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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1956)
Adlai Accuses Kefauver of Talse Charge' By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Sen. Estes Kefauver has made a campaign issue of Adlai 6teven ton'a 1951 veto of pension bill while h was governor of Illinois. And Stevenson has accused Ke fauver supporters of circulating "scurrilous literature" again him. The pension Issue could have considerable impact on the out come of the Florida Democratic presidential primary next Tuesday and the California primary June 5 both important pre-convention tests of the relative strength of Ke fauver and Stevenson with the vot ers. Both stales have sizable pop ulations of retired persons. At the same time. Howard Pyle, one of President Eisenhower's as sistants, ran into a strong protest from Walter Reuthrr, president of the United Auto Workers, for say ing in unemployment -lieset Detroit that "the right to mffer is one of the joys of a free economy " Last night, Pyle got out a statement apologizing for the remark, made to newsmen on Monday. Cordiality Drops As the Florida primary drew closer, the rival candidates for the Democratic presidential nomina tion shed the cordiality that marked their joint appearance last Monday night on a radio-TV dis cussion of campaign issues. At Cocoa, Fla., Kefauver said in a street corner talk that "as gov ernor, Mr. Stevenson vetoed a bill that would have raised old age as sistance by 10 per cent." Soon aft erward, Kefauver added, the Illi nois Public Aid Commission cut pensions by 10 per cent. Stevenson's Florida campaign chairman, Rep. Robert Sikes, said the pension bill Stevenson rejected wouldn't have provided "one single cent more' for Illinois old age as sistance recipients. Sikes said Stevenson had been forced to velo pension and other hills because the Republican legislature provided no money to finance them. Pensions Praised In Jacksonville, Stevenson said that during his administration as governor, Illinois old age pensions were boosted by 18 per cent. "Frankly," he added, "I am a little resentful of critical and scur rilous literature being circulated by Kefauver supporters, perhaps without the knowledge of the sena tor. . ." Stevenson said this material was distributed "widely" in California and now is showing up in Florida. Sikes accused Kefauver forces of handing out pamphlets which he aid contain "distortions, untruths and half-truths" about the 1951 pension bill veto. Statesman, Salem, Ore.,. Fit, May 23, 58 (SecI)-3 Senators Say Adlai Near Nomination WASHINGTON f-Sen. Spark man (D-Ala said Thursday pri mary victories in Florida and California would "absolutely cinch" the Democratic presidential nomination for Adlai Stevenson. Sparkman is backing the former Illinois governor whose running mate he was in 1952. He declined to speculate on the outcome of Stevenson's contests with Sen. Es tes Kefauver of Tennessee in their two remaining primary contests. But Sen. Smathers D-F1a said In a separate interview "it looks to me like Stevenson has the lead in Florida and probably will main tain that lead." The Florida presidential primary will be held Tuesday; California's is a week later. Smathers, who Yia made no public commitment, said Steven son appears to be the stronger in what looks like "a reasonably close race" in Florida. Sparkman contended that regard less of the outcome in Florida and California, "Gov. Stevenson's trend is definitely upward." and he added: "When the convention opens, he will be so far out in front that he will be nominated no later than the fourth ballot. "Victories in Florida and Cali fornia would absolutely cinch the nomination for him." The Dalles Fifflits Cherry Fruit Fly THE DALLES. Ore. - The cherry fruit fh , damatfn? orchard Insect, is being attacked by fruit growers in this ares The Dalles is a control area for the pest and spraving or dusting of trees is compulsory. If left undisturbed, the cherry fruit fly deposits eggs beneath the skin of the cherries, causing the fruit to become wormy. Mm E SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of All Kinds, Trusses, Abdominal Supports, Elastic Hosiery F.ipert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms "Ask Your Doctor" Capital Drug Store 40S State Street Corner of Liberty ZrK Green Stamp Wt.y?& 340 Court Street Open Friday 9:30 A. it fo 9:00 P.M. V;:v. M ? m i I I'fJ Warehouse of G. distributor vas bulging . . : vie bought wisely and pass the savings on to you! Here at Roberts, NOW; unprecedented TV savings for your 1st set, or your second set, all 1956 models, all vith 1 full year guarantee-parts, tubes, picture tube! tS '?' A A M j.. 1 A. V .; . i t v.r . .' it GE PORTABLE TV MODEL 14T009 Enjoy the exciting world of , entertain ment and sports in your backyard . . . take this easy-to-handle portable with you on summer trips. Weighs only 32 light pounds. Nationwide ell-channel tun er; equipped with carrying handle. T Mi . f ' . . 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See ... for sharper, clearer pictures . . . large hear . . . this magnificent GE TV today. These four represent just a sampling of the Savings in store for you as the entire line of GE TV sets has been reduced proportionately. REG. 289.95 (9)(5)-95 1 U NO DOWN PAYMENT on our approved credit up to 24 mot. to pay TV - DOWNSTAIRS WE GIVE AND REDEEM-fGREEN STAMPS hi 4 it A