i . hi' w w p'n ar'w m ' i 38-(Sec. Ill) Statemtn, 600 Employment 413 SihwHoni Wsmrtw MALL earpefrter job, foot) ww k, reason bl.rh, UOhT crawler chaser., steeling gradins. 3-7841 t. Kurla, fAlNTt.VC. papering Free et. main. Do uw i-Vtt. fARPINTF''roi. any kind rM 4340 MaeleaeJId J-Whl ft lavitTcsMiplele. tree eal 3-8445 morn, 4-2P41 Eva. LAWN ' MOWER SHARPENING COMPLETE REr.MR C 'SEOUIIVCO. OS Edeewater, V Ralem 4-1M1 I.AW'l LF.ARINf; C Mltoetl Pi IV8 flr L WW friiWTNC! ft discing' D. Mt ahall, 1-1343 - ' . Sj, J, d ih4. nam d'g line JVtiwi mobile cranes D4 D7 rl mrrv all -lrr Inr blade Ren'al -cmlroei oi unit prirn SALEM SAND A GRAVEL 140 N front .St Ph 2-2411 CARPENTER CO.fRAfT()';J: b,rN"r,h i aumiro block Fr ma lea. Ph. 1-4CM 418 Education ll'MMffl day ramp for retard-1 td rkiMran. wniiMiinii now. BtaH af 4. Ph. 1-Xiii or 4 5.'i; Itaven School for ti e Setaiil ed Inc, Rt. 4, Box M. 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Koomt, loord BOOMS II day, M a . No drlnkara. 411 N, Summer, SlCE FURN!, cjuiri aleeplng nil. in private home. J-4571 evet HOME away from laima. Pack lunchet Men. I0M NSth. T V 8LEEPINO . eia Iriendlv home. man. Ja board f-762u CLEAN. Comf. rma." 1 V. 'tUiv in tll BWintar MiE iTOWNTOWN, nica"clean front rm. H C water. tr4 Center CI.EANtulet, rear Stale blda" . ahop Dial., kit prlvtl, Mfl fk'ANTED - Man to room and board. W4 N. Capitol Ren'tv. den p-t ent"l06i N Capitol Ph. 4-4134. 705 Apartments Ft Rent INGLE fum. apt, priv. bath It ent, far tinployad woman. 140 N. 13th. Ph. 4-4701. CLEAN I bdrm., llv, rm.! kit. dinette, lust Edgewatrr. W. Salem. fURNrnewlyaeHni atea,"i,bllt. City Hall. PhJ-SIJM I JlICE"l "bdrm. Apt., tum.' or 1'ii.utn. 117 Court 81, . rURNrniod. 8 "rm. Apt."lttS Madlaon.J.Ph. 4-4.H. COLONIAL Manor, i"Yrn. lurii. a I rm. unlurn. 122S llie mketa.Ph. J-;M. rieanTneallv 'firm-!-!!. R. ant, at Turner I'll. Salem 4-34H7. sTrm. It bath In modern court,! range refrtg. bus bv dour. J4M HlrL84Ph. 5. 1411 STATE ST. Clean turn. rm i kitchenette. uUl. 8.15. 1 RM. turn. aot. tti So Near Salem HI. Ph. 1-JtMI. UCELY lursj.-! rin,'"apt., cloae iRM 4s hath, furn , clime in, single enly. PhJ-dOM. ATTRACTIVlf! ' boYm.fiirn. apt near M F. 878 Union. CLOSE inT'taVnaX: Trm. ha'ih utility rag. arar( ;hus. l-aS13. I RM. turn. apt. pvt. hath, of II. runt., adults. 840. 885 8. Com I ,:, ,.:. - v - CLEAN 1 rm. V kiliiieiwlle'. T- furn. Water At gsrbage. furn. PrlV. ent. bath. North Kmp. lady pref. 8783. LARGE lat-flr. clean turn1 apt. fireplace, auto, heal; near Caoitol Adults 1-4.MI.1; l-5l'V2 fibDEWTl "l'rnt7 eotirt apt., util., 81 karaga furn, X'l.l i Portland Rd Pn. 4-Kiil ' Close In. nice mod. furn, apt. Ph. 3-84HO, except Sal. CLOSE IN, well furn..J "rm., bath, air conrilllnn, 8.18 Center IPTS. for tent. Hollywood Dht. Lie. furn. rmi. A hath, ;i Unfjfn. 817 SO. Davi 4-7HV9, avs. 4-4713. DOWNTOWN furn. apbC (Jill. pd. 870. 78SMurlon 2-522,1. I RM. utll, furn. pvt. batli! : entjefrig.jns S. lflh. Adults. KING WOOD-Cwrtiir Inrn. A unfurn. apt laundry (aunties, water A garbage furn. 3rd SI. 1 W. Salem.- Ph. 4-i14 nmrn- 1 lnfor eve after 8 GBNTUEMAN.'lira'l 'rm. apl comp lurn. tS Center t BDRM. apt. rrlei'oraleirTtS. Good location. S-5:t2:i COURT p!s.extr nk. 3 rms hslh. furn. TV. laun. parking. avail, inej. l.H So, 12th. t Looking "tor" nic quiet s-rm! 1 apt ! Prlv. bath A ent., 1 Ire I A t small closet. Cull at x S. 22nd atter 8 p.m. Furnished, j FURNISHED b a e he In r A It bdrm. Apt 21.18 Fairgrounds , Rd. Ph 1-3118 before p . in. nr 3-aano after 8 P.M. flJRN 1 RM. aptw!lh baih Vacnl8lh. 8aSN Slimmer. Large i rm, furn apt CL0SEJN S0P1I fattl CNFI'RNl"hdrm court '" apt Ranc. ref.-lg auhurh 1-2'iiH 883 SAGINAW, nice 1 rm kitrh. etiette. heat A water Inrn FURN 3rm. apLAdults 1545 N. Capltiil. en. i-tHX CHOICE, CLOSE IN J RM. UNFURN. YARD. S-8a24. 1 RM. fiwn,, pvt. bath. util'pcT. gar. avail. 1553 Slate, 1 RM turn, apt., prlv. bath A ent Suitable lor r pi. 1111 Mill CLEAN 3-rm. front apt Ground fir, refit, stove A utilities furn.. prlv. bath Ph 1-714H AMBASSADOR API'S Nicely Furn. Apt. 850 N. Summer I-H208 For I bdrm furn court apts All utll furn Weekly or monthly rateP 1-87SI i LRG. rm Apt. furn, elns to Capitol bldg Ph. 4-272U or 1-3798 alter lj.rn SMALL AltTactiv film. apt. 348 N. l!th. PACIOUS DNrURNISIIKD 4. rm Acacia Apartuieait, IUU South 13th Street, 3-70tr1 i--iiIS jbdrm, unfurn lilnh kit chen. uhtil,"si "feT TO". Ptir 4-5958 8ROOM unfurn. flat I broci; P.O Ino. 858 Ferry:'- - DEVEREAUX'aPT. Nlce'l bdrm furn. 1488 State. Pt. 2-25.14. MOD. nicely furn. apt Pvt. bath. 84 N. Cottage. ATTRACnValTrm., hath ant 837.50 State at 13th Ph. 3-4370 CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. apt down town, lady pref, 815 Ferry. CA"p1T0L PLA7A 1 BDRM. UNFURN. 1188 Chemeketa SI Ph 8-8fi3n COURT APTS - Has private k rfn town ants From 8' to 865 Ph. M440. In Sjuir M Court Silem, Ore., Frt, May 700 Rental 70S AyrtmnH Foe Rent SMALL attractive apt with flr plr Sr. pri. batu. Enia. lad. ia No. li.urcu St. CI I AN (urn. I ra. ape. Ferrj. I uir. uuiu.n. Apt. u vwi-; 7 bttsa at rsiar snucew an rry Ph. 4-il. 706 Dupleies" S ROOM unliirn. flat. kiH f u. ma. tain. - liK 1 ImIuu. turn, aida liy h!w duiir H'J. r (all 3-aww tsr ilUOl Winter. I t)Hl. fum. duplet, 8'.i College lit.. W. Valetn, aait-j able J una ll. 8-U Mi. 4-t:ia MOUr.KN tin n all tint. I bdrm l.sli Hush Sci.ool tlaraae tiH"ir tilt U.inn Si ihl 1LOOH turn. I burm exit bee, TV ant bcudrx. ml heat, (mag. S. IL'lit Cam I Ph. I-iI2. l-r!llRI unliirn , clean, yard, gar. Ph. 4-:im f biiiim" iuiii diipies" I4 1 Cuiirl. t mo. Ph i-alt.lt 707"Vlouei For Reir S K llih. -"' II. KAN uimitll. i'i IhIimi A' r. 4.V W. Salmi 3-i'. r BIllHI rmilif, n.1 nVo. al TuV Mr. Chfler Stewart 'lurni-r: - ' , ' ;-r-,. . 1 HUIIM near new II rm ti.inf met- nil', 2 bdrm Html, (urn hunie IVl. Hi. j-4;il. 1 UDHM riounr tar., irdeii. 1 walnut ttH-ii. I he.e .iu. Hrj p.i. :-j7h. 1 HDltMK. fiirii urTiiilurii 175 mo NuMli. I'h. Jiut AvjiI June lt. J BDHM. Tiuuie4S. at IfcWil Claude St. To rem iail IfU Whrti'he'. HIKI N.i ih eve. alter 4;: CLEAN 1 bdrm In, use, allili. garage, available June lt. i ul lage Dr., W. Snlem. 7S. I'll 4-4Je. FOR RENT Small I bdfui7lu.. reliig A; ranre tin n.. iiih. couple prelerrcrt $15, l.iq. Bak.r. t BDHM. unliirn house. 2-a.Ci allrr 5 or week WHY RKN T when you ran this new 3 bdrtii. iiume lucated at ll.S Lupin Lane lur Itou dn. aV Ilia per nio.. inc. t.ixts and insurance, luuiied. pi. See Den (ullialli. Itlir. I'd ' 4-44l. FOR KENT, bd"rrn. house near Washington School, Ph. 2-Sil:iK. 1-I122. , . 1 BDHM unliirn duplex, neat It clean, wgarage, close in. tan 4-i;i07. SMALL t bdrm. unfiirn. liuttse. oil heal garage. 8m. I'h 2-:iu.ri nr 4-I4. 1 LKG. hedrm. iitil.. ahuwer, $:tfi i Ph. JI-.W4 alter 5. I NICF." 3 hlir. luime " with fire- j place, dining room, full !asr-! ment ritmpua riKiin. Eii..le-1 wood dirt, near hua. tnirs, i i.'hnols wilt give lease, i 1 HUlt. duplex w ith ituve and ! relrl. clean cioe in imith a'ti See Jue I.. Hoiirne Hraltur ut i 11 HI N I'anitiil. i 2" BDHM , neat A.- clean, lem ed yd. Utility rm. $ati. Ph, 4-utlla Cnf1,rn rm K ,;r. age. cluse in :a month. 1 ".N. Cnltale. snuill riK.m. reaa l N- Cottage. SMALL clean untuni huuse, 843 per mo. Ph. ti-;riM. T 1IDHM7 hnuiw. laundry- (acif llira, eler range, 'tin bus Hue. Ph. 4-29.U. lUt'-. -Jl 1 eiJIIM., I.g. carpeted llv. rtu. furnace, luungsiovvit kitch.. , ranee A refrlg S5. Center i til. Realty llental Sen' I74H (Vnter 4-88.1l Eve. 1-7812. NEW 1 BDHM huse7'rne, re frig A washer turn. All util Inc. KM. 'II I u So, Pacific Hwy. , Ph. 1-U8HI. I IiilTlMrili.iMe parllalTv furn" stove A refrlg, Flrenlare, nil -beat, basem't (arage. Couple out)-, huiith.. Sat. 2-t8'i4 BllSINF..SS'w"rtdrntiaJ-rental. atCill 1'orlland Rd. I'h. 4-S"l.!l or t,la5l. 1 1 Bdrm. houcea, range, refrlg. w turn, naivaunr amis, z-.utii 208 E. Miller. 1 HDRM. house, parity furtiislird 848 per month at Stale St. A 4 Corners. Call 4-4',98. 1 HDHM. hnme. Util rm. oil heat. 1440 t russ. GARDEN spot, I bdrm duplex. imTe aVr"'''" Ph 4.1W or 4-.1il-' I niinti. gi". i'iiei nun. i,i Close In. 4-40U9. l-l'.DIIM house wgaragr. stove ! A re(n. L'.IS Allen Cuiiil j Ph 4-.HI..9. j MODERN 2 hdrm house, elec I heal. 875 mu. Pay 3 muutbs adults. Entleuucid. Lrrd I. Kit hi, liiim Clieiurltela. TRAILER spue t 1 ( per mo. No pel. I'h. l-BMH. 1 i 19 Ox ford. l-BEDRM houses In Mapleton ilisl. North Salem. Call 4-U:a 1- HDRM cottage, pnrllv furn. yard, Karaite. 4-8aMi. 2- ltDIIM. house A- :.onui iipt.. r.ii, i-miim. house, p,u. pn. 4-U1I6. 707-O Furnished Houses 3 RM Cottage, clean, nu pets. 2IWI N 5lli. SMALL Etirti. bouse si.ti.i. rurii. noiise. i ie.ni ('Ill ill 4'l2 S. Hull FAT, Clean :t rm turn cot-1 tsre 411,1) N 1 .anra-ler. I'H UDKM, house with bunt 4 - mi. ".u. 8'oS mu 2-IHtj NICE new l-bdrm home Irg rlothes clusel. con.p furn. inc. water 4 gaiiiate sei i -lie, I'iil No pels. I'll 2 8!.S . 1.40 Oxford "RDHM wtile blh"hiiiidi5: arage Inq. :.845 Plld rid CI FAN fiirh 1 hdrm'hoiite tiS Soma ut.l , gar. adults, no pets. 4-5155. WALKING dist. So, I bd;m turn, house 2-87it 710 Wonted to Ren) Hset WANT 2 bdrm. lurn r.uus,. W. Salem. Ph 3-M37 WK"NKF.D morel." "j A 4 bed room houses to lent-.ill pi i. c-t furnished or unfurnished V specislle In rentaU Cenler St Healt, 114H Outer 4-lki:il Kve IM.OFtfSSlONAL man. now revi (lent. deire 2 ur 3 bdno houne Dear R Rr.lem Hleli. I'h 3-3179. I- 3-;stiV eve 7ftRe8nrt Renlotr Spend you weekends k summer vacation at CHALONS COL'RT MQTEL l'i mile No. of Depoa Bay . on Highway 101. Good ftah Ing off rsH'ks, Ideal inr ehll dren. Steam het, vice, coffee perhs poo-up toasters. 88 cotiole, less hy the weak. Call Depot Bay 111 for reser vations 7 14 Business Reitlols STORE ROOM for rent 888 f4 High Ph 4-hsi imsiNFSS snare I8'x33'. vIL , able June 11. In Wall. Rd. - Shop,,ing renHr. 840. Ph. i 8-7411 s -Btm. 25, 50 700 Rental 714 luslriess KMrib GOOD BUILDING Xfttt lt Churrh. Ptt. 1-8811. M tow criM apace, store rma riia 3-41 14. ) g Convalescent Hornet EI DEFrsT Nurrlrf Bntna M vai rowna ataiiah, xa.1t N t'hurrh. CO 1 A 0 it (t)NVALIStfM I HOMK M (oilir. J-.Wa ! i j i '780 MoiM9 ft StOfOOt , t f i m n n r ! MAVFL0WKR Movm? and Storape H'EL OILS CAPITAL CITY TliAMSFER LOW ((Wt atnrag H U Stiff I rumiliitt la J-tli l-arntw fitefff & Siur.ii'e l onipif it moving tervice flla agenla liir H r' K I N Nili.m Wiae Minera I'll 3 31.11 VAH) Itr-al Estate 801 Buiinets Opportun SKI F Service I aunrirv doing ii.i(l husuiew., tin ati oi trade lur iiKOiie oi lami pitverl II I, .liiiinstiii IIL'.tl S r' Hi! 1" m l S'l. I'll All iiilu' :,-Uti:i iMiiund Sl'RI RP.AN C.RIM'KKV Wi ll h'.itrri grm'i-rv and gai -IlLisinr' Me i i.ir i'iillilr (:,Kii i.Kiri' htdg v.illi Itviittf tiri!lers. 2 ras pu .ip l'i"i ettv flti:re. sliicl: in I ?.i liimiin all lur ll'l iiwui f ' 'anjihi caaii, halancf (ihiU term. HiiMiieiK -liiisif ifuud income and could be ex panded Outer cotiiile in puot healt'i rra'un fur efling Will - cuO'ider hiiuse in or near S.tleni tn dim u pjvnient. Ncirtlnve-I Land (V Ph VW1!-Reallora - Fee S-lIM 1741 I'KNTKH .ST.. SAI KV1 MtlllHIN 7 unit Sali in niiilrl and liuiue, se.'l nr rnniidir Itude lur iiutl att, ItiMise clone hi. Write lint ti.'l Stale. luan-Juuriiai SERVICE STATION MAJOR oil Co. has unit fur lease on main arterial. Excel lent Railonare hintorv. Pielrr an exiHTience man with retic ence. I'honr Mr. Stephenson. ! si-thiSu. ; ! near completion FOH LEASE new dilve-tn restaurant with heavy traffic count Some equiiuneiit fum. l',ox all. SiMcKiiian-Joiirnal. 802 Butiness Property NICE 2 bdrm. home sin ill liii-iiies llldv un lutisllio lot, in g.HHl ci.a-l tnuil h'lite $14, uud IMune u, vi i He. a-i, u i Mi. Hi-iul ui Mr McUohiie,. Win. I fli.in.nn ,V IV ltlti Pn. HeUke :Mi;:t. Iieiai,, tne INCOME BUY l Owner m-vinit out of male, of teis 1 jt;irHie renljl iinita at it-UiK'fd price oi K'.l.fKiU, Will cimsider 2 or 3 VUr. home in un trade Tui fs a ond o n-own;r pruuenv that hai never oeior- bi-en voul Loca tion exrellMit, Un rmt;i, pur pitse lor in:jiy mil to come, ne-'ir new Aim-i ican Cnn Co. V Stale Tut m In Co, building Kile's; mUd uill be haiulv f.jr iirniv ner.tutinel oc- "vln(f mw ulr hat? in con- uiupraiinn or fuoa ren.inti we ure fhnwln hv apihuntinent Call Mr. Uiiurn for def.iiU Kvr. I'h. J. Joe L. Rourne, Rltr. 1140 N. Capito! Ph. 3B218 LONG VKNM LEASE. Corner lot 1 indusl, rime, Hj'.xlS!. paved 18' Alley. Writ Statesman-; journal uo Bj. VALIIAMLE PROPERTY A tirgr building A 2 lots, ren-1 rally located, a good business site I'h 2-iiMO or 3-44J4 I 803 Suburban RURAL Haven 3 bdrm. modern house. 1 acre. Igr barn at McL'uy near store A post or fbs Ea.v ririvin. d..i.n, . i Salem. Dallas McMinnvllle Hutii.esii Interests force for 83 4W- Jim Hathaway. Mc Coy, urigou LOOKING for a lioiue, Keiser u; A lot, 0( flujt j lull I III hoiPe Ph. .. A HOME at FRtlMLAND a nil rist uut t'enlei at Cllllllll X scbuol ilu r In U.':ll,...ul,- I .. ....I vacant miivp wi.'iit iv aiM au, Ut ,oml, IT tlrf-Ffrt-. - -mtr:-Ptt7"t-,hr- f-lJ ACMES. Fd he gar", bus Jit Km. 7"ti dn :iB?5Chetrv 4 I'dim. nearly 6 acre., south (loud well i.jvemei.t. Sell all or part. 4-8213 A Haven lor Man & asl Hanih stvle home with IsrJc roo'ii ,v ;t (nei'laci'-, :' tid-n,' lull a.itbv sit in l acre. ; of br.iulll'.il tiecs ' limn wlln !l acles of lusb pi.tti I., stalls for hi ult.'tc I.. ,i'i;ir: nm Iuu n 806 Houses For Sole 0. f "V ff 1 I I II I 1 1 vi 1 'V aaaa' Pi iin New F.nql.nul R.fht .r. Walnut Pan: Hie pret- I ,e , t jpe ( '..U lu,. or v.i i evi-r i.i ! L, i 1 i Vi i, . ulil .Uld 'u.i pli'it v.ilu i iii-di. i'i i i b.i ,',ui-iit .l.o.lile s.ii is. Vim iwii inir 1'ie lioll.t.. K.d.ies I'ld lira lr nlmt-r bo- r' tlrnv 1 1 , 'nl t e .lonn ' nit i u.ii 3-.. I. Oli.sc 4- .'I.; Ted Morrison i Healtur 'I'M N. llltiil I'UUNK 4 777 I.UVFl.V i u-dru.. h-r. Neat rlej'i Wa'hfrf A: tiller K1'' Wet! lantlm aiet Cnod Dist. Smith f W Uerve He.iltor I I'i MliMnn .St. I'h .nr,.H, Eve i K. 1 lili'MII AND VI Vi.i..a.ikta. .lit iu nt-r leaving a.vMime G I loan mi aUrai-live ut-w 2 bdrm botue bricked paliu lleautiful yd is siiriu.s hv, N. 4lli. FSCELLEN'T KflUH IIF.DI.OOM HOMfir HAH4JWIHID FLHHHfsvf rillKI'LACF. DISHWASHER, ANTENNA, TWO I1ATH ROOMS. GOOD NEICHBOR HOOD. CLOSE TO ALL SCHOOLS. 813 TOO 08 J. B. YOUNG, REALTOH 433 N. HIGH ST. Ph. 1-PtUM OWNER TRANSFERRED Will sell spsclous 1 bdrm. home for r.H.A. appraisal. Must sec o appreciate 1420 N. 24th. SILVERTON. House 8r lot. Good location, cm in. KM90. Trms. E. W. Longenecker. 1551 Osk, Eucen. Or. HOMES, 8108 to .8500 dn. 848 to 7t par mo Why rent when you ran buy your own home on iriese terms? Call Allen C. Jnnes, Rcnltnr. 131 No HUh. M818. Eva. 4-1888, 1-8848. A 800 Real Estate t0 Heirs ft UU BENNIE'S "BUYS HARDWARE STORE OOINO BUSINESS TH TALLtT tuwn. out M ajiajor ari p- vratwa uuabi to coulmua. iU aril at lavwmurr artradaj fur hu'na r Incoma properly. all lam fafaa. dara 444M. 481 M. . a it i nrt i inn IAII liJUtJMXn Drtv bv tWra baauUfutlr trad r""; Kwicn m '"!, Mit A ate. Facn fVo Kit. Carnar JixKon A I I cii.irrn sirrcta. Prica I mjo raih or Km' A tor bollt Call i HtlU, day 4444, ava. i r, j hhi DOWN BUYS 1-BFOHOOM HOME ATI Mrm nrunuuw ihim(-aii aarma j Zn'JT tTeirer mall lurnat. limited at Like lal.nh juM olf Porllaad lli.lmav i Veara uld ciner . p.t. brae garage M.mihlv pavrnts 455 Iter mentli. Ask Audi' fur Aniunt. to nee. Davs 4 1 I'H eve 42714. MASTERFUL j Brother, you've rinsed the boitt A iim-l tin me 3 xirm Itmi.r udti 3 cfidHinc balti-. 1 lur PIjit" uite in fatmilv ruuiitl j l'et.iuii(iit utility rtu off the j "u,il uf tliM VHiTM" fXttthfll Look unt over ut rtty a hiutitiuiii from the 31 -ft. In ut" liit. Von'K lie the iHler- tv-liiiti fJl iix wfoucht irtin ti 1 1 n. fLf'-'onr' eutraiH'e hull, in- Kte pt:intrr. n-i d hi irk w i( he I'Mrd n p bu.lt-in otfn unii A b.iripf i tie tti-h WdJtf! A II iMKll I'liK !!;-- el. slur.iKt' riioni q.i.iMv for ;i Qu.tlMiftt 'mv ci f KVi t'SlVK MK'ATION. ( ill Mr- Vrtu. iUt am. MEKK'S A SNAP FOR VOI' IF YOC HAVE A i ii a ii ik inirsF a a i.n- 111 ('ASH and hnuld like lu trade it lur tins line 2 bed riMjiu ii. intern Dome fully lur nulled oulv I trv uld 2 nu-e luts, in 1 1 1 ul r id Ui.inct ll.l.id llr tile liutn. altarhrd ii are I'i M e ful llislied II I -aim Iqu.tv ti .Vm Ask tm Aiulv ll.ii) 444ft) eve 4J7H l'( )!!( K I) S.AI.E OWNER TRANSFFKRKD TO SAN FHANCISC O- Will aacrl- lu e (in quick sale tliu ne it .1 ticdruoin hume with wall to Mall carpeting, play rm. ualk in t Insets. In enlace, ( liise tu limner school PHICFD HKMIT AT ONLY 111 Ml. CAI.I. Tom Faglin. d.ivs 44'H. ee 4lt. REALTORS 517 i ourt si Dial 441BJ S?vrd'nre,A.ece ww' camet' """m? ""-JlrTOm, '"'J'"" ROOM TO BREATHE On Can I r. old lireplaie. w carpet. with den. b.isement. 1 baths rf-t., p.,,i,(,,i i. near Mi Kmlcv S1I1L Ph. 4-76-'4 OW:;KH mnl ell smil!. older liuii nut I .n.i v . but ci.mfoit atiif, t-unvi'iiteiit. and rede or -atftl Imiiifili.ite ix.v 'e- ion.' tViuu Ti imv See at l.'ifi W.m ilii' Wi,, Sunilay. I'Ntil.lAMIOI) DISTRICT I): i e in I ..ii IVarl St. 4 bdrms.. 2 baths. I'H 4.LT0 I. n.al., . I1Y IIIVNKII: mall neat ? be.i l uOfo lia in' possible :.ld ' - s!.nis, e.-i'ili-nt location, near suor s, .i.iol, bus 1- ,:ll price yi juu 1 POO under anpraisal iii.ii ,s, .ist. rn. -"". i IIUMM ti room home. hdwd. , lloois. tti.150. 8350 dn 888 mo. J l,lrn. furn 11750 1.1S8 dn. 140 mi, Ph 'I-4M1 I ENGIiEWOOD JUST listed and priced for ctutrk sal only $5,750 with 10', down. Very neir Engle wod school and Kay park playground i Bedrooms, llv ine room, kitchen and dinette hath, basement with furnace, gar n't on alley Located on quiet street Monthly pay ments leas than rent i 4 BEDROOMS t 1 OCATED on N. 83rd St., 1, bdrms. no and 1 down. Elec heM h.irriwood floors. Very clean Interior and newly nainlaH v tatvirtr Inwatlv 1 1 1.- m "j -U-..1-- . -'i. j 810 500 will go FHA or GI. Call us now. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING Rl Estate Insurance r,ia" Loaps Office 39217 Eves. 24709 or 37388 T& LOTS-LOTS 5 lots. 65x100. NF. all for 8? 850 Offer on terns Ci rnr.lt Oshim. e.'f 4-1718 flAMF IIIMM TO STOCK DEVILS LAKE all'Tliil lake ll',VH.i l.Arvr au'.nw lane ; i din. gravel street. A buv at AnTQlTlC? We-, side Sc, P'.lliP.L'IClll iliOl fldtl 8 1 idler, lie 4-7H", SEE THIS 7-RDHM in In iari.-iihe si-iuiik, on i.tige ioi Out.ule tirenf.ii , . lovelv sh.idi 4 ml lii'cs l.aige guaiji' ere l.i s, i.ioil A- bus A li: v .it 47 ".mi C.i!l I r .ni k Cr ilt.n., cie I-I7IH ; 3-lidrm Attached garage, den : tiic. I2'l lot Paved sited I ir :, , .,1 .p Nine I. m n 'bi ot.s on l. v I lot t "l,.-r in. SI'J - I th hi n. e I'.tll iuloi , , - I , 4-.ll. VKHV NICK srtU'Ri.AN IIoMK i ): ('! 1 Cl llt'llt 1 ,H'it II 1 HI I I , I ui- or (it uhs fni.t in .ml J ili.e sf-'hlrni hiiiiii-. it i iiiercl kilt hf n tV n.ii k ilii.irif riii ii. lipn f.i -v I it 9 t. I . iili tif I ' s.'e I K. ii K riti p e .;- .i.i.H ! ( I Oft Ut SW FM-6U . t , I V. ,.h lou . 'f (l.ill hi . .Ail collie iii.s Pi)iML sell u ith thi inodcrn da.r .r re i einie .po-i it at 1 1 m i r p- n oil' ,r:ii e f r' in I. .r all HI 1)1 ( r U FROM U WKJ to I (14 .'ti Hi 1 Ins flu arte Silv er- j ton 11.11 berry fann with live stir' .Ui ,! ing 'H -i ioul- , j try home una a l-brdm. home. ! Ctoc tfi schools .i A. RKS Poultry, livestock and genetal farm. Good bides . modern .l-bdrm home. 800 hen- farm mach. and some catMe. on pnved hiw:.v and Just 4 miles from town. All will go for 122.500. See Hrrb Darnel or Geo. Kraus for fjirma Real Estate , , M ft,,,rt, pi tent 1 3" N' Churc" Ph' 4'687! i MOD. t BDRM. home, lot 198'x walnut cnerne. j ml outside city limit, buy equity k take over loan at 4a inter eat. 2119 Fisher Rd. MR OWIMKH' liirn Atoodrv will oav top price foi vour fum A- apnibuice Ph l-Slin COZY 1 bdrm. home nnMh "lo- to bus line, paved St. 83.300 8'IOti down. Iman. noasession ts. M. Mason Rltr. 341 Chemeketa. Ph.J-8841.-3489. JOI HUTCHISON "REALTOR i-t us solve your nome needs To Buy sail or neni iau Ph 4-5743 111) Idgewatei Ph 4-1874 8718 n 'nrnml BUY my equity in Manbrln Gardens home. 1 bdrms , or 1 bdrms and den. F. A. heat, frnl. and natln. 81 ISO dn . Ill 880. 13 atanbtia Or. Fit. 4-J4M 800 Real EaUte 10. Ho.4HFr$U 190 DM 9m t ma. wQ built X Dorm. acc nvav iuu pracv, rM. Ph. 1-3S7. FOR SAL I, 4 rm. houaa. Kaiavr diat. IJU oowa oat. (zthp. at 1) mo. nads repair. 4714 Ml ancra. 1-4474. 1 BEDROOM home. landacapMf. (nut nut Uta acre, four rornara. Ill oa Ph. -8M. FAMILY HOME Wonderful Engliih type hom I full kitha Tile. 1 LARGE bdrm.. full bamf. with P''ty room and I-car f arafe. Fire place of town, rarpata in cluded, ae Derate dinira; room, keeping mam. Located fin fia est neighborhood" Sacrlfica lHuu. (y.i-lliil tern ti e Hnble huyee Call CLIFF MOWOFR Home MM Of flea 4-3 TM. ajanaanajMaaaaaBajajaajaaaaaaawa TWlt ulffl II jM. 11,11 a 1 1 1 1 li J "111' IIU liit Va! aTt Tf t,ri a-aV'' -' daaal 18M Fairground Rd. I.arkte I bdrmr I.ivmf room, d.ij.nf riMMn fHxl kitchen iitiht KK ornrr t. tti'niQ S.'rllt doW I) Firhent H-bdnns livim room. (Utnhrf fiinin, fnir kitchen au1n ctfl ne.Tt wontlerful ror- in i in in ;efi New tidii . . l"Vi!i Tkoiti dm- irif kivhrn nook, do. .hie rjt-e autit oil hi- 2 ft5 New 1 tdrri-5 liilitt d.ntng room. firenhcrv tii)r kit clien fimtiv rouni. J vtt nlinitrjiiip r!M- finfe 1" New 5 tdr u . Iji itt- la in loom fiU'pl.'Ci d;ni,)f room. liar kitchen. 2 -r of. ul(i:ith.h" ji;.u ui 1 hrj' dhle Rjr.iKt' line location. S','4t ' I'HONE ::-N;2(i osc.Mt si:di:iisti:oi i dki. Ki r.i.Ki: Eve. 2-s.'l'l 2.2SU ' MiKll.1.01' KKAI. KSTATK Jim I.ilicr'.v Ril . Salem IWi 1 KKDKV Very el! krttt. Wired for range A. drier Utile l aiiiiirt I';i .ed St Cln-i' tu bus C W, Reeve Kealmr 1 Mtit Mission St. I'h. MS:). Eve 2UW Cultiuial on the Creek Lnr"e fnre d:np trees, doeni of hnibs. fiowers. blcndfd to a ntu-like sett inr Over IOi fert of beautiful creek. Snrlnklimr' system, outdoor linhts 52" 50u. Eve : Cordova Steo'ienFon 4-flH1'. Office l-T'C7. Ted Morrison Realtor o - a V Hldl ','."'v" PHONE 4-7977 .,, nt.. , 4 - BDRM., BSMT rireplace. """' a.ium ki- "S SW suburban. Full, price. 88,400 Terms. To see call Chet Rawlins. Eve. 3-n23H. RAM REALTY R05 CHEMEKETA STREET Stslem. Ore. Of. Ph. 4-875 $IHI Down. $10 a Month Buvs this small home, near Sa lem Heights school. 83150 Iv A. MrGlaullin Realtor 333 N. High. 2-8611, 3-6612 LARGE FAMILY HOME VFHY fine Tnlllsh style home on Cross Street. 4 bedrooms 2 hths larf. Heine rruim i IR'v 261. ' separate dining room. large kitchen St nook, den or music room, fireplace, oil M furnace, full basement. It lawn underground sprit lovely wuoded picnic Near school and recreation park. 822 000 Will take Smaller house in on a trade. WALNUT PARK 2 BEDROOMS radiant hot wa ter heat, . fireplace, wall to wall carpeting, extra attic storage, large living ronm. dining rojm. covered patio, private back yard. Located on N ils' street. Walking dis tance to hospital or Sta'r of fice buildings $14 500 Will finnnre FHA or conventional. inner 411 M,oVir Ht ..I K'.tu I.'''.ll!e B'"ir DING li:'.r.incc liV OW N KK 1 ri e i I mit lifnd kit. W'ciming ; l in 11 i - I I ! hunt, li.-lil I'i.-i. , 1 I , i i;n lieu .OV't'l"- or-- t,.il -i 1-fi ' l'i : 4 U)i I no.ise ii' Uu.ood HeiTilit.-, finished davlitf- i)srn t ii frpl's.. good view Also .1 d rm , , house in K i 1 1 w i od Heights, unfinished davhte bsm t., 2 frpl's . good view Three 3 bdrm, houses w fire plares in W. Salem. Ph 3-8181 3-15U ii ' 3-?tl 4 ACRES 2 bedrooms down and unf up phjs a full basement The type of acreage and good quality of the house provide opportunity for an ambitious family to Increase the valuer of rhtr property Tf-ti- pilcetl Snsl's mires'Vro- .heeS lltnll. rla.BlU nail 2-6978 day or eve. 2 BEDROOMS SOUTH This neat and clean 2 bedroom, home on nice lot and priced at 86450 may be the one tor you. You name tbe down pay ment. Call 2-6978 day or eve. C S. JACOBSEN REALTOR PH. 3-6978 788 Brenner k Center OWNER transferred : offers home for 89.500 Located close to bus. shoDnlng. ach. bus at door. Itree lot large 1 bdrm. home Finished room in attic. 980 Stark 81 Ph. 4-8348, 800 Real EsUte 80ft HowtwtFof Swle ISfll'S BEST BliyS J2J N. CHURCH ST. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES PHOKE 4-J3U OR J-7E9 BEAUTIFUL SETTING Very Baa home among lovely tree. Large living room. Dining rootii-kitrhen eomb. i Oil heat. Hdwd. floor. Cov-1 a red patio. In lovely area. ) Large lot. -onty esaw win go FHA or CI Call N. G. "Dan" laaak. Eva. Ph. 4-14)53 IDEAL HOME Unuaually attractive home la the Fastmorelind din. Spa- rlout room, aeparate dining room, plua bkfst nook Lovely fireplace. Nice yad with aprinkler ivntem. Patio. BulH tti suit present owner. FllH pi ice 12.5i! Call Walt Jonet. .t. I'h. 4-78.U LOOK HERE 1 Fine livinv In this lovely home. 1 ivmf room, dininf room, bkfsi. nook. intil hdwd fl.Hn Oil hot Alt fjrafe I'iMi q ft All at onlv IDT 50 C.ilt Mr Sword. Ev Ph. APARTMENTS i U'M Wittr1 S aDtt. 3 fum Rcf!iferator und rante All lidr-n Rhowt good income. lriced at 111 not) or will tride TUilv on J-bdrm. house. Call Mr Woodcock Eve Ph. 2-71M!. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO.. REALTOR'S Fvemnga 1-sn.HI 4-7.'!.' 3-lt.ti. 2-8048 4-9111, 4V-99SS' Grabenhorst Bros. OIVNFR LEAVING SALEM C.ie P"s in 5 d.i Nive 2 laree bdrm 11,11111 firepi.He. b.n;t uit'i oil heat plus sr. a 11 R um: Deep aiuunds r.innii.g I.k lu ' 11 1 r Lot uf tlnuer hrubbei .iu'v of friMt ni.rs, S4s1.il! uri'itlhmise ,s uoiKsliup S15WI ' tu ll'Oiii) down, bai.inn on contract I'rice nun SlO.aisl CALL V..MT SlICOIOFSKV iOC I ll SALEM- .1-bd: 111 hnme. sjiatinus 111 111a lOO'e nith f.replare Flsii.t . forced air nil liirn.ice l arge wooded lot Prce S10.0OO CALL H K. LAYMON. than 100-ft. suate with fine 3-bdrm. daylight bsmt. home Lovelv large bdrms,. beamed ceilings in living room A din ing area, 2 fireplaces tiled bath, full bsmt is roughed in and teady for plaster to give an additional bdrm.. family roon . bath & hobbv room. To see this lovelv home call J. e. Law. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 180 SOUTH LIBERTY ST. Evening b Sundavs rail Salesmen Walt Socolofsky 3-8835. J. E. Law 3-5113 Mrs Richardson 4-8988 h. K. Lavmon 2-5193. - - I $750 DOWN ! OR trade for smaller Large 4- bedroom home. Highland and St. Vincent area Double plumbing Nice lot. Fruit. Nuts 87.950. Easv payments. INCOME PROPERTY BRINGS in over J300 month, besides nice quarters for own. et 117 7 50. Terms to suit. Or will trade for home C! 'AKMiN'r i!OME ON i,-acre. 1 bedrooms Liv- ing-dining room .10x19 FA oil heat. Fireplace Nearly new. Fruit 113 950. Termi. v (" f'pri'V l(J,K'l) Satlll'lla Ev, Frank Vlasic 4-2S70 Mrs Lehmann 2-S688; Jim Ramsey 4-1696 TIE HOISELLERS C. D. McCARGAR. RLTR. RENTAL INVESTMENT, worthy of consideration: 8-apt houM on large corner lot. Close to Cimtnj b'lild.M :s and shopping center. It is in excellent con dition: permanent renters and will rr.ake vou a good home profitable income: also poten- um increase in sue value, tan Faye Seal. Eve 4-3:.84 WANT A GARDEN ' Small; compact, all electric home. Lot over MM) ft der-p; bus bv door: southeast. Only S.50a on Terms r.iil I.lovd Rte Eve :.-WW I'HK K HI- IH.l K1J O.w e" e-1 -ceMrn1 f.irm b'dgs ; 97 3 '- t I'ultivation. ! 'n- . (f'Kirt s'oi-k rlnirv To- N Hifh Know l iriori- r- 4-7":: mnirig Ted Morrison 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 10 LOCATED NORTHEAST Best of soil, fenced, with woven wire, some timber, excellent strawberry ground Can be irrigated. Modern 6-year-old 3-bdrm. home. Fireplace, hdwd floors. F A oil furnace. msine utility, dble. garage. ? It'tr.iL the pitice. I I'" - :-B066J Oregon Development P,,orl,, DUi v vuiiiiauv incoiiui i 318 N Church Ph. 3-9236 1 BY OWNER - 3 HOMES I i new 3 odrm homes, flrenl,. dhle. 8arage birch kit . plas tered, large Int. restricted. I Priced reas. Terms, trades. Open house dally. See 1 blk N. Clearlake atnre on Wheat Irr.i Rd. i84Sno for this t't, hdrm house I Attractive interior extra lot J 1171 8th St, Ph. 4-6270. . ii-i.i 800 Real Estate 106 Home Foe UU HERE'S VALUE Mica aiied living room. Sep. place Wall-to-wall carpeting. j Luu Northeast neighbor Buiitin diahwaaher. Full; KrmJ burnt with FA oil heat. Hdwd floor. Walnut park area. Priced at only 1 11. mo Call Walt Jonce. Eva. Ph. 4-7&B. McKINLEY DISTRICT New J-bdrm. borne. Fireplace. forctd air oil heal. Birch kit rh?n. Lrf plMterrd faragt. D.aL J a. . Ii a?w. aiaa- cui at no is call Mr. Craw- lord. Eve Ph. 4-50311 JUST LISTED j Thia wonderful 4-bdrm. family home Large living room, aep- arate dining room, bkfst. nook. : lnsui Hdwd. floor. On ap- prox I acre, nam ana nog 'hed rricen at in low oi SM00 Call Mr. Sword, i'h. 4-5020. Eve. $30,000 YEARLY NET Tnp moner making buslnen. Fool-proof, assured aet-up Established about IS years. Full price SH Out) 130 000 down will handle. Good terms on balance For full informa tion call Mr. Woodcock, Eve. Ph. J-7104 I.OVF1 V AND FRESH AS A DAISY -3 bdrms . living room, dmine roon' kitchen nice iirepi.ce ,1 oil healing 11000 dunn SK-t per mi. Cash pr he $1 1 ami CALL HALPil RRl'CF. PROFESSIONAL LOCATION - Cent! a: un S'. !e Street C-3 Zone Lot wlti sq It 4-bdrm. 2 bath modern hon.e in rood repair that t in hr inuei'dlflte Iv utilised as office snsce. CALL RON HUDKINS KINGWOOD HEIGHTS - Nic. roomy 3-bdrm. home on 1 floor Large kitchen and din ette combined Large utility. : years old Price 111.500 CALL G H GRABENHORST. JR. l CA.NDALARIA - Large corner lot. Well landscaped. Ranch type 3-bdrm. home-, two large bdrms on main floor, one in daylight bsmt , playroom. Two full baths bath on main fhor has sepirate tile shower. REA SONABLY PRICED AT I9- 900 CALL MRS. RICHARDSON. PH. 2-2471! Ron Hudkins 3-8712 CITY CONVENIENCES IN fine home on 3 acres. East. Living room, dining room, t nook, 3 bedrooms, utility on main floor, bedroom in base ment. 823.500 Terms. $.500 DOWN MAY take 3-bedroom home on 70)1159 lot South. Utility. Ga rage IS.500. Wants close in. Ph. 4-2570; 4-3381. iH'Pl.KX-TERMS TWO - BEDROOM apartment rents for 50 Owner's quar- ters have 2 bedrooms Asking 110.500 Ph. 4-26J0: 4-3381. Office 4-3381 ! t r l r a ! l)(lrn.8. basement Fxi-HI-nt Enlwod hnm. In. cated on Jefferson St Mod ern oil furnace and new roof. Parti.v finished upstairs. Ideal for large family Close to all schools. A re.il buy for $11,- !Str. tJatf-t-6Jfil, Lovely Setting Spjcious 2-bdrm home on '2 .icre 'vith lotn of shide trtes. lrF'1 l'1 mg room with fire o'Ttf Ke'er aren i."50 i infiii term- to right party. C".: Frd Hear! i-fiofl; Fe S400 Down loin of 2-bill Iv, ground Oil PT-V I.) st-tesYl!. Wt'r-t Salem ,r ii'ii' M..P. I. rail. sh. D.,i .il i - I'aiiiih,' Ma" Two .l-bdrm home Nl W one wit r.ri ih1 riiu n .-lore 'o scno il i'rellent terms to right parti Call Wan Lie P.iy 4-0322 or 4-6081. 4943 N. River Rd Of Ph. 4-6081 . I Uli U I VA 181 . J north englewood ! TRANSFERRED to Calif Sac rifice N. Etigicwond home lor IW50. 31, bdrms. separate dining room, spacious dinette, fireplace, full bsmt., with ex cellent forced air furnace. 5tlxl 2C fenced lot seeded to new lawn. Very close to school A shopping. Quick possession. Offered todav lor onlv 89950 Call GRATIT BOW DER Home 4-3909. Office 4-3294. HB 1890 Fairgrounds Rd. FOR SALE or rent wtth option to buv 3 bedroom house. 5 years old. lot 00x100-85 950 81.000 down Rents 855 mo. Ph D R Peterson 2-2176 or Joe Hutchison, Realtor. 4-7874. BY OWNER Price cut on 2 odrm. Large llv. rm., din. rm.. kitchen & utll Attach, ga rage nice vsrd 16,750. Ph. 4-3213 Furn. House & 2 Lots PH. 3-7011 i 800 Real Estate SO HotrtetFof SU Salem Properties REALTORS 4-0331 2-1533 SLIGHTLY SUBURBAN Three urge bedrooms wiu walk-in closets. Rosy-brown cartwting wall to wall in living and dining rooms. Unusual kitchen with sink in bar separating work area from dining space. Larue utility room with ample storage space. Double Plumbin.. ' Beautiully landscaped with evergreen hedge. ... . Covered barbecue house. , . . . nn A . in.i - .. . ing room onto another patio. Must be seen to be appreciated. CALL RAT MASON EVES. STATE OR STATE HOSPITAL WORKERS First time offered for sale this 3 hedrm. home. Full . Base ment, l'i baths, fireplace, dining room, very nice yard This lovely home la In very good repair and Just 3 blocks from hosnitals and clinic cn Center St Asking 8U.501) Term- CALL FRED KLANG FVF S-329J. OWNER LEAVING CITY Enalevkood district on N. 19th St older 4 bedrm. home Full basement sawdust furnace. This is a fine oldc home. has very nice yard & lots of fruit A flower- Asking III 500 CALL CARL HAN SEN EVES 4-0415. SACRIFICE Owner transferred, must sell quickly! Attractive 1 bedroom nome. exceiiem airiinivv. Hardw cd floors, breakfast nook. OxM0' lot with fruit trees. Good neighborhood. Make offer. Call Fred Klang 3-32)2 TRAILER WEARY? owner leaving for Mexico Will (lk, vour custom trailer in 1 . ihr.. herirnom almost new three bedroom home with features galore. No trailer' Then buv on con tract or make an offer with vnu' own ter-ps Eves. Call Fd Bristol at 3-W14 ENGLEWOOD VALUE iThis outstanding home situated on a beautiful landscaped corner lot in this much de sired residential area is trulv a value at 113 900. Garage space for your boat and cars. Wall to wall carpeting in liv Ing A dining room Large work-planned kitchen with breakfast nook Three gen eroua sized bedrooms. Built by contractor owner for his own home You must see this soon Eves Csll June Mason 1-9581. THE PINK OF PERFECTION ! ! Just what vouve been looking for A real home Exceptional- Iv wet arranged Ideal kitch- , en with large eating space ! Three spacious bedrooms.! u-lth laree uslk-in closets i located on one of the most I desirable suburban streets. : Attractive terms can he ar ranged To see this call Fred , Klang Eves 3-3295. j $8,950 A little eem' ' Two bedroom wtth double wardrobe closfts. living, dining, utility room and a dream of a kitchen plus attarhed garage with overhead storage and work shop. Patio and harheque You could pay more but you. couldn't get a beter value Eves Call Carl Hanson at . WEST SALEM HILLSIDE Czy two bedroom home In nicelv lardscaoed 70x101' lot Largr kitchen, separate din inr room 1 ?'n so ff of flonr spere Double garnge Onlv f,osn(wi ri rd Rrttal KEIZER DISTRICT ,' .veil ki-s' hn re nd yard. lntf of 'tower A g-rden i-tick 3 hrrtroon . on 'j icre I'sved 're' sn.'nnon wmi t... C ,!1 Vic. 1 1 . 4-516. $11,950 .:t i ....Lin. ii, ,u,i-i ! Lovely 1 1 1 ii 1 bnr 1 1. PLinned for io. f.,:' :nui and out. 1 hd ic. -ucnlf eatine area in . ,i". .i I. nt krrhen I'.itio with ha-hr-rvM in to'el' -.rd See i ,. ' ,rl ' C ,M I i.i Mison INCOME PROPERTY 4 separate units and owner's new 3 bedrm home. Very desirable location. Bect bus service, close, netting WOO per month Tenants pay own utllltes No loss rentals This1 Is a very good property and owner may take a smaller verv nice 2 bedrm, home EVFS CALL FRFD KLANG J-32.-2 JOHN DAY DAM HOT SPOT Just this week l'a MILLION DOLLARS was appropriated to start this project. We have a 38 rm. hotel. Restaurant- k la er n Jnone building Constriction is brick tile and cement. Restaurant seats 70 All outside rmi . hot fc cold water and phones. All rm. with adlollnnt baths. Room on property for 15 house trailers Perfect set up for cocktail lounge. Come In and let us giv you the farts shout this oppor tunity. CALL FRED KLANG EVES. 3-3292 Salem Properties REALTORS J87 . High St Ph. 4-0J31 Of 8-1531. 800 Real Estate 104 H. For Selo ONE Of Suburban nomas oa 8h market today. Older 4 bdrm. home la perfect condition, new l-car e- I 8 rage, large i bans. I scree LEI OHMAST RUDY CALABA EASTMORELAND J-bdrm. brick home on corner n living space. Very nice condition throughout, hot water heating system, lawn k shruha. Then rice is low at 115 JOS. The location la 14aS N. 15th street Drive by then call LauSl Loreni MODERN COLONIAL Hera we go. We have listed a some or no new ineaa in ouuamg. sa cau itaipn Maoay an he will tell you about this spacious 1-bdrm. home plua part room in South Salem. Don't delay in calling. It's really NEW. NEW HILLENDALE LISTING Owner has lived here Just 8 months and has greatly Improve ine yaro. so it s netier man new. Appealing J-bdrm. pnma with convenient floor plan, dble. garage, oil furnace. Tne oversized lot has many lovely tree. W heartily recommend thi fin home. Priced at 814.800. Adrienne Sercomh wiQ Show. IF YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL US II & CALABA, REALTORS 477 COURT STREET Eve. Henry Tnrvend 3-3432. Don j-sdss ttaipn Maooy i-.hh Aanetuie sercombe 4-S082. " STATE F!KE CO. REALTORS F H.A. G.I. OR YR , 5 CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE LOANS FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION 17 S High Street 85500 with 81000 down. Bal. 850 ; per mo. at t. Buy this old er type home on large corner lot. close to store & bus, : fruit, garden & flowers. Con sider trsde for small close In 1 house. Call W. H. Steveley. I salesman. Eves phone 4-3. IS. 5 ACRES South. Has drilled well. Small barn. Total price 81.000. Terma. This is a vary good nuy. call Manley Brown. Eves Phone S-5M1. 8S250 ',-Acre wtth attractive 2 BR home located on Macleav Rd. Just off Lancaster Dr. 50 down Call Stanley Brown. Eves, phone 1-681. I75O0 Englewood Dlst. Choice location. 2-BR home, basement oil furnace. Garage. Lawn at shrubs. Garden space. Let us show you this home. Csll O V. Hume. Eves phone 2-5208. OUR SERVICE IS TO HELP YOU BUY AND FINANCE YOUR HOME GOOD USTINGS NEEDED BUYERS AVAILABLE. HEP'S IT'S OLD BUT OH THE ROOM Strictly low-budget Can ba remodeled into a comfortable home, 3 bdrms . living room, dining room large kitchen, big lot. Price only 85 950. Good easy terms Call Stearns Cushlng eve. 1-5048. HAVE A N,CE h"ne wfireplac. separate dining room, . h , ,, hH . ., rk. in nth i r i i. 8S.9S0 wterms Call Mr. Keene eve. 2-8076. SUPER DLiUXE New 3-bdrm. home Just finished Family mom, lovely dble. fireplace witn planter, elec dishwasher, dbie plumb, dble garage 1410 sq ft. 114,450. You will really like this. Call Mr. Kiggina eve. 4-5494. DAYLIGHT BSMT. HOME-Dealjned for gracious living Spa cious rooms. Lovely view. Built-in appliances, J full baths, dhle gsrsge 15x25 party room, bsmt All finished See this 8i.200 Good terms or trade possible. Call Edna Morgan eve 4-60.18 COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE 7-room modern home. bam. 1 house, garage s crop to buver, 12 plus acres In Hon Prairie Dist. Might trsde. Call Mr. Leavens eve. 3-4735. MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 456 N CHURCH IV1 C IP . . . . . , '"-u'",m"M" light-housekeeping rooms plus owner s quarters, basement, saw. dust heat. Large lot. close to Salem General Hospital. Owner HI. must sell Income 8140 per mo Total price 113 900. Owner will take some trade. Call Lucas. Eve. ph. 3-9388. A. r.ASl 4 lUK.ItlU A good piece of land with good drainage All but about 1 A la new strawberries. Will be ready to pick in a few weeks. Ia tiptop condition. Asking 811.950. Ask for Hicks. Eve. ph. 3-6405 3 BEDROOMS-$9.tO0 Lots of house for the money Over 1.100 tq. ft Large kitchetj ah in knotty pine. Spacious living room-dlnlng combination. Oversize garage Fxtra 13 bath In garage Oil furnace, Patio. Large suburban lot Good buy with terms. May trade on acre age. Call Johnson. Eve. ph, 3-3858 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 4 89 950 Here's an economical buy for a large family. A pi- tered home on a 95' frnnt lot Clean and neat Inside and out. 2 bedrooms 1 19x11 & 12x1 5 1 downstairs. 2 bedrooms and den In nicely finished upstairs. Breakfast nook plus full dining room. Short walk to grade school f 16,500 . . . Northeast. The roomy type of home everyone wants but that Isn't built anymore for less than twice this asking price 15x20 living room with fireplace 11x12 dining room. Large kitchen. 1 bedroom den and bath downstairs 1 bed rooms and bath upstairs. Basement complete wtth rprreatinn room equipped with refreshment bar. TV and refrigerator and also included are all -arpets and drapes. These folks s leaving town and want to travel light. Large double garage. 100' well AL this on about i acre of good soil Lovely shd trees. Secluded rear yard May we show It tn you' ' f'8,000 . . . CLOSE IN EAST SIDE We nrotidlv nfler one of Salem s finer, older homes. Remodeled and ultra modern with 3 full, tiled baths. A dream fireplace In the 26v30 living room All the room- are large and beautifully decorated T 'e ins t 108 corner lot is completely fenced In, Shade trers and frutl tree- Double garage. Copper sprinkling svtei" A lm' hom. horn. hut ensilv convertible ir kindergarten CLYDE REALTOR ii. (o st, I Vr NINGS: Prall 3-7250. Mrs. Frei- T LOW DOWN PAYMENT WILL BUY THIS Very nic hom with living room, dinette. 2 bdrms., one extra large, on ' acre South. House 3 yrs. old 1 block to school. Low tax area. Fenced yard Price 86500. Call Mrs. Graham ONE OF THE BEST GROCERY STORES IN SALEM Combin ed with a good-slied trailer park, wen equippea ana aoig an excellent business Cement store building. 12M sq. ft of floor space, all store fixtures, washing machine nd equipment. Books open for Inspection. Dont pass this up 1 vou are looking for a moneymaker. 829.400 plua inventory. Call Mr. Hicks. BUY THIS S ACRES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE VIEW LOT Six mlles'from the center of town and has many fine view building spots Build yourself the home you've tlway wanted and sell the rest. Small b.rn on the place and some marketable timber. You can't beat thl for 82800. Call Fred Doerfler. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2319 State St P"- !"859t Eve calls: Doerfler 2-3784: Hicks 4-4930; Graham 4-4748, Vandervort 4-7602; Todd 1-1731. NO LOAN COSTS 880 mo, includes principal, Int., taxes and fire ins, on this brand new 3-bdrm. home Kith dble. garage., fireplace, PV hath hdwd floors and csblneis. larg corner lot. All for 814 7.10. 4490 Stats SL 800 Real Estate tOft HouseiFofSaU THE BEST chicken house. all In araaa. I , I Beautiful aetUng. cloae In. I . , 1 Call Henrv Torrend to V 1 I lot. This fine home baa 150 a. real beauty Thu builder hag Phone I-411S. 1-4118. I-4in Dough ton 4-1414. Louis Lorenfl Phone J-31S1 88500 Located N E. 100x125 lot nome in very good condition. Car port Price Inclines home completely furnished TV. all El. appliances. Including deep freeze, etc. 82000 down. Call O. V Hume. Eves, phona 1-5204. BUILDERS 4ee this 185x290 close In tract with small house. City water. Faces on 2 streets. Would make 5 or 8 view lots. Full price 85004. Csll W. H. Steveley. salesman. Eves phone 4-J01S. 811500 New Modern Home. 8 BDRM and den located on Lansing Ave Has flrenlare. large J-ear garage Autn Ml forced air furnace. Good lo cation. This csn be purr h ised on small down pavmei I ,r wilt take in gnod acrenra without buildings and pav dif ference Call S'anlev Brown Eves phone 1-5SSI Phone 4-2398 s DDAUl'DTV s to ddnxc .ipirtment- m."ing PRALL OPEN DAILY: New 3 bdrm. home Irg. lot, spacious llv rm. fireplace, patto, aluminum windows, hdwd. firs. dbl. gar. In beautiful Salem His. 3771 Stanley Lane (off W. Ewaldl Priced to Mil. Ph. 2-5895 after 8 week da. except Frl k Sat, NEW 1 bdrm on Hansen Ave. H. W. Heat, plastered gar. Swedish frpl unique price re duced. 810.950. Ph. 4-8853. FOR SALE: All furn 1 bdrm. L l"1 IT""