Fruit Mousse Pretty Food v For Showers Bert ia a deturt which ii tuj to prepart ahead of time, and which ia ao luicioui and ereimy it will let all tongues to asking for the recipe. It'i fine for a ihower for a June bride. Lemonade fruit mount conv binci frozen concentrate! for lemonade with apricot and ba nanas in a delicious blend. Fro zen lemonade, which ia pure lemon juice already mixed with sugar, brings out the flavors of the other fruits and adds zest and tang. This dessert can be frozen eas ily in your refrigerator tray. You'll like it, too, for bridge club or any party dessert serving. Here is the recipe: Lemonade Fruit Mousse 1 cup dry macaroon or coco nut cookie crumbs 1 envelope plain gelatine . V cup cold water Vt cup boiling water 1 cup apricot puree (use baby food eans of strained apri cota, or put cooked apricots through sieve) 1 cup mashed bananas 1 (6-oi.) can frozen concen trate for lemonade cup sugar (or to taste) Vt pint whittlng cream Crush cookie crumbs fir and line refrigerator tray, or a mold, With one-half of crumbs. Soften gelatine in cold water; dissolve with boiling water. Combine apri cot puree, mashed bananas, and concentrate for lemonade. Add sugar to taste. Add to gelatine mixture. Cool. Whip cream and fold Into mixture. Pour into the crumb-lined tray and top with remaining crumbs. Freeze until firm (3 to 4 hours). Serves 6-8. 1 - (u '' J I , mmm, :&?Mt J- Lemonade Fruit Mousse It easy to freeze aheid' of ' time for shower or party serving. Frozen lemonade, apricots, and ba nanas combine in blend that is jelled in plain gelatine. FOR PARTIES Fold red caviar it comes In Jars of various sizes into softened cream cheese Serve as a spread With orisp flaky crackers. Fish Patties For Those Parties Mix fish and crumbs and you've patties for quick cooling. FISH PATTIES Vh cups flaked cooked or canned fish 14 cups dry mashed potatoes 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion Vt teaspoon salt 1 egg Pepper Flour Cooking fat or oil Combine all ingredients except flour and fat or oil. Shape mix ture into patties, roll in flour, and brown in fat or oil. Fresh, Canned Fruit in Cocktail Either fresh or canned cherries and pineapple make this refresh ing cocktail. CHERRY AND PINEAPPLE COCKTAIL i cups large sweet cherries, fresh or canned . 1 cup pineapple, cut in wedge-shape pieces cup pineapple juice Juice Vt lemon or lime Pit cherries and combine with the pineapple. Pour over these the pineapple and lemon juice and chill thoroughly. Sprinkle with minted sugar and serve. I ZD PERKV A little finely diced onion perks up canned green beans. USE 'EM IP Soft custard sauce (to serve with fruit) and mayonnaise are two of the good home-made dishes you can whip up with leftover egg yolks. CHOP SL'EV GARNISHES your next dinner party really dif-i ferent. Serve piping hot meat chop suey and fluffy rice with a variety of garnishes. Provide almonds, cashews, pineapple cubes, and sliv ered green peppers to go along with itv The chop suey comes fresh frozen, good-to-eat as Well as ready-to-heat. FOR DESSERT Save orange skins after you have extracted the juice and scallop the cut edges, zig-zag fashion, with your kitchen shears. Cut away inside membrane. Pack the orange shells with a layer of fruit sherbet and a layer of vanilla ice cream; freeze. Nice to have on hand for company. and now ... A FREE Calmar Dispenser with each bottle of BESS "Maid i Tw Dishwashing" Statesman, Salem, Ore., Frf, May 25, '56 (bee HI)-23 to ! A Bread to HELP YOU Gonfiol light ! Takes The Place Of Appetite-Appeasement Wafers, Pills, And Tablets That Cost Up To Twice As Much! V I ft , . a. .'v 0 f3W 1 rrnwi lifiJUHiliJ ill 4.0 30 Minutes iefere Lunch And Dinner Eat 2 Slices Of Mile Special Ftftouia BneacL Beeaute Its Protein Helps Normal People To More Effectively Appease The Appetite Control Center Of The Brain So You Eat Less toctalbumln The Revolutionary New Protein "Booster" From Milk-Gives It A "Higher Protein To Calorie Ratio" MODELS URGED TO EAT PROFILE SPECIAL FORMULA RBFAn W HELP CONTROL WEIGHT Bttttr For All Tht Family Btcaast Better In Compkte Protein Than Ordinary Whitt And Wkole Wheat Brtads In the briln'i hypothilmie rf ion. th pp tit control crater icta, in normal rpl'. to IncmM jrour appetite .. .or ... to reduce your ippetite. Eatinf him carbohydrate and protein-con-taininf food SO to 60 minutea belore your regular meal ii an effective way to rertoce your appetite. Protein helpe appeaae your appetite longr. The leaa you crave food ... the leee you eatl PROFILE SPECIAL FORMULA IREAO DOES JOI FOR LESS Two alim o( Prollle Special Formula Bread 80 to TO mtnutei before luwh and dinner ahould a peaae your appetite control center. Pour allcea of Prollle Special Formula Bread Oni Pound of PROFILE Special Formula Bread About Equals 3 Lamb Chops in Complete Protein Content (Lyeint Ueed Ai Llmltin( Factor Ia Prollle Special Formula Bread; C valine And Methionine Are The Limiting Fee ton In Lamb Chope Calculation Batia, 44 Orama Protein for t Lamb Chope Compoaition of Fooda, U.D.A.l.) coat about nickel. Many wafcra, pill', and tableta, used for appetite appeasement, cost up to twice aa much to take. Thus, Profile Special Formula Bread curbs appetite lor hall their cost! Actually, a one-pound Profile Special Formula Loaf gives you about 24 more complete protein than ordinary whole wheat bread; about 2H more than ordinary white bread. Becauae it con tains the new miracle protein "booster" from milk lactalbumin. A loaf suppliea about as much complete protein as 3 lamb chops. Note chart at right for vitamin and mineral content. Be sure to eat a well balanced diet for sufficient vitamins and minerals. BUY PROFILE SPECIAL FORMULA BREAD FOR ALL THE FAMILY Buy Prollle Special Formula Bread. It coata a few pennies more. And ia worth it. Not only In the exercise of scientific wei(ht control. But becauae its hither complete protein content ii SB Important aid-to IrtatthimdTttalHyr- And you'll love the flavor of Profile Special Formula Bread. It ia light . . . with a beautiful firm nd even texture. Aid It tout perfectly I You'll really rave (bout Prollle Special Formula Bread toaatl KEEP YOUR WAISTLINE IN Profile Special Formula Bread really works wonders. You won't lose 10 pounds the first week. But you esn work tor better control of weight through appetite control ... all of the time. But aae for yourself what Profile Special For mula Bread can do. Get it fresh from your grocer today. You'll be delighted with results. (MRS. HARRY CONOVER) VITAMIN ANO MINERAL CONTENT OF ONF POUND OF PROFILE SPECIAL FORMULA (READ another "business man" switched to m, jsa""l",. If . ' " 4 I S ' 1 f N If ' ' "' -. . ton If sweet soft drinks leave you thirsty . PROTEIN VITAMIN 8, VITAMIN Bj NIACIN IRON CALCIUM 43.2 gmi. 192 m8. 167 mgi. I o.8 .mgt. 20.30 mgs. 250, (d on rrp ,f Food ReMnk C&ntiimUxl Bakinf Company Int. f SWITCH TO ALIZED FOR COMPLETE REFRESHMENT Switch to the new Squirt! Enjoy its crisp, sparkling flavor... fresh, clean taste. Squirt is complete refreshment; first, because Squirt means pure, fresh fruit. Then, the wholesome juice is "Tangalized" to giv cool, deep-down refreshment. ..Never An After-Thirst! Why delay the pleasure? Buy Squirt today wherever beverages are sold or served. Enjoy the finer quality that gives you a fresh, clean taste complete refreshment. mm after-thM BokttJ By Tht Bakers Of Famous WONDER BREAD f em en m e limiui ttl. n. itl. Mart mltrim fKMitiliro PffiU K-pmtt mala Brmd. THE NEW TANGALIZED SQUIRT IS A SPARKLING MIXER, TOOI DR. PEPPER BOTTLING CO. 7005 M r.U-rty St., S"l'm Ptn 3-6116