
G AB R H Pet.
Mantle, N Y. S5 113 59 VI .421
Vernon. Boston 24 82
Berra. N Y
Oregon Frosh
Defeat Rooks
EUGENE Stan Thompson,
Oregon pitcher, struck out 17 bat
ters Thursday as the Frosh de
feated the Oregon State Rooks
12-4 at baseball.
He allowed only two hits, one
a homer, and issued three, walks.
Curt Jantze had a three-run
15 30 J64 hnmur for Ik. lnojwa - - .
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Werti. Cleveland 31 MS 17 34 X4
Home runa: Mantle, New York, H:
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