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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1956)
Interest In Buddliism In U.S. Grows I Statesman, Salem, Ore, Fri, May 25, '5ff (Sec III)-33 By GEOBGE W. CORNELL AiMciat4 aVrss Xrli(ii Writer The town li quiet, thin, ' fra grant smoke curls Mpwird from an incense burner In front of an elaborate, celling -hlh ahrine of gold. Then the pulae-qujckenlng oun' of a big gong quiver In the air As the vibrations- fade away, the congregation 'rises "and lings to the accompaniment of a piano or organ: "The texture of the life to be, we weave in colors all our own, and in the realm of destiny, we reap as we have sown." This is the beginning of a' Bud dhist worship service in America, and this week, there's a special lilt to the hymns and sermons dedicated to this ancient religion of love, wisdom and moderation. It is 2.SQ0 years oid. Although various Buddhist branches differ in calculating the time, the anniversary is Ling generally oBserved around the I world. In America It comes at a period of busy doings in Bud dhism. Brramrs Better Knowa "Its truths are becoming better known in this country," said the Rev. Hoien Seki, pastor of the New York Buddhist Church and president of the ,newly formed American Buddhist Academy. The academy has bought a site In I'pper Manhattan, and plans to start a full-fledged school on Bud dhism there next ffll to train stu dents as ministers ibhikshus) and ofler courses to Christian schol ars. ' There are now about 60 Bud dhht temples in the United States, with about 75,000 members, most ol Ihem of Oriental ancestry, hilt in recent years, there has ' been a growing organization ot Bud d' ists of Western ancestry. lot Western Members It's called the First Zen Insti tute of America. Its president is Dr. George Fowler, a University of Pittsburgh professor, and it has about 100 members spread across the country. "Buddhism is definitely grow in)! in this country," said Mrs. War Firkas the institute's ex ecutive secretary. ' Interest in li is incre;sinc every day. We are exooctniji quite a significant fu turp." One of the world's major faiths, embracing a half billion Asians or about a fourth of the world's j population, Buddhism has a broth erly affection for olhr' great re ligions, such as Judaism and Christianity. Don't Try T Coavrrt "We don't try to convert," said the Rev. Mr. Seki, a soft-spoken, Japanese-educated minister, whose pretty, Amencan-born wile, Satomic, plays the piano at his church. "We try to give light." That "enlightenment" is what ail good Buddhists seek an I awakening to reality that lifts them above selfish human desires and allows them finally to merge, like raindrops slipping in-1 to the broad sea, into .universal love and peace "nirvana." Generally, this is not considered ' a "heaven" populated by indivi duals, but a blending of self into a higher, overall existence whose exact nature is unknown. To Buddhists, man goes through heaven and hell on earth before he attains it. Buddha Man, Truths Despite widespread misconcep tions on the point, believers do not consider the historical man, "Buddha," a god- Rather, it is the truths whick he perfectly em bodied also called "Buddha" which is the object of worship The familiar Buddhist statues are not of the man, but symbols of the ideals. i The man was an Indian prince, named Siddhartha Gautama, who abandoned his luxurious surround ings, and after 49 days of medi tation under a bo tree, promul gated his famous "fouf noble truths" and "noble eightfold path" to achieve them. Teaches "Middle Way" Basically, this means following the great "middle way" a mode of temperate conduct, that dis avows both overindulgence and asceticism, and clings to pursuit of knowledge, compassion, dili gence and integrity. This path is believed to lead to acceptance of the fundamental truths that human suffering is conquered only by conquering selfish desire. To Buddhists, an ordinary hu man being doesn't reach this stage in a lifetime, but his deeds, Ihcughts and influence flow into the long cycle of death and re birth the "wheel" of unending cause and effect the law of Karma. U Book! Tell Ralri To expand these essenitals. there are 54 books 15.000 pages of Buddhist scripture the Tipitaka that details the vast lore of Gautama's teachings, and the massive doctrine and rules of discipline that have evolved. A body of scholars are now translating the entire work into English. Like Protestant Christianity, Buddhism arose as a revolt against ritualism, and dogma and priestly authority. In this country, there are four main Mahayan Buddhist sects the "Shin-shn," with about 45 churches, the "Zen-shu," with S, the Shin Gon-shu, with 7 and the Jyodo-shu, with 3. Sunday ervlces The .Rev. Mr. Seki, a minister of the major Shin-shu group, each Sunday sheds his weekday busi ness suit and dons the black robe i -t i I f tu. t 1 ; Itnu tunny ui uraus ui mc uaui- tional Buddhist bhikshu. About 50 members gather in his little church. U(J ULAL-) UnJ u V-'U n n HDrxrxl) I: ru n r wiiii u nil ii. v ic . i ii 1 1 v ii u II w w w vw W vx - . v ; i , : . ; 1 ; . - -- v; A I A I A 1 I rl m I f I The Family Store 260 N. tiborty $. Baked Meat Loaf Dinner i Gourmet Gravy, Buttered Peas, Hot Roll and Butter FREE PIE AND BEVERAGE FRIDAY f. HARTMAN BROS. JEWELERS Cornor Stato and liberty Salem, Oregon USED WATCHES All Conditio! . FOR MEN AND WOMEN 17 Jewels Most All Nationally Advertised Models V VsImi to $50 I Yojr Cr.cict llirit 2 to I Customer rm ocooocl Allen 2J North Commercial St. We Give Penny Saver Stamps CHARCOAL Fabulous Value! ttx , lauuiwui iqiu PEMEYlSl W B.r t. I......J Wgjel SALEM, DENIM JEANS Sanforized 10 01. Denim. Tan, Green, Toast, Pink. Sixes 2 to 8 SECOND FLOOR METROPOLITAN 136 N. Commercial Phone 2-1002 CONTINUES ITS QUIT-BUSINESS SALE Lets of Stock Left Save Up to 75 Store Fixtures and Equipment Also on Sole , Yeater TV Cr Appliance Co. "Just Across from' Llpman's" 375 Chemeketa St. Ph. 4 6835 WESTINGHOUSE DELUXE LAUNDRY TWINS SAVE $13000 Laundromat Dryer 9- $OQQ95 R9 $1Q095 319.95 Zo)7 239.95 107 Two Years to Poy! We Give and Redeem Trading Stamps LEON'S I 234 N. Liberty (OATS Final clearance 35 pastel colors in long coats . . . sev eral stylet ... all lined with Milium . . . 29,95 and 35.00 values ... Clearance B.9S 4v- Reg. 7.91 Ruffled Dacron CURTAINS 4 98 54x84 White Only' TV & Appliance Co. "Just Across from Llpman's" 375 Chemeketa St. Ph. 46835 New 1956 Westinghouso RANGES & REFRIGERATORS NOW ON DISPLAY CLOSE-OUT SPECIAL! On All 1955 RANGES & REFIGPPATDRS W" (iive and Redeem Trrd'"" St-mns 5S 15 N. Lib , .; 'ItShu . ne 3 JIM Your Mower Is Worth $15 TRADE NOW1 No matter how old ft it or whet condition it't In . . . you get $15 for your old mower when you purchase a now Wards Power Mower. A COAST TO COAST STORES 233 North Commercial St. Phono 3-7957 Open I A.M. to o P.M.-Pridey, I AM, to t fM. Vi PRICE SALE ON CLOTHING k PUytei Silk Paalles for ballet. Keg. 79c to M t Boys' and Mra'i Shorts, Briefs, T-6hirU y llaiee, AUee-A tad HeaJthkilt 4r Boys' 8oi. top eoaltty kraodt Boys' aid Gu-u? top euality Sweat Shirts Esqulsite Fens Brassieres ' AND ALL AT Vi MCE! THE PIKE Ice Cttom and Sherbet 131 S. liberty-At the lut Stop-Ph. 36121 Tu-Fer Ice (ream Sale One Round Half Galloa 90e in Reuable Carton 2 , M 59 Green Stamps Given With All Carry Homo Ice Cream, Sherbet & Lo-Fof Froten Dessert WEISFIELD'S 305 N. liberty St.-Salem FINAL CLOSE-OUT! Regular $1.95 Costume Jewelry rnmnlet virietv af livlei and colors. Many are stone seL I M, ill I 39c ea. 3 ,J 00 Anita Comer llato t liberty Shk . ITS VACATION TIML... Get Sot With PvftMeed Togl : SWIM SUITS Figure Flotterinf Stylet . $99 Beautiful .Colon, eat up SHORTS BLOUSES , $V CO T1 The Family Store 260 N. liberty ft. Men's Sport Shirts Long and short sleeves, la popu lar spring styles. i I 177 North Liberty Ro. $2.91 Jumbo Garment Bags Extra largo 1 garmeat else. Full length tipper. Quilted plastic front. Assorted rehtrs. M laches long. ' NOTIONS MEZZANINE , i PHILLIPS APPLIANCE CO. APPLIANCES 355 Center St. - TELEVISION TABLE MODEL 17" MOTOROLA TV All Channel Tuner it Guaranteed Mr large 54"x54" Embossed PLASTIC TABLE COVERS IC looks Like Fine Linen Designs Color t---H- 7 F. W. WOOLWORTH CO. Liberty and State St. 22"x44" Jf III IllVlflfll IA1II IUIIUJII White Rose Pink Blue Creea if Yellow Turquoise Reg. 69c each m 2 for 241 N. Liberty LUNCHEON SPECIAL Chicken and Noodles 2 Drum Sticks with Noodles, Vegetables, Salad, Hot Roll And Butter. STRAWBERRY PIE with Whipped Cream 20c LEON'S TOTS-TOKENS 234 N. Liberty Children's T-Shirls! Washable. Knit cottons . . . both in stripet and plain colort. All aget. ( oifoje Vacuum Cleaner Clinic AND SEWING CINTII 4SS Curt S'mt fix. 5502 Brand New Eureka VACUUM CLEANER Swivel Top Cannitter DOLLY OPTIONAL The Fmmhi Store 260 N. Liberty St. CANNON TOWELS 16"x27", Solid Colort and Stripes. Reg. 49c. limit 6 to Customer FRIDAY ONLY IT ea. SALEM HARDWARE 120 North Commercial 5-Gallon lots Shingle Stain and Exterior Utility Paste Values to $12.00 5ti,c,n $4.S5 7 BISHOP'S dowdt.a,rs CLOSEOUT SLACKS 279 pairs. All new shades. Rayons, dacront one! wool and dacron blendt. 2 pain lor all n r? mi n mm mmmm 1