The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 25, 1956, Page 32, Image 32

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T !
32-(Sec. Ill) Statesman, .Salem. Ore., Fri, May 25, .'50
' 1 1 - - 1
Shorter Speeches Needed,
Founder of Toastmaster Clubs
- fcy CONRAD PEANGK I Smedley. "it has as least touted jury party of Salem'i Capitol
, J5taff Writer, Te Statesasaa the advantages of the shhrt talk Toastmasters Club, Dr. Smedley
What this toontry needs b' both for audinnd ipeaker."j outlined the advanUjaa:
alortrr speeches. Dr. Ralph c . But Toastmaster Clubs, whkh j ae
Smedley. founder of one of the now lumber soma 1173 units in Self-discovery. m.
nLst popular self-taught publie this and 22 other countries, have ePtn f!" S'Jf
. ...... i. ik. .i.. f .m i ability to luten analyticallr. sell-
outrM k;nlw4 In Ck!m Tluiruiiv MO ODD mmhm whn have ffnn
Bfeht through the self-criticism mill in;h'P others.
' If Toastmasters International the past 51 years.
Ida dent nothinf else," aaid Dr.l Speaking at the 10th anniver-
Ready for Graduation
s Top ToastOTajfer Confer
- T? V
' ' . V.'J. . -J f ,
... ' --,- I'V i .' ' A -
r"A i r ni- ii'h-fr'- - 1 n. . j, .jail te ...
Teastmaster Cluh afflcUU art ahawa durlaf the prPa Marim
patel narsday al(t4 haarta 1Mb aaaieraary at Salem'a Capital
Club. Pictured at head table are (tram left) Barmaa Garrett, club
resideBt; Rabert Batdarf. chib member aad dUtrlct foreraar, aad
. Ralph (medley, Saata'Aaa, Calif., foaader at Teastmasters
eraaUoaaU (Statesmaa phata) '
Salem School Board Okehs
, , ---. ' :-
Diplomas for New Graduates
"V i
As a VMCA director Dr. Smedi
ley founded the first Toaatmsster ;
Club in Bioomington, 111., in 1909. j
Then, as now, it was based on a i
weekly meeting at which mem-,
bers ate. talked, criticised each;
other's talks and mingled social-,
ly. ' ,
, "The theory of our program
was, and still is, 'leara by doing :
and improvement through con-i
structi va criticism,' s i y i Dr. j
Smedley,who now gives full-time
direction to his brainchild from
headquarters in Santa Ana, Calif.
Na Bigh-Prenarc
So sound has been Dr. Smed
ley's original theory that Toast
masters, which has never put on
a high - pressure membership
drive, still operates on the same
general program as it did the
first club..
The current 60.000 membership
is scattered in clubs in every
state in the union, plus units in
such places as England, Japan,
Germany, Venexuela, Philippines
and Scotland.
"There is even a 'floating club'
organized on the USS Hornet,"
says the white-thatched, 7-year-
old Smedley. "We have just re
ceived a request for a charter
from a club in Johannesburg,
South Africa.
Many U.S. military installations!
throughout the world have formed j a a -l - a. C l I
Toastmaster Clubs, including theiAllimni IjtlThCr fll 3 C H O O I
Yankees Wed
In Mexico by
Bogus Judge
NCiALES. Sonora, Mexico (
A Mexican judge said Thursday
that many American tourists, "in
trigued by the music and the
laughter and the liquor here,"
have bee married recently by a
bogus judge.
Federal Court Judge Francisco
Godoy-Sierra said the "judge" set
up his "marriage mill" on a
Main afreet of this border city,
Calle Campillo, just a stone's
throw from the court house and
main hotel.
The "judge," who usually op-
crated through taxicab drivers, re
cently left town and ta being
sWsht by rfficers. Judge Godoy-
Silrra aaid. He added that the
man had been run out of Juaret,
Chihuahua, Moretos and Cueroa
vaca. .
The man trovided his own docu
ments and witnesses, the judge
told a news conference, and oper
ated out of a downtown office, "in
spite of the fact that it was highly
Rabed aad ready far gradaatiea from Sacred Rear! Acadeaay are ItU
class presidents Artie McDawald (left) aad Bob Stebaer, isbewa
staadlag before a "welcome alumni" cake with alamnl presideat
Bab Schnider daring Tharsday's alght'a meetlag af the orgaalzaUoa.
MacDaaald aad Stebaer bead the srbael'a fiaal gridaatlag class te
laclade bays.
Old and New Sacred Heart
,. (Stories Also Page 1.)
Diplomas for 283 South Salem
and J5J North Salem high school
seniors were approved Thursdsy
Bight by the Salem School Board.
' Commencement exercises are
scheduled at the two schools
Taesday night, June S at their
respective schools. Baccalaureate
services will be held . Sunday,
Jdne I at the schools. Mn,
fflids for eight new school tuiri PlanninV Commission. Salem
wire also received by the board 'Heights Water Department sod
Marine Corps and Naval Air
bases. Chapters play an integral
part of many industries.
VelMBteer Basis
Dr. Smedley, who is especially
proud of the fact that new clubs
have always been organized on a
volunteer basis many by existing
dubs," receives thousands of let
ters annually from persons who
attribute material and personal
success to Toastmaster work.
"The best part of this whole
enterprise," says the enthusiastic
Sm-idley, "is the many friends
I've made throughout the world."
About 120 Toastmasters, their
wives and guests attended the, an
niversary dinner at the Marion
Hotel last night The program in
cluded' talks by Harmon Garrett,
Capital club president; Robert
Batdorf, district governor; Omar
Halvorson and George VanDusen,
members; Stearns Cushing, Capi
tal's first president, and others.
With graduation only one week
away, some of the First and all of
the last men to graduate from
Salem's Sacred Heart Academy
were present Thursday night at
the School's 92nd annual alumni
A graduating class of 59, second
Eagle Scout
Award Late
By 34 Years
no action en any of the eight
offers, four tor chassis and four
for bodies. Members are sched
uled to inspect samples Monday f 1 1 TT ,
before awarding contracta. V.UlUrUUU IlllS
Location Problem Ur. .
Working out of problems sur- I r0 "c 1 fwtft
rounding the Judson Junior High I Jlal JLJUIlUl
School location will be the aim
of planned meeting of the
Schftei Board with the Salwl
largest in the school's history, will
leave the Sacred Heart this year.
Twenty-eight of them are boys, the
final group of males to graduate
since boys were first admitted in
1926. In the future only girls will
attend Sacred Heart, with young
men attending Serra High.
It was hoped that one or two of
the school's first male pupils
would be present at the meeting,
but business and other activities
compelled their absence. Fifty
alumni members were present.
The evening's program included
several choral numbers by the
Canada Forest
Fire Devours
1,000 Acres
Columbia's worst 'forest fire this
year raced uncontrolled over val
uable timber land 50 miles north
west of here Thursday. Equip-
. ment was flown in to help fight
the blaze.
The forest service ordered the
emergency airlift by float planes
from Vancouver to tiny Ruby
Lake, near the main front of the
fire, after the flames ran wild
through 1,000 acres of timber on
the Sechelt peninsula.
All available men were recruit
ed from logging camps to rein
force the crew o' 125 men which
lost control of the fire Wednes
day during a period of high winds
and low humidity.
Six heavy bulldozers were
moved in to aid the firefighters.
The blaze broke out Tuesday on
a B.C. Electric Power Co. right-
of-way. It was confined to a 10
acre area up to Wednesday morn
ing, but high afternoon winds
fanned the flames over 600 acres
Wednesday night. The flames
covered another 400 acres Thurs-
boy's and girl's glee clubs. Alum-;
Forestry officials said no settle
ments are in immediate danger.
uffdiy night, though they look
Sounder of
league Dies
Vancouver, wash. on-Pete
Liberty-Salem Heights Fire De
partment. . The board voted to
ni President Robert Schnider ini
An Kaffl Scout award was made : tiated the class into the alumni
Thursday night to a Salem man organization, and class presidents
91 vaar. nftar ha earnori it I Arm? MAClJnnalfl and DOa MeO-
It was a complete surprise former expressed appreciation of tne;Tri-iimc,i TnllfC
Wendell Webb, manager editor of class for their acceptance. JL I lllllctll A ctli9
The Statesman, when the award : Sister Superior Sheila Maureen
was presented him at annual Courtiquoted excerpts from the schools;! I ll)rkirinr V
iircs aaiiy journal wnicn nicnwuiiru i . -1 - "
.li .i.-. - j. ..:.. -I...
mat uiai ycai 9 giauiiaiiuii
was the largest to date 16 pupils
and made reference to the
school's first male graduate, Aug
ustine Meyer from Salem, who is
now a priest at Uresham, Ore.
of Honor held by Liberty district
Boy Scout Troop 26 and Cub Den
"All my life I knew in my heart
I was an Eagle Scout," Webb told
members of Troop 26, who pur
chased the award expressly .for
him a njimber of months ago.
"From- now on I can prove it,'
said Webb.
COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo. Ifl! " sorted yar K
-Jack Mohler, editor aw publish when Webb, chatting casually with
er of the Colorado SnrinBs Free I Troop 26 Assistant Scoutmaster
vai uiituii . avaaw avaaa w- av i . - - , , ,
invite the three other orsaniza' Press, demands an apology fro-n, Robert Hullette, said he was sure;
tions to meet with them to work ! MJ' Gen. Howard M. Snyder, he qualified as an Lagle Scout;
out Diana for street and water , President Eisenhower's personal back in 1925 1 in his native Water- HEIDELBERG. Germany W -
development in the vicinity of 1 Physician. for remarks Concerning loo. Iowa. But no actual award A Lr s Army spokesman said relations with the Vatican state,
Czechs Fire
On U.S. Unit
With Pope
ROME W Harry S. Truman
told Thursday what he and Pope
Pius XH talked about last Sun
day. The subject at his audience was
U.S. diplomatic relations with the
Vatican, the ex-President told
"I've always been of the opinion
that there should be diplomatic
the school.
Resignation of four teachers
and election of nine others was
approved by the board on recom
mendation of Superintendent
Walter Snyder. Resignations
Lfyyd Cover, 67, founder of the were from Miss Anna Clair, third
organization which became the graae teacner at Highland, Allan
Taxpayers' League of Oregon, I Gray, mathematics teacher and
died Thursday blent at a hospital i coach, at North High, Harley
a Colorado vacation for the Prcsi i could be recalled and a fire in the Thnrsdav niirht an Armv border
;dent. boyhood home would have des- patrot accompanied by two Amer-
I In a telegram sent to Snyder and troyed any record of such ican correspondents, was fired on
lreprintedmTrirsy seditions of Unbeknown to Webb Hullette from Czechoslovakia Wednesday
the Free Press. Mohler said: ; started some research. He checked ; whi,r on a routine mission along
Your irresponsible remarks, with the Cascade Area scout head- tne ,ron Curtaiir No one waj ,
I'uni't-i mug we euvii w vuiih auu s quel itrs wnicn in mm cnt'CKeo i,lrpr
here after month-long illness.
In 1932 be was active In the
founding of the Portland East Side
Taxpayers Leagui which later
Hoppe, English and social studies
at Parrish, and Mrs. Dorothy
Patch, North High social studies.
New teachers are Mrs. Hazel
E. Bean and Mrs. M.iry T. Middle-
mile-high altitude on heart victims with officials at Waterloo. Con-
have done our state and the Presi-! firmation came that a boy named
dent a great disservice." Wendell Webb had indeed quali-
In a front page editorial Wednes-jfied as an Eagle Scout in 1922.
day, Mohler quoted Snyder as say- To keep it a surprise. Hullette
ing: "If it were left to me, I wov' ' asked Webb to the Thursday night
be against going to one of higher affair utider the guise that he was
altitudes in this first year alter the wanted as a sDeaker. Presenta-i
fiv into the Taxpayers Ubjw:,;" heart attack. " :lion had been held up on several
of. Oregon. He represented the , r... nr' m?. lt Mohler' legrair, added: otnor occasions when Webb, while
, ' "Ijwfll Mpflirft ailthnnllp tn- .. :n: .t.. : ....... :
" - - - WI1IIIIUIV Ml I I-IJL1II1C III V ILdl ItlllX.
found press of business interfering.
Army authorities said five rifle
or carbine bullets were fired from
a distance of 150 to 200 yards.
One struck within five feet of the
lead vehicle of the three-car pa
trol. The patrol did not return the
I fire.
The two newsmen were identi-
league at evert session of Pie Lei-'.10?' ta' ""i Bev;!
Watur. from tts founding lliSS
; IM. ., y;UV -.Ti. ii.;-., MeMintwille. all for elemenUrvV 8.:ln.'act ;our. ,n,er.en lh.'?.
SufVVT'',T' ""fi schools. Mrs. Phyllis Shotts and am uqpJ " J0' .ttc "'T T -ene
son. Carl H. Cover of SaleffiTjStanley: Shotu, both of Hay- ma,e- h,f M . PT I XV ft I raptors
rid twin dauehters. Mrs. Mariorie L.M r.lif i; snl,.r h,h sons suffering from heart ailments. : J. T U M. 1 aVlU C5
ung. Salem, and Mrs. Marearet!ho,.L and' William H. Tn "wc "8t!st that you reconsider
he added. "It's not a religious but
a diplomatic matter
"I discussed it with the Pope on
that basis."
Last Sunday Truman refused to
say what was discussed. He told
newsmen then;
Whei I was President and a big
shot came to call on me and told
afterwards what was said in the
talk, he didn't get in any more."
The former President was in
terviewed Thursday on the steps
of the Vatican's North American
College, where 300 student priests
fied by the spokesman as Warren from 41 states heard him say:
Kennet, of the Newark. N. J.,l "You have one of the greatest
Evening News, and Jack Thomi- careers a man tan have. . .tearh-
Ldrd, Portland.'
Williams Reports
Minors Penalized
In Liquor Cases
'PORTLAND ( Bruce Wil
liams, chairman of the Oregon
I'.yck, Eugene,, as assigned sub
stitute for adult vocational
machine shop classes. Mrs. Made
leine Otto, Washington School,
was elected to second year pro
bation, and Mrs. Lois Rands of
Candalaria was placed on tenure.
The board also approved a re-i
quest lor use of South Salem
gymnasium next spring for the
State A-2 basketball tournament
providing it was held during the
your statements concerning Colo
rado and submit an apology by re
turn wire."
Woman Pleads
Innocent in Car
Death of Lover
Crash; 1 Dead
ONTARIO, Ore. Two trac
tors collided in a blinding dust
flurry on a road construction
project near here Thursday, kill
ing one of the drivers. He was
Lee Stanley Webb, 19, of Baker.
The driver of the other tractor.
Jack Whillhit of Boise, suffered
son, of the Chicago Tribune. He
said they were working on a story
about U. S. Army border patrols.
New York Ilich
Students Drop
Liquor Prom Plan
senior class of Horace Greeley
High School here has dropped
plans for controlled drinking at the
annual prom June 25.
Recently it had been proposed
vtMir rtt r v k vc ,m nnnirioA
Liquor Control Commission. re-lPring vacation period, and a re-!p Adam, ciutched a prayer card ct "Vurles- Boln drivers were to serve limited drinks to prom
ported Thursday that the commls-' tentacle Players far and clospd h(.r eyte Thursday as th'own 'rom ,he,r vchldes ,n 'he Patrons over 18 years old. the mini-
aion has good record for penal- ,use oi onn nign auu ionum he kaM jnnoc(.nt , , charge u.u,M..n. " ;'
Izmg ml,nors for purchasing
liquor.' ' . :";., ; . t
The statement was made at a
meeting here of commission offi
cials with 25 district attorneys and
Juvenile officers.
Some of the district attorneys
aid that licensees had complained
they had been penalized for sales
to minors but that the minors had
gone free
ing love and honor and honesty
and love of Jesus Christ. 1
Earlier he and Mrs. Truman;
toured St. Peter's Basilica and
inspected the excavation under the
main altar where St. Peter's tomb
has been located.
Truman called the vast church
"just marvelous one of the wond
ers of the world."
Rlo lead ,he
j ;4t1 ?-pVvalue parade! '
iiiiiiAii cusi ur iiruseniaiiun oi . k , , . i- u j,:
Blithe Soirit" Net nroceed, will I ?he mwimA her lover by dnv-
go to the North High drama de- ?fr acK na ,orln over
inn uuwj.
Request Approved
Request by the Pringle Com
munity Club to permit construc
tion of a concrete memorial pil
lar and plaque m front of the
school to mark the 100th anniver
After the plea, Judge J. Bern
ard Cocke granted a 15-day de
lay to her attorney, Hilary Gau
din. He is expected to ask the
lunacy commission to test the 33-ycar-old
After her lover, 36-year-old Max
contractor on the Sperry Cutoff
section of U.S. Highway 30 north
of here. The weather has been ex
tremely dry and the tractors,
working on the unsurfaced road
bed. had churned up a blinding
curtain of dust.
criticism, especially from some
The 70 seniors later voted on the
proposal and turned down the Idea,
it was learned.
Boy Requests
Annlipntinn fnf lit nf Middle ihi cnid .lot-moan illlmi hr and nncitinn .lrul Pptorti wiw named
Grove Schol fc church services returned to his wife. ; to take Goodnough's council seat. I ".ust hat tvoe hypnotism did p f '5 p!'v. f .'.' Ls.a .
!,,, w. , ' u nayiiu ny ngm pia
sr nf fnundinf the old aehonl
... . Kn.n.,. ku IV.. kA. Tk. JCmiBn. 111111 III 1 IIP I HI 1 11 III I l.A IT. I T. IT UTi llir II T V rw.
"'Of the 114 cases Involving sales k.n JiTui. u..- i- .kl .uhes Mav J Miss Adams told uo-tmavor of Lakenew is Howard1 VnP II Vlllint ISltl
fallnori III IM MSI RIM inomrM. 'n-fHMi .i..rj ...m fn..j .a.. lto Cfw1iwMi0h uKa iimvm nn frnmi
IM ml ! 1 I I A rilllKJC M.IIUVI Will UC pitaVCU ell U LI " -r j
JOT oc ine minon involved wcre'the Dillar. acordinc to a letter "I'm not sorry. He took ad-; hie councilman's scat to succeed, INDIANAPOLIS un An 8 vear
arrested. Williams said. Ifrom John Horner of th fnm. vantage of me. Men are all crazv. R. L. Mclane. who resigned. The nirt hnv atH a hnm-h lihrarin
munity club. 1 hey re ruining the world. council selected uoodnougn lor me , Thursday tor a book on hvpno- ,V
A I : : im . t i : a .n .l . j i : itn.J I . I . -MU ' . 1 fV
Ex-Bar 3Ianajzer
Arrested on Two
tarceny Counts
DETROIT. Mich. HI -Detroit
fxtlice have ares ted Herman
(Tdrk) Pruiansky. former operator
of a downtown bar, en two grind
larceny warrants sworn out at Los
Aneeles. ' '
He was arrested at a night eh
Wednesday night while standing at
the bar talking with Jackie Coogan.
onetime child movie star. Coogan
Horse Ignores
Gala Welcome
BUENA VISTA, Colo. liP - A tu
multuous welcome rang Thursday
in the shaggy ears of Elijah, the
prodigal horse.
Those ears hardly twitched, how
ever, as Elijah took his honors
with composure.
A band blared, signs went up
and a parade formed in this west
ern Colorado community last night
to celebrate Elijah's return from
the 13.000-foot mountain ridge
where he was trapped much of the
"He didn't seem to give a damn
about the whole thing." Cilbert
gg, Buena Vista weekly news-
during 1956-57 was approved, but
another request (or use of the
building fur Bible school begin
ning June 11 was held up pend
ing study of the effects of con
struction at the building.
M&F Board
PORTLAND I Meier and
Five Members of Family
Graduate in One Weekend
NAPA. Calif. t-Ftv members
of Dr. Virgil O. Parrett's family
will be graduated the first week
end of June. His wife and a daugh
ter will get college degrees. Two
daughters will be graduated from
Frank Co. stockholders Thursday , high school and a son from gram-
davs on a business trip.
In recent years Prujansky has
managed a small Los Angeles ho
tel. He said the grand larceny war
rants resulted from a "technical
matter" involving management of
a Lot Angeles night dub about
three years ago. 1
College at nearby Angwin at 11
a.m. That same Sunday afternoon
daughter Darlene will be awarded
a BS in nursing by the College
of Medical Evangelists at Loma
Linda in San Bernardino County.
Daughters Bonnie and Carrol
will be graduated from Pacific
:!ninn rV,ll.HA nrnnariitnrv hjvit
fir-V board I directors. The Parretts plan to use their !Jlln(, 2 gmt vjrgji I( rrom lhe
They are: R, R. Adams. L. F. j private plane to shuttle between eighth grade at Napa Junior Acad-
fXKnaral, walu w. (Tans., Allan 1 normem anu aouineni lamorma
you have in mind?" asked Miss
Louise Ilodapp.
"One that will tell me how to
hypnotize my brother into wash
ing the dishes every night," was
the reply.
Misa Hodapp said she thought
her books were too technical for
onetime cmio movie star, wgan - , n 1
,.id he ha. been in Detroit acverai, elected all 11 member, of the
are sustained
Elijah named after the Riblical
prophet fed by ravens after his
plight was discovered ir February.
His owners, Al and Bill Turner,
brought him down from his moun
tain fastness, at times shoveling
through drifts 10 to 20 feet deep.
He was whisked the last 11 miles
in a horse trailer Wednesday.
The Turners say Elijah once was
Bugs, a pack horse wont to flee
into the hills t escape automobiles
and women in skirts. But his name
; will remain Elijah from here on.
E." Meier. Edmund T. Piatt, Mc
: inley Bissinger, - Aaron Prank,
Richard S. Frank, Jack L. Meier,
Abw Eugene Rosenberg and Leslie
to take in the college graduations
of mother and daughter June 3.
Mrs. Parrett will receive a
bachelor of science degree in pub
lie relations from Pacific Union
Parrett, a Napa physician, Is a
member of the faculty of the Col
lege of Medical Evangelists, a
Seventh-Day Adventist College at
Loma Linda.
Ike to Receive
Bavlor Degree
WASHINGTON - President
Elsenhower will leave Washington ARMV CHAPLAIN DIES
early Friday by plane to make a , SAN FRANCISCO ii - Lt Col
foreign policy address at Baylor Charles L. Diamond, M. senior
University at Waco, Tex. chaplain at -Oakland, Calif , Army
The President is to deliver the terminal, who graduated from St.
commencement address at the Mary's Roman Catholic Seminary
University iik receive ar honor-j in Connecticut In 1933 and entered
ry doctor at lawa degree. the Arm; la 1842, died Wednesday.
Sean has a shirt parade I
A tremendous selection
of Sanforized imported
cottons in solids,
ginghams, checks and
plaids... and all in
wonderful new Spring
colors. 10 to 18.
cotton pedal pushers
in festive summer colors
Here's a whole parade of denim
toned twills, cotton seersuckers ond
poplins. Choose from a huge as
sortment of prints, stripes and solid
colors, from .a flock of fancy-free
styles for every taste. Sizes 10 to
1 L U J
Just Joy
on Sim ReWvirig
Cfiargt Flan
550 N. Capitol
Phone 3-9191