Statesman, Salem, Ore., Frl, May 25, '56 (Sec.IIl29 ' 1 .- 5 J u.vy for MEA'OTAIL PAY PINI! r JW" 1 '" 111 "If - -,, 'I I n i ml 1 i a i i a ii l -? i - "v x r .... , ...- ..... I a' -mii' '" ' iiinHTirtiiHrlnii ivm-mmy . n m 1-1 1 MMMMMV.vMI. W M TU. ....S1.L t i i- i .i ... . mi innni wmnu jor serving irozen nsrt hicks 11 wrapping mem in Toasr ipreaa witn mus tard. Roll crustless bread slice with rolling pin. Brush both sides with melted butter and spread wirt.prepared mustard. Place fish stick oh the mustard side diagonally, and wrap In the broad, securing the corners with toothpick. Place on a baking sheet and bake In a 375oven,unjl bread is toasted. Woman May Make Her Freezer Creamy Fruit A...llw Dama m c Goes in Loaf nibiuuiiy ueiuuie muncy juver Br ERMfNA FISHER County Eitcnsinn Agent, Hume Economies 'Does a home freeier save money? This is a question which homemakers frequently ask us. Ther.e isn't a "cut and dried" answer. It depends upon quite a few factors. Everyone agrees that freezers are convenient and that they do all who taste it. Everyone will be the winner when you serve Creamy Fruit Loaf at your next card party. Colorful canned fruit cocktail is molded In lemon gelatine and topped with an other creamy gelatine layer. This two-toned salad is a favorite with save time in marketing and meal preparation. Homemakers will make use of small amounts of extra food if there is a freezer. For example, there are a couple of, : pints of peas ready today. If CLEANED OFF there's a freezer handy, the Skewers for outdoor cookery may nuuwwue ran use mem, inner-, ..hon vnn takp th.m nn after their winter's si ing each skewer in and out of sand will usually remove spots. wise, they would be wasted. Hav ing a freezer may result in better quality of food for the family. If the homemaker has a job outside the home the saving of time be comes important. A locker in a frozen food plant will do the job for many people and frozen food stored there is usually less exDensive than in a freezer. Convenience can't be . mixed wim aicea nam. measured easily in dollar and cents so every family has to de-, , rKravnN mcu cide how much th. conven,enceLlANd7F,upDIHgriited Mr j cheese to a standard baking pow Look at Cost ' ' der biscuit recipe and serve with But let's forget the convenience " asparagus salad for lunch. for i minute and see what the "'' ! FOR BREAKFAST Cut wells out of English muffins: butter the cut surfaces and toast the muffins in a hot oven. Fill th wells with scrambled eggs cost of a freezer actually is. The purchase price of a freezer is just one of the costs to be taken into account Annual op erating costs must allow for de preciation, interest foregone on the investment, repairs as well as costs for operating and, pack aging materials. All costs except those of pack aging and, freezing are the same regardless of amount of food fro en. So, the larger the quantity of food, the lower the freezing cost vper pound. Highest financial returns for In vestment in a freezer will likely go to the family that produces its own food and keeps using the food so there is a rapid turnover. Let's suppose that the capacity of a freezer is 3fi0 pounds. If the freezer serves as a pantry which is filled once a year, the cost per pound (includes depreciation, in terest, electricity, etc.) is 25c. Most of us can't afford to pay that much additional cost per pound just to have a freezer. Suppose though that you freeze a total of 540 pounds during the year, then the cost per pound drops to 17c per pound. If the freezer is used to store 900 pounds during the year, the cost per pound is 11c. Real Convenience One of my favorite stories about the use of a freezer is a woman Canned figs team well with fresh orange sections for a dessert. CREAMY FRl'IT LOAF 1 package lemon-flavored elatine cup hot water cup syrup from canned fruit cocktail 2 tablespoons lemon juice l cups drained. canned fruit cocktail 2 (3-ounce) packages cream cheese V cup whipping cream H cup mayonnaise i teaspoon prepared horseradif'i cup finely chopped celery Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Blend in syrup from fruit cocktail and lemon juice. Cool. Set aside lt cup gelatine mixture. To re maining gelatine add fruit cocktail. Turn into loaf pan 8'i by 44 by 2'j inches) and chill until set. Soft en cream cheese and gradually blend in remaining half cup gela- tine, f old in stiffly whipped cream, horseradish, celery and mayon naise. Turn into loaf pan over fruit la. er. Chill until firm. Unmold and cut into slices to serve. Makes 6 to I servings. FOR JVICE Add milk or tomato juice to that meat loaf If you want it to be juicy. who was so pleased that she had strawberries in the freezer for 3 years and they were still "so good." At the end of 3 years, that box of strawberries cost her 75c and most of us can't afford that price. Many of us are willing' to pay the price for the convenience of th freezer. But to buy a freezer because it will save a great deal of money is probably not justified. The wise homemaker will think of her freezer as a "home super market'' which she uses for pre paring three meals a day in addi-1 Melt currant or grape jelly and lion to snacks, school lunches, and ' use as a quick sauce for cottage surprise gifts of food for friends. 1 pudding. SUCCOTASH Scoop out tomatoes and bake until tender:' fill with hot French style green beans or whole-kernel corn. Or mix beans and corn and fill the tomatoes with both. ( ? Serves AT YOUR GROCERS PERFECTED AT LAST! fafoit&tfl The First Dependable m Soap Deodorant PROTEX-prttttk you aH (fey hi The day of colored, chemicil-tmellini deodorant soaps Is tone. For there n now a new totp-hite and fragrantly prrtumr4-tiut gives you dependable protection from body odor-til day kmc. PROTEX-z new kind of deodorant soap It ct on contact. Used daily and exclusively. FROTEX greatly reduces the akin bacteria that cause body odor. For PROTEX contains MS-9, on of the most cffecUve inliKptif ingredients known to science. PROTEX-z tare beauty soap PROTEX is oral ahiped pure, mild, gentle to most aeruitm ikine. It is ideal for daily beauty baths, and complexion care, too. Get PIOTEX today-rtgular and bath size. Discover its itptndtM protection. For th first time you'll tally enjoy using a deodorant soap. I i! I Deodonat Stop wr' - T ih. i..iR,rl-r WfWv AA Large u vc-H n (p)c RL II Instant fc5i-i PET MILK U.S. GOOD BEEF ROAST . . ,391 COOKED PICNICS . . . . . .SSI spiced i MARSHMALLOVVS UACXUJAU POPCORN CHIFFON FACIAL TISSUE m, CIRCUS MIXED PEANUTS 6V4 59C 13V, ... 89C I?' J CKW ir'-B l : - C L-a.a.1 I k A a. D-ll. I a 1 Lsenmon s jpagnerri gnu meai dqiis 16 01. . . 25c No. IVi . . . DFJUMOrS MEAT BALLS & GRAVY SHIUUtDOU FLICKETTES ... 6HIKARDELU GROUND CHOCOLATE - CHIBABDELLI EAGLE SWEET CHOCOLATE , luun LUNCH MEAT . . 8S' Prices Effective Thursday, My 24 thru May 29 Nallys Fresh Potato (hips 59c IUW itL 2V V 33' 43' 35' 31. BEEF STEW.- miEn CORNED BEEF HASH ALCOA ALUMINUM FOIL , mm WITH i QUALITY JUL! FtOM S AllSWKT ORTONS mo. tm. 0!TAIlJ 4T ouinow et Ask Your kolly f Joan (A Arc - KIDNEY BEANS No. JM. 2 for 29c Joan of Are BUTTER BEANS No. SOI 2 for 27c iai-ian norsemear 25c k r k Li nit Starch V& ivavm Plain 12 oi. Pkts. ... ... 15e VA V-Af HTML m -a .... DM Rain Drops rhnnki No. Vt 29c VI nirrtiuru Urge for yc Giant Crisp Fresh Radishes Green Onions Red Sweet Rhubarb 3,b, 10' Bunch H ( Crisp Fresh CELERY Zee Napkins Rainbow 00 80s for 'V Zee Sandwich Bags 10c Wo Reiervo the Right to Limit 30 s 15's 20 s Zee Lunch Bags 21c 2 for 25c U v t'aw. f n ( 1 it ,S' I 4'- Pie Crust Mix or Stix Plllsbnry.... 2 for 27c Gingerbread Mix Pillsbnry Brownie Mix Pillsbury . 37c Bruce Floor (leaner Quart 89C STORES Independently Owned & Operated JONESWAY MARKET K-JSS" Del-Mar-Ket Chris' Market 312S N. River Rd. Phone 4-4233 3060 Market PhoM 2-4149 Ed's Market Hayesville 1120 South 12th Phono 2-6403 Shopping Center 5150 Portland 4 t A I t : ti